Citations:Bang That Was Promised

Proper noun: "(ASoIaF/GOT fandom slang, humorous) the first time Jaime Lannister and Brienne of Tarth have sex"

2017 2018 2019 2023
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  • 2017 September 22, rakfocus, Reddit[1]:
    But still - I need two things from this season, the bang that was promised and a BIG act of redemption from Jaime (I'm talking stabbing the night king in the back type redemption).
  • 2017 September 22, ShirleyAnn66, Reddit[2]:
    Now, I'll admit, my shipper bias is strong and when I ship a pairing, I'm hoping they survive whatever situation they're in, so I'm really hoping that both survive and have not only the Bang that Was Promised but the ten kids Nik dreams about - LOL.
  • 2018 March 8, brieoftarts, Reddit[3]:
    Like.... we get it, Jaime! We feel your pain! And maybe it's taken 84 years but Bang That Was Promised is surely coming.
  • 2018 March 24, kdoodlethug, Reddit[4]:
    I wrote out an excessively long comment on r/freefolk about one possible way that I'd like the build-up to the bang that was promised to happen in season 8.
  • 2018 July 26, danie_iero, Reddit[5]:
    I'm a Braime fan, and I love joking about "The Bang That Was Promised" (even though I'd settle for Jaime dying in her arms, which is also pretty confirmed at this point), but I'm far from being sure about them getting together, or even sharing a kiss. In the books? Deff, yes. In the show? Not so much.
  • 2018 November 5, jiddinja, Reddit[6]:
    From my point of view, the Bang that was Promised w/o marriage would negate the point of this union, namely a clean slate for House Lannister.
  • 2019 April 21, BrendaofTarth, Reddit[7]:
    This wasn’t the Bang That Was Promised but it sure looks like it could be coming!
  • 2019 May 13, FearDinah, Reddit[8]:
    I was genuinely shocked by how many people expressed disgust when Ep 4 aired and we got the bang that was promised.
  • 2019 June 18, Steelym23, Reddit[9]:
    It’s crazy to think that the episode that included The Bang That Was Promised turned out to be the worst episode of the entire series, but here we are.
  • 2023 December 13, Proper_Collection525, Reddit[10]:
    As a good fic goes, it eventually turns into a kiss, then Jaime basically pulls Brienne through the hallways of Winterfell to her chambers. Brienne even states he has no idea where her rooms are, so then she has to lead him. All this lovely banter leads to the Bang That Was Promised and all other kinds of lovey things.