
English citations of armoire

  • 1960, P. G. Wodehouse, Jeeves in the Offing, chapter VIII:
    The furnishing of this Blue Room was solid and Victorian, it having been the GHQ of my Uncle Tom's late father, who liked things substantial. There was a four-poster bed, a chunky dressing-table, a massive writing table, divers chairs, pictures on the walls of fellows in cocked hats bending over females in muslin and ringlets and over at the far side a cupboard or armoire in which you could have hidden a dozen corpses.
  • 2003 — She got up without lighting the lamp, felt around in the armoire for an archaic revolver that no one had fired since the War of a Thousand Days, and located in the darkness not only the place where the door was but also the exact height of the lock. — Gabriel García Márquez, Living to Tell the Tale, Chapter 1, 2002. Translated from Spanish by Edith Grossman.