PB& JP89

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Kephir

seriously? You're threatening him over creating a vote?

Everyone here has the right to create a vote and it's up to the community to accept it or not. And you won't prevent it as long as I am here. And don't even think about banning him because of it. I have good connections to Wikimedia stewards. You have been warned.

Liliana 20:02, 3 January 2015

"I have good connections to Wikimedia stewards. You have been warned."

How many more people have you threatened this way? Is this why you have not been desysopped yet? Because that would explain a lot.

And no, I am not going to ban him over this vote. I do not have to. There is plenty of other abuse to pick from.

Keφr20:15, 3 January 2015

Threatened? I laugh at thee.

I outright desysopped Ivan Stambuk via stewards. He was not amused. If that's what you want, then I can arrange that, sure.

Liliana 20:25, 3 January 2015

There is only one vote here granting him adminship. There is no evidence in the logs or anywhere else of him ever being stripped of rights. I also looked at other wikis where he substantially edited, nothing there either. By Occam's razor, I infer you are lying.

Though in case you are not, I wonder what the supposed reason would be for that happening.

Lying or not, for that remark alone, I think a vote of confidence on your adminship is in order. I can also submit myself to one if the community so wishes.

Keφr21:37, 3 January 2015

Oh sorry, I confused him with Dick Laurent. He was desysopped by me in 2010. And it won't show up on the local logs because it shows up on the Meta logs only as a steward action.

Liliana 21:42, 3 January 2015

I wish both of you would stop this! I disagree with many of Kephir's actions, and I find many of PBPs extremely annoying, but I would prefer to avoid things like blocks and desysopping. Threats- whether idle or otherwise- are just poisoning the atmosphere and escalating things.

Chuck Entz (talk)22:17, 3 January 2015

As the philosopher Jagger once said, “You can't always get what you want.”

I too find this situation regrettable. But it is not going to be solved by doing nothing. The atmosphere is already poisoned, and tolerating this state of affairs is precisely what brought us here.

You said "We'll burn that bridge when we come to it...", but you know this is not going to happen. You have seen this already.

Keφr22:35, 3 January 2015