Ingrian edit

Etymology edit

From veri (blood) +‎ mato (worm).

Pronunciation edit

Noun edit


  1. leech

Declension edit

Declension of verimato (type 4/koivu, t- gradation, gemination)
singular plural
nominative verimato verimaot
genitive verimaon verimattoin, verimatoloin
partitive verimattoa verimatoja, verimatoloja
illative verimattoo verimattoi, verimatoloihe
inessive verimaos verimaois, verimatolois
elative verimaost verimaoist, verimatoloist
allative verimaolle verimaoille, verimatoloille
adessive verimaol verimaoil, verimatoloil
ablative verimaolt verimaoilt, verimatoloilt
translative verimaoks verimaoiks, verimatoloiks
essive verimatonna, verimattoon verimatoinna, verimatoloinna, verimattoin, verimatoloin
exessive1) verimatont verimatoint, verimatoloint
1) obsolete
*) the accusative corresponds with either the genitive (sg) or nominative (pl)
**) the comitative is formed by adding the suffix -ka? or -kä? to the genitive.

References edit

  • Ruben E. Nirvi (1971) Inkeroismurteiden Sanakirja, Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura, page 655