Apologies if you've come here to find out about me. For the moment, I've just put a few ToDo notes here... Feel free to contact me if you want, though!

Terms to add/fix/verify here (or maybe wikipedia)

 *  Female athlete triad
 * garb, sheaf , fagot as measures of raw iron in the form of a bundle of rods?
  • p.a. ; pro analisi (for analysis, chemical reagents)?
  • reagent grade?
  • analytical/analysis grade
  • Reagent, chemical substance pages are not very explicit about purity grades. Could be a new page...
  1. \{\{lb|en|finance}} To pay out, expend amounts of money which will be reimbursed under the terms of a contract such as a cost plus contract.
  • fobbing - formation of foam during handling or serving of beer. esp excessive foaming.
  • Bearings - types of journal b. sleeve, plain, shell and babbitt bearing