User:Matthias Buchmeier/el-en-w

Ψ {letter} :: The upper case letter psi (ψι), the 23rd letter of the modern Greek alphabet
Ψ΄ {num} :: The Greek numeral representing the number seven hundred (700); typically romanized as the Roman numeral DCC
ψ {letter} :: The lower case letter psi (ψι), the 23rd letter of the modern Greek alphabet
ψ΄ {num} [non-standard] :: alternative form of Ψ΄
ψαλίδι {n} :: scissors
ψαλίδι {n} :: shears
ψαλίδι {n} :: cut
ψάλλω {vt} :: sing, chant [especially formally or as a lament]
ψάλλω {vt} :: praise
ψάλλω {vti} :: chant
ψαλμοί {prop} {mp} [Biblical] :: alternative case form of Ψαλμοί
ψαλμός {m} [music, religion] :: psalm
ψαλμωδία {f} :: psalmody
ψαλτήριο {n} [music, religion] :: psalter
ψαμμίτης {m} [geology] :: sandstone
ψαράς {m} :: fisherman, trawlerman
ψαράς {m} :: fishmonger
ψαράς {m} :: angler
ψάρεμα {n} :: fishing
ψαρεύω {v} :: fish, angle, dive for fish, hook fish
ψαρεύω {v} :: investigate someone's opinion in a deceiving way
ψαρεύω {v} :: find
ψάρι {n} :: fish
ψάρι {n} [figuratively] :: naive
ψάρι {n} [pejorative] :: rookie
ψαριά {f} [fishing] :: catch
ψαρίλα {f} [colloquial] :: fishy smell, smell of fish
ψαρόβαρκα {f} [fishing] :: fishing boat
ψαρόνι {n} [in general] :: starling [a bird of the family Sturnidae]
ψαρόνι {n} :: European starling, common starling, Sturnus vulgaris [a species of starling: more correctly "ευρωπαϊκή ψαρόνι"]
ψάχνομαι {v} :: I am searched for
ψάχνομαι {v} :: I am searched
ψάχνομαι {v} [idiomatic, colloquial, only in the passive] :: I wonder and research
ψάχνω {v} :: look for, hunt for, search, rummage
ψάχνω {v} :: and see the passiveψάχνομαι
ΨΔΕΥ {-} [computing] :: ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network)
ψεγάδι {n} :: defect, fault
ψείρα {f} :: louse (parasite)
ψεκασμός {m} [horticulture] :: spray (plant treatment)
ψεκασμός {m} [horticulture] :: spraying, dusting (process of treatment)
ψεκασμός {m} :: spraying, dusting (other treatment processes)
ψέλνω {vti} :: sing
ψέλνω {v} [figuratively] :: tell off, go on about
ψέμα {n} :: lie
ψες {adv} [colloquial, dialect] :: alternative form of εψές
ψευδαίσθηση {f} :: illusion, hallucination
ψευδαίσθηση {f} [psychology] :: delusion
ψευδάργυρος {m} [chemistry, metallurgy] :: zinc
ψευδής {adj} :: false; sham; insincere; wearing masks
ψευδίζω {v} :: lisp
ψευδο- {prefix} :: pseudo-
ψευδο- {prefix} :: sham, pretend, spurious
ψευδο- {prefix} :: false, unauthentic, counterfeit
ψευδο- {prefix} :: resembling, similar
ψευδο- {prefix} [chemistry] :: isomeric, having similar properties
ψευδοεπιστήμη {f} :: pseudoscience
ψευδοκύηση {n} :: phantom pregnancy, pseudocyesis
ψευδολόγος {adj} :: untrue, false
ψευδολόγος {adj} :: mendacious
ψεύδομαι {v} :: lie, tell lies
ψευδομάρτυρας {mf} :: false witness, perjurer
ψευδοπάτωμα {n} :: subfloor
ψευδοροφή {f} :: dropped ceiling, false ceiling
ψευδώνυμο {n} :: pseudonym (fictitious name)
ψευδώς αρνητικό {n} :: false negative
ψευδώς θετικό {n} :: false positive
ψεύτης {m} :: liar
ψεύτικος {adj} :: fake, false, spurious, bogus
ψεύτικος {adj} :: fake, counterfeit
ψεύτικος {adj} :: unreal, simulated
ψεύτρα {f} :: liar
ψηλός {adj} :: tall
ψηλός {adj} :: high
ψημένη Αλάσκα {f} :: baked Alaska
ψημένος {v} :: baked, roasted, stewed
ψήνω {v} [cookery] :: cook, make
ψήνω {v} :: boil, broil, steam
ψήνω {v} :: roast, stew
ψήνω {v} :: make, do, prepare
ψησταριά {f} :: barbecue, grill, roaster
ψησταριά {f} :: chophouse, grill house
ψηφιακά {adv} :: digitally
ψηφιακό βιβλίο {n} :: e-book
ψηφιακός {adj} :: digital
ψηφίζω {v} :: vote
ψηφίο {n} :: digit, numeral
ψηφίο {n} [typography] :: character
ψηφίο {n} :: small piece to form a mosaic
ψήφισμα {n} :: resolution (a motion voted for and accepted by a meeting)
ψηφοδέλτιο {n} [politics] :: voting form, ballot paper on which a vote is cast
ψηφοδέλτιο {n} [politics] :: list of candidates standing in an election
ψηφοδόχος {f} :: ballot box
ψήφος {f} [politics] :: vote at an election or meeting
ψηφοφορία {f} [politics] :: vote, voting procedure
ψηφοφόρος {mf} :: voter (one who votes)
ψι {n} :: psi (Greek letter)
ψιθυρίζω {v} :: whisper [voice]
