User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-be-a

# English :: Belarusian dictionary extracted from
# License :: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License; GNU Free Documentation License
# Version :: 20200901
# Size :: 13907 English glosses; 16510 Belarusian translations
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15 minutes of fame {n} (fifteen minutes of fame) :: пятнаццаць хвілін славы
33 {n} (thirty-three) SEE: thirty-three ::
Aachen {prop} (city in North Rhine-Westphalia) :: Ахен {m}
Aalborg {prop} (city in northern Denmark) :: Ольбарг {m}
aardwolf {n} (the mammal species Proteles cristatus) :: воўк земляны {m}
Aarhus {prop} (Danish city) :: Орхус {m}
Aaron's rod {n} (mullein) SEE: mullein ::
aback {n} (abacus) SEE: abacus ::
abacus {n} (device for performing arithmetical calculations) :: абак {m}, абака {f}, лічыльнікі {m-p}
Abakan {prop} (city in Russia) :: Абакан {m}
abandon {v} (to give up control of, surrender) :: пакідаць {impf}, пакінуць {pf}
abandoned {adj} (no longer maintained, forsaken, deserted) :: закінуты {m}
abate {v} (to dull the edge or point of) SEE: blunt ::
abattoir {n} (public slaughterhouse) :: бойня {f}, разніца {f}
abbess {n} (female superior of a nunnery) :: абатыса {f}
abbey {n} (monastery headed by an abbot) :: абацтва {n}
abbot {n} (superior or head of an abbey or monastery) :: абат {m}
abbreviate {v} (to make shorter) :: скарачаць {impf}, скараціць {pf}
abbreviation {n} (shortened or contracted form of a word or phrase) :: абрэвіятура {f}
abbreviature {n} (abbreviation) SEE: abbreviation ::
ABC {n} (alphabet) SEE: alphabet ::
ABC book {n} (primer) SEE: primer ::
abdomen {n} (belly) :: жывот {m}
abearance {n} (behavior) SEE: behavior ::
abecedarium {n} (a book used to teach the alphabet) SEE: primer ::
Abidjan {prop} (the largest city of Ivory Coast) :: Абіджан {m}
ability {n} (quality or state of being able) :: здольнасць {f}
ability {n} (a skill or competence) :: здольнасць {f}
abiogenesis {n} (origination of living organisms from lifeless matter) :: узнікненне жыцця
a bit {adv} (a little) SEE: a little ::
Abkhaz {prop} (a Northwest Caucasian language spoken in Abkhazia) :: абхаская (мова) {f}
Abkhazia {prop} (territory in the Caucasus, see also: Republic of Abkhazia) :: Абхазія {f}
Abkhazian {adj} (Of or pertaining to Abkhazia) SEE: Abkhaz ::
Abkhazian {n} (Abkhaz) SEE: Abkhaz ::
Abkhazian {prop} (Abkhazian language) SEE: Abkhaz ::
able {adj} (skillful) :: здольны
able {adj} (healthy) SEE: healthy ::
able {v} (enable) SEE: enable ::
abolish {v} (to end a law, system, institution, custom or practice) :: касаваць {impf}, скасаваць {pf}
abolitionist {n} (person who favors the abolition) :: абаліцыяніст {m}
abomasum {n} (fourth or digestive stomach of a ruminant) :: сычуг {m}
abortion {n} (induced abortion) :: аборт {m}
about {prep} (concerning) :: пра, аб
about {prep} :: з
above {prep} (in or to a higher place) :: над
above {prep} (superior to, surpassing) :: вышэй, па-над
above {adv} (in a higher place) :: наверсе, уверсе, ўверсе
Abrek {n} (a Caucasian guerrilla (historical)) :: абрэк {m}
Abrek {n} (Caucasus: bandit, thug) :: абрэк {m}
abridge {v} (to make shorter) :: скарачаць {impf}, скараціць {pf}
abridge {v} (to shorten or contract by using fewer words) :: скарачаць {impf}, скараціць {pf}
abroad {adv} (in foreign countries) :: за мяжой [place], за мяжу [direction]
abrupt {adj} (without notice) :: раптоўны {m}
abruptly {adv} (in an abrupt manner) :: раптам
abscess {n} (cavity filled with pus) :: гнайнік {m}, верад {m}, нарыў {m}, абсцэс {m}
absence {n} (state of being away) :: адсутнасць {f}
absent {adj} (being away from a place) :: адсутны, [verb] адсутнічаць {impf}
absent-minded {adj} (absent in mind) :: рассеяны {m}
absinthe {n} (liquor) :: абсэнт {m}
absinthium {n} (Artemisia absinthium) SEE: wormwood ::
absolute {adj} (free from limitations or conditions) :: абсалютны
absolute zero {n} (coldest possible temperature) :: абсалютны нуль {m}
absorb {v} (to suck up or drink in) :: паглынаць, паглынуць
abstract {adj} (apart from practice or reality; not concrete) :: абстрактны
abundant {adj} (fully sufficient; plentiful) :: багаты
Abydos {prop} (ancient city in Egypt) :: Абідас
abysm {n} (abyss) SEE: abyss ::
abyss {n} (hell, bottomless pit) :: бездань {f}, бяздонне {n}
academic {adj} (belonging to an academy or other higher institution of learning) :: акадэмічны
academic {adj} (scholarly; literary or classical, in distinction from scientific) :: акадэмічны
academical {adj} (Pertaining to a university or other form of higher education) :: акадэмічны {m}
academy {n} (learned society) :: акадэмія {f}
academy {n} (specialized school) :: акадэмія {f}
academy {n} (college or university) :: акадэмія {f}
academy {n} (place of training, school) :: акадэмія {f}
acarology {n} (the study of ticks and mites) :: акаралогія {f}
accelerate {v} (to cause to move faster) :: паскараць {impf}, паскорыць {pf}
accelerate {v} (to quicken natural or ordinary progression or process) :: паскарацца {impf}, паскорыцца {pf}
accelerate {v} (to hasten) :: паскараць {impf}, паскорыць {pf}
accelerate {v} (to become faster) :: паскарацца {impf}, паскорыцца {pf}
acceleration {n} (act or state) :: паскарэнне {n}
acceleration {n} ((physics)) :: паскарэнне {n}
accent {n} (stronger articulation) :: націск {m}
accent {n} (emphasis or importance in general) :: націск {m}
accent {n} (distinctive pronunciation associated with a region, social group, etc.) :: акцэнт {m}
accent {n} (prosody: stress on syllables of a verse) :: націск {m}
accept {v} (to receive with consent) :: прымаць {impf}, прыняць {pf}
acceptable {adj} (capable, worthy or sure of being accepted) :: прымальны {m}
access {n} (way or means of approaching) :: доступ {m}
access {n} (act of approaching or entering) :: падход {m}
accident {n} (unexpected event with negative consequences) :: выпадак {m}, аварыя {f}, катастрофа {f}
accidental {adj} (happening by chance) :: выпадковы, неспадзяваны [unexpected]
accommodation {n} (lodging) :: жыллё {n}, раскватараванне {n}
accomplice {n} (associate in the commission of a crime) :: саўдзельнік {m}, саўдзельніца {f}, супольнік {m}, супольніца {f}
accomplish {v} (to finish successfully) :: дасягаць {impf}, дасягнуць {pf}
accomplishment {n} (the act of accomplishing) :: дасягненне {n}
according to {prep} (based on statement) :: паводле, згодна (з)
accordion {n} (A small, portable, keyed wind instrument) :: акардэон {m}
account {n} (a registry of pecuniary transactions) :: рахунак {m}
account {n} (a statement of facts or occurrences) :: аповед {m}, пераказ {m}, выклад {m}, выкладанне {n}, апісанне {n}, справаздача {f}, апавяданне {n}
account {v} (credit (to)) SEE: credit ::
accountant {n} (a reckoner, or someone who maintains financial matters for a person(s)) :: бухгалтар {m}, бухгалтарка {f}, рахункавод {m}, рахункаводка {f}
accountant {n} (one whose profession includes organizing, maintaining and auditing the records of another) :: бухгалтар {m}
accounting {n} (development and maintenance of system for recording and analyzing financial transactions) :: бухгалтэрыя {f}
accourage {v} (encourage) SEE: encourage ::
accurate {adj} (exact or careful conformity to truth) :: дакладны
accusation {n} (act of accusing or charging with a crime) :: абвінавачванне {n}, абвінавачанне {n}
accusative {adj} (related to accusative case) :: вінавальны
accusative {n} (accusative case) :: вінавальны склон {m}, вінавальны {m}
accusative case {n} (case used to mark the immediate object) SEE: accusative ::
accuse {v} (attribute blame to someone) :: абвінавачваць {impf}, абвінаваціць {pf}
accuser {n} (one who accuses) :: абвінаваўца {m}
ace {n} (card with a single spot) :: панфіль {m}
acedia {n} (boredom) SEE: boredom ::
acetone {n} (the organic compound (CH3)2CO) :: ацэтон {m}
ache {v} (be in pain) :: балець {impf}; хварэць {impf}
ache {n} (dull pain) :: боль {m}
achieve {v} (to obtain, or gain as the result of exertion) :: дасягаць {impf}, дасягнуць {pf}
achievement {n} (act of achieving or performing) :: дасягненне {n}
achievement {n} (great or heroic deed) :: подзвіг {m}, вычын {m}
acid {adj} (sour, sharp, or biting to the taste) :: кіслы {m}
acid {n} (a sour substance) :: кіслата {f}
acid {n} (in chemistry) :: кіслата {f}
acidic {adj} (chemistry: having pH less than 7) :: кіслы {m}
acidic {adj} (of or relating to acid) :: кіслы {m}
acidosis {n} (abnormally increased acidity of the blood) :: ацыдоз {m}
acid rain {n} (unusually acidic rain) :: кіслотны дождж {m}
acknowledge {v} (to admit the knowledge of) :: прызнаваць {impf}, прызнаць {pf}
acne {n} (a skin condition) :: вугры {m-p},
acorn {n} (fruit of the oak tree) :: жолуд {m}
acquaint {v} (to furnish or give experimental knowledge of) :: знаёміць {impf}, пазнаёміць {pf}
acquaintance {n} (person) :: знаёмы {m}, знаёмая {f}
acquaintanceship {n} (the state of being acquainted) SEE: acquaintance ::
acquaintanceship {n} (acquaintance) SEE: acquaintance ::
acrid {adj} (sharp and harsh, or bitter and not to the taste; pungent) :: востры {m}
acrobatic {adj} (of or pertaining to an acrobat) :: акрабатычны {m}
acrobatics {n} (art of performing acrobatic feats) :: акрабатыка {f}
acromegaly {n} (chronic disease marked by enlargement of the bones) :: акрамегалія {f}
across {prep} (from the far side) :: праз, упоперак
across {prep} (on the opposite side) :: насупраць, насупроць
across {prep} (from one side to another) :: праз
act {n} (deed) :: дзеянне {n}, учынак {m}, акт {m}
act {n} (statute) :: закон {m}
act {n} (drama: division of theatrical performance) :: акт {m}, дзеянне {n}
act {v} (to do something) :: дзейнічаць {impf}, падзейнічаць {impf}
act {v} (to behave in a certain way) :: паступаць {impf}, паступіць {pf}
actinium {n} (chemical element) :: актыній {m}
actinometer {n} (measuring device) :: актынометр {m}
action {n} (something done so as to accomplish a purpose) :: дзеянне {n}
action word {n} (verb) SEE: verb ::
activate {v} (to activate a software functionality) SEE: enable ::
active {adj} (having the quality or power of acting) :: актыўны {m}, дзейны, чынны
active {adj} (quick in physical movement) :: актыўны
active {adj} (given to action) :: актыўны
active {adj} (requiring or implying action or exertion) :: актыўны {m}
active {adj} (given to action rather than contemplation) :: актыўны {m}
active {adj} (brisk; lively) :: актыўны
active {adj} (in grammar) :: дзейны, актыўны
active voice {n} (the form in which the subject of a verb carries out some action) :: дзейны стан {m}, актыўны стан
activist {n} (one who is politically active) :: актывіст {m}, актывістка {f}
activistic {adj} (activist) SEE: activist ::
actor {n} (person who performs in a theatrical play or film, see also: actress) :: акцёр {m}, актрыса {f} [actress]
actress {n} (female actor, see also: actor) :: актрыса {f}
actual {adj} (factual, real, not just apparent or even false) :: фактычны
actually {adv} (In act or in fact; really; in truth; positively) :: фактычна, сапраўды, дапраўды
acupuncturation {n} (acupuncture) SEE: acupuncture ::
acupuncture {n} (insertion of needles for remedial purposes) :: акупунктура {f}
acute {adj} ((geometry) of an angle: less than 90 degrees) :: востры {m}
Adam and Eve {prop} (the first man and woman (according to Genesis)) :: Адам і Ева {p}
Adam's apple {n} (lump in the throat) :: адамаў яблык {n}, кадык {m}
adaptative {adj} (adaptive) SEE: adaptive ::
adaptive {adj} (of, pertaining to, characterized by or showing adaptation; making or made fit or suitable) :: адаптыўны
add {v} (to make an addition) :: дадаваць {impf}, дадаць {pf}
adder stone {n} (stone with a naturally formed hole) :: ≈ курыны бог {m}
addition {n} (arithmetic: process of adding) :: складанне {n}
additional {adj} (Supplemental or added to) :: дадатковы
addition sign {n} (plus sign) SEE: plus sign ::
address {n} (direction for letters) :: адрэс {m}, адрас {m}
address {n} (act of addressing oneself to a person) :: зварот {m}
address {v} (to direct speech to) :: звяртацца {impf}, звярнуцца {pf}
Adelaide {prop} (state capital of South Australia) :: Адэлаіда {f}
ad hoc {adj} (special) SEE: special ::
adieu {interj} (farewell, goodbye) SEE: goodbye ::
Adige {prop} (river in South Tyrol) :: Адыджэ {f}
adios {interj} (goodbye) SEE: goodbye ::
adjectival {adj} (functioning as an adjective) :: ад'ектыўны
adjective {n} ((grammar) a word that modifies a noun or describes a noun’s referent) :: прыметнік {m}
adjective {adj} (adjectival) SEE: adjectival ::
adjika {n} (spicy paste from the Caucasus) :: аджыка {f}
adminicle {n} (aid) SEE: aid ::
administration {n} (the act of administering) :: адміністрацыя {f}, кіраўніцтва {n}
administrative {adj} (of or relating to administering or administration) :: адміністрацыйны, адміністратыўны
admiral {n} (naval officer of the highest rank) :: адмірал {m}
admire {v} (regard with wonder and delight) :: захапляцца {impf}
admissible {adj} (capable or deserving to be admitted, accepted or allowed; allowable, permissible, acceptable) :: прымальны {m}
admit {v} (to concede as true) :: прызнаваць {impf}, прызнаць {pf}
adolescence {n} (period between childhood and maturity) :: юнацтва {n}, маладосць {f}
adolescent {n} (a teenager) :: падлетак {m}
Adriatic {prop} (Adriatic Sea) SEE: Adriatic Sea ::
Adriatic Sea {prop} (sea that stretches from the Ionian Sea to the Gulf of Venice) :: Адрыятычнае мора {n}
adroit {adj} (dexterous) SEE: dexterous ::
adult {n} (fully grown human) :: дарослы {m}, дарослая {f}
adult {adj} (fully grown) :: дарослы
adultery {n} (sexual intercourse by a married person with someone other than their spouse) :: пралюбадзейства {n}, пералюб {m}, адзюльтэр {m} [stilted, literary], шлюбная здрада {f}, шлюбная нявернасць {f}
adult shop {n} (sex shop) SEE: sex shop ::
advantage {n} (any condition, circumstance, opportunity, or means, particularly favorable to success) :: перавага {f}
adventure {n} (encountering of risks) :: аванцюра {f}, прыгода {f}
adventure {n} (remarkable occurrence) :: прыгода {f}
adventurous {adj} (inclined to adventure) :: авантурны {m}
adverb {n} (lexical category) :: прыслоўе {n}
adverbial participle {n} (linguistic sense) :: дзеепрыслоўе {n}
adversary {n} (opponent) :: супраціўнік {m}, супраціўніца {f}, праціўнік {m}, праціўніца {f}, сапернік {m}, саперніца {f}
advert {n} (advertisement) SEE: advertisement ::
advertently {adv} (on purpose) SEE: on purpose ::
advertisement {n} (commercial solicitation) :: рэклама {f}, аб'ява {f}
advertisement {n} (public notice) :: аб'ява {f}
advertising {n} (industry or profession) :: рэклама {f}
advice {n} (opinion recommended or offered, as worthy to be followed; counsel) :: парада {f}, савет {m}, рада {f}
advise {v} (to give advice to; to offer an opinion; to counsel; to warn) :: раіць {impf}, параіць {pf}
advise {v} (to give information or notice to; to inform) :: паведамляць {impf}, паведаміць {pf}
adviser {n} (advisor) SEE: advisor ::
advisor {n} :: кансультант {m}
advocate {n} (person who argues the case of another) :: адвакат {m}
Adygea {prop} (republic of south-west Russia) :: Адыгея {f}
Adygei {prop} (Adygei) SEE: Adyghe ::
Adyghe {prop} (language spoken in the Republic of Adygea) :: Адыгэ
adze {n} (cutting tool) :: цясла {f}
Aegean {prop} (Aegean Sea) SEE: Aegean Sea ::
Aegean Sea {prop} (sea of the northeastern part of the Mediterranean Sea) :: Эгейскае мора {n}
aerial {n} (device for receiving or transmitting) :: антэна {f}
Aeroflot {prop} (Russian airline) :: Аэрафлот {m}
aerometer {n} (instrument used to measure mass and density of gases) :: аэрометр {m}
aeroplane {n} (airplane) SEE: airplane ::
Aesop {prop} (ancient Greek author) :: Эзоп {m}
a few {determiner} (a small number of) :: некалькі {p}
a few {pron} (a small number of things) :: некалькі {p}
affect {v} (to influence or alter) :: уплываць
affection {n} (feeling of love or strong attachment) :: пяшчотнасць {f}, прыхільнасць {f}, прывязанасць {f}
affix {n} (suffix) SEE: suffix ::
affluent {n} (tributary) SEE: tributary ::
affogato {n} (dessert) :: афагата
Afghanistan {prop} (country) :: Афганістан {m}, Аўганістан {m} [Taraškievica]
afraid {adj} (impressed with fear or apprehension; in fear; apprehensive) :: які баіцца, баяцца {impf} [usually expressed with verb]
Africa {prop} (continent south of Europe) :: Афрыка {f}
African {adj} (language) SEE: Afrikaans ::
African {adj} (of or pertaining to Africa) :: афрыканскі
African {n} (a native of Africa) :: афрыканец {m}, афрыканка {f}
African American {adj} (African-American) SEE: African-American ::
African American {n} (African-American) SEE: African-American ::
African-American {n} (A black American) :: афраамерыканец {m}
Afrikaans {prop} (language) :: афрыкаанс {m}
Afro-American {n} (African-American) SEE: African-American ::
Afro-American {adj} (African-American) SEE: African-American ::
after {prep} (subsequently; following in time; later than) :: пасля, после
afternoon {n} (part of the day between noon and evening) :: папаўдні {m}
again {adv} (another time) :: зноў, яшчэ раз
against {prep} (in a contrary direction to) :: супраць
against {prep} (in physical contact with) :: аб
against {prep} (in opposition to) :: супраць
against {prep} (in exchange for) :: наўзамен (на), на
against {prep} (as protection from) :: ад, супраць
agate {n} (mineral) :: агат {m}
age {n} (century) SEE: century ::
age {n} (whole duration of a being) :: узрост {m}, ўзрост {m}
age {n} (one of the stages of life) :: ўзрост {m}, век {m}
age {n} (part of the duration of a being or thing between its beginning and any given time) :: узрост {m}, ўзрост {m}
ageful {n} (eternity) SEE: eternity ::
aggression {n} (act of initiating hostilities or invasion) :: агрэсія {f}
aggressor {n} (the person or country that first attacks or makes an aggression) :: агрэсар {m}
agha {n} (an honorific for high officials used in Turkey and certain Muslim countries) :: ага {m}
agitprop {n} (political propaganda) :: агітпроп {m}
ago {adv} (past; gone by; since) :: таму
agrarian {adj} (relating to the cultivation of land) :: аграрны {m}, зямельны, зямляробскі, ральнíчы, рольніцкі
agree {v} (harmonize in opinion; be in unison or concord; be united; concur) :: згаджацца {impf}, згадзіцца {pf}
agreed {interj} (interjection that expresses agreement) :: згодны
agreement {n} (understanding to follow a course of conduct) :: пагадненне {n}
agricultural {adj} (of or pertaining to agriculture) :: сельскагаспадарчы, аграрны, зямляробскі , ральнíчы, рольніцкі
agriculture {n} (the art or science of cultivating the ground) :: сельская гаспадарка {f}, земляробства {n}, агракультура {f}
Agrigento {prop} (province and city in Sicily) :: Агрыджэнта {n}
agrochemist {n} (chemist who works in the field of agrochemistry) :: аграхімік {m}
ague {n} (malaria) SEE: malaria ::
aid {n} (help; succor; assistance; relief) :: дапамога {f}
aid {v} (to support) :: памагаць {impf}, памагчы {pf}
aide {n} (assistant) SEE: assistant ::
AIDS {n} (acquired immune deficiency syndrome, see also: acquired immune deficiency syndrome) :: СНІД {m}
aim {n} (point intended to be hit) :: цэль {f}, мішэнь {f}
aim {n} (intention; purpose) :: мэта {f}, цэль {f}, намер {m}
Ainu {prop} (language) :: мова айну {f}, айнская {f}
air {n} (mixture of gases making up the atmosphere of the Earth) :: паветра {n}
air conditioner {n} (a machine that is used to control temperature and humidity in an enclosed space) :: кандыцыянер {m}
aircraft carrier {n} (warship for launching aircraft) :: авіяносец {m}
airfoil {n} (wing of an aircraft) SEE: wing ::
air force {n} (branch of the military devoted to air warfare) :: ваенна-паветраныя сілы {f-p}
airline {n} (company that flies airplanes) :: авіякампанія {f}
air mail {n} (airmail) SEE: airmail ::
air mail {v} (airmail) SEE: airmail ::
airmail {n} (the system of conveying mail using aircraft) :: лятучая пошта {f}, авіяпошта {m}
airplane {n} (powered aircraft) :: самалёт {m}, аэраплан {m} [dated]
airport {n} (place designated for airplanes) :: аэрапорт {m}, лётнішча {n}
airship {n} (self-propelled lighter-than-air aircraft that can be steered) SEE: dirigible ::
air ticket {n} (a pass entitling the holder to travel in an aeroplane) :: авіябілет {m}
airway {n} (windpipe) SEE: windpipe ::
Ajaccio {prop} (capital city of Corsica) :: Аяча
akanye {n} ((phonology) a case of vowel reduction in Slavic languages) :: аканне {n}
Akhenaten {prop} (Pharaoh in 14th century BCE, founder of Atenism) :: Эхнатон
alarm {n} (summons to arms) :: трывога {f}
alarm clock {n} (type of clock) :: будзільнік {m}
alarmed {adj} (worried) SEE: worried ::
Alaska {prop} (US state) :: Аляска
Alaskan Malamute {n} (Alaskan Malamute sled dog) :: аляскінскі маламут {m}
Albania {prop} (country in south-eastern Europe) :: Албанія {f} /Albánija/, Албанія {f} /Albánija/ [Taraškievica]
Albanian {adj} (of or pertaining to Albania) :: албанскі
Albanian {n} (person from Albania) :: албанец {m}, албанка {f}
Albanian {prop} (language) :: албанская мова {f}, албанская {f}
Alberta {prop} (province) :: Альберта {f}
album {n} (book for photographs, stamps, or autographs) :: альбом {m}
albumen {n} (white part of an egg) :: бялок {m}
alchemist {n} (one who practices alchemy) :: альхімік {m}
alcohol {n} (organic chemistry sense) :: алкаголь {m}, спірт {m}
alcohol {n} (intoxicating beverage) :: алкаголь {m}, спірт {m}
alcoholism {n} (chronic disease) :: алкагалізм {m}
ale {n} (beer produced by warm fermentation) :: эль {m}
Alejandro {prop} (cognates of Alejandro) SEE: Alexander ::
Alejandro {prop} (male given name transliterated) :: Алехандра {m}
Alex {prop} (male given name) SEE: Alexius ::
Alexander {prop} (male given name) :: Аляксандр {m}
Alexander the Great {prop} (King of Macedonia) :: Аляксандр Вялікі {m}, Аляксандр Македонскі {m}
Alexandria {prop} (city in Egypt) :: Александрыя
Alexis {prop} (male given name) SEE: Alexius ::
Alexius {prop} (male given name) :: Аляксей
alga {n} (any of many aquatic photosynthetic organisms) :: водарасць {f}
algal bloom {n} (dense spread of algae) :: цвіценне вады {n}
algebra {n} (system for computation) :: алгебра
algebra {n} (study of algebraic structures) :: алгебра {f}
Algeria {prop} (country) :: Алжыр {m}, Альжыр {m} [Taraškevica orthography]
Algerian {n} (person from Algeria) :: алжырац {m}, алжырка {f}
Algerian {adj} (of Algeria or its people) :: алжырскі {m}
Algiers {prop} (the capital of Algeria) :: Алжыр {m}
algorithm {n} (well-defined procedure) :: алгарытм {m}
alibi {n} (criminal legal defense) :: алібі {n}
alien {n} (life form of non-Earth origin) :: іншапланецянін {m}, іншапланецянка {f}, чужапланецянін {m}, чужапланецянка {f}
alienist {n} (psychologist) SEE: psychologist ::
a little {adv} (to a small extent or degree) :: трохі, крыху, няшмат, нямнога
alive {adj} (having life) :: жывы
Al Jazeera {prop} (Arabic satellite TV news channel) :: Аль-Джазіра {f}
alkali {n} (class of caustic bases) :: шчолач {f}, луг {m}
all {determiner} (every individual of the given class) :: увесь {m}, ўвесь {m}
all {pron} (everyone) SEE: everyone ::
all {pron} (everything) SEE: everything ::
Allah {prop} (God, in Islam) :: Алах {m}, Алаг {m} [obsolete]
allegory {n} (the representation of abstract principles) :: алегорыя {f}
allergy {n} (disorder of the immune system) :: алергія {f}
alleviate {v} (make less severe) :: змякчаць {impf}
alley {n} (narrow street) :: завулак {m}, алея {f}
alleyway {n} (narrow street) SEE: alley ::
All Fools' Day {n} (April Fools' Day) SEE: April Fools' Day ::
All Hallows' Day {prop} (All Saints' Day) SEE: All Saints' Day ::
alliance {n} (state of being allied) :: саюз {m}
allied {adj} (joined as allies) :: саюзны, саюзніцкі
Allier {prop} (département) :: Алье
alligator {n} (large amphibious reptile of genus Alligator) :: алігатар {m}
alligator pear {n} (avocado) SEE: avocado ::
allow {v} (to grant, give, admit, accord, afford, or yield; to let one have) :: дазваляць {impf}, дазволіць {pf}
alloy {n} (metal combined of more elements) :: сплаў {m}, стопак {m}
all rights reserved {phrase} (copyright notice formula) :: усе правы абаронены
all roads lead to Rome {proverb} (different paths can take to the same goal) :: усе дарогі вядуць у Рым
All Saints Day {prop} (All Saints Day) SEE: All Saints' Day ::
All Saints' Day {prop} (feast day) :: Дзень усіх святых
all too {adv} (way too) SEE: way too ::
ally {n} (one united to another by treaty or league) :: саюзнік {m}, саюзніца {f}
almanac {n} (book or table listing astronomical, nautical or other events for the year) :: альманах {m}
Almaty {prop} (Astana) SEE: Astana ::
Almaty {prop} (city) :: Алматы {m}
Almaty {prop} (Nur-Sultan) SEE: Nur-Sultan ::
almighty {adj} (unlimited in might) :: усёмагутны
almond {n} (nut) :: міндаль {m}
almost {adv} (very close to) :: амаль
alms {n} (something given to the poor as charity) :: міласціна {f}
aloha {interj} (hello) SEE: hello ::
aloha {interj} (goodbye) SEE: goodbye ::
alone {adj} (by oneself) :: сам, адзін
alone {adv} (by oneself) :: сам
alone {adv} (without outside help) :: сам
along {prep} (in a line with, with a progressive motion on; onward on; forward on) :: уздоўж, па
along {adv} (in company, together) :: разам
along {adv} (onward, forward) :: наперад, далей
a lot {pron} (a large amount) :: многа, шмат, багата
a lot {adv} (very much) :: шмат, многа
alpaca {n} (camelid animal of the Andes) :: альпака {m} {f}
alpha {n} (name of the letter Α, α) :: альфа {f}
alphabet {n} (an ordered set of letters used in a language) :: алфавіт {m}, азбука {f}
alpine chough {n} (Pyrrhocorax graculus) :: альпійская галка {f}
Alps {prop} (a mountain range in Western Europe) :: Альпы {f-p}
al-Quds {prop} (Jerusalem) SEE: Jerusalem ::
already {adv} (prior to some time) :: ужо, ўжо
Alsace {prop} (region on the west bank of the upper Rhine) :: Эльзас {m}
Alsatian {adj} (of or relating to Alsace) :: эльзаскі {m}
also {adv} (in addition; besides; as well; further; too) :: таксама
Altai {prop} (Altay) SEE: Altay ::
altar {n} (flat-topped structure used for religious rites) :: алтар {m}
Altay {prop} (mountain range) :: Алтай {m}
alternative {adj} (relating to a choice) :: альтэрнатыўны
alternative {adj} (other) :: альтэрнатыўны
alternative {n} (a situation which allows a choice between two or more possibilities) :: альтэрнатыва {f}
alternative {n} (one of several things which can be chosen) :: альтэрнатыва {f}
although {conj} (in spite of the fact that) :: хоць, хаця
altruism {n} (policy that benefits others' interests) :: альтруізм {m}
aluminium {n} (silvery metal) :: алюміній {m}
aluminum {n} (aluminium) SEE: aluminium ::
always {adv} (at all times) :: заўсёды, заўжды
always {adv} (constantly during a certain period, or regularly at stated intervals) :: заўсёды, заўжды, увесь час, пастаянна
Alzheimer's disease {n} (mental disorder from brain tissue changes) :: хвароба Альцгеймера {f}
amanita {n} (mushroom of the genus Amanita) :: мухамор {m}
Amaterasu {prop} (Japanese sun goddess) :: Аматэрасу {f}
amazing {adj} (very good) SEE: good ::
amazing {adj} (causing wonder and amazement) :: дзіўны, дзівосны, чароўны
Amazon {prop} (river) :: Амазонка {f}
amœba {n} (amoeba) SEE: amoeba ::
ambassador {n} (representative) :: пасол {m}, амбасадар {m}
amber {n} (fossil resin) :: бурштын {m}, янтар {m}
amber {n} (ambergris) SEE: ambergris ::
ambergris {n} (waxy substance produced by sperm whales) :: амбра {f}
ambition {n} (desire) :: амбіцыя {f}
ambition {n} (personal quality) :: славалюбства {n}, амбіцыя {f}
ambitious {adj} (possessing, or controlled by, ambition) :: амбіцыйны, славалюбівы, амбітны
ambulance {n} (emergency vehicle) :: хуткая дапамога {f}
ambush {n} (act) :: засада {f}
ambush {n} (attack) :: засада {f}
amen {adv} (so be it) :: амін
amendment {n} (correction or addition to a law) :: папраўка {f}
amenity {n} (convenience) SEE: convenience ::
amerce {v} (to make an exaction) SEE: punish ::
amerce {v} (to impose a fine on) SEE: fine ::
America {prop} (United States of America) SEE: United States of America ::
America {prop} (Americas) SEE: Americas ::
American {n} (person born in, or a citizen of, the U.S.) :: амерыканец {m}, амерыканка {f}
American {adj} (of or pertaining to the Americas) :: амерыканскі, амэрыканскі [Taraškievica]
American {adj} (of or pertaining to the U.S. or its culture) :: амерыканскі
American bison {n} (mammal) :: бізон амерыканскі
American Indian {n} (a member of some indigenous peoples of the Americas) SEE: Indian ::
American kestrel {n} (species) :: ястраб-перапёлачнік {m}
Americas {prop} (North and South America) :: Амерыка {f}, Амэрыка {f} [Taraškievica Orthography]
americium {n} (chemical element with atomic number 95) :: амерыцый {m}
Amerindian {n} (an American Indian) SEE: Indian ::
amiable {adj} (friendly as an amiable temper or mood) :: ласкавы, прыязны, дружалюбны, сяброўскі, прыяцельскі
amice {n} (hood, or cape with a hood, formerly worn by the clergy) :: гумерал {m}
amigo {n} (friend) SEE: friend ::
amiss {adj} (wrong) SEE: wrong ::
a mite {adv} (to a small extent) SEE: a little ::
ammeter {n} (device that measures an electric current) :: амперметр {m}
amoeba {n} (member of a genus of unicellular protozoa) :: амёба {f}
among {prep} (mingling or intermixing) :: сярод, паміж
amount {n} (number of elements in a set) SEE: number ::
amount {n} (total or sum of items) :: колькасць {f}, сума {f}
amperage {n} (electric current) SEE: current ::
ampere-hour {n} (unit of electric charge) :: ампер-гадзіна {f}
ampersat {n} (at sign) SEE: at sign ::
amphibian {n} (vertebrate) :: земнаводнае {n}, амфібія {f}
ampoule {n} (small glass vial hermetically sealed) :: ампула {f}
Amsterdam {prop} (capital of the Netherlands) :: Амстэрдам {m}
Amu Darya {prop} (river) :: Амудар’я {f}
amulet {n} (protective charm) :: амулет {m}, талісман
Amur {prop} (the river between the Far East Russia and China) :: Амур {m}
amuse {v} (to entertain or occupy in a pleasant manner) :: забаўляць {impf}, бавіць {impf}
amusement {n} (entertainment) :: забава {f}
amusement park {n} (commercially-operated collection of rides, games and other entertainment attractions) :: луна-парк {m}, парк атракцыёнаў {m}
amusing {adj} (funny) :: смешны
an {article} (indefinite article) :: Not used in Belarusian
anaconda {n} (any of various large nonvenomous snake of the genus Eunectes) :: анаконда {f}
anagram {n} (word or phrase created by rearranging letters from another word or phrase) :: анаграма {f}
anal {adj} (of, related to, intended for or involving the anus) :: анальны
anal sex {n} (sex involving the anus) :: анальны сэкс {m}
analysis {n} (decomposition into components in order to study) :: аналіз {m}, даследаванне {n}, разбор {m}
analyst {n} (person who analyses) :: аналітык {m}
anamnesis {n} (medical history of a patient) :: анамнез {m}
ananas {n} (pineapple) SEE: pineapple ::
Anapa {prop} (city) :: Анапа {f}
anarchy {n} (absence of any form of political authority or government) :: анархія {f}
anathema {n} (ban or curse) :: анафема {f}, анатэма {f}
anathema {n} (imprecation) :: пракляцце {n}
Anatoli {prop} (transliteration of Анатолий) :: Анатолій {m}, Анатоль {m}
Anatolia {prop} (peninsula of Western Asia) :: Малая Азія {f}
Anatolius {prop} (male given name) :: Анатолій {m}, Анатоль {m}
ancestor {n} (one from whom a person is descended) :: продак {m}
anchor {n} (tool to moor a vessel into sea bottom) :: якар {f}
ancient {adj} (having lasted from a remote period) :: старажытны, антычны, стары, старадаўні
Ancient Egypt {prop} (civilization) :: Старажытны Егіпет {m}
Ancient Greece {prop} (ancient civilization of the Mediterranean) :: Старажытная Грэцыя {f}
Ancient Greek {prop} (the Greek language of classical antiquity) :: Narkamaŭka: старажытнагрэчаская мова {f}; Taraškievica: старажытнагрэцкая мова {f}
Ancient Rome {prop} (civilization associated with Rome from the 9th century BC to the 5th century AD) :: Старажытны Рым {m}
and {conj} (used to connect two similar words, phrases, et cetera) :: і, ды
Andorra {prop} (country) :: Андора {f}
Andorra la Vella {prop} (capital of Andorra) :: Андора-ла-Велья {f}, Андора-ла-Вьеха {f}
Andorran {n} (person from Andorra) :: андорец {m}, андорка {f}
Andorran {adj} (pertaining to Andorra) :: андорскі {m}
Andrew {prop} (the Apostle) :: Андрэй {m}
and so forth {phrase} (indicating a list continues similarly) :: і гэтак далей
and so on {phrase} (indicating a list continues) SEE: and so forth ::
anecdote {n} (short account of an incident) :: анекдот {m}
anew {adv} (again) :: зноў
angel {n} (messenger from a deity) :: анёл {m}, ангел {m}
Angel {prop} (female given name) SEE: Angela ::
Angela {prop} (female given name) :: Анжэла {f}
angel hair {n} (very thin type of pasta) :: капелі д'анджэла {n-p}, капеліні {n-p}
angelica {n} (plants of genus Angelica) :: дзягіль {m}, дзягель {m}
Angelica {prop} (female given name) :: Анжаліка {f}
anger {n} (A strong feeling of displeasure, hostility or antagonism towards someone or something) :: гнеў {m}
angle {n} (geometrical figure) :: вугал {m}, кут {m}
Anglicanism {n} (beliefs and practices of the Anglican Church) :: англіканства {n}
Anglo-Saxon {prop} (Old English) SEE: Old English ::
ang moh {n} (white person) SEE: white ::
Angola {prop} (country in Southern Africa) :: Ангола {f}
Angolan {adj} (of, from or pertaining to Angola or its people) :: ангольскі {m}
Angolan {n} (person from Angola or of Angolan descent) :: анголец {m}, анголка {f}
Angrapa {prop} (river) :: Анграпа {f}
angry {adj} (displaying anger) :: сярдзіты, злы
anilingus {n} (form of oral sex) :: анілінгус
animal {n} (organism) :: жывёла {f}, звер {m}
animal {n} (organism other than man) :: жывёла {f}, звер {m}
animate {adj} (that which lives) :: жывы
animate {adj} (in grammar) :: адушаўлёны, жывы
anime {n} (an animated work originated in Japan) :: анімэ {n}
animosity {n} (violent hatred leading to active opposition; active enmity; energetic dislike) :: варожасць {f}
anisocoria {n} (unequal size of the pupils) :: анізакарыя {f}
Ankara {prop} (capital of Turkey) :: Анкара {f}
ankle {n} (joint between foot and leg) :: шчыкалатка {f}
ankylosis {n} (the growing together of bones) :: анкілоз {m}
annex {n} (addition of territory) SEE: annexation ::
annexation {n} (addition or incorporation of something) :: анэксія {f}
annihilate {v} (to reduce to nothing, to destroy, to eradicate) :: знішчаць {impf}, знішчыць {pf}, зніштажаць {impf}, зніштожыць {pf}
anniversary {n} (day an exact number of years since an event) :: гадавіна {f}, юбілей {m}
announce {v} (give public notice) :: аб'яўляць {impf}, аб'явіць {pf}, паведамляць {impf}, паведаміць {pf}
announcement {n} (act) :: аб'яўленне {n}, абвяшчэнне {n}
announcement {n} (that which conveys what is announced) :: аб’ява {f}, аб'яўленне {n}, абвяшчэнне {n}
announcer {n} (TV or radio announcer) :: дыктар {m}, вядучы {m}, вядучая {f}
annoying {v} (causing irritation or annoyance; troublesome; vexatious) :: раздражняльны, абрыдлівы, дасадны
annual {adj} (happening once a year) :: штогадовы
annual {adj} (of, for, or relating to a whole year) :: гадавы, рочны
Annunciation {prop} (Christianity) :: дабравешчанне {n}, благавешчанне {n}
anode {n} (the electrode of an electrochemical cell at which oxidation occurs) :: анод {m}
anomalistic {adj} (irregular) SEE: irregular ::
anomaly {n} (deviation from norm) :: анамалія {f}, ненармальнасьць {f}
anonymous {adj} (wanting a name, not named and determined) :: ананімны
anonymous {adj} (without any name (of responsible agent) acknowledged) :: безыменны, безназоўны
Anschluss {n} (the annexation of Austria into Germany in 1938 or an analogy) :: аншлюс
answer {n} (response) :: адказ {m}, водпаведзь {f}
answer {v} (to make a reply or response to) :: адказваць {impf}, адказаць {pf}, адпавядаць {impf}
answerable {adj} (obliged to answer; liable to be called to account; liable to pay, indemnify, or make good) :: адказны {m}
ant {n} (insect) :: мурашка {f}
Antananarivo {prop} (city) :: Антананарыву {m}
Antarctic {adj} (pertaining to Antarctica) :: антарктычны
Antarctica {prop} (southernmost continent) :: Антарктыда {f} [the continent], Антарктыка {f} [the region]
Antarctic Circle {prop} (geographical line) :: паўднёвы палярны круг {m}
Antarctic Peninsula {prop} (the northernmost part of the mainland of Antarctica) :: Антарктычны паўвостраў {m}
anteater {n} (mammal) :: мурашкаед {m}
antelope {n} (mammal of the family Bovidae) :: антылопа {f}
antenna {n} (feeler organ) :: вусік {m}, антэна {f}
antenna {n} (device to receive or transmit radio signals) SEE: aerial ::
anthem {n} (national anthem) :: гімн {m}
ant-hill {n} (anthill) SEE: anthill ::
anthill {n} (home of ants and termites) :: мурашнік {m}
Anthony {prop} (given name) :: Антон {m}
anthrax {n} (disease) :: сібірская язва {f}
anthropology {n} (the study of humanity) :: антрапалогія {f}
anthropomorphism {n} (the attribution or ascription of human characteristics to something not human) :: антрапамарфізм {m}
anti-American {adj} (opposing America) :: антыамерыканскі
antibiotic {n} (substance that destroys or inhibits bacteria) :: антыбіётык {m}
anticathode {n} (anode) SEE: anode ::
antichrist {n} (someone that works against the teachings of Christ) :: антыхрыст {m}
anticonstitutional {adj} :: антыканстытуцыйны {m}
antidotary {n} (antidote) SEE: antidote ::
antidote {n} (remedy to counteract a poison) :: проціатрута {f}, проціяддзе {n}, супрацьяддзе {n}, антыдот {m}
Antigua and Barbuda {prop} (country) :: Антыгуа і Барбуда {f}
antimony {n} (chemical element) :: сурма {f}
antisemite {n} (anti-Semite) :: антысеміт {m}, антысемітка {f}
antisemitism {n} (prejudice or hostility against Jews) :: антысемітызм {m}
antistatic {n} (agent or substance) :: антыстатык {m}
anti-war {adj} (opposed to war) :: антываенны
antiwarfare {adj} (anti-war) SEE: anti-war ::
antler {n} (bony structure on the head of deer, moose and elk) :: рог {m}
Antonio {prop} (male given name) SEE: Anthony ::
Antony {prop} (male given name) SEE: Anthony ::
antonym {n} (word which has the opposite meaning) :: антонім {m}
a number of {phrase} (several) :: некалькі
anus {n} (lower opening of the digestive tract) :: анус {m}, задні праход {m}
anvil {n} (block used in blacksmithing) :: кавадла {n}
anxietude {n} (anxiety) SEE: anxiety ::
anxiety {n} (concern) :: неспакой {m}, трывога {f}
anxiousness {n} (anxiety) SEE: anxiety ::
any {determiner} (at least one (kind)) :: якісьці, якісь, які-небудзь, нейкі, жадны [with negative]
any {determiner} (no matter what kind) :: любы {m}, усякі, кожны
anybody {pron} (anyone) SEE: anyone ::
anyhow {adv} (in any case) SEE: in any case ::
any more {adv} (not any more) SEE: no longer ::
anyone {pron} (anybody) :: хто-небудзь, [in negative sentences] ніхто, абы-хто
anyplace {adv} (anywhere) SEE: anywhere ::
anything {pron} (any thing of any kind) :: што-небудзь, нішто [in negative sentences]
anytime {interj} (you're welcome) SEE: you're welcome ::
anytime {adv} (at any time) :: калі-небудзь
anyway {adv} (in any way) :: у любым выпадку
anywhere {adv} (in or at any location) :: абы-дзе, дзе-небудзь
Aomen {prop} (Macau) SEE: Macau ::
aorta {n} (great artery) :: аорта {f}
apart {adv} (apart from) SEE: apart from ::
apart from {prep} (except for) :: акрамя, апрача, акром, апроч
apartment {n} (domicile occupying part of a building) :: кватэра {f}, апартамэнт {m}
apatheticness {n} (apathy) SEE: apathy ::
apathy {n} (lack of emotion or motivation) :: апатыя {f}, абыякавасць {f}, абыякасць {f}, раўнадушнасць {f}
ape {n} (animal) :: малпа {f} [ape or monkey]
aphid {n} (insect) :: тля {f}
aphis {n} (aphid) SEE: aphid ::
aphtha {n} (foot-and-mouth disease) SEE: foot-and-mouth disease ::
apiarist {n} (beekeeper) SEE: beekeeper ::
apiary {n} (a place where bees and hives are kept) :: пасека {m}, пчальнік {m}
apiculturalist {n} (beekeeper) SEE: beekeeper ::
apiculture {n} (beekeeping) SEE: beekeeping ::
apiculturist {n} (beekeeper) SEE: beekeeper ::
apologia {n} (apology) SEE: apology ::
apologise {v} (apologise) SEE: apologize ::
apologism {n} (apology) SEE: apology ::
apologize {v} (to make an apology or excuse) :: выбачацца {impf}, выбачыцца {pf}, прабачацца {impf}, прабачыцца {pf}, перапрашваць {impf}, перапрасіць {pf}
apology {n} (an expression of regret) :: прабачэнне {n}
apophenia {n} (the perception of connectedness in unrelated phenomena) :: апафенія {f}
apoptosis {n} (death of cells) :: апаптоз {m}
apostasy {n} (renunciation of set of beliefs) :: адступніцтва {n}
apostasy {n} (renunciation of one's religion or faith) :: вераадступніцтва {n}
apostle {n} (pioneer) SEE: pioneer ::
apostrophe {n} (the character ’) :: апостраф {m}
apothecary {n} (pharmacy) SEE: pharmacy ::
apothecary {n} (pharmacist) SEE: pharmacist ::
apparatus {n} (bureaucratic organization) :: апарат {m}
apparent {adj} (clear) :: відавочны
apparently {adv} (seemingly) :: відавочна, відаць, пэўна
apparition {n} (thing appearing) :: з'явішча {n}, з'ява {f}
appeal {v} (to accuse) SEE: accuse ::
appear {v} (to appear, to seem) SEE: look ::
appear {v} (to appear) SEE: seem ::
appear {v} (To come or be in sight; to be in view; to become visible) :: з'яўляцца {impf}, з'явіцца {pf}
appearance {n} (The act of appearing or coming into sight) :: з'яўленне {n}, паяўленне {n}
appearance {n} (A thing seen) :: з'ява {f}
appearance {n} (Personal presence, form or look) :: аблічча {n}, вонкавы выгляд {m}, выгляд {m}, вонкавасць {f}
appearance {n} (Semblance, or apparent likeness) :: вонкавасць {f}
appearing {n} (appearance) SEE: appearance ::
appellative {n} (common noun) SEE: common noun ::
appetite {n} (desire of or relish for food) :: апетыт {m}
applause {n} (act of applauding) :: апладысменты {m-p}, воплескі {m-p}
apple {n} (fruit) :: яблык {m}
apple {n} (tree) SEE: apple tree ::
apple of discord {n} (object which sows anger and dissension) :: яблык разладу
apple tree {n} (tree that bears apples) :: яблыня {f}, яблань {f}
applewood {n} (apple) SEE: apple ::
appliance {n} (a device in its own right) :: прыбор {m}, прылада {f}, апарат {m}
apply {v} (employ, apply) SEE: use ::
appointment {n} (act of appointing; designation of a person to hold an office) :: прызначэнне {n}
approach {n} (a manner in which a problem is solved or policy is made) :: падыход {m}
appropinquation {n} (approach) SEE: approach ::
approximately {adv} (imprecise but close to in quantity or amount) :: прыблізна, прыкладна, амаль [almost]
apricot {n} (fruit) :: абрыкос {m}
apricot {n} (tree) :: абрыкос {m}
April {prop} (fourth month of the Gregorian calendar) :: красавік {m}
April Fools' Day {n} (First day of April) :: Дзень смеху {m}, Дзень жартаў {m}, Дзень дурня {m}, Дзень сьмеху {m} [taraškievica]
apron {n} (clothing) :: фартух {m}
Apulia {prop} (region of Italy) :: Апулія {f}
apurpose {adv} (on purpose) SEE: on purpose ::
aqualung {n} (diving equipment, see also: scuba) :: акваланг {m}
aquarium {n} (tank for keeping fish) :: акварыум {m}
aquatic {adj} (relating to water; living in or near water, taking place in water) :: водны
aquatile {adj} (aquatic) SEE: aquatic ::
aqueduct {n} (an artificial channel conveying water) :: акведук {m}, аквэдук {m} [taraškievica]
aqueous {adj} (consisting mainly of water) :: водны, вадзяны, вадзяністы
Arab {adj} (of or pertaining to Arabs and their nations) :: арабскі
Arab {n} (Semitic person) :: араб {m}, арабка {f}
araba {n} (carriage) :: арба {f}
Arabia {prop} (a peninsula between the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf;) :: Аравія {f}
Arabian camel {n} (dromedary) SEE: dromedary ::
Arabian Peninsula {prop} (peninsula in the Middle East) :: Аравійскі паўвостраў {m}
Arabian Sea {prop} (part of the Indian Ocean) :: Аравійскае мора {n}
Arabic {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Arab countries or cultural behaviour) :: арабскі
Arabic {prop} (language) :: арабская мова {f}, арабская {f}
Arabic {prop} (alphabet) :: арабскі алфавіт {m}, арабскае пісьмо {n}, арабіца {f}, вязь {f}
Arab Republic of Egypt {prop} (Official name of Egypt) :: Арабская Рэспубліка Егіпет {f}
Arab Spring {prop} (movement) :: Арабская вясна {f}
Arab World {prop} (Arabic speaking world) :: арабскі свет {m}
Aramaean {prop} (Aramaic) SEE: Aramaic ::
Aramaic {adj} (pertaining to the language, alphabet, culture or poetry) :: арамейскі
arbitrary {adj} (based on individual discretion or judgment) :: адвольны {m}
arborway {n} (avenue) SEE: avenue ::
arc-boutant {n} (flying buttress) SEE: flying buttress ::
arch {n} (inverted U shape) :: лука {f}, дуга {f}, арка {f}
arch {n} (architectural element) :: арка {f}
archaeologian {n} (archaeologist) SEE: archaeologist ::
archaeologist {n} (someone who studies or practises archaeology) :: археолаг {m}, архэолёг {m} [Taraškievica]
archaeology {n} (scientific study of past remains) :: археалогія {f}
archaic {adj} (old-fashioned or antiquated) :: архаічны
Archangel {prop} (Arkhangelsk) SEE: Arkhangelsk ::
archbishop {n} (senior bishop) :: арцыбіскуп {m}, архіяпіскап {m}
archdiocese {n} (area administered by an archbishop) :: архідыяцэзія
archebiosis {n} (abiogenesis) SEE: abiogenesis ::
archeology {n} (archaeology) SEE: archaeology ::
archfiend {n} (Satan) SEE: Satan ::
archipelago {n} (group of islands) :: архіпелаг {m}
architect {n} (designer of buildings) :: архітэктар {m}, архітэктарка {f}
architecture {n} (art and science of designing buildings and other structures) :: архітэктура {f}
archive {n} (place for storing earlier material) :: архіў {m}
Arctic {adj} (Pertaining to the northern polar region of the planet) :: арктычны
Arctic {prop} (a region of the Earth) :: Арктыка {f}
Arctic Ocean {prop} (the smallest of the five oceans of the Earth, on and around the North Pole) :: Паўночны Ледавіты акіян {m}
are {v} (be) SEE: be ::
area {n} (maths: measure of extent of a surface) :: плошча {f}
area {n} (particular geographic region) :: вобласць {f}, раён {m}
arena {n} (an enclosed area, often outdoor) :: арэна {f}
Arezzo {prop} (capital city of Arezzo) :: Арэца {m}
argent {n} (silver or metal tincture) :: серабро {n}
Argentina {prop} (Argentine Republic) :: Аргенціна {f}, Аргентына {f} [Taraškevica orthography]
Argentine {prop} (Argentina) SEE: Argentina ::
argon {n} (a chemical element) :: аргон {m}
Argonaut {prop} (member of the Argo crew) :: арганаўт
argue {v} (intransitive: to debate, disagree, or discuss opposing or differing viewpoints) :: спрачацца {impf}
argue {v} (to have an argument, a quarrel) :: спрачацца {impf}, паспрачацца {pf}
arguing {n} (argument) SEE: argument ::
argument {n} (fact or statement used to support a proposition; a reason) :: абгрунтаванне {n}, аргумент {m}
argument {n} (verbal dispute; a quarrel) :: спор {m}, спрэчка {f}
argument {n} (process of reasoning) :: аргумент {m}, аргумэнт {m} [Taraškievica], аргументацыя {f}, аргумэнтацыя {f} [Taraškievica]
argument {n} (independent variable) :: аргумент {m}
aristocrat {n} (one of the aristocracy) :: арыстакрат {m}, арыстакратка {f}
ark {n} (Noah's ship) :: каўчэг {m}
Arkhangelsk {prop} (city in Russia) :: Архангельск {m}
arm {n} (upper appendage from shoulder to wrist) :: рука {f}
