Appendix talk:Lingala Swadesh list

Latest comment: 4 years ago by Kongolex in topic English-French-Lingala word list

English-French-Lingala word list


Here is an English-French-Lingala word list Boone & Watson (1996) used for glossing Moru-Ma'di languages:

Boone, Douglas; Richard L. Watson (editors). 1996. Moru - Ma'di Survey Report. Nairobi, Kenya: Summer Institute of Linguistics.

But the vowels ɛ, ɔ are missing, and aren't distinguished from e, o respectively. Kongolex (talk) 09:06, 7 March 2020 (UTC)Reply

No. English French Lingala
001 eye oeil míso
002 ear oreille matói
003 nose nez sóngó
004 tooth dent míno
005 tongue langue dádá
006 head tête mutú
007 neck cou nkíngó
008 belly ventre sopó
009 navel nombril likúbu
010 breast sein mabéle
011 knee genou ndigbá
012 nail ongle linzáka
013 skin peau mposo
014 man homme mobáli
015 husband mari mobáli
016 father père tatá
017 woman femme mwásí
018 wife épouse mwásí
019 name nom nkómbó
020 cow vache bágara
021 goat chèvre ntaba
022 dog chien mbwá
023 elephant éléphant nzoku
024 snake serpent nyóka
025 louse pou nsili
026 chicken poulet nsósó
027 bird oiseau ndeke
028 feather plume nsóki na
029 horn corne gbánga
030 tail queue kondó
031 egg oeuf makeí, mayai
032 milk lait mílíkí
033 fat graisse mafuta na
034 pot pot mpoké
035 knife couteau mbelí
037 house maison ndáko
038 village village mbóka
039 rope corde nkámba
040 night nuit butú
041 moon lune sánzá
042 star étoile nyóta
043 sun soleil mói
044 clouds nuages mapata
045 rain pluie mbúla
046 water eau mái
047 fire feu móto
048 smoke fumée mólinga
051 ground terre mabelé
053 stone pierre libángá
054 tree arbre njeté
055 root racine nsé na njeté
056 bark écorce mposo
057 leaf feuille nkásá
058 year an(née) gárá
059 one un mókó
060 two deux míbalé
061 three trois mísáto
062 four quatre míne
063 five cinq mítánó
064 warm chaud móto
065 cold froid mpío
066 long long molaí
067 tall grand molaí
068 short petit mokúsé
069 red rouge motání
070 black noir mwíndo
071 white blanc mpémbé
072 to bite mordre kosúa
073 to eat manger kolía
074 to drink boire komela
075 to vomit vomir kosánza
076 to cough tousser -kosola
078 to spit cracher -v-
079 to blow souffler -pepa
081 to sing chanter -yémba
082 to laugh rire koseka
083 to talk causer -solola
084 to bark aboyer -ngánga
085 to smell sentir -yóka
086 to hear entendre -yóka
087 to push pousser -súkuma
088 to pull tirer -bénda
089 to throw lancer -bwáka
091 to swim nager kowága
092 to sit s'asseoir -fánda
095 to fall tomber -kwéya
096 to sleep dormir -lála
097 to wash laver -sókola
098 to wash laver súkola
100 to pour verser kosopa
101 mouth bouche monoko
102 hair cheveux nsúki
103 buttocks fesses masókó
104 f(ee)t pied(s) makolo
105 hand(s) main(s) mabóko
106 guts intestines kámba
107 bone os mokúa
108 urine urine masúba
109 heart coeur motéma
110 liver foie lifwá
111 person personne motu
112 child enfant mwána
113 tortoise tortue bándákpé
114 fish poisson samáki
115 wing(s) aile(s) mapapú
116 meat viande mosoni
117 salt sel tékwa
118 seed semence (milóná)
120 spear lance likongá
121 war guerre etumba
122 sky ciel lóra
123 wind vent mopepe
124 dew rosée mái na ntóngó
127 sand sable kénze, mbúmé
128 path sentier njelá
129 six six síta
130 seven sept sába
131 eight huit mwambe
132 nine neuf (9) libwá
133 ten dix júmi
134 dry sec ekaúkí
135 hunger faim nzala
136 small petit moké
137 round rond kílílí
138 all tous nyóso
139 many beaucoup míngi
140 full plein etúndi
141 good bon malámu
143 who? qui? náni?
144 what? quoi? níni?
145 to see voir komóna
146 to say dire koloba
147 to show montrer -tálisa
149 to fly voler kopomboka
150 to play jouer kosana
151 to give donner kopésa
152 to steal voler koyíba
153 to kill tuer koboma
156 to burn brûler kotumba
157 to swell enfler -vímba
158 to fear av. peur -bánga
160 to want vouloir -linga
162 to send envoyer -tínda
163 to come venir koyía
164 to marry épouser -bála
165 to bear enfanter -bóta
168 blood sang makilá
169 to leave partir kokenda
170 to die mourir kokúfa
172 animal animal nyama
173 arm bras mabóko
190 oil huile mafúta
191 charcoal charbon makála
202 place endroit síká
203 mist brume molinga...
204 cough toux kofokofo
205 smell odeur nsolo
206 sleep sommeil mpongí
207 up en haut likoló
208 down en bas na nsé
210 turtle tortue bándákpé
212 fear peur kobanga, somo
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