Appendix:Kolami Swadesh list

This is a Swadesh list of words in Kolami, compared with definitions in English.


For further information, including the full final version of the list, read the Wikipedia article: Swadesh list.

American linguist Morris Swadesh believed that languages changed at measurable rates and that these could be determined even for languages without written precursors. Using vocabulary lists, he sought to understand not only change over time but also the relationships of extant languages. To be able to compare languages from different cultures, he based his lists on meanings he presumed would be available in as many cultures as possible. He then used the fraction of agreeing cognates between any two related languages to compute their divergence time by some (still debated) algorithms. Starting in 1950 with 165 meanings, his list grew to 215 in 1952, which was so expansive that many languages lacked native vocabulary for some terms. Subsequently, it was reduced to 207, and reduced much further to 100 meanings in 1955. A reformulated list was published posthumously in 1971.


edit (207)
1I (1sg)आन् (ān)
2you (2sg)ईन् (īn)
3he, she, it (3sg)अवन्द् ( avand), अद् (ad), अद् (ad)
4we (1pl)नेण्ड् (nēṇḍ), आम् (ām)
5you (2pl)ईम् ( īm)
6they (3pl)अवर् ( avar), अदव् ( adav)
7thisइद् ( id)
8thatअद् ( ad)
9hereइत्ति ( itti)
10thereअत्ति ( atti)
11whoएर् ( ēr)
12whatतानॆद् ( tāned)
13whereऎत्ति ( etti)
14whenऎण्डि ( eṇḍi)
15howऎनङ् (enaṅ)
16notसिल्लै (sillai), तोद्, (tōd)
17allऎल् ( el)
18manyलै ( lai), कूब् (kūb)
19someकॊच्चम् (koccam)
20fewकॊच्चम् (koccam)
21otherवेण्ड् (vēṇḍ)
22oneऒक्कॊद् ( okkod)
23twoऎरण्डि (eraṇḍi), इन्दिङ् (indiṅ)
24threeमून्दिङ् (mūndiṅ)
25fourनालिङ् (nāliṅ)
26fiveसेन्दि (sēndi), अय्द् ( ayd)
27bigपॆर् ( per)
28longपॊडम् ( poḍam)
29wideदॊड्ड ( doḍḍa)
30thickजाड् ( jāḍ)
31heavyबॆज्ज ( bejja)
32smallसिन्नम् ( sinnam)
33shortमॊण्डि ( moṇḍi), मॊट्टि ( moṭṭi)
34narrowटॆट्टॆ ( ṭeṭṭe)
35thinटॆट्टॆ ( ṭeṭṭe)
36womanपॆण्टि ( peṇṭi)
37man (adult male)मन्काक् ( mankāk)
38man (human being)मनुष्यक् ( manuṣyak), मन्दि (mandi)
39childपिळ्ळु ( piḷḷu)
40wifeमासा ( māsā)
41husbandमगवन् ( magavan)
42motherअम्मा ( ammā)
43fatherअप्पक् ( appak)
44animalप्राणि ( prāṇi)
45fishकयॆ (kāye)
46birdपिट्ट ( piṭṭa)
47dogआतॆ ( āte)
48louseपेन् ( pēn)
49snakeपाम् ( pām)
50wormपुर्रॆ (purre)
51treeमाक् ( māk)
52forestअडवि ( aḍavi)
53stickकॊल ( kola)
54fruitपण् ( paṇ)
55seedवितनम् (vitanam)
56leafरॆक्क (rekka)
57rootवेर् ( vēr)
58bark (of a tree)सॆक्क ( sekka)
59flowerपूत ( pūta)
60grassगड्डि (gaḍḍi)
61ropeनारा (nārā)
62skinतोल् ( tōl)
63meatमांसम् ( māṁsam)
64bloodनॆत्तुर् ( nettur)
65boneबॊक्क (bokka)
66fat (noun)नॆय् ( ney)
67eggसङ्क् (saṅk)
68hornकॊम्मु ( kommu)
69tailतोक ( tōka)
70featherगर् ( gar)
71hairतीर् ( tīr)
72headतल् ( tar)
73earकॆव् ( kev)
74eyeकण् (kaṇ)
75noseमूक्कु ( mūkku)
76mouthमूटि (mūṭi)
77toothपल् ( pal)
78tongue (organ)नाल्क ( nālka)
79fingernailगोर् ( gōr)
80footकाल् ( kāl)
81legकाल् ( kāl)
82kneeमूड्सु ( mūḍsu)
83handकी ()
84wingरॆप्पा ( reppā)
85bellyपॊट्ट ( poṭṭa)
86gutsपेग् ( pēg)
87neckमक् ( mak)
88backमुल्कॆ ( mulke), वॆन् ( ven)
