English citations of Targling

Noun: "(ASoIaF/GOT fandom slang) any young member of House Targaryen"

2013 2017 2018 2019 2021 2022 2023 2024
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2013 August 26, throwawaybreaks, Reddit[1]:
    I assume after the sack of KL people were eager to tell Ned (or the Lannisters) anything they wanted to know to keep their heads. After presenting a bunch of dead Targlings to Robert to prove their loyalty, it's nbd to be like "Hey, Ned? We found out from one of the Goldcloaks that they're keeping your sister at the Tower of Joy. Good luck, -Tywin Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock, Warden of the West, Best Friend to Robert Baratheon hint hint"
  • 2017 September 5, deleted_account, Reddit[2]:
    Enough to produce beautiful Targlings.
  • 2018 May 16, Pam_E_la, Reddit[3]:
    I'll assume she's with Missandei, giving birth to baby Targling(s) and left Jon to handle the immediate aftermath till she can join them.
  • 2018 July 13, Lord-Too-Fat, Reddit[4]:
    Illyrio should have just been a greedy character manipulating the targlings, for wealth and land, instead of having a secret blackfyre agenda, that in retrospect makes no sense (unless we make some acrobatic assumptions)
  • 2018 November 19, LuminariesAdmin, Reddit[5]:
    Further, this generation of Targaryens had no (dragonriding) cousins, only a broken/mourning/loner sister - aunt, in the case of the Targlings - at Harrenhal in Rhaena.
  • 2019 May 21, deleted_account, Reddit[6]:
    Jon dying in be at the age of 80 surrounded by Targlings
  • 2019 June 17, KohanaSakuya, Reddit[7]:
    Targs who have married brunette non-Targs/Valyrians have produced Targlings with their usual Valyrian looks.
  • 2021 December 1, myjupitermoon, Reddit[8]:
    There's nothing I'd love more than a full Targaryen restoration with baby Targlings and baby dragons and I don't care what anyone says about dIsNeY eNdInG.
  • 2022 May 17, ThyphonaX, Reddit[9]:
    That could lead to some Aenys-Maegor period state of the society if Velaryons don't figure what to do with the opposing Targlings and the whole legitimacy thing.
  • 2022 May 31, redcaptraitor, Reddit[10]:
    The author loves his trueborn Targlings to sit on throne. So, I'm sure both Aenys and Maegor are Aegon's own.
  • 2022 August 19, limpdickandy, Reddit[11]:
    Hence putting eggs in the cradle and the symbiotic relationship between dragon and Targling
  • 2023 March 22, dunge0nm0ss, Reddit[12]:
    Jaime decided the Targlings weren't free of the taint of madness, and famously sat on the Iron Throne to see who'd come to claim it.
  • 2023 May 29, frenin, Reddit[13]:
    And he also knew the Targlings in Essos had to die to secure his throne, yet he did not act against them.
  • 2024 August 29, msmorningstaarr, Reddit[14]:
    Im reading one currently called “His Mercy Burns” where Ashara Dayne raises the targlings