
Latest comment: 1 year ago by Hekaheka



As far as I'm aware, a pronoun can either be (among other categories) a determiner or a interrogative pronoun. But "kumpi" is shown as being either a pronoun or a determiner, which sounds wrong to me.

Albeit that, the description shown under "determiner" is that of an interrogative pronoun. To be a determiner, it should mean "this/that one (of the two)".

So, either the section "determiner" is wrong and should be deleted, or the explanation is wrong and should be revised. I'm not a native speaker of Finnish, but the dictionaries I have available support the first option. 14:08, 20 November 2022 (UTC)Reply

In the terminology handled at Wiktionary, "determiners" take compliments, whereas "pronouns" don't:
Which cookie did you take? - determiner, modifies "cookie"
Which did you take? - pronoun, modifies nothing
However, I agree that both usage examples display a pronoun rather than a determiner, you'd want something like kumpi keksi on varastettu? instead. @Surjection, Hekaheka as I don't know if the Finnish word can be used this way. Thadh (talk) 14:24, 20 November 2022 (UTC)Reply
Yes, it can. — SURJECTION / T / C / L / 14:45, 20 November 2022 (UTC)Reply
Then on the other hand, don't we in the Finnish grammar classify "kumpi" as interrogative pronoun disregarding its function in a sentence? Shouldn't the Finnish articles follow Finnish rather than English grammar conventions?--Hekaheka (talk) 15:10, 20 November 2022 (UTC)Reply

Perhaps it could read like this:




  1. (interrogative) which one (of (the) two)
    Kumpi varasti keksit?
    Which one (of you) stole the cookies?
  2. (interrogative, determiner) which one (of (the) two)
    Kumman keksin sinä varasti?
    Which cookie did you steal?
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