See also: reestablishment





reëstablishment (countable and uncountable, plural reëstablishments)

  1. Alternative form of reestablishment
    • 1854, David Hume, chapter LVI, in The History of England, volume V, page 249:
      The king, to show that he was not intoxicated with good fortune, nor aspired to a total victory over the parliament, published a manifesto, in which he renewed the protestation formerly taken, with great solemnity, at the head of his army, and expressed his firm intention of making peace upon the reëstablishment of the constitution.
    • 1925, Walter Geer, Napoleon and Marie-Louise: The Fall of the Empire, New York, N.Y.: Brentano’s, page 134:
      In general terms he was told to refuse nothing which would dispel all ideas of the reëstablishment of Poland.