English edit

  A user has added this entry to requests for deletion(+).
Please see that page for discussion and justifications beyond the initial comment of: “Redundant to a fat lot.”. You may continue to edit this entry while the discussion proceeds, but please mention significant edits at the RFD discussion and ensure that the intention of votes already cast is not left unclear. Do not remove the {{rfd}} until the debate has finished.

Alternative forms edit

Etymology edit

From a fat lot.

Noun edit

fat lot of good

  1. (informal, idiomatic) of no use or help
    Synonyms: fat lot of use, fat lot of help
    Fat lot of good that'll do me!
    • 1919, J. Storer Clouston, chapter 18, in Simon:
      "Well, there's your friend Silent Simon, and all the police—" / "A fat lot of good they are!" said Ned.

Translations edit

Further reading edit