
English citations of abderitism

  1. The quality or state of being an Abderite.
    • 1861 [1781], C. M. von Wieland, translated by Henry Christmas, The Republic of Fools[1], volume 2, translation of original in German:
      But what is a very extraordinary thing, and a circumstance in which they differ from the Jews, the Bedouins, the Armenians, and all other unmixed nations, is, that without the least danger to their Abderitism, they mingle with the other inhabitants of the earth []
  2. Homeopathy?
    • (Can we date this quote?), Pamphlets - homoeopathic, volume 21, page 81:
      It will be a long tmie before the latest discoveries in the very domain of chemistry even, will be able to purge the prevailing abderitism from its mental association with massive doses.