See also: agg and agg.

Swedish edit

Etymology edit

From Old Swedish æg, from Old Norse egg, from Proto-Germanic *ajją, from Proto-Indo-European *h₂ōwyóm.

Pronunciation edit

Noun edit

ägg n

  1. (biology, countable) egg; the female primary cell, the ovum
  2. (zoology, countable) egg; an approximately spherical or ellipsoidal body produced by birds, snakes, insects and other animals housing the embryo during its development.
  3. (countable) The egg of a hen, goose, quail or other bird used by humans as food.
  4. (uncountable) The contents of one or more (hen's usually) eggs used as a food.

Declension edit

Declension of ägg 
Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
Nominative ägg ägget ägg äggen
Genitive äggs äggets äggs äggens

Related terms edit

References edit