armchair {n} (a chair with supports for the arms or elbows) :: фатэль {m}, крэсла {n}
armed forces {n} (the military forces of a nation) :: узброеныя сілы {f-p}
armed police {n} (police) SEE: police ::
Armenia {prop} (ancient kingdom and country) :: Арменія {f}, Армэнія {f} [Taraškevica orthography]
Armenian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Armenia, Armenians, the language or alphabet) :: армянскі {m}
Armenian {n} (person) :: армянін {m}, армянка {f}
Armenian {prop} (language) :: армянская мова {f}
armful {n} (amount an arm or arms can hold) :: бярэмя {n}
armhole {n} (armpit) SEE: armpit ::
armistice {n} (formal agreement to end combat) :: перамір'е {n}, замiрэнне {n}, спыненне агню {n}
armor {n} (tank) SEE: tank ::
armor {n} (protective layer over a body, vehicle, or other object intended to deflect or diffuse damaging forces) :: браня {f}, даспехі {m-p}
armor {n} (natural form of this kind of protection on an animal's body) :: панцыр {m}
armour {n} (tank) SEE: tank ::
armour {n} (protective layer over a body, vehicle etc.) :: браня {f}, даспехі {m-p}
armour {n} (natural protection on an animal's body) :: панцыр {m}
armoured train {n} (railway train protected with armour) :: браняпоезд, бронецягнік
armpit {n} (cavity beneath the junction of the arm and shoulder) :: падпаха {f}
arm up {v} (arm) SEE: arm ::
army {n} (military force concerned mainly with ground operations) :: армія {f}, войска {n}
around {prep} (defining a circle or closed curve containing) :: навакол, вакол, навокал
arrangement {n} (agreement) :: дамоўленасць {f}
arrest {v} (to stay, remain) SEE: stay ::
arrest {n} (legal: process of arresting a criminal, suspect etc) :: арышт {m}
arrest {v} (to take into legal custody) :: арыштоўваць {impf}, арыштаваць {pf}
arrival {n} (act of arriving or something that has arrived) :: прыбыццё {n}, прыезд {m} [by car or train], прыход {m} [usually on foot], прылёт {m} [by plane]
arrive {v} (to reach) :: [on foot] даходзіць {impf}, дайсці {pf}, [by vehicle] даязджаць {impf}, даехаць {pf}; [by airplane] далятаць {impf}, даляцець {pf}
arrive {v} (to get to a certain place) :: прыбываць {impf}, прыбыць {pf}; [on foot] прыходзіць {impf}, прыйсці {pf}, [by vehicle] прыязджаць {impf}, прыехаць {pf}; [by airplane] прылятаць {impf}, прыляцець
arrogance {n} (act or habit of arrogating, or making undue claims in an overbearing manner) :: заразумеласць {f}, ганарыстасць {f}
arrogant {adj} (having excessive pride) :: ганарысты, напышлівы, фанабэрысты, пыхлівы, ганарлівы, пагардлівы, самаўпэўнены
arrow {n} (projectile) :: страла {f}
arrow {n} (symbol) :: стрэлка {f}
arse {n} (arse) SEE: ass ::
arsenal {n} (military establishment) :: арсенал {m}
arsenic {n} (chemical element) :: мыш'як {m}
art {n} (human effort) :: мастацтва {n}
art {n} :: Мастацтва
artery {n} (blood vessel from the heart) :: артэрыя {f}
art historian {n} (an expert in art history) :: гісторык мастацтва {m}
arthritis {n} (inflammation of a joint) :: артрыт {m}
arthropod {n} (animal of Arthropoda) :: членістаногае {n}
Arthur {prop} (male given name) :: Артур
artichoke {n} (vegetable) :: артышок {m}
article {n} (story, report, or opinion piece) :: артыкул {m}
article {n} (part of speech that specifies a noun) :: артыкль {m}
article {n} (object) SEE: object ::
artificial {adj} (man-made) :: штучны
artillery {n} (army unit) :: гармацтва {n}
artist {n} (person who creates art) :: мастак {m}
artmaker {n} (artist) SEE: artist ::
Artsakh Republic {prop} (Nagorno-Karabakh Republic) SEE: Nagorno-Karabakh Republic ::
Aryan {n} (in Nazism: a member of an alleged master race of non-Jewish Caucasians) :: арыец {m}, арыйка {f}
as {adv} (to such an extent or degree) :: як, так, настолькі
as {conj} (in the same way that) :: як
as {prep} (Introducing a basis of comparison) :: як
as {conj} (relative conjunction) SEE: that ::
as {conj} (than) SEE: than ::
as {adv} (for example) SEE: for example ::
asarabacca {n} (Asarum europaeum) :: падалешнік {m}
asceticism {n} (the principles and practices of an ascetic) :: аскетызм {m}
Asclepius {prop} (Greek god of medicine and healing) :: Асклепій
ASEAN {prop} (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) :: АСЕАН {m} {f}, Асацыяцыя дзяржаў Паўднёва-Усходняй Азіі {f}
Asgard {prop} (the abode of gods in Norse mythology) :: Асгард
ash {n} (solid remains of a fire) :: попел {m}
ash {n} (tree) SEE: ash tree ::
ashamed {adj} (feeling shame or guilt) :: прысаромлены
Ashgabat {prop} (the capital of Turkmenistan) :: Ашгабат {m}, Ашхабад {m}
ashtray {n} (receptacle for ashes) :: попельніца {f}
ash tree {n} (Fraxinus tree) :: ясень {m}
Asia {prop} (the continent of Asia) :: Азія {f}
Asia Minor {prop} (peninsula between the Mediterranean Sea, the Aegean Sea and the Black Sea) :: Малая Азія {f}
Asian {n} (person from Asia) :: азіят {m}, азіятка {f}
Asian {adj} (of, relating to or from Asia) :: азіяцкі
ask {v} (request an answer) :: пытаць {impf}, спытаць {pf}
ask {v} (make a request) :: прасіць {impf}, папрасіць {pf}
asleep {adj} (in a state of sleep) :: спячы
as long as {conj} (while) :: пакуль
asparagus {n} (asparagus plant, Asparagus officinalis) :: спаржа {f}
asparagus {n} (asparagus shoots (food)) :: спаржа {f}
aspect {n} (any specific feature, part, or element of something) :: аспект {m}, від {m}, выгляд {m}
aspect {n} (the way something appears) :: выгляд {m}, від {m}
aspect {n} (quality of a verb) :: трыванне {n}
aspic {n} (dish) :: халадзец {m}, студзень {m}, заліўное {n}, халоднае {n}
ass {n} (buttocks) :: жопа {f}, задніца {f}, дупа {f}
assassin {v} (assassinate) SEE: assassinate ::
assassinate {v} (to murder by sudden or obscure attack) :: забіваць {impf}, забіць {pf}
assassinate {n} (assassination) SEE: assassination ::
assassination {n} (murder for political reasons or personal gain) :: замах {m}
assault {n} (violent onset or attack with physical means) :: напад {m}
assfucker {n} (jerk) SEE: jerk ::
asshole {n} (anus) :: дупа {f}
asshole {n} (mean or rude person) :: мудак {m}, хуйло {n}
assist {v} (help) :: памагаць {impf}, памагчы {pf}; дапамагаць {impf}, дапамагчы {pf}; спрыяць {impf}, паспрыяць {pf}
assistance {n} (aid; help; the act or result of assisting) :: дапамога {f}
assistant {n} (an auxiliary software tool) SEE: wizard ::
assistant {n} (person who assists) :: памочнік {m}, памочніца {f}, асістэнт {m}, асістэнтка {f}
association {n} (group of persons associated for a common purpose) :: асацыяцыя {f}, аб'яднанне {n}, таварыства {n}
assume {v} (to suppose to be true) :: прыпускаць {impf}, прыпусціць {pf}, дапускаць {impf}, дапушчаць {impf}, дапусціць {pf}, меркаваць {impf}
assure {v} (to give someone confidence in the trustworthiness of something) :: запэўніваць {impf}, запэўніць {pf}
assured {adj} (confident) SEE: confident ::
Astana {prop} (the capital of Kazakhstan) :: Астана {f}
Astana {prop} (Nur-Sultan) SEE: Nur-Sultan ::
astatine {n} (the chemical element) :: астат {m}
asterisk {n} (symbol used to highlight words or sentences) :: зорачка {f}
asteroid {n} (astronomy) :: астэроід {m}
asthma {n} (chronic respiratory disease) :: астма {f}
Astrakhan {prop} (city and region in Russia) :: Астрахань {f}
astronaut {n} (member of the crew of a spaceship or other spacecraft, or someone trained for that purpose) :: касманаўт {m}, астранаўт {m}
astronomer {n} (one who studies astronomy) :: астраном {m}
astronomical unit {n} (measure of distance) :: астранамічная адзінка {f}
astronomist {n} (astronomer) SEE: astronomer ::
astronomy {n} (study of the physical universe beyond the Earth's atmosphere) :: астраномія {f}
asylum {n} (place of safety) :: прытулак {m}
asylum {n} (mental asylum) :: псыхіятрычны шпіталь {f}, вар’яцкі дом {m}
at {prep} (in or very near a particular place) :: у / ў, пры, каля
at {n} (at sign) SEE: at sign ::
a tad {adv} (a little) SEE: a little ::
at all {prep} (at all) :: наогул, зусім
ataman {n} (title) :: атаман {m}
at any rate {prep} (in any case) SEE: in any case ::
atelier {n} (studio) :: атэлье {n}
atheism {n} (rejection of belief that any deities exist (with or without a belief that no deities exist)) :: атэізм {m}, бязбожжа {n}, бязбожнасць {f}
atheist {n} (a person who believes that no deities exist) :: атэіст {m}, атэістка {f}
atheist {n} (a person who rejects belief that any deities exist, whether or not that person believes that deities do not exist) :: атэіст {m}, атэістка {f}
Athena {prop} (Greek goddess) :: Афіна {f}
Athens {prop} (capital city of Greece) :: Афіны {f-p}, Атэны {f-p} [Taraškevica orthography]
at home {prep} (In one's place of residence) :: дома
-ation {suffix} (-ation (suffix)) :: -ацыя {f}
Atlantic Ocean {prop} (the ocean lying between the Americas to the west and Europe and Africa to the east) :: Атлантычны акіян {m}
Atlantis {prop} (mythical country said to have sunk into the ocean) :: Атлантыда {f}
atlas {n} (bound collection of maps) :: атлас {m}
at least {prep} (at a lower limit) :: прынамсі
ATM {n} ((banking) Automated Teller Machine) :: банкамат {m}
atmosphere {n} (gases surrounding the Earth) :: атмасфера {f}
atmosphere {n} (air in a particular place) :: атмасфера {f}
at most {prep} (at the most; at a maximum or upper limit) :: самае большае
at no time {prep} (never) SEE: never ::
atom {n} (chemistry, physics: smallest possible amount of matter retaining its chemical properties) :: атам {m}
atomic {adj} (of, or employing nuclear energy or processes) :: атамны
atomic bomb {n} (nuclear weapon) :: атамная бомба {f}
at sign {n} (name of the symbol @) :: сьлімак {m}
at-sign {n} (at sign) SEE: at sign ::
at symbol {n} (at sign) SEE: at sign ::
attaché {n} (diplomatic officer) :: аташэ {m}
attack {n} (attempt to cause damage or injury) :: напад {m}, нападзенне {n}
attack {v} (to apply violent force) :: нападаць {impf}, напасці {pf}, атакаваць {impf} {pf}
attainment {n} (the act of attaining; the act of arriving at or reaching) :: дасягненне {n}
attempt {v} (to try) :: спрабаваць {impf}, спрабаваць {pf}
attempt {n} (the action of trying at something) :: спроба {f}
attention {n} (mental focus) :: увага {f}, ўвага {f}
attentive {adj} (paying attention) :: уважлівы
at the outside {prep} (at most) SEE: at most ::
at the same time {prep} (simultaneously, see also: at once; simultaneously) :: адначасова
attic {n} (space, often unfinished and with sloped walls, directly below the roof) :: гарышча {n}, паддашак {m}, мансарда {f}, гара {f}
attitude {n} (disposition or state of mind) :: стаўленне {n}
attraction {n} (tendency to attract) :: прывабнасць {f}, прываблівасць {f}
attraction {n} (feeling of being attracted) :: поцяг {m}
attraction {n} (something which attracts) :: атракцыён {m} [as in an amusement park]
attractive {adj} (having the quality of attracting by inherent force) :: прыцягальны
attractive {adj} (having the power of charming) :: прывабны, прываблівы, прынадны, панадлівы
attribute {n} (characteristic or quality) :: уласцівасць {f}, атрыбут {m}, якасць {f}
attribute {n} (grammar: word qualifying a noun) :: азначэнне {n}, атрыбут {m}
aubergine {n} (eggplant) SEE: eggplant ::
Auckland {prop} (the largest conurbation in New Zealand) :: Окленд {m}
auction {n} (public sales event) :: аўкцыён {m}
audience {n} (group of people seeing a performance) :: публіка {f}
August {prop} (eighth month of the Gregorian calendar) :: жнівень {m}
aunt {n} (a parent’s sister or sister-in-law) :: цётка {f}, цёця {f}
aural {adj} (of or pertaining to the ear) :: вушны
aural {adj} (of or pertaining to sound) :: слухавы
auricular {adj} (of or pertaining to the ear) :: вушны
auricular {adj} (of or pertaining to the sense of hearing) :: слухавы
aurochs {n} (European bison) SEE: European bison ::
auscultation {n} (diagnosis by stethoscope or similar auditory device) :: аўскультацыя {f}
auspicious {adj} (indicating future success) :: спрыяльны
Australasia {prop} (Oceania) SEE: Oceania ::
Australasia {prop} (Australia, NZ, New Guinea and neighbouring islands) :: Аўстралазія {f}
Australia {prop} (Commonwealth of Australia) :: Аўстралія {f}
Australia {prop} (continent of Australia) :: Аўстралія {f}
Australian {n} (a person from the country of Australia or of Australian descent) :: аўстраліец {m}, аўстралійка {f}
Australian {adj} (of or pertaining to Australia, the Australian people or languages) :: аўстралійскі
Australian {adj} (of or pertaining to the country of Australia) :: аўстралійскі
Austria {prop} (country in Central Europe) :: Аўстрыя {f}
Austria-Hungary {prop} (former country in Central Europe) :: Аўстра-Венгрыя {f}, Аўстра-Вугоршчына {f}
Austrian {adj} (related to Austria) :: аўстрыйскі
Austrian {n} (Austrian person) :: аўстрыец {m}, аўстрыйка {f}
author {n} (writer) SEE: writer ::
author {n} (originator or creator of a work) :: аўтар {m}
authoritarian {adj} (characterised by a tyrannical obedience to an authority; dictatorial) :: аўтарытарны
authoritarianism {n} (authoritarian form of government) :: аўтарытарызм {m}
authority {n} (power to enforce rules or give orders) :: ўлада {f}
authorization {n} (act of authorizing) :: дазвол {m}, дазваленне {n}, аўтарызацыя {f}
authorize {v} (to grant power or permission) :: упаўнаважваць {impf}, упаўнаважыць {pf}
autobiography {n} (biography of oneself) :: аўтабіяграфія {f}
autograph {n} (signature) :: аўтограф {m}
automated teller machine {n} (banking) :: банкамат {m}
automatic {adj} (capable of operating without external control) :: аўтаматычны
automatic teller machine {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine ::
automation {n} (converting the controlling of a machine to an automatic system) :: аўтаматызацыя {f}
automobile {n} (passenger vehicle) :: аўтамабіль {m}, машына {f}, аўтамашына {f}, самаход {m}
autonomy {n} (self-government) :: аўтаномія {f}
autonomy {n} (capacity for individual decision) :: самастойнасць {f}
autophagy {n} (the process of self-digestion) :: аўтафагія {f}
autopsy {n} (a dissection performed on a cadaver) :: ускрыццё трупа
autoteller {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine ::
autotomy {n} (invertebrate self-defense mechanism) :: аўтатамія {f}
autumn {n} (season) :: восень {f}, [adverb, in autumn] увосень, ўвосень
autumn {adj} (autumnal) SEE: autumnal ::
autumnal {adj} (of or relating to autumn) :: восеньскі, асенні
autumnal equinox {n} (moment) :: восеньскае раўнадзенства {n}
autumn equinox {n} (autumnal equinox) SEE: autumnal equinox ::
available {adj} (capable of being used) :: даступны, наяўны
available {adj} (readily obtainable) :: даступны, наяўны
avalanche {n} (large sliding mass of snow and ice) :: лавіна {f}
avenge {v} (to take vengeance for) :: помсціць {impf}, мсціць {impf}
avenue {n} (broad street) :: праспект {m}
average {adj} (constituting or relating to the average) :: сярэдні
aviation {n} (art or science of flying) :: лётніцтва {n}
aviator {n} (aircraft pilot) :: лётнік {n}
avitaminosis {n} (vitamin deficiency) :: авітаміноз {m}
avocado {n} (fruit) :: авакада {n}
Avogadro constant {n} (number of atoms present in 0.012 kilograms of isotopically pure carbon-12) SEE: Avogadro's number ::
Avogadro's number {n} (number of atoms present in 0.012 kilograms of isotopically pure carbon-12) :: сталая Авагадра {f}, лік Авагадра {m}
avoid {v} (to keep away from) :: унікаць {impf}, ўнікаць {impf}, унікнуць {pf}, ўнікнуць {pf}; ухіляцца, ўхіляцца {impf}, ухіліцца, ўхіліцца {pf}
await {v} (transitive: to wait for) :: чакаць {impf}, ждаць {impf}
awake {adj} (conscious) :: ня спячы
aware {adj} (having knowledge of something) :: дасведчаны, ведаючы
away {adv} (from a place; hence) :: прэч
awful {adj} (causing fear; appalling; terrible) :: жахлівы
awfully {adv} (very) SEE: very ::
awl {n} (pointed instrument) :: шыла {n}
axe {n} (tool) :: сякера {f}, тапор {m}
axis {n} (geometry: imaginary line) :: вось {f}
az {n} (name of the letter a in the Cyrillic and Glagolitic alphabets) :: аз {m}
Azerbaijan {prop} (country) :: Азербайджан {m}, Азэрбайджан {m} [Taraškievica]
Azerbaijani {n} (Azerbaijani person) :: азербайджанец {m}, азербайджанка {f}
Azerbaijani {prop} (language of Azerbaijan) :: азербайджанская {f}
Azerbaijani {adj} (pertaining to Azerbaijan) :: азербайджанскі
Azeri {n} (Azerbaijani) SEE: Azerbaijani ::
Azeri {prop} (Azerbaijani) SEE: Azerbaijani ::
azure tit {n} (Cyanistes cyanus) :: белая сініца, князёк, белая блакітніца
Baba Yaga {prop} (hag who flies through the air in a mortar) :: Баба-Яга
babbitt {n} (alloy) :: бабіт {m}
babby {n} (baby) SEE: baby ::
babe {n} (baby or infant) SEE: baby ::
babe {n} (darling) SEE: baby ::
babirusa {n} (a member of the genus Babyrousa) :: бабіруса {f}
babushka {n} (matryoshka) SEE: Russian doll ::
baby {n} (very young human being) :: дзіця {n}, немаўля {n}, немаўлё {n}, маладзенец {m}, дзіцяня {n}, дзіцянё {n}
baby buggy {n} (a wheeled chair for the transport of a baby) SEE: stroller ::
baby carriage {n} (cart that is designed for moving a baby around in a lying position) SEE: pram ::
Bach {prop} (German composer) :: Бах
bachelor {n} (unmarried man) :: халасцяк
bachelorette {n} (unmarried woman) :: халасцячка
bacillus {n} (any bacteria in the genus Bacillus) :: бацыла {f}
back {adv} (to or in a previous condition or place) :: назад
back {n} (the rear of body) :: спіна {f}
backbone {n} (backbone) SEE: spine ::
backgammon {n} (board game) :: нарды {m-p}
backpack {n} (worn on a person's back, e.g., for hiking) :: рукзак {m}, ранец {m}, заплечнік {m}
backpackers {n} (hostel) SEE: hostel ::
bacon {n} (cut of meat) :: бекон {m}
bacteria {n} (bacteria) :: бактэрыя {f}
bactericide {n} (Any substance that kills bacteria) :: бактэрыцыд {m}
bacterium {n} (single celled organism with no nucleus or organelles) :: бактэрыя {f}
bad {adj} (unfavorable; negative) :: дрэнны, кепскі
bad {adj} (evil, wicked) :: злы
badass {adj} (belligerent and troublesome) SEE: belligerent ::
Baden {prop} (former state) :: Бадэн
badge {n} (distinctive mark) :: значок {m}, знак {m}
badger {v} (fart) SEE: fart ::
badger {n} (mammal) :: барсук {m}
badminton {n} (a racquet sport) :: бадмінтон {m}
badware {n} (malware) SEE: malware ::
bag {n} (flexible container) :: сумка {f}, мяшок {m}, торба {f}
bag {n} (suitcase) SEE: suitcase ::
bag {n} (backpack) SEE: backpack ::
baggage {n} (luggage) SEE: luggage ::
bagpipe {n} (bagpipes) SEE: bagpipes ::
bagpipes {n} (musical wind instrument) :: валынка {f}
baguette {n} (a variety of bread that is long and narrow in shape) :: багет
Bahamas {prop} (country in the Caribbean) :: Багамы {f-p}, Багамскія Астравы {m-p}
Bahrain {prop} (country in the Middle East) :: Бахрэйн {m}
Baikal {prop} (a large lake in Russia) :: Байкал {m}
Baikonur {prop} (city and cosmodrome in Kazakhstan) :: Байканур {m}
Bačka {prop} (historical region divided between Serbia and Hungary) :: Бачка
bake {v} (to cook in an oven) :: пячы {impf}, спячы {pf}; запякаць {impf}, запячы {pf}; [thoroughly] упякаць {impf}, упячы {pf}
baker {n} (person who bakes and sells bread, etc) :: пекар {m}, пекарка {f}
baker's {n} (bakery) SEE: bakery ::
baker's dozen {n} (cousin) SEE: cousin ::
bakery {n} (a shop in which bread and such is baked and sold) :: пякарня {f}
Bakhchisaray {prop} (city in Crimea) :: Бахчысарай {m}
baklava {n} (sweet pastry) :: пахлава {f}
Baku {prop} (the capital city of Azerbaijan) :: Баку {m}
Balachka {prop} (Russian regional dialect) :: балачка {f}
Balaklava {prop} (a former city in Crimea) :: Балаклава {f}
balalaika {n} (Russian instrument) :: балалайка {f}
balance {n} (equilibrium) :: раўнавага {f}, баланс {m}
balcony {n} (structure extending from a building) :: гаўбец {m}, балкон {m}
bald {adj} (having no hair) :: лысы
bale {n} (rounded bundle of goods) :: цюк {m}
Balkan {adj} (of or relating to the Balkan Peninsula) :: балканскі
Balkanian {adj} (Balkan) SEE: Balkan ::
Balkanic {adj} (of or relating to Balkan peninsula) SEE: Balkan ::
Balkanization {n} (fragmentation of a region into several small states) :: балканізацыя {f}
Balkans {prop} (geographical region in the southeast of Europe, see also: Balkan Peninsula) :: Балканы {m-p}
ball {n} (solid or hollow sphere) :: шар {m}
ball {n} (object, generally spherical, used for playing games) :: мяч {m}
ball {n} (testicle) :: яйка {n}, яйцо {n}, яечка {n}
ballad {n} (narrative poem) :: балада {f}
ballerina {n} (female ballet dancer) :: балерына {f}
ballet {n} (form of dance) :: балет {m}
balloon {n} (slang: woman’s breast) SEE: boob ::
balloon {n} (inflatable and buoyant object) :: паветраны шар {m}
balloon {n} (inflatable object to transport people through the air) :: паветраны шар {m}
ball pen {n} (ballpoint pen) SEE: ballpoint pen ::
ballpoint pen {n} (pen) :: шарыкавая ручка {f}
balls {n} (follow the translations in the entry "ball") SEE: ball ::
Baltic {prop} (Baltic Sea) SEE: Baltic Sea ::
Baltic {adj} (of the Baltic region or sea) :: балтыйскі {m}
Baltic {adj} (pertaining to the Baltic languages) :: балтыйскі {m}
Baltic {adj} (pertaining to the Balts) :: балтыйскі {m}
Baltic Sea {prop} (a sea) :: Балтыйскае мора {n}
Balto-Slavic {adj} (of or pertaining o the Balto-Slavic language, people or culture) :: балта-славянскі
balustrade {n} (row of balusters) :: балюстрада {f}
bamboo {n} (plant) :: бамбук {m}
Bamboo Curtain {prop} (political barrier between communist and capitalist in Asia) :: Бамбукавая заслона
ban {v} (forbid) :: забараняць {impf}, забараніць {pf}
ban {n} (prohibition) :: забарона {f}
banana {n} (fruit) :: банан {m}
banana peel {n} (outermost layer of the banana) :: бананавая лупіна {f}
banana skin {n} (banana skin) SEE: banana peel ::
bandage {n} (medical binding) :: бінт {m}, бандаж {m}, павязка {f}
Bandar Seri Begawan {prop} (capital of Brunei) :: Бандар-Серы-Бегаван {m}
Banderite {n} (a member of Stepan Bandera movement) :: бандэравец {m}, бандэраўка {f}
Banderite {adj} (of or related to Stepan Bandera or his political movement) :: бандэраўскі
bandit {n} (one who robs others) :: бандыт {m}, разбойнік {m}
bandura {n} (Ukrainian plucked stringed instrument) :: бандура {f}
bane {v} (to (kill by) poison) SEE: poison ::
bane {n} (killer) SEE: killer ::
banger {n} (woman's breast) SEE: breast ::
Bangkok {prop} (the capital of Thailand) :: Банкок {m}
Bangla {prop} (Bengali) SEE: Bengali ::
Bangladesh {prop} (country) :: Бангладэш {f}
Bangladeshi {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Bangladesh) :: бангладэшскі, бангладэскі [Taraškievica]
banish {v} (to send someone away and forbid that person from returning) :: выганяць {impf}, выгнаць {pf}, высылаць {impf}, выслаць {pf}
banjo {n} (a musical instrument) :: банджа {n}
bank {n} (institution) :: банк {m}
bank {n} (edge of river or lake) :: бераг {m}
bankable {adj} (reliable) SEE: reliable ::
banker {n} (one who conducts the business of banking) :: банкір {m}
bank machine {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine ::
banknote {n} (paper currency) :: банкнота {f}, купюра {f}
bankruptcy {n} (legally declared or recognised condition of insolvency) :: банкруцтва {n}, банкроцтва {n}
banquet {n} (a large celebratory meal; a feast) :: банкет {m}, пір {m}
banya {n} (a Russian steam bath) :: лазня {f}, баня {f}
banzai {interj} (hurrah) SEE: hurrah ::
baptism {n} (Christian sacrament) :: хрышчэнне {n}
baptismal font {n} (a basin used for baptism) :: купель {f}
baptism by fire {n} (baptism of fire) SEE: baptism of fire ::
baptism of fire {n} (the first experience of a severe ordeal) :: баявое хрышчэнне {n}
bar {n} (vertical bar mark) SEE: pipe ::
bar {n} (music: section of a staff) SEE: measure ::
bar {prep} (with the exception of) SEE: except ::
bar {n} (business licensed to sell intoxicating beverages) :: бар {m}, піўная {f}, карчма {f}, тракцір {m}, паб {m}, кабак {f}
bar {n} (profession of lawyers) :: адвакатура {f}
Barack {prop} (male given name) :: Барак {m}
barb {n} (beard or something that resembles a beard) SEE: beard ::
Barbados {prop} (country in the Caribbean) :: Барбадас {m}
barbarian {n} (uncivilized person) :: варвар {m}, варварка {f}
barbarism {n} (barbaric act) :: варварства {n}, барбарства {n}, барбарынства {n}
barbarism {n} (error in language use) :: варварызм {m}, чужаслоў {m}, барбарызм {m}
barbarous {adj} (barbarian) SEE: barbarian ::
barbell {n} (wide steel bar with premeasured weights) :: штанга {f}
barber {n} (person whose profession is cutting (usually male) customers' hair and beards) :: цырульнік {m}
barber shop {n} (business which offers haircuts to men) SEE: barbershop ::
barbershop {n} (barber's shop) :: цырульня {f}
barcarole {n} (Venetian folk song) :: баркарола
bare {adv} (barely) SEE: barely ::
barely {adv} (by a small margin) :: ледзь, ледзьве, толькі
barely {adv} (merely) SEE: merely ::
barf {n} (vomit) SEE: vomit ::
barf {v} (vomit) SEE: vomit ::
barge {n} (flat-bottomed bulk carrier mainly for inland waters) :: баржа {f}
barium {n} (chemical element) :: барый {m}
bark {v} (to make a loud noise (dogs)) :: брахаць {impf}, пабрахаць {pf}
bark {n} (short, loud, explosive utterance) :: брахня {f}, лай {m}, гаўканне {n}, брэх {m}
bark {n} (exterior covering of a tree) :: кара {f}
bark beetle {n} (beetle of Scolytinae) :: караед {m}
barley {n} (Hordeum vulgare or its grains) :: ячмень {m}
barn {n} (child) SEE: child ::
barn {n} (building) :: амбар {m}, свіран {m}, клець {f}, хлеў {m}, стадола {f}
Barnaul {prop} (city in Russia) :: Барнаул {m}
barn owl {n} (Tyto alba) :: сіпуха звычайная {f}
barn swallow {n} (species of swallow) :: вясковая ластаўка {f}
barometer {n} (an instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure) :: барометр {m}
baroscope {n} (barometer) SEE: barometer ::
barrack {n} (a building for soldiers) :: казарма {f}, барак {m}, жаўнерня {f} [dated]
barrack {n} (simple, low structure) :: барак {m}
barracks {n} (buildings used by military personnel) SEE: barrack ::
barracuda {n} (predatory competitor) SEE: shark ::
barrel {n} (tube) SEE: tube ::
barrel {n} (jar) SEE: jar ::
barrel {n} (round vessel made from staves bound with a hoop) :: бочка {f}
barrel organ {n} (pipe instrument with air controlled pins in a revolving barrel) :: катарынка {f}, катрынка {f}, шарманка {f}
barren {adj} (unable to bear children; sterile) :: няплодны, ялавы [of soil, also]
barricade {n} (a barrier constructed across a road, especially as a military defence) :: барыкада {f}
bars {n} (grating, grill, grid) :: краты {f-p}, рашотка {f}
Bartholomew {prop} (the Apostle) :: Варфаламей {m}
Barysaw {prop} (A city in Belarus) :: Барысаў
basalt {n} (hard rock) :: базальт {m}
base {n} (something from which other things extend) :: падстава {f}, аснаванне {n}, аснова {f}, база {f}, фундамент {m}
base {n} (permanent structure for housing military) :: база {f}
base {n} (chemical compound that will neutralize an acid) :: аснаванне {n}
base {n} (bass) SEE: bass ::
base {n} (apron) SEE: apron ::
baseball {n} (ball game) :: бейсбол {m}
basement {n} (floor below ground level) :: падвал {m}, склеп {m}, сутарэнне {n}, сутарэньне {n}
Bashkir {n} (a Bashkir person) :: башкір {m}, башкірка {f}
Bashkiria {prop} (Bashkortostan) SEE: Bashkortostan ::
Bashkortostan {prop} (federal subject of Russia) :: Башкартастан {m}, Башкірыя {f}
Bashkortostani {adj} (Bashkir) SEE: Bashkir ::
Bashkortostani {n} (Bashkir) SEE: Bashkir ::
basic {adj} (necessary, essential for life or some process) :: асноўны, падставовы
basic {adj} (elementary, simple, merely functional) :: базавы, асноўны, элемэнтарны, фундаментальны, падставовы
Basil {prop} (male given name) :: Васіль {m}
basis {n} (starting point for an argument) :: аснова {f}
basket {n} (container) :: кошык {m}
basketball {n} (the sport) :: баскетбол {m}
Basmachi {prop} (a rebel against the Russian or Soviet rule in Central Asia) :: басмач {m}
Basque {n} (language) :: баскская мова {f}, баскская {f}
bas-relief {n} (a low or mostly-flat sculpture) :: барэльеф {m}
bass {n} (perch) :: акунь {m}, вокунь {m}
Basse-Terre {prop} (capital city of Guadeloupe) :: Бас-Тэр
bass guitar {n} (stringed musical instrument) :: бас-гітара {f}
bast {n} (fibre made from the phloem of certain plants) :: лыка {n}, луб {m}
bastard {n} (person born to unmarried parents) :: банкарт {m}, байструк {m}, бастард {m}
bastille {n} (prison) SEE: prison ::
bastille {n} (fortress) SEE: fortress ::
bastille {n} (citadel) SEE: citadel ::
bat {n} (small flying mammal) :: лятучая мыш {f}, кажан {m}, ушан {m}, нетапыр {m}
bat {n} (club used for striking the ball in sports) :: біта {f}
bate {v} (simple past of beat) SEE: beat ::
bate {v} (masturbate) SEE: masturbate ::
bath {n} (tub) :: ванна {f}
bath {n} (room) :: ванная {f}
Bath {prop} (City in England) :: Бат
bathe {v} (to clean oneself with water) :: купацца {impf}
bathe {v} (to clean a person by immersion in water) :: купаць {impf}
bathe {n} (act of bathing) :: купанне {n}
bathhouse {n} (a building with baths for communal use) :: лазня {f}, баня {f}
bathos {n} (depth) SEE: depth ::
bathroom {n} (a room with a bathtub) :: ванная {f}, ванны пакой {m}
bathroom {n} (room with a toilet) SEE: toilet ::
bathtub {n} (large container in which a person may bathe) :: ванна {f}
batik {n} (A method of dyeing fabric) :: батык
baton {n} (club of the police) :: дручок {m}, дубінка {f}, даўбешка {f}
battering ram {n} (type of siege engine used to smash gates and walls) :: таран {m}
battery {n} (device storing electricity) :: батарэйка {f}, батарэя {f} [big one], акумулятар {m} [car]
battle {n} (general action, fight, or encounter; a combat) :: бітва {f}, бой {m}, змаганне {n}
Battle of Britain {prop} (series of air engagements between the British Royal Air Force and the German Luftwaffe during World War II) :: Бітва за Брытанію {f}
baud {n} (A rate defined as the number of signalling events per second) :: бод {m}
Bautzen {prop} (city in Germany) :: Баўтцэн {m}, Будышын {m}
Bavaria {prop} (state) :: Баварыя {f}
bay {n} (body of water) :: заліў {m}, бухта {f}
bayan {n} (a Russian accordion) :: баян {m}
Bay of Bengal {prop} (Large bay in the northeastern Indian Ocean) :: Бенгальскі заліў {m}
bayonet {n} (weapon) :: багнет {m}
Bayonne {prop} (city and commune of southwest France) :: Баёна {f}
bazaar {n} (marketplace) :: рынак {m}, базар {m}
be {v} (occupy a place) :: быць [present tense seldom used]
be {v} (occur, take place) :: быць
be {v} (exist) :: быць
be {v} (elliptical form of "be here", or similar) :: быць
be {v} (used to indicate that the subject and object are the same) :: быць {impf}
be {v} (used to indicate that the values on either side of an equation are the same) :: быць
be {v} (used to indicate that the subject plays the role of the predicate nominal) :: быць [present tense seldom used]
be {v} (used to connect a noun to an adjective that describes it) :: быць [present tense seldom used]
be able to {v} (have ability to) :: магчы {impf}, змагчы {pf}; [know how to] умець {impf}, ўмець {impf}, сумець {pf}
beach {n} (sandy shore) :: пляж {m}
beak {n} (structure projecting from a bird's face) :: дзюба {f}
beam {n} (ray) :: прамень {m}
bean {n} (seed) :: боб {m}, фасоль {f}
bean curd {n} (tofu) SEE: tofu ::
bear {v} (to give birth) SEE: give birth ::
bear {n} (large mammal of family Ursidae) :: мядзведзь {m}
bear cub {n} (young bear) :: мядзведзяня {n}, медзведзянё {n}
beard {n} (facial hair) :: барада {f}
bearded {adj} (having a beard) :: барадаты
beardless {adj} (without a beard) :: безбароды
bear garlic {n} (ramsons) SEE: ramsons ::
bearing {n} (mechanical device) :: падшыпнік {m}
be ashamed {v} (feel ashamed) :: сароміцца {impf}, саромецца {impf}, стыдзіцца {impf}
beast {n} (non-human animal) :: звер {m}
beat {v} (to hit, to knock, to pound, to strike) :: біць {impf}, пабіць {pf}; удараць {impf}, ўдараць {impf}, ударыць {pf}, ўдарыць {pf}
beating {n} (action of the verb to beat) :: біццё {n} [various senses], пабiццё {n} [battering of a person or an animal], пабоi {m-p}
Beatles {prop} (rock music quartet) :: Бітлз {p}
beatnik {n} (beatnik) :: бітнік {m}
beau {n} (boyfriend) SEE: boyfriend ::
Beaufort scale {prop} (measure for the intensity of the wind) :: шкала Бафорта {f}
beautiful {adj} (possessing charm and attractive) :: выдатны, прыгожы {m}, харошы, красівы, урадлівы
beautifully {adv} (In a beautiful manner) :: прыгожа
beauty {n} (quality of pleasing appearance) :: прыгажосць {f}, хараство {n}, краса {f}
beauty {n} (someone beautiful: male) :: прыгажун {m}, красун {m}
beauty {n} (someone beautiful: female) :: прыгажуня {f}, красуня {f}, краля {f}
beauty spot {n} (birthmark) SEE: mole ::
beaver {n} (semiaquatic rodent) :: бабёр {m}
beaverkin {n} (a baby beaver) :: бабраня {n}, бабранё {n}
be awake {v} (awake) SEE: awake ::
be awake {v} (wake up) SEE: wake up ::
be bored {v} (suffer from boredom) :: нудзіцца {impf}
be born {v} (to come into existence through birth) :: раджацца {impf}, радзіцца {pf}; нараджацца {impf}, нарадзіцца {pf}
be called {v} (to have a specific name) :: называцца {impf}
because {conj} (by or for the cause that; on this account that; for the reason that) :: таму што, бо
because of {prep} (on account of, by reason of, for the purpose of) :: з-за, праз
become {v} (to begin to be) :: станавіцца {impf}, стаць {pf}
bed {n} (piece of furniture) :: ложак {m}
bedbug {n} (small nocturnal insect) :: пасцельны клоп {m}, клоп {m}
bedroom {n} (room in a house where a bed is kept for sleeping) :: спальня {f}
bedsheet {n} (a sheet, a piece of cloth cut and finished as bedlinen) :: прасціна {f}
bee {n} (insect) :: пчала {f}
beebread {n} (bee pollen with added honey and bee secretions) :: пярга {f}
beech {n} (tree of genus Fagus) :: бук {m}
beef {n} (meat) :: ялавічына {f}
beef {n} (cow, bull) SEE: cow ::
beefsteak {n} (steak) :: біфштэкс {m}
beehive {n} (home of bees) :: вулей {m}
beekeeper {n} (someone who keeps bees) :: пчаляр {m}, пчалярка {m}
beekeeping {n} (raising bees) :: пчалярства {n}
beer {n} (alcoholic drink made of malt) :: піва {n}
beestings {n} (first milk drawn from an animal) SEE: colostrum ::
beet {n} (Beta vulgaris) :: бурак {m}
Beetewk {n} (a type of Russian heavy draft horse) :: біцюг {m}
Beethoven {prop} (German surname) :: Бетховен, [old spelling] Бэтговэн
beetle {n} (insect) :: жук {m}
beetroot {n} (normally deep red coloured root vegetable) :: бурак {m}
before {prep} (earlier than) :: да, перад
before {prep} (in front of in space) :: перад
beforehand {adv} (at an earlier time) :: загадзя
before long {prep} (soon) SEE: soon ::
befriend {v} (make friends) SEE: make friends ::
beggar {n} (person who begs) :: жабрак {m}, жабрачка {f}
begin {v} (to start, to initiate or take the first step into something.) :: [transitive] пачынаць {impf}, пачаць {pf}; [intransitive] пачынацца {impf}, пачацца
beginning {n} (act of doing that which begins anything) :: пачатак {m}
behave {v} (to act in a specific manner) :: паступаць {impf}, паступіць {pf}
behave oneself {v} (to act in a polite or proper way) SEE: behave ::
behavior {n} (way an animal or human behaves or acts) :: паводзіны {f-p}
behaviour {n} (behavior) SEE: behavior ::
behead {v} (to remove the head) :: абезгалоўліваць {impf}, абезгаловіць {pf}
behemoth {n} (mighty beast in the Book of Job) :: бегемот {m}
behest {n} (vow) SEE: vow ::
behest {n} (promise) SEE: promise ::
behind {prep} (at the back of) :: за
behind {prep} (to the back of) :: за
behind bars {prep} (in jail or prison) :: за кратамі
Beijing {prop} (capital of China) :: Пекін {m}, Бэйцзін {m} [transliteration]; Пэкін {m} [Taraškievica orthography]
being {n} (a living creature) :: істота {f}, стварэнне {n}
being {n} (the state or fact of existence) :: існаванне {n}, быццё {n}
Beirut {prop} (capital of Lebanon) :: Бейрут {m}, Бэйрут {m} [Taraškievica]
bejel {n} (Endemic syphilis) :: пранец {m} [usually pluraletantum]
bel {n} (measure of relative power) :: бел {m}
Belarus {prop} (country) :: Беларусь {f}, Белая Русь {f}
Belarusian {adj} (pertaining to Belarus) :: беларускі
Belarusian {n} (language) :: беларуская мова, беларуская {f}
Belarusian {n} (person from Belarus or of Belarusian descent) :: беларус {m}, беларуска {f}, беларусы {p}
Belarusization {n} (the process or result of Belarusizing) :: беларусізацыя {f}
be late {v} (arrive late) :: спазняцца {impf}, спазніцца {pf}
belch {v} (expel gas from the stomach through the mouth) :: рыгаць {impf}, адрыгаць {impf}, адрыгнуць {pf}
belch {n} (sound one makes when belching) :: адрыжка {f}, адбіця {f}
Belgian {n} (Belgian, person from Belgium) :: бельгіец {m}, бельгійка {f}
Belgian {adj} (of or pertaining to Belgium) :: бельгійскі
Belgian {adj} (of or pertaining to Belgians or Belgian people) :: бельгійскі
Belgium {prop} (country in Europe) :: Бельгія {f}
Belgorod {prop} (a city in Russia) :: Белгарад {m}
Belgrade {prop} (capital of Serbia) :: Бялград {m}
belief {n} (mental acceptance of a claim as truth) :: вера {f}
believe {v} (to accept that someone is telling the truth (object: person)) :: верыць {impf}, паверыць {pf}
believer {n} (person who believes) :: веруючы {m}, веруючая {f}
Belize {prop} (country) :: Беліз {m}
bell {n} (percussive instrument) :: звон {m}, званочак {m} [small]
belle {n} (beautiful woman) :: прыгажуня {f}, красуня {f}
belligerent {adj} (eager to go to war) :: ваяўнічы {m}
bellows {n} (air blower) :: сильфон {m}
belly {n} (abdomen) :: жывот {m}, бруха {n}
bellybutton {n} (the navel or umbilicus) SEE: navel ::
Belmopan {prop} (Belmopan) :: Бельмапан {m}
belong {v} (be the property of) :: належаць {impf}
Bel Paese {n} (mild creamy Italian cheese) :: Бель Паэзэ {m}
belt {n} (band worn around the waist) :: пас {m}, рэмень {m}, рамень {m}
beluga {n} (cetacean, Delphinapterus leucas) :: бялуха {f}
belvedere {n} (raised structure offering a pleasant view of the surrounding area) :: бельведэр {m}
bench {n} (long seat) :: лаўка {f}, лавачка {f}
bench {n} (workbench) SEE: workbench ::
bend {v} (to cause to shape into a curve) :: згінаць {impf}, гнуць {impf}
beneficial {adj} (helpful or good to something or someone) :: карысны, выгодны, дабратворны
Bengali {n} (language) :: бенгальская мова {f}, бенгальская {f}
Benghazi {prop} (Benghazi, Libya) :: Бенгазі
Benin {prop} (country) :: Бенін {m}
Benjamin {prop} (the youngest son of Jacob) :: Веніямін {m}
benzene {n} (aromatic compound C6H6) :: бензол {m}
benzine {n} (benzene) SEE: benzene ::
Beograd {prop} (Belgrade) SEE: Belgrade ::
be prepared {phrase} (motto) :: будзь гатоў, будзь гатовая {f}, будзьце гатовыя {p}
bequeath {v} (to give or leave by will) :: завяшчаць {impf} {pf}, адпісваць {impf}, адпісаць {pf}, адказваць {impf}, адказаць {pf}
be quiet {interj} (remain silent) SEE: silence ::
Berdichev {prop} (city in Ukraine) :: Бядзічаў {m}
beriberi {n} (pathology: ailment caused by deficiency of vitamin B) :: беры-беры {f}
be right {v} (be correct in one's judgement or statement about something) :: мець рацыю {impf}
Bering Sea {prop} (sea) :: Берынгава мора {n}
berkelium {n} (transuranic chemical element) :: берклій {m}
Berlin {prop} (capital city of Germany) :: Берлін {m}, Бэрлін {m} [Taraškevica orthography]
Berliner {n} (native or inhabitant of Berlin) :: берлінец {m}, берлінка {f}
Berlin Wall {prop} (wall that parted Berlin) :: Берлінская сцяна {f}
Berlusconi {prop} (surname) :: Бэрлусконі, Берлусконі
Bermuda {prop} (island group) :: Бэрмуды {f-p}, Бэрмудзкія выспы {f-p}
Bern {prop} (city) :: Берн {m}
berry {n} (small fruit) :: ягада {f}
beryllium {n} (chemical element) :: берылій {m}
be sick {v} (vomit) SEE: vomit ::
be sick {v} (to be ill) :: хварэць {impf}
besides {prep} (in addition to) :: апрача
be silent {v} (refrain from speaking) :: маўчаць {impf}
beskozyrka {n} (a flat visorless sailor's cap) :: бесказырка {f}
best {adj} (superlative of the adjective good) :: найлепшы
best {adv} (superlative of the adverb well) :: найлепш, найлепей
bestiary {n} (A medieval treatise of animals) :: бестыярыюм {m}
bet {n} (a wager) :: заклад {m}
Bethlehem {prop} (City) :: Віфлеем
betony {n} (Stachys officinalis) :: буквіца {f}
betray {v} (to deliver into the hands of an enemy) :: здраджваць {impf}, здрадзіць {pf}
betrayal {n} (treason) SEE: treason ::
better {adj} (comparative of the adjectives good or well) :: лепшы
better {adv} (comparative form of the adverb well) :: лепш, лепей
between {prep} (in the position or interval that separates two things) :: паміж
beverage {n} (drink) :: напой {m}
bewitch {v} (to cast a spell) :: зачароўваць {impf}, зачараваць {pf}
be wrong {v} (have an incorrect belief, be mistaken) :: памыляцца {impf}, памыліцца {pf}, быць няправым {impf}
beyond {prep} (beyond) SEE: above ::
beyond {n} (unknown) SEE: unknown ::
beyond {prep} (further away than) :: за, па-за, ззаду
Bharat {prop} (India) SEE: India ::
Bhutan {prop} (Himalayan country) :: Бутан {m}
Białystok {prop} (city) :: Беласток {m}
bible {n} (omasum) SEE: omasum ::
Bible {prop} (Jewish holy book) SEE: Tanakh ::
Bible {prop} (Christian holy book) :: біблія {f}, Біблія {f}
biblical {adj} (of or relating to the Bible) :: біблейскі, біблійны, біблейны
Biblical Hebrew {prop} (the archaic form of the Hebrew language, see also: Hebrew) :: старажытнаяўрэйская мова {f-in}
bicycle {n} (vehicle) :: ровар {m}, веласіпед {m}
bidet {n} (low-mounted plumbing fixture for cleaning the genitalia and anus) :: бідэ {n}
big {adj} (of a great size, see also: large) :: вялікі
Big Bang {prop} (cosmic event) :: Вялікі выбух {m}
Big Ben {prop} (the hour bell in London) :: Біг-Бен {m}
big brother {n} (a sibling's older brother) SEE: older brother ::
bigger {adj} (comparative of big) :: большы
Big Mac {n} (burger) :: Біг Мак {m}
big wheel {n} (Ferris wheel) SEE: Ferris wheel ::
bikini {n} (bathing suit) :: бікіні {n}
bile {n} (secretion produced by the liver) :: жоўць {f}
bilingual {adj} (speaking two languages) :: двухмоўны, дзвюхмоўны
bill {n} (bird's beak) :: дзюба {f}
bill {n} (invoice) :: рахунак {m}
bill {n} (piece of paper money) SEE: banknote ::
billboard {n} (large advertisement along side of highway) :: рэклямны шчыт {m}, білборд {m}
billet-doux {n} (love letter) SEE: love letter ::
billfold {n} (wallet) SEE: wallet ::
billiards {n} (a cue sport) :: більярд {m}
billion {n} (a thousand million; 1,000,000,000; a milliard) :: мільярд {m}
billy goat {n} (male goat) :: казёл {m}
bind {v} (transitive to tie or fasten tightly together, with a cord, band, ligature, chain, etc.) :: звязваць {impf}, звязаць {pf}
bind {v} (transitive connect) :: вязаць
bingo {n} (game of chance) :: бінга {n}
binky {n} (pacifier) SEE: pacifier ::
binoculars {n} (hand-held device for looking at a distance) :: бінокль {m}
biochemistry {n} (the chemistry of those compounds that occur in living organisms, and the processes that occur in their metabolism and catabolism) :: біяхімія {f}
biography {n} (personal life story) :: біяграфія {f}
biologist {n} (student of biology; one versed in the science of biology) :: біёлаг {m}
biology {n} (study of living matter) :: біялогія {f}, біёлёгія {f} [Taraškievica], біолёгія {f} [Taraškievica]
biomedicine {n} (a branch of medical science) :: біямедыцына {f}
biped {n} (a two-footed (or two-legged) animal) :: двухногі
bipedal {adj} (having two feet or two legs) :: двухногі
bipolar disorder {n} (psychiatric diagnostic category) :: біпалярны разлад {m}, біпалярны афектыўны разлад {m}
birch {n} (tree) :: бяроза {f}
birch sap {n} (the sap extracted from a birch tree) :: бярозавік {m}
bird {n} (animal) :: птушка {f}, пціца {f} [dated]
bird cherry {n} (Prunus padus) :: чаромха {f}
birdie {n} (bird, birdling) :: птушка {f}
birdlime {n} (serving of a prison sentence) SEE: time ::
biro {n} (ballpoint pen) SEE: ballpoint pen ::
Birobidzhan {prop} (city in Russia) :: Бірабіджан {m}
birth {n} (process of childbearing; beginning of life) :: роды {m-p}, нараджэнне {n}
birth {n} (instance of childbirth) :: нараджэнне {n}
birthdate {n} (date of birth) SEE: date of birth ::
birthday {n} (anniversary) :: дзень нараджэння {m}
birthmark {n} (a mark on the skin formed before birth) :: радзімка {f}
biscuit {n} (small, flat baked good, see also: cookie; cracker) :: печыва {n}, пячэнне {n}
bisexuality {n} (psychology) :: бісексуальнасць {f}, бісэксуальнасць {f}
Bishkek {prop} (capital of Kyrgyzstan) :: Бішкек {m}
Bishnupriya Manipuri {prop} (language) :: бішнупрыя-маніпуры
bishop {n} (church official, supervisor of priests and congregations) :: епіскап {m}, [Catholic] біскуп {m}
bismuth {n} (chemical element) :: вісмут {m}
bison {n} (wild ox, Bison bonasus) :: бізон {m}, зубр {m}, зубар {m}
bit {n} (coin of a specified value) SEE: coin ::
bitch {n} (female canine) :: сука {f}
bitch {n} (disagreeable, aggressive person, usually female) :: сука {f}, сцерва {f}
bitch {n} (complaint) SEE: complaint ::
bitch {n} (playful variation on dog (sense "man")) SEE: dog ::
bitch out {v} (to complain) SEE: bitch ::
bitcoin {n} (cryptocurrency) :: біткойн {m}
bite {v} (to cut into by clamping the teeth) :: кусаць {impf}
bite {v} (to hold something by clamping one’s teeth) :: кусаць {impf}, ўкусіць {pf}
bitter {adj} (having an acrid taste) :: горкі
bittern {n} (bird of the subfamily Botaurinae) :: бугай
blab {n} (gossip) SEE: gossip ::
blabbermouth {n} (chatterbox) SEE: chatterbox ::
black {adj} (absorbing all light) :: чорны
black {n} (dark-skinned person) :: негр {m}, негрыцянка {f}
blackberry {n} (shrub) :: ажына {f}
blackberry {n} (fruit) :: ажына {f}
blackbird {n} (Turdus merula: blackbird) :: дрозд {m}
blackboard {n} (a surface that can be written upon with chalk) :: дошка {f}
black box {n} (recorders in an aircraft) :: чорная скрыня {f}
black caraway {n} (Nigella sativa, see also: nigella) :: чарнушка пасяўная {f}
black caraway {n} (spice) :: чорны кмен {m}
black child {n} (black child, see also: pickaninny) :: негрыцяня {n} [can be offensive], негрыцянё {n} [can be offensive]
black-crowned night heron {n} (Nycticorax nycticorax) :: кваква звычайная {f}
black cumin {n} (Nigella sativa) SEE: nigella ::
black earth {n} (chernozem) SEE: chernozem ::
black elder {n} (Sambucus nigra) SEE: elder ::
black grouse {n} (Lyrurus tetrix) :: цецярук {m}
blackhead {n} (skin blemish) :: вугор {m}
black-headed gull {n} (Chroicocephalus ridibundus) :: чайка азёрная {f}, чайка-рыбачка {f}
black hole {n} (celestial body) :: чорная дзіра {f}
black ice {n} (invisible film of ice) :: галалёдзіца {f}
blackleg {n} (strikebreaker) SEE: strikebreaker ::
blackmail {n} (extortion of money by threats of public accusation, exposure, or censure) :: шантаж {m}, вымагальніцтва {n}
black market {n} (trade that is in violation of restrictions, rationing or price controls) :: чорны рынак {m}
black pepper {n} (spice) :: чорны перац {m}
Black Sea {prop} (an inland sea between southeastern Europe and Asia Minor) :: Чорнае мора {n}
blackseed {n} (Nigella sativa) SEE: nigella ::
blackshirt {n} (member of a fascist party) SEE: fascist ::
blackshirt {n} (uniformed Italian fascist, member of a paramilitary wing of the party) :: чорнакашульнік {m}
blacksmith {n} (iron forger, see also: smith) :: каваль {m}
black swan {n} (Cygnus atratus) :: чорны лебедзь
black tea {n} (tea leaves which have been "fermented") :: чорная гарбата {f}
black woodpecker {n} (Dryocopus martius) :: жаўна, чорны дзяцел {m}
bladder {n} (flexible sac in zoology) :: бурбалка {f}, пузыр {m}
