Constructed language topic categories

Constructed language topic categories

Edited by author.
Last edit: 17:39, 17 March 2016

I saw that you added a bunch of entries to the English one and I decided to help out, but I just noticed that it failed an RFDO a while back (see Category talk:Constructed languages), the main reason seemingly being that now CAT:Constructed languages contains both those languages as well as those topic categories. Is there a way around this problem? If not, we should redelete these.

Μετάknowledgediscuss/deeds16:20, 17 March 2016

I have no idea what the criteria is for a category's existence. I made it because I was interested in looking at a list of constructed languages and it seemed relevant to me. That RFDO is over 5 years old, I say we make the categories if we think they are useful and have the discussion if others disagree.

TheDaveRoss16:54, 17 March 2016

I agree that they're useful to categorise separately, but you completely ignored the problem that I brought up. @Chuck Entz might know how to solve this?

Μετάknowledgediscuss/deeds17:39, 17 March 2016

Oh, yes, I mistook what you were saying the problem was. I think that it could be avoided by not using {{topic cat}}, but maybe there is a better way.

TheDaveRoss17:55, 17 March 2016

I would propose adding a prefix to the "by language" topic categories. So the parent of Category:en:Constructed languages would be Category:ALL:Constructed languages or something similar, rather than the current Category:Constructed languages. This would also avoid any future name clashes of this kind.

CodeCat18:10, 17 March 2016