
Latest comment: 4 years ago by Suzukaze-c in topic Sense 6

Sense 6


The edit by @KevinUp (5 April 2018) [1] is flawed. Sense #6 ("to best, to overtop") and the associated quotation from Zhuangzi should be removed.

1) The pronunciation of 賈人 is gǔrén, not jiǎrén. It means "merchant" or "dealer". The Legge translation "trafficker" might have been right in Legge's day (the 1800s), but now it has connotations of illegality, which is not the case with 賈人.

2) As with "trafficker", "overtop" (as used here, to mean "be superior to") is an archaic term. Oxford Dictionary: "(archaic) Be superior to." [2]

3) In Zhuangzi, 魁然 means "be superior to others".

  • Legge: "is overtopping others"
  • Correa: "(be) on top of the ladder" [3]
  • Watson: "(be) a splendid fellow" [4]

However, that doesn't imply that 魁 is a transitive verb "to overtop". To demonstrate that 魁 can mean "to best; to overtop" you'd need to find usage where 魁 takes an object such as 他 or 他人.

Still less does it imply that 魁 means "to best", another transitive verb which can be defined as "to get the better of; to outdo".

Richwarm88 (talk) 21:06, 16 December 2019 (UTC)Reply

Excuse me. You've pinged the wrong person. The 5 April 2018 edit by KevinUp [5] was concerning the addition of derived characters and removal of translingual definitions which already exist in the Chinese section. KevinUp (talk) 04:28, 17 December 2019 (UTC)Reply
(correct link: diff, apparently by the banned editor User:Gfarnab. see also User talk:Gfarnab#Making too many errors in Chinese entries - againSuzukaze-c 04:59, 17 December 2019 (UTC))Reply
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