in one's own little way

English edit

Adverb edit

in one's own little way

  1. (idiomatic) In an individual manner that creates an effect from a small action.
    Synonyms: in one's own small way, modestly
    • 1885, Jane Andrews, The Seven Little Sisters Prove Their Sisterhood, page 159:
      They are all helping each other, as loving sisters should; and perhaps some day they will meet, and will realize how each in her own little way has done some service for the others.
    • 1994, Tisha Pia Escober De La Rosa, Communication Patterns Between the Consolidated Union of Employees' Leaders and Members:
      In their own little way, they made me feel like I was special — just being me.
    • 2012, Brother Joseph Schmidt, Walking the Little Way of Therese of Lisieux:
      In her own little way, Thérèse tried to remedy that community deficiency.
    • 2022, Phillip Berrian, Testimonial Of One's True Greatness, page 450:
      Like the little white Sheep, the most important thing I admire about you, honestly, is how in your own little way you seem to amaze people, especially me; how you can take the bad experiences that have occurred in your hidden past, and turn them into positive achievements.

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