principal part, or cardinal link to LA

principal part, or cardinal link to LA

Should we link to pudeo like in pudendus or to pudet like in pudendum/pudor/pudency?

Sobreira ►〓 (parlez)14:22, 27 December 2016

We shouldn't have both pudeo and pudet as lemma forms. They should be merged.

CodeCat14:51, 27 December 2016

Maybe link to the first person forms for the sake of consistency, but with some notes there explaining that it is not how the verb was used in Classical Latin, and mention the usual impersonal construction? By the way, the same goes for taedeo, pigeo, paeniteo, misereo (miseret has a full-blown entry).

Barytonesis (talk)18:46, 27 December 2016

Oh, I wasn't going that far, just to know the correct form to link that we use here and correct (later we can deprecate; notice that all of them can further link to PIE *paw-). And see the links of miserere.

Sobreira ►〓 (parlez)01:53, 29 December 2016