en-US This user is a native speaker of American English.
Python-2 This user has a fair command of Python, and can understand some scripts written by others.
This user has a basic understanding of the International Phonetic Alphabet.
{{t}}-1 This user knows the basics of how to use wiki templates in entries.
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GMT-4 This user's time zone is GMT-4.

Hello! I tend to add non-lemma forms, alternative forms, synonyms, and really anything else I come across. Nothing else, I’m just having fun contributing. I was inspired by Equinox when I saw how they’ve made like 900,000 edits or something like that.

  • First word I created: wasseil
  • Created page list: [1]
  • Wiktionary birthday: started editing on June 17, 2024
  • Real birthday: August 30