pM |
SM |
Southern Mayan
CM |
Central Mayan
EM |
Eastern Mayan
WM |
Western Mayan
No. |
English gloss |
Spanish gloss |
1. |
I |
yo |
2. |
you (sg., pl.) |
tú, Usted, Ustedes |
3. |
we (incl., excl.) |
nosotros |
4. |
this |
este |
CM *yo; CM *wa
5. |
that |
ese, aquel |
SM *tye; SM *la ~ *le
6. |
what? |
qué? |
SM *b’a
7. |
who? |
quién? |
LL+WM *mak
8. |
not |
no (es) |
9. |
all |
todo(s) |
CM *juun.iil
10. |
many |
muchos |
11. |
one |
uno |
12. |
two |
dos |
13. |
big |
grande |
CM *nim
14. |
long |
largo |
SM *najt
15. |
small |
chico, pequeño |
SM *ty’iin
16. |
woman |
mujer, hembra |
17. |
man |
hombre, varón |
18. |
person, folk |
gente, cristiano |
19. |
fish |
pescado, pez |
20. |
bird |
pájaro, ave |
21. |
dog |
perro, chucho |
CM *tz’iʔ
22. |
louse |
piojo |
23. |
tree |
palo, árbol |
24. |
seed |
semilla de cualquier planta (no de maíz, no para sembrar) |
*b’aq; *ʔiiyaanh
25. |
leaf |
hoja |
26. |
root |
raíz |
27. |
bark |
cáscara, corteza |
EM+ *ʔiʔnh
28. |
skin |
piel, pellejo, cutis |
CM *tz’uhuum
29. |
flesh, meat |
carne |
CM *tiʔ.b’ej, ERG+ tiʔ
30. |
blood |
sangre |
31. |
bone |
hueso |
32. |
egg |
huevo, blanquillo |
33. |
grease, rendered fat |
grasa (no manteca, no sebo) |
34. |
horn |
cuerno, cacho |
35. |
tail |
cola, rabo |
36. |
feather, pinion |
pluma (grande de alas) |
SM *xiik’
37. |
hair (of head) |
cabello, pelo) |
38. |
head |
cabeza |
SM *joʔl
39. |
ear |
oreja, oído |
40. |
eye |
ojo |
41. |
nose |
nariz |
42. |
mouth |
boca |
43. |
tooth |
diente |
44. |
tongue |
lengua |
45. |
(finger)(toe)nail |
uña |
46. |
foot |
pie |
47. |
knee |
rodilla |
EM *ty’ehk
48. |
hand |
mano |
49. |
belly, stomach |
barriga, panza, estómago |
50. |
neck |
cuello, pescuezo |
51. |
breasts |
chiches, tetas |
52. |
heart |
corazón |
53. |
liver |
hígado |
SM *seh..
54. |
to drink it |
beberlo, tomarlo |
55. |
to eat it |
comer (en general) |
56. |
to bite it |
morderlo |
57. |
to see it |
verlo |
58. |
to hear it |
oirlo |
CM *ʔab’i(r)
59. |
to know it |
saberlo |
SM *naʔ
60. |
to sleep |
dormir |
61. |
to die |
morir |
62. |
to kill, slay it |
matarlo |
63. |
to swim |
nadar |
64. |
to fly |
volar |
EM *xik.a-:n
65. |
to walk |
andar, caminar |
66. |
to come |
venir |
67. |
to lie, lying |
estar acostado, echado, tirado |
SM *koy P
68. |
to sit, sitting, seated |
sentarse |
69. |
to stand, standing |
estar parado |
CM *waʔ P
70. |
to give it |
dar, regalar |
71. |
to say it |
decir |
SM *Hal
72. |
sun |
sol |
73. |
moon |
luna |
74. |
star |
estrella, lucero |
SM *eeq’
75. |
water |
agua |
76. |
rain |
lluvia |
77. |
stone, rock |
piedra |
SM *toonh
78. |
sand; polvo |
arena; dust |
79. |
earth, dirt, soil |
tierra |
80. |
cloud |
nube |
81. |
smoke |
humo |
EM *sib’
82. |
fire |
fuego, lumbre |
83. |
ashes |
ceniza |
84. |
to burn |
arder |
85. |
path, road |
camino |
86. |
mountain |
cerro |
87. |
red |
rojo, colorado |
88. |
green |
verde |
89. |
yellow |
amarillo |
90. |
white |
blanco |
91. |
black |
negro |
92. |
night |
noche |
93. |
hot |
caliente (del día, sol) |
94. |
cold |
frío, helado (del día) |
SM *keʔh
95. |
to get full |
llenarse |
CM *nohj
96. |
good |
bueno |
SM *ʔutz
97. |
new |
nuevo |
SM *ʔa(a)k’
98. |
round (like a ball) |
boludo, redondo |
SM *wol P
99. |
dry |
seco |
SM *tyaq
100. |
name |
nombre |
- ^ Kaufman, Terrence (2017). Aspects of the lexicon of proto-Mayan and its earliest descendant. In: Judith L. Aissen, Nora C. England, and Roberto Zavala Maldonado (eds). The Mayan languages, 62-111. Routledge language family series. New York: Routledge.