Between the ages of seventeen to twenty one most black boys undergo a rite of passage from boyhood to manhood. The Xhosa ceremony is named Ukoluka. First a goat is sacrificed, and the boy is circumcised without anesthetic. He is given a blanket and departs naked for the bush where he must fend for himself without shelter, save what he may find, until his wound is healed. No woman may talk to him during this period. It is permitted for a child to bring the occasional food and set it down for him without speaking to him. No medicines are provided, save those traditional medicines that he may gather. Every year several children die as a result of the ceremony. On his return to the clan, another goat is sacrificed, and a party is held. It is similar to a bar mitzvah crossed with a bris (but without the Jewish guilt). On his return, all his childhood clothes are given away and he must wear prescribed clothing for a period of six months.

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