bladder {n} (urinary bladder) SEE: urinary bladder ::
blade {n} (sharp-edged or pointed working end of a tool or utensil) :: лязо {n}
Blagoevgrad {prop} (town in Bulgaria) :: Благоеўград {m}
Blagoveshchensk {prop} (city in Siberia) :: Благавешчанск {m}
blame {v} (place blame upon) :: вінаваціць {impf}, абвінавачваць {impf}
blame {n} (responsibility) SEE: responsibility ::
blanket {n} (fabric) :: коўдра {f}, пакрывала {n}
blasphemy {n} (Irreverence toward something sacred) :: блюзьнерства {n}, багахульства {n}
blat {n} (connections; relationships; one's social or business network (Russia)) :: блат {m}
blend {n} (in linguistics) SEE: portmanteau word ::
bless {v} (confer blessing on) :: бласлаўляць {impf}, благаславіць {pf}
blessing {n} (divine or supernatural aid or reward) :: блаславенне {n}, благаславенне {n}
blind {adj} (unable to see) :: сляпы
blind {n} (covering for a window) :: штора {f} [curtain], жалюзі {n} [jalousie]
blindness {n} (condition of being blind) :: слепата {f}
blini {n} (buckwheat pancakes) :: бліны {m-p}
blink {v} (to close and reopen both eyes quickly) :: маргаць {impf} [continuously], маргнуць {pf} [semelefactive], мігаць {impf} [continuously], мігнуць {pf} [semelefactive]
bliss {n} (perfect happiness) :: асалода {f}, блажэнства {n}, благасць {f}
blister {n} (bubble on the skin) :: пухір {m}
blizzard {n} (severe snowstorm) :: мяцеліца {f}, буран {m}
blockade {n} (the isolation of something) :: блакада {f}
blog {n} (a personal or corporate website) :: блог {m}
blood {n} (vital liquid flowing in animal bodies) :: кроў {f}
blood brother {n} (unrelated male friend confirmed by a ceremonial mingling of blood) :: пабрацім {m}
bloodless {adj} (lacking blood) :: бяскроўны
bloodless {adj} (taking place without loss of blood) :: бяскроўны
blood pressure {n} (pressure exerted by the blood against the walls of the arteries and veins) :: крывяны ціск {m}
bloodshed {n} (shedding or spilling of blood) :: кровапраліцце {n}
bloodsucker {n} (vampire) SEE: vampire ::
bloodsucker {n} (parasite) SEE: parasite ::
blood supply {n} (volume of blood flowing to part of the body over a particular time period) :: кровазабеспячэнне {n}
bloodthirsty {adj} (thirsty for blood) :: крыважэрны
blood vessel {n} (component of the circulatory system that carries blood) :: крывяносная пасудзіна {f}
bloody {adj} (covered in blood) :: крывавы {m}
bloody {adj} (characterised by great bloodshed) :: крывавы {m}
bloom {n} (flower) SEE: flower ::
bloom {n} (blossom) SEE: blossom ::
bloom {v} (open its blooms) SEE: blossom ::
blossom {n} (flowers on trees) :: кветка {f}
blossom {v} (have or open into blossoms) :: цвісці {impf}
blotto {adj} ((very) drunk or intoxicated) SEE: drunk ::
blow {v} (to produce an air current) :: дзьмуць {impf}, дуць {impf}, веяць {impf}, дзьмухаць {impf}
blow {n} (cocaine) SEE: snow ::
blow {v} (blossom) SEE: blossom ::
blower {n} (telephone) SEE: telephone ::
blowjob {n} (the act of fellatio) :: мінет {m}, адсос {m}
bludgeon {n} (short heavy club) :: дручок {m}, дубінка {f}, даўбешка {f}
blue {adj} (blue-colored, see also: dark blue; light blue) :: [navy blue] сіні, [sky blue] блакітны
blue {n} (colour) :: сіні [navy blue], блакітны [sky blue]
blue {n} (argument) SEE: argument ::
blue {n} (blue uniform) SEE: blues ::
blue {n} (sky, literally or figuratively) SEE: sky ::
blue jay {n} (species of North American jay) :: блакітная сойка {f} , паўночнаамерыканская блакітная сойка {f}
blues {n} (musical form) :: блюз {m}
blue screen of death {n} (screen indicating a system error) :: сіні экран смерці {m}
bluestone {n} (limestone) SEE: limestone ::
bluestone {n} (basalt) SEE: basalt ::
bluethroat {n} (bird) :: варакушка {f}, сіняшыйка {f}
Bluetooth {prop} (nickname of a Danish king) :: Сінязубы {m}
blue whale {n} (a whale, Balaenoptera musculus) :: блакітны кіт {m}
blunt {adj} (having a thick edge or point, not sharp) :: тупы
boar {n} (wild boar) SEE: wild boar ::
boar {n} (male pig) :: кабан {m}
board {n} (long, wide and thin piece of wood or other material) :: дошка {f}
board {n} (short for blackboard, whiteboard, etc.) :: дошка {f}
boarding school {n} (school which provides board and lodging) :: школа-інтэрнат {f}
boat {n} (water craft) :: лодка {f}, човен {m}
boathook {n} (hook attached to a pole to push out or pull in things, see also: setting pole) :: багор {m}
boatyard {n} (shipyard) SEE: shipyard ::
bob {n} (bobber) SEE: float ::
bobber {n} (buoyant fishing device) SEE: float ::
bobbin {n} (spool around which wire or thread is coiled) :: катушка {f}, бабіна {f}, шпулька {f}
bobcat {n} (North American wild cat) :: рудая рысь
Boche {n} (German) SEE: German ::
Boche {n} (derogatory: German) SEE: Fritz ::
bodily {adj} (relating to the body) :: цялесны
bodkin {n} (dagger) SEE: dagger ::
bodkin {n} (hairpin) SEE: hairpin ::
body {n} (physical structure of a human or animal) :: цела {n}
body corporate {n} (corporation) SEE: corporation ::
bodyguard {n} (person responsible for protecting an individual) :: целаахоўнік {m}
body of water {n} (significant accumulation of water) :: вадаём {m}
Boeing {prop} (An American aerospace company) :: Боінг {m}
bog {n} (expanse of marshland) :: балота {n}
bogatyr {n} (medieval Russian heroic warrior, see also: bahadur) :: багатыр {m}, віцязь {m}, асілак {m}
bogey {n} (booger) SEE: booger ::
bogie {n} (cigarette) SEE: cigarette ::
bogie {n} (ghost) SEE: ghost ::
bogie {n} (booger) SEE: booger ::
Bogomil {n} (member of a dualist Christian sect) :: багаміл {m}
Bogotá {prop} (Bogota) SEE: Bogota ::
Bogota {prop} (capital of Colombia) :: Багата {f}, Багота {f}
Bohemia {prop} (The region of the Czech Republic) :: Багемія {f}
bohemium {n} (rhenium) SEE: rhenium ::
boil {v} (cook in boiling water) :: варыць {impf}
boiled {adj} (angry) SEE: angry ::
boiled {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk ::
Bolivia {prop} (country in South America) :: Балівія {f}
Bolivian {n} (Bolivian person) :: балівіец {m}, балівійка {f}
Bolivian {adj} (pertaining to Bolivia) :: балівійскі
Bollywood {prop} (Indian film industry) :: Балівуд {m}
Bolshevik {n} (a member of the majority faction of the Russian Social Democratic Party, which seized power in the October Revolution of 1917) :: бальшавік {m}
bolt {n} (metal fastener) :: болт {m}, шруба {f}
bolt {v} (to connect pieces using a bolt) :: знітаваць {pf}
bomb {n} (device filled with explosives) :: бомба {f}
bomb {n} (success) SEE: success ::
bombard {v} (to attack something with bombs, artillery shells, or other missiles) :: бамбаваць {impf}
bombardment {n} (act of bombing, esp towns or cities) :: бамбаванне {n}, бамбёжка {f}
bomber {n} (aircraft) :: бамбавік {m}
bombshell {n} (a bomb or artillery shell designed to explode on impact) :: бомба {f}, знарад {m}
Bonaire {prop} (island) :: Банайрэ, Банер
bon appétit {phrase} (used to wish someone enjoyment of the meal they are about to eat) :: смачна есці
bone {n} (material) :: косць {f}
bone {n} (component of a skeleton) :: косць {f}
bone marrow {n} (bone marrow) :: касцявы мозг {m}
boner {n} (rigid state of penis or clitoris) SEE: erection ::
bonfire {n} (large, outdoor controlled fire) :: вогнішча {n}, касцёр {m}
bonjour {interj} (hello) SEE: hello ::
bonnet {n} (second stomach of a ruminant) SEE: reticulum ::
bon voyage {interj} (wish of good journey) :: добрай дарогі
boob {n} (breast (colloquial)) :: сіська {f}
booger {n} (a piece of solid or semi-solid mucus) :: казяўка {f}
book {n} (collection of sheets of paper bound together containing printed or written material) :: кніга {f}, кніжка {f}
bookcase {n} (furniture displaying books) :: кніжная шафа {f}
bookmark {n} (strip used to mark a place in a book) :: закладка
bookseller {n} (person) :: букініст {m} (a seller of second hand books)
bookshop {n} (shop that sells books) :: кніжны магазін {m}
bookstore {n} (bookshop) SEE: bookshop ::
boost {n} (push from behind) :: узмацненне
boot {n} (heavy shoe that covers part of the leg) :: чаравік {m}, бот {m}
boot {n} (luggage storage compartment of a sedan/saloon style car) SEE: trunk ::
bootstrap {v} (to load the operating system) SEE: boot ::
boot up {v} (to start computer by bootstrap procedure) SEE: boot ::
booty {n} (plunder) :: здабыча {f}, трафей {m}
booze {n} (any alcoholic beverage) :: трунак {m}
bordello {n} (brothel) SEE: brothel ::
border {n} (the outer edge of something) :: мяжа {f}
border {n} (the line or frontier area separating regions) :: мяжа {f}, граніца {f}
borderland {n} (land near a border) :: ускраіны {p-f}
bored {adj} (suffering from boredom) :: які нудзіцца
boredom {n} (state of being bored) :: нуда {f}, нудота {f}
boring {adj} (causing boredom) :: абрыдлівы
Boris {prop} (male given name) :: Барыс {m}
born {v} (be born) SEE: be born ::
boro {v} (borrow) SEE: borrow ::
boron {n} (chemical element) :: бор {m}
borrow {v} (receive temporarily) :: пазычаць {impf}, пазычыць {pf}
borscht {n} (beetroot soup) :: боршч {m}
bosk {n} (thicket; small wood) SEE: thicket ::
Bosnia {prop} (northern part of the country of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a geographic and historical entity) :: Боснія {f}, [Taraškievica orthography] Босьнія {f}
Bosnia {prop} (short for 'Bosnia and Herzegovina') :: Боснія {f}, [Taraškievica orthography] Босьнія {f}
Bosnia and Herzegovina {prop} (country on the Balkan peninsula) :: Боснія і Герцагавіна {f}, Босьнія і Герцагавіна {f} [Taraškievica]
Bosnian {adj} (of or pertaining to Bosnia) :: баснійскі {m}
Bosnian {n} (the people) :: басніец {m}, басняк {m}, баснійка {f}, баснячка {f}
Bosnian {n} (the standardized variety of Serbo-Croatian) :: баснійская мова {f}, баснійская {f}
Bosphorus {prop} (a strait that passes through Istanbul) :: Басфор {m}
boss {n} (supervisor) :: кіраўнік {m}, начальнік {m}, бос {m}, шэф {m}, галава {m}
boss {n} (person in charge) :: начальнiк {m}, начальнiца {f}, шэф {m}
Boston {prop} (city in Massachusetts) :: Бостан {m}
bot {n} (robot) SEE: robot ::
botanic {adj} (pertaining to botany) SEE: botanical ::
botanical {adj} (Of or pertaining to botany) :: батанічны {m}
botanist {n} (a person engaged in botany) :: батанік {m}
botanize {v} (do the work of a botanist) :: батанізаваць
botany {n} (scientific study of plants) :: батаніка {f}
both {determiner} (each of two; one and the other) :: абодва {m-p}, абедзве {f-p}, абое {m-p} {f-p} {n-p}
Botswana {prop} (Republic of Botswana) :: Батсвана {f}
bottle {n} (container) :: бутэлька {f}
bottle cap {n} (closure used to seal bottles) :: крышка {f}
bottle opener {n} (device to open bottles) :: адкрывальнік {m}
bottom {n} (abyss) SEE: abyss ::
bottom {n} (lowest part) :: дно {n}, ніз {m}
bough {n} (tree branch) :: сук {m}, галіна {f}, галінка {f}
boundary {n} (dividing line or location between two areas) :: мяжа {f}, граніца {f}
bounty {n} (generosity) SEE: generosity ::
bouquet {n} (bunch of flowers) :: букет {m}
bouquet garni {n} (bouquet garni) :: букет гарні {m}
bourdon {n} (bumblebee) SEE: bumblebee ::
bourse {n} (stock exchange) SEE: stock exchange ::
bow {n} (weapon used for shooting arrows) :: лук {m}
bow {n} (rod used for playing stringed instruments) :: смычок {m}, смык {m}
bowhead {n} (Balaena mysticetus) :: грэнландскі кіт
bowhead whale {n} (a whale, Balaena mysticetus) SEE: bowhead ::
bowl {n} (container for food) :: чаша {f}, міска {f}, піала {f}
bowling {n} (a game played by rolling a ball down an alley) :: боўлінг {m}
bowstring {n} (string of an archer's bow) :: цеціва {f}
box {n} (cuboid space; container) :: каробка {f}, скрынка {f}, яшчык {m}, скрыня {f}
box {n} (shrub or tree of the genus Buxus) :: самшит {m}
boxing {n} (the sport of boxing) :: бокс {m}
boy {n} (young male) :: хлопец {m}, хлопчык {m}
boy {n} (adult male found attractive) :: мужчына {m}
boyar {n} (rank of aristocracy) :: баярын {m}, барын {m} [a more modern term]
boyfriend {n} (male partner in a romantic relationship) :: каханак {m}, хлопец {m}, сябар {m}, прыяцель {m}
bra {n} (brassiere) :: бюстгальтар {m}, станік {m}, ліфчык {m}
brace {n} (harness) SEE: harness ::
bracelet {n} (a band or chain worn around the wrist as jewelry or an ornament) :: бранзалет {m}, браслет {m}
braces {n} (handcuffs) SEE: handcuffs ::
brahmin {n} (caste) :: брахман {m}
braid {v} (to intertwine) :: плесці {impf}, сплесці {pf}
braid {n} (hairstyle) :: каса {f}
brain {n} (organ) :: мозг {m}, мозаг {m} [Taraškievica]
brainpower {n} (mental ability) SEE: intelligence ::
brainstorm {n} (brainstorming) SEE: brainstorming ::
brainstorming {n} (method of problem solving) :: мазгавы шторм {m}, мазгавы штурм {m}, мазгавы напад {m}
brake {n} (device used to slow or stop a vehicle) :: тормаз {m}, гальмо {n}, гальмач {m}
bramble {n} (diverse Rubus shrubs) SEE: blackberry ::
brambling {n} (bird) :: юрок {m}
bran {n} (outside layer of a grain) :: вотруб'е {n}, высеўкі {p}
branch {n} (woody part of a tree arising from the trunk) :: галіна {f}, галінка {f}
branch {n} (location of an organization with several locations) :: філіял {m}
brandy {n} (liquor) :: брэндзі {n}, каньяк {m}
Brasília {prop} (The capital of Brazil) :: Бразілія {f}
brass {n} (alloy of copper and zinc) :: латунь {f}
brassiere {n} (bra) SEE: bra ::
Bratislava {prop} (The capital of Slovakia) :: Браціслава {f}
brave {adj} (strong in the face of fear) :: храбры, адважны, смелы
bravery {n} (being brave) :: смеласць {f}, храбрасць {f}, адвага {f}
Brazil {prop} (Portuguese-speaking country in South America) :: Бразілія {f}
Brazilian {adj} (pertaining to Brazil) :: бразільскі {m}
bread {n} (baked dough made from cereals) :: хлеб {m}
bread and circuses {n} (food and entertainment provided by the state) :: хлеба і відовішчаў [only in genitive case]
breadbasket {n} (stomach) SEE: stomach ::
breadmaker {n} (baker) SEE: baker ::
breadth {n} (width) SEE: width ::
break {v} (intransitive: to separate into (to end up in) two or more pieces) :: [into two pieces] ламацца {impf}, зламацца {pf}; [into more than two pieces] разбівацца {impf}, разбіцца {pf}
break {v} (transitive: to separate into (to cause to end up in) two or more pieces) :: [into two pieces] ламаць {impf}, зламаць {pf}; [into more than two pieces] разбіваць {impf}, разбіць
break {n} (rest or pause, usually from work) :: перапынак {m}, прэрва {f}
breakable {adj} (fragile) SEE: fragile ::
breakfast {n} (first meal of the day) :: сняданак {m}, снеданне {n}, сняданне {n}
bream {n} (fish of the genus Abramis) :: лешч {m}, леш {m} [Polatsk dialect]
breast {n} (milk-producing organ) :: грудзі {f-p}
breastpin {n} (brooch) SEE: brooch ::
breath {n} (act or process of breathing) :: дыханне {n}, уздых {m}
breathe {v} (to draw air in and out) :: дыхаць {impf}
breathing {n} (act of respiration) :: дыханне {n}
breeding {n} (copulation) SEE: sexual intercourse ::
breezefly {n} (horsefly) SEE: horsefly ::
Breslau {prop} (Wroclaw) SEE: Wroclaw ::
Brest {prop} (a city in Brittany) :: Брэст {m}
Brest {prop} (a city in Belarus) :: Брэст {m}, Берасце {n}, Берасьце {n} [Taraškievica]
Breton {n} (the language) :: брэтонская мова {f}, брэтонская {f}
Breton {adj} (pertaining to Brittany) :: брэтонскі {m}
breviary {n} (a book containing prayers and hymns) :: брэвіярый {m}
brew {n} (beer) SEE: beer ::
brew {n} (hill) SEE: hill ::
brewer {n} (someone who brews) :: півавар {m}, піваварка {f}
bribe {n} (inducement to dishonesty) :: хабар {m}, подкуп {m}
BRIC {prop} (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) :: БРІК {m}
brick {n} (hardened block used for building) :: цэгла {f}
bricklayer {n} (craftsman) :: муляр
BRICS {prop} (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) :: БРЫКС {m}
bride {n} (woman in the context of her own wedding) :: нявеста {f}, маладая {f}
bridegroom {n} (bridegroom, groom) :: жаніх {m}
bride price {n} (sum paid to the family of the bride) :: вена {n}
bridge {n} (construction or natural feature that spans a divide) :: мост {m}
bridge {n} (bony ridge of the nose) :: пераноссе {n}
bridge {n} (card game) :: брыдж {m}
bridle {n} (headgear for horse) :: вуздэчка {f}
brief {adj} (of short duration) :: кароткі {m}
briefcase {n} (case used for carrying documents) :: партфэль {m}
brigade {n} (organized group of people) :: брыгада {f}
bright {adj} (visually dazzling, luminous, radiant) :: яркі, светлы
bright {adj} (intelligent) :: здольны {m}
brilliant {n} (cut gemstone) :: брыльлянт {m}, брыльянт {m}
brimstone {n} (sulfur) SEE: sulfur ::
brine {n} (salt water) :: расол {m}, рапа {f} [firth water]
bring {v} (to transport toward somebody/somewhere) :: [a thing, on foot] прыносіць {impf}, прынесці {pf}, [a person, on foot] прыводзіць {impf}, прывесці {pf}, [a thing or person, by vehicle] прывозіць {impf}, прывезці {pf}
brinjal {n} (an aubergine) SEE: eggplant ::
briny {n} (sea) SEE: sea ::
Brisbane {prop} (Capital of Queensland, Australia) :: Брысбен {m}
Brit {n} (British person) SEE: Briton ::
Britain {prop} (United Kingdom) SEE: United Kingdom ::
Britain {prop} (island, see also: Great Britain; British Isles) :: Брытанія {f}
Britain {prop} (Brittany) SEE: Brittany ::
britches {n} (pants) SEE: pants ::
British {adj} (of Britain) :: брытанскі
British Columbia {prop} (province of Canada) :: Брытанская Калумбія {f}
Britisher {n} (British subject) :: брытанец {m}, брытанка {f}
British Isles {prop} (group of islands) :: Брытанскія астравы {m-p}
Briton {n} (inhabitant of Great Britain) :: брытанец {m}, брытанка {f}
Brittany {prop} (region of North West France) :: Брэтань {f}
bro {n} (a male sibling) SEE: brother ::
broach {n} (spit) SEE: spit ::
broach {n} (brooch) SEE: brooch ::
broad {adj} (wide) SEE: wide ::
broad {n} (whore) SEE: whore ::
broadcast {n} (transmission of a radio or television programme) :: перадача {f}, трансляцыя {f}
broadcast {n} (programme transmitted) :: перадача {f}, праграма {f}
broadcloth {n} (fine smooth-faced woolen cloth) :: сукно {n}
broccoli {n} (plant Brassica oleracea var. italica) :: брокалі {f}
brochure {n} (booklet of printed informational matter) :: брашура {f}
broker {n} (mediator between a buyer and seller) :: пасярэднік {m}, брокер {m}, маклер {m}
bromine {n} (nonmetallic chemical element) :: бром {m}
Bronx cheer {n} (synonym of raspberry) SEE: raspberry ::
bronze {n} (alloy) :: бронза {f}
brooch {n} (jewellery with pin) :: брошка {f}
brook {n} (a small stream) :: ручай {m}, ручаіна {f}, раўчук {m}, паток {m}
broom {n} (domestic utensil) :: мятла {f}, венік {m}
brothel {n} (house of prostitution) :: бардэль {m}, публічны дом {m}, дом цярпімасці {m}
brother {n} (male sibling) :: брат {m}
brother {n} (male fellow member of a religious community) :: брацішак
brotherhood {n} (state of being brothers or a brother) :: брацтва {n}, братэрства {n}
brotherhood {n} (an association of any purpose, a fraternity) :: брацтва {n}, братэрства {n}
brow {n} (forehead) SEE: forehead ::
brow {n} (eyebrow) SEE: eyebrow ::
brown {n} (colour) :: карычневы
brown {adj} (having a brown colour) :: карычневы, [eyes] кары, [hair] каштанавы
brown bear {n} (Ursus arctos) :: буры мядзведзь
brown coal {n} (lignite) SEE: lignite ::
brownnose {v} (fawn) SEE: fawn ::
browser {n} (web browser) SEE: web browser ::
bruise {n} (medical: mark on the skin) :: сіняк {m}
BRUK {prop} (Belarus, Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan) :: БРУК {m}
Brumaire {prop} (the second month of the French Republican Calendar) :: брумер {m}
brumous {adj} (wintry) SEE: wintry ::
Brunei {prop} (a country in Southeast Asia) :: Бруней {m}
brush {n} (implement) :: шчотка {f}
brushwood {n} (fallen branches and twigs) :: галлё {n}
Brussels {prop} (capital of Belgium) :: Брусель {m}
Bryansk {prop} (city in Russia) :: Бранск {m}
bubble {n} (Greek) SEE: Greek ::
bubble {n} (spherically contained volume of air or other gas) :: бурбалка {f}, пузыр {m}
bubble {v} (to cry, weep) SEE: weep ::
bubonic plague {n} (disease caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis) :: бубонная чума {f}
Bucharest {prop} (The capital of Romania) :: Бухарэст {m}
buck {n} (ram) SEE: ram ::
bucket {n} (container) :: вядро {n}
Buckingham Palace {prop} (the official London residence of the British monarch) :: Букінгемскі палац {m}
buckle {n} (belt clasp) :: спражка {f}, засцежка {f}
buckwheat {n} (fruit of this plant as cereal) :: грэчка {f}
bud {n} (newly formed leaf or flower that has not yet unfolded) :: пупышка {f}
Budapest {prop} (the capital city of Hungary) :: Будапешт {m}, Будапэшт {m}
buddha {n} (marijuana) SEE: marijuana ::
Buddha {prop} (spiritual and philosophical teacher) :: Буда {m}
Buddhism {n} (religion and philosophy) :: будызм {m}
budget {n} (the amount of money or resources earmarked for a particular institution, activity or time-frame) :: бюджэт {m}
budget {n} (itemized summary of intended expenditure) :: бюджэт {m}
budyonovka {n} (Red Army hat) :: будзёнаўка {f}
Buenos Aires {prop} (capital of Argentina) :: Буэнас-Айрэс {m}
buffalo {n} (Old World mammals) :: буйвал {m}
buffalo {n} (North American bison) :: бізон {m}
buffet {n} (counter or sideboard) :: буфет {m}, буфэт {m}
bug {n} (an insect of the order Hemiptera) :: клоп {m}
bug {n} (a colloquial name for insect) :: кузурка {f}, казюлька {f}, казяўка {f}, казурка {f}
bug {n} (problem that needs fixing (especially in computing)) :: памылка {f}, баг {m}
bugger {n} (heretic) SEE: heretic ::
bugger off {interj} (go away) SEE: get lost ::
buggery {n} (anal sex) SEE: anal sex ::
build {v} ((transitive) to form by combining materials or parts) :: будаваць {impf}, пабудаваць {pf}
builder {n} (a person who builds or constructs things) :: будаўнік {m}, будаўніца {f}
building {n} (act or process of building) :: будаванне {n} будаўніцтва {n}
building {n} (closed structure with walls and a roof) :: будынак {m}, дом {m}
Bukovina {prop} (Bukovina or Bucovina) :: Букавіна {f}
Bukvitsa {n} (an adaptation of Slavonic alphabet) :: буквіца {f}
bulb {n} (light bulb) SEE: light bulb ::
Bulgaria {prop} (country) :: Балгарыя {f}, Баўгарыя {f}
Bulgarian {adj} (relating to Bulgaria, its people or the Bulgarian language) :: балгарскі
Bulgarian {n} (native of Bulgaria) :: балгарын {m}, балгарка {f}
Bulgarian {n} (language) :: балгарская мова {f}, балгарская {f}, баўгарская {f}
bull {n} (uncastrated adult male bovine) :: бык {m}
bulldozer {n} (tractor) :: бульдозер {m}
bullet {n} (projectile) :: куля {f}
bullfinch {n} (Pyrrhula pyrrhula) :: снягір {m}
bully {n} (pimp) SEE: pimp ::
bumblebee {n} (genus of bee) :: чмель {m}
bumfodder {n} (toilet paper) SEE: toilet paper ::
bun {n} (A small bread roll, often sweetened or spiced) :: булачка {f}
bun {n} (A tight roll of hair worn at the back of the head) :: пучок {m}
bung {n} (bribe) SEE: bribe ::
buoy {n} (moored float) :: буй {m}
bupleurum {n} (plant of the genus Bupleurum) :: валадушка {f}
buprestid {n} (any species of Buprestidae) :: златка {f}
burden {n} (responsibility, onus) :: цяжар {m}, бярэмя {n}
bureau {n} (unit of governance, office) :: бюро {n}
bureaucracy {n} (system of administration) :: бюракратыя {f}
bureaucratize {v} (to make bureaucratic) :: бюракратызаваць
Burgas {prop} (city in Bulgaria) :: Бургас {m}
burglar {n} :: узломшчык {m}
burial {n} (interment) :: пахаванне {n}, хаўтуры {f-p}
burka {n} (female garment that covers the whole body) :: паранджа {f}
Burkina Faso {prop} (country) :: Буркіна-Фасо {f}
burlak {n} (a man employed in dragging ships upstream) :: бурлак {m}
Burma {prop} (Southeast Asian country (former name), see also: Myanmar) :: Бірма {f}
Burmese {prop} (language) :: бірманская мова {f}, бірманская {f}
burn {v} (to cause to be consumed by fire) :: паліць {impf}, спаліць {pf}
burn {v} (to be consumed by fire) :: гарэць {impf}, згарэць {pf}
burn {v} (to feel hot due to embarrassment) :: згараць {impf}, згарэць {pf}
burning bush {n} (Euonymus in general) SEE: spindle ::
burp {n} (a softer belch) :: адрыжка {f}
burp {v} (to emit a burp) :: рыгаць {impf}
burqa {n} (burka) SEE: burka ::
burrow {n} (a tunnel or hole) :: нара {f}
Burundi {prop} (a country in Eastern Africa) :: Бурундзі {f}
Buryatia {prop} (Buryatia, Russia) :: Буратыя {f}, Бурація {f}
bus {n} (medical slang: ambulance) SEE: ambulance ::
bus {n} (vehicle) :: аўтобус {m}
Busan {prop} (Busan, South Korea) :: Пусан {m}
bush {n} (category of woody plant) :: куст {m}
Bush {prop} (surname) :: Буш
business {n} (commercial enterprise or establishment) :: прадпрыемства {n}, бізнэс {m}
business card {n} (small card) :: візітная картка {f}, візітоўка {f}
businessman {n} (a man in business, one who works at a commercial institution) :: бізнэсмэн {m}, прадпрымальнік {m}
businessperson {n} (a person in business) :: прадпрымальнік {m}, прадпрымальніца {f}, бізнэсмэн {m}
business trip {n} (business trip) :: командыроўка {f}
bus station {n} (major bus stop, one that serves as a transfer point between a large number of routes) :: аўтавакзал {m}
bus stop {n} (a stop for public transport buses) :: прыпынак {m}, аўтобусны прыпынак {m}
busty {adj} (having large breasts) :: грудасты
busy {adj} (doing a great deal) :: заняты
but {conj} (rather) :: але, а
but {conj} (although) :: але
but {conj} (except) :: акрамя
butcher {n} (a person who prepares and sells meat) :: мяснік {m}
butchery {n} (abattoir) SEE: abattoir ::
butt {n} (buttocks) :: задніца {f}, седніца {f}, седаўка {f}, попа {f}, дупа {f} [vulgar]
butt {n} (remnant of a smoked cigarette or cigar) :: недакурак {m}
butter {n} (soft foodstuff made from milk) :: масла {n}
butterbrot {n} (German open sandwich) :: бутэрброд {m}
butterbur {n} (herb) :: белакапытнік {m}
buttercup {n} (flower of the genus Narcissus) SEE: daffodil ::
butterfly {n} (insect) :: матылёк {m}, матыль {m}
butterfly net {n} (net used to collect butterflies) :: сачок {m}
buttermilk {n} (traditional buttermilk) :: пахта {f}, маслёнка {f}
butthole {n} (anus) SEE: anus ::
butt-naked {adj} (naked) SEE: naked ::
buttock {n} (each of the two large fleshy halves of the posterior part of the body) :: крумянка {f}, седніца {f}, седаўка {f}, ягадзіца {f}
button {n} (knob or small disc serving as a fastener) :: гузік {m}
button {n} (a mechanical device meant to be pressed with a finger) :: кнопка {f}
buy {v} (to obtain something with money) :: купляць {impf}, купіць {pf}
buy {n} (purchase) SEE: purchase ::
buyer {n} (person who makes purchases) :: пакупнік {m}, пакупніца {f}
buzz {n} (whisper) SEE: whisper ::
buzzard {n} (bird of the genus Buteo) :: каня {f}
buzzard {n} (scavenging bird) SEE: vulture ::
by and by {adv} (soon) SEE: soon ::
Byblos {prop} (port city in Lebanon) :: Бібл
by chance {prep} (unexpected(ly); accidental(ly)) :: выпадкова
Bydgoszcz {prop} (a city in Poland) :: Быдгашч {f}
by dint of {prep} (because of; by reason of) SEE: because of ::
Byelorussian SSR {prop} (Soviet republic) :: Беларуская ССР
by foot {adv} (on foot) SEE: on foot ::
bygone {adj} (in the far past) :: даўні
bylina {n} (traditional East Slavic oral epic narrative poem) :: быліна {f}
byte {n} (8-bit unit) :: байт {m}
by the by {prep} (by the way) SEE: by the way ::
by the time {prep} (when) SEE: when ::
by the way {prep} (incidentally) :: дарэчы
Byzantine Empire {prop} (Greek-speaking empire in the Eastern Mediterranean region) :: Бізантыйская імпэрыя {f}
Byzantium {prop} (Byzantine Empire) SEE: Byzantine Empire ::
cab {n} (taxi) SEE: taxi ::
cabaret {n} (live entertainment held in a restaurant or nightclub) :: кабарэ {n}
cabbage {n} (plant) :: капуста {f}
cabin {n} (private room on a ship) :: каюта {f}
cabin {n} (interior of a boat) :: кабіна {f}, каюта {f}
cabinet {n} (group of ministers) :: кабінет {m}
cable {n} (large wire, rope) :: трос {m}, канат {m}
cable {n} (assembly of wires for electricity) :: кабель {m}
Cabo Verde {prop} (Cape Verde) SEE: Cape Verde ::
cachalot {n} (sperm whale) SEE: sperm whale ::
cactus {n} (member of the Cactaceae) :: кактус {m}
cadmium {n} (chemical element) :: кадмій {m}
Caesar {prop} (ancient Roman family name) :: Цэзар {m}
Caesarean section {n} (incision in the womb) :: кесарава сячэньне {n}
caesium {n} (a metallic chemical element) :: цэзій {m}
café {n} (coffee shop) :: кавярня {f}, кафэ {n}
cafe {n} (café) SEE: café ::
cafeteria {n} (restaurant) :: страўня {f}, кафэтэрый {m}
cafeteria {n} (dining area) :: страўня {f}
caffeine {n} (alkaloid found naturally in tea and coffee plants) :: кафеін {m}
cage {n} (enclosure) :: клетка {f}
caiman {n} (alligator relative) :: кайман {m}
Cairo {prop} (capital of Egypt) :: Каір {m}
cake {n} (a sweet dessert) :: торт {m} [large], пірожнае {n} [small]
calaboose {n} (prison) SEE: prison ::
calamari {n} (as mollusk) SEE: squid ::
calamus {n} (fistula) SEE: fistula ::
calamus {n} (quill) SEE: quill ::
calcium {n} (chemical element of atomic number 20) :: кальцый {m}
calculate {v} ((transitive) to determine the value or solution of sth.) :: вылічваць {impf}, вылічаць {impf}, вылічыць {pf}, вырахоўваць {impf}, вырахаваць {pf}
calculation {n} (act or process of calculating) :: вылічэнне {n}, разрахунак {m}, разлік {m}
calculator {n} (electronic device that performs mathematical calculations) :: калькулятар {m}
calendar {n} (system by which time is divided) :: каляндар {m}
calf {n} (young cow or bull) :: цяля {n}, цялё {n}
calf {n} (anatomy: back of the leg below the knee) :: ікра {f}, лытка {f}
Cali {prop} (California) SEE: California ::
California {prop} (US state) :: Каліфорнія
californium {n} (chemical element) :: каліфорній {m}
caliginous {adj} (dark, obscure) SEE: dark ::
caliph {n} (political leader of the Muslim world) :: халіф {m}
caliphate {n} (Islamic government) :: халіфат {m}
call {n} (social visit) :: наведванне {n}, візіт {m}
call {v} (to request, summon, or beckon) :: клікаць {impf}, клікнуць {pf}
call {v} (to contact by telephone) :: званіць {impf}, пазваніць {pf}; тэлефанаваць {impf}, патэлефанаваць {pf}
calling card {n} (printed card identifying the bearer) SEE: business card ::
calling name {n} (nickname) SEE: nickname ::
Calliope {prop} (the Muse of eloquence and epic) :: Каліёпа {f}
callow {adj} (bald) SEE: bald ::
calm {adj} (free from anger and anxiety) :: спакойны
calm {v} (to make calm) :: супакойваць {impf}, заспакойваць {impf}
calmness {n} (the state of being calm; tranquillity; silence) :: спакой {m}
calpack {n} (hat) :: каўпак {m}
calque {n} (word formed by word-for-word translation of a word in another language) :: калька {f}
calvous {adj} (lacking most or all of one's hair) SEE: bald ::
cam {n} (camera) SEE: camera ::
camaraderie {n} (close friendship in a group of friends) :: сяброўства {n}, таварыства {n}, дружба {f}, таварыскасць {f}
Cambodia {prop} (country in Southeast Asia) :: Камбоджа {f}
Cambodian {n} (a person from Cambodia or of Cambodian descent) :: камбаджыец {m}, камбаджыйка {m}
Cambodian {n} (the language of the Cambodian people) SEE: Khmer ::
camel {n} (beast of burden) :: вярблюд {m}
camelopard {n} (giraffe) SEE: giraffe ::
camera {n} (still camera) :: фатаапарат {m}, камера {f}
camera {n} (movie camera) :: відэакамера {f}, камера {f}
camera flash {n} (a device that produces a short flash of light) SEE: flash ::
Cameron {prop} (surname) :: Кэмеран
Cameroon {prop} (country in Central Africa) :: Камерун {m}
camomile {n} :: рамонак {m}
camp {n} (outdoor place) :: лагер {m}
campaign {n} (series of operations undertaken to achieve a set goal) :: кампанія {f}
camphor {n} (white transparent waxy crystalline isoprenoid ketone) :: камфара {f}
can {v} (to be able) :: магчы {impf}, змагчы {pf}; [know how to] умець {impf}, ўмець {impf}, сумець {pf}
can {n} (chamber pot) SEE: chamber pot ::
Canaan {prop} (historic region) :: Ханаан {m}
Canaan Dog {n} (Canaan Dog) :: ханаанскі сабака {m}
Canada {prop} (country in North America) :: Канада {f}
Canadian {adj} (of or pertaining to Canada) :: канадскі {m}, канадскі {m}
Canadian {n} (person from Canada) :: канадзец {m}, канадка {f}
canal {n} (artificial waterway) :: канал {m}
Canberra {prop} (Capital of Australia) :: Канбера {f}, Канбэра {f}
cancel {v} (invalidate, annul) :: касаваць {impf}, скасоўваць {impf}, скасаваць {pf}, адмяняць {impf}, адмяніць {pf}
cancer {n} (disease of uncontrolled cellular proliferation) :: рак {m}
candidate {n} (person running in an election) :: кандыдат {m}, кандыдатка {f}
candle {n} (a light source) :: свечка {f}
candle holder {n} (candle holder) SEE: candlestick ::
candlestick {n} (a holder with a socket or spike for a candle) :: падсвечнік {m}, кандэлябр {m}
candlewick {n} SEE: candle ::
candy {n} (piece of candy) :: цукерка {f}
cane {n} (walking stick) SEE: walking stick ::
cane {n} (sugar cane) SEE: sugar cane ::
canister {n} (short range antipersonnel projectile) SEE: grapeshot ::
canister shot {n} (grapeshot) SEE: grapeshot ::
cannabis {n} (plant) :: канапля {f}, каноплі {f-p}
cannabis {n} (marijuana) SEE: marijuana ::
cannibal {n} (an organism which eats others of its own species) :: канібал {m}, людажэрца {m}, людаед {m}
Cannizzaro reaction {n} (reaction) :: рэакцыя Каніцара {f}
cannon {n} (artillery piece) :: гармата {f}, пушка {f}
cannon fodder {n} (military forces considered to be expendable) :: гарматнае мяса {n}
canny {adj} (pleasant, nice) SEE: pleasant ::
canny {adj} (frugal, thrifty) SEE: frugal ::
canola {n} (cultivar of rapeseed Brassica napus) SEE: colza ::
can opener {n} (device used to open tin cans) :: адкрывальнік {m}, кансервавы нож {m}
can-opener {n} (can opener) SEE: can opener ::
canteen {n} (small cafeteria or snack bar) :: сталовая {f}, ядальня {f}, сталоўка {f}, сталоўня {f}
Canterbury {prop} (cathedral city in England) :: Кентэрберы {m}
canvas {n} (a piece of canvas cloth on which one may paint) :: палатно {n}
canvass {v} (to campaign) SEE: campaign ::
canyon {n} (a valley cut in rock by a river) :: каньён {m}
caoutchouc {n} (natural rubber) :: каўчук {m}
capable {adj} (able and efficient) :: здольны
capacity {n} (the ability to hold, receive or absorb) :: ёмістасць {f}, ёмасць {f}, умяшчальнасць {f}, пакоўнасць {f}
capacity {n} (capability; the ability to perform some task) :: здатнасць {f}, здольнасць {f}
capacity {n} (the maximum that can be produced) :: прадукцыйнасць {f}
capacity {n} (the position in which one functions) :: кампетэнтнасць {f}
caper {n} (crime) SEE: crime ::
caper {n} (capercaillie) SEE: capercaillie ::
capercaillie {n} (Tetrao urogallus) :: глушэц
Cape Verde {prop} (country in Western Africa) :: Каба-Вердэ {f}
capillary {n} (any of small blood vessels that connect arteries to veins) :: капіляр {m}
capital {n} (money and wealth) :: капітал {m}, багацце {n}
capital {n} (uppermost part of a column) :: капітэль {f}
capital {n} (capital city) SEE: capital city ::
capital city {n} (city designated as seat of government) :: сталіца {f}
capitalism {n} (socio-economic system based on private property rights) :: капіталізм {m}
Cappadocia {prop} (ancient region) :: Кападокія
capsicum {n} (plant of the genus Capsicum (only terms covering capsicum in general apply, NOT species-specific)) :: перац {m}, папрыка, струковы перац {m}
capsule {n} (weasel) SEE: weasel ::
capsule {n} (small container containing a dose of medicine) :: капсула {f}
captain {n} (an army officer with a rank between the most senior grade of lieutenant and major) :: капітан {m}
captain {n} (the person lawfully in command of a sea-going vessel) :: капітан {m}
captee {n} (captive) SEE: captive ::
captivate {v} (to attract and hold interest and attention of) :: зачароўваць {impf}, зачараваць {pf}
captive {n} (a person who has been captured) :: палонны, палоннік {m}, вязень {m}
captive {adj} (held prisoner) :: палонны
captivity {n} (captives) SEE: captive ::
captivity {n} (state of being captive) :: палон {m}, няволя {f}
car {n} (automobile, a vehicle steered by a driver) :: машына {f}, аўтамабіль {m}, аўтамашына {f}, самаход {m}
car {n} (passenger-carrying unit in a subway or elevated train, whether powered or not) :: вагон {m}
car {n} (railway car, railroad carriage) SEE: carriage ::
Caracas {prop} (capital of Venezuela) :: Каракас {m}
carafe {n} (bottle for serving wine, water, or beverages) :: графін {m}
caramel {n} (confection) :: карамель {f}
caravan {n} (convoy or procession) :: караван {m}
caravel {n} (light, usually lateen-rigged sailing vessel) :: каравела {f}
carbon {n} (chemical element) :: вуглярод {m}
carbonado {v} (to cut or hack) SEE: cut ::
carburetor {n} (a device in an internal combustion engine) :: карбюратар {m}
carburettor {n} (motor car part) SEE: carburetor ::
carcass {n} (body of a dead human) SEE: corpse ::
card {n} (flat, normally rectangular piece of stiff paper, plastic etc.) :: карта {f}, картка {f}
card {n} (playing card) SEE: playing card ::
card {n} (card game) SEE: card game ::
cardboard {n} (material resembling heavy paper) :: картон {m}
card game {n} (any of very many games played with playing cards) :: карты {f-p}
cardiac {adj} (pertaining to the heart) :: сэрцавы
cards {n} (card game) SEE: card game ::
care {n} (close attention, concern or responsibility) :: клопат {m}, турбота {f}
care {n} (worry) :: клопат {m}, непакой {m}, неспакой {m}, турбота {f}
care {n} (treatment of those in need) :: турбота {f}, догляд {m}, апека {f}
care {v} (to be concerned about) :: турбавацца {impf}
care {v} (to look after) :: дбаць {impf}, клапаціцца {impf}
career {n} (one's calling in life; a person's occupation) :: кар'ера {f}
carefree {adj} (worry free, light hearted, etc.) :: бесклапотны, бестурботны
careful {adj} (cautious) :: асцярожны, пільны, уважлівы, акуратны
carefully {adv} (in a careful manner) :: асцярожна
careless {adj} (not concerned or worried) SEE: carefree ::
caress {n} (endearment) :: ласка {f}
caress {v} (touch or kiss lovingly) :: лашчыць {impf}, песціць {impf}, галубіць {impf}, гладзіць {impf} [stroke gently]
cargo {n} (freight carried by a ship) :: груз {m}
caricature {n} (pictorial representation of someone for comic effect) :: карыкатура {f}, шарж {m}
carious {adj} (decayed, rotten) SEE: rotten ::
Carl {prop} (transliterations and equivalents of "Carl") :: Карл {m}
carnival {n} (festive occasion marked by parades) :: карнавал {m}
carolling {n} (the act of singing carols) :: калядаванне {n}
carousel {n} (merry-go-round) SEE: merry-go-round ::
carp {n} (Any of various freshwater fish of the family Cyprinidae) :: карп {m}
Carpathians {prop} (mountainous system in Central Europe) :: Карпаты {f-p}
carpenter {n} (carpentry person) :: цясляр {m}, сталяр {m}
carpet {n} (a fabric used as a floor covering) :: кілім {m}, дыван {m}
carpet shark {n} (ferret) SEE: ferret ::
carrack {n} (ship) :: карака {f}
carriage {n} (wheeled vehicle, generally drawn by horse power) :: карэта {f} [coach], воз {m}, калёсы {n-p}, каламажка {f}
carriage {n} (railroad car) :: вагон {m}
carrot {n} (Daucus carota ssp. sativus) :: морква {f}
carry {v} (to transport by lifting) :: [abstract, on foot] насіць {impf}, панасіць {pf}; [concrete, on foot] несці {impf}, панесці {pf}; [abstract, by vehicle] вазіць {impf}, павазіць {pf}; [concrete, by vehicle] везці {impf}, павезці {pf}
carry {v} (to carry) SEE: bear ::
carrying pole {n} (a yoke of wood or bamboo, used by people to carry a load) :: карамысла {n}
carry out {v} (to carry out) SEE: fulfill ::
carry out {v} (To hold while moving something out.) :: выносіць {impf}, вынесці {pf}
cart {n} (small, open, wheeled vehicle, see also: wagon) :: воз {m}, калёсы {n-p}
carte de visite {n} (business card) SEE: business card ::
Carter {prop} (surname) :: Картэр {m} {f}
Carthage {prop} (ancient city in North Africa) :: Карфаген {m}
cartilage {n} (dense connective tissue) :: храсток {m}, храшч {m}
carton {n} (a carton of cigarette packs) :: блок {m}
cartoon {n} (humorous drawing or strip) :: комікс {m}, карыкатура {f}, шарж {m}
cartoon {n} (animated cartoon) :: мультыплікацыйны фільм {m}, мультфільм {m}
cartridge box {n} (case for cartridges, see also: bandolier) :: ладунка {f}, less often лядунка {f}
carvel {n} (light, usually lateen-rigged sailing vessel) SEE: caravel ::
Casablanca {prop} (city) :: Касабланка {f}
case {n} (actual event, situation, or fact) :: справа {f}, выпадак {f}
case {n} (piece of work) :: справа {f}
case {n} (box containing a number of identical items of manufacture) :: скрыня {f}
case {n} (grammatical case) SEE: grammatical case ::
cash {n} (money in the form of notes/bills and coins) :: наяўныя грошы {m-p}, наяўныя {m-p}, гатоўка {f}, кэш {m} [colloquial], грошы {m-p} [money]
cash desk {n} (place with a cash register) :: каса {f}
cash dispenser {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine ::
cashier {n} (one who works at a till or receives payments) :: касір {m}, касірка {f}
cashier {n} (person in charge of the cash of a business or bank) :: касір {m}, касірка {f}
cashier's desk {n} (cash desk) SEE: cash desk ::
cash in {v} (to die) SEE: die ::
cash machine {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine ::
cashpoint {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine ::
cash register {n} (machine) :: касавы апарат {m}
Casimir {prop} (male given name) :: Казімір {m}, Казімер {m}
casino {n} (public building or room for entertainment, especially gambling) :: казіно {n}
casket {n} (coffin) SEE: coffin ::
Caspian gull {n} (Larus cachinnans) :: чайка-рагатуха {f}
Caspian roach {n} (Rutilus caspicus) SEE: vobla ::
Caspian Sea {prop} (landlocked sea) :: Каспійскае мора {n}
casserole {n} (glass or earthenware dish) :: каструля {f}
casserole {n} (food, such as a stew, cooked in such a dish) :: запяканка {f}
cassock {n} (item of clerical clothing) :: раса {f}
cast {n} (medicine: supportive and immobilising device) :: гіпс {m}
caste {n} (hereditary social class) :: каста {f}
Castilian {prop} (Spanish) SEE: Spanish ::
castle {n} (fortified building) :: замак {m}
castle {n} (chess piece) SEE: rook ::
castrate {v} (remove the testicles of) :: кастрыраваць {impf} {pf}, лягчаць {impf}, пакладаць {impf}
casualty {n} (person) :: пацярпелы {m}, ахвяра {f}
cat {n} (spiteful woman) SEE: bitch ::
cat {n} (type of fish) SEE: catfish ::
cat {n} (domestic species) :: кошка {f}, кот {m}
cat {n} :: кошка {f}
cataclysm {n} (sudden, violent event) :: катаклізм {m}
Catalan {prop} (language of Catalonia) :: каталонская мова {f}, каталонская {f}
catalepsy {n} (catalepsy) :: каталепсія {f}
Catalonia {prop} (autonomous community in Spain) :: Каталонія {f}
Catalonian {adj} (Catalan) SEE: Catalan ::
Catalonian {n} (Catalan) SEE: Catalan ::
catalyst {n} (substance which increases the rate of a chemical reaction without being consumed in the process) :: каталізатар
catapult {n} (slingshot) SEE: slingshot ::
catastrophe {n} (any large and disastrous event of great significance) :: катастрофа {f}
catch {v} (to capture or snare) :: лавіць {impf}, злавіць {pf}, залавіць {pf}
catch {v} (to intercept an object in the air etc.) :: лавіць {impf}, злавіць {pf}, залавіць {pf}
category {n} (group) :: катэгорыя {f}
caterpillar {n} (larva of a butterfly) :: вусень {m}
catfish {n} (type of fish, see also: sheatfish) :: сом {m}
cathedral {n} (principal church of a bishop's diocese) :: сабор {m}
Catherine {prop} (female given name) :: Кацярына {f}
cathode {n} (electrode through which current flows outward) :: катод {m}
Catholic Church {n} (24 particular churches in full communion with the Pope as the Bishop of Rome) :: Каталіцкая Царква {f}
Catholicism {n} (faiths, practices and doctrines of a Catholic Church) :: каталіцтва {n}
catholicity {n} (Catholicism) SEE: Catholicism ::
catmint {n} (catnip) SEE: catnip ::
catnip {n} (plant of the genus Nepeta) :: кацямятка
cattle {n} (domesticated bovine animals) :: буйная рагатая жывёла {f}, быдла {n}
cattle {n} (certain other livestock) :: рагатая жывёла {f}, жывёла {f},быдла {n}
cattle {n} (pejorative: people who resemble cattle in behavior or destiny) :: быдла {n}
cattle {n} :: карова {f}
catwalk {n} (narrow elevated stage on which models parade) :: подыум {m}
Caucasus {prop} (geographic region) :: Каўказ {m}
cauldron {n} (large bowl-shaped pot) :: кацёл {m}
cauliflower {n} (vegetable) :: цвятная капуста {f}
cauliflower {n} (edible head of a cauliflower plant) :: цвятная капуста {f}
causate {v} (cause) SEE: cause ::
cause {n} (source or reason of an event or action) :: прычына {f}
cause {v} (to set off an event or action) :: прычыняць {impf}
cavalry {n} (military service that fights with riding horses) :: кавалерыя {f}, конніца {f}
cave {n} (large, naturally occurring cavity formed underground) :: пячора {f}
caviar {n} (roe of the sturgeon or other large fish (black caviar)) :: ікра {f}, чорная ікра {f} [black caviar]
caviar {n} (red caviar) SEE: ikra ::
cavy {n} (guinea pig) SEE: guinea pig ::
cease-fire {n} (in warfare, an agreed end to hostilities for a specific purpose) :: спыненне агню {n}, замiрэнне {n}, перамір'е {n}
Cecil {prop} (male given name) :: Цэцылій {m}
cedilla {n} (mark placed under the letter c) :: цэдыллю
ceil {n} (ceiling) SEE: ceiling ::
ceiling {n} (upper limit of room) :: столь {m}
celery {n} (herb) :: салера {f}, сельдэрэй {m}
celestial {adj} (relating to heaven (religious)) :: нябесны
celestial {adj} (relating to sky) :: нябесны
celestial sphere {n} (abstract sphere of infinite radius) :: нябесная сфера {f}
celibacy {n} (state of being unmarried) :: бясшлюбнасць {f}, цэлібат {m}
celibate {adj} (unmarried) :: нежанаты, халасты [of a man], незамужняя [of a woman]
cell {n} (room in a prison for containing inmates) :: камера {f}
cell {n} (room in a monastery for sleeping one person) :: келля {f}
cell {n} (basic unit of a living organism) :: клетка {f}
cellar {n} (underground space) :: склеп {m}, падвал {m}, лёх {m}, пограб {m}
cell nucleus {n} (cytology: large organelle found in cells) SEE: nucleus ::
cello {n} (musical instrument) :: віяланчэль {f}, віялянчэль {f}
cell phone {n} (mobile phone) SEE: mobile phone ::
cellular {n} (mobile phone) SEE: mobile phone ::
cellular phone {n} (mobile phone) SEE: mobile phone ::
Celsius {adj} (related to a metric scale of temperature) :: Цэльсій {m}
Celtic {prop} (branch of languages) :: кельцкія мовы
Celtic {adj} (of the Celts; of the style of the Celts) :: кельцкі
cembalo {n} (cembalo) SEE: harpsichord ::
cement {n} (a powdered substance) :: цэмент {m}
cemetery {n} (a place where the dead are buried) SEE: graveyard ::
cenotaph {n} (monument to honor the dead whose bodies lie elsewhere) :: кенатаф {m}
censorship {n} (use of state or group power to control freedom of expression) :: цэнзура {f}
cent {n} (subunit of currency in US and elsewhere) :: цэнт {m}
centaur {n} (mythical half-man, half-horse) :: кентаўр {m}
centenary {adj} (of, or pertaining to, or completing a period of 100 years) :: стагадовы
center {n} (point equidistant from all points on the perimeter of a circle) :: цэнтр {m}, сярэдзіна {f}
center {n} (point on a line midway between the ends) :: цэнтр {m}
centimetre {n} (one-hundredth of a metre) :: сантыметр {m}
centipede {n} (a segmented arthropod of class Chilopoda) :: сараканожка {f}
central {adj} (being in the centre) :: цэнтральны
Central African Republic {prop} (country in Central Africa) :: Цэнтральна-Афрыканская Рэспубліка {f}, ЦАР {f}
Central Asia {prop} (smaller area of Central Asia) :: Сярэдняя Азія {f}
central bank {n} (the principal monetary authority of a polity) :: цэнтральны банк {m}
