Module:Unicode data/templates

This module provides ways for some of the functions in Module:Unicode data to be used in templates.

Functions edit

lookup, is
Call one the functions starting with lookup and is. Replace the first underscore in the function name with a pipe, and add the code point in hexadecimal base, or a bit of text, for is_valid_pagename, as the next parameter. For example, {{#invoke:Unicode data/templates|lookup|name|61}} → LATIN SMALL LETTER A; {{#invoke:Unicode data/templates|is|valid_pagename|#}} → false.
Returns true if a code point has data in Module:Unicode data/aliases, false otherwise. Used in Template:character info/save memory. For instance, for the space character (U+0020), {{#invoke:Unicode data/templates|has_aliases|20}} → true.

local m_str_utils = require("Module:string utilities")

local cp = m_str_utils.codepoint
local gcodepoint = m_str_utils.gcodepoint
local len = m_str_utils.len
local u = m_str_utils.char

local export = {}

local m_Unicode_data

local function errorf(level, ...)
	if type(level) == "number" then
		return error(string.format(...), level + 1)
	else -- level is actually the format string.
		return error(string.format(level, ...), 2)

local function get_codepoint(args, arg)
	local codepoint_string = args[arg]
		or errorf(2, "Parameter %s is required", tostring(arg))
	local codepoint = tonumber(codepoint_string, 16)
		or len(codepoint_string) == 1
			and cp(codepoint_string)
		or errorf(2, "Parameter %s is not a code point in hexadecimal base",
	if not (0 <= codepoint and codepoint <= 0x10FFFF) then
		errorf(2, "code point in parameter %s out of range", tostring(arg))
	return codepoint

local function get_func(args, arg, prefix)
	local suffix = args[arg]
		or errorf(2, "Parameter %s is required", tostring(arg))
	suffix = mw.text.trim(suffix)
	local func_name = prefix .. suffix
	m_Unicode_data = m_Unicode_data or require "Module:Unicode data"
	local func = m_Unicode_data[func_name]
		or errorf(2, "There is no function '%s'", func_name)
	return func

-- This function allows any of the "lookup" functions to be invoked. The first
-- parameter is the word after "lookup_"; the second parameter is the code point
-- in hexadecimal base.
function export.lookup(frame)
	local func = get_func(frame.args, 1, "lookup_")
	local codepoint = get_codepoint(frame.args, 2)
	local result = func(codepoint)
	if func == m_Unicode_data.lookup_name then
		-- Prevent code point labels such as <control-0000> from being
		-- interpreted as HTML tags.
		result = result:gsub("<", "&lt;")
	return result

	local func = get_func(frame.args, 1, "is_")
	-- is_Latin and is_valid_pagename take strings.
	m_Unicode_data = m_Unicode_data or require "Module:Unicode data"
	if func == m_Unicode_data.is_Latin or func == m_Unicode_data.is_valid_pagename then
		return (func(frame.args[2]))
	else -- The rest take code points.
		local codepoint = get_codepoint(frame.args, 2)
		return (func(codepoint)) -- Adjust to one result.

function export.has_aliases(frame)
	local codepoint = get_codepoint(frame.args, 1)
	return mw.loadData("Module:Unicode data/aliases")[codepoint] ~= nil

function export.get_special_title_value(frame)
	local codepoint = get_codepoint(frame.args, 1)
	local character = u(codepoint)
	local title = require("Module:Unicode data").get_entry_title(codepoint)
	if not title then
		return ""
	elseif title == character then
		return "self"
		return title

function export.names(frame)
	local s = frame.args[1]
	if not s then
		error("Parameter 1 is required")
	local output = require "Module:array"()
	m_Unicode_data = m_Unicode_data or require "Module:Unicode data"
	for codepoint in gcodepoint(s) do
		output:insert("* " .. m_Unicode_data.lookup_name(codepoint))
	return output:concat "\n"

return export