English citations of oathsex

Noun: "(ASoIaF/GOT fandom slang) synonym of The Bang That Was Promised"

2019 2021
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2019 May 5, this-is-sexified, Reddit[1]:
    Still glad oathsex happened. Still have my fingers crossed for Cleagane[sic] Bowl. Still an idiot, I guess.
  • 2019 May 6, Sleuth1ngSloth, Reddit[2]:
    Oathsex never should have happened.
  • 2019 May 6, __angie, Reddit[3]:
    I was all for OATHSEX but now I just want her [Brienne] to go north with tormund and ghost and make giant babies
  • 2019 May 6, Loinatargaryen, Reddit[4]:
    I‘m a big Braime fan but.. am I the only one who just didn‘t like the oathsex?
  • 2019 May 10, psychominnie624, Reddit[5]:
    Last week was oathsex without nudity or strong sexual content warnings soooo
  • 2019 May 14, danie_iero, Reddit[6]:
    Anyway, as GRRM's Beauty and the Beast, they surely have their focus and storyline, but D&D could have easily skipped Oathsex, considering what their final plan for Jaime was anyway.
  • 2019 June 18, WeirdImprovement, Reddit[7]:
    I was giddy the day before, expecting the world of oathsex, I was buzzing the whole day... then we get the wind punched out of us.
  • 2021 May 3, Юнкер (@eve_yulia), Twitter[8]:
    I can’t wait to see the new book mostly because of oathsex.