



Blend of sham +‎ pandemic. Coined by conspiracy theorists to describe the COVID-19 pandemic and the actions of governments and other organizations in response to it.



shamdemic (plural shamdemics)

  1. (informal, derogatory, neologism) Synonym of scamdemic.
    • 2020 May 4, CST Editorial Board, “America’s road back from COVID-19 must begin with an end to the politics of division”, in Chicago Sun Times[1]:
      They waved signs that read “Stop the shamdemic” and “the coronavirus is a hoax.”
    • 2021 March 4, Robert Turner, “We Call Out Reiner Fuellmich as a Fraud. The Covid Conspirator Investigated”, in Medika Life[2]:
      Do please go back and REVIEW the swine flu shamdemic of 1976, which i witnessed. And the 2009 Swine Flu SHAMDEMIC. []
    • 2021 September 9, Jacob M. Thompson, ““This Is Not About Freedom”: Biden To Require All Large Employers And Federal Workers To Get Vaccinated. *UPDATE*”, in Wine Press[3]:
      Even though he [Joe Biden] says that America is improving from the shamdemic, including economically [some how], []