English citations of gutted




  1. simple past and past participle of gut
    • 1824: Charles Swan, Tale I. Of the Wonderful Dispensations of Providence, and of the Rise of Pope Gregory in Gesta Romanorum, Or, Entertaining Moral Stories: Invented by the monks as a fire-side recreation; and commonly applied in their discourses from the pulpit: whence the most celebrated of our own poets and others, from the earliest times, have extracted their plots. Translated from the Latin with Preliminary Observations and Copious Notes, in Two Volumes. Vol. II.
      It happened that on the same day, a number of fishes were caught; and as he gutted one of them, he found the keys which seventeen years before he had cast into the sea.
    • 2006: Emma Christopher, Slave Ship Sailors and Their Captive Cargoes, 1730-1807
      A small incident noted by another unnamed diarist writes of an African coming to him as he gutted fish to make an impromptu trade of the fish for a coconut.
    • 1818: W. M. (William Marshall) Craig, Memoir of Her Majesty Sophia Charlotte, of Mecklenburg Strelitz, Queen of Great Britain, &c. &c. &c. shewing From faithful Representations and authentic Documents, that excellent lady to have been always as eminent for her virtues and accomplishments, as illustrious by her birth and high station...[full title stretches to 105 words in spite of the &cs]
      The mob collected in the neighbourhood of Moorfields, and attacked the School House, as well as some dwellings, belonging to Papists; which they completely gutted, burning even the floors and timber of the apartments.
    • 2006: Stephen Edward Cresswell, Rednecks, Redeemers, And Race: Mississippi After Reconstruction, 1877-1917
      Many believed this provision gutted the new law, as Lowry appointed three very conservative men to the body.
  2. Past participle of to gut
    • 1767: Henry Brooke, The Fool of Quality: Or, The History of Henry, Earl of Moreland
      During this confabulation, the whole house, drawers and all, was gutted as clean as a fowl for supper.
    • 1801: John Coakley Lettsom, Hints Designed to Promote Beneficence, Temperance, & Medical Science, Vol 1
      (of slightly salted herrings) Let them be gutted, washed, and soaked, in cold water for an hour, then put them into the boiler in cold water.
    • 2006: Neal Lineback, Charley Craft: The Life and Times of a North Carolinian Turned Oklahoma Homesteader, 1872-1934
      The chicken would be gutted, a process that usually took place in the barnyard.
    • 1714: Joseph Addison, The Spectator No. 567: On Innuendos, Paper I. read in Anna Letitia Barbauld, Joseph Addison, Richard Steele, Selections from the Spectator, Tatler, Guardian, and Freeholder: With a Preliminary Essay: in three volumes: Vol. II. (1804)
      This way of writing was first of all introduced by T—m Br—wn, of facetious memory, who, after having gutted a proper name of all its intermediate vowels, used to plant it in his works, and make as free with it as he pleased, without any danger of the statute.
    • 1751: Thomas Gordon, Richard Barron, A Cordial for Low Spirits, Being a Collection of Valuable Tracts by the Late Thomas Gordon Esq; The Second Edition, Vol 1
      For, not to mention that the Town would infallibly have been plundered, had not the Inhabitants gutted their Houses when they run away, it is certain that we have vanquished several great Guns, and brought them away Captives.
    • 2006: Deborah Cahalen Schneider, Being Goral: Identity Politics and Globalization in Postsocialist Poland
      This is evident in the community reaction to the brewery's new policies, which have gutted the social services available to brewery employees.
    • 2006: Toni Schlesinger, Five Flights Up And Other New York Apartment Stories
      The Thursday before last Halloween, the building next door was gutted. It took four and a half hours to put out.
    • 2006: John Frazier, Silent Screams
      The house had to be completely gutted and renovated before it would be reoccupied or sold and his landlord was furious.
    • 2006: Robert F. (EDT) Williams, State Constitutions for the Twenty-First Century, Volume 1: The Politics of State Constitutional Reform
      Sponsoring groups employed the constitutional initiative only after their proposals were twice blocked by gubernatorial vetoes and their successful statutory initiative was gutted by subsequent legislation.
    • 1987: Susan Carroll, Winterbourne
      He was as gutted and empty as the ruined walls whose shadows loomed over him in the fleeting light of day.
    • 2006: Marina Nicholas, Mohammed Taranissi, 3 steps to fertility: The Infertile Couple's Guide to Maximising Their Ability to Conceive
      In order to progress, we need to wait until the next period! I'm gutted! Been given some tablets to help accelerate this and should get it within 7-10 days.