Good god man!

"This is the wrong form." "Oh right, so what's the right fo-" "DELETE!" "W-" "DELETE!" "DELETE!" "DELETE!" "DELETE!" "DELETE!"

UtherPendrogn (talk)21:10, 18 September 2016

There's a rather peculiar button so that you can move the page to the correct place.

UtherPendrogn (talk)21:11, 18 September 2016

I only know that the form was wrong. I don't know what the right form is. Leaving it at the wrong form would be worse than having no entry at all (better to say nothing than to mislead), so I delete it.

CodeCat21:14, 18 September 2016

A policy which only seems to apply to me? Several other word have glaring errors in the Proto-Celtic lemmas section. One isn't even a real declension...

UtherPendrogn (talk)21:25, 18 September 2016

Such as?

CodeCat21:26, 18 September 2016

I'll make a list if you want.

UtherPendrogn (talk)21:39, 18 September 2016

Why don't you put it in the right form to begin with? I'm clearing up your mess in the simplest way possible. That way, you have to put in the effort to actually fix it.

CodeCat21:11, 18 September 2016

Can you not call small errors messes?

UtherPendrogn (talk)21:39, 18 September 2016

Getting the actual headword wrong is a pretty big mess. It'd be like putting the entry for three at tree.

CodeCat21:47, 18 September 2016