editح ر ق • (ḥ r q)
- related to burning
Derived terms
edit- Form I: حَرَقَ (ḥaraqa, “to burn”)
- Form II: حَرَّقَ (ḥarraqa, “to burn down”)
- Form IV: أَحْرَقَ (ʔaḥraqa, “to burn”)
- Form V: تَحَرَّقَ (taḥarraqa)
- Verbal noun: تَحَرُّق (taḥarruq)
- Active participle: مُتَحَرِّق (mutaḥarriq)
- Passive participle: مُتَحَرَّق (mutaḥarraq)
- Form VII: اِنْحَرَقَ (inḥaraqa, “to be burned”)
- Verbal noun: اِنْحِرَاق (inḥirāq)
- Active participle: مُنْحَرِق (munḥariq)
- Form VIII: اِحْتَرَقَ (iḥtaraqa)
- Verbal noun: اِحْتِرَاق (iḥtirāq)
- Active participle: مُحْتَرِق (muḥtariq)
- Passive participle: مُحْتَرَق (muḥtaraq)