Wiyot. In Reichard's 1925 orthography except where noted. (Special letters: ɬ ɣ ɑ ʷ + others.)

items and structures

  • bɑ'kɑrô "small drying frame"
  • bɑɬ (house partition) (cf. mo·l)
    cf buhl- "house" (1993), buhl-/bul- "house" (Karl Teeter's 1964 The Wiyot language orthography)
  • bɑt (soot) (Reichard's 1925 orthography), pat (soot, charcoal) (1993 Wiyot Handbook orthography)
  • bɑtgē' (maul) (verb? or noun?)
  • blaiya·tck (wedge)
  • botcibal ((wooden) arrow)
  • bumē·'pel "metal knife"
  • las- (grind [an] ax (or) grind[ing] ax)
  • man (canoe paddle)
  • meɬ (ax) (Reichard's 1925 orthography), bel (axe)/duhmel (my axe (first person possessive)) (1993 Wiyot Handbook orthography)
  • mo·l (house; roof) (cf. bɑɬ); contrast Yurok wohlkekw (roof), mehlkue ((a certain part of a Yurok house))
  • pakɬ (needle of deer rib)
  • va'dop (netting shuttle)
  • vaɬaɬ (pipe) (Reichard's 1925 orthography), bolàl or boɬàl ("doctor's pipe") (1993 Wiyot Handbook orthography)
  • vatsawē'tk (ashes; stove)

people and body parts (including animals')

  • hɑmo·'twiɬ "woman"
  • caroril, caróril "young woman, girl" (1993)
  • he'tca· is glossed as "baby in arms"(?!)
  • hikdak "Yurok man"
  • wa'giswal "white woman"
  • tikwomutwil, tikwómutwil "white woman" (1993)
  • tikwo, tikwoh "white man" (1993)
  • wɑkɑs "father-in-law" (1925), bakhas (father-in-law, son-in-law) (1993)
  • aunt (maternal) : djo·l tco·l chul (1993: "čul") (The North American Indian orthography: chul; it also has Yurok "tul", corresponding to modern "tu'l", "tulos", which is used of both maternal and paternal, whereas Wiyot has in TNAI orthography "paq" for paternal aunt, 1993 "pokw") -- PA *neθwihša "my maternal aunt", PA *nesekwihsa "paternal aunt; cross aunt" [Hockett (1964)]
  • 1993: ko (mother)
    1993: bakhat (mother-in-law, daughter-in-law)
  • daɣ (belly); contrast Yurok -yah (belly, stomach) ('ne-yah (my belly, my stomach))
  • mapt (wart) (1925) / bópt "wart" (1964)
  • mi·t (gills); compare Yurok mr'rx (gills)
  • vɑ-ɬo'k (upper arm); contrast Yurok 'na-rkow (my armpit), 'ne-sen (my arm)
  • vɑpt (teeth) (=bapt)
  • vɑ'tɑr "nose" (from -tɑr- "project")
  • vɑ-tok "elbow"
  • vɑ't-wo·k "rib"
  • wad- "shell"
  • wɑtgɑn (nail) (rɑtgɑn, kɑtgɑn) / vɑ-tgɑ'n (finger- or toe-nail)
  • wē·'liɬ "foot" (1925), huwéliɬahl "her/his/its foot" (1993)
  • we's "hand" (1925), wehs "hand" (1993 + Karl Teeter's 1964 The Wiyot language orthography)
  • wēt (rē·t, kē·t) "tongue" (1925) / bít "tongue" (1964)
  • witcgatc "leg" (1925) / báčkoč "leg" (1964)
  • vɑ'tɑr "nose", rɑ'tɑr "my nose"
  • vītsaɬ "saliva", rī'tsaɬ "my saliva" (1925) / bicôɬ "saliva" (1964)
  • dɑ'wē glossed as "milt" (which according to en.Wikt means either "(animal) spleen" or "fish semen")
  • baibalûk "ears" (1964)
  • nókwoš "Yurok woman" (1964)