Central Europe {prop} (geographical region in the center of Europe) :: Цэнтральная Еўропа {f}
centralism {n} (system that centralizes) :: цэнтралізм {m}
centre {n} (center) SEE: center ::
centre {v} (center) SEE: center ::
century {n} (100 years) :: век {m}, стагоддзе {n}
cephalalgia {n} (headache) SEE: headache ::
cephalic {adj} (of or referring to the head) :: галаўны
ceramic {adj} (of or pertaining to ceramic as material) :: керамічны
cerebral {adj} (of, or relating to the brain) :: мазгавы, цэрэбральны
ceremony {n} (ritual with religious significance) :: цырымонія {f}, абрад {m}
Ceres {prop} (dwarf planet) :: Цэрэра {f}
cerium {n} (chemical element) :: цэрый {m}
certain {adj} (sure, positive, not doubting) :: упэўнены, пэўны
certain {adj} (not specifically named, indeterminate, indefinite) :: якісьці, нейкі, якісь
certain {determiner} (having been determined but not specified) :: нейкі {m}
certainty {n} (state of being certain) :: пэўнасць {f}, упэўненасць {f}
certificate {n} (document containing a certified statement) :: сертыфікат {m}, пасведчанне {n}, дакумент {m}
cerumen {n} (earwax) SEE: earwax ::
cervical {adj} (of the neck) :: шыйны
cervix {n} (neck) SEE: neck ::
cervix {n} (neck-like part) SEE: neck ::
cesarean section {n} (Caesarean section) SEE: Caesarean section ::
c'est la vie {phrase} (such is life) SEE: such is life ::
chacha {n} (Georgian grape vodka) :: чача {f}
Chad {prop} (country) :: Чад {m}
chador {n} (a loose robe worn by Muslim women) :: чадра {f}
chaff {n} (inedible parts of grain plant) :: мякіна {f}, палова {f}
chain {n} (series of interconnected rings or links) :: ланцуг {m}
chain reaction {n} (type of nuclear reaction) :: ланцуговая рэакцыі {f}
chainsaw {n} (saw with a power-driven chain) :: бензапіла {f}
chair {n} (furniture) :: крэсла {n}, столец {m}, стул {m}
chair {n} (chairperson) SEE: chairperson ::
chairman {n} (person presiding over a meeting) :: старшыня {m}, галава {m}
chairperson {n} (a person who presides over a meeting, a board) :: старшыня {m}, галава {m}
chaise longue {n} (reclining chair with a long seat) :: шэзлонг {m}
chalk {n} (a soft, white, powdery limestone) :: крэйда {f}, мел {m}
chalk {n} (a piece of chalk used for drawing and on a blackboard) :: крэйда {f}, мел {m}
chamber {n} (chamber pot) SEE: chamber pot ::
chamber pot {n} (a container used for urination and defecation, see also: urinal; chemical toilet) :: начны гаршчок {m}, гаршчок {m}
chameleon {n} (reptile) :: хамелеон {m}
chamois {n} (A goat-like antelope) :: сарна {f}
Chamonix {prop} (town on the département of Haute-Savoie) :: Шамані {m}
champagne {n} (sparkling white wine produced in Champagne) :: шампанскае {n}
Champagne {n} (champagne) SEE: champagne ::
champian {n} (field of inquiry or study) SEE: field ::
champian {n} (flat expanse of land) SEE: plain ::
champian {n} (species of landscape) SEE: plain ::
champian {n} (level open countryside) SEE: plain ::
championship {n} (competition to determine a champion) :: чэмпіянат {m}
chance {n} (an opportunity or possibility) :: шанс, шанц {m}, магчымасць {f}
chancellor {n} (head of government in some German-speaking countries) :: канцлер {m}
chandelier {n} (branched, often ornate, lighting fixture suspended from the ceiling) :: люстра {f}, жырандоль {m} [with candles]
change {v} (to become something different) :: змяняцца {impf}, змяніцца {pf}
change {v} (to make something into something different) :: змяняць {impf}, змяніць {pf}
change {v} (to replace) :: заменьваць {impf}, замяніць {pf}
change {v} (to replace one's own clothing) :: пераапранацца {impf}, пераапрануцца {pf}
change {v} (to transfer to another vehicle) :: перасаджвацца {impf}, перасадзіцца {pf}
change {n} (balance returned after a purchase) :: рэшта {f}, здача {f}
change {n} (a transfer between vehicles) :: перасадка {f}
Chang Jiang {prop} (Yangtze) SEE: Yangtze ::
channel {n} (narrow body of water between two land masses) :: праліў {m}, пратока {f}
channel {n} (broadcasting: specific radio frequency or band of frequencies) :: канал {m}
channel {n} (broadcasting: specific radio frequency or band of frequencies used for transmitting television) :: канал {m}
chanoyu {n} (tea ceremony) SEE: tea ceremony ::
chaos {n} (state of disorder) :: хаос {m}, хаас {m}
chapter {n} (section in a book) :: глава {f}, раздзел {m}
character {n} (being in a story) :: персанаж {m}, герой {m}, гераіня {f}
character {n} (symbol for a sound or a word) :: літара {f}, знак {m}
charcoal {n} (substance) :: дрэўны вугаль {m}
charcoal drawing {n} (charcoal drawing) SEE: charcoal ::
charge {n} (accusation) :: абвінавачванне {n}, абвінавачанне {n}
chargecard {n} (credit card) SEE: credit card ::
charger {n} (a device that charges or recharges) :: зарадная прылада {f}
chariot {n} (vehicle used in warfare) :: калясніца {f}
Charles's law {prop} (physical law stating the density of an ideal gas is inversely proportional to its temperature at constant pressure) :: закон Шарля {m}
charm {v} (use a magical charm) :: зачароўваць {impf}, зачараваць {pf}
chart {n} (map) SEE: map ::
chart {n} (graph) SEE: graph ::
chart {n} (table) SEE: table ::
chart {n} (non-narrative presentation of data) :: графік {m}, дыяграма {f}
chart {n} (diagram) SEE: diagram ::
Chartism {prop} (a movement for political and social reform in the United Kingdom during the mid-19th century) :: чартызм {m}
chary {adj} (not disposed to give freely) SEE: frugal ::
chase {n} (hunt) SEE: hunt ::
chase {v} (to hunt) SEE: hunt ::
chase {v} (to pursue, to follow at speed) :: [abstract] ганяць {impf}, паганяць {pf}; [concrete] гнаць {impf}, пагнаць {pf}
chassis {n} (base frame of motor vehicle) :: шасі {n}
chaste {adj} (modest) SEE: modest ::
chaste {adj} (celibate) SEE: celibate ::
chaste {adj} (innocent) SEE: innocent ::
chasten {v} (discipline) SEE: discipline ::
chastener {n} (one who chastens) SEE: punisher ::
chastity {n} (abstaining from sexual activity) :: цнатлівасць {f}, нявіннасць {f}, беззаганнасць {f}
chat {v} (be engaged in informal conversation) :: гутарыць {impf}
chat {n} (exchange of text or voice messages in real time) :: чат {m}
chatterbox {n} (one who chats or talks to excess) :: лапатун {m}, лапатуха {f}, лапатушка {f}, ласкатун {m}, ласкатуха {f}, ласкатушка {f}
chauffeur {n} (a person employed to drive a motor car) :: шафёр {m}, кіроўца {m}, вадзіцель {m}
chauvinism {n} (excessive patriotism) :: шавінізм {m}
cheap {adj} (low and/or reduced in price) :: танны, дзяшовы [colloquial]
cheat sheet {n} (sheet of paper used to assist on a test) :: шпаргалка {f}
Cheboksary {prop} (city) :: Чэбаксары {p}
Chechnya {prop} (republic of Russia) :: Чачня {f}
check {v} (to clash or interfere) SEE: clash ::
check {n} (inspection or examination) :: праверка {f}
check {n} (bill, particularly at a restaurant) :: рахунак {m}
check {n} (bank order) SEE: cheque ::
checkers {n} (draughts) SEE: draughts ::
checkmate {interj} (said when making the conclusive move in chess) :: мат, шах і мат
checkmate {n} (conclusive victory in a game of chess) :: мат {m}
checkout counter {n} (cash desk) SEE: cash desk ::
checkout desk {n} (cash desk) SEE: cash desk ::
cheek {n} (part of face) :: шчака {f}, палічка {f}
cheers {interj} (toast when drinking) :: будзьма
cheese {n} (dairy product) :: сыр {m}
cheetah {n} (Acinonyx jubatus) :: гепард {m}
Chekist {n} (agent of the Cheka) :: чэкіст {m}
Chelm {prop} (city in Poland) :: Хэлм, Холм
Chelyabinsk {prop} (city) :: Чалябінск {m}
chemist {n} (person working in chemistry) :: хімік {m}
chemist {n} (pharmacy) SEE: pharmacy ::
chemist {n} (pharmacist) SEE: pharmacist ::
chemistry {n} (branch of natural science) :: хімія {f}
chemist's {n} (pharmacy) SEE: pharmacy ::
Chemnitz {prop} (city in Saxony) :: Кемніц {m}
cheque {n} (a note promising to pay money to a named person or entity) :: чэк {m}
Cherkasy {prop} (city) :: Чаркасы {p}
Cherkessk {prop} (city in Russia) :: Чаркеск {m}
Chernigov {prop} (Chernihiv) SEE: Chernihiv ::
Chernihiv {prop} (city) :: Чарнігаў {m}
Chernivtsi {prop} (city) :: Чарнаўцы {p}
Chernobyl {n} (city in Ukraine) :: Чарнобыль {m}
Chernovtsy {prop} (Chernivtsi) SEE: Chernivtsi ::
chernozem {n} (black-coloured soil containing a high percentage of humus) :: чарназём {m}
cherry {n} (fruit) :: чарэшня {f} [sweet cherry], вішня {f} [sour cherry]
chervonets {n} (former Russian currency, usually ten roubles) :: чырвонец {m}
chess {n} (two-player board game) :: шахматы {m-p}, шахы {m-p} [dated]
chessman {n} (chess piece) SEE: chess piece ::
chess piece {n} (any of the 16 white and 16 black pieces used in playing the game of chess) :: шахматная фігура {f}
chesspiece {n} (chessman) SEE: chess piece ::
chess player {n} (a person who plays chess) :: шахматыст {m}, шахматыстка {f}
chest {n} (strong box) :: куфар {m}, скрыня {f}
chest {n} (thorax) :: грудзі {f-p}
chest {n} (coffin) SEE: coffin ::
chestnut {n} (nut of the chestnut tree) :: каштан {m}
chevy {v} (to chase or hunt) SEE: chase ::
chew {v} (to crush food with teeth prior to swallowing) :: жаваць
chewing gum {n} (flavoured preparation for chewing) :: жавальная гумка {f}, жуйка {f}
chiaroscuro {n} (artistic technique using exaggerated light contrasts) :: святлацень {f}
Chicago {prop} (large US city) :: Чыкага {m}
chick {n} (young bird) :: птушаня {n}, птушанё {n}
chick {n} (young chicken) :: кураня {n}, куранё {n}
chickadee {n} (songbird) :: сініца {f}, гіль {m}
chicken {n} (bird) :: птушаня {n}, птушанё {n}, курыца {f}, кураня {n}, куранё {n}
chicken pox {n} (childhood disease) :: ветраная воспа {f}, ветранка {f}, ахват {m}
chicory {n} (common chicory (Cichorium intybus)) :: цыкорыя {f}
chief {n} (leader of group, etc.) :: правадыр {m}, галоўны {m}, водца {m}, важак {m}
chief {n} (head of an organization) :: кіраўнік {m}, начальнiк {m}, галава {m}, шэф {m}
chief executive officer {n} (highest-ranking corporate officer) :: генеральны дырэктар {m}
chief of state {n} (the titular head of a nation) SEE: head of state ::
Chihuahua {n} (breed of dog) :: чыхуахуа {f}
Chișinău {prop} (capital city and a municipality of Moldova) :: Кішынёў {m}
child {n} (a female or male child, a daughter or son) :: дзіця {n}, дзіцё {n}, рабёнак {m}
child {v} (to give birth) SEE: give birth ::
childbirth {n} (act of giving birth) :: роды {m-p}
child-free {adj} :: чайлдфры
child-fucker {n} (contemptible person) SEE: motherfucker ::
childhood {n} (state of being a child) :: дзяцінства {n}
childhood {n} (time when one is a child) :: дзяцінства {n}
childish {adj} (suitable for a child) :: дзіцячы
childish {adj} (behaving immaturely) :: дзіцячы, інфантыльны
childless {adj} (not having any children) :: бяздзетны
children's home {n} (public institution for care of children, see also: orphanage) :: дзіцячы дом {m}
Chile {prop} (country in South America) :: Чылі {f}
chili pepper {n} (fruit) :: чырвоны перац {m}
chilly {adj} (cold enough to cause discomfort) :: халаднаваты
chimney {n} (vertical tube or hollow column; a flue) :: дымаход {m}, комін {m}
chimpanzee {n} (ape) :: шымпанзэ {m} {f}
chin {n} (bottom of a face) :: падбародак {m}, барада {f} [also "beard"]
China {prop} (country in east Asia) :: Кітай {m}
Chinatown {n} (a Chinese district outside China) :: кітайскі квартал {m}, чайнатаун {m}
Chinese {prop} (any language spoken in China, see also: Literary Chinese; Mandarin; Cantonese; Wu; Min Nan) :: кітайская {f}, кітайская мова {f}
Chinese {n} (the people of China) :: кітаец {m}, кітаянка {f}
Chinese {n} (person born in China) :: кітаец {m}, кітаянка {f}
Chinese {adj} (relating to China) :: кітайскі
chipmunk {n} (squirrel-like rodent) :: бурундук {m}
chisel {n} (tool consisting of a slim oblong block of metal) :: долата {n}, зубіла {n} [metal chisel], стамеска {f} [wood chisel]
Chita {prop} (city in Russia) :: Чыта {f}
chivalry {n} (ethical code) :: рыцарства {n}
chive {n} (plant) :: скарада {f}, рэзанец {m}
chlorine {n} (chemical element) :: хлор {m}
chocolate {n} (food made from ground roasted cocoa beans) :: шакалад {m}, шакаляд {m}
chocolate egg {n} (Easter treat) SEE: Easter egg ::
choice {n} (option or decision) :: выбар {m}
choice {n} (selection or preference) :: выбар {m}
choice {n} (anything that can be chosen) :: выбар {m}
choir {n} (singing group) :: хор {m}
cholecyst {n} (gall bladder) SEE: gall bladder ::
cholera {n} (infectious disease) :: халера {f}
choose {v} (to choose) SEE: take ::
choose {v} (to pick) :: выбіраць {impf}, выбраць {pf}
chopper {n} (helicopter (formal translations)) SEE: helicopter ::
chopper {n} (axe/ax) SEE: axe ::
chord {n} (combination of three or more notes) :: акорд {m}
Christ {prop} (title for Jesus of Nazareth) :: Хрыстос {m}
Christian {n} (member of the Christian religion) :: хрысціянін {m}, хрысціянка {f}
Christian {adj} (of, like or relating to Christianity or Christians) :: хрысціянскі
Christianity {prop} (monotheistic religion) :: хрысціянства {n}
Christina {prop} (female given name) :: Крысціна {f}
Christine {prop} (female name) SEE: Christina ::
Christmas {prop} (Christian holiday) :: каляды {f-p}, Раство {n}, Ражджаство {n}, Ражаство {n}, Нараджэнне Хрыстова {n}
Christmas Eve {prop} (evening before Christmas Day) :: Вігілія {f}
Christmas Island {prop} (non self-governing territory of Australia) :: Востраў Каляд {m}
Christmas tree {n} (tree used during the Christmas holiday season) :: ёлка {f}, калядная ёлка {f}
chromium {n} (chemical element) :: хром {m}
chromosome {n} (structure in the cell nucleus) :: храмасома {f}
chronology {n} (determining the order of events (an auxiliary science of history)) :: храналогія {f}
chronology {n} (arrangement into chronological order) :: храналогія {f}
chrysalis {n} (the pupa of a butterfly or moth) :: кукалка {f}, лялечка {f}
chrysanthemum {n} (flower) :: хрызантэма {f}
Chrysanthemum Throne {prop} (Japanese monarchy) :: Хрызантэмавы трон {m}
Chudskoye {prop} (a lake between Russia and Estonia) :: Чудское возера {n}
Chukchi Peninsula {prop} (peninsula) :: Чукоцкі паўвостраў {m}, Чукотка {f}
Chukotka {prop} (short for Chukchi Peninsula, see also: Chukchi Peninsula) :: Чукотка {f}
Chukotka {prop} (short for Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, see also: Chukotka Autonomous Okrug) :: Чукотка {f}
chur {interj} (voicing of thanks) SEE: thanks ::
church {n} (house of worship) :: царква {f}, касцёл {m} [Catholic]
Church of England {prop} (established Christian church in England) :: Царква Англіі {f}
Church of Scotland {prop} (national Presbyterian church of Scotland) :: Царква Шатландыі {f}
church service {n} (communal worship) :: богаслужэнне {n}
Church Slavonic {prop} (liturgical language) :: царкоўнаславянская {f} [мова]
chyme {n} (partly digested food passed from the stomach to the duodenum) :: хімус {m}
ciao {interj} (hello) SEE: hello ::
ciao {interj} (goodbye) SEE: goodbye ::
cicada {n} (any of several insects of the order Hemiptera) :: цыкада {f}
cicatrice {n} (scar) SEE: scar ::
cicatrix {n} (scar that remains after the development of new tissue) SEE: scar ::
Cicero {prop} (Roman statesman and orator) :: Цыцэрон {m}
cider {n} (alcoholic beverage) :: сідр {m}
cigar {n} (tobacco product) :: цыгара {f}
cigarette {n} (cigarette) :: цыгарэта {f}, папяроса {f}
cigarette lighter {n} (lighter) SEE: lighter ::
Cincinnati {prop} (city in Ohio) :: Цынцынаці, Цынцынаты
cinder {n} (ember) SEE: ember ::
Cinderella {prop} (fairy tale) :: Папялушка {f}
Cinderella {prop} (main character in this fairy tale) :: Папялушка
cinefilm {n} (format) :: кінаплёнка {f}
cinema {n} (movie) SEE: movie ::
cinema {n} (a film/movie theatre) :: кінатэатр {m}, кіно {n}
cinnamon {n} (spice) :: карыца {f}, цынамон {m} [taraškievica]
cipher {n} (obsolete: zero) SEE: zero ::
circle {n} (geometry: set of points that are equally distant from a center) :: круг {m}, акружнасць {f}
circle {n} (geometry: set of all points in a plane within a radius) :: круг {m}
circle {n} (orbit) SEE: orbit ::
circular {adj} (of or relating to a circle) :: кругавы
circular {adj} (in the shape of, or moving in a circle) :: круглы
circumcision {n} (removal of foreskin from penis) :: абразанне {n}
circumference {n} (line that bounds a circle or other two-dimensional object) :: акружнасць {f}
circumstance {n} (that which attends, or relates to, or in some way affects, a fact or event) :: акалічнасць {f}
circus {n} (company that travels) :: цырк {m}
cirque {n} (something in the shape of a circle) SEE: circle ::
cirrhosis {n} (chronic disease of the liver) :: цыроз {m}
CIS {prop} (Commonwealth of Independent States) :: СНД
citadel {n} (a strong fortress that sits high above a city) :: цытадэль {f}
citadel {n} (a stronghold or fortified place) :: цытадэль {f}
citation {n} (the passage or words quoted; quotation) :: цытата {f}
citation needed {phrase} (A portion of a wiki needs to be validated by a source.) :: няма крыніцы
cite {v} (quote) SEE: quote ::
cite {n} (citation) SEE: citation ::
citizen {n} (legal member of a state) :: грамадзянін {m}, грамадзянка {f}
citizenship {n} (state of being a citizen) :: грамадзянства {n}
city {n} (large settlement) :: горад {m}, места {n}
civil {adj} (related to people and government office as opposed to military or religion) :: грамадзянскі, цывільны, грамадзкi
civilization {n} (organized culture) :: цывілізацыя {f}
civil registry {n} (government repository or database) :: ЗАГС {m}
civil war {n} (war between factions within a single country) :: грамадзянская вайна {f}
Civil War {prop} (civil war) SEE: civil war ::
claim {v} (to demand ownership of something) :: патрабаваць {impf}, запатрабаваць {pf}
clap {v} (To strike the palms of the hands together) :: пляскаць
clap {v} (To applaud by clapping the hands) :: пляскаць
clarinet {n} (woodwind musical instrument) :: кларнет {m}
clarity {n} (the state or measure of being clear) :: яснасць {f}
clash {n} (skirmish) :: сутыкненне {n}, сутычка {f}
class {n} (group, collection, category or set sharing characteristics or attributes) :: клас {m}, разрад {m}
class {n} (social grouping, based on job, wealth, etc.) :: клас {m}
class {n} (division of society into classes) :: клас {m}
class {n} (admirable behavior; elegance) :: клас {m}
class {n} (group of students in a regularly scheduled meeting with a teacher) :: клас {m}
class {n} (series of classes covering a single subject) :: курс {m}, заняцці {n-p}
classical {adj} (literature etc) :: класічны
classification {n} (act of forming into classes) :: класіфікацыя {f}, клясыфікацыя {f}
classroom {n} (room in a school) :: класны пакой {m}, клас {m}
claw {n} (curved horny nail) :: кіпцюр {m}, кіпець {m}, пазур {m}, кокаць {m}
clay {n} (mineral substance) :: гліна {f}
clean {adj} (not dirty) :: чысты
clean {v} ((transitive) to remove dirt from a place or object) :: чысціць {impf}, пачысціць {pf}
clean {adj} (empty) SEE: empty ::
cleanliness {n} (the property of being cleanly) :: чыстата {f}, чысціня {f}, чыстасць {f}
cleanness {n} (state of being clean) :: чыстата {f}, чысціня {f}, чыстасць {f}
clear {adj} (transparent in colour) :: чысты, празрысты
clear {adj} (bright, not obscured) :: ясны, чысты, светлы
cleave {v} (transitive to split or sever) :: расколваць {impf}, расшчапляць {impf}, расшчапляць {impf}, калоць {impf}
cleaver {n} (a squarish knife used for hacking) :: дровокол {m}
clergy {n} (people trained to officiate at religious ceremonies and services) :: духавенства {n}
clever {adj} (mentally quick or sharp) :: разумны
clew {n} (ball of thread) :: клубок {m}
client {n} (a customer or receiver of services) :: кліент {m}, кліентка {f}
cliff {n} (a (near) vertical rock face) :: скала {f}, уцёс {m} / ўцёс {m}, кліф {m}
climate {n} (long-term atmospheric conditions) :: клімат {m}
climatology {n} (science) :: кліматалогія {f}
climax {n} (the peak of sexual pleasure) SEE: orgasm ::
climb {v} (to mount, to move upwards on) :: [abstract] лазіць {impf}, палазіць {pf}; [concrete] лезці {impf}, палезці {pf}
clinic {n} (medical facility) :: клініка {f}
clipper {n} (fast sailing ship) :: кліпер {m}
clitoris {n} (elongated erectile organ) :: клітар {m}
cloak {n} (cape) :: плашч {m}, [Polatsk] плаш {m}
cloakroom {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet ::
clock {n} (instrument to measure or keep track of time) :: гадзіннік {m}
clock face {n} (the surface of a clock that contains the dial and hands) :: цыферблат {m}
close {v} (obstruct (an opening)) :: зачыняць {impf}, зачыніць {pf}
close {v} (move (a door)) :: зачыняць {impf}, зачыніць {pf}
close {adj} (at a little distance) :: блізкі, бліжні
closed {adj} (not open) :: зачынены {m}, закрыты {m}
closely {adv} (in a close manner) :: цесна [narrowly, tightly], блізка [nearby, not far]
closet {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet ::
closet {n} (furniture) :: шафа {f}
cloth {n} (woven fabric) :: тканіна {f}
cloth {n} (piece of cloth) :: ануча {f}
clothe {v} (adorn with clothing) :: апранаць {impf}, апрануць {pf}
clothes {n} (apparel) :: адзежа {f}, адзенне {n}
clothes peg {n} (an object used to attach wet laundry to a clothesline) :: прышчэпка {f}
clothespin {n} (a clip or fastener) SEE: clothes peg ::
clothing {n} (clothes) :: адзежа {f}, адзенне {n}
cloud {n} (visible mass of water droplets suspended in the air) :: хмара {f}, воблака {n}
cloudy {adj} (covered with or characterised by clouds) :: хмарны, пахмурны
clover {n} (plant in genus Trifolium) :: канюшына {f}
clown {n} (performance artist working in a circus) :: клоўн {m}
club {n} (weapon) :: дубінка {f}, дручок {m}
club {n} (association of members) :: клуб {m}
clubs {n} (plural of club) SEE: club ::
clumsy {adj} (awkward, lacking coordination, not graceful, not dextrous) :: нязграбны
c'mere {contraction} (come) SEE: come ::
c'mere {contraction} (here) SEE: here ::
coach {n} (rail passenger car) :: вагон {m}
coadjutor {n} (assistant) SEE: assistant ::
coal {n} (uncountable: carbon rock) :: вугаль {m}, каменны вугаль {m}
coal tit {n} (coal tit) :: сініца чорная
coast {n} (edge of land meeting ocean, sea, gulf, bay) :: бераг {m}
coaster {n} (piece of material used to protect the surface of a table) :: падстаўка {f}
coat {n} (outer garment covering the upper torso and arms) :: паліто {n}, пальто {n}, пінжак {m} [jacket]
coat hanger {n} (device used to hang up coats, shirts, etc) :: вешалка {f}
coat of arms {n} (hereditary design depicted on an escutcheon) :: герб {m}
cob {n} (gull) SEE: gull ::
cobalt {n} (chemical element) :: кобальт {m}
cobra {n} (venomous snake) :: кобра {f}
cobweb {n} (a spider’s web) SEE: spiderweb ::
Coca-Cola {prop} (particular carbonated soft drink) :: Кока-кола {f}
coccyx {n} ((anatomy) final fused vertebrae) :: хвастцовая косць {f}, хвасцец {m}
cock {n} (slang: penis) SEE: dick ::
cock {n} (male chicken; male gallinaceous bird) SEE: rooster ::
cock-a-doodle-doo {interj} (cry of the rooster) :: кукарэку
cockchafer {n} (beetle of genus Melolontha) :: хрушч {m}, майскі жук {m}
cockeyed {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk ::
cockeyed {adj} (crooked, askew) SEE: crooked ::
cockle {n} (wrinkle) SEE: wrinkle ::
cockle {n} (corncockle) SEE: corncockle ::
cockroach {n} (type of insect) :: прусак {m}, таракан {m}
cocktail {n} (alcoholic beverage) :: кактэйль {m}
coconut {n} (fruit of coco palm) :: какосавы арэх {m}, какос {m}
cod {n} (marine fish of the family Gadidae) :: трэска {f}
code {n} (very short abbreviation) :: код {m}
code {n} (body of law) :: кодэкс {m}
code {n} (set of rules for converting information) :: код {m}
code {n} (cryptographic system) :: код {m}, шыфр {m}
code {n} (instructions for a computer) :: код {m}
codfish {n} (cod) SEE: cod ::
cod liver oil {n} (nutritional supplement) :: рыбін тлушч {m}
coercion {n} (actual or threatened force for the purpose of compelling action by another person) :: прымус {m}
coetaneous {adj} (contemporary) SEE: contemporary ::
coffee {n} (beverage) :: кава {f}
coffee bar {n} (establishment that sells coffee) SEE: café ::
coffeehouse {n} (café) SEE: café ::
coffee pot {n} (pot for coffee) :: кафейнік {m}
coffee shop {n} (café) SEE: café ::
coffin {n} (box in which a dead person is buried) :: труна {f}, гроб {m}, дамавіна {f}, дамоўка {f} [colloquial]
cogitable {adj} (conceivable) SEE: conceivable ::
cognac {n} (type of brandy) :: каньяк {m}
cohort {n} (accomplice) SEE: accomplice ::
cohort {n} (colleague) SEE: colleague ::
coiffure {n} (hairstyle) SEE: hairstyle ::
Coimbra {prop} (city and municipality in Coimbra, Portugal) :: Каімбра
coin {n} ((currency) a piece of currency) :: манета {f}
coinage {n} (currency) SEE: currency ::
coincidence {n} (state of events appearing to be connected when they are not) :: збежнасць {f}, супадзенне {n}
cola {n} (drink) :: кола {f}
colander {n} (a bowl-shaped kitchen utensil with holes in it used for draining food such as pasta) :: друшляк {m}
cold {adj} (having a low temperature) :: халодны, зімні
cold {n} (low temperature) :: холад {m}
cold {n} (illness) :: прастуда {f}
cold day in Hell {n} (an event that will never happen) :: калі рак свісне
cold fusion {n} (hypothetical form of nuclear fusion) :: халодны ядзерны сінтэз {m}
cold war {n} (a period of hostile relations) :: халодная вайна {f}
Cold War {prop} (a period of history from 1945–1991) :: халодная вайна {f}
cole {n} (cabbage) SEE: cabbage ::
collaboration {n} (act of collaborating) :: супрацоўніцтва {n}
collaborationist {n} (one who collaborates) SEE: collaborator ::
collaborator {n} (person who cooperates traitorously with an enemy) :: калабарацыяніст {m}, калабарацыяністка {f}
collar {n} (fabric garment part fitting around throat) :: каўнер {m}
collar {v} (to arrest) SEE: arrest ::
colleague {n} (fellow member of a profession) :: калега {m} {f}, супрацоўнік {m}, супрацоўніца {f}
collect {v} (to gather together) :: збіраць {impf}, сабраць {pf}
collection {n} (set of items) :: калекцыя {f}, збор {m}
Collective Security Treaty Organisation {prop} (intergovernmental military alliance) :: Арганізацыя Дагавора аб калектыўнай бяспецы {f}
collectivization {n} (the act of collectivizing) :: калектывізацыя
collector {n} (person or thing that collects) :: калекцыянер {m} [hobby, e.g. stamps], зборшчык {m} [e.g. tax, bill]
collector {n} (amplified terminal on a bipolar junction transistor) :: калектар {m}
collision {n} (instance of colliding) :: сутыкненне {n}
colloquial {adj} (of oral communication language) :: размоўны
cologne {n} (eau de Cologne) :: адэкалон {m}
Cologne {prop} (city in Germany) :: Кёльн {m}
Colombia {prop} (country in South America) :: Калумбія {f}
colon {n} (punctuation mark) :: двукроп'е {n}
colonel {n} (commissioned office in the armed services) :: палкоўнік {m}
colonial {adj} (of or pertaining to a colony) :: каланіяльны, колёніяльны [Taraškievica]
colonization {n} (process of establishing a colony) :: каланізацыя {f}
colony {n} (region or governmental unit) :: калонія {f}, калёнія {f}
colophony {n} (rosin) SEE: rosin ::
color {n} (spectral composition of visible light) :: колер {m}, фарба {f}, хварба {f}, барва {f}
color {n} (particular set of the visible spectrum) :: колер {m}
color {v} (give something color) :: фарбаваць {impf}, пафарбаваць {pf}
Colorado beetle {n} (beetle) :: каларадскі жук {m}
color blindness {n} (condition in which the ability to see colors is impaired) :: дальтанізм {m}
colored pencil {n} (pencil with coloured core) :: каляровы аловак {m}
Colosseum {prop} (ancient stadium in Rome) :: Калізей {m}
colostrum {n} (a form of milk) :: малодзіва {n}
coltsfoot {n} (Tussilago farfara) :: падбел {m}
columbine {n} (any plant of the genus Aquilegia) :: вадазбор, орлик
column {n} (upright supporting member) :: калона {f}, слуп {m}
colza {n} (cabbage variety) :: рапс {m}
coma {n} (Deep sleep) :: кома {f}
comatose {adj} (asleep) SEE: asleep ::
comb {n} (toothed implement for grooming the hair) :: расчоска {f}, грэбень {m}, грабянец {m}
comb {v} (to groom the hair with a toothed implement) :: расчэсваць {impf}, прычэсваць {impf}
comb {n} (structure of cells made by bees) SEE: honeycomb ::
combative {adj} (given to fighting) :: ваяўнічы {m}
combine {n} (combine harvester) SEE: combine harvester ::
combine harvester {n} (combine) :: камбайн {m}
combust {v} (be consumed by fire) SEE: burn ::
come {v} (to move nearer) :: прыбываць {impf}, прыбыць {pf}; [on foot] прыходзіць {impf}, прыйсці {pf}; [by vehicle] прыязджаць {impf}, прыехаць {pf}
comedian {n} (entertainer) :: гумарыст {m}, комік {m}, камедыянт {m}
comedown {n} (after a drug) SEE: crash ::
comedy {n} (dramatic work that is light and humorous or satirical in tone) :: камедыя {f}
come in {v} (to enter) SEE: enter ::
comet {n} (a celestial body, generally with a tail) :: камета {f}
come to someone's aid {v} (to assist and rescue someone) :: прыйсці на дапамогу {pf}
comfort {n} (contentment, ease) :: выгода {f}, зручнасць {f}, камфорт {m}
comfort {n} (consolation) :: уцяшэнне {n}, суцяшэнне {n}
comfort {v} (to provide comfort) :: супакойваць {impf}, супакоіць {pf}, заспакойваць {impf}, заспакоіць {pf}, уцяшаць {impf}, уцешыць {pf}
comfort {v} (console) SEE: console ::
comfortable {adj} (providing physical comfort and ease) :: зручны {m}
comforter {n} (pacifier) SEE: pacifier ::
comic {n} (comedian) :: комік {m}
comic {n} (cartoon story) :: комікс {m}
comical {adj} (being funny, whimsically amusing) :: смешны
coming out of the closet {v} (self-disclosure of sexual orientation) :: камінг-аўт {m}
comma {n} (punctuation mark ',') :: коска {f}
command {n} (order) :: загад {m}, каманда {f}, прыказ {m}, расказ {m}
commander {n} (one who exercises control and direction of a military or naval organization) :: камандзір {m}
commander in chief {n} (Supreme commander of the armed forces of an entire country) :: галоўнакамандуючы {m}
commandment {n} (a command or edict) :: запаведзь {f}
commence {v} (begin, start) :: [transitive] пачынаць {impf}, пачаць {pf}; [intransitive] пачынацца {impf}, пачацца {pf}
comment {n} (spoken remark) :: каментар {m}
comment {v} (to remark) :: каменціраваць {impf}
commentator {n} (person who comments) :: каментатар {m}, камэнтатар {m}
commerce {n} (large scale trade) :: гандаль {m}, камерцыя {f}
commercial at {n} (at sign) SEE: at sign ::
commie {n} (communist) SEE: communist ::
commissar {n} ((Soviet Union) the head of a commissariat) :: камісар {m}
commissariat {n} (a department of the government of the Soviet Union) :: камісарыят {m}
commission {n} (body of officials) :: камісія {f}
commitment {n} (act or instance of committing, putting in charge, keeping, or trust) :: абавязацельства {n}
commitment {n} (being bound emotionally/intellectually) :: прыхільнасць {f}, абавязацельства {n}
commit suicide {v} (to kill oneself) :: скончыць жыццё самагубствам {pf}, пакончыць з сабой {pf}
committee {n} (group of persons convened for the accomplishment of some specific purpose) :: камітэт {m}
commo {n} (communist) SEE: communist ::
commo {n} (communication) SEE: communication ::
commodity {n} (anything movable traded) :: тавар {m}, прадукт {m}
common {adj} (mutual) :: агульны {m}
common {adj} (usual) :: звыклы
common bean {n} (plant) :: фасоль {f}
common blackbird {n} (Turdus merula) SEE: blackbird ::
common cockchafer {n} (Melolontha melolontha) :: майскі жук {m}
Common Germanic {prop} (Proto-Germanic) SEE: Proto-Germanic ::
common gull {n} (Larus canus) :: чайка
common kestrel {n} (Falco tinnunculus) :: звычайная пустальга {f}, пустальга звычайная {f}
common noun {n} (noun that denotes any member or all members of a class) :: агульнае імя {n}, імя агульнае {n}, імя назоўнае {n}, імя звычайнае {n}
Common Slavic {prop} (Proto-Slavic) SEE: Proto-Slavic ::
common snipe {n} (the species Gallinago gallinago) :: бакас {m}
Commonwealth of Independent States {prop} (alliance of former Soviet republics) :: Садружнасць Незалежных Дзяржаў {f}, СНД {f}
communicate {v} (to impart information or knowledge of; to make known, to tell) :: паведамляць {impf}, паведаміць {pf}
communication {n} (concept of exchanging information) :: камунікацыя {f}
communism {n} (philosophy) :: камунізм {m}
communist {adj} (of or relating to communism) :: камуністычны
communist {n} (person who follows a communist philosophy) :: камуніст {m}, камуністка {f}
Communist {n} (communist) SEE: communist ::
Communist {adj} (communist) SEE: communist ::
community {n} (group sharing a common understanding) :: грамадства {n}, грамада {f}
Comoros {prop} (country in Eastern Africa) :: Каморскія астравы {m-p}, Каморы {m-p}
compact disc {n} (optical disc used to store data) :: кампакт-дыск {m}
compact disk {n} (CD) SEE: compact disc ::
companion {n} (someone with whom one spends time or keeps company) :: кампаньён {m}, спадарожнік {m}, спадарожніца {f}
company {n} (in legal context, a corporation) :: кампанія {f}, фірма {f}, прадпрыемства {n}
company {n} (military unit) :: рота {f}
comparable {adj} (similar) SEE: similar ::
comparative {adj} (of or relating to comparison) :: параўнальны
comparative {n} (grammatical construction) :: вышэйшая ступень {f}, параўнальная ступень {f}
comparative degree {n} ((grammar)) SEE: comparative ::
compare {v} (to assess the similarities between two things or between one thing and another) :: параўноўваць {impf}, параўнаць {pf}
comparison {n} (act of comparing or the state of being compared) :: параўнанне {n}
compartment {n} (chamber) :: аддзяленне {n} [train], адсек {m}, купэ {n} [train]
compass {n} (instrument to determine cardinal directions) :: компас {m}
compassion {n} (deep awareness of the suffering of another) :: спачуванне {n}, спагада {f}
compatriot {n} (somebody from one's own country) :: суайчыннік {m}, суайчынніца {f}
compete {v} (to contend) :: сапернічаць {impf}
competition {n} (action of competing) :: канкурэнцыя {f}
competition {n} (contest for a prize or award) :: спаборніцтва {n}, конкурс {m}
complaint {n} (grievance, problem, difficulty, or concern; the act of complaining) :: скарга {f}, жальба {f}
complementarity {n} (state of being complementary) :: узаемазамяняльнасць {f}
complete {adj} (with everything included) :: поўны
complex {adj} (not simple or straightforward) :: складаны
complex {n} (problem) SEE: problem ::
complicated {adj} (difficult or convoluted) :: складаны
compliment {n} (expression of praise, congratulation or respect) :: камплімент {m}, пахвала {f}
compliment {v} (to pay a compliment; to express a favorable opinion) :: казаць кампліменты {impf}
component {n} (smaller, self-contained part of larger entity) :: кампанент {m}
composer {n} (one who composes music) :: кампазітар {m}
composition {n} (synthesis as opposed to analysis) SEE: synthesis ::
compound {n} (chemistry: substance made by chemical combination of elements) :: злучэнне {n}
compound {n} (linguistics: word formed by combining other words) SEE: compound word ::
compound word {n} (word composed of others) :: складанае слова {n}
comprehension {n} (thorough understanding) :: разуменне {n}
compress {v} (to abridge) SEE: abridge ::
compromise {n} (settlement of differences by arbitration or by consent reached by mutual concessions) :: кампраміс {m}
compulsory {adj} (mandatory) :: абавязковы {m}
computer {n} (device) :: камп'ютар {m}, кампутар {m}, камп'ютэр {m}
computer science {n} (study of computers and their architecture) :: інфарматыка {f}
computing {n} (calculation) SEE: calculation ::
comrade {n} (mate, companion, or associate) :: таварыш {m}, сябар {m}, сяброўка {f}
comrade {n} (companion in battle, fellow soldier) :: таварыш {m}
comrade {n} (fellow socialist or communist) :: таварыш {m}
comrade {n} (title used in leftist circles) :: таварыш {m}
conceivable {adj} (capable of being conceived or imagined; possible; credible; thinkable) :: магчымы, мажлівы
concentration camp {n} (camp where large numbers of persons are detained) :: канцэнтрацыйны лагер {m}, канцлагер {m}
concept {n} (something understood and retained in the mind) :: паняцце {n}, канцэпцыя {f}, ідэя {f}
concept album {n} (album) :: канцэпт-альбом {m}
conception {n} (initiation of an embryonic animal life) :: зачацце {n}
concerning {prep} (regarding) :: наконт
concert {n} (a musical entertainment in which several voices or instruments take part) :: канцэрт {m}
concise {adj} (brief and precise) :: кароткі, сціслы, лаканічны
concord {n} ((grammar) Agreement of words with one another) SEE: agreement ::
concordance {n} (agreement) SEE: agreement ::
concrete {adj} (particular, perceivable, real) :: канкрэтны, пэўны
concrete {adj} (not abstract) :: сапраўдны, рэальны
concrete {n} (building material) :: бетон {m}
concubine {n} (a woman who lives with a man, but who is not a wife) :: наложніца {f}
concubine {n} (mistress) SEE: mistress ::
condemn {v} (to scold sharply) :: асуджаць {impf}, асудзіць {pf}
condemn {v} (to pronounce guilty) :: асуджаць {impf}, асудзіць {pf}
condensed milk {n} (milk that has been reduced to syrup) :: згушчанае малако {n}
condiment {n} (something used to enhance flavor) :: прыправа {f}
condition {n} (logical clause or phrase) :: умова {f}
condition {n} (health status of a patient) :: стан {m}, становішча {n}
condition {n} (state of an object) :: стан {m}, становішча {n}
conditional {n} (grammar: mode/mood) :: умоўны лад {m}
conditional {adj} (in logic) :: умоўны
conditional mood {n} (conditional) SEE: conditional ::
condolence {n} (comfort, support or sympathy) :: спачуванне {n}
condolence {n} (sympathy when someone has died) :: спачуванне {n}
condom {n} (flexible sleeve worn on the penis) :: прэзерватыў {m}, кандом {m}, начэпнік {m}
condor {n} (California condor) :: кондар {m}
conduct {v} (lead or guide) :: [abstract] вадзіць {impf}, павадзіць {pf}; [concrete] весці {impf}, павесці {pf}; праводзіць {impf} правесці {pf}
conductor {n} (person who conducts an orchestra, choir or other music ensemble) :: дырыжор {m}, дырыгент {m}
conductor {n} (person who takes tickets on public transportation) :: кандуктар {m}, праваднік {m}, правадніца {f}
conductor {n} (something which can transmit electricity, heat, light or sound) :: праваднік {m}
cone {n} (surface of revolution) :: конус {m}
cone {n} (solid of revolution) :: конус {m}
cone {n} (fruit of conifers) :: шышка {f}
conference {n} (a meeting of people) :: канферэнцыя {f}
confession {n} (open admittance) :: прызнанне {n}, вызнанне {n}
confession {n} (disclosure of one's sins to a priest) :: споведзь {f}
confessional {n} (a small room where confession is performed) :: спавядальня {f}
confessor {n} (priest who hears confession) :: спавядальнік {m}, спаведнік {m}
confidence {n} (self-assurance) :: упэўненасць {f}, самаўпэўненасць {f}
confident {adj} (being very sure of or positive about something) :: упэўнены, пэўны
confidentiality {n} (something told in confidence) SEE: secret ::
confine {v} (arrest) SEE: arrest ::
confine {v} (detain) SEE: detain ::
confirm {v} (to assure) :: пацвярджаць, пацвердзіць {pf}
confirmation {n} (indicator) :: пацвярджэнне {n}
confirmation {n} (Christian ceremony or sacrament) :: канфірмацыя {f}, мірапамазанне {n}
confiscate {v} (take possession of by authority) :: канфіскаваць {impf} {pf}, забіраць {impf}, забраць {pf}
conflagration {n} (a large, ferocious, and destructive fire) :: пажар {m}, пажарышча {n}
conflict {n} (clash or disagreement) :: канфлікт {m}
Confucius {prop} (Chinese philosopher) :: Канфуцый {m}
confuse {v} (to mix up / muddle up one thing with another; to mistake one thing for another) :: блытаць {impf}, пераблытаць {pf}
confusing {adj} (difficult to understand) :: заблытаны
conglomerate {n} (cluster of heterogeneous things) :: кангламерат {m}
conglomerate {n} (corporation formed by the combination of several smaller corporations) :: кангламерат {m}
congratulate {v} (to express one’s sympathetic pleasure or joy to the person(s) it is felt for) :: віншаваць {impf}, павіншаваць {pf}
congratulations {interj} (expressing approbation) :: віншую, вітаю
congress {n} (sexual intercourse) SEE: sexual intercourse ::
congress {n} (legislative body) :: кангрэс {m}
congress {n} (conference) :: з'езд {m}
conium {n} (Conium) SEE: hemlock ::
conjugate {v} (to inflect (a verb) for each person) :: спрагаць {impf}
conjugation {n} (in some languages, one of several classifications of verbs) :: спражэнне {n}
conjugation {n} (act of conjugating a verb) :: спражэнне {n}
conjunction {n} (grammar: word used to join words or phrases) :: злучнік {m}
conjunctive mode {n} (subjunctive mood) SEE: subjunctive mood ::
conjunctive mood {n} (subjunctive mood) SEE: subjunctive mood ::
connect {v} (to join two or more pieces) :: злучаць {impf}
connection {n} (point at which two or more things are joined) :: сувязь {f}, злучэнне {n}
connection {n} (established communications or transportation link) :: сувязь {f}
connection {n} (transfer in transport) :: перасадка {f}
connexion {n} (connection) SEE: connection ::
consanguine {adj} (related by birth) SEE: consanguineous ::
consanguineous {adj} (related by birth) :: роднасны, аднакроўны, адзінакроўны
conscience {n} (moral sense) :: совесць {f}, сумленне {n}
consciousness {n} (awareness) :: свядомасць {f}, сьвядомасьць {f} [Taraškievica]
consequence {n} (that which follows something on which it depends) :: наступства {n}
conservatism {n} (political philosophy that favors maintaining limited government involvement) :: кансерватызм {m}
conservative {n} (political conservative) :: кансерватар {m}
conservative {adj} (supporting fiscal, political or social conservatism) :: кансерватыўны
conservativism {n} (conservatism) SEE: conservatism ::
conservatoire {n} (school or educational institution that teaches music) :: кансерваторыя {f}
considerable {adj} (worth considering) :: значны {m}
consolation {n} (act of consoling) :: уцеха {f}, уцяшэнне {n}
console {v} (to comfort) :: уцяшаць {impf}, уцешыць {pf}, заспакойваць {impf}, заспакоіць {pf}
consonant {n} (sound) :: зычны {m}
consortium {n} (association or combination of businesses) :: кансорцыум {m}
conspiracy {n} (act of working in secret to obtain some goal) :: змова {f}
Constantine {prop} (male given name) :: Канстанцін
constellation {n} (formation of stars perceived as figure) :: сузор'е {n}
constipation {n} (state of bowels) :: запор {m}
constitution {n} (formal or informal system of primary principles and laws regulating a government or other institutions) :: канстытуцыя {f}
constitutional monarchy {n} (monarchy limited by laws and a constitution) :: канстытуцыйная манархія {f}
construct {v} (build or form by assembling parts) :: будаваць {impf}, пабудаваць {pf}, канструяваць {impf}, сканструяваць {pf}
construction {n} (process of constructing) :: будаванне {n}
constructor {n} (one who constructs) :: канструктар {m}
construe {v} (to translate) SEE: translate ::
consul {n} (official who protects the interests of citizens) :: консул {m}, консулка {f}
consulate {n} (the residency of a consul) :: консульства {n}
contact {n} (an act of touching physically) :: кантакт {m}
contact {n} (an establishment of communication) :: кантакт {m}, сувязь {f}
contacts {n} (Plural form of contact) SEE: contact ::
contagion {n} (transmission of a contagious disease) :: інфекцыя {f}
contain {v} (to contain) SEE: hold ::
container {n} (a very large, typically metal, box used for transporting goods) :: кантэйнер {m}
contemporaneous {adj} (existing or created in the same period of time) :: адначасовы
contemporary {adj} (from the same time period) :: сучасны
contemporary {adj} (modern) :: сучасны
contempt {n} (a feeling or attitude) :: пагарда {f}
contented {adj} (satisfied) SEE: satisfied ::
contents {n} (that which is contained) :: змест {m}
contested {adj} (controversial) SEE: controversial ::
context {n} (text in which a word appears) :: кантэкст {m}
continent {n} (each of main land-masses on earth's surface) :: кантынент {m}, мацярык {m}, кантынэнт {m} [Taraškievica]
continuation {n} (act or state of continuing) :: працяг {m}, прадаўжэнне {n}
continue {v} (transitive: proceed) :: працягваць {impf}, працягнуць {pf}, прадаўжаць {impf}, прадоўжыць {pf}
contract {n} (agreement that is legally binding) :: кантракт {m}, дагавор {m}, дамова {f}
contradictory {adj} (that is itself a contradiction) :: супярэчлівы
contrary to {prep} (despite) SEE: despite ::
contribution {n} (something given or offered that adds to a larger whole) :: унёсак {m}, уклад {m}
contribution {n} (an amount of money given toward something) :: узнос {m}, ахвяраванне {n}, наданне {n}, фундуш {m}, унёсак {m}
contribution {n} (the act of contributing) :: унёсак {m}, уклад {m}
controversial {adj} (arousing controversy) :: спрэчны, спорны
controversy {n} (debate, discussion of opposing opinions) :: спор {m}, спрэчка {f}
convenience {n} (quality of being suitable, useful or convenient) :: зручнасць {f}
convenient {adj} (of or pertaining to convenience; simple; easy; expedient) :: зручны
conversation {n} (expression and exchange of individual ideas through talking with other people) :: размова {f}, гутарка {f}
converse {v} (to engage in conversation) :: размаўляць {impf}, размовіць {pf}
convey {v} (to carry) :: [around, by vehicle] абвозіць {impf}, абвезці {pf}
convict {v} (to find guilty) :: асуджаць {impf}, асудзіць {pf}
conviction {n} (firmly held belief) :: перакананне {n}
convince {v} (to make someone believe, or feel sure about something) :: запэўніваць {impf}, запэўніць {pf}
convinced {adj} (in a state of believing, especially from evidence) :: перакананы, упэўнены
convincing {adj} (effective as proof or evidence) :: пераканаўчы, пераконлівы
convoy {n} (group of vehicles traveling together for safety, especially one with an escort) :: канвой {m}
cook {n} (person who prepares food) :: кухар {m}, кухарка {f}, паварыха {f}
cook {v} (to prepare (food) for eating) :: гатаваць {impf}, варыць {impf}, кухарыць {impf}
cookie {n} (bun) SEE: bun ::
cookie {n} (small, flat baked good, see also: biscuit) :: печыва {n}, пячэнне {n}
Cook Islands {prop} (self-governing country in Oceania) :: Астравы Кука {m-p}
cool {adj} (having a slightly low temperature) :: халаднаваты
cooling {n} (refrigeration) :: ахалоджванне {n} [process], ахаладжэнне {n} [state]
coop {n} (enclosure for birds) :: катух {m}, куратнік {m}
cooper {n} (craftsman) :: бондар {m}
cooperate {v} (to work together) :: супрацоўнічаць {impf}
cooperation {n} (act of cooperating or being cooperative) :: супрацоўніцтва {n}, кааперацыя {f}
coot {n} (bird) :: лыска {f}, лысуха {f}
cootie {n} (louse) SEE: louse ::
cooze {n} (vagina) SEE: vagina ::
cop {n} (police officer) :: мент {m}
Copenhagen {prop} (capital of Denmark) :: Капэнгаген {m}
copernicium {n} (chemical element) :: каперніцый
copper {n} (chemical element Cu) :: медзь {f}
coppern {adj} (made of copper) SEE: copper ::
copula {n} (grammar: linking kind of word) :: звязка {f}, дзеяслоў-звязка {m}, копула {f}
copulate {v} (copulate) SEE: cover ::
copulate {v} (to engage in sexual intercourse) SEE: make love ::
copulate {v} (take part in a sexual act) SEE: have sex ::
copulate {v} (to have sexual intercourse with) SEE: bed ::
copulation {n} (copulation) SEE: sexual intercourse ::
copy {n} (result of copying) :: копія {f}
copy {n} (writing paper of a particular size) SEE: bastard ::
