Template:English entry quality status

Status of English section

Group Subgroup Item Explanation Status Phase To do Notes
Entry structure etymologies order by commonness of usage 1
Entry structure part of speech sections order by commonness of usage 2
Entry structure definitions senses order by commonness of usage 2
Entry structure definitions subsenses order by commonness of usage 2
Entry structure (sub)sections Pronunciation 1
Entry structure (sub)sections Etymology 1
Entry structure (sub)sections Translations for each sense 1
Entry structure (sub)sections Translations for each subsense 2?
Entry structure (sub)sections Derived terms 2
Entry structure (sub)sections Related terms 2
Definitions completeness 1
Definitions minimal overlap 1
Definitions move synonyms to synonym template 1
Definitions use non-gloss definitions template
as appropriate
Definitions subsenses logical grouping 1
Definitions non-technical wording 2
Attestation quantity 3 2
Attestation quality source durably archived, Usenet, other, pageURL 2
Attestation quality unambiguousness 2
Attestation no quotations section ambiguous quotations to Citations subpage 2
Usage grammatical examples 2?
Usage semantic examples eg, for concreteness 2?
Usage notes 2?
Usage grammatical labels (in)transitive; (un)countable, etc. 1
Usage other labels rarity, obsolescence, usage context, topic? 2
Other content Etymology ancestry Use templates 1
Other content Etymology cognates, etc Use collapsible templates 1
Other content Pronunciation IPA At least US, UK 1
Other content Pronunciation audio At least US, UK 1
Other content Nym sections Synonyms all using {{syn}} unless very few defs (<3?, <5?),
but always if other nym templates
Other content Nym sections Hyponyms all using {{hypo}} unless very few defs (<3?, <5?) 2
Other content Nym sections other nyms all using templates 2
Other content Translations table for every sense (& subsense?) all using templates 2
Other content Derived terms cover all non-trivial that are in enwikt 2
Other content Related terms cover all non-trivial that are in enwikt 2
Formatting all running text links for all and only words not in NGSL 1
Formatting definitions Initial uppercase, terminal punctuation 1
Formatting definitions {{n-g}}, as appropriate 1
Formatting definitions Initial uppercase, terminal punctuation 1
Formatting templating Use of all appropriate templates 1
Supplemental material images where useful to illustrate etymology
or make concrete
Supplemental material examples where useful to make concrete 3
Non-core etymologies,
PoS sections
abbreviations, letter,
obsolete, rare, etc.
check for plausibility, formatting 2

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