
Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Rua
Edited by author.
Last edit: 23:31, 16 July 2013

It's not without reason that en.Wikt is regarded as the grumpiest wiki... :P

To be fair, I myself have created brief userpages on other wikis after only one or two edits to them, so I can see why visitors to this wiki would want to do the same.

I note that filter 21 has caught a lot more edits (which appear based on their systematic usernames as though they would have been spam) than filter 23, though, i.e. filter 23 may have a low rate of false positives, but it also lets through a lot of crap.

Is there a way for a filter to check not only how many edits a user has made on this wiki, but how many they have made globally? Then we could block users with fewer than, N edits globally, and catch the spambots without catching global sysops.

Anyway, we should probably be having this conversation in the WT:BP rather than on CodeCat's talk page... see Wiktionary:Beer_parlour/2013/July#Blocking_new_users_from_creating_userpages.

- -sche (discuss)20:37, 16 July 2013

Finally, thank you!

CodeCat21:06, 16 July 2013