ψιθυρίζω {v} :: (plural) rumours [UK], rumors [US]
ψιθυρίζω {v} :: rustle [leaves]
ψιθυρίζω {v} :: lapping [waves]
ψιθυρίζω {v} :: babbling [stream]
ψίθυρος {m} [onomatopoeia] :: whisper [speaking quietly]
ψιλά {np} :: loose change, coins
ψιλά {np} :: pittance, small amount of money
ψιλή {f} [typography] :: smooth breathing, spiritus lenis (Ancient Greek diacritical mark)
ψιλή {f} :: manual hair clippers
ψιλό {n} [colloquial, euphemistic] :: number one (the act of urination)
ψιλός {adj} :: thin, fine, delicate
ψιτ {interj} [onomatopoeia, colloquial] :: pst; psst (exclamation to get attention; not polite)
ψι-ψι {interj} :: puss, puss, when calling a cat
ψιψίνα {f} :: kitten, pussycat [affectionate term]
ψοφάω {vi} :: die (of an animal)
ψοφάω {vi} [derogatory] :: die (of a person, see below)
ψοφάω {vi} [figuratively] :: to be worn out, to die (of the cold, etc)
ψοφάω {vi} [figuratively] :: to have a strong desire for, to have a thirst for (of the cold, etc)
ψοφάω {vt} :: to kill (an animal)
ψοφάω {vt} [figuratively] :: to wear out, exhaust
ψοφίμι {n} :: carcass, carrion, dead animal
ψοφίμι {n} :: runt, weakling
ψόφος {m} [physiology, rare] :: noise
ψόφος {m} [colloquial] :: death
ψόφος {m} [colloquial] :: freezing cold, chill
ψοφώ {v} :: alternative form of ψοφάω
ψοφώντας {v} :: participle of ψοφάω
ψυγείο {n} :: refrigerator, fridge
ψυγείο {n} :: refrigerated room, refrigerated lorry etc
ψυγείο {n} [automobile] :: radiator
ψυκτικός {adj} :: cooling, refrigerating, freezing
ψύλλος {m} :: flea (parasitic insect)
ψύξη {f} [engineering] :: refrigeration
ψυχαγωγία {f} :: entertainment, recreation
ψυχαγωγώ {v} :: entertain, amuse
ψυχανάλυση {f} [psychology] :: psychoanalysis
ψυχαναλύω {v} :: psychoanalyse [UK], psychoanalyze [US]
ψυχανθές {n} [botany] :: papilionaceous plant, legume [most frequently in the plural]
ψυχή {f} [religion, folklore, also figurative] :: soul, spirit (essence of a person (or place or thing figuratively) usually thought to consist of one's thoughts and personality)
ψυχή {f} [figuratively] :: courage, bravery, valour (quality of a confident character not to be afraid or intimidated easily)
ψυχή {f} [entomology] :: butterfly
ψυχή {f} [music] :: sound post (of a string instrument, e.g. the violin)
ψυχιατρική {f} :: psychiatry
ψυχιατρικός {adj} :: psychiatric
ψυχίατρος {mf} [medicine] :: psychiatrist
ψυχογιός {m} :: stepson
ψυχογιός {m} :: errand boy
ψυχοθεραπεία {f} [psychology] :: psychotherapy
ψυχοκόρη {f} :: stepdaughter, foster daughter
ψυχολογία {f} :: psychology
ψυχολογικός {adj} :: psychological
ψυχολόγος {mf} :: psychologist (expert in the field of psychology)
ψυχοσωματικός {adj} [medicine] :: psychosomatic
ψυχραιμία {f} :: sangfroid, composure
ψυχρός {adj} :: cold
ψυχτικός {adj} :: alternative form of ψυκτικός
ψύχωση {f} [psychiatry] :: psychosis
ψύχωση {f} [colloquial] :: informal extreme passion for something
ψύχωση {f} [colloquial] :: hysteria
ψωλάκι {n} [colloquial, vulgar] :: diminutive of ψωλή
ψωλάρα {f} [colloquial, vulgar] :: augmentative of ψωλή
ψωλή {f} [colloquial, vulgar] :: cock, dick, prick, pecker (penis)
ψωλίτσα {f} [colloquial, vulgar] :: diminutive of ψωλή
ψωμάδικο {n} :: bakery, baker's shop [rare]
ψωμάκι {n} :: small piece of bread
ψωμάκι {n} [especially in plural] :: roll, bread roll
ψωμάκι {n} [figuratively in plural] :: plumpy parts of body [of women]
ψωμάς {m} :: baker
ψωμί {n} :: bread
ψωμί {n} [figuratively] :: the financial means to sustain tolerable standard of living
ψωμί {n} [figuratively] :: in expressions for duration of life: years
ψωμιέρα {f} :: breadbox
ψωμί σικάλεως {n} :: rye bread
-ψωμο {suffix} :: second combining form of neuter nouns; bread made of what the first combining form denotes
ψώνια {n} {p} :: shopping [chiefly consumable items]
ψωνίζω {v} :: shop, go shopping, buy
ψώνιο {n} :: foolish or naive person; dupe
ψώνιο {n} [usually in the plural] :: groceries, purchases, shopping
ψώρα {f} [disease] :: scabies, mange
Ψωροκώσταινα {f} :: An affectionate name used by Greeks of their homeland - it has intimations of poverty and affection