
Quercus bicolor



swamp white oak (plural swamp white oaks)

  1. The tree Quercus bicolor.
    • 1990, Robert Rogers, Quercus bicolor Willd: Swamp White Oak, Russell M. Burns, Barbara H. Honkala, Silvics of North America, Volume 2: Hardwoods, Agriculure Handbook 654, US Department of Agriculture, page 616,
      Because the seed of swamp white oak is not dormant, it germinates soon after falling.
    • 2002, Charles Fergus, Trees of Pennsylvania and the Northeast, page 123:
      Recendy I found several swamp white oaks growing at Ruth Zimmerman Natural Area, Berks County, in southeastern Pennsylvania.
    • 2010, Sally S. Weeks, Harmon P. Weeks, Jr., George R. Parker, Native Trees of the Midwest, 2nd edition, page 182:
      Swamp white oak is commonly mistaken for bur oak because of similarities in their habitat and mature bark.
    • 2011, Leslie Day, Field Guide to the Street Trees of New York City, page 210:
      A long-lived tree, swamp white oaks can last 350 years.