copybook {n} (student's exercise book) SEE: exercise book ::
coral {n} (substance) :: карал {m}
cor anglais {n} (woodwind instrument) :: англійскі ражок {m}
cordial {adj} (hearty) :: душэўны, сардэчны
cordial {n} (concentrated drink) :: сіроп {m}
Corfu {prop} (island) :: Керкіра, Корфу
Cork {prop} (city) :: Корк {m}
corn {n} (grain crop of species Zea mays) SEE: maize ::
corncockle {n} (plant of the genus Agrostemma) :: куколь {m}
corncrake {n} (the bird Crex crex) :: дзяргач {m}
corner {n} (point where two converging lines meet) SEE: angle ::
corner {n} (space in the angle between converging lines or walls) :: кут {m}
corner {n} (intersection of two streets) :: рог {m}
cornice {n} (horizontal architectural element) :: карніз {m}, гзымс {m}
cornigerous {adj} (horned) SEE: horned ::
Cornish {prop} (A Celtic language) :: корнская мова {f}, корнская {f}
coronavirus {n} (member of the family Coronaviridae) :: каранавірус {m}
corporal {adj} (bodily) SEE: bodily ::
corporation {n} (public limited company) :: адкрытае акцыянернае таварыства {f}, закрытае ацыянернае таварыства {f}
corporeal {adj} (bodily) SEE: bodily ::
corps {n} (battlefield formation) :: корпус {m}
corpse {n} (dead body) :: труп {m}, мярцвяк {m}
corpus {n} (body) SEE: body ::
corpus {n} (linguistics: collection of writings) :: корпус {m}, збор {m}
correct {adj} (free from error) :: правільны
corridor {n} (narrow hall or passage) :: калідор {m}
corrupt {adj} (in a depraved state) :: карумпаваны, карумпіраваны, прадажны
corrupt {adj} (with lots of errors in it) :: сапсаваны, сапсуты
corruption {n} (the act of impairing integrity) :: разбэшчанне {n}, разбэшчванне {n}
corruption {n} (seeking bribes) :: карупцыя {f}
Corsica {prop} (island in the Mediterranean) :: Корсіка {f}
corvee {n} (unpaid labor required by a feudal lord) :: паншчына {f}
corvee {n} (labor in lieu of taxes) :: паншчына {f}
cos {conj} (because) SEE: because ::
cosmetics {n} (preparations to change or enhance the beauty) :: касметыка {f}, касмэтыка {f}
cosmodrome {n} (a site for launching spacecraft) :: касмадром {m}
cosmonaut {n} (an astronaut, especially a Russian or Soviet one, see also: astronaut) :: касманаўт {m}
cosmonautics {n} (astronautics (Russian context), see also: astronautics) :: касманаўтыка {f}
cosmos {n} (the universe) :: космас {m}, сусвет {m}
Cossack {n} (member of a population) :: казак {m}, казачка {f}
cost {v} (to incur a charge, a price) :: каштаваць {impf}
cost {n} (amount of money spent for a purpose) :: кошт {m}, каштоўнасць {f}, вартасць {f}
costa {n} (rib) SEE: rib ::
Costa Rica {prop} (country) :: Коста-Рыка {f}
costume {n} (dress of a particular country, period or people) :: касцюм {m}, нарад {m}
cosy {adj} (affording comfort and warmth) :: утульны {m}
cottage cheese {n} (cheese curd product) :: тварог {m}
cotter {n} (peasant) :: батрак {m}
cotter pin {n} (pin or wedge inserted through a slot) SEE: cotter ::
cotton {n} (any plant yielding fiber like that of Gossypium) :: бавоўнік
cotton {n} (fiber) :: бавоўна, вата {f}
cotton {n} (fabric) :: бавоўна
cotton {adj} (made of cotton) :: баваўняны {m}
cotton swab {n} (a small wad of cotton wrapped around the end of a small rod) :: тупфер {m}
couch {n} (furniture for seating of more than one person) :: канапа {f}
couch {n} (couch grass) SEE: couch grass ::
couch grass {n} (species of grass) :: пырнік {m}
cough {v} (push air from the lungs) :: кашляць {impf}
cough {n} (expulsion of air from the lungs) :: кашаль {m}
council {n} (committee that leads or governs) :: рада {f}
count {v} (to enumerate or determine number) :: рахаваць, лічыць {impf}, палічыць {pf}
countable {adj} (grammar: freely used with numbers and the definite article) :: вылічальны
counter {n} (table or board on which business is transacted) :: стойка {f}, прылавак {m}
counterculture {n} (any culture whose values and lifestyles are opposed to those of the established mainstream culture, especially to western culture) :: контркультура {f}
counterexample {n} (instance of the falsity) :: контрпрыклад {m}
counterintuitive {adj} (contrary to intuition or common sense) :: контр-інтуітыўны
counterproductive {adj} (more of a hindrance than a help) :: контрпрадуктыўны
counterrevolutionary {n} (person who opposes a revolution) :: контррэвалюцыянер {m}, контррэвалюцыянерка {f}
country {n} (region of land) :: краіна {f}, зямля {f}
country {n} (nation state) :: краіна {f}, дзяржава {f}
country {n} (the country, rural area, as opposed to the town or city) :: вёска {f}, правінцыя {f}
country bumpkin {n} (unsophisticated person from a rural area) :: павятовец {m}, валасьцянін {m}, валасьцянін {m}
county {n} (administrative region of various countries) :: павет {m}, акруга {f}, графства {n} [e.g. UK]
coup {n} (coup d'état) SEE: coup d'état ::
coup d'état {n} (sudden overthrow of a government) :: пераварот {m}, дзяржаўны пераварот {m}
couple {n} (two partners) :: пара {f}
coupling {n} (sexual intercourse) SEE: sexual intercourse ::
courage {n} (quality of a confident character) :: смеласць {f}, храбрасць {f}, адвага {f}, мужнасць {f}
courageous {adj} (brave) SEE: brave ::
courgette {n} (a small marrow/squash) :: кабачок {m}
Courland {prop} (region in western Latvia) :: Курляндыя {f}
course {n} (learning program) :: курс {m}
course {n} (nautical: direction of movement of a vessel) :: курс {m}
court {n} (enclosed space; a courtyard) :: двор {m}
court {n} (hall, chamber, or place, where justice is administered) :: суд {m}
court {n} (tribunal established for the administration of justice) :: суд {m}
courteous {adj} (showing regard for others) :: ветлівы
court jester {n} (person who amused a medieval court) :: блазан {m}
courtyard {n} (unroofed walled area) :: двор {m}
cousin {n} (nephew or niece of a parent) :: стрыечны брат {m}, стрыечная сястра {f}, кузэн {m}, кузіна {f}
cover {n} (lid) :: вечка {n}, крышка {f}
cover {v} (to conceal or protect) :: пакрываць {impf}, пакрыць {pf}, прыкрываць {impf}, прыкрыць {pf}, укрываць {impf}, ўкрываць {impf}, укрыць {pf}, ўкрыць {pf}
covertly {adv} (secretly) SEE: secretly ::
cow {n} (female domesticated ox or other bovine) :: карова {f}
cow {n} :: жывела {f}
cowabunga {interj} (expression of joy) SEE: yes ::
coward {n} (a person who lacks courage) :: баязлівец {m}, баязліўка {f}, палахлівец {m}, палахліўка {f}
cowardice {n} (the lack of courage) :: трусасць {f}, палахлівасць {f}, баязлівасць {f}, маладушнасць {f}
cowardly {adj} (showing cowardice) :: баязлівы
cowboy {n} (person who tends cattle) :: каўбой {m}
cowper {n} (cooper) SEE: cooper ::
cowshed {n} (place for cows) :: кароўнік {m}, абора {f}, хлеў {m}
coyote {n} (canine) :: каёт {m}
coypu {n} (Myocastor coypus) :: нутрыя {f}
crab {n} (crustacean) :: краб {m}
crack {n} (thin space opened in a previously solid material) :: трэшчына {f}, расколіна {f}
crack {n} (attempt at something) SEE: try ::
crack of dawn {n} (sunrise) SEE: sunrise ::
Cracow {prop} (city) :: Кракаў {m}
cradle {n} (oscillating bed for a baby) :: калыска {f}, зыбка {f}, люлька {f}
cradle song {n} (lullaby) SEE: lullaby ::
craft {n} (device; means; art) SEE: device ::
craft {n} (strength; power; might; force) SEE: strength ::
crag {n} (a rocky outcrop) :: скала {f}
crane {n} (bird) :: журавель {m}
crane {n} (machinery) :: кран {m}
cranium {n} (skull) SEE: skull ::
crash {n} (vehicle accident) :: аварыя {f}, катастрофа {f}, крушэнне {n}
crater {n} (astronomy: hemispherical pit) :: кратэр {m}
crawdad {n} (crayfish) SEE: crayfish ::
crawfish {n} (crayfish) SEE: crayfish ::
crawl {v} (to move along the ground) :: поўзаць {impf} [abstract], паўзці {impf} [concrete]
crawldad {n} (crayfish) SEE: crayfish ::
crawlfish {n} (crayfish) SEE: crayfish ::
crayfish {n} (freshwater crustacean resembling lobster) :: рак {m}
crazy {adj} (insane, demented) :: шалёны
cream {n} (oily part of milk) :: вяршкі {m-p}
cream {n} (product to apply to the skin) :: крэм {m}, мазь {f}
crease {v} (to make a crease in) :: мяць
create {v} (to put into existence) :: тварыць {impf}, стварыць {pf}
creation {n} (something created such as an invention or artwork) :: тварэнне {n}, стварэнне {n}
creation {n} (act of creation) :: тварэнне {n}
creationism {n} (any creationary theory or belief system) :: крэацыянізм {m}
creative {adj} (having the ability to create) :: творчы
creative {adj} (original, expressive, and imaginative) :: творчы
creature {n} (living being) :: істота {f}, стварэнне {n}
credit {n} (privilege of delayed payment) :: крэдыт {m}
credit card {n} (card connected to a credit account used to buy goods or services) :: крэдытная картка {f}, крэдытка {f} [colloquial]
Cree {prop} (Algonquian language spoken by this people) :: кры {n}
creep {v} (to move slowly with the abdomen close to the ground) SEE: crawl ::
crematorium {n} (place where dead bodies are cremated) :: крэматорый {m}
crematory {n} (crematorium) SEE: crematorium ::
crescent {n} (figure of the moon) :: паўмесяц {m}
Crete {prop} (island) :: Крыт {m}
crew {n} (group of people operating a large facility or piece of equipment) :: экіпаж {m}, каманда {f}
crib note {n} (concealed reminder) SEE: cheat sheet ::
crib sheet {n} (cheat sheet) SEE: cheat sheet ::
cricket {n} (insect) :: цвыркун {m}
cricket {n} (game) :: крыкет {m}
crime {n} (specific act committed in violation of the law) :: злачынства {n}, злачын {m}
Crimea {prop} (peninsula, see also: Crimean peninsula) :: Крым {m}
Crimean {prop} (Crimea) SEE: Crimea ::
Crimean {adj} (referring to the Crimea region) :: крымскі
Crimean {prop} (Crimean peninsula) SEE: Crimean peninsula ::
Crimean peninsula {prop} (peninsula, see also: Crimea) :: Крымскі паўвостраў {m}
Crimean War {prop} (war) :: Крымская вайна {f}
criminal {adj} (being against the law) :: злачынны, крымінальны
criminal {n} (person guilty of a crime, breaking the law) :: злачынец {m}, злачынка {f}
criminal offence {n} (crime) SEE: crime ::
criminology {n} (the study of crime and criminals, especially their behaviour) :: крыміналогія {f}
crimson tide {n} (menstruation) SEE: menstruation ::
cripple {n} (person who has severe impairment in physical abilities) :: калека {m} {f}, інвалід {m}, інвалідка {f}
crisis {n} (unstable situation in political, social, economic or military affairs) :: крызіс {m}
criticism {n} (act of criticising) :: крытыка {f}
criticize {v} (to find fault) :: крытыкаваць {impf}
Croat {n} (language) SEE: Croatian ::
Croat {n} (citizen of Croatia or person of Croatian ethnicity) :: харват {m}, харватка {f}
Croatia {prop} (country in Europe) :: Харватыя {f}
Croatian {adj} (of or pertaining to Croatia) :: харвацкі
Croatian {n} (person of Croatia) :: харват {m}, харватка {f}
Croatian {n} (the standardized variety of Serbo-Croatian) :: харвацкая мова {f}, харвацкая {f}
crocodile {n} (reptile) :: кракадзіл {m}
croft {n} (cave or cavern) SEE: cave ::
croissant {n} (a flaky roll or pastry in a form of a crescent) :: круасан {m}
crooked {adj} (having one or more bends or angles) :: крывы
crop {n} (natural production for a specific year) :: ураджай {m}
crosier {n} (staff of a bishop or abbot) :: пастарал
cross {n} (geometrical figure) :: крыж {m}, хрэст {m}
cross {prep} (across) SEE: across ::
crossbow {n} (mechanised weapon based on the bow) :: арбалет {m}, самастрэл {m}
crossbreed {n} (organism produced by mating of individuals of different varieties or breeds) SEE: hybrid ::
cross one's fingers {v} (do this or a similar gesture to wish for good luck) :: трымаць кулакі
crossroad {n} (crossroads) SEE: crossroads ::
crossroads {n} (intersection) :: скрыжаванне {n}
crosswalk {n} (place where pedestrians can cross a street) :: пешаходны пераход {m}
crossword {n} (word puzzle) :: красворд {m}
crossword puzzle {n} (crossword) SEE: crossword ::
crow {n} (any bird of the genus Corvus) :: варона {f}
crowbar {n} (iron or steel bar used as a lever to manually force things apart) :: цвікадзёр {m} [nail puller], лом {m}
crowd {n} (group of people) :: натоўп {m}
crown {n} (royal headdress) :: карона {f}
crown {n} (topmost part of the head) :: цемя {n}
crown prince {n} (next king) :: кронпрынц {m}
cruel {adj} (that intentionally causes pain and suffering) :: жорсткі
cruelty {n} (indifference to suffering) :: жорсткасць {f}, лютасць {f}
cruise ship {n} (passenger ship) :: круізнае судна {n}
crumb {n} (small piece of biscuit, cake, etc) :: крошка {f}
crumple {v} (to rumple) :: мяць {impf}
crunchy {adj} (likely to crunch) :: хрусткі
crush {v} (to press or bruise between two hard bodies) :: ціснуць {impf}
crustacean {n} (arthropod of the subphylum Crustacea) :: ракападобныя
crutch {n} (device to assist in motion as a cane) :: мыліца {f}, кастыль {m}, куля {f}
crux {n} ((heraldry) cross on a coat of arms) SEE: cross ::
cry {v} (intransitive: to weep) :: плакаць {impf}
cry {n} (shout or scream) :: крык
crying {n} (Action of the verb cry) :: плач {m}
cry one's eyes out {v} (to moan) SEE: moan ::
cryptovirus {n} (malware) :: вірус-шыфравальшчык {m}
crystal {n} (array of atoms) :: крышталь {m}
crystal {n} (glassware) :: хрусталь {m}
C-section {n} (Caesarean section) SEE: Caesarean section ::
Côte d'Ivoire {prop} (the Ivory Coast) :: Кот д'Івуар {m}
Cuba {prop} (country and largest island in Caribbean) :: Куба {f}
cube {n} (geometry: polyhedron having of six identical square faces) :: куб {m}
cuckold {n} (man married to an unfaithful wife) :: раганосец {m}
cuckoo {n} (the bird) :: зязюля
cucumber {n} (plant) :: агурок {m}
cucumber {n} (edible fruit) :: агурок {m}
cue {n} (straight tapering rod used to impel the balls in games such as billiards, snooker, and pool) :: кій {m}
cuff {n} (the end of a shirt sleeve that covers the wrist) :: абшэўка {f}, абшлаг {m}, манжэта {f}
cuisine {n} (characteristic style of preparing food) :: кухня {f}
culinary art {n} (cuisine) SEE: cuisine ::
cult {n} (a sect) :: культ {m}, секта {f}
cult of personality {n} (situation of being falsely idolized) :: культ асобы {m}
culture {n} (arts, customs and habits) :: культура {f}
Cuman {n} (member of the Cuman people) :: полавец {m}
cum laude {adv} (with praise) :: з адзнакай
cuneiform {n} (ancient writing system) :: клінапіс
cunning {adj} (sly) :: хітры
cunning folk {n} (professional or semi-professional practitioner of magic) :: вядзьмак {m}, вядзьмар {m}
cunt {n} (genitalia) :: пізда {f}
cup {n} (drinking vessel) :: чашка {f}
cupbearer {n} (one who ceremonially fills and hands out the cups in which a drink is served) :: обер-шэнк
cupboard {n} (enclosed storage) :: шафа {f}
curb {n} (concrete along the edge of a road) SEE: kerb ::
curd cheese {n} (cottage cheese) SEE: cottage cheese ::
curious {adj} (tending to ask questions, or to want to explore or investigate, see also: inquisitive) :: дапытлівы, цікавы, цікаўны
Curitiba {prop} (State capital of Paraná) :: Курыціба
curium {n} (chemical element) :: кюрый {m}
curlew sandpiper {n} (Calidris ferruginea) :: чырвонаваллёвік {m}
currant {n} (fruit of the genus Ribes) :: парэчка {f}
currency {n} (money or other item used to facilitate transactions) :: валюта {f}
current {n} :: паток {m}, цячэнне {n}
current {n} (time rate of flow of electric charge) :: ток {m}
current {adj} (existing or occurring at the moment) :: цяперашні, бягучы
currently {adv} (at this moment) :: у цяперашні час, цяпер
curriculum vitae {n} (written account of one's education, accomplishments, etc.) :: жыццяпіс {m}, жыцьцяпіс {m} [taraškievica]
curry {n} (dish) :: кары {n}
curry {n} (sauce or relish) :: кары {n}
curse {n} (supernatural detriment) :: пракляцце {n}
curse {v} (to place a curse upon) :: праклінаць {impf}, праклясці {pf}
curtain {n} (piece of cloth covering a window) :: заслона {f}, фіранка {f}, занавеска {f}, картына {f}
curve {adj} (crooked) SEE: crooked ::
curved {adj} (having a curve or curves) :: выгнуты, крывы
cushion {n} (soft material in cloth bag) :: падушка {f}
custom {n} (frequent repetition of the same act) :: звычай {m}
custom {adj} (custom-made) :: карыстальніцкі, нестандартны, заказны, на заказ, падагнаны
customer {n} (one who purchases or receives a product or service) :: кліент {m}, кліентка {f}
custom house {n} (official building, in a port, where customs are collected and shipping is cleared for entry and exit) :: мытня {f}
custom-made {adj} (custom-made) :: заказны, на заказ, падагнаны
customs {n} (custom house) SEE: custom house ::
cut {v} (to perform an incision) :: рэзаць {impf}, секчы {impf}, рубіць {impf} [axe]
cutaneous {adj} (of, or relating to the skin) :: скурны
cuttlefish {n} (any of various squidlike mollusks) :: каракаціца {f}
cyanosis {n} (discolouration of the skin) :: цыяноз {m}, сінюха {f}
cyborg {n} (person who is part machine) :: кібарг {m}
cycle {n} (complete rotation) :: цыкл {m}, абарот {m}
cycle {n} (imaginary circle or orbit in the heavens) SEE: celestial sphere ::
cycling {n} (The sport of riding and racing bicycles) :: веласпорт {m}
cygnet {n} (young of a swan) :: лебедзяня {n}, лебедзянё {n}
Cygnus {prop} (constellation) :: Лебедзь {m}
cylinder {n} (geometry: surface) :: цыліндр {m}
Cypriot {n} (Person from Cyprus) :: кіпрыёт {m}, кіпрыётка {f}
Cyprus {prop} (country) :: Кіпр {m}
Cyril {prop} (male given name) :: Кірыл {m}
Cyril {prop} (Kirill) SEE: Kirill ::
Cyrillic {adj} (of or pertaining to Cyrillic) :: кірылічны
Cyrillic {prop} (a script or alphabet) :: кірыліца {f}, азбука {f}
cystoscopy {n} (endoscopy of the urinary bladder) :: цыстаскапія {f}
Czech {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to the country, people, culture or language) :: чэшскі {m}, чэскі [Taraškievica]
Czech {n} (person) :: чэх {m}, чэшка {f}
Czech {n} (language) :: чэшская мова {f}, чэшская {f}, чэская {f}
Czechia {prop} (country in Europe) :: Чэхія {f}
Czechoslovakia {prop} (former country in Central Europe) :: Чэхаславакія {f}, Чэхаславаччына {f}
Czecho-Slovakia {prop} (dated form of Czechoslovakia) :: Чэха-Славакія {f}
Czechoslovakian {adj} (of or pertaining to Czechoslovakia) :: чэхаславацкі
Czech Republic {prop} (country in Central Europe) :: Чэшская Рэспубліка {f}, Чэхія {f}, Чэская Рэспубліка {f} [Taraškievica]
Częstochowa {prop} (city in Poland) :: Чэнстахова {f}
dacha {n} (Russian villa or summer house) :: дача {f}
dachshund {n} (breed of dog) :: такса {f}
Dacia {prop} (ancient kingdom and Roman province) :: Дакія {f}
dactylic {adj} :: дактылічны
dad {n} (informal: a father) :: тата {m}, баця {m}
daffodil {n} (flower) :: нарцыс {m}
Dagestan {prop} (federal subject of Russia) :: Дагестан {m}
dagga {n} (cement) SEE: cement ::
dagger {n} (a stabbing weapon) :: кінжал {m}
daily {adj} (that occurs every day) :: штодзённы
Dalai Lama {n} (the supreme head of Tibetan Buddhism) :: далай-лама {m}
dale {n} (valley) :: даліна {f}
dam {n} (structure placed across a flowing body of water) :: плаціна, дамба {f}
Damascus {prop} (the capital city of Syria) :: Дамаск {m}
dammit {interj} (expression of anger or disappointment) :: праклён
damn {v} (theology: to condemn to hell) :: праклінаць {impf}, праклясці {pf}
damn {adj} (generic intensifier) :: пракляты
damn {n} (use of damn as a swear word) :: праклён
damp {adj} (Being in a state between dry and wet) :: вільготны
damp {n} (moisture) :: вільготнасць
dance {n} (movements to music) :: танец {m}
dance {v} (move rhythmically to music) :: танцаваць {impf}
dancer {n} (person who dances) :: танцор {m}
dancer {n} (a female person who dances) :: танцорка {f}
dandelion {n} (plant, wild flower of the genus Taraxacum) :: адуванчык {m}, дзьмухавец {m}
dandruff {n} (skin flakes) :: перхаць {f}
Dane {n} (person from Denmark or of Danish descent) :: датчанін {m}, датчанка {f}
Danelaw {prop} (part of Great Britain) :: Данелаг
dang {adj} (damn) SEE: damn ::
danger {n} (exposure to likely harm) :: небяспека {f}
dangerous {adj} (full of danger) :: небяспечны
Danish {prop} (language) :: дацкая мова {f}, дацкая {f}
Danish {adj} (of Denmark) :: дацкі, данскі
Danish {n} (native of Denmark) SEE: Dane ::
Danish crow {n} (hooded crow) SEE: hooded crow ::
Danube {prop} (river of Europe that flows to the Black Sea) :: Дунай {m}
Danzig {prop} (Gdańsk) SEE: Gdańsk ::
Dardanelles {prop} (strait) :: Дарданэлы {f-p}
dare {v} (to have courage) :: смець {impf}, адважвацца {impf}, адважыцца {pf}
daredevil {n} (person who engages in risky behavior) :: сарвігалава {m} {f}, смяльчак {m}, ліхач {m}
dark {adj} (having an absolute or relative lack of light) :: цёмны
dark matter {n} (particles of matter that cannot be detected by their radiation) :: цёмная матэрыя {f}
darkness {n} (state of being dark) :: цемра {f}, змрок {m}
darling {n} (person who is dear to one) :: любы {m}, любая {f}
darling {adj} (dear, cherished) :: любы {m}
darn {adj} (damn) SEE: damn ::
darn {interj} (damn) SEE: damn ::
darn {v} (damn) SEE: damn ::
dash {n} (colloquial: hyphen) SEE: hyphen ::
dash {n} (typographic symbol) :: працяжнік {m}
data {n} (information) :: даныя {n-p}
databank {n} (database) SEE: database ::
database {n} (collection of information) :: база дадзеных {f}
data set {n} (modem) SEE: modem ::
date {n} (fruit of the date palm) :: фінік {m}
date {n} (that which specifies the time of writing, inscription etc.) :: дата {f}
dated {adj} (out of date) :: пастарэлы, устарэлы
date of birth {n} (birthday) SEE: birthday ::
date of birth {n} (date and year when something was born) :: дата нараджэння {f}
dative {adj} (grammar: noting the case of noun which expresses indirect object) :: давальны
dative {adj} :: давальны
dative {n} (dative case) SEE: dative case ::
dative case {n} (case used to express direction towards an indirect object) :: давальны склон {m}, давальны {m}
Daugava {prop} (river in Europe) :: Заходняя Дзвіна {f}, Даўгава {f}
Daugavpils {prop} (city in Latvia) :: Даўгаўпілс {m}, Дзвінск {m}, Дзьвінск {m} [Taraškevica orthography]
daughter {n} (female offspring) :: дачка {f}
daughter-in-law {n} (wife of one's child) :: нявестка {f}
David {prop} (male given name) :: Давід
daw {n} (Coloeus monedula) SEE: jackdaw ::
daw {v} (dawn) SEE: dawn ::
dawn {n} (morning twilight period) :: зара {f}, світанне {n}
dawn {n} (rising of the sun) :: усход {m}
day {n} (period of 24 hours) :: суткі {p}, дзень {m}, доба {f}
day {n} (period from midnight to the following midnight) :: суткі {p}, дзень {m}
day {n} (rotational period of a planet) :: суткі {p}, дзень {m}
day {n} (part of a day period which one spends at one’s job, school, etc.) :: дзень {m}
day {n} (period between sunrise and sunset) :: дзень {m}
day after tomorrow {n} (day after tomorrow - translation entry) :: пасьлязаўтра
day after tomorrow {adv} (on the day after tomorrow; in two days - translation entry) :: пасьлязаўтра
day before yesterday {adv} (on the day before yesterday - translation entry) :: пазаўчора
daybook {n} (A daily chronicle; a diary) SEE: diary ::
daydream {n} (a spontaneous and fanciful series of thoughts) :: мара {f}
daydream {v} (to have such a series of thoughts) :: марыць {impf}
deacon {n} (a designated minister of charity in the early Church) :: дыякан {m}
dead {adj} (no longer alive) :: мёртвы
deadfall {n} (cheap, rough bar or saloon) SEE: dive ::
Dead Sea {prop} (lake in the Middle East) :: Мёртвае мора {n}
deaf {adj} (unable to hear) :: глухі
deaf-mute {adj} (unable to hear or speak) :: глуханямы
deafness {n} (condition of being deaf) :: глухата {f}
deal {v} (to conduct oneself) SEE: behave ::
dear {adj} (loved; lovable) :: любы {m}, дарагі, мілы
dear {adj} (formal way of addressing) :: дарагі, шаноўны, паважаны
dear {adj} (high in price; expensive) SEE: expensive ::
death {n} (cessation of life) :: смерць {f}, [Taraškievica orthography] сьмерць {f}
death camp {n} (facility) :: лагер смерці {m}
deathlore {n} (study of human aspects of death) :: танаталогія
death seat {n} (the front passenger seat of an automobile) SEE: shotgun ::
debate {n} (argument, or discussion, usually in an ordered or formal setting) :: дэбаты {m-p}, абмеркаванне {n}, дыскусія {f}
debate {n} (informal and spirited but generally civil discussion of opposing views) :: абмеркаванне {n}, дыскусія {f}
debate {n} (discussion of opposing views) :: дыскусія {f}
debt {n} (action, state of mind, or object one has an obligation to perform for another) :: доўг {m}
debt {n} (state or condition of owing something to another) :: доўг {m}
debt {n} (money that one person or entity owes or is required to pay to another) :: доўг {m}
debtor {n} (a person or firm that owes money) :: даўжнік {m}
decade {n} (period of ten years) :: дзесяцігоддзе {n}
Decalogue {prop} (the Ten Commandments) SEE: Ten Commandments ::
Decameron {prop} (collection of 100 novellas by Boccaccio) :: Дэкамерон {m}
decapitate {v} (remove the head of) SEE: behead ::
deceive {v} (trick or mislead) :: падманваць {impf}, падмануць {pf}
December {prop} (twelfth month of the Gregorian calendar) :: снежань {m}, [Taraškievica] сьнежань {m}
decent {adj} (showing integrity, fairness, moral uprightness) :: прыстойны
deception {n} (instance of actions fabricated to mislead) :: падман {m}
decide {v} (to resolve or settle) :: рашаць {impf}, рашыць {pf}
decision {n} (choice or judgement) :: рашэнне {n}
deck {n} (pack of playing cards) :: калода {f}
deck {n} (floorlike covering on a ship) :: палуба {f}
declare {v} (to announce something formally or officially) :: аб'яўляць {impf}, аб'явіць {pf}
declare {v} :: аб'явіць
declension {n} (act) :: скланенне {n}
declension {n} (way of categorizing) :: скланенне {n}
declination {n} (declension) SEE: declension ::
decline {v} (inflect) :: скланяць {impf}, праскланяць {pf}
decollate {v} (behead) SEE: behead ::
Ded Moroz {prop} (Father Frost) SEE: Father Frost ::
dedovshchina {n} (bullying in the Soviet/Russian army) :: дзедаўшчына {f}
deed {n} (action) :: дзеянне {n}, акт {m}
deed {n} (brave or noteworthy action, feat or exploit) :: подзвіг {m}, вычын {m}
deem {n} (an opinion, judgment) SEE: opinion ::
deen {n} (religion) SEE: religion ::
deen {n} (Islam) SEE: Islam ::
deep {adj} (having its bottom far down) :: глыбокі
deep blue {adj} (dark blue) SEE: navy ::
deep-fat fryer {n} (heated vessel for frying food by immersing in hot fat or oil) SEE: deep fryer ::
deep freeze {n} (freezer) SEE: freezer ::
deep fryer {n} (vessel for deep frying) :: фрыцюрніца {f}
deer {n} (animal of the family Cervidae) :: алень {m}
defeat {v} (to overcome in battle or contest) :: паражаць {impf}, паразіць {pf}
defeat {n} :: паражэнне {n}
defecate {v} :: спаражняцца {impf}, какаць {impf} [childish or colloquial], сраць [vulgar]
defect {n} (fault or malfunction) :: дэфект {m}, гана {f}
defence {n} (defence) SEE: defense ::
defenceless {adj} (defenceless) SEE: defenseless ::
defend {v} (ward off attacks against) :: абараняць {impf}, абараніць {pf}
defender {n} (someone who defends) :: абаронца {m}
defense {n} (action of protecting from attack) :: абарона {f}
defenseless {adj} (lacking any form of defense; vulnerable; open to attack) :: безабаронны {m}
defensive {adj} (intended for defence; protective) :: абаронны, ахоўны
defensive {n} (means, attitude or position) :: абарона {f}
deficit {n} (situation wherein spending exceeds government revenue) :: дэфіцыт {m}
definite {adj} (having distinct limits) :: пэўны
definitely {adv} (without question and beyond doubt) :: пэўна, напэўна
definition {n} (statement of the meaning of a word or word group or a sign or symbol) :: азначэнне {n}, вызначэнне {n}, дэфініцыя {f}
degree {n} (in geometry: unit of angle) :: градус {m}
degree {n} (unit of temperature) :: градус {m}
deity {n} :: боства {n}, бажаство {n}
deity {n} (divinity) SEE: divinity ::
dekulakization {n} (repression of the kulaks) :: раскулачванне {n}
delegate {n} (deputy, envoy, representative) :: дэлегат {m}, дэлегатка {f}
delegation {n} (a group of delegates) :: дэлегацыя {f}
deleterious {adj} (harmful) :: шкоднасны
Delhi {prop} (city in India) :: Дэлі {m}
deliberate {adj} (intentional) :: наўмысны
delicious {adj} (pleasing to taste) :: смачны
delirium {n} (mental state of confusion) :: брэд {m}
delivery {n} (act of conveying something) :: дастаўка {f}
delivery {n} (act of giving birth) :: роды {m-p}, нараджэнне {n}
dell {n} (valley) SEE: valley ::
demand {v} (to request forcefully) :: трабаваць {impf}
demand {v} (to claim a right to something) :: патрабаваць {impf}, запатрабаваць {pf}
Demeter {prop} (Greek goddess of the harvest) :: Дэметра {f}
Demetrius {prop} (male given name) :: Дзмітрый {m}, Зьміцер {m}
demigod {n} (a half-god or hero) :: паўбог {m}
democracy {n} (rule by the people) :: дэмакратыя {f}
democracy {n} (government under the rule of its people) :: дэмакратыя {f}
democrat {n} (supporter of democracy) :: дэмакрат {m}, дэмакратка {f}
democratic {adj} (pertaining to democracy) :: дэмакратычны
Democratic People's Republic of Korea {prop} (country in East Asia (official name)) :: Карэйская Народна-Дэмакратычная Рэспубліка {f}
Democratic Republic of the Congo {prop} (large central African nation, formerly called Zaire) :: Дэмакратычная Рэспубліка Конга {f}
democratic socialism {n} (socialism based on democratic principles) :: дэмакратычны сацыялізм {m}
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka {prop} (Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka) :: Дэмакратычная Сацыялістычная Рэспубліка Шры-Ланка {f}
democratize {v} (to make democratic) :: дэмакратызаваць {impf} {pf}
demon {n} (evil spirit) :: бес {m}, дэман {m}, чорт {m}
demonstrate {v} (to show how to use something) :: паказваць {impf}, паказаць {pf}
demonstration {n} (public display of opinion) :: дэманстрацыя {f}, маніфестацыя {f}
demonstrator {n} (forefinger) SEE: forefinger ::
den {n} (home of certain animals) :: нара {f}, бярлог {m}, мярлога {f}, логавішча {n}
dendrochronology {n} (science of counting tree rings) :: дэндрахраналогія {f}
dendrology {n} (the study of trees) :: дэндралогія {f}
Deng {prop} (Chinese surname) :: Дэн {m} {f}
denial {n} (negation in logic) :: адмаўленне {n}
denial {n} (refusal to comply with a request) :: адмова {f}
denial {n} (assertion of untruth) :: абвяржэнне {n}
Denmark {prop} (country in Northern Europe) :: Данія {f}
denominator {n} (number or expression written below the line in a fraction) :: назоўнік {m}
de novo {adv} (anew) SEE: anew ::
dense {adj} (having relatively high density) :: густы, шчыльны
density {n} (physics: amount of matter contained by a given volume) :: шчыльнасць {f}, густата {f}, гушчыня {f}
dental {adj} (of or concerning the teeth) :: зубны
dentist {n} (specialized tooth doctor) :: зубны лекар {m}
deny {v} (disallow) SEE: forbid ::
deny {v} (to assert that something is not true) :: адмаўляць {impf}
deodorant {n} (odor-controlling cosmetic for the underarm) :: дэзадарант {m}
depart {v} (to leave) :: адпраўляцца {impf}, адправіцца {pf}
department {n} (subdivision of organization) :: аддзел {m}, дэпартамент {m} [of government]
department store {n} (store containing many departments) :: універмаг {m}
departure {n} (the act of departing) :: адпраўленне {n}, выезд {m}, ад'езд {m}, вылет {m} [also of flights]
depend {v} (be contingent or conditioned) :: залежаць {impf}
dependent {adj} (relying upon; depending upon) :: залежны, несамастойны
deplorable {adj} (deserving strong condemnation; shockingly bad) :: дрэнны, кепскі
deplorable {adj} (lamentable, to be felt sorrow for, worthy of compassion) :: жаласны, сумны
deport {v} (to evict, especially from a country) :: высылаць {impf}, выслаць {pf}
deportation {n} (act of deporting or exiling) :: дэпартацыя {f}, высылка {f}
depressing {adj} (causing depression or sadness) :: гнятлівы
depression {n} (psychology: state of mind) :: дэпрэсія {f}
deprivation {n} (act of depriving) :: пазбаўленне {n}
depth {n} (vertical distance below a surface) :: глыбіня {f}
depths {n} (plural of depth) SEE: depth ::
deputy {n} (representative) :: намеснік {m}, намесніца {f}
deputy {n} (legislator) :: дэпутат {m}
dermal {adj} (of or pertaining to skin or integument) :: скурны
dermatology {n} (the study of the skin and its diseases) :: дэрматалогія {f}
dervish {n} (a member of Dervish fraternity of Sufism) :: дэрвіш {m}
descend {v} (to pass from a higher to a lower place) :: спускацца {impf}, спусціцца {pf}
descendant {n} (one who is the progeny of someone) :: нашчадак {m}
descent {n} (lineage or hereditary derivation) :: пахаджэньне {n}
describe {v} (to represent in words) :: апісваць {impf}, апісаць {pf}
description {n} (account in words) :: апісанне {n}
description word {n} (adjective) SEE: adjective ::
descriptive {adj} (of, or relating to description) :: апісальны {m}
descry {v} (see) SEE: see ::
desert {n} (barren area) :: пустыня {f}
deserter {n} (person who leaves a military or naval unit) :: дэзерцір {m}
deserve {v} (to merit) :: заслужваць {impf}, заслугоўваць {impf}, заслужыць {pf}
design {n} (art of designing) :: дызайн {m}
designer {n} (person who designs) :: дызайнер {m}
desire {v} (desire) SEE: want ::
desire {v} (wish for earnestly) :: жадаць {impf}
desire {n} (something wished for) :: жаданне {n}
desk {n} (table for writing and reading) :: пісьмовы стол {m}, стол {m}, парта {f} [school]
Des Moines {prop} (the capital city of the state of Iowa) :: Дэ-Мойн {m}
despair {n} (loss of hope) :: роспач {m}
desperate {n} (filled with despair) :: роспачны
despicable {adj} (deserving to be despised) :: нікчэмны
despise {v} (to regard with contempt or scorn) :: пагарджаць {impf}
despite {prep} (in spite of) :: нягледзячы на, насуперак
despot {n} (ruler with absolute power; tyrant) :: дэспат {m}
dessert {n} (sweet confection served as the last course of a meal) :: дэсерт {m}
destiny {n} (predetermined condition; fate; fixed order of things) SEE: fate ::
detail {n} (something small enough to escape casual notice) :: дэталь {f}
detail {n} (something considered trivial enough to ignore) :: дэталь {f}, падробнасць {f}, падрабязнасць {f}
detain {v} (to detain) SEE: hold ::
detain {v} (put under custody) :: затрымліваць {impf}, затрымоўваць {impf}, затрымаць {pf}, задзержваць {impf}
detect {v} (to detect) SEE: notice ::
detective {n} (police officer who looks for evidence) :: дэтэктыў {m}, шукач {m}, следчы {m}
deterioration {n} (process of making or growing worse) :: пагаршэнне {n}
determined {adj} (decided or resolute) :: рашучы
dette {n} (debt) SEE: debt ::
develop {v} (to progress) :: развівацца {impf}, развіцца {pf}
develop {v} (to progress through stages) :: развіваць {impf}, развіць {pf}
development {n} (process of developing) :: развіццё {n}, розвітак {m}
device {n} (piece of equipment) :: прыстасаванне {n}, прылада {f}, прыбор {m}
devil {n} (a creature of hell) :: чорт {m}, д'ябал {m}, бес {m}
devilish {adj} (resembling or characteristic of a devil) :: чартоўскі, д'ябальскі, сатанінскі
dew {n} (moisture in the air that settles on plants, etc) :: раса {f}
dexterous {adj} (skillful with one's hands) :: спрытны, зручны, умелы
diabetes {n} (A group of metabolic diseases) :: дыябет {m}
diagnosis {n} (identification of the nature and cause of an illness) :: дыягназ {m}
diagonal {n} (slash) SEE: slash ::
diagram {n} (graph or chart) :: дыяграма {f}, графік {m}
dial {n} (sundial) SEE: sundial ::
dial {n} (clock face) SEE: clock face ::
dialect {n} (particular variety of a language) :: дыялект {m}
dialog {n} (conversation or other discourse between individuals) SEE: dialogue ::
dialog {n} (verbal part of a literary or dramatic work) SEE: dialogue ::
dialog {n} (literary form resembling a conversation) SEE: dialogue ::
dialog {n} (computing: dialogue box) SEE: dialogue ::
dialogue {n} (conversation or other discourse between individuals) :: дыялог {m}, размова {f}, гутарка {f}, дыялёг {m} [Taraškievica]
diameter {n} (line) :: дыяметр {m}
diamond {n} (rhombus) SEE: rhombus ::
diamond {n} (uncountable: mineral) :: алмаз {m}, дыямент {m}
diamond {n} (gemstone) :: брыльянт {m}, дыямент {m}
diaper {n} (absorbent garment worn by a baby, or by someone who is incontinent) :: падгузнік {m}
diarrhea {n} (medical condition) :: лякса {f}, мыт {m}, панос {m}, дрыстачка {f} [vulgar], срачка {f} [vulgar]
diary {n} (daily log of experiences) :: дзённік {m}
diaspora {n} (dispersion of a group of people) :: дыяспара {f}
Diaspora {prop} (dispersion of a group of people) SEE: diaspora ::
dice {n} (polyhedron used in games of chance) SEE: die ::
dick {n} (slang: penis) :: хуй {m}
dickhead {n} ((slang) glans penis) :: залупа {f} [vulgar]
dickhead {n} ((slang) stupid person) :: хуйло {n}
dickhead {n} (glans penis) SEE: glans penis ::
dicotyledon {n} (in botany) :: двухдольныя
dictation {n} (an activity in school where the teacher reads a passage aloud and the students write it down) :: дыктоўка {f}, дыктант {m}
dictator {n} (totalitarian leader of a dictatorship) :: дыктатар {m}
dictatorship {n} (a government led by a dictator) :: дыктатура {f}
dictionary {n} (publication that explains the meanings of an ordered list of words) :: слоўнік {m}
didukh {n} (a Ukrainian Christmas sheaf of wheat used in rituals around Christmas and Epiphany traditionally believed to contain ancestor spirits) :: дзідух {m}
die {v} (to stop living) :: паміраць {impf}, памерці {pf}, гінуць {impf}, згінуць {pf}
die {n} (polyhedron used in games of chance) :: косць {f}, костка {f}
diet {n} (food a person or animal consumes) :: дыета {f}, ежа {f}
diet {n} (controlled regimen of food) :: дыета {f}
difference {n} (quality of being different) :: розніца {f}
difference {n} (arithmetic: result of a subtraction) :: розніца {f}
different {adj} (not the same) :: іншы, адрозны
different {adj} (unlike most others) :: розны, іншы
difficult {adj} (hard, not easy) :: цяжкі, трудны
difficulty {n} (state of being difficult) :: цяжкасць {f}, труднасць {f}
dig {v} (to move hard-packed earth out of the way) :: капаць {impf}, выкапаць {pf}
digestion {n} (process in gastrointestinal tract) :: страваванне {n}
digger {n} (spade (playing card)) SEE: spade ::
digit {n} (finger or toe) :: палец {m}
digit {n} (numeral) :: цыфра {f}, лічба {f}
digital {adj} (having to do or performed with a finger) :: пальцавы
digital {adj} (representing discrete values) :: лічбавы, цыфравы
digital {adj} (of or relating to computers) :: лічбавы, цыфравы
dignified {adj} (respectable) :: годны
dignity {n} (quality or state) :: годнасць {f}, дастоінства {n}
digs {n} (clothes) SEE: clothes ::
dildo {n} (artificial phallus) :: фалаімітатар {m}
dilemma {n} (circumstance in which a choice must be made between two alternatives) :: дылема {f}
diligence {n} (qualities of a hard worker, including conscientiousness, determination, perseverance) :: стараннасць {f}, руплівасць {f}, дбайнасць {f}, гарлівасць {f}, пільнасць {f}, працавітасць {f}
diligent {adj} (hard-working and focused) :: працавіты, старанны, руплівы, пільны
dill {n} (fool) SEE: fool ::
dill {n} (herb of the species Anethum graveolens) :: кроп {m}
dim-bulb {adj} (slow-witted, stupid) SEE: stupid ::
dimension {n} (measure of spatial extent) :: памер {m}
dinar {n} (official currency of several countries) :: дынар {m}
dine {v} (to eat; to eat dinner or supper) :: вячэраць {impf}, павячэраць {pf}
ding-a-ling {n} (dick) SEE: dick ::
dinner {n} (main meal of the day) :: вячэра {f} [eaten in the evening, but the midday meal is the main meal]
dinner {n} (midday meal) :: абед {m}
dinosaur {n} (extinct reptile) :: дыназаўр {m}
diocese {n} (region administered by a bishop) :: епархія {f}, дыяцэзія {f}
dioptrics {n} (study of the refraction of light) :: дыёптрыка {f}
diplodocus {n} (dinosaur) :: дыпладок {m}
diploma {n} (certificate) :: дыплом {m}
diplomacy {n} (art of conducting international relations) :: дыпламатыя {f}
diplomat {n} (person who is accredited to represent a government) :: дыпламат {m}
diplomatics {n} (science of authenticating, dating, and interpreting old official documents) :: дыпламатыка
diplomatist {n} (diplomat) SEE: diplomat ::
direct {adj} (Straight, constant, without interruption) :: прамы, непасрэдны
direction {n} (indication of the point toward which an object is moving) :: напрамак {m}, кірунак {m}
directions {n} (direction) SEE: direction ::
directly {adv} (immediately) SEE: immediately ::
director {n} (supervisor, manager, see also: film director) :: дырэктар {m}, рэжысёр {m} [film]
directory {n} (structured listing of files) :: папка {f}, каталог {m}, дырэкторыя {f}
dirigible {n} (a self-propelled airship that can be steered) :: дырыжабль {m}
dirt {n} (soil or earth) :: бруд {m}, гразь {f}
dirt {n} (previously unknown negative information, kompromat) :: кампрамат {m}
dirty {adj} (covered with or containing dirt) :: брудны
disable {v} (to deactivate a function of an electronic or mechanical device) :: дэактываваць {impf} {pf}, адключаць {impf}, выключаць {impf}
disadvantage {n} (weakness) :: нявыгаднае становішча {n}
disallow {v} (to refuse to allow) SEE: forbid ::
disappear {v} (to vanish) :: знікаць {impf}, знікнуць {pf}
disappoint {v} (to displease by underperforming etc.) :: расчараваць {pf}
disappointed {adj} (defeated of hope or expectation) :: расчараваны
disappointing {adj} (that disappoints or disappoint) :: які расчароўвуе, дасадны
disappointment {n} (emotion) :: расчараванне {n}
disarmament {n} (the reduction of military forces and armaments) :: раззбраенне {n}
disaster {n} (unexpected catastrophe causing physical damage, etc.) :: катастрофа {f}, бедства {n}, няшчасце {n}, гора {n}, бяда {f}
disc {n} (disk) SEE: disk ::
discipline {n} (controlled behaviour, self-control) :: дысцыпліна {f}
disco {n} (discotheque) :: дыскатэка {f}
discontent {n} (dissatisfaction) SEE: dissatisfaction ::
discourage {v} (to dishearten) :: адгаворваць {impf} [dissuade]
discovery {n} (something discovered) :: адкрыццё {n}
discrimination {n} (distinct treatment of an individual or group to their disadvantage) :: дыскрымінацыя {f}
discus {n} (round plate-like object for throwing) :: дыск {m}
discuss {v} (to converse or debate concerning a particular topic) :: абгаворваць {impf}, абгаварыць {pf}, абмяркоўваць {impf}, абмеркаваць {pf}
discussion {n} (conversation or debate) :: дыскусія {f}, абмеркаванне {n}
disdain {n} (feeling of contempt or scorn) :: пагарда {f}
disdainful {adj} (showing contempt or scorn) :: пагардлівы
disease {n} (an abnormal condition of the body causing discomfort or dysfunction) :: хвароба
disgrace {n} (condition of being out of favor) :: ганьба {f}, бясчэсце {n}, сорам {m}
disgrace {n} (state of being dishonored) :: ганьба {f}, сорам {m}
disgust {n} (an intense dislike or repugnance) :: агіда {f}
disgusting {adj} (repulsive, distasteful) :: агідны, гідкі, агідлівы, гідасны, адваротны, праціўны
dish {n} (vessel for holding/serving food) :: талерка {f}, міска {f}, блюда {n}
dish {n} (specific type of food) :: страва
dishearten {v} (discourage someone by removing their enthusiasm or courage) :: абезнадзеіць {impf}
dishonest {adj} (not honest) :: несумленны, нячэсны
dishwasher {n} (machine) :: пасудамыйная машына {f}
disinformation {n} (intentionally false information) :: дэзінфармацыя {f}
disk {n} (a thin, flat, circular plate) :: дыск {m}
disk {n} (a vinyl phonograph/gramophone record) :: пласцінка {f}, дыск {m}
diskette {n} (small, flexible, magnetic disk for storage and retrieval of data) SEE: floppy disk ::
dismiss {v} (to discharge) :: звальняць {impf}, звольніць {pf}
dismissal {n} (deprivation of office) :: звальненне {n}
disobedience {n} (refusal to obey) :: непаслушэнства {n}, непадпарадкаванне {n}, непаслухмянасць {n}
disobedient {adj} (not obedient) :: непакорны, непакорлівы, непаслухмяны [esp. of a child]
disorder {n} (absence of order) :: непарадак {m}
dispatch {v} (To send with promptness) :: высылаць {impf}, выслаць {pf}
dispatch {n} (dismissal) SEE: dismissal ::
dispel {v} (to drive away by scattering) :: развейваць, рассейваць
displacement {n} (physics: vector quantity which denotes distance with a directional component) :: перамяшчэнне {n}
display {n} (electronic screen) :: дысплей {m}, дысплэй {m}
display {v} (to show conspicuously) :: паказваць {impf}, паказаць {pf}
disprove {v} (to refute) :: абвяргаць {impf}, абвергнуць {pf}
disputable {adj} (of opinions, propositions or questions, subject to dispute) :: спрэчны
disrespect {n} (lack of respect) :: непавага {f}
dissatisfaction {n} (unhappiness or discontent) :: нездаволенасць {f}, нездавальненне {n}
disservice {n} (service that results in harm) :: мядзведжая паслуга {f} [bear's service]
dissident {n} (person who opposes the current political structure, group or laws) :: дысыдэнт {m}, дысыдэнтка {f}
dissimilar {adj} (not similar) :: непадобны, адрозны
distance {n} (amount of space between two points) :: адлегласць {f}, дыстанцыя {f}
distant {adj} (far off) :: далёкі
distinguishable {adj} (able, or easily able to be distinguished) :: адрозны, адметны
distract {v} (To divert the attention of) :: адцягваць {impf}, адцягнуць {pf}
district {n} (administrative division) :: раён {m}, акруга {f}
disturb {v} (confuse or irritate) :: турбаваць {impf}, мяшаць {impf}, непакоіць {impf}, трывожыць {impf}, перашкаджаць {impf}
disturbing {adj} (causing distress or worry) :: трывожны [alarming]
ditch {n} (trench) :: канава {f}, роў {m}, траншэя {f}
dive {v} (to swim under water) :: ныраць {impf}, нырнуць {pf}
dive {v} (to jump into water) :: ныраць {impf}, нырнуць {pf}
divide {v} (split into two or more parts) :: дзяліць {impf}
divine {n} (a deity) SEE: deity ::
divine {adj} (of or pertaining to a god) :: боскі, божы
divinity {n} (deity) SEE: deity ::
divinity {n} (godhood, state of being God or a god) :: боскасць {f}
divisim {adv} (formal: separately) SEE: separately ::
division {n} (arithmetic: process of dividing a number by another) :: дзяленне {n}
division {n} (large military unit) :: дывізія {f}
divorce {n} (legal dissolution of a marriage) :: развод {m}
divvy up {v} (divide) SEE: divide ::
Djibouti {prop} (Republic of Djibouti) :: Джыбуці {f}
Dmitry {prop} (transliteration of Дмитрий) :: Дзмітрый {m}
Dnepropetrovsk {prop} (Dnipropetrovsk) SEE: Dnipropetrovsk ::
Dnieper {prop} (river to the Black Sea) :: Дняпро {m}
Dnipropetrovsk {prop} (city) :: Днепрапятроўск {m}
do {v} (perform, execute) :: рабіць {impf}, зрабіць {pf}
doable {adj} (possible to do) SEE: feasible ::
dobra {n} (official currency of São Tomé and Príncipe) :: добра
do business {v} (urinate) SEE: urinate ::
dock {n} (fixed structure to which a vessel is secured) :: док {m}
doctor {n} (person who has attained a doctorate) :: доктар {m}
doctor {n} (veterinarian) SEE: veterinarian ::
doctor {n} (medical doctor) SEE: physician ::
doctrine {n} (belief) :: дактрына {f}, вера {f}
doctrine {n} (body of beliefs or teachings) :: вучэнне {n}, дактрына {f}
document {n} (original or official paper) :: дакумент {m}
documentary {adj} (of, related to or based on documents/that serves to document something) :: дакументальны
documentary {n} (documentary film) :: дакументальны фільм {m}
documentation {n} (documents that explain the operation of a particular machine or software program) :: дакументацыя {f}
Dodecanese {prop} (an island chain consisting of twelve main islands) :: Дадэканес {m}
does anyone here speak English {phrase} (does anyone here speak English?) :: хто-небудзь тут гаворыць па-англійску?
