
English citations of magocracy

Noun: "(fantasy) government by those with magical powers; a hierarchy composed of wizards or mages"

2000 2007 2008 2011 2012 2013 2015 2016 2018 2019 2020
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2000, Monte Cook, Jonathan Tweet, Skip Williams, Dungeon Master's Guide: Core Rulebook II, p. 156:
    In a magocracy, arcane spellcasters usually have the greatest rights and freedoms, and nonspellcasters are looked down upon.
  • 2007, Chris McCoy, Trysts and Tragedies: A Fantasy Anthology, page 23:
    These scrolls contained scrapes[sic] of the ancient magocracy culture and were a window of insight into the lives of these long forgotten people.
  • 2008, Jean Johnson, The Master, unnumbered page:
    Of course, he knew that his attitude about magic making one superior came from having been raised in a magocracy, where the most powerful mage was made the King or Queen at each five-year turning of the throne's succession.
  • 2008, Brent Weeks, Beyond the Shadows, unnumbered page:
    The nations of Midcyru will have reason to fear that we wish to return to the Alkestian magocracy.
  • 2011, Bruce R. Cordell, Plague of Spells, unnumbered page:
    The city of Olleth was once a watery realm ruled by spell-savvy morkoth, who called their magocracy the Arcanum of Olleth.
  • 2012, Richard Baker, The City of Ravens, unnumbered page:
    In fact, it would be far wiser for the leaders among the Thayan magocracy to sternly advise their lesser brethren to scrupulously honor the letter and spirit of any agreement struck, so that all people everywhere would know that a Red Wizard's word was his bond.
  • 2013, Benedict Jacka, Chosen, page 99:
    His line was that adepts needed to stand up and protect themselves—we're being oppressed by the evil magocracy, band together and throw off your shackles, that kind of thing.
  • 2013, R. A. Salvatore, The Companions, p. 401:
    “What does it mean, Lady?” Eerika asked. “We are a magocracy,” Lady Avelyere quietly replied.
  • 2015, Dragon Age: The World of Thedas Volume 2, unnumbered page:
    What will become of him once—and if —he returns to his homeland is unknown, but his status as a visible member of the Tevinter magocracy, who challenged its standards and not only survived but perhaps thrived, is all but guaranteed.
  • 2016, World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, unnumbered page:
    Ardogan and the most powerful of these newly arrived magi formed a magocracy to govern the burgeoning city.
  • 2016, Graeme Torckler, Decoding the Beast, p. 14:
    It is a magocracy, because by its sorcery all the nations were deceived.
  • 2018, Salvador Mercer, The Red Dragon, unnumbered page:
    “I can't fathom the idea that the magocracy in Kesh would engage in open warfare against all the central realms,” Tobin remarked.
  • 2018, Bret James Stewart, The Dragon's Lullaby, unnumbered page:
    For several years, Keldar and his followers, which represented slightly less than half of The Conclave, tried to convince their fellows to support a magocracy.
  • 2019, C. T. Phipps, Wraith Lord: Volume 2, unnumbered page:
    "Know only this: that Hellsword is one of Natrariss's degenerate magocracy's nobility and was presiding over blood orgies and human sacrifices before most men hit puberty.
  • 2020, Richard Fierce, Rune Marked: Dragons of Isentol, unnumbered page:
    “We consider ourselves a magocracy, if you will.”
  • 2020, Nunzio DeFilippis & Christina Weir, Dragon Age: Blue Wraith, page 7:
    The Tevinter imperium is ruled by a magocracy. The most powerful of mages wield the greatest influence.