



From xeno- +‎ morphosis, coined by American filmmaker and author Nick Zedd (born 1958).



xenomorphosis (uncountable)

  1. (film studies) A form of cognitive dissonance produced by stimulation that pulls in two opposing directions, such as simultaneous attraction and revulsion.
    • 1997, Millennium Film Journal, numbers 30-36, page 52:
      Xenomorphosis occurs when the empirical elements of projected sound and image conspire to negate and destroy, through the retina, neuro-pathways designed to domesticate and tranquilize.
    • 2008, Colin Milburn, Nanovision: Engineering the Future:
      Nanofiction is thus a site of our becoming-alien to ourselves—a site of xenomorphosis, or what Ann Weinstone has called the “avatar body.”
    • 2015, Joan Hawkins, Downtown Film and TV Culture 1975-2001, page 216:
      By applying the principles of xenomorphosis in theory and practice, one can achieve a breakthrough. The will to power enables one to construct one's own reality tunnel.