  • -ɑɬat "tree; bush"
    wawar-ɑɬat "salmon-berry bush"
    doɬ-ɑɬat "tan oak"
    vi'go-ɬat "salal-berry bush"
    te'ma·'-ɬat "elder bush"
  • bɑdaɣɑt "apple"
  • bɑgɑɬē·'tek "blueberry"
  • gudji'cɑkwe (pine nut) (1925), kučišakwih (pine nut bead) (1993)
  • gwa·s "tobacco"
  • gwāts (??) "a bulbous plant"
  • ɣɑs "manzanita"
  • kɑwɑ'ɬ "dusky-leaved willow"
  • la·c "strawberry"
  • tgaɬ (?) "shiny-leaved willow"
  • tso'm, "Leptitimia californica", a misspelling or misprint of Leptotaenia californica, an obsolete synonym of Lomatium californicum
  • va'da'u' "salmon berry"
  • va·d·l' "wood"
  • vɑɬ "small bulbous plant"
  • 1925: vɑt "hazelnut"; contrast 1993: haskapohla "hazelnuts"
  • vē·ɬ (nettle) (-ē·ɬ?); compare Yurok me'yehl (stinging nettle) (-('y)ehl?)
  • kwóswak "tobacco" (1964)
  • thihmó "elderberries" (1964)
  • rôkɬ "river onion" (1964) / rokɬ "river onion" (1993)
  • palokhatk "hill onion(s), Indian potatoes, Brodiaca sp." (1993)


  • bɑkt "duck a little smaller than a loon"
  • be·'i "mosquito"
  • bo'tceɬ "night hawk"
  • butcate "snail"
  • cada·'c (condor); contrast Yurok hewono' (condor), pregonish (condor)/pregoos (condor)
  • ci'par "small round shell which is strung"
  • cira·'wɑ'n "dove"
  • dāicô'te "animal"
  • dɑ'kdo'ker "small black sea lion"
  • dɑ'kgô·k "quail"
  • dɑvɑ'l "king salmon(?)"
  • da·'yl' "Sacramento goose"
  • ɬawa'da'l "fish smaller than a steelhead but otherwise like it"
  • ɬete (wood rat); contrast trgrs (rat)
  • ɬo'kat "hake"
  • ɬu·b "small shellfish"
  • ɬwuraɣɑ'di "kind of crab"
  • sa·ɣo'ks "canvasback duck"
  • sɑlɑ's "ground squirrel (Athapascan slas)"
  • sɑpɬ "a kind of crab"
  • skɑrē·'ts "flounder"
  • ve-lɑkʷ (elk); contrast Yurok mewihl (elk)
  • ve-lɑkwiva·n "crane"
  • ve-tcac "mussels (when inside something)"
  • wóyic (1993 orthography)
  • tɑpɬ (bumble bee)
  • tɑvɑ'ɣɑr (white short-nosed sturgeon)
  • tgēbɑ's (small red crab)
  • tgo·w (bluebill)
  • tkayo·'kis (starfish); contrast Yurok koyaakw' (starfish)
  • twl'nuwl' (herring)
  • tya·kʷ (yellowhammer; yellow-shafted flicker) (Colaptes auratus); contrast Yurok pega'r (yellowhammer)/pegoy (flicker, yellowhammer)
  • botskɑts "a bunch of [ten] ducks : ten ducks tied together"
  • makʷ hɑdē'gwɑ'l "bear his louse", i.e. "caterpillar"
    bókw "bear" (NL)
  • ha'-la·'l-iɬ "duck ['it flies around']"
  • ha-ɬa·'l-iɣ "jump around"
  • ha'-likʷɬ-il "fox ['he cries around']"
  • ha-rakʷɬi'r-iɬ "wolf ['he chases around']"
  • he-ya-va·'w-iɬ "it is crying"
  • 1993 Wiyot Handbook orthography: lowepalukil (rabbit), hikw (rabbitskin)
  • 1993 Wiyot Handbook orthography: woyic ("dog, horse"), wečoč ("puppy [dog]")
  • phicûhlokš "owl" (1964)
  • chòd "mussels" (1964)
  • čumoš "slug" (1964)
  • ɬimoyúsahla "bluejay" (1964)
  • hoɬe·i' [clam]
  • horawa'yɑɣel [fur seal (probably a compound)]
    hu-rá-wa-yi-ģhiħl (The North American Indian orthography; it also has "tu-wḗ-ģhā́" for Yurok "raccoon", modern Yurok orthography "twegoh")
  • hɑ'mĕ·k [pigeon]
  • bitso'lake [owl]
  • becdo'l [chipmunk (compound)]
  • ba·'m [sturgeon]
  • ka-chó-qi "rattlesnake" (TNAI), hóhrač "snake" (1993)


