Replacing form of with specific inflection templates templates

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Rua

This is obviously none of my business, but 1) Dan's approach could have been more matter-of-factly but 2) "go away" and "I could block you" are not appropriate answers to the question "what are the benefits of the replacements that you have done". Also, it seems to me that CodeCat owes an explanation on how his action is in compliance with WT:BOT.

Hekaheka (talk)10:28, 5 March 2014

Her action, you mean.

- -sche (discuss)19:47, 7 March 2014

His or her, I don't know. I mean CodeCat's.

Hekaheka (talk)21:43, 7 March 2014

I have no patience with Dan, what he did here was actually relatively mild compared to what he's said about/to me in the past. So I'm not about to give him any concessions; if he wants my cooperation he has some things to make up for first. If that makes me a bad Wiktionarian then fine with me.

What I did was replace calls to {{form of}} to calls to one of our more specific templates such as {{inflection of}} or the variety of single-use form-of templates that we already have. I didn't see any harm in that then, and I still don't see any now.

CodeCat22:54, 7 March 2014