89breastपम्मॆ ( pamme)
90heartगुण्डुर् (guṇḍur)
91liverतरङ्गुड् ( Taraṅguḍ)
92to drinkउण् ( uṇ)
93to eatतिन् ( tin)
94to biteकॊर्क् ( kork)
95to suckउमुर्स् ( umurs)
96to spitउस् (us)
97to vomitमगुळ् ( Maguḷ)
98to blowऊण्ड् ( ūṇḍ)
99to breatheउसिर् ( usir)
100to laughकैङ् ( kaiṅ)
101to seeऒल् ( ol)
102to hearविन् (vin)
103to knowऒर्कि ( orki)
104to thinkसॊसिल् ( sosil)
105to smellकम् ( kam)
106to fearअर्स् ( ars)
107to sleepमङ् (maṅ)
108to liveमन् (man)
109to dieतिक् ( tik)
110to killअलङ् (alaṅ )
111to fightकुडुक् ( kuḍuk)
112to huntवेटा (vēṭā)
113to hitलगाप् ( lagāp)
114to cutकयीप् ( kayīp)
115to splitकटक् ( katak)
116to stabकुट्टॆक् (kuṭṭek)
117to scratchकोक् ( kōk)
118to digतव् ( tav)
119to swimईन्द् ( īnd)
120to flyनीङ्ग ( nīṅga)
121to walkअड (aḍa)
122to comeवर् ( var)
123to lie (as in a bed)पड् (paḍ)
124to sitउद् ( ud)
125to standइल् ( il)
126to turn (intransitive)तिप् ( tip)
127to fallपड् ( paḍ)
128to giveसी ()
129to holdसुम् ( sum)
130to squeezeपिण्ड् ( piṇḍ)
131to rubराक् ( rāk), नीग् ( nīg)
132to washऒड् (oḍ)
133to wipeउस्मॆकद् ( usmekad)
134to pullतिव् ( tiv)
135to pushनूक् ( nūk)
136to throwजॊपि ( jopi)
137to tieकट् ( kaṭ)
138to sewकुट् ( kuṭ)
139to countलॆक्किड् ( lekkiḍ)
140to sayऎन् ( en)
141to singपाड् ( pāḍ)
142to playआड् ( āḍ)
143to floatतरङ्गड् ( taraṅgaḍ)
144to flowवायड् ( vāyaḍ)
145to freezeगोटड् ( gōṭaḍ)
146to swellवय्यॆक् (vayyek)
147sunपॊद् (pod), सूरियक् (sūriyak)
148moonनॆलिङ् (neliṅ), चन्दिरक् (candirak), नॆल ( nela)
149starसुक्कु ( sukku)
150waterईर् (īr)
151rainवान ( vāna)
152riverपॆनि ( peni), वन्ता (vantā), नॆव्लि (nevli), लॆव्नि (levni)
153lakeसॆर्व् ( serv)
154seaकडल् (kaḍal), समुद्रम् (samudram)
155saltसुप् ( sup), सुप्पु (suppu)
156stoneकल् (kal)
157sandउस्क ( uska)
158dustदुब्ब ( dubba)
159earthबूमि ( būmi)
160cloudमॊर्गर् (morgar)
161fogमूडम् ( mūḍam), दुवड् ( duvaḍ)
162skyआकाशम् ( ākāśam)
163windगाळि ( gāḷi)
164snowहिमम् ( himam)
165iceहिमम् ( himam)
166smokeपॊग ( poga)
167fireकिस् ( kis)
168ashबुग्गि ( buggi)
169to burnऎर्कॆ ( erke)
170roadपाव् ( pāv)
171mountainपर्वतम् ( parvatam)
172redऎर्रॊडि ( erroḍi)
173greenनीगुर् ( nīgur)
174yellowपसुडि ( pasuḍi)
175whiteतॆलॊडि ( teloḍi)
176blackकारि ( kāri)
177nightआलॆ ( āle)
178dayदिनम् ( dinam)
179yearयॆण्ड् ( yeṇḍ)
180warmवेण्डि ( vēṇḍi)
181coldकिनन् ( kinan)
182fullनिण्ड ( niṇḍa)
183newपुद् (pud)
184oldमुर्ता ( murtā), पात ( pāta)
185goodसोय् ( sōy)
186badवायिट् (vāyiṭ)
187rottenमुर्गतिन् ( murgatin)
188dirtyकलण्ड् ( kalaṇḍ)
189straightसकि ( saki)
190roundचॆक्रि (cekri)
191sharp (as a knife)दार् ( dār)
192dull (as a knife)बोदड् ( bōdaḍ)
193smoothपुय्तटॆ ( puytaṭe)
194wetबोक्तद् ( bōktad)
195dryआर्ता ( ārtā)
196correctबर ( bara)
197nearमेरम् ( mēram)
198farदव् ( dav)
199rightउन्न ( unna)
200leftऎडम (eḍama ), डॆम्मडि (demmaḍi)
201atउन् ( un)
202inउन् ( un)
203withवॆण्ट ( veṇṭa)
204andइनि (ini)
205ifयदि ( yadi)
206becauseकारणम् ( kāraṇam)
207nameपिदिर् ( pidir), पेर् ( pēr)
Swadesh lists
Individual languages
Language families, family branches, and geographic groupings
Constructed languages
Reconstructed proto-languages
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