  • valar (war song); contrast Yurok rur (song)
  • mɑs wulo·lɑ'l "fire its mouth", i.e. "fireplace"
    The Wiyot Language (1964), page 81: "Two nouns of the class have an irregular 1-Poss: balid 'eyes' and balul 'mouth', whose 1-Poss forms are respectively kalid and kalul."
    Wiyot Handbook (1993): balul "mouth", kalul "mouth of 1[st person, i.e. 'my mouth']", khalúl "mouth of 2[nd person, i.e. 'your mouth']"
  • mɑs (fire) (Reichard's 1925 orthography) / bas (fire) (1993 Wiyot Handbook orthography)
    see *mehše
  • gɑtsunē·k "ice"
  • gowe'lei' "earthquake"
  • gves "mountain"
  • hēɬɑ'k "lightning"
  • ho·'l (water) (1925), huhl (water) (1993)
  • kā·k "cloudy night" (literally "open")
  • laleɬ (river, literally it flows)
  • lɑ'pdau' "cloud"
  • latgak (sand)
  • we'n hawɑlē'nɑ'l "sky its eyes", i.e. stars
  • we'n (sky); contrast Yurok 'wes'onew (sky)
  • pei' ((spoiled) yeast)
  • vo'd·ɑwɑ'k "famine"
  • wi'k-dat "southward, up hither (used in prayer)"
  • -dēgaw- "cut through"
  • dēcgl'gwa·g- "talk of dead people"
  • (-)dēg- (sometimes dēgw-) "break; sever"
  • -dēgɑl- (urinate); contrast Yurok hahsehl (urine), 'ah (urinate (of men)), 'rkryshek' (I urinate)
  • -dēgw·ɑ-wē·c- "mark a spark"
  • -dēgwɑl- "tell what one (as a doctor) sees : diagnose"
  • -dēkʷɬ- "lie"
  • (-)lɑtgɑr- "frighten, chase"
  • -lɑnēm- "take [a?] trail"
  • -lɑtsg- "make[a] report"
  • (h/y/d/l)ē·l "say"
  • hēɬɑɬ- "choke"
  • heɬonɑtc- "blow [one's] nose"
  • Wiyot: ga'wik (blood) (in Reichard's 1925 orthography), kahwik (blood) (in the 1993 Wiyot handbook’s orthography); saɣ (is red) (in Reichard's 1925 orthography); bas (red) (in the 1993 Wiyot handbook’s orthography)
  • Yurok: pekoyek (blood) (short form: pek); pekoyoh (be red)
  • batûk "sibling" (1964)
  • bácas "sibling-in-law (woman speaking)" (1964)
  • čhuróč "bottle" (1964)
  • latkâk "sand" (1964)
  • bíkwhal "tears" (1964)
  • báh "excrement" (1964)
  • bacókš "semen" (1964)
  • 1925: A final r or d becomes n when certain suffixes are added: tsa·r "mussel", tsa·'nats "shell spoon"
  • ku "that" (1993)
  • -lɑ'wɑl- [swallow (verb)],
  • -lɑwas- [string a bow (verb)]