
to call; to cry; to shout
to call; to cry; to shout; to breath out; to exhale
pronunciation; literary reading
trad. (呼讀音) 讀音
simp. (呼读音) 读音






  1. letter names of Mandarin consonants; the pronunciation used when referring to Mandarin consonants

Usage notes


The names of the Mandarin consonants are:

Mandarin consonant Letter name
Pinyin Zhuyin Pinyin Zhuyin
b bo ㄅㄛ
p po ㄆㄛ
m mo ㄇㄛ
f fo ㄈㄛ
d de ㄉㄜ
t te ㄊㄜ
n ne ㄋㄜ
l le ㄌㄜ
g ge ㄍㄜ
k ke ㄎㄜ
h he ㄏㄜ
j ji ㄐㄧ
q qi ㄑㄧ
x xi ㄒㄧ
zh zhi
ch chi
sh shi
r ri
z zi
c ci
s si

These names are sometimes rearranged with the vowel names (which are the vowels themselves) in the alphabet order (a, bo, ci, de, e, fo, ge, …) to be the letter names of the Latin alphabet used to write pinyin, superseding the official but seldom-used letter names (a, , , , e, êf, , …) in the Scheme for the Chinese Phonetic Alphabet. Mandarin speakers who have studied English may also use the English names (a, bee, cee, dee, e, ef, gee, …) to refer to the Latin letters in pinyin.