dog {n} (animal) :: сабака {m} {f}, пёс {m}
dog collar {n} (collar for a dog) :: нашыйнік {m}, ашыйнік {m}
doge {n} (chief magistrate in the republics of Venice and Genoa) :: дож {m}
doghouse {n} (kennel) SEE: kennel ::
dogma {n} (authoritative principle, belief or statement of opinion) :: догма {f}
Doha {prop} (capital of Qatar) :: Доха {f}
do ill {v} (to harm, to injure) SEE: harm ::
doldrum {adj} (boring, uninteresting) SEE: boring ::
doll {n} (a toy in the form of a human) :: лялька {f}, кукла {f}
dollar {n} (designation for specific currency) :: долар {m}, даляр {m} [Taraškievica]
dolly {n} (doll) SEE: doll ::
dolphin {n} (aquatic mammal) :: дэльфін {m}
dolphinarium {n} :: дэльфінарый {m}
dome {n} (architectural element) :: купал {m}
domestic {adj} (of or relating to the home) :: дамашні, хатні
domestic {adj} ((of a domesticated animal) kept by someone) :: хатні, дамашні
domestic {adj} (internal to a specific country) :: айчынны, унутраны, месны
Dominic {prop} (male given name) :: Дамінік {m}
Dominica {prop} (Commonwealth of Dominica) :: Дамініка {f}
Dominican Republic {prop} (country in the Caribbean) :: Дамініканская Рэспубліка {f}
dominoes {n} (game) :: даміно {n}
Domodedovo {prop} (airport in Russia) :: Дамадзедава {n}
domovoi {n} (domovoy) SEE: domovoy ::
domovoy {n} (type of house sprite) :: дамавік {m}
don {n} (professor) SEE: professor ::
Don {prop} (River in European Russia) :: Дон {m}
Donbas {prop} (An industrial region in eastern Ukraine.) :: Данбас {m}
Donbass {prop} (Donbas) SEE: Donbas ::
Donets {prop} (one of several rivers) :: Данец {m}
Donetsk {prop} (city) :: Данецк {m}
Donetsk People's Republic {prop} (secessionist state) :: Данецкая Народная Рэспубліка {f}
donkey {n} (a domestic animal, see also: ass) :: асёл {m}
Don Quixote {prop} (the protagonist of a famous Spanish novel) :: Дон Кіхот {m}
don't {v} (do not) :: не
don't let the door hit you on the way out {phrase} (good riddance) SEE: good riddance ::
don't mention it {phrase} (it is too trivial to warrant thanks) :: няма за што, калі ласка
donut {n} (deep-fried piece of dough) SEE: doughnut ::
doofer {n} (remote control for a television) SEE: remote control ::
door {n} (portal of entry into a building, room or vehicle) :: дзверы {f-p}
doorbell {n} (device on or adjacent to an outer door for announcing one's presence) :: дзвярны званок {m}
doorstep {n} (threshold of a doorway) :: парог {m}
dopamine {n} (the neurotransmitter) :: дафамін {m}
Dordogne {prop} (department) :: Дардонь {f}
dormitory {n} (building or part thereof) :: інтэрнат {m}
dormouse {n} (rodent) :: соня-палчок
dorsal {adj} (relating to the side in which the backbone is located) :: спінны
dose {n} (measured portion of medicine) :: доза {f}
doss-house {n} (sleeping-place for the homeless) :: прытулак {m}, начлежка {f}, прыют {m}
dossier {n} (a collection of papers and/or other sources) :: дасье {n}
dot {n} (small spot or mark) :: кропка {f}
dot {n} (punctuation mark) :: кропка {f}
dot {n} (diacritical mark) :: кропка {f}
doubloon {n} (former Spanish gold coin) :: дублон {m}
doubt {v} (to lack confidence in) :: сумнявацца {impf}
doubt {n} (disbelief or uncertainty (about something)) :: сумнеў {m}
doubting Thomas {n} (one who requires proof) :: Фама няверуючы {m}, Тамаш няверуючы {m}
dough {n} (mix of flour and other ingredients) :: цеста {n}
doughnut {n} (deep-fried piece of dough or batter) :: пончык {m}
Douro {prop} (river in northern Portugal and Spain) :: Дуэра {m}, Дору {m}
dove {n} (bird of the family Columbidae) :: голуб {m}
dove's-foot {n} (columbine) SEE: columbine ::
down {adv} (from a high to a low position, downwards) :: ўніз
down {adv} (in a lower position) :: ўнізе
down {prep} (from one end to another) :: уніз
downhill {adj} (easy) SEE: easy ::
downing {n} (defeat) SEE: defeat ::
downturn {n} (a downward trend, or the beginnings of one) :: спад {m}
down with {interj} (away with) :: далоў
do you accept credit cards {phrase} (do you accept credit cards?) :: вы прымаеце крэдытную картку?
do you believe in God {phrase} (do you believe in God?) :: вы верыце ў бога?, ты верыш у бога?
do you speak English {phrase} (do you speak English? (English specifically)) :: [informal] ты размаўляеш па-англійску?, [formal or plural] вы размаўляеце па-англійску?
do you speak English {phrase} (do you speak...? (fill with the name of the current foreign language)) :: вы кажаце па-беларускі?
doze {v} (to sleep lightly or briefly) :: драмаць {impf}, падрамаць {pf}, задрамаць {pf}
dozen {n} (twelve) :: тузін {m}
DPRK {prop} (Democratic People's Republic of Korea) SEE: Democratic People's Republic of Korea ::
drachma {n} (currency) :: драхма {f}
drag {n} (street) SEE: street ::
drag {v} (to pull along a surface) :: цягаць {impf}, пацягаць {pf}
dragée {n} (a sweet or confection, originally used to administer drugs, medicine, etc.) :: дражэ {n}
dragon {n} (mythical creature) :: цмок {m}, дракон {m}, змей {m}, смок {m}
dragonfly {n} (insect of the infraorder Anisoptera) :: страказа {f}
dragoon {n} (horse soldier) :: драгун {m}
draisine {n} (light auxiliary rail vehicle) :: дрызіна {f}
drake {n} (male duck) :: качар {m}
dram {n} (Greek weight) SEE: drachma ::
drama {n} (theatrical plays) :: драма {f}, п'еса {f}
dramatist {n} (playwright) SEE: playwright ::
drape {n} (curtain, drapery) SEE: curtain ::
draughts {n} (game for two players) :: шашкі {f-p}
draw {v} (to produce a picture) :: рысаваць {impf}, нарысаваць {pf}, маляваць {impf}, намаляваць {pf}, чарціць {impf}, начарціць {pf}
draw {v} (to cause) SEE: cause ::
drawback {n} (a disadvantage) :: недахоп {m}
drawer {n} (open-topped box in a cabinet used for storing) :: шуфляда {f}
drawers {n} (plural of drawer) SEE: drawer ::
drawing {n} (picture, likeness, diagram or representation) :: малюнак {m}, чарцёж {m}
dreadnought {n} (battleship) :: дрэдноўт {m}
dream {n} (imaginary events seen while sleeping) :: сон {m}
dream {n} (hope or wish) :: мара {f}, мроя {f}
dream {v} (see imaginary events while sleeping) :: сніцца {impf} [the person dreaming is the object]
dream {v} (to hope, to wish) :: марыць {impf}, мроіць {impf}
dream {v} (daydream) SEE: daydream ::
dreamer {n} (ladybird) SEE: ladybird ::
drenched {adj} (completely wet; sodden) :: прамоклы; [be drenched] адмакаць {impf}, адмокнуць {pf}
Dresden {prop} (capital city of the German Federal State of Saxony) :: Дрэздэн {m}
dress {v} (to clothe (something or somebody)) :: апранаць {impf}, апрануць {pf}
dress {v} (to clothe oneself) :: апранацца {impf}, апрануцца {pf}
dress {n} (item of clothing worn by a woman) :: сукенка {f}
dress {n} (apparel) :: адзенне {n}
dressing gown {n} (item of clothing) :: халат {m}
drift {n} (shallow place in a river) SEE: ford ::
drink {v} (consume liquid through the mouth) :: піць {impf}, выпіць {pf}
drink {n} (served beverage) :: напой {m}
drink {v} (consume liquid through the mouth) :: піць {impf}, выпіць {pf}
drinkable {adj} (safe to drink) :: пітны
drinker {n} (regular drinker of alcohol) :: п'яніца {m} {f}
drinking-bout {n} (period of drinking) :: запой {m}
drinking straw {n} (a long plastic or paper tube through which a drink is drunk) :: саломінка {f}
drive {v} (herd (animals) in a particular direction) :: гнаць {impf} [concrete], ганяць [abstract]
driver {n} (person who drives a motorized vehicle, such as a car or a bus) :: кіроўца {m}, вадзіцель {m}, шафёр {m}
driver's licence {n} (document) SEE: driver's license ::
driver's license {n} (documenting permitting a person to drive) :: правы кіроўцы {n-p}
driving licence {n} (document) SEE: driver's license ::
drizzle {v} (to rain lightly) :: імжыць {impf}
dromedary {n} (single-humped camel) :: драмадэр {m}
drone {n} (male bee) :: труцень {m}
drop {n} (small mass of liquid) :: кропля {f}
drop {v} (to allow to fall from one's grasp) :: губляць {impf}, згубіць {pf}, упускаць {impf}, упусціць {pf}
droshky {n} (open horse-drawn carriage, especially in Russia) :: дрожкі {f-p}
drought {n} (period of unusually low rain fall) :: засуха {f}
drown {v} (to be suffocated in fluid) :: тануць {impf}
drown {v} (to deprive of life by immerson in liquid) :: тапіць {impf}
drug {n} (psychoactive substance ingested for recreational use, especially illegal and addictive one) :: наркотык {m}
drug addiction {n} (dependency on illegal drugs) :: наркаманія {f}
drugstore {n} (pharmacy) SEE: pharmacy ::
drum {n} (musical instrument) :: барабан {m}
drunk {adj} (intoxicated after drinking too much alcohol) :: п'яны
drunk {n} (habitual drinker) :: п'яніца {m}, прапойца {m}
drunk {n} (drinking-bout) SEE: drinking-bout ::
drunkard {n} (person who is habitually drunk) SEE: drunk ::
Druskininkai {prop} (town in Lithuania) :: Друскінінкай, Друскенікі {p}, Друзгенікі {p}
Druzhkivka {prop} (city) :: Дружкоўка {f}
Druzhkovka {prop} (Druzhkivka) SEE: Druzhkivka ::
dry {adj} (free from liquid or moisture) :: сухі
dryad {n} (female tree spirit) :: дрыяда {f}
drydock {n} (dock that can be drained of water) :: сухі док {m}
détente {n} (a relaxing of tension, especially between countries) :: разрадка {f}
Dubai {prop} (one of the emirates of the United Arab Emirates) :: Дубай {m}
Dublin {prop} (the capital of the Republic of Ireland) :: Дублін {m}
dubnium {n} (chemical element) :: дубній {m}
duchess {n} (female spouse or widow of a duke) :: герцагіня {f}, княгіня {f}
duchy {n} (a dominion or region ruled by a duke or duchess) :: герцагства {n}, княства {n}
duck {n} (aquatic bird of the family Anatidae) :: качка {f}
duckling {n} (young duck) :: качаня {n}, качанё {n}
due to {prep} (caused by) :: з-за, праз, дзякуючы [thanks to]
duke {n} (male ruler of a duchy) :: герцаг {m}, князь {m}
dukhan {n} (a small restaurant, tavern or a shop in the Caucasus and Crimea) :: духан {m}
dull {adj} (lacking the ability to cut easily; not sharp) :: тупы
duma {n} (lower house of Russian national parliament) :: дума {f}
dumb {adj} (unable to speak) SEE: mute ::
dumb {adj} (extremely stupid) :: дурны
dumbbell {n} (a weight with two disks attached to a short bar) :: гантэль {f}
dumbledore {n} (beetle) SEE: beetle ::
dumbledore {n} (bumblebee) SEE: bumblebee ::
dumbledore {n} (dandelion) SEE: dandelion ::
dummy {n} (pacifier) SEE: pacifier ::
dumpling {n} (food) :: пяльмень {m}
dump truck {n} (heavy truck for carrying loose, bulk cargo) :: самазвал {m}
dune {n} (a ridge or hill of sand piled up by the wind) :: дзюна {f}, бархан {m}
Dunfermline {prop} (town in Fife) :: Данфермлін {m}
dung {n} (manure) :: гной {m}, кал
Durex {n} (condom) SEE: condom ::
durian {n} (fruit) :: дурыян {m}
during {prep} (for all of a given time interval) :: на працягу
during {prep} (within a given time interval) :: падчас
Durrës {prop} (Adriatic port city in Albania) :: Дурэс {m}
Dushanbe {prop} (capital of Tajikistan) :: Душанбэ {m}
dust {n} (fine, dry particles) :: пыл {m}, порах {m}
duster {n} (object used for dusting) :: ануча {f}
dustpan {n} (flat scoop for assembling dust) :: савок {m}, шуфлік {m}
Dutch {adj} (of the Netherlands, people, or language) :: галандскі, галяндзкі, нідэрландскі, нідэрляндзкі, галяндэрскі
Dutch {prop} (the Dutch language) :: галандская мова {f}, галандская {f}
Dutchman {n} (a Dutch man) :: нідэрландзец {m}, нідэрляндзец {m} [Taraškievica], галандзец {m}, галяндзец {m} [Taraškievica]
Dutchwoman {n} (a Dutch woman) :: нідэрландка {f}, галандка {f}
duty {n} (that which one is morally or legally obligated to do) :: доўг {m}, абавязак {m}
duty {n} (tax; tariff) :: мыта {f}, пошліна {f}, збор {m}
dwarf {n} (being from folklore, underground dwelling nature spirit) :: карлік {m}, гном {m}
dwell {v} (live, reside) :: пражываць {impf}, жыць {impf}
dweller {n} (inhabitant) SEE: inhabitant ::
dwelling {n} (house or place in which a person lives) :: жыллё {n}
dye {n} (die) SEE: die ::
dyke {n} (ditch) SEE: ditch ::
dynamite {n} (class of explosives) :: дынаміт {m}
dysentery {n} (disease characterised by inflammation of the intestines) :: дызентэрыя {f}
dysprosium {n} (chemical element) :: дыспрозій {m}
dzhigit {n} (a brave equestrian in the Caucasus and Central Asia) :: джыгіт {m}
each {determiner} (every) :: кожны
each other {pron} (to one another; one to the other) :: адзін аднаго
each to his own {proverb} (to each his own) SEE: to each his own ::
eager {adj} (excited by desire in the pursuit of any object) :: нецярплівы
eagle {n} (any of several large carnivorous birds in the family Accipitridae) :: арол {m}
eagle owl {n} (large owl of genus Bubo) :: філін
eaglet {n} (an eagle chick) :: арляня {n}, арлянё {n}
ear {n} (fruiting body of a grain plant) :: колас {m}
ear {v} (plough) SEE: plough ::
ear {n} (organ of hearing) :: вуха {n}
eardrum {n} (membrane separating outer and middle ears) :: барабанная парапонка {f}
early {adj} (at a time in advance of the usual) :: ранні
early {adv} (at a time before expected) :: рана
earn {v} (transitive: receive (money) for working) :: зарабляць {impf}, зарабіць {pf}
earnest {adj} (important, serious) :: сур'ёзны
earphone {n} (sound device held near the ear) :: навушнікі {m-p}
earphones {n} (small speakers worn over the ears) :: навушнікі {m-p}
earring {n} (piece of jewelry) :: завушніца {f}
earth {n} (soil) :: зямля {f}
earth {n} :: зямля, земля
earth {prop} (our planet, third out from the Sun) SEE: Earth ::
Earth {prop} (third planet of the Solar System) :: Зямля {f}
earthquake {n} (shaking of the surface of a planet) :: землятрус {m}, землетрасенне {n}
earwax {n} (waxy substance secreted by the ear) :: вушная сера {f}
east {n} (compass point) :: усход {m}, ўсход {m}
east {adj} (in or towards the east) :: усходні {m}, ўсходні {m}
east {adj} (of or pertaining to the east) :: усходні {m}, ўсходні {m}
east {adj} (from the East) :: усходні {m}, ўсходні {m}
East Asia {prop} (eastern subregion of Asia) :: Усходняя Азія {f}
Easter {n} (Christian holiday) :: Вялікдзень {m}, Пасха {f}
Easter egg {n} (a dyed or decorated egg) :: велікоднае яйка {n}
Easter Island {prop} (Island in the Pacific) :: востраў Пасхі {m}
eastern {adj} (related to the east) :: усходні, ўсходні
Eastern Europe {prop} (Eastern Europe) :: Усходняя Еўропа {f}
Eastern Orthodox Church {prop} (division of Christianity) :: Усходняя Праваслаўная Царква {f}
East Sea {prop} (South China Sea) SEE: South China Sea ::
East Sea {prop} (Baltic sea) SEE: Baltic Sea ::
East Sea {prop} (Sea of Japan) SEE: Sea of Japan ::
East Sea {prop} (Dead Sea) SEE: Dead Sea ::
East Slavic {adj} (of or relating to the East Slavs) :: усходнеславянскі
East Timor {prop} (Country in Oceania) :: Усходні Тымор {m}
East Turkestan {prop} (Xinjiang) SEE: Xinjiang ::
eastward {adv} (towards the east) :: на ўсход
easy {adj} (comfortable) SEE: comfortable ::
easy {adj} (requiring little skill or effort) :: лёгкі
eat {v} (to ingest, see also: consume; ingest) :: есці {impf}, есьці {impf} [Taraškievica orthography], з'есці {pf}
eatable {adj} (able to be eaten) SEE: edible ::
eatery {n} (a restaurant or café) :: закусачная {f}, сталовая {f}, харчэўня {f}, харчоўня {f}, страўня {f}
eat one's fill {v} (to eat to one's satisfaction, until full) :: наядацца {impf}, наесціся {pf}
EAU {prop} (Eurasian Economic Union) :: ЕАС {m}
eau de toilette {n} (lightly scented perfume) :: туалетная вада {f}
ebonite {n} (product of vulcanizing rubber with sulfur) :: эбаніт {m}
ecchymosis {n} (skin discoloration) SEE: bruise ::
echo {n} (reflected sound) :: рэха {n}, водгалас {m}, водгук {m}, водгулле {n}, адгалос {m}, адгалоссе {n}
eclipse {n} (passage of a planetary object between others) :: зацьменне {n}
ecliptic {n} (Earth's orbital plane) :: экліптыка {f}
ecology {n} (branch of biology) :: экалогія {f}
economic {adj} (pertaining to an economy) :: эканамічны, гаспадарскi
economical {adj} (relating to economy) SEE: economic ::
economics {n} (study) :: эканоміка {f}
economy {n} (production and distribution and consumption) :: эканоміка {f}, гаспадарка {f}
ecosystem {n} (system of an ecological community and its environment) :: экасістэма {f}
Ecuador {prop} (country in South America) :: Эквадор {m}
edge {n} (boundary line of a surface) :: край {m}, грань {f}
edible {adj} (that can be eaten without harm; suitable for consumption) :: ядомы
Edinburgh {prop} (capital of Scotland) :: Эдынбург
edit {v} (to change a text, or a document) :: рэдагаваць {impf}
edition {n} (literary work) :: выданне {n}
Edo {prop} (former name of Tokyo) :: Эда {m}
education {n} (process or art of imparting knowledge, skill and judgment) :: адукацыя {f}, асвета {f}
educator {n} (teacher) SEE: teacher ::
eel {n} (any fish of the order Anguilliformes) :: вугар {m}, вугор {m}
effect {n} (result of an action) :: эфект {m}, вынік {m}, рэзультат {m}
effective {adj} (having the power to produce a required effect or effects) :: эфектыўны
efficient {adj} (making good use of resources) :: эфектыўны
efflower {v} (leatherworking: remove an outer surface with a knife) SEE: graze ::
effort {n} (the amount of work involved in achieving something) :: намаганне {n}, высілак {m}, патуга {f}
egg {n} (body housing an embryo) :: яйка {n}, яйцо {n}
egg cell {n} (ovum) SEE: ovum ::
eggplant {n} (plant) :: баклажан {m}
eggplant {n} (edible fruit) :: баклажан {m}
egg white {n} (clear part of an egg) SEE: albumen ::
egg yolk {n} (central part of an egg) SEE: yolk ::
egocentrism {n} (following ones egotistical desires) :: эгацэнтрызм {m}
egoism {n} (tendency to think of self) :: эгаізм {m}
egress {n} (exit) SEE: exit ::
Egypt {prop} (country in North Africa) :: Егіпет {m}
Egyptian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Egypt) :: егіпецкі
Egyptian {n} (person from Egypt) :: егіпцянін {m}, егіпцянка {f}
Eiffel Tower {prop} (tower in Paris) :: Эйфелева вежа {f}
eight {num} (cardinal number 8) :: восем, [collective] васьмёра
eight {n} (The digit/figure 8) :: васьмёрка {f}
eighteen {num} (cardinal number) :: васямнаццаць, васемнаццаць
eighteenth {adj} (the ordinal form of the number eighteen, see also: 18th) :: васямнаццаты
eighth {adj} (ordinal form of the number eight, see also: 8th) :: восьмы
eight hundred {num} (cardinal number 800) :: восемсот
eight thousand {n} (cardinal number) :: восем тысяч
eighty {num} (80) :: восемдзесят
eighty-eight {num} (88) :: восемдзесят восем
eighty-five {num} (the cardinal number 85) :: восемдзесят пяць
eighty-four {num} (84) :: восемдзесят чатыры
eighty-nine {num} (89) :: восемдзесят дзевяць
eighty-one {num} (81) :: восемдзесят адзін
eighty-seven {num} (87) :: восемдзесят сем
eighty-six {num} (cardinal number 86) :: восемдзесят шэсць
eighty-three {num} (83) :: восемдзесят тры
eighty-two {num} (82) :: восемдзесят два
Einstein {prop} (Albert Einstein) :: Эйнштэйн {m}
either {conj} (introduces the first of two options) :: любы {m}
ejaculation {n} (ejection of semen through the urethra) :: эякуляцыя {f}, семявывяржэнне {n}
eke {adv} (also) SEE: also ::
eke {n} (addition) SEE: addition ::
Elam {prop} (ancient civilization) :: Элам
Elbląg {prop} (a city in Poland) :: Эльблонг {m}, Эльблонг {m}
elbow {n} (joint between upper arm and forearm) :: локаць {m}
Elbrus {prop} (mountain) :: Эльбрус {m}
elder {adj} (greater than another in age or seniority) :: старшыl
elder {n} (one who lived at an earlier period) :: продак
elder {n} (Sambucus) :: бузіна {f}
elderberry {n} (elder tree) SEE: elder ::
elderberry {n} (fruit) :: бузіна {f}
elect {v} (to elect) SEE: choose ::
elect {v} (to choose in election) :: абіраць {impf}, абраць {pf}, выбіраць {impf}, выбраць {pf}
election {n} (process of choosing a new leader or representatives) :: выбары {m-p}
elector {n} (in the Holy Roman Empire, a participant in the election of the emperor) SEE: Elector ::
Elector {n} (elector or prince-elector) :: курфюрст {m}
electoral {adj} (of, or relating to elections) :: выбарчы, выбарны, абіральны
electricity {n} (form of energy) :: электрычнасьць {f}
electrocardiography {n} (the science of preparation and diagnostic interpretation of electrocardiograms) :: электракардыяграфія {f}
electron {n} (the negatively charged subatomic particles that orbit atoms) :: электрон {m}
electron hole {n} (lack of an electron) SEE: hole ::
electronic {adj} (pertaining to electrons) :: электронны
electronic {adj} (operating on behavior of electrons) :: электронны
electronic {adj} (generated by electronic device) :: электронны
electronic {adj} (of or pertaining to the Internet) :: электронны
electronic mail {n} (email) SEE: email ::
electronics {n} ((physics)) :: электроніка {f}
electrum {n} (fossil resin) SEE: amber ::
element {n} (simplest or essential part or principle of anything) :: элемент {m}
elemental {adj} (basic, fundamental, elementary) SEE: elementary ::
elementary {adj} (relating to the basic, essential or fundamental part of something) :: элемэнтарны
elephant {n} (mammal) :: слон {m}, сланіха {f}
elephant shrew {n} (Any member of the order Macroscelidea) :: слановыя землярыйкі {f}
elevator {n} (permanent construction) SEE: lift ::
eleven {num} (the cardinal number occurring after ten and before twelve) :: адзінаццаць
eleventh {adj} (ordinal form of eleven, see also: 11th) :: адзінаццаты
elf {n} (very diminutive person) SEE: dwarf ::
Elisabeth {prop} (female given name) SEE: Elizabeth ::
Elista {prop} (city in Russia) :: Эліста {f}
elite {n} (group with higher status) :: эліта {f}
Elizabeth {prop} (mother of John the Baptist) :: Лізавета, Елісавета
elk {n} (Alces alces) SEE: moose ::
ellipse {n} (curve) :: эліпс {m}
ellipsis {n} (typographic mark) :: шматкроп'е {n}, кропкі {f-p}
elliptic {adj} (relating to an ellipse or its mathematical definition) :: эліптычны
elliptical {adj} (in math) SEE: elliptic ::
elm {n} (tree of genus Ulmus) :: [ulmus] вяз {m}, лём {m}; [ulmus minor] бераст {m}
Elohim {prop} (name for God) :: Элахім {m}
El Salvador {prop} (country in Central America) :: Сальвадор {m}
e-mail {n} (email) SEE: email ::
e-mail {v} (email) SEE: email ::
email {n} (system for transferring messages from one computer to another) :: электронная пошта {f}, імэйл {m}, мэйл {m}
email {n} (message sent through email an email system) :: імэйл {m}, мэйл {m}
emancipation {n} (act of setting free from the power of another) :: эмансіпацыя {f}, вызваленне {n}
embarrassing {adj} (causing embarrassment) :: бянтэжачы
embassy {n} (organization representing a foreign state) :: амбасада {f}, пасольства {n}
ember {n} (glowing piece of coal or wood) :: вугольчык {m}
ember {n} (smoldering ash) SEE: embers ::
embers {n} (the smoldering or glowing remains of a fire, smoldering ash) :: жар {m}
emblem {n} (representative symbol) :: эмблема {f}
embrace {v} (to clasp (someone or each other) in the arms with affection, see also: hug) :: абдымаць {impf}, абняць {pf}
embryo {n} (fertilized egg before developing into a fetus) :: эмбрыён {m}, зародак {m}
emerald {n} (gemstone) :: ізумруд {m}, смарагд {m}
emergency {n} (situation requiring urgent assistance) :: надзвычайная сітуацыя {f}
emery {n} (mineral) :: наждак {m}
emir {n} (Islamic prince or leader) :: эмір {m}
emirate {n} (country ruled by an emir) :: эмірат {m}
emissary {n} (an agent sent on a mission to represent the interests of someone else) :: эмісар {m}
emotion {n} (person's internal state of being) :: эмоцыя {f}, пачуццё {n}
emperor {n} (ruler of an empire) :: імператар {m}, цар {m} [tsar]
emphasis {n} (special weight or forcefulness given to something considered important) :: націск {m}
emphasis {n} (prominence given to a syllable or words) :: націск {m}
empire {n} (political unit, having numerous or extensive territories) :: імперыя {f}, царства {n}
employ {v} (employ, apply) SEE: use ::
employee {n} (individual who provides labor to a company or another person) :: супрацоўнік {m}, супрацоўніца {f}
employer {n} (person or entity which employs others) :: работадавец {m}, работадаўца {m}, працанаймальнік {m}
empty {adj} (devoid of content) :: пусты
emu {n} (Dromaius novaehollandiae) :: эму {m}
enable {v} (to activate a function of an electronic or mechanical device) :: актываваць {impf} {pf}, уключаць {impf}
Enceladus {prop} (moon of Saturn) :: Энцэлад {m}
enchant {v} (to cast a spell upon) :: зачароўваць {impf}, зачараваць {pf}
encounter {n} (unplanned meeting) :: сустрэча {f}
encourage {v} (mentally support or motivate) :: заахвочваць {impf}, падбадзёрваць {impf}
encouragement {n} (the act of encouraging) :: падбадзёрванне {n}, заахвочванне {n}
encouraging {adj} (giving courage, confidence or hope) :: абнадзейлівы
encyclopaedia {n} (encyclopedia) SEE: encyclopedia ::
encyclopedia {n} (comprehensive reference with articles on a range of topics) :: энцыклапедыя {f}
end {n} (extreme part) :: канец {m}, край {m} [edge]
end {v} (transitive: finish, terminate (something)) :: заканчваць {impf}, канчаць {impf}, скончыць {pf}
endgame {n} (end stage of a chess game) :: эндшпіль {m}
ending {n} (grammar: last morpheme of a word) SEE: termination ::
endoscope {n} (instrument) :: эндаскоп {m}
endure {v} (to endure) SEE: take ::
endure {v} (endure, undergo) SEE: suffer ::
enemy {n} (someone who is hostile to, feels hatred towards, opposes the interests of, or intends injury to someone else) :: вораг {m}, праціўнік {m}
energy {n} (impetus behind activity) :: энергія {f}, энэргія {f}
energy {n} (physics) :: энергія {f}, энэргія {f}
engaged {adj} (busy or employed) SEE: busy ::
engine {n} (mechanical device) :: рухавік {m}, матор {m}
engine {n} (locomotive) SEE: locomotive ::
engineer {n} (person qualified or professionally engaged in engineering) :: інжынер {m}
engineer {n} (locomotive operator) :: машыніст {m}
England {prop} (region of Great Britain) :: Англія {f}, Ангельшчына {f} [Taraškievica]
English {adj} (of or pertaining to England) :: англійскі
English {adj} (of or pertaining to the English language) :: англійскі
English {n} (people from England) :: англічанін {m}, англічанка {f}; Taraškievica: ангелец {m}
English {prop} (the English language) :: англійская (мова) {f}
English Channel {prop} (The part of the Atlantic Ocean between Great Britain and France) :: Ла-Манш {m}
English horn {n} (cor anglais) SEE: cor anglais ::
Englishman {n} (male native or inhabitant of England) :: англічанін {m}, ангелец {m}
English sparrow {n} (house sparrow) SEE: house sparrow ::
Englishwoman {n} (a female native or inhabitant of England) :: англійка {f}
enjoyment {n} (the condition of enjoying anything) :: асалода {f}, уцеха {f}, прыемнасць {f}
enjoy your meal {phrase} (bon appétit) SEE: bon appétit ::
ennead {n} (the number nine) SEE: nine ::
enough {determiner} (sufficient) :: дастаткова, даволі
enough {adv} (sufficiently) :: дастаткова
ensemble {n} (a group of musicians, dancers etc who perform together; the chorus of a ballet company) :: ансамбль {m}
ensorcell {v} (to captivate, entrance, fascinate) SEE: captivate ::
ensure {v} (assure) SEE: assure ::
ENT {n} (ear, nose and throat) :: ЛОР
enter {v} (to go into (a room, etc.)) :: [on foot] уваходзіць {impf}, ўваходзіць {impf}, увайсці {pf}, ўвайсці {pf}; [by vehicle] уязджаць {impf}, уехаць {pf}
enter {v} (to record) :: упісваць {impf}, ўпісваць {impf}, упісаць {pf}, ўпісаць {pf}
enterprise {n} (company, business, organization, or endeavor) :: прадпрыемства {n}
entertain {v} (to amuse) :: забаўляць {impf}, бавіць {impf}
entertaining {adj} (amusing) :: забаўны, займальны, забаўляльны
entertainment {n} (activity designed to give pleasure or relaxation) :: забава {f}, разрыўка {f}, забаўка {f}, пацеха {f}, уцеха {f}
enthronement {n} (the act of enthroning or the state of being enthroned) :: інтранізацыя {f}
entire {n} (stallion) SEE: stallion ::
entire {adj} (whole) :: цэлы, ўвесь, поўны
entomology {n} (study of insects) :: энтамалогія {f}
entrance {n} (place of entering) :: уваход {m}, уезд {m} [vehicle]
entrance examination {n} (examination used by an educational institution to select which students it will grant admission to) :: уступны экзамен {m}
entrepreneur {n} (person who organizes and operates a business and assumes the associated risk) :: прадпрымальнік {m}, прадпрымальніца {f}
entresol {n} (an intermediate floor in a building) :: антрэсоль {f}
envelope {n} (wrapper for mailing) :: канверт {m}
envious {adj} (feeling or exhibiting envy) :: зайздросны, завісны
environment {n} (area around something) :: асяроддзе {n}
environment {n} (natural world or ecosystem) :: навакольнае асяроддзе {n}
envoy {n} (representative) :: пасланнік {m}
envy {n} (resentful desire of something possessed by another) :: зайздрасць {f}, завісць {f}
envy {v} (to feel displeasure towards (someone) because of their good fortune, possessions) :: зайздросціць {impf}
Ephesians {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Эфесянам
Ephesus {prop} (ancient city) :: Эфес {m}
epic {n} (extended narrative poem) :: эпас {m}
epic {n} (events appropriate to an epic) :: эпапея {f}
epicaricacy {n} (rejoicing at or deriving pleasure from the misfortunes of others) SEE: schadenfreude ::
epicentre {n} (point above earthquake) :: эпіцэнтр {m}
epidemic {n} (widespread disease) :: эпідэмія {f}
epidemic {adj} (like an epidemic) :: эпідэмічны
episode {n} (instalment of a drama told in parts) :: эпізод {m}
epistemology {n} (branch of philosophy dealing with the study of knowledge) :: эпістэмалогія {f}
epithet {n} (term used to characterize a person or thing) :: эпітэт {m}
epitome {n} (embodiment or encapsulation of) :: ўвасабленне
epitrachelion {n} (vestment) :: епітрахіль {f}
epoch {n} (particular period of history) :: эпоха {f}
epopee {n} (an epic, saga) :: эпапея {f}
equal {adj} (the same in all respects) :: роўны, аднакі, аднолькавы
equal {adj} (mathematics: exactly identical) :: роўны
equality {n} (fact of being equal) :: роўнасць {f}
equality {n} (equal treatment of people irrespective of social or cultural differences) :: роўнасць {f}, раўнапраўе {n}, раўнапраўнасць {f}
equanimity {n} (state of being calm) :: халоднакроўе {n}, самаўладанне {n}, незбянтэжнасць {f}
equation {n} (mathematics: assertion) :: раўнанне {n}
equator {n} (circle around the earth) :: экватар {m}
Equatorial Guinea {prop} (country in Western Africa) :: Экватарыяльная Гвінея {f}
equilateral {adj} (referring to a polygon all of whose sides are of equal length) :: роўнабочны
equipment {n} (whatever is used in equipping) :: абсталяванне {n}
equivalent {adj} (similar or identical in value) :: раўнавартасны, раўнацэнны, эквівалентны
era {n} (time period) :: эра {f}, эпоха {f}
erase {v} (to remove markings or information) :: сціраць {impf}, сцерці {pf}
eraser {n} (thing used to erase something written or drawn) :: гумка {f}, ласцік {m}
erbium {n} (chemical element) :: эрбій {m}
erection {n} (rigid state of penis or clitoris) :: эрэкцыя {f}
eremite {n} (hermit) SEE: hermit ::
ereyesterday {adv} (on the day before yesterday) SEE: day before yesterday ::
ereyesterday {n} (the day before yesterday) SEE: day before yesterday ::
erg {n} (unit of work or energy) :: эрг {m}
Eric {prop} (male given name) :: Эрык {m}
Eritrea {prop} (country in Eastern Africa) :: Эрытрэя {f}
ermine {n} (Mustela erminea) :: гарнастай {m}
erne {n} (Haliaeetus albicilla) SEE: white-tailed eagle ::
Eros {prop} (God of love) :: Эрас {m}
Eros {prop} (433 Eros (asteroid)) :: Эрас {m}
erotic {adj} (tending to arouse sexual desire) :: эратычны
err {v} (sin) SEE: sin ::
error {n} (mistake) :: памылка {f}
eruption {n} (violent ejection, such as that of lava from a volcano) :: вывяржэнне {n}
Erythraean Sea {prop} (Red Sea) SEE: Red Sea ::
erythromycin {n} (any of a class of macrolide antibiotics) :: эрытроміцін {m}
erythronium {n} (vanadium) SEE: vanadium ::
esaul {n} ((now historical) the head of a group or unit of Cossacks) :: есавул {m}
escalator {n} (mechanical device) :: эскалатар {m}
escape {n} (act of leaving a dangerous or unpleasant situation) :: уцёкі {p}
especially {adv} (particularly) :: асабліва
especially {adv} (in a special manner) :: асабліва
Esperantist {n} (specialist or speaker of Esperanto) :: эсперантыст {m}
Esperanto {prop} (auxiliary language) :: эсперанта {n}, эспэранта {n} [taraškievica]
Esperantujo {prop} (notional land) :: Эсперантыда
essence {n} (inherent nature) :: сутнасць {f}, суць {f}
essence {n} (true nature of something) :: сутнасць {f}
essential {adj} (necessary) :: неабходны
essential {adj} (of high importance) :: важны, істотны
estate {n} ((extensive) area of land under single ownership) :: сядзіба {f}
Estonia {prop} (country) :: Эстонія {f}
Estonian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to the country of Estonia, its people or their language) :: эстонскі {m}
Estonian {n} (person) :: эстонец {m}, эстонка {f}
Estonian {n} (language) :: эстонская мова {f}, эстонская {f}
estuary {n} (place where ocean tides and river water merge) :: эстуарый {m}, вусце {n}
etc. {phrase} (and so on, see also: and so forth) :: і г. д., і гэтак далей
et cetera {phrase} (noting the omission of the remainder of a list) SEE: etc. ::
eternal {adj} (lasting forever) :: вечны
eternal life {n} (immortality) SEE: immortality ::
eternity {n} (infinite time) :: вечнасць {f}
eternity {n} (time extending infinitely far into the future) :: вечнасць {f}
ether {n} (substance supposed to fill the upper regions of the atmosphere) :: эфір {m}
ether {n} (substance once thought to fill all unoccupied space) :: эфір {m}
ether {n} ((organic chemistry) diethyl ether) :: эфір {m}
ether {n} ((organic chemistry) compound containing an oxygen atom bonded to two hydrocarbon groups) :: эфір {m}
ether {n} (sky, heavens) SEE: heavens ::
ethics {n} (study of principles governing right and wrong conduct) :: этыка {f}
ethics {n} (standards of conduct) :: этыка {f}
Ethiopia {prop} (country in Eastern Africa) :: Эфіопія {f}
ethnic {adj} (of or relating to a group of people) :: этнічны
etiquette {n} (forms to be observed in social or official life) :: этыкет {m}
etymology {n} (study of the historical development of languages, particularly of individual words) :: этымалогія {f}, этымалёгія {f} [taraškievica]
EU {prop} (European Union, see also: European Union; EUSSR) :: ЕС {m}
Euboea {prop} (Greek island) :: Эўбея {f}
eucalyptus {n} (any of many trees of genus Eucalyptus) :: эўкаліпт {m}
eunuch {n} (castrated human male) :: еўнух {m}, скапец {m}, кастрат {m}, лягчанец {m}
eunuch {n} (such a man who was harem guard or in Middle Eastern courts under Roman Emperors, important officials of the state) :: еўнух {m}
euonymus {n} (tree of the genus Euonymus) SEE: spindle ::
euphonium {n} (brass instrument) :: мілагучная гаворка
Eurasia {prop} (the largest landmass on Earth, consisting of Europe and Asia) :: Еўразія {f}, Эўразія {f}
Eurasian Economic Union {prop} (economic union, see also: EAU; EAEU) :: Еўразійскі Саюз {m}, ЕАС {m}
Eurasian lynx {n} (Lynx lynx) :: рысь звычайная
Eurasian nuthatch {n} (Sitta europaea) :: звычайны кавалік {m}
Eurasian siskin {n} (Spinus spinus) :: чыж {m}
Eurasian sparrowhawk {n} (Accipiter nisus) :: перапёлачнік {m}
Eurasian tree sparrow {n} (tree sparrow) SEE: tree sparrow ::
Eurasian woodcock {n} (Scolopax rusticola) :: слонка {f}
euro {n} (currency unit of the European Monetary Union) :: еўра {n}
euro area {n} (Eurozone) SEE: Eurozone ::
Euroland {prop} (group of countries having Euro as currency) SEE: Eurozone ::
Euromaidan {prop} (series of anti-government protests in Ukraine) :: Еўрамайдан {m}
Europe {prop} (European Union) SEE: European Union ::
Europe {prop} (continent) :: Еўропа {f}, Эўропа {f} [Taraškievica Orthography]
European {adj} (relating to Europe or the European Union) :: еўрапейскі, эўрапейскі [Taraškievica]
European {n} (person) :: еўрапеец {m}, еўрапейка {f}
European bison {n} (the wisent species Bison bonasus) :: зубр {m}, зубар {m}, бізон {m}
European Central Bank {prop} (central bank for the European Union) :: Еўрапейскі цэнтральны банк {m}
European hedgehog {n} (Erinaceus europaeus) :: звычайны вожык, еўрапейскі вожык
European rowan {n} (Sorbus aucuparia) SEE: rowan ::
European Union {prop} (European supranational organisation) :: Еўрапейскі Саюз {m}, Еўрасаюз {m}, Эўрапейскі Зьвяз {m} [dated]
europium {n} (chemical element) :: еўропій {m}
Europol {prop} (the criminal intelligence agency of the European Union) :: Еўрапол {m}
Euroscepticism {n} (scepticism of increasing powers of the EU) :: еўраскептыцызм {m}
Eurozone {prop} (those European Union members whose official currency is the euro) :: еўразона {f}
euthanasia {n} (practice of killing a human being or animal) :: эўтаназія {f}
Euxine Sea {prop} SEE: Black Sea ::
evacuate {v} (to move out of an unsafe location into safety) :: эвакуіраваць
Eve {prop} (given name) :: Ева {f}
even {adj} (flat and level) :: роўны
even {adj} (arithmetic: divisible by two) :: цотны
even {adv} (implying extreme example) :: нават
evening {n} (time of day between the approximate time of midwinter dusk and midnight) :: увечар {m}, ўвечар {m}, вечар {m}
event {n} (occurrence) :: падзея {f}
Everest {prop} (Mount Everest) SEE: Mount Everest ::
evergreen {adj} (of plants, that do not shed their leaves) :: вечназялёны
every {determiner} (all of a countable group) :: кожны
everybody {pron} (all people) :: усе {m-p}, ўсе {m-p}, кожны
every day {adv} (daily) SEE: daily ::
everyone {pron} (every person) :: усе {p} / ўсе {p}, кожны
everything {pron} (all the things) :: усё
everywhere {adv} (at all places) :: усюды, ўсюды
evidence {n} (facts or observations presented in support of an assertion) :: доказ {m}, сведчанне {n}, пасведчанне {n}
evil {adj} (intending to harm) :: злы
evil {n} (moral badness, wickedness) :: зло {n}
evolution {n} (biology: change in the genetic composition of a population over time) :: эвалюцыя {f}
evolutionary biology {n} (sub-field of biology) :: эвалюцыйная біялогія {f}
ewe {n} (female sheep) :: авечка {f}
Ewe {prop} (language) :: эве
exact {adj} (precisely agreeing) :: дакладны
exactly {adv} (in an exact manner) :: сапраўды
exaggeration {n} (act of exaggerating) :: перабольшанне {n}, перавялічванне {n}, перабольшванне {n}, перавелічэнне {n}
examination {n} (formal test) :: экзамен {m}, тэст {m}
examination {n} (interrogation) SEE: interrogation ::
examine {v} (to observe or inspect carefully or critically) :: аглядаць {impf}, агледзець {pf}
example {n} (something representative of a group) :: прыклад {m}
excavator {n} (vehicle) :: экскаватар {m}
excellent {adj} (of the highest quality) :: выдатны, цудоўны, адменны, адметны
except {prep} (with the exception of) :: акрамя, за выключэннем
exception {n} (that which is excepted or taken out from others) :: вынятак {m}
exceptional {adj} (forming an exception) :: вынятковы
exceptional {adj} (superior due to exception or rarity) :: вынятковы, адменны, адметны
exchange {v} (To trade or barter) :: абменьвацца {impf}, абмяняцца {pf}
exchequer {n} (treasury) SEE: treasury ::
excited {adj} (having great enthusiasm) :: узбуджаны
exciting {adj} (causing excitement) :: хвалюючы
exclaim {v} (to cry out) :: усклікаць {impf}, усклікнуць {pf}, выгукваць {impf}, выгукнуць {pf}
exclamation {n} (exclamation mark) SEE: exclamation mark ::
exclamation {n} (loud calling or crying out; outcry) :: выгук {m}
exclamation mark {n} (punctuation “!”) :: клічнік {m}, клічны знак {m}
exclamation point {n} (exclamation mark) SEE: exclamation mark ::
exclusive {adj} (excluding items or members that do not meet certain conditions) :: выключны, эксклюзіўны
excrement {n} (human and animal solid waste) :: спаражнення {n-p}, экскрыменты {m-p}, кал {m}, фекаліі {f-p}
excursion {n} (brief recreational trip) :: экскурсія {f}
excursion {n} (wandering from the main subject) :: экскурс {m}
excuse {v} (forgive, pardon) :: выбачаць {impf}, выбачыць {pf}, прабачаць {impf}, прабачыць {pf}, дараваць {impf} {pf}, падараваць {pf}
excuse me {phrase} (request for attention) :: даруйце
excuse me {phrase} (request to pass) :: даруйце
excuse me {phrase} (sorry, as apology) :: прабачце, прабач, выбачайце [formal], выбачай [informal], перапрошваю
execution {n} (act of putting to death or being put to death as a penalty) :: кара смерцю {f}, экзэкуцыя {f}
executioner {n} (the person who carries out the execution) :: кат {m}
executive {adj} (designed for execution) :: выканаўчы
executive committee {n} (the cabinet of ministers for a city government) :: выканаўчы камітэт {m}
exercise {n} (any activity designed to develop or hone a skill or ability) :: практыкаванне {n}
exercise {v} (exert for the sake of training) :: практыкавацца {impf}, трэніравацца {impf}
exercise book {n} (booklet for students) :: сшытак {m}
exhalation {n} (meteor) SEE: meteor ::
exhaust {n} (exhaust pipe) SEE: exhaust pipe ::
exhaust pipe {n} (pipe that vents waste gases from the engine) :: выхлапная труба {f}
exhibition {n} (large scale public showing of objects or products) :: выстаўка {f}, выстава {f}, экспазіцыя {f}
exile {v} (to send into exile) :: высылаць {impf}, выслаць {pf}
exist {v} (to be) :: існаваць
existence {n} (state of being, existing, or occurring) :: існаванне {n}, быццё {n}
existent {adj} (existing; having life or being, current; occurring now) :: існуючы
exit {n} (way out) :: выхад {m}, [from a highway] выезд {m}
exit {v} (to go out or go away from a place or situation, see also: depart; leave) :: выходзіць {impf}, выйсці {pf}
exit {n} (act of departing from life) SEE: death ::
exit {v} (to depart from life) SEE: die ::
exosphere {n} (the uppermost layer of a planet's atmosphere) :: экзасфера {f}
expectorate {v} (spit) SEE: spit ::
expensive {adj} (having a high price or cost) :: дарагі
experience {n} (event(s) of which one is cognizant) :: вопыт {m}, дослед {m}
experience {n} (collection of events and/or activities from which an individual or group may gather knowledge) :: вопыт {m}, перажыванне {n}
experience {n} (the knowledge thus gathered) :: дослед {m}
experienced {adj} (having experience) :: дасведчаны, вопытны, бывалы, відалы, спакушаны
experiment {n} (test under controlled conditions) :: эксперымент {m}, дослед {m}, вопыт {m}, проба {f}
expert {n} (person with extensive knowledge or ability) :: эксперт {m}
expire {v} (die) SEE: die ::
expired {adj} (dead) SEE: dead ::
expiry {n} (death) SEE: death ::
explain {v} (report) :: аб'ясьняць {impf}, аб'ясьніць {pf}, тлумачыць {impf}, растлумачыць {pf}
explanation {n} (the act or process of explaining) :: аб'ясьненне {n}
explication {n} (explanation) SEE: explanation ::
explicitly {adv} (in an explicit manner) :: яўна
exploit {n} (heroic or extraordinary deed) :: подзвіг {m}, вычын {m}
exploration {n} (act of exploring) :: даследаванне {n}
explosion {n} (violent release of energy) :: выбух {m}
explosive {adj} (shocking) SEE: shocking ::
express {v} (to convey meaning) :: выказваць {impf}, выказаць {pf}
expression {n} (particular way of phrasing an idea) :: выраз {m}
expression {n} (colloquialism or idiom) :: выраз {m}
expression {n} (facial appearance) :: выраз {m}
expression {n} (mathematics: arrangement of symbols) :: выраз {m}
exterior {adj} (relating to the outside parts or surface) :: вонкавы, знадворны
exterior {adj} (being from outside a country) SEE: foreign ::
exterior {adj} (outer) SEE: outer ::
extermination camp {n} (death camp) SEE: death camp ::
extortion {n} (the practice of extorting money or other property) :: вымаганне {n}, здзíрства {n}, вымагальніцтва {n}, шантаж {m}
extradition {n} (a formal process by which a criminal suspect is handed over to another government) :: экстрадыцыя {f}, перадача {f}, выдача {f}
extramarital {adj} (taking place outside marriage) :: пазашлюбны
extra-natural {adj} (supernatural) SEE: supernatural ::
extraordinary {adj} (not ordinary) :: незвычайны, надзвычайны, экстраардынарны
extreme {adj} (of a place, the most remote, farthest or outermost) :: крайні
extreme {adj} (in the greatest or highest degree; intense) :: экстрэмальны
extreme {adj} (excessive, or far beyond the norm) :: празмерны, экстрэмальны
extremism {n} (extreme ideas or actions) :: экстрэмізм {m}
extremist {n} (person who holds extreme views) :: экстрэміст {m}, экстрэмістка {f}
extremist {adj} (holding extreme views) :: экстрэмісцкі
extremity {n} (limb) SEE: limb ::
eye {n} (organ) :: вока {n}
eyeball {n} (ball of the eye) :: вочны яблык {m}
eyebrow {n} (hair that grows over the bone ridge above the eye socket) :: брыво {n}
eye for an eye {n} (compensation for an injury) :: вока за вока, зуб за зуб, вока за вока
eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth {proverb} (compensation for an injury) :: вока за вока, зуб за зуб
eyeglasses {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles ::
eyelash {n} (hair growing on the edge of an eyelid) :: вейка {f}
eyelid {n} ((anatomy) a thin skin membrane that covers and moves over an eye) :: павека {f}
eyesight {n} (faculty of sight) :: зрок {m}
eyewitness {n} (person who has seen and can testify about an event) :: відавочца
fable {n} (fictitious narration to enforce some useful truth or precept) :: байка {f}
fabric {n} (material made of fibers) :: тканіна {f}
facade {n} (face of a building) :: фасад {m}
face {v} (to face) SEE: look ::
face {n} (computing: interface) SEE: interface ::
face {n} (one's complete facial cosmetic application) SEE: makeup ::
face {n} (front part of head) :: твар {m}, аблічча {n}, ліцо {n}
Facebook {prop} (social-networking website) :: Фэйсбук {m}, Фэйсбук {m}
face control {n} (policy of restricting nightclub entry based on bouncer's snap judgment) :: фэйскантроль {m}
facsimile {v} (fax) SEE: fax ::
fact {n} (an honest observation) :: факт {m}
fact {n} (something actual) :: факт {m}
faction {n} (group of people) :: фракцыя {f}
factory {n} (manufacturing place) :: фабрыка {f}, завод {m}
facultative {adj} (not obligate; optional) :: неабавязковы
faculty {n} (division of a university) :: факультэт {m}, аддзел {m}
fag {n} (homosexual man) :: підарас {m}, підар {m}, педзік {m}, гомік {m}
fag-end {n} (cigarette butt) SEE: butt ::
faggot {n} (male homosexual) SEE: fag ::
faience {n} (type of tin-glazed earthenware ceramic) :: фаянс {m}
failure {n} (state or condition opposite of success) :: правал {m}, крах {m}, няўдача {f}
fair {adj} (just, equitable) :: справядлівы
fairy {n} (mythical being) :: фея {f}, чараўніца {f}
fairy tale {n} (folktale) :: казка {f}, байка {f}
faith {n} (feeling that something is true) :: вера {f}
faithful {adj} (loyal; adhering firmly to person or cause) :: верны
falcon {n} (bird of the genus Falco) :: сокал {m}
fall {n} (season) SEE: autumn ::
fall {v} (move to a lower position under the effect of gravity) :: падаць {impf}, упасці {pf}, ўпасці {pf}
fall equinox {n} (autumnal equinox) SEE: autumnal equinox ::
falling star {n} (shooting star) SEE: shooting star ::
fall in love {v} (to come to have feelings of love) :: улюбляцца {impf}, улюбіцца {pf}, закахацца {pf}, палюбіць {pf}
fallout {n} (event of airborne particles falling to the ground) :: ападкі {m-p}
fallow deer {n} (Dama dama, a ruminant mammal) :: лань {f}
falsification {n} (the act of making false) :: фальсіфікацыя {f}
falter {v} (To stammer) SEE: stammer ::
fame {n} (state of being famous) :: слава {f}, вядомасць {f}
familiar {adj} (known to one) :: знаёмы
family {n} (immediate family [as a group], e.g. parents and their children) :: сям'я {f}, радзіна {f}
family {n} (group of people related by blood, marriage, law, or custom) :: сям'я {f}
family name {n} (surname) SEE: surname ::
famine {n} (extreme shortage of food in a region) :: голад {m}
famine {n} (a period of extreme shortage of food in a region) :: голад {m}
famous {adj} (well known) :: вядомы
famous {adj} (in the public eye) :: славуты, слаўны, вядомы
fan {n} (hand-held device) :: веер {m}
fan {n} (electrical device) :: вентылятар {m}
fan {n} (admirer) :: заўзятар {m}
fang {n} (canine tooth) :: ікол {m}, клык {m}
fanny {n} (buttocks) SEE: ass ::
fanny {n} (vulva or vagina) SEE: pussy ::
fanny {n} (Sexual intercourse with a woman) SEE: pussy ::
far {adv} :: далёка
far {adj} (remote in space) :: далёкі
farad {n} (unit of capacitance) :: фарад {m}
Far East {prop} (East and Southeast Asia, see also: ) :: Далёкі Усход {m}
fare dodger {n} (a person who deliberately avoids payment for public transport) :: заяц {m} (hare)
farm {n} (a place where agricultural activities take place) :: ферма {f}, фэрма {f} [Taraškievica]
farmer {n} (person who works the land and/or who keeps livestock) :: фермер {m}, селянін {m}
farming {n} (agriculture) SEE: agriculture ::
farmstead {n} (main building of a farm) :: сядзіба {f}
farmstead {n} (farm including its buildings) :: сядзіба {f}
Faroe Islander {n} (inhabitant of the Faroe Islands) SEE: Faroese ::
Faroe Islands {prop} (group of islands between Scotland and Iceland) :: Фарэрскія астравы {m-p}, Фарэрскія выспы {f-p}
Faroese {adj} (pertaining to the Faroese language, people or Faroe Islands) :: фарэрскі {m}
Faroese {n} (language) :: фарэрская мова, фарэрская
Faroish {n} (person from the Faroe Islands) SEE: Faroese ::
Faroish {prop} (language) SEE: Faroese ::
Farsi {n} (Persian language) SEE: Persian ::
fart {v} (to emit flatulent gases) :: пярдзець {impf}
fascism {n} (extreme totalitarian political regime) :: фашызм {m}, нацызм {m}
fascist {adj} (of or relating to fascism) :: фашысцкі
fascist {n} (proponent of fascism) :: фашыст {m}, фашыстка {f}
fascistic {adj} (fascist) SEE: fascist ::
fascistoid {adj} (fascist) SEE: fascist ::
fashion {n} (current (constantly changing) trend, favored for frivolous rather than practical, logical, or intellectual reasons) :: мода {f}
fashion model {n} (model) SEE: model ::
fast {adj} (moving or capable of moving with great speed) :: хуткі
fast {adv} (with great speed) :: хутка
fast {n} (train that only calls at some stations) SEE: express ::
fast {n} (fasting) SEE: fasting ::
fastener {n} (something or someone that fastens) :: засцежка {f}
fasting {n} (act or practice of abstaining from or eating very little food) :: пост {m}, галаданне {n}
fasting {n} (period of time when one abstains from or eats very little food) :: пост {m}, галаданне {n}
fat {adj} (carrying a larger than normal amount of fat on one's body) :: тоўсты
fat {n} (specialized animal tissue) :: тлушч {m}, жыр {m}
fate {n} (that which predetermines events) :: лёс {m}, доля {f}
fate {n} (destiny) :: лёс {m}
father {n} (male parent) :: бацька {m}, айцец {m}, тата {m} [colloquial]
Father {prop} (term of address for a Christian priest) :: айцец {m}, бацюшка {m}
Father Frost {prop} (Slavic equivalent to Santa Claus) :: Дзед Мароз {m}
father-in-law {n} (one's spouse's father) :: свёкар {m} [husband's father], цесць {m} [wife's father]
fatherland {n} (country of one's ancestry) :: радзіма {f}, спадчына {f}
Father's Day {n} (holiday in celebration of fatherhood) :: Дзень бацькі {m}
faucet {n} (tap) SEE: tap ::
favourite {adj} (preferred) :: улюбёны, любімы
favourite {n} (person who enjoys special regard or favour) :: любімец {m}, улюбёнец {m}, улюбенец {m}, фаварыт {m}
fawn {n} (young deer) :: аленяня {n}
fax {n} (document transmitted by telephone) :: факс {m}
fear {n} (uncountable: emotion caused by actual or perceived danger or threat) :: страх {m}, баязнь {f}, боязнь {f}, боязь {f}
fear {v} (feel fear about (something)) :: баяцца {impf}, пужацца {impf}, палохацца {impf}, страшыцца {impf}, лякацца {impf}
fearful {adj} (frightened, filled with terror) :: баязны
feasible {adj} (that can be done in practice) :: выканальны, магчымы
feast {n} (large, often ceremonial meal) :: пір {m}, застолле {n}
feat {n} (an accomplishment that's relatively rare or difficult) :: подзвіг {m}
feather {n} (branching, hair-like structure that grows on the bodies of birds) :: пяро {n}
feathergrass {n} (Stipa) :: кавыль
feature {n} (important or main item) :: асаблівасць {f}, уласцівасць {f}, рыса {f}
February {prop} (second month of the Roman, Julian, and Gregorian calendars) :: люты {m}
feces {n} :: фекаліі {f-p}, спаражнення {n-p}, экскрыменты {m-p}, кал {m}
federal government {n} (general term for a federal government) :: федэральны уряд {m}
Federal Republic of Germany {prop} (Germany's official name) :: Федэратыўная Рэспубліка Германія {f}
federation {n} (array of nations or states) :: федэрацыя {f}
fed up {adj} (frustrated) :: надакучыла [verb, past tense], сыты па горла
fee {n} (monetary payment charged for professional services) :: ганарар {m}, плата {f}, мыта {f}, пошліна {f}, збор {m}
feed {v} (to give food to eat) :: карміць {impf}, харчаваць {impf}
feedback {n} (critical assessment of process or activity) :: водзыў {m}, адкліканне {n}
feel {v} (transitive: to sense by touch) :: адчуваць {impf}, адчуць {pf}
feel {v} (transitive: to experience an emotion or other mental state about) :: адчуваць {impf}, адчуць {pf}, чуць {impf}, пачуць {pf}
feeling {n} (sensation) :: пачуццё {n}
feeling {n} (emotion) :: пачуццё {n}, эмоцыя {f}
feldspar {n} (any of a large group of rock-forming minerals) :: палявы шпат {m}
felicitate {v} (congratulate) SEE: congratulate ::
felicitous {adj} (auspicious, fortunate, lucky) SEE: auspicious ::
felicity {n} (happiness) SEE: happiness ::
feline {n} (cat) SEE: cat ::
fellatio {n} (oral stimulation of penis) :: феляцыя {f}
feller {n} (lumberjack) SEE: lumberjack ::
fellow traveller {n} (one who travels together with another) :: спадарожнік {m}, спадарожніца {f}
felon {n} (a person convicted of a crime) :: злачынец {m}, злачынка {f}
female {adj} (belonging to the sex that typically produces eggs, or the gender typically associated with it) :: жаночы
female {n} (one of the feminine sex or gender) :: жанчына {f}, самка {f} [animal], саміца {f} [animal]
female ejaculation {n} (forceful expulsion of fluids from the vagina) :: жаночая эякуляцыя {f}
feminine {adj} (of the female sex) :: жаночы, жаноцкі
feminine {adj} (of the feminine grammatical gender distinction) :: жаночы
feminine {n} ((grammar)) :: жаночы род {m}
feminine {n} (woman) SEE: woman ::
femininity {n} (femininity) :: жаноцкасць {f}
feminism {n} (the social theory or political movement) :: фемінізм {m}
fence {n} (barrier) :: плот {m}, агароджа {f}, паркан {m}, тын {m}
fermium {n} (chemical element) :: фермій {m}
fern {n} (plant) :: папараць {f}, папаратнік {m}
ferret {n} (the mammal Mustela putorius furo) :: тхор {m}
Ferris wheel {n} (ride at a fair consisting of large wheel) :: чортава кола {n}
ferry {n} (boat) :: паром {m}
fertilizer {n} (a natural substance that is used to make the ground more suitable for growing plants) :: удабрэнне {n}, угнаенне {n}
fescue {n} (stick, etc., used chiefly to point out letters to children) SEE: pointer ::
fescue {n} (grass) :: аўсяніца {f}, мурожніца {f}
festival {n} (event or community gathering) :: фестываль {m}, свята {n}
fetch {v} (To retrieve; to bear towards; to get) :: прыносіць {impf}, прынесці {pf}
fetus {n} (fetus) :: плод {m}, зародак {m}, эмбрыён {m}
fever {n} (higher than normal body temperature) :: тэмпература {f}, гарачка {f}
fever {n} (state of excitement (of a person or people)) :: ліхаманка {f}
few {determiner} (indefinite, usually small number) :: мала, некалькі, няшмат, нямнога
Feynman diagram {n} (pictorial representation of the interactions of subatomic particles) :: дыяграмы Фейнмана
Führer {n} (leader exercising the powers of a tyrant) :: фюрар {m}, фюрэр {m}
fiancé {n} (man who is engaged to be married) :: жаніх {m}
fiancée {n} (woman who is engaged to be married) :: нявеста {f}
fiat lux {phrase} (let there be light) SEE: let there be light ::
fichu {n} (woman's lightweight triangular scarf) :: фішу
fickle {adj} (quick to change one’s opinion or allegiance) :: непастаянны, зменлівы
field {n} (land area free of woodland, cities, and towns; open country) :: поле {n}
field marshal {n} (highest military rank after the commander in chief) :: фельдмаршал {m}
fierce {adj} (extremely violent, severe, ferocious or savage) :: люты
fifteen {num} (cardinal number) :: пятнаццаць
fifteenth {adj} (ordinal form of number fifteen, see also: 15th) :: пятнаццаты
fifth {adj} (Ordinal form of the number 5, see also: 5th) :: пяты
fifth column {n} (a group of people which clandestinely undermines a larger group, such as a nation, to which it is expected to be loyal) :: пятая калона {f}
fifty {num} (cardinal number) :: пяцьдзесят
fifty-eight {num} (cardinal number) :: пяцьдзесят восем
fifty-five {num} (cardinal number) :: пяцьдзесят пяць
fifty-four {num} (cardinal number) :: пяцьдзесят чатыры
fifty-nine {num} (cardinal number) :: пяцьдзесят дзевяць
fifty-one {num} (cardinal number) :: пяцьдзесят адзін
fifty-seven {num} (cardinal number) :: пяцьдзесят сем
fifty-six {num} (cardinal number) :: пяцьдзесят шэсць
fifty-three {num} (cardinal number) :: пяцьдзесят тры
fifty-two {num} (cardinal number) :: пяцьдзесят два
fight {v} ((intransitive) to contend in physical conflict) :: біцца {impf}, змагацца {impf}, ваяваць {impf}, бароцца {impf}
fight {v} ((transitive) to contend in physical conflict against) :: ваяваць {impf}
fight {n} (occasion of fighting) :: бойка {f}, бой {m}, сутычка {f}
fight {n} (battle) :: бітва {f}
fight {n} (conflict of will, strife) :: барацьба {f}
figure {v} (to think, to assume, to suppose, to reckon) SEE: assume ::
figure {n} (a person, representing a certain consciousness) :: дзеяч {m}
figure out {v} (to calculate) SEE: calculate ::
Fiji {prop} (Fiji - a country in Oceania comprising over 300 islands) :: Фіджы {p}
Fijian {prop} (language) :: фіджыйская {f}
file {n} (collection of papers) :: справа {f}, папка {f}
file {n} (computer terminology) :: файл {m}
file {n} (cutting or smoothing tool) :: напільнік {m}
fill {v} (occupy fully, take up all of) :: напаўняць {impf}, напоўніць {pf}, запаўняць {impf}, запоўніць {pf}
fill in {v} (fill) SEE: fill ::
filling station {n} (gas station) SEE: gas station ::
fillip {v} (to strike or tap smartly) SEE: strike ::
film {n} (motion picture) SEE: movie ::
film {n} (thin layer) :: плёнка
film {n} (photographic film) :: плёнка {f}
film director {n} (person) :: рэжысёр {m}, кінарэжысёр {m}
filter {n} (device for separating impurities from a fluid or other substance) :: фільтр {m}
filth {n} (dirt) :: бруд {m}, гразь {f}
fin {n} (appendage of a fish) :: плаўнік {m}
finance {n} (management of money and other assets) :: фінансы {m-p}
finance {v} :: фінансы
financial {adj} (related to finances) :: фінансавы
finback {n} (fin whale) SEE: fin whale ::
finch {n} (any bird of the family Fringillidae) :: зяблік {m}, берасцянка {f}
find {v} (encounter, locate, discover) :: знаходзіць {impf}, знайсці {pf}
fine {adj} (good-looking, attractive) :: файны
fine {adv} (expression of agreement) :: добра
fine {n} (payment for breaking the law) :: штраф {m}, пеня {f}
fine {v} (to issue a fine as punishment) :: штрафаваць {impf}
finger {n} (the breadth of a finger) SEE: digit ::
finger {n} ((anatomy) extremity of the hand) :: палец {m}
fingernail {n} (covering near the tip of finger) :: пазногаць {m}, ногаць {m}
finish {v} (to complete) :: заканчваць {impf}, канчаць {impf}, скончыць {pf}
finish off {v} (to kill) SEE: kill ::
Finland {prop} (Nordic country) :: Фінляндыя {f}
Finn {n} (person from Finland) :: фін {m}, фінка {f}
Finnic {adj} (Finnish) SEE: Finnish ::
Finnish {adj} (of Finland) :: фінскі
Finnish {adj} (of the Finnish language) :: фінская мова {f}, фінская {f}
Finnish {n} (language) :: фінская {f} [мова]
Finnmark {prop} (county in Norway) :: Фінмарк
fin whale {n} (Balaenoptera physalus) :: фінвал {m}
fir {n} (conifer of the genus Abies) :: піхта {f}, ёлка {f}
fire {v} (to terminate the employment of) :: звальняць {impf}, звольніць {pf}
fire {v} (transitive: to shoot) :: страляць {impf}, стрэліць {pf}
fire {v} (intransitive: to shoot) :: страляць {impf}, стрэліць {pf}
fire {n} (oxidation reaction) :: агонь {m}
fire {n} (damaging occurrence of fire) :: пажар {m}
firearm {n} (personal weapon) :: агнястрэльная зброя {f}
firebird {n} (a magical and prophetic glowing or burning bird (Slavic mythology)) :: жар-птушка {f}, дра-птах {m}
fire extinguisher {n} (device for putting out a fire) :: вогнетушыцель
firefighter {n} (person who puts out fires) :: пажарны {m}
firefly {n} (Lampyridae) :: светляк {m}
fireman {n} (someone skilled in fighting fire) SEE: firefighter ::
fireplace {n} (open hearth) :: камін {m}
firewood {n} (wood intended to be burned, typically for heat) :: дровы {n-p}
firework {n} (exploding device) :: феерверк {m}
fireworks {n} (plural of firework) :: феерверкі {m-p}, фаервэркі {m} [taraškievica]
fireworks {n} (event or display of fireworks) :: феерверк {m}, фаервэрк {m} [taraškievica]
firm {v} (Australian, betting: to shorten) SEE: shorten ::
firmware {n} (firmware) :: прашыўка {f}, убудаванае ПЗ {n}
first {adj} (numeral first, see also: 1st) :: першы
first {n} (person or thing in the first position) :: першы
first cousin {n} (cousin) SEE: cousin ::
first floor {n} (floor at the level of the street) :: першы паверх
first floor {n} (floor above the ground floor) :: другі паверх
first light {n} (dawn) SEE: dawn ::
first of all {adv} (before anything else) :: перш за ўсё
First World War {prop} (World War I) SEE: World War I ::
fish {v} (intransitive: to try to catch fish) :: рыбачыць {impf}, лавіць рыбу {impf}
fish {n} (vertebrate animal) :: рыба {f}
fisherman {n} (person catching fish) :: рыбак {m}
fishhook {n} (barbed hook for fishing) :: кручок {m}
fishing {n} (act or sport of catching fish) :: рыбалка {f}
fishing hook {n} (fishhook) SEE: fishhook ::
fishing rod {n} (rod used for angling) :: вудачка {f}, вуда {f}
fish oil {n} (dietary supplement) :: рыбін тлушч {m}
fishpond {n} (freshwater pond stocked with fish) :: сажалка {f}
fish trap {n} (contraption to catch fish) :: вярша {f}, буч {m}
fish-trap {n} (fish trap) SEE: fish trap ::
fishy {n} (little fish) :: рыбка {f}
fist {n} (clenched hand) :: кулак {m}
fistula {n} (abnormal connection or passageway between organs or vessels) :: фістула {f}, свішч {m}
fit {v} (make ready) SEE: prepare ::
five {num} (cardinal number) :: пяць, [collective] пяцёра
five {n} (digit) :: пяцёрка {f}
five hundred {num} (cardinal number 500) :: пяцьсот
fivescore {n} (hundred) SEE: hundred ::
five thousand {num} (5000) :: пяць тысяч
fizz {n} (carbonated beverage) SEE: soda ::
fizzy drink {n} (fizzy drink) SEE: soda ::
flag {n} (piece of cloth or often its representation) :: флаг {m}, сцяг {m}
flagellum {n} (whip) SEE: whip ::
flagpole {n} (pole for flags) :: флагшток {m}
flagstaff {n} (flagpole) SEE: flagpole ::
flail {n} (tool) :: цэп {m}
flame {n} (visible part of fire) :: полымя {n}
flamethrower {n} (device that projects a flame) :: агнямёт {m}
flamingo {n} (bird) :: фламінга {n}
flange {n} (slang:vulva) SEE: vulva ::
flapjack {n} (pancake) SEE: pancake ::
flash {n} (burst of light) :: успышка {f}
flashlight {n} (battery-powered hand-held light source) :: ліхтарык {m}, ліхтар {m}
flat {n} (palm of the hand) SEE: palm ::
flat {adj} (having no variations in altitude) :: плоскі, роўны
flat {n} (apartment) SEE: apartment ::
flatfish {n} (fish of the order Pleuronectiformes) :: камбала {f}
flatter {v} (to compliment someone) :: ліслівіць {impf}, лесціць {impf}, лісьціць {impf}
flattery {n} (excessive praise) :: ліслівасць {f}, лёсткі {f-p}, лёстачкі {f-p}
flatulist {n} (a professional farter) :: метэарыст {m}, метэарыстка {f}
flawless {adj} (without flaws, see also: perfect) :: бездакорны, безганебны, беззаганны, беззавадны
flax {n} (plant) :: лён {m}
flea {n} (parasitic insect) :: блыха {f}
fleck {n} (lock) SEE: lock ::
flee {v} (to run away; to escape) :: уцякаць {impf}, уцячы {pf}, бегчы {impf}, убегчы {pf}
fleece {n} (hair or wool of a sheep) :: руно {n}, шэрсць {f}, воўна {f}
fleet {n} (group of vessels or vehicles) :: флот {m}, флатылія {f}, парк {m} [of vehicles]
flexible {adj} (easily bent without breaking) :: гібкі, гнуткі
flexible {adj} (easy and compliant) :: рахманы, падатлівы
flick {n} (film) SEE: film ::
flick {n} (cinema) SEE: cinema ::
flight {n} (act of flying) :: палёт {m}, лёт {m}
flight {n} (journey made by an aircraft) :: палёт {m}, рэйс {m} [scheduled flight]
flint {n} (hard fine-grained quartz which generates sparks when struck) :: крэмень {m}
flip-flop {n} (footwear) SEE: thong ::
flittermouse {n} (bat) SEE: bat ::
float {v} (to be supported by a liquid) :: [abstract] плаваць {impf}, паплаваць {pf}, [concrete] плыць {impf}, паплыць {pf}
flock {n} (group of birds) :: зграя {f}, стая {f}
floe {n} (a low, flat mass of floating ice) :: крыга {f}, ільдзіна {f}, льдзіна {f} [after vowels]
flog {v} (to sell) SEE: sell ::
flog {v} (to defeat) SEE: defeat ::
flog {v} (to steal) SEE: steal ::
flood {n} (overflow of water) :: павадак {m}, паводка {f}, патоп {m}
floor {n} (bottom part of a room) :: падлога {f}
floor {n} (storey of a building) SEE: storey ::
floor lamp {n} (a floor lamp supported by a pole) :: таршэр {m}
flophouse {n} (cheap hotel) SEE: doss-house ::
floppy disk {n} (flexible disk used for storing digital data) :: дыскета {f}
Floréal {prop} ( the eighth month of French Republican Calendar) :: фларэаль {m}
Florence {prop} (city in Tuscany, Italy) :: Фларэнцыя {f}; Traditional: Флярэнцыя {f}
Florida {prop} (US state) :: Фларыда {f}
flotilla {n} (small fleet) :: флатылія {f}
flounder {n} (any flatfish) SEE: flatfish ::
flour {n} (ground cereal grains or other foodstuff) :: мука {f}
flow {v} (to flow) SEE: run ::
flow {v} (to move as a fluid) :: цячы {impf}
flow {v} (to flow) SEE: stream ::
flower {n} (reproductive structure in angiosperms) :: кветка {f}
flowerbed {n} (place where flowers are grown) :: клумба {f}
flowerpot {n} (container in which plants are grown) :: [кветкавы] гаршчок {m}
flu {n} (influenza) :: грып {m}
fluent {adj} (able to speak a language accurately and confidently) :: беглы {m}
flukey {adj} (lucky) SEE: lucky ::
fluorine {n} (chemical element) :: фтор {m}
flush toilet {n} (toilet that uses water to remove waste) :: туалет
flute {n} (woodwind instrument) :: флейта {f}
fluted {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk ::
fly {n} (insect of the family Muscidae) :: муха {f}
fly {n} (fishing lure) :: блешня {f}
fly {v} (to travel through air) :: [abstract] лятаць {impf}, лётаць {impf}, палятаць {pf}, палётаць {pf}, [concrete] ляцець {impf}, паляцець {pf}
flycatcher {n} (bird) :: валасянка {f}
flyer {n} (someone who pilots or rides in an airplane) :: лістоўка {f}, улётка {f}
flying {n} (flying (noun)) SEE: flight ::
flying buttress {n} (buttress that stands apart from the structure that it supports) :: аркбутан {m}
foal {n} (young horse) :: жарабя {n}, жарабё {n}
foam {n} (substance composed of a large collection of bubbles or their solidified remains) :: пена {f}
foam {n} (foam rubber) :: пенапласт {m}
foam rubber {n} (foam rubber) SEE: foam ::
focus {v} (intransitive: to concentrate one's attention) :: засяроджвацца {impf}, засяродзіцца {pf}
foe {n} (enemy) SEE: enemy ::
foetus {n} (fetus) SEE: fetus ::
fog {n} (cloud that forms at a low altitude and obscures vision) :: туман {m}, імгла {f}
fog {n} (Scottish: moss) SEE: moss ::
folder {n} (organizer) :: папка {f}, скорасшывальнік {m}, тэчка {f}
folder {n} (container of computer files) :: папка {f}, каталог {m}, дырэкторыя {f}
folk {n} (inhabitants of a region) :: народ {m}
folklore {n} (tales, legends and superstitions of a particular ethnic population) :: фальклор {m}, фальклёр {m}
folkloristics {n} (formal academic study of folklore) :: фалькларыстыка
follow {v} (to keep track of) :: сачыць {impf}
fond {v} (be fond of, like) SEE: like ::
font {n} (typesetting: a grouping of consistently-designed glyphs) :: шрыфт {m}
fontanelle {n} (soft spot on a baby's head) :: цемечка {n}
food {n} (any substance consumed by living organisms to sustain life) :: харчаванне {n}, ежа {f}
fool {n} (person with poor judgement or little intelligence) :: дурань {m}
foolish {adj} (lacking good sense or judgement; unwise) :: дурны
foot {n} (part of animal’s body) :: нага {f}
foot {n} (part of human body) :: нага {f}
foot {n} (unit of measure) :: фут {f}
foot-and-mouth disease {n} (foot-and-mouth disease) :: яшчур {m}
football {n} (Association football) :: футбол {m}
footballer {n} (one who plays football) :: футбаліст {m}
football player {n} (footballer) SEE: footballer ::
foot job {n} (sexual act stimulated by foot) :: футджоб {m}
footprint {n} (the impression of the foot) :: след {m}
foot soldier {n} (infantryman) SEE: infantryman ::
footwear {n} (an item of clothing that is worn on the foot) :: абутак {m}
footwrap {n} (a strip of cloth worn around the feet) :: ануча {f}
foppery {n} (stupidity) SEE: stupidity ::
for {prep} (directed at, intended to belong to) :: для
forbid {v} (to disallow) :: забараняць {impf}, забараніць {pf}
forbidden {adj} (not allowed) :: забаронены
force {n} (waterfall) SEE: waterfall ::
forcibly {adv} (in a forcible manner) :: прымусова
ford {n} (crossing) :: брод {m}
Fordism {n} (Fordism) :: фардызм {m}
forecast {n} (estimation) :: прагноз {m}
forecast {n} (weather prediction) :: прагноз {m}
forefinger {n} (first finger next to the thumb) :: паказальны палец {m}
forehead {n} (part of face above eyebrows) :: лоб {m}, чало {n}
foreign {n} (foreigner) SEE: foreigner ::
foreign {adj} (located outside one's own country or place) :: замежны, чужаземны, іншаземны
foreign {adj} (originating from or characteristic of a different country) :: замежны
foreign country {n} (country of which one is not a citizen) :: замежжа {n}, заграніца {f}, чужына {f}
foreigner {n} (person in a foreign land) :: іншаземец {m}, іншаземка {f}, чужаземец {m}, чужаземка {f}
foreign language {n} (any language other than that spoken by the people of a specific place) :: замежная мова {f}
forenoon {n} (morning) SEE: morning ::
foresight {n} (ability to foresee or prepare wisely for the future) :: прадбачанне {n}
foreskin {n} (prepuce / foreskin) :: крайняя плоць
forest {n} (dense collection of trees) :: лес {m}
for ever {adv} (forever) SEE: forever ::
forever {adv} (for all time, for all eternity; for an infinite amount of time) :: назаўжды
forever {adv} ((colloquially) for a very long time) :: цэлую вечнасць
for example {prep} (as an example) :: напрыклад
for free {prep} (without paying) :: бясплатна
forge {v} (to shape a metal) :: каваць {impf}
forgery {n} (invention) SEE: invention ::
forget {v} (to lose remembrance of) :: забываць {impf}, забыць {pf}
forget-me-not {n} (plant of the genus Myosotis) :: незабудка {f}
forgive {v} (transitive, to pardon) :: прабачаць {impf}, прабачыць {pf}, дараваць {impf} {pf}
forgiveness {n} (the action of forgiving) :: прабачэнне {n}
forgotten {adj} (of which knowledge has been lost, which is no longer remembered) :: забыты
for instance {adv} (as an example) SEE: for example ::
fork {n} (pronged tool) :: вілы {f-p}
fork {n} (eating utensil) :: відэлец {m}, вілка {f}
fork {n} (gallows) SEE: gallows ::
form {n} (document to be filled in) :: бланк {m}, форма {f}, анкета {f}, фармуляр {m}
form {n} (level of pre-collegiate education) SEE: grade ::
formal {adj} (being in accord with established forms) :: фармальны
formal {adj} (official) :: афіцыйны, офіцыяльны, фармальны
formation {n} (act of assembling a group or structure) :: будаванне {n}
former {adj} (previous) :: былы, быўшы
former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia {prop} (provisional designation of the Republic of North Macedonia, see also: Republic of North Macedonia; North Macedonia) :: Былая Югаслаўская Рэспубліка Македонія {f}
formidable {adj} (causing fear, dread, awe or admiration as a result of size, strength, or some other impressive quality) :: грозны
Formosa {prop} (Taiwan) SEE: Taiwan ::
formula {n} (in mathematics) :: формула {f}
for now {prep} (at the moment; until later) :: пакуль
fort {n} (fortified defensive structure stationed with troops) :: форт {m}
for the moment {adv} (at the moment) SEE: for the time being ::
for the sake of {prep} (because of) :: дзеля, зарадзі
for the time being {adv} (temporarily; until later) :: пакуль
fortochka {n} (small ventilation window spanning the frame of a window) :: фортачка {f}
fortress {n} (fortified place) :: крэпасць {f}, фартэцыя {f}, цвердзь {f}, фартэца {f}
fortunately {adv} (in a fortunate manner) :: удачна, удала, шчасліва, паспяхова
fortunately {adv} (it is fortunate that) :: на шчасце
forty {num} (the cardinal number occurring after thirty-nine) :: сорак
forty-eight {num} (48) :: сорак восем
forty-five {num} (45) :: сорак пяць
forty-four {num} (44) :: сорак чатыры
forty-nine {num} (49) :: сорак дзевяць
forty-one {num} (41) :: сорак адзін
forty-seven {num} (47) :: сорак сем
forty-six {num} (46) :: сорак шэсць
forty-three {num} (43) :: сорак тры
forty-two {num} (Cardinal number) :: сорак два
forum {n} (place for discussion) :: форум {m}
forum {n} (Internet message board) :: форум {m}
forward {adv} (towards the front) :: наперад
forward {v} (send (something received) to a third party) :: перасылаць {impf}, пераслаць {pf}
forward slash {n} (slash) SEE: slash ::
fossil {n} (The mineralized remains of an animal or plant) :: выкапень {m}, скамянеласць {f}
found {v} (to start an organization) :: засноўваць {impf}, заснаваць {pf}, закладаць {impf}, закласці {pf}
fountain {n} (spring) SEE: spring ::
fountain {n} (artificial water feature) :: фантан {m}, вадаграй {m} [dated]
four {num} (the cardinal number 4) :: чатыры, [collective] чацвёра
four {n} (digit or figure 4) :: чацвёрка {f}
four by two {n} (Jew) SEE: Jew ::
four hundred {num} (cardinal number 400) :: чатырыста
fourteen {num} (cardinal number) :: чатырнаццаць
fourteenth {adj} (ordinal form of the number fourteen, see also: 14th) :: чатырнаццаты
fourth {n} (quarter) SEE: quarter ::
fourth {adj} (ordinal form of the number four, see also: 4th) :: чацвёрты
four thousand {num} (4000) :: чатыры тысячы
fowl {n} (bird) SEE: bird ::
fox {n} (Vulpes) :: ліса {f}, ліс {m}
fox cub {n} (young fox) :: лісяня {n}, лісянё {n}
foxglove {n} (plant of the genus Digitalis) :: наперстаўка {f}
foxling {n} (little fox) SEE: fox cub ::
foyer {n} (lobby, corridor, or waiting room) :: фае {n}
Fårö {prop} (the island) :: Востраў Форэ
fraction {n} (part of a whole) :: частка {f}
fraction {n} (arithmetic: ratio) :: дроб {m}
fracture {v} (break) :: [transitive] ламаць {impf}, зламаць {pf}; [intransitive] ламацца {impf}, зламацца {pf}
fragile {adj} (easily broken or destroyed) :: крохкі, ломкі, храпкі
fragrance {n} (pleasant smell or odour) :: водар {m}, арамат {m}, пах {m}
France {prop} (country) :: Францыя {f}
francium {n} (chemical element) :: францый {m}
frank {adj} (bluntly honest) :: шчыры, адкрыты
frankenword {n} (portmanteau word) SEE: portmanteau word ::
fraud {n} (an act of deception) :: махлярства {n}, машэльніцтва {n}, ашуканства {n}, круцельства {n}
freckle {n} (small pigmentation spot on the skin) :: вяснушка {f}
Frederick {prop} (male given name) :: Фрыдрых {m}
free {adj} (not imprisoned) :: свабодны, вольны
free {v} (make free) :: вызваляць {impf}, вызваліць {pf}
free {adj} (obtainable without payment) SEE: free of charge ::
freedom {n} (not being imprisoned or enslaved) :: свабода {f}, вольнасць {f}
freedom of speech {n} (right to speak without fear of harm) SEE: free speech ::
free of charge {adv} (without any payment - adverb) SEE: for free ::
free of charge {adj} (not requiring any payment - adjective) :: бясплатны, дармавы
free speech {n} (right to express an opinion in public) :: свабода слова {f}
free time {n} (time that can be spent on one's own activities rather than work) :: свабодны час {m}
freezer {n} (part of a refrigerator) :: маразілка {f}
freezer {n} (stand-alone appliance) :: маразілка {f}
French {prop} (principal language of France and other related countries) :: французская мова {f}
French {n} (people of France, collectively) :: французы {m-p}
French {adj} (of or relating to France) :: французскі
French bread {n} (a long thin loaf of bread) SEE: baguette ::
French Guiana {prop} (Department of French Guiana) :: Французская Гвіяна {f}
French letter {n} (condom) SEE: condom ::
Frenchman {n} (man of French birth or nationality) :: француз {m}
French Republic {prop} (country) :: Французская Рэспубліка {f}
French stick {n} (a long thin loaf of bread) SEE: baguette ::
Frenchwoman {n} (a French woman) :: францужанка {f}
frequency {n} (rate of occurrence of anything) :: частата {f}, частасць {f}
frequency {n} (property of occurring often rather than infrequently) :: частата {f}
frequency {n} (number of occurrences divided by time) :: частата {f}
frequent {adj} (done or occurring often) :: часты
fresh {adj} (new or clean) :: свежы
fret {v} (to bind, tie) SEE: bind ::
Freud {prop} (surname) :: Фрэйд, Фройд
friable {adj} (loose and large-grained in consistency) :: пухкі, друзлы
Friday {n} (day of the week) :: пятніца {f}
friend {v} (to act as the friend of) :: сябраваць
friend {n} (person whose company one enjoys) :: сябар {m}, друг {m}, прыяцель {m}, сяброўка {f}, прыяцелька {f}, падруга {f}
friend {n} (boyfriend or girlfriend) :: хлопец {m}, каханак {m}, дзяўчына {f}, каханка {f}
friend {n} (person with whom you are acquainted) :: знаёмы {m}, знаёмая {f}
friendlily {adv} (friendly) SEE: friendly ::
friendly {adj} (approachable, warm) :: ласкавы, прыязны, дружалюбны, сяброўскі, прыяцельскі
friendly {adj} (characteristic of friendliness) :: сяброўскі, прыяцельскі
friends {n} (participants in a two-way friendship) :: сябры
friendship {n} ((uncountable) condition of being friends) :: сяброўства {n}, дружба {f}, прыяцельства {n}
frieze {n} (architecture: space between architrave and cornice) :: фрыз {m}
Frimaire {prop} (the third month of the French Republican Calendar) :: фрымер {m}
Frisian {prop} (the Frisian language group) :: фрызская мова {f}, фрызская {f}
Frisian Islands {prop} (archipelago) :: Фрызскія астравы {m-p}
Fritz {n} (derogatory: a German person) :: фрыц {m}, ганс {m}, шваб {m}
Friuli-Venezia Giulia {prop} (region) :: Фрыулі-Венецыя-Джулія
frog {n} (amphibian) :: жаба {f}
from {prep} (with the source or provenance of or at) :: ад, з
from A to Z {prep} (comprehensively) :: ад А да Я
from now on {adv} (from now, indefinitely) :: з гэтага моманту, з гэтага часу, надалей
front {n} (military: area or line of conflict) :: фронт {m}
frontal {adj} (of or relating to the forehead or frontal bone) :: лабавы
front desk {n} (reception) SEE: reception ::
frontier {n} (part of a country that fronts or faces another country or an unsettled region) :: мяжа {f}, граніца {f}
frosh {n} (frog) SEE: frog ::
frost {n} (cover of minute ice crystals) :: іней {m}, шэрань {f}
frost {n} (cold weather that would cause frost) :: мароз {m}
frounce {v} (to crease, wrinkle) SEE: frown ::
frown {v} (to have a frown on one's face) :: хмурыцца {impf}, нахмурыцца {pf}
Fructidor {prop} (the twelfth month of the French Republican Calendar) :: фрукцідор {m}
frugal {adj} (economical, avoiding waste, thrifty) :: ашчадны
fruit {n} (part of plant) :: садавіна {f}, плод {m}
fruit {n} (food) :: садавіна {f}
frustration {n} (feeling of annoyance) :: расчараванне {n}, незадаволенасць {f}, расстройства {n}, разлад {m}
fry {v} (to cook (something) in hot fat or oil) :: смажыць {impf}
frying pan {n} (long-handled, shallow pan used for frying food) :: патэльня {f}, скаварада {f}
fuck {v} (to have sexual intercourse-obscene or vulgar) :: ябаць {impf}, пярдоліць {impf}, [reciprocal] ябацца {impf}
fuck {interj} (expression of dismay or discontent) :: блядзь!, праклён!
fucking {adj} (as an intensifier) :: ёбаны
fuck you {n} (fuck you) :: пайшоў на хуй
fuel {n} (substance consumed to provide energy) :: паліва {n}
fulfill {v} (to carry out) :: выконваць {impf}, выканаць {pf}
full {adj} (containing the maximum possible amount) :: поўны
full {adj} (satisfied, in relation to eating) :: сыты {m}
full name {n} (full name of a person) :: поўнае імя {n}
full stop {n} (The punctuation mark “.”) :: кропка {f}
function {n} (what something does or is used for) :: функцыя {f}
fundament {n} (anus) SEE: anus ::
fundamental {adj} (pertaining to the foundation or basis; serving for the foundation) :: асноўны, фундаментальны, падставовы
funeral {n} (ceremony to honour a deceased person) :: пахаванне {n}, хаўтуры {f-p}
fungus {n} (any member of the kingdom Fungi) :: грыбок {m}
funicular {n} (rail transit system) :: фуникулѐр {m}
funk {n} (spark) SEE: spark ::
funnel {n} (utensil used to guide poured liquids) :: лейка {f}
funnel {n} (smoke flue, chimney) SEE: chimney ::
funny {adj} (amusing; comical) :: смешны, забаўны, фацэтны [colloquial]
fur {n} (hairy coat of a mammal, especially when fine, soft and thick) :: мех {m}, футра {n}, поўсць {f}, шэрсць {f}
fur coat {n} (coat made of animal fur) :: шуба {f}
furious {adj} (transported with passion or fury) :: раз'юшаны, шалёны, раз'яраны
furnace {n} (device for heating in a factory, melting metals, etc) :: печ {f}, топка {f}
furnace {n} (device for heating) SEE: oven ::
furniture {n} (large movable items) :: мэбля {f}
furrow {v} (to wrinkle) SEE: wrinkle ::
furrow {n} (trench cut in the soil) :: разора {f}, баразна {f}
furrow {n} (deep wrinkle in the skin of the face) :: баразна {f}, маршчына {f}
furuncle {n} (boil) SEE: boil ::
futile {adj} (incapable of producing results) :: бескарысны, дарэмны
future {n} (the time ahead) :: будучыня {n}
future {adj} (having to do with or occurring in the future) :: будучы
future {n} (grammar) SEE: future tense ::
future tense {n} (time form of a verb) :: будучы час {m}
fuzz {n} (cop) SEE: cop ::
fuzz {n} (police) SEE: police ::
fylfot {n} (swastika) SEE: swastika ::
FYROM {prop} (abbreviation of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) :: БЮРМ {f}
Gabon {prop} (Gabonese Republic) :: Габон {m}
gadfly {n} (fly of the family Tabanidae) SEE: horsefly ::
gadolinium {n} (chemical element) :: гадаліній {m}
Gaelic {prop} (Scottish Gaelic) SEE: Scottish Gaelic ::
gaffer {n} (baby) SEE: baby ::
Gagauzia {prop} (Autonomous region) :: Гагаузія {f}
gait {n} (manner of walking) :: хада {f}, ступа {f}, паходка {f}, ход {m}, крок {m}
gaiwan {n} (lidded cup or bowl) :: гайвань
galah {n} (fool) SEE: fool ::
galaxy {n} (collection of billions of stars, galactic dust, black holes, etc) :: галактыка {f}
galaxy {n} (the Milky Way) SEE: Milky Way ::
Galicia {prop} (historical kingdom in Central Europe) :: Галіцыя {f}, Галічына {f}
Galilee {prop} (region of northern Israel) :: Галілея {f}
Galina {prop} (female given name) :: Галіна {f}
gall {n} (bile) SEE: bile ::
gall {n} (gall bladder) SEE: gall bladder ::
gall bladder {n} (pear-shaped organ that stores bile) :: жаўцяк {m}
gallery {n} (institution, building, or room for the exhibition and conservation of works of art) :: галерэя {f}
galligaskins {n} (shalwar) SEE: shalwar ::
gallium {n} (chemical element) :: галій {m}
gallows {n} (wooden framework on which persons are put to death by hanging) :: шыбеніца {f}
galosh {n} (waterproof overshoe used to provide protection from rain or snow) :: галош {m}
galpal {n} (close female friend) SEE: girlfriend ::
Galway Bay {prop} (bay off the west coast of Ireland) :: заліў Голуэй {m}, Голуэй {m}
Gambia {prop} (The Republic of The Gambia) :: Гамбія {f}
gambling {n} (activity characterised by a balance between winning and losing that is governed by a mixture of skill and chance) :: азартная гульня {f}
game {n} (playful activity that may be unstructured, amusement, pastime) :: гульня {f}, ігра {f}
gameness {n} (courage) SEE: courage ::
game show {n} (a radio or television programme) :: гульнявое шоу
gander {n} (a male goose) :: гусак {m}
gang {n} (a company of persons) :: банда {f}
gang {n} (group of criminals who band together for mutual protection) :: банда {f}, шайка {f}
Ganges {prop} (the river) :: Ганг {m}
gangrene {n} (the necrosis or rotting of flesh) :: гангрэна {f}
gangster {n} (street gang member) :: бандыт {m}, разбойнік {m}
gaol {v} (jail) SEE: jail ::
garage {n} (aviation: shed for housing an aircraft) SEE: hangar ::
garage {n} (petrol filling station) SEE: gas station ::
garage {n} (building or section of building to store a car, tools etc.) :: гараж {m}
garbage {n} (waste material) :: смецце {n}, смяццё {n}, сьмяцьцё {n} [Taraškievica]
garden {n} (piece of land outside with flowers and plants) :: сад {m}
garden {n} (a vegetable garden) :: агарод {m}
garden {n} (grounds at the front or back of a house) :: сад {m}, агарод {m} [vegetable garden]
garlic {n} (plant) :: часнок {m}, часнык {m}
garlic mustard {n} (Alliaria petiolata) :: часночніца чаранковая {f}
gas {n} ((uncountable, chemistry) state of matter) :: газ {m}
gas chamber {n} (a sealed chamber in which people are executed with gas) :: газавая камера {f}
Gascony {prop} (Former region of France) :: Гасконь {f}
gaseous {adj} (relating to, or existing as, gas) :: газавы, газападобны
gaseous {adj} (of a liquid containing bubbles: gassy) :: газіраваны
gash {n} (vulva) SEE: vulva ::
gasoline {n} (motor fuel) :: бензін {m}
gas station {n} (an establishment which sells gasoline to pump directly into a car) :: аўтазаправачная станцыя {f}, запраўка {f} [colloquial]
gassy {adj} (of a beverage: containing dissolved gas) :: газіраваны
gas tank {n} (fuel tank) :: бензабак {m}
gastritis {n} (inflammation of the lining of the stomach) :: гастрыт {m}
gastroenterology {n} (the study of the digestive system) :: гастраэнтэралогія {f}
gate {n} (door-like structure outside) :: вароты {p}, брама {f}
gather {v} (to bring together; to collect) :: збіраць {impf}, сабраць {pf}
gauze {n} (thin fabric with open weave) :: марля {f}
gay {adj} (homosexual, see also: homosexual; lesbian) :: гамасексуальны
gay {n} (homosexual person, especially male, see also: lesbian; homosexual; fairy; fag; poof; bender; bugger) :: гей {m}, гамасэксуаліст {m}
Gaza {prop} (city) :: Газа {f}
Gaza {prop} (Gaza Strip) SEE: Gaza Strip ::
Gaza Strip {prop} (Gaza Strip) :: сектар Газа {m}, Газа {f}
gazebo {n} (roofed structure) :: альтанка {f}
Gdańsk {prop} (city of Poland) :: Гданьск {m}
GDP {n} (abbreviation of gross domestic product, see also: gross domestic product) :: ВУП
geek {n} (Australian: look) SEE: look ::
gegenschein {n} :: проціззянне
Gehenna {prop} (where the wicked go) :: геена {f}
Gehinnom {prop} (Jewish realm of the afterlife) SEE: Gehenna ::
geisha {n} (a Japanese entertainer) :: гейша {f}
gel {n} (suspension of solid in liquid) :: гель {m}
geld {n} (money) SEE: money ::
geld {v} (castrate) SEE: castrate ::
gelding {n} (eunuch) SEE: eunuch ::
gem {n} (precious stone) :: каштоўны камень {m}, самацвет {m}
gemstone {n} (a gem) :: каштоўны камень {m}, самацвет {m}
gendarmerie {n} (military body charged with police duties) :: жандармерыя {f}
gender {n} (grammar: division of nouns and pronouns) :: род {m}
gender {n} (biological sex) :: пол {m}, плоць {f}
gender {n} (grammar: voice (of verbs)) SEE: voice ::
gene {n} (unit of heredity) :: ген {m}
genealogy {n} (study and recording of descents) :: генеалогія
general {adj} (involving every part or member, not specific or particular) :: агульны {m}
general {n} (military rank) :: генерал {m}, ваеначальнік {m}, палкаводзец {m}
generation {n} (single step in the succession of natural descent) :: пакаленне {n}
generosity {n} (the trait of being willing to donate) :: шчодрасць {f}
generous {adj} (noble in behaviour, magnanimous) :: вялікадушны, высакародны, шляхетны
generous {adj} (willing to give and share unsparingly) :: шчодры
Genesis {prop} (the book of the Bible) :: Кніга Быцця {f}, Быццё {n}
Geneva {prop} (city) :: Жэнева {f}
Genevieve {prop} (female given name) :: Жэнеўева {f}, Генавефа {f}
Genghis Khan {prop} (Genghis Khan) :: Чынгісхан {m}
genie {n} (a fictional magical being) :: джын {m}
genitive {adj} (of or pertaining to the case of possession) :: родны
genitive {n} (inflection pattern) :: родны склон {m}, родны {m}
genitive case {n} (genitive) SEE: genitive ::
Genoa {prop} (Italian city) :: Генуя {f}
genocide {n} (systematic killing of substantial numbers of people) :: генацыд {m}
genre {n} (kind; type; sort) :: жанр {m}
genticide {n} (killing of a race or nation of people) SEE: genocide ::
gentle {adj} (tender and amiable) :: высакародны, ласкавы
gentle {adj} (docile and easily managed) :: паслухмяны
gentle {adj} (polite and respectful rather than rude) :: ветлівы
gentleman {n} (polite term for a man) :: спадар {m}, пан {m}
genuine {adj} (real, authentic) :: сапраўдны
genus {n} (rank in a taxonomic classification between family and species) :: род {m}
geoglyph {n} (large-scale drawing on the ground) :: геогліф
geographer {n} (a specialist in geography) :: географ {m}
geographic {adj} (pertaining to geography) :: геаграфічны
geographical {adj} (geographic) SEE: geographic ::
geography {n} (study of physical structure and inhabitants of the Earth) :: геаграфія {f}
geoid {n} (surface of constant gravitational potential at zero elevation) :: геоід
geology {n} (the study of the earth) :: геалогія {f}
geometer moth {n} (geometer moth) SEE: geometrid moth ::
geometrid {n} (geometrid moth) SEE: geometrid moth ::
geometrid moth {n} (moth) :: пядзенік {m}
geometry {n} (branch of mathematics) :: геаметрыя {f}
Georgetown {prop} (capital of Guyana) :: Джорджтаўн
Georgia {prop} (country) :: Грузія {f}
Georgian {n} (language of the country Georgia) :: грузінская {f}
Georgian {n} (person from the country of Georgia) :: грузін {m}, грузінка {f}
Georgian {adj} (pertaining to the country, people or language of Georgia) :: грузінскі
ger {n} (yurt) SEE: yurt ::
germ {n} (pathogenic microorganism) :: мікроб {m}
German {n} (native or inhabitant of Germany; person of German citizenship or nationality) :: немец {m}, немка {f}, немцы {p}
German {prop} (the German language) :: нямецкая мова {f}, нямецкая {f}
German {adj} (of or relating to the country of Germany) :: нямецкі
German {adj} (of or relating to the German language) :: нямецкі
Germanic {prop} (group of Indo-European languages) :: германскія мовы
Germanic {adj} (relating to the Germanic peoples) :: германскі
Germanic {adj} (relating to the language or group of languages known as Germanic) :: германскі {m}
germanium {n} (chemical element) :: германій {m}
German measles {n} (the disease rubella) SEE: rubella ::
German Shepherd {n} (breed of dog) :: нямецкая аўчарка {f}
German sparrow {n} (tree sparrow) SEE: tree sparrow ::
Germany {prop} (country in Central Europe) :: Германія {f}, Нямеччына {f}
Germinal {prop} (the seventh month of the French Republican Calendar) :: жэрміналь {m}
Gestapo {prop} (the secret police of Nazi Germany) :: гестапа {n}
gestation {n} (period of time a fetus develops inside mother's body) :: цяжарнасць
get {v} (to obtain) :: даставаць {impf}, дастаць {pf}
get {v} (to receive) :: атрымліваць {impf}, атрымліваць {impf}, атрымаць {pf}
get at {v} (to manage to gain access to) SEE: access ::
get at {v} (to attack verbally or physically) SEE: attack ::
get at {v} ((slang) to contact someone) SEE: contact ::
get away {v} (to avoid capture; to escape (from)) SEE: escape ::
get away {v} (To start moving; to depart) SEE: depart ::
get down {v} (go down (intransitive)) SEE: go down ::
get dressed {v} (to beclothe oneself, to put on clothes) :: апранацца {impf}, апрануцца {pf}
get in {v} (to enter) :: уваходзіць {impf}, увайсці {pf}
get laid {v} (take part in a sexual act) SEE: have sex ::
get lost {v} (become lost) :: заблудзіць {pf}, заблукацца {pf}, заблудзіцца {pf}
get rid of {v} (remove) :: збаўляцца {impf}, збавіцца {pf}
get up {v} (to rise from one's bed) :: уставаць {impf}, ўставаць {impf}, устаць {pf}, ўстаць {pf}
Ghana {prop} (The Republic of Ghana) :: Гана {f}
ghetto {n} (area of a city in which Jews were concentrated) :: гета {n}
Ghibelline {n} (member of a medieval Italian faction that supported the German emperors) :: гібелін {m}
ghost {n} (spirit appearing after death) :: здань {f}, прывід {m}, дух {m}, фантом {m}
ghost {n} :: сцень
ghost {n} (soul) SEE: soul ::
ghost town {n} (town which has become deserted) :: пакінуты горад {m}, изоставен град {m}
giant {n} (mythical human) :: велікан {m}, гігант {m}, волат {m}
Gibraltar {prop} (British overseas territory) :: Гібралтар {m}
gift {n} (something given to another voluntarily, without charge) :: падарунак {m}, дар {m}, гасцінец {m}, прэзент {m}
gifted {adj} :: здольны {m}
gill {n} (breathing organ of fish) :: шчэлепы {p}, жабры {p}
Gillard {prop} (surname) :: Гілард {m} {f}
Gim {prop} (Korean surname) SEE: Kim ::
gin {n} (alcoholic beverage) :: джын {m}
ginger {n} (plant) :: імбір {m}
ginger {adj} (reddish-brown) :: руды
ginger {adj} (flavor) :: імбірны
gingerbread {n} (type of cake) :: пернік {m}
gingerbread man {n} (cookie in the shape of a person, flavoured with ginger) :: пернікавы чалавечак {m}
gingersnap {n} (type of biscuit seasoned with ginger) :: імбірнае пячэнне {n}
gingiva {n} (gum) SEE: gum ::
ginseng {n} (any of several plants, of the genus Panax) :: жэньшэнь {m}
gippo {n} (Egyptian) SEE: Egyptian ::
giraffe {n} (mammal) :: жырафа {f}
girl {n} (young female person) :: дзяўчына {f}
girlfriend {n} (a female partner in a romantic relationship) :: каханка {f}, дзяўчына {f}, сяброўка {f}, прыяцелька {f}, падруга {f}
girlfriend {n} (a female friend) :: сяброўка {f}, прыяцелька {f}, падруга {f}
give {v} (transfer the possession of something to someone else) :: даваць {impf}, даць {pf}, дарыць {impf}, падарыць {pf} [as a gift]
give back {v} (return) :: аддаваць {impf}, аддаць {pf}, вяртаць {impf}, вярнуц́ь {pf}
give birth {v} (produce new life) :: раджаць {impf}, радзіць {pf}
give me {v} (expression of preference) :: дайце мне, [informal] дай мне
given name {n} (name chosen for a child by its parents) :: імя {n}
give or take {adv} (approximately) SEE: approximately ::
give someone a break {v} (rest) SEE: rest ::
give up {v} (surrender) :: здавацца {impf}, здацца {pf}
give up {v} (stop, quit, desist) :: кідаць {impf}, кінуць {pf}
give what for {v} (scold) SEE: scold ::
glacier {n} (a large body of ice which flows under its own mass, usually downhill) :: ледавік {m}
glaciology {n} (study of ice and its effect on the landscape) :: гляцыялогія
glad {adj} (pleased, happy, satisfied) :: рады, шчаслівы, задаволены
glade {n} (open space in the woods) :: паляна {f}
glagol {n} (name of the letter g in the Cyrillic and Glagolitic alphabets) :: глагол {m}
Glagolitic {n} (the oldest known Slavonic alphabet) :: глаголіца {f}
Glagolitic alphabet {n} (writing system) SEE: Glagolitic ::
glaive {n} (weapon consisting of a pole with a large blade) :: глевія
gland {n} (organ that synthesizes and secretes substance) :: залоза {f}
glans {n} (conical vascularized body forming the extremity of the penis) SEE: glans penis ::
glans penis {n} (conical vascularized body forming the extremity of the penis) :: галоўка палавога члена {f}, галоўка {f}, [vulgar] залупа
Glasgow {prop} (the city Glasgow) :: Глазга {f}
glasnost {n} (a policy of the Soviet Union) :: галоснасць {f}
glass {n} (substance) :: шкло {n}
glass {n} (drinking vessel) :: шклянка {f}, стакан {m}
glass {n} (mirror) SEE: mirror ::
glass {n} (barometer) SEE: barometer ::
glasses {n} (plural of "glass") SEE: glass ::
glasses {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles ::
glaze {n} (coating on pottery) :: паліва {f}
glider {n} (aircraft) :: планёр {m}
glitter {n} (bright, sparkling light; brilliant and showy luster; brilliancy) :: бляск {m}
global {adj} (concerning all parts of the world) :: сусветны, глабальны
globalisation {n} (process of becoming a more interconnected world) :: глабалізацыя {f}
global warming {n} (increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere to cause climate change) :: глабальные пацяпленне {n}
globe {n} (model of Earth) :: глобус {m}
glory {n} (great beauty or splendour) :: слава {f}
glory {n} (honour and valour) :: слава {f}, хвала {f}
glove {n} (item of clothing) :: пальчатка {f}, рукавіца {f}
glue {n} (sticky adhesive substance) :: клей {m}
glutton {n} (wolverine) SEE: wolverine ::
gnaw {v} (to bite something persistently) :: грызці {impf}, гладаць {impf}
gnomon {n} (object used to tell time by the shadow it casts when the sun shines on it) :: гноман
Gnosticism {n} (Gnosticism) :: гнастыцызм
go {v} (to move through space (especially from one place to another)) :: [abstract, on foot] хадзіць {impf} /xadzícʹ/, пахадзіць {pf} /paxadzícʹ/, [concrete, on foot] ісці {impf} /iscí/, пайсці {pf} /pajscí/, [abstract, by transport] ездзіць /jézdzicʹ/ паездзіць {pf} /pajézdzicʹ/, [concrete, by transport] ехаць {impf} /jéxacʹ/, паехаць {pf} /pajéxacʹ/
go {v} (leave) SEE: leave ::
go {v} (attack) SEE: attack ::
go {v} (change) SEE: change ::
go {v} (turn out) SEE: turn out ::
go {v} (walk) SEE: walk ::
go {v} (urinate, defecate) SEE: urinate ::
go {v} (survive) SEE: survive ::
go {v} (lead (tend or reach in a certain direction)) SEE: lead ::
go {v} (die) SEE: die ::
Goa {prop} (state in western India) :: Гоа {m}
goad {n} (pointed stick used to prod animals) :: стракала {n}
goal {n} (result one is attempting to achieve) :: мэта {f}, цэль {f}
goal {n} (in many sports, an area into which the players attempt to put an object) :: вароты {p}
goal {n} ((sport) act of placing the object into the goal) :: гол {m}
goal {n} (point(s) scored) :: гол {m}
goalkeeper {n} (player that protects a goal) :: варатар {m}
goaltender {n} (player that protects a goal) SEE: goalkeeper ::
goat {n} (animal) :: каза {f} [female], казёл {m} [male]
go away {v} (to depart or leave a place) :: адходзіць {impf}, адысці {pf} [on foot], ад'язджаць {impf}, ад'ехаць {pf} [by transport]
god {n} :: бог {m}
God {prop} :: бог {m}, Бог {m}
goddess {n} (female deity) :: багіня {f}
godhead {n} (deity) SEE: deity ::
godhead {n} (God) SEE: God ::
godhead {n} (divinity, godhood) SEE: divinity ::
godhood {n} (divinity) SEE: divinity ::
godless {adj} (not acknowledging any deity or god; without belief in any deity or god) :: бязбожны
go down {v} (descend) :: спускацца {impf}, спусціцца {pf}
godship {n} (divinity) SEE: divinity ::
God's house {n} (church) SEE: church ::
goer {n} (foot) SEE: foot ::
Goethe {prop} (surname) :: Гётэ {m} {f}
Gogol {prop} (Gogol) :: Гогаль
gold {n} (element) :: золата {n}
golden {adj} (made of, or relating to, gold) :: залаты
golden eagle {n} (large bird of prey) :: беркут {m}
Golden Horde {prop} (the Mongol invaders) :: Залатая Арда {f}
goldfinch {n} (any of several passerine birds) :: шчыгол {m}
goldfish {n} (fish) :: залатая рыбка {f}
golf {n} (ball game) :: гольф {m}
Golodomor {prop} (Holodomor) SEE: Holodomor ::
golubtsy {n} (traditional cabbage rolls) :: галубцы {m-p}
Gomel {prop} (city) :: Гомель
gondola {n} (narrow boat, especially in Venice) :: гандола {f}
gondolier {n} (Venetian boatman who propels a gondola) :: гандальер {m}
gong {n} (percussion instrument) :: гонг {m}
gonorrhea {n} (STD) :: ганарэя {f}
good {adj} (acting in the interest of good; ethical good intentions) :: добры
good {n} (the forces of good) :: дабро {n}
good afternoon {phrase} (greeting said in the afternoon) :: добры дзень
goodbye {interj} (farewell, see also: bye) :: да пабачэння
good day {phrase} (greeting between sunrise and sunset) :: добры дзень
good-den {interj} (good evening) SEE: good evening ::
good evening {n} (greeting said in the evening) :: добры вечар
good for nothing {adj} (good-for-nothing) SEE: good-for-nothing ::
good-for-nothing {adj} (useless, worthless) :: нікчэмны
good fortune {n} (good luck) SEE: good luck ::
good luck {interj} (wish of fortune or encouragement) :: ўдачы!
good morning {interj} (when seeing someone for the first time in the morning) :: добрай раніцы
good-natured {adj} (of or pertaining to an amicable, kindly disposition) :: дабрадушны, лагодны
good night {phrase} (a farewell) :: дабранач
good riddance {interj} (used to indicate that a departure or loss is welcome) :: абрусам дарога, баба з калёс — калёсам лягчэй
goods {n} (that which is produced, traded, bought or sold) :: тавар {m}
Google {prop} (Google (in other scripts, the trademark may also be written in Roman letters)) :: Гугл {m}
goose {n} (a grazing waterfowl of the family Anatidae) :: гусь {f}, гусак {m}
go out {v} (to leave, especially a building) :: выходзіць {impf}, выйсці {pf}
gopher {n} (a small burrowing rodent) :: суслік {m}
Gorbachev {prop} (Russian surname) :: Гарбачоў {m}
Gordian knot {n} (mythical knot) :: гордзіеў вузел {m}
Gori {prop} (a city in eastern Georgia) :: Горы
gorilla {n} (ape) :: гарыла {f}
Gorlovka {prop} (Horlivka) SEE: Horlivka ::
gorodki {n} (an ancient Russian folk sport) :: гарадкі {m-p}
goshawk {n} (bird of prey principally in the genus Accipiter) :: цецярук {m}
gosling {n} (young goose) :: гусяня {n}, гусянё {n}
gospel {n} (first section of New Testament) :: евангелле {n}, евангелле {n}
gossip {n} (idle talk) :: плётка {f}
Gothic {prop} (extinct Germanic language) :: гоцкая {f}
go to work {v} (work) SEE: work ::
goulash {n} (A stew of beef or veal and vegetables, flavoured with paprika and sour cream) :: гуляш {m}
gound {n} (mucus produced by the eyes during sleep) SEE: sleep ::
go up {v} (to move upwards) :: падымацца {impf}, паднімацца {impf}, падняцца {pf}
govern {v} (to exercise sovereign authority in) :: правіць {impf}, кіраваць {impf}
government {n} (body with the power to make and/or enforce laws) :: урад {m}, ўрад {m}
governmental {adj} (relating to a government) :: урадавы
governor {n} (leader of a region or state) :: губернатар {m}
gown {n} (dressing gown) SEE: dressing gown ::
Grad {n} (rocket launcher) :: Град {m}
grade {n} (performance expressed by a number, letter, or other symbol) :: ацэнка {f}
grade {n} (level of pre-collegiate education) :: клас {m}
graduate school {n} (a school that awards advanced degrees) :: аспірантура {f}
grain {n} (harvested seeds of various grass-related food crops) :: зерне {n}, збожжа {n}, жыта {n}
grain {n} (single particle of a substance) :: крупінка {f}, часціца {f}, драбінка {f}, зярнятка {n}, каліва {n}, каліўца {n}
gram {n} (unit of mass) :: грам {m}
gramarye {n} (mystical learning) SEE: magic ::
grammar {n} (rules for speaking and writing a language) :: граматыка {f}
grammary {n} (grammar) SEE: grammar ::
grammatical case {n} (mode of inflection of a word) :: склон {m}
grammatical mood {n} (in grammar, type of the relationship) :: лад {m}
gram molecule {n} (mole) SEE: mole ::
gramophone {n} (record player) :: прайгравальнік {m}, грамафон {m}, патэфон {m}
grampus {n} (killer whale) SEE: orca ::
granary {n} (storage facility) :: збожжасховішча {n}, свіран {m}, клець {f}, жытніца {f}, амбар {m}
granary {n} (fertile, grain-growing region) :: жытніца {f}
grand {n} (grand piano) SEE: grand piano ::
granddaughter {n} (daughter of someone’s child) :: унучка {f}, ўнучка {f}
Grand Duchy of Lithuania {prop} (former European state) :: Вялікае Княства Літоўскае {n}
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg {prop} (official name of Luxembourg) :: Вялікае Герцагства Люксембург {n}
grandfather {n} (grandfather (from either side)) :: дзед {m}, дзядуля {m}
grandmaster {n} (Grandmaster) SEE: Grandmaster ::
Grandmaster {n} (highest title for chess player) :: гросмайстар {m}
grandmother {n} (mother of someone's parent) :: бабуля {f}
grandpa {n} (grandfather (informal)) :: дзядуля, дзядуня {m}
grand piano {n} (type of piano) :: раяль {m}
grandson {n} (son of one's child) :: унук {m}, ўнук {m}
granite {n} (type of rock) :: граніт {m}
granny {n} (colloquial: grandmother) :: бабуля {f}, бабуня {f}, бабуся {f}
grape {n} (fruit) :: вінаград {m}
grape {n} (grapeshot) SEE: grapeshot ::
grapefruit {n} (fruit) :: грэйпфрут {m}
grapeshot {n} (type of shot) :: карцеч {f}
graph {n} (mathematical diagram) :: графік {m}, дыяграма {f}
graph {n} (ordered pair in graph theory) :: графік {m}, дыяграма {f}
graph {n} (chart) SEE: chart ::
graphene {n} (large-scale, one-atom thick layer of graphite) :: графен
graphics {n} (the graphic arts) :: графіка {f}
grappa {n} (Italian grape-based spirit) :: грапа {f}
grasp {v} (to grasp) SEE: hold ::
grass {n} (ground cover plant) :: трава {f}
grasshopper {n} (an insect of the order Orthoptera) :: конік {m}
grass snake {n} (Natrix natrix) :: вуж {m}
grateful {adj} (showing gratitude) :: удзячны
grater {n} (a tool with which one grates) :: тарка {f}
grating {n} (barrier) :: рашотка {f}, краты {f-p}
gratis {adv} (free, without charge) SEE: for free ::
gratis {adj} (free of charge) SEE: free of charge ::
graupel {n} (supercooled droplets of water condense on a snowflake) :: крупа {f}
grave {n} (excavation for burial) :: магіла {f}, гроб {m}
graveyard {n} (tract of land in which the dead are buried) :: могілкі {f-p}, магіліцы {f-p}, цвінтар {m} [church cemetery], могільнік {m}
gravitational wave {n} (fluctuation in spacetime that propagates as a wave at the speed of light) :: гравітацыйная хваля
gravity {n} (resultant force on Earth's surface) :: прыцяганне {n}, прыцягненне {n}, прыцяжэнне {n}, гравітацыя {f}
gravlax {n} (appetizer of dry-cured salmon) :: граўлакс {m}
gravy {n} (sauce) :: падліўка {f}, соус
gray {adj} (having a color somewhere between white and black, as the ash of an ember) :: шэры
graze {v} (to feed or supply with grass) :: пасвіць {impf}
graze {v} (to eat grass from a pasture) :: пасвіцца {impf}
grease {n} (animal fat) :: тлушч {m}, жыр {m}
grease {n} (oily or fatty matter) :: змазка {n}
great {adj} (important) SEE: important ::
great {adj} (very big, large scale) :: вялікі
great {adj} (very good) :: выдатны, цудоўны
great- {prefix} (removal of one generation) :: пра-
Great Barrier Reef {prop} (Great Barrier Reef) :: Вялікі бар'ерны рыф {m}
Great Britain {prop} (island) :: Вялікабрытанія {f}
greater {adj} (greater) SEE: bigger ::
Greater London {prop} (administrative area) :: Вялікі Лондан {m}
Greater Poland {prop} (region of Poland) :: Вялікая Польшча {f}
great-granddaughter {n} (the daughter of someone's grandchild) :: праўнучка {f}
great-grandfather {n} (father of grandparent) :: прадзед {m}
great-grandmother {n} (mother of one's grandparent) :: прабабуля {f}
great-grandson {n} (son of a grandchild) :: праўнук {m}
great martyr {n} (a saint who was martyred after suffering great torture) :: велікамучанік {m}, велікамучаніца {f}
Great Patriotic War {prop} (the war between the USSR and Nazi Germany between 1941 and 1945) :: Вялікая Айчынная вайна {f}
Great Russia {prop} (the territories of "Russia proper") :: Вялікая Расія {f}, Вялікаросія {f}
great spotted woodpecker {n} (species of woodpecker) :: стракаты дзяцел
great tit {n} (bird) :: сініца
Greece {prop} (country in Southeastern Europe) :: Грэцыя {f}
greed {n} (selfish desire for more than is needed) :: хцівасць {f}, сквапнасць {f}, жадасць {f}, хаплівасць {f}
greedy {adj} (having greed; consumed by selfish desires) :: хцівы, прагны, хіжы
Greek {prop} (language of the Greek people) :: грэцкая мова {f}, грэцкая {f} , грэчаская мова {f}, грэчаская {f}
Greek {n} (inhabitant, etc., of Greece) :: грэк {m}, грачанка {f}
Greek {adj} (of the Greek language, people or country) :: грэцкі
Greek fire {n} (flammable substance) :: грэчаскі агонь {m}
Greek Orthodox Church {prop} (Greek Orthodox Church) :: Грэцкая праваслаўная Царква {f}
green {adj} (having green as its colour) :: зялёны
green {n} (colour) :: зялёны
greenery {n} (marijuana) SEE: marijuana ::
greenhouse {n} (building in which plants are grown more quickly than outside) :: цяпліца {f}, аранжарэя {f}
Greenland {prop} (a large self-governing island in North America) :: Грэнландыя {f}
Greenlandic {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Greenland, its people or language) SEE: Greenlandish ::
Greenlandic {n} (language) SEE: Greenlandish ::
Greenlandish {n} (language) :: грэнландская {f}, грэнляндзкая {f} [taraškievica]
green tea {n} (drink) :: зялёны чай {m}
green woodpecker {n} (Picus viridis) :: зялёны дзяцел {m}, жаўна {f}
greet {v} (to address with salutations or expressions of kind wishes) :: вітаць {impf}, здароўкацца {impf}, сустракаць {impf}
greeting {n} (acknowledgement of a persons presence or arrival) :: прывітанне {n}, вітанне {n}
Gregorian calendar {prop} (calendar) :: грыгарыянскі каляндар {m}
Gregory {prop} (male given name) :: Рыгор {m}
Grenada {prop} (Caribbean country) :: Грэнада {f}
grenade {n} (pomegranate) SEE: pomegranate ::
grenade {n} (small explosive device) :: граната {f}
Gretzky {n} (surname) :: Грэцкі
grey {adj} (having a color somewhere between white and black, as the ash of an ember) :: шэры
grey crow {n} (hooded crow) SEE: hooded crow ::
grey heron {n} (the Old World wading bird Ardea cinerea of the heron family) :: шэрая чапля {f}
greylag {n} (large European goose) SEE: greylag goose ::
greylag goose {n} (Anser anser) :: шэры гусь {m}
greyness {n} (The state or quality of being grey) :: шэрасць {f}
grid {n} (rectangular array of squares or rectangles of equal size) :: сетка {f}, рашотка {f}, краты {f-p}
grief {n} (sadness) :: гора {n}, смутак {m}, туга {f}, жаль {m}
griffin {n} (mythical beast having the body of a lion and the wings and head of an eagle) :: грыфон {m}
griffon {n} (legendary creature) SEE: griffin ::
griffon vulture {n} (Gyps fulvus) :: белагаловы сіп {m}
Grigory {prop} (given name) :: Рыгор {m}
grind {v} (to reduce to smaller pieces) :: малоць {impf}, таўчы {impf}
gripe {n} (Gyps fulvus) SEE: griffin ::
grippe {n} (flu) SEE: flu ::
grizzly {n} (grizzly bear) SEE: grizzly bear ::
grizzly bear {n} (Ursus arctos horribilis) :: грызлі {m}
groan {v} (to make a groan) :: енчыць
groat {n} (hulled grain) :: крупа {f}
grocery {n} (shop or store that sells groceries) :: бакалея {f}
grocery store {n} (grocery) SEE: grocery ::
Grodno {prop} (city) :: Гродна {m}, [dated] Горадня {f}
grog {n} (alcoholic beverage made with rum and water) :: грог {m}
groin {n} (long narrow depression of the human body that separates the trunk from the legs) :: пахвіна {f}
groom {n} (bridegroom) SEE: bridegroom ::
groschen {n} (coin) :: грош {m}
grosz {n} (one hundredth of a Polish zloty) :: грош {m}
ground {n} (surface of the Earth) :: зямля {f}, грунт {m}
ground {n} (soil, earth) :: зямля {f}
ground {n} (bottom of a body of water) :: дно {n}
group {n} (number of things or persons being in some relation to each other) :: група {f}
grove {n} (small forest) :: гай {m}, лясок {m}
grove {n} (orchard) SEE: orchard ::
grow {v} ((intransitive) to become bigger) :: расці {impf}
grow {v} ((transitive) to cause something to become bigger) :: расціць {impf}, вырошчваць {impf}
grown-up {n} (adult) SEE: adult ::
grown-up {adj} (adult, fully grown) :: дарослы
growth {n} (increase in size) :: рост {m}
Grozny {prop} (city in Russia) :: Грозны {m}
grub {n} (immature insect) :: лічынка {f}
grub {n} (slang: food) :: харч {m}, харчы {m-p}
Guadalquivir {prop} (river in southern Spain) :: Гвадалквівір {m}
guarantee {n} (anything that assures a certain outcome) :: гарантыя {f}
guarantee {v} (to give an assurance that something will be done right) :: гарантаваць {impf} {pf}
guard {n} (person who or thing that protects something) :: вартавы {m}, ахоўнік {m}, ахова {f}
Guatemala {prop} (country in Central America) :: Гватэмала {f}
guberniya {n} (an administrative subdivision in the Russian empire) :: губерня {f}
guelder rose {n} (guelder rose, snowball tree) :: каліна {f}
Guelph {n} (member of a medieval Italian faction that supported the Pope) :: гвельф {m}
guerrilla {n} (irregular soldier) :: партызан {m}, партызанка {f}
guess {v} (to reach an unqualified conclusion) :: адгадваць {impf}, адгадаць {pf}
guess {v} (to solve by a correct conjecture) :: угадваць {impf}, угадаць {pf}, адгадваць {impf}, адгадаць {pf}
guess {v} (to suppose) :: меркаваць {impf}
guess {n} (prediction about the outcome of something) :: дагадка {f}, здагадка {f}
guest {v} (to receive or entertain hospitably as a guest) SEE: host ::
guest {n} (recipient of hospitality) :: госць {m}, госця {f}
guest worker {n} (guest worker) :: гастарбайтэр {m}
guide {n} (someone who guides) :: гід {m}, экскурсавод {m}, праваднік {m}, правадніца {f}
guide {v} (to serve as a guide person) :: праводзіць
guillotining {n} :: гільяцінаванне {n}
guilt {n} (responsibility for wrongdoing) :: віна {f}
guilt {n} (legal) :: віна {f}, вінаватасць {f}, віннасць {f}
guilt {n} (the regret of having done wrong) :: віна {f}
guilty {adj} (responsible for a dishonest act) :: вінаваты, вінны
Guinea {prop} (short form of the Republic of Guinea) :: Гвінея {f}, Гвінэя {f} [Taraškievica]
Guinea-Bissau {prop} (Republic of Guinea-Bissau) :: Гвінея-Бісау {f}
guinea fowl {n} (bird) :: цацарка {f}
guinea pig {n} (rodent) :: марская свінка {f}
guitar {n} (musical instrument) :: гітара {f}
Gujarat {prop} (state in India) :: Гуджарат {m}
gulag {v} (Soviet labour camp) :: ГУЛАГ {m}, гулаг {m}
gulf {n} (geography) :: заліў {m}, затока {f}
Gulf of Finland {prop} (arm of the Baltic Sea) :: Фінскі заліў {m}
Gulf of Guinea {prop} (part of the Atlantic Ocean) :: Гвінейскі заліў {m}
Gulf of Mexico {prop} (gulf between USA and Mexico) :: Мексіканскі заліў {m}
Gulf of Naples {prop} (Mediterranean gulf along the coast of Campania) :: Неапалітанскі заліў {m}
Gulf Stream {prop} (warm ocean current) :: Гальфстрым {m}
gull {n} (seabird) :: чайка {f}
gullible {adj} (easily deceived or duped, naive) :: даверлівы, легкаверны
gum {n} (chewing gum) SEE: chewing gum ::
gum {n} (flesh around teeth) :: дзясна {f}
gum arabic {n} (substance from acacia trees) :: гуміарабік
gun {n} (a very portable, short weapon, for hand use) :: пісталет {m}
gunpowder {n} (explosive mixture) :: порах {m}
gunstick {n} (stick to ram down the charge) SEE: ramrod ::
gusle {n} (single-stringed instrument) :: гуслі {f-p}
gusli {n} (an ancient Russian musical instrument) :: гуслі {f-p}
gut {n} (intestine) SEE: intestine ::
gutter {v} (to cut or form into small longitudinal hollows) SEE: channel ::
Guyana {prop} (country) :: Гаяна {f}
gym {n} (short form of gymnasium) SEE: gymnasium ::
gymnasium {n} (type of school) :: гімназія {f}
gynecology {n} (branch of medicine specializing in the problems of women) :: гінекалогія {f}
gynecomastia {n} (development of breasts in males) :: гінекамастыя {f}
gypsy {n} (member of the Rom people) SEE: Rom ::
gypsy {n} (any itinerant person, or any person suspected of making a living from dishonest practices or theft) :: цыган {m}, цыганка {f}
Gypsy {n} (a member of the Romani people) SEE: Rom ::
gyrfalcon {n} (falcon) SEE: falcon ::
gyrfalcon {n} (Falco rusticolus) :: крэчат {m}
gyrus {n} (anatomy) :: звіліна {f}
Gyumri {prop} (city in Armenia) :: Гюмры {m}
habit {n} (an action done on a regular basis) :: звычай {m}, звычка {f}
habit {n} (action performed repeatedly and automatically, usually without awareness) :: звычка {f}
hack {v} (to chop or cut down in a rough manner) :: рубаць {impf}, сячы {impf}
hackberry {n} (Prunus padus) SEE: bird cherry ::
hacker {n} (one who uses a computer to gain unauthorized access to data) :: хакер {m}
Hades {prop} (from Greek mythology) :: Аід {m}, Гадэс {m}
haematology {n} (scientific study of blood and blood-producing organs) :: гематалогія {f}
hafnium {n} (chemical element) :: гафній {m}
hag {n} (fruit of Prunus padus) SEE: bird cherry ::
hagberry {n} (tree) SEE: bird cherry ::
hagberry {n} (fruit) SEE: bird cherry ::
haggle {v} (to argue for a better deal) :: таргавацца {impf}
Haifa {prop} (a city in northern Israel) :: Хайфа {f}
hail {n} (balls of ice) :: град {m}
Hainaut {prop} (province) :: Эно {m}
hair {n} (a pigmented keratinaceous growth on the human head) :: [head of~] валасы {m-p}, [individual] волас {m}
hairdresser {n} (professional for haircutting or hairstyling) :: цырульнік {m}, цырульніца {f}
hairdresser's {n} (hairdresser’s shop) SEE: hair salon ::
hairdressing salon {n} (hairdressing salon) SEE: hair salon ::
hairless {adj} (bald) SEE: bald ::
hairless {adj} (destitute of hair) :: безвалосы {m}
hairpin {n} (pin or fastener for the hair) :: шпілька {f}
hair salon {n} (workplace of a beautician or barber) :: цырульня {f}
hairstyle {n} (the style in which someone's hair has been cut and arranged) :: прычоска {f}, стрыжка {f}
hairy {adj} (of a person) :: валасаты
Haiti {prop} (a country in the Caribbean) :: Гаіці {f}
hajib {n} (headscarf) SEE: hijab ::
hajj {n} (pilgrimage to Mecca) :: хадж {m}
hajji {n} (one who has participated in a hajj) :: хаджы {m}, хаджа {f}
half {n} (one of two equal parts into which anything may be divided) :: палавіна {f}, палова {f}
half-life {n} (time in physics) :: перыяд паўраспаду {n}
half-line {n} (ray) SEE: ray ::
half time {n} (interval between halves) :: тайм {m}
halfway {adv} (midway) :: напаўдарозе
half-year {n} (period of half a year) :: паўгода {m-p}, паўгоддзе {n}
halibut {n} (fish of genus Hippoglossus) :: палтус {m}
hall {n} (corridor or a hallway) :: пярэдні пакой {m}
hall {n} (meeting room) :: зала {f}
hallelujah {interj} (exclamation to praise God) :: алілуя
Halloween {prop} (October 31st) :: Хэлоўін {m}
hallucination {n} (sensory perception of something that does not exist) :: галюцынацыя {f}
hallway {n} (corridor) SEE: corridor ::
halva {n} (confection) :: халва {f}
Halych {prop} (a historic city) :: Галіч {m}
ham {n} (thigh of a hog cured for food) :: вяндліна {f}, шынка {f}
hamartia {n} (sin) SEE: sin ::
Hamburg {prop} (city and state of Germany) :: Гамбург {m}
hamburger {n} (sandwich) :: гамбургер {m}
Hamlet {prop} (the main character of the play Hamlet) :: Гамлет {m}
hammam {n} (Turkish bath) SEE: Turkish bath ::
hammer {n} (tool) :: молат {m}, малаток {m}
hammer and sickle {n} (symbol of communism) :: серп і молат {m} [sickle and hammer]
hammock {n} (swinging couch or bed) :: гамак {m}
Hampshire {prop} (county in the south of England) :: Хэмпшыр {m}
hamster {n} (small, short-tailed European rodent) :: хамяк {m}
hand {n} (part of the fore limb) :: рука {f}
hand {n} (pointer of an analogue/analog clock) :: стрэлка {f}
handball {n} (team sport) :: гандбол {m}
handbook {n} (a book of reference) :: даведнік {m}
handcar {n} (a light railroad car propelled by a hand-operated pumping mechanism) SEE: draisine ::
handcraft {n} (handicraft) SEE: handicraft ::
handcuffs {n} (metal rings for fastening wrists) :: кайданкі {f-p}, наручнікі {m-p}
hand fan {n} (hand-held device) :: веер {m}
handful {n} (amount held in hand) :: жменя {f}
handicraft {n} (trade requiring skill of hand) :: рамясло {n}
handkerchief {n} (cloth for wiping the face, eyes, nose or hands) :: насоўка {f}, насавая хустачка, хустачка {f}
handlebar {n} (bar for steering) :: руль {m}, стырно {n}, стыр {m}
handrail {n} (rail which can be held) :: парэнча {f}, поручань {m}, більцы {m-p}
handsaw {n} (saw small enough to be used by one hand) :: нажоўка {f}
hands up {interj} (surrender!) :: рукі ўверх!
hang {v} (to be or remain suspended) :: вісець {impf}, павісець {pf}
hang {v} (to hold or bear in a suspended or inclined manner or position) :: вешаць {impf}, павесіць
hang {v} (to execute by suspension from the neck) :: вешаць {impf}, павесіць
hangar {n} (a large garage-like structure where aircraft are kept) :: ангар {m}
Hangeul {n} (Korean phonetic script) :: хангыль {m}
hang glider {n} (aircraft) :: дэльтаплан {m}
hangover {n} (illness caused by heavy drinking) :: пахмелле {n}
Hanoi {prop} (capital of Vietnam) :: Ханой {m}
Hanover {prop} (German city) :: Гановер {m}
Hanseong {prop} (Seoul) SEE: Seoul ::
Hanukkah {prop} (the Jewish festival) :: Ханука {f}, Га-нука {f} [taraškievica], Ха-нука [taraškievica]
Hanyang {prop} (Seoul) SEE: Seoul ::
haply {adv} (perhaps) SEE: perhaps ::
happen {v} (to occur) :: здарацца {impf}, здарыцца {pf}, адбывацца {impf}, адбыцца {pf}, трапляцца {impf}, трапіцца {pf}
happiness {n} (emotion of being happy) :: шчасце {n}
happy {adj} (contented, joyous) :: шчаслівы
happy birthday {interj} (good wishes for a birthday) :: з днём нараджэння
happy Easter {phrase} (an expression used during Easter) :: Хрыстос уваскрос! [greeting], Сапраўды ўваскрос! [reply]
happy New Year {phrase} (Happy New Year) :: з Новым годам!
harbor {n} (for ships) :: гавань {f}, порт {m}
harbour {n} (harbor) SEE: harbor ::
hard {adj} (resistant to pressure) :: цвёрды
hard disk {n} (unit and all the disks within it) :: цвёрды дыск {m}
hard drive {n} (device used for storing large amounts of data) :: цвёрды дыск {m}
hard-on {n} (rigid state of the penis) SEE: erection ::
hard roe {n} (roe) SEE: roe ::
hardship {n} (difficulty or trouble) :: цяжкасць {f}, нягоды {f-p}
hard sign {n} (Cyrillic letter "Ъ/ъ") :: цвёрды знак {m}
hardtack {n} (hard biscuit) :: галета {f}
hardware {n} (material part of a computer) :: апаратнае забеспячэнне {n}, абсталяванне {n}
hard-working {adj} (tending to work with ardour) SEE: hardworking ::
hardworking {adj} (taking their work seriously and doing it well and rapidly) :: працавіты, старанны, руплівы, пільны
hare {n} (animal) :: заяц {m}
harem {n} (the private part of an Arab household) :: гарэм {m}
haricot {n} (common bean) SEE: common bean ::
harm {n} (injury; hurt; damage) :: шкода {f}
harmful {adj} (likely to be damaging) :: шкодны, шкоднасны, шкадлівы
harmless {adj} (incapable of causing harm or danger) :: няшкодны, бясшкодны
harmony {n} (agreement or accord) :: гармонія {f}
harness {n} (restraint or support) :: вупраж {f}, збруя {f}
harp {n} (musical instrument) :: арфа {f}
harpoon {n} (spearlike weapon) :: гарпун {m}
harpsichord {n} (musical instrument) :: клавесін {m}
harrow {n} (device) :: барана {f}
harrow {v} (drag a harrow over) :: баранаваць {impf}
Harry {prop} (male given name) :: Гары {m}
Harvard {prop} (name) :: Гарвард {m}
harvest {n} (autumn, fall) SEE: autumn ::
harvest {n} (process of gathering the ripened crop) :: жніво {n}, жніва {f}
harvest {n} (yield of harvesting) :: ураджай {m}
Haryana {prop} (state) :: Хар'яна {f}
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan {prop} (Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan) :: Іарданскае Хашыміцкае Каралеўства {n}
hashish {n} (marijuana generally) SEE: cannabis ::
hashish {n} (dried leaves of the Indian hemp plant) :: гашыш {m}
hasta la vista {phrase} (see you later) SEE: see you later ::
hat {n} (a head covering) :: капялюш {m}, шапка {f}
hate {v} (to dislike intensely) :: ненавідзець {impf}
hate {n} (hatred) SEE: hatred ::
hatred {n} (strong aversion) :: нянавісць {f}
haughty {adj} (disdainful, supercilious; in demeanour conveying the assumption of superiority) :: заразумелы, напышлівы, пагардлівы, высакамерны, пыхлівы, ганарысты, гардаваты, ганарлівы , фанабэрысты
haul {v} (to carry or transport something heavy or difficult to move) :: [abstract] вазіць {impf}, павазіць {pf}; [concrete] везці {impf}, павезці {pf}
haunt {n} (ghost) SEE: ghost ::
Hausa {prop} (language) :: хаўса {m}
Havana {prop} (capital of Cuba) :: Гавана {f}
have {v} (to possess) :: мець {impf}, usually expressed with expressions: [] - I have, [] - you have , etc. See у
have {v} (must) SEE: have to ::
have one's eye on {v} (watch) SEE: watch ::
have sex {v} (take part in a sexual act) :: займацца сэксам {impf}, займацца каханнем {impf}
have to {v} (obligation) :: мусіць, [predicative] павінен {m}, павінна {f} {n}, павінны {p}
Hawaii {prop} (state of the United States) :: Гаваі {p}
Hawaiian {n} (Hawaiian language) :: гавайская мова {f}, гавайская {f}
hawk {n} (predatory bird of Accipitridae) :: ястраб {m}
hawker {n} (peddler) SEE: peddler ::
hawksbeard {n} (Crepis gen. et spp.) :: зубнік {m}
hay {n} (grass cut and dried for use as animal fodder) :: сена {n}
haya {n} (beech) SEE: beech ::
haystack {n} (a mound, pile, or stack of stored hay) :: стог {m}, стог сена {m}, капа {f}
hazard {n} (chance) SEE: chance ::
he {pron} (personal pronoun "he") :: ён
head {v} (to be in command of) :: узначальваць {impf}, ачольваць {impf}
head {n} (antler of a deer) SEE: antler ::
head {n} (bow of a vessel) SEE: bow ::
head {n} (headache) SEE: headache ::
head {v} (to behead) SEE: behead ::
head {n} (part of the body) :: галава {f}
headache {n} (pain or ache in the head) :: галаўны боль {m}
headlight {n} (bright light in front of vehicle) :: фара {f}
head man {n} (leader of a village) :: стараста {m}
head of household {n} (household role) :: галава сям'і {f}
head of state {n} (the chief public representative of a nation) :: кіраўнік дзяржавы {m}
headphones {n} (pair of speakers worn over or in the ears so only the wearer can hear the sound) :: навушнікі {f-p}
headpiece {n} (helmet) SEE: helmet ::
headquarters {n} (the military installation) :: штаб {m}, штаб-кватэра {f}
headscarf {n} (piece of material worn over the head) :: хустка {f}
heal {v} (make better) :: лячыць {impf}, вылечыць {pf}
health {n} (state of being free of physical or psychological disease, illness, or malfunction) :: здароўе {n}
health {n} (physical condition) :: здароўе {n}
health care {n} (prevention, treatment, and management of illnesses) :: ахова здароўя {f}
healthcare {n} (health care) SEE: health care ::
healthy {adj} (enjoying health and vigor of body, mind, or spirit: well) :: здаровы
healthy {adj} (conducive to health) :: здаровы
hear {v} (to perceive sounds through the ear) :: чуць {impf}
hear {v} (to perceive with the ear) :: чуць {impf}, учуць {pf}, ўчуць {pf}
hearing {n} (sense) :: слух {m}
heart {n} (an organ) :: сэрца {n}
heart attack {n} (death) SEE: death ::
heart attack {n} (failure) SEE: failure ::
heart attack {n} (acute myocardial infarction) :: сардэчны прыступ {m}, інфаркт міякарда {m}, інфаркт {m}
hearth {n} (floor of fireplace) :: ачаг {m}, гарно {n}
hearts {n} (plural of "heart") SEE: heart ::
heat {n} (heating system) SEE: heating ::
heath {n} (type of land) :: пустка {f}, пустэча {f}
heating {n} (system) :: ацяпленне {n}
heavenly {adj} (pertaining to heaven) :: нябесны
heavens {n} (the sky) :: нябёсы {n-p}
heavy {adj} (having great weight) :: цяжкі, цяжкі́, важкі
hebdomad {n} (period of seven days) SEE: week ::
Hebrew {n} (language, see also: Biblical Hebrew) :: іўрыт {m}
Hector {prop} (Trojan hero) :: Гектар {m}
hedge garlic {n} (Alliaria petiolata) SEE: garlic mustard ::
hedgehog {n} (animal) :: вожык {m}
heel {n} (anatomy: part of the foot) :: пятка {f}
heel {n} (part of shoe) :: абцас {m}
he-goat {n} (billy goat) SEE: billy goat ::
height {n} (distance from bottom to top) :: вышыня {f}, высачыня {f}
Heijō {prop} (Pyongyang) SEE: Pyongyang ::
Heilongjiang {prop} (Amur) SEE: Amur ::
Heine {prop} (surname of German-speakers) :: Гейнэ, Гайнэ
heir {n} (one who inherits, or is designated to inherit, the property of another) :: наследнік {m}, наследніца {f}
helicopter {n} (aircraft) :: верталёт {m}
helium {n} (chemical element) :: гелій {m}
hell {prop} (abode for the condemned) :: ад {m}, пекла {n}
Hellenic Republic {prop} (official name of Greece) :: Грэчаская Рэспубліка {f}
hello {interj} (greeting) :: прывет, здароў [colloquial], добры дзень
hello {interj} (when answering the telephone) :: алё
hello {interj} (is anyone there?) :: гэй
hello {interj} (expression of puzzlement) :: але
hellspawn {n} (monster) SEE: monster ::
helm {n} (steering apparatus of a ship) :: штурвал {m}, стырно {n}
helmet {n} (protective head covering) :: шалом {m}, каска {f}
helot {n} (serf, slave) SEE: slave ::
help {n} (action given to provide assistance) :: дапамога {f}
help {n} (person or persons who provides assistance with some task) :: памочнік {m}, памочніца {f}, памоцнік {m}, памоцніца {f}
help {v} (transitive: provide assistance to (someone or something)) :: памагаць {impf}, памагчы {pf}; дапамагаць {impf}, дапамагчы {pf}
help {interj} (cry of distress) :: ратуйце!, дапамажыце!, на дапамогу!
helper {n} (one who helps) :: памочнік {m}, памочніца {f}
Helsinki {prop} (the capital city of Finland) :: Хельсінкі {m}
hematology {n} (study of blood and related organs) SEE: haematology ::
hemisphere {n} (half of the Earth) :: паўшар'е {n}, паўкуля {f}
hemlock {n} (poisonous plant of genus Conium) :: балігалоў {m}, омег {m}, амежнік {m}
hemp {n} (Cannabis sativa) :: каноплі {p}
hen {n} (female chicken) :: курыца {f}
henbane {n} (Hyoscyamus niger) :: блёкат {m}
henceforward {adv} (from now on) SEE: from now on ::
hentai {n} (a work of anime that contains sexual art (esp. manga or anime)) :: хэнтай {m}, хентай {m}
hepatic {adj} (relating to the liver) :: пячоначны
her {determiner} (belonging to) :: яе, [common, colloquial] ейны, [own, generic] свой
heraldry {n} (the profession of devising and blazoning arms) :: геральдыка {f}
herbalism {n} ((obsolete) botany) SEE: botany ::
herbarium {n} (collection of dried plants) :: гербарый {m}
herd {n} (a number of domestic animals assembled together under the watch or ownership of a keeper) :: стада {n}
herd {n} (any collection of animals gathered or travelling in a company) :: статак {m}, чарада {f}, гурт {m}, стада {n}, табун {m}
herdsman {n} (a person who tends livestock, especially cows and sheep) :: пастух {m}
here {adv} (in, on, or at this place) :: тут
here {adv} (to this place) :: сюды
here {n} :: тут
hereafter {adv} (from now on) SEE: from now on ::
heresy {n} (dissension from religious dogma) :: ерась {f}
heretic {n} (someone who believes contrary to fundamentals) :: ерэтык {m}
here you are {phrase} (said when handing something over) :: калі ласка, прашу
hermeneutics {n} (art and science of text interpretation) :: герменеўтыка {f}
hermit {n} (religious recluse; eremite) :: пустэльнік {m}
hero {n} (person of great bravery) :: герой {m}, гераіня {f}
Herod {prop} (king) :: Ірад {m}
heroine {n} (female hero) :: гераіня {f}
heron {n} (bird) :: чапля {f}
herring {n} (fish in Clupea) :: селядзец {m}
hers {pron} (that which belongs to her) :: яе
herself {pron} ((reflexive object) her) :: сябе [accusative, genitive], сабе [dative, locative], сабой [instrumental]; -цца [verb ending]
herself {pron} ((as intensifier) she) :: яна сама {f}
hertz {n} (the derived unit of frequency) :: гэрц {m}
Herzeg-Bosnia {prop} (country on the Balkan peninsula) :: Герцаг-Боснія {f}
Herzegovina {prop} (Southern wedge of the country of Bosnia and Herzegovina) :: Герцагавіна {f}
hesitate {v} (to stop or pause respecting decision or action) :: хістацца {impf}, вагацца {impf}
hetman {n} (a historical military commander in various Eastern European countries) :: гетман {m}
hew {v} (to chop away at; to whittle down; to mow down) :: рубаць {impf}, сячы {impf}
hex {v} (to put a hex on) :: зачароўваць {impf}, зачараваць {pf}
hexapod {n} (insect) SEE: insect ::
hey {interj} (exclamation to get attention) :: гэй, эй
hi {interj} (friendly, informal greeting) :: прывет, здароў
hibernal {adj} (of or pertaining to winter) :: зімовы, зімні
hiccough {n} (hiccup) SEE: hiccup ::
hiccough {v} (hiccup) SEE: hiccup ::
hiccup {n} (spasm of the diaphragm) :: ікаўка {f}
hiccup {v} (to hiccup) :: ікаць {impf}
hick {v} (hiccup) SEE: hiccup ::
hide {v} ((transitive)) :: хаваць {impf}, схаваць {pf}, скрываць {impf}, скрыць {pf}, утойваць {impf}, таіць {impf}, утаіць {pf}
hide {v} ((intransitive)) :: хавацца {impf}, схавацца {pf}, скрывацца {impf}, скрыцца {pf}
hide and go seek {n} (hide and seek) SEE: hide and seek ::
hide and seek {n} (game) :: хованкі {f-p}
hierarchy {n} (body of authoritative officials organised by rank) :: іерархія {f}
hierarchy {n} (class of objects) :: іерархія {f}
hieroglyph {n} (element of ideographic writing system) :: іерогліф {m}, герогліф {m} [taraškievica]
high {adj} (elevated; tall) :: высокі
highland {n} (mountainous land) :: сугор'е {n}, узвышша {n}
highland {adj} (relating to highlands) :: горны
highlander {n} (inhabitant of highlands) :: горець {m}
Highlander {n} (highlander) SEE: highlander ::
high-priced {adj} (expensive) SEE: expensive ::
high road {n} (main road or highway) SEE: highway ::
high street {n} (the main street of any town) :: галоўная вуліца {f}
hight {v} (call) SEE: call ::
hight {v} (be called) :: называцца {impf}
high tide {n} (the natural tide at its highest level) :: прыліў {m}
highway {n} (main public road) :: шаса {f}, шаша {f}, саша {f}, шоса {f}, магістраль {f}, аўтамагістраль {f}
hijab {n} (headscarf) :: хіджаб {m}
Hijra {n} (Muhammad's departure from Mecca) :: гіджра {f}
hike {n} (a long walk) :: паход {m}, экскурсія {f}
hilarious {adj} (very funny; causing great merriment and laughter) :: смешны, фацэтны [colloquial]
hill {n} (elevated location) :: пагорак {m}, горка {f}
him {pron} (dative / indirect object) :: яму
him {pron} (accusative / direct object) :: яго
him {pron} (himself) SEE: himself ::
him {pron} (he) SEE: he ::
himself {pron} ((reflexive) male person as the previously mentioned object) :: сябе [accusative, genitive], сабе [dative, locative], сабой [instrumental]; -цца [verb ending]
himself {pron} ((emphatic, exclusive) he) :: ён сам {m}
hindbrain {n} (hindbrain) :: задні мозг
Hindi {n} (language) :: хіндзі {m}
Hinduism {prop} (religion) :: індуізм {m}
Hindustan {prop} (northern region of India) :: Індастан {m}
Hindustan {prop} (alternative name for India, see also: India) :: Індастан {m}
hip {n} (joint) :: сцягно {n}, бядро {n}
hippopotamus {n} (large African mammal) :: бегемот {m}, гіпапатам {m}
hiragana {n} (Japanese syllabary) :: хірагана {f}, хірагана {f}
hire {v} (to obtain the services of in return for fixed payment) :: браць напракат {impf}, узяць напракат {pf}, наймаць {impf}, наняць {pf}
hire {v} (to employ) :: наймаць {impf}, наняць {pf}
his {determiner} (attributive: belonging to him) :: яго, [common, colloquial] ягоны, [own, generic] свой
historian {n} (writer of history) :: гісторык {m}
historian {n} (person who studies history) :: гісторык {m}
historic {adj} (historical) SEE: historical ::
historical {adj} (pertaining to history) :: гістарычны
historiography {n} :: гістарыяграфія {f}
history {n} (aggregate of past events) :: гісторыя {f}
history {n} (branch of knowledge that studies the past) :: гісторыя {f}
hit {v} (to give a blow) :: біць {impf}, пабіць {pf}; удараць {impf}, ўдараць {impf}, ударыць {pf}, ўдарыць {pf}
hit {v} (to hit) SEE: strike ::
hither {adv} (to here) :: сюды
Hitler {prop} (Austrian surname held by Adolf Hitler) :: Гітлер {m}
HIV {n} (human immunodeficiency virus) :: ВІЧ
hive {n} (structure for housing a swarm of honeybees) SEE: beehive ::
hoarsely {adv} :: хрыпла
hobby {n} (activity done for enjoyment in spare time) :: хобі {n}
Ho Chi Minh {prop} (Ho Chi Minh City) SEE: Ho Chi Minh City ::
Ho Chi Minh City {prop} (largest city of Vietnam) :: Хашымін {m}
hockey {n} (the sport) :: хакей {m}
hockey puck {n} (puck used in hockey) :: шайба {f}
hockey stick {n} (instrument used in ice hockey) :: клюшка {f}
hocus-pocus {interj} (a phrase used as a magical incantation) :: фокус-покус {m}
hodja {n} (a Muslim schoolmaster) :: хаджа {m}
hoe {n} (agricultural tool) :: матыка {f}
hog {n} (animal of the family Suidae) :: свіння {f}
hoglet {n} (a baby hedgehog) :: важаня {n}, важанё {n}, важычаня {n}, важычанё {n}, важычанятка {n}
Hogwarts {prop} (fictional school for learning magic) :: Хогвартс
hogweed {n} (umbelliferous plant) :: баршчэўнік {m}
hoi polloi {n} (elite) SEE: elite ::
Hokkaido {prop} (a northern largest island of Japan, or a prefecture based in itself) :: Хакайда
hold {v} (to grasp) :: трымаць {impf}
hold {n} (cargo area) :: трум {m}
hole {n} (pit) SEE: pit ::
hole {n} (hollow in some surface) :: дзірка {f}
holiday {n} (day on which a festival etc. is traditionally observed) :: свята {n}, празнік {m}
holiday {n} (period of one or more days taken off work for leisure and often travel) :: водпуск {m}
holiday {n} (period during which pupils do not attend school) :: канікулы {f-p}, вакацыя {f}
Holland {prop} (region of the Netherlands, see also: Netherlands) :: Галандыя {f}
hollow {n} (hollow in some surface) SEE: hole ::
hollow {adj} (having an empty space inside) :: полы, пусты
Hollywood {prop} (area of Los Angeles) :: Галівуд {m}, Халівуд {m}
Hollywood {prop} (the American motion picture industry) :: Галівуд {m}
holmium {n} (chemical element) :: гольмій {m}
Holocaust {prop} (the mass murder of 6 million Jews by Nazi Germany) :: Халакост
Holocaust {prop} :: Галакост {m}
Holodomor {prop} (1932–33 famine in Ukraine) :: Галадамор {m}
holster {n} (case for carrying a gun) :: кабура {f}, похва {f}
holy {adj} (dedicated to a religious purpose) :: святы, свяшчэнны
holy {adj} (revered in a religion) :: святы, свяшчэнны
Holy Ghost {prop} (aspect of the Holy Trinity) SEE: Holy Spirit ::
Holy Roman Empire {prop} (state) :: Свяшчэнная Рымская імперыя {f}
Holy See {prop} (episcopal see of the Catholic Church) :: Святы Прастол {m}
Holy Spirit {prop} (Christian: aspect of the Holy Trinity) :: Святы Дух {m}
home {n} (house or structure in which someone lives) :: дом {m}
home {n} (someone’s native land) :: радзіма {f}
home {adv} (at home) :: дома
home {adv} (homewards) :: дадому
Homel {prop} (Gomel) SEE: Gomel ::
homeland {n} (country which one regards as home) :: радзіма {f}, айчына {f}, бацькаўшчына {f}
Homer {prop} (Ancient Greek poet) :: Гамер {m}
home school {n} (boarding school) SEE: boarding school ::
homestead {n} (place that is one's home) :: сядзіба {f}
hometown {n} (place of birth or residence) :: родны горад {m}
homeward {adv} (towards home) :: дадому
homewards {adj} (leading toward home) :: дадому
homework {n} (work that is done at home) :: хатняе заданне {n}, хатняя праца {f}
homoerotic {adj} (homosexual) SEE: homosexual ::
homophobia {n} (fear, dislike, or hate of homosexuals) :: гамафобія {f}
homosexual {adj} (sexually attracted solely or primarily to the same sex) :: гамасексуальны, гомасексуальны
homosexual {n} (person who is attracted solely or primarily to others of the same sex) :: гамасэксуаліст {m}, гей {m}, лесбіянка {f} [lesbian]
homosexuality {n} (sexual orientation) :: гомасексуалізм {m}, гомасэксуалізм {m}, гомасексуальнасць {f}, гомасэксуальнасьць {f}
Honduras {prop} (a country in Central America) :: Гандурас {m}
honest {adj} (scrupulous with regard to telling the truth) :: сумленны, праўдзівы, шчыры
honestly {adv} (in an honest manner) :: чэсна
honesty {n} (quality of being honest) :: сумленнасць {f}
honey {n} (sweet substance produced by bees) :: мёд {m}
honey badger {n} (Mellivora capensis) :: медаед {m}
honeybadger {n} (honey badger) SEE: honey badger ::
honeycomb {n} (structure of cells made by bees) :: соты {m-p}
honeycomb stomach {n} (reticulum) SEE: reticulum ::
honeymoon {n} (period of time immediately following a marriage) :: мядовы месяц {m}
honeysuckle {n} (plant) :: бружмель {f}
Hong Kong {prop} (coastal administrative region in south-east China) :: Ганконг {m}, Сянган {m}
honor {n} (recognition of importance or spiritual value; respect) :: гонар {m}, чэсць {f}
honor {n} (favourable reputation; dignity; sense of self-worth) :: гонар {m}, чэсць {f}
honor {n} (token of praise or respect) :: гонар {m}, чэсць {f}
honorarium {n} (compensation for services) :: ганарар {m}
honour {n} (honour) SEE: honor ::
honour {v} (honour) SEE: honor ::
hood {n} (headwear) :: капюшон {m}
hood {n} (car engine cover) :: капот {m}
hooded crow {n} (Corvus cornix) :: шэрая варона {f}
hoodiecrow {n} (hooded crow) SEE: hooded crow ::
hoof {n} (tip of a toe of ungulates) :: капыт {m}
hook {n} (rod bent into a curved shape) :: крук {m}, кручок {m}
hook {v} (to steal) SEE: steal ::
hook {n} (fishhook) SEE: fishhook ::
hooker {n} (prostitute) SEE: whore ::
hooligan {n} (person that causes trouble or violence) :: хуліган {m}, хуліганка {f}
hoop {n} (circular band of metal used to bind a barrel) :: абруч {m}
hoopoe {n} (bird Upupa epops) :: удод {m}
hooter {n} (slang: penis) SEE: dick ::
hooter {n} (owl) SEE: owl ::
hoover {n} (vacuum cleaner) SEE: vacuum cleaner ::
hope {v} (to want something to happen, with expectation that it might) :: спадзявацца {impf}, паспадзявацца {pf}
hope {n} (belief that something wished for can happen) :: надзея {f}, надзёжа {f} [colloquial]
hope {n} (person or thing that is a source of hope) :: надзея {f}
hopeless {adj} (desperate) SEE: desperate ::
horde {n} (wandering troop or gang) :: арда {f}
hordeolum {n} (infection) SEE: stye ::
horilka {n} (Ukrainian vodka) :: гарэлка {f}
horizon {n} (line that appears to separate the Earth from the sky) :: гарызонт {m}
horizontal {adj} (parallel to the plane of the horizon) :: гарызантальны, паземны
Horlivka {prop} (city) :: Горлаўка {f}
horn {n} (antler) SEE: antler ::
horn {n} (growth on the heads of certain animals) :: рог {m}
hornbeam {n} (tree of Carpinus) :: граб {m}
horned {adj} (having horns) :: рагаты
hornet {n} (a large wasp, of the genus Vespa, with a brown-and-yellow-striped body) :: шэршань {m}
Horn of Africa {prop} (peninsula in East Africa) :: Афрыканскі Рог {m}
horrible {adj} (causing horror, terrible) :: жахлівы {m}
horror {n} (intense distressing fear or repugnance) :: жах {m}, страх {m}
horror movie {n} (motion picture which horrifies or frightens) :: фільм жахаў {m}
horse {n} (members of the species Equus ferus) :: конь {m}
horsecollar {n} (a bitless headpiece) :: хамут {m}
horsefly {n} (fly of the family Tabanidae) :: сляпень {m}
horseling {n} (foal) SEE: foal ::
horseling {n} (pony) SEE: pony ::
horsepower {n} (non-metric) :: конская сіла {f}
horsepower {n} (metric) :: конская сіла {f}
horseradish {n} (plant) :: хрэн {m}
horseradish {n} (condiment) :: хрэн {m}
horseshoe {n} (metallic shoe of a horse) :: падкова {f}
hose {n} (flexible tube) :: шланг {m}
hospitable {adj} (cordial and generous towards guests) :: гасцінны
hospital {n} (large medical facility) :: бальніца {f}, шпіталь {m}, лякарня {f}
host {n} (person who receives or entertains a guest) :: гаспадар {m}, гаспадарка {f}
hostage {n} (person given as a pledge or security) :: заложнік {m}, заложніца {f}, закладнік {m}, закладніца {f}
hostel {n} (a temporary refuge for the homeless providing a bed and sometimes food) :: прытулак {m}, начлежка {f}, прыют {m}
hostile {adj} (belonging or appropriate to an enemy) :: варожы, варожы, воражы
hostile {adj} (antagonistic) :: варожы
hot {adj} (having a high temperature) :: гарачы
hot {adj} (of the weather) :: гарачы, жаркі, спякотны
hot {adj} (spicy) :: востры
hot dog {n} (frankfurter in a bun) :: хот-дог {m}
hotel {n} (establishment providing accommodation) :: гатэль {m}, гасцініца {f}
hothouse {n} (brothel) SEE: brothel ::
hotline {n} (telephone line that is able to give immediate assistance) :: гарачая лінія {f}
hour {n} (time period of sixty minutes) :: гадзіна {f}
-hour-old {suffix} (suffix used to indicate the age of something or someone, in terms of hours) :: -гадзінны
house {n} (bingo) SEE: bingo ::
house {n} (genre of music) SEE: house music ::
house {n} (human abode) :: дом {m}, хата {f}
house {n} (debating chamber for government politicians) :: палата {f}
house music {n} (type of electronic dance music with an uptempo beat and recurring kickdrum) :: гаўс
house of ill fame {n} (brothel) SEE: brothel ::
House of Representatives {prop} (lower house of parliament) :: палата прадстаўнікоў {f}
house sparrow {n} (Passer domesticus) :: верабей {m}
housewarming {n} (party) :: наваселле {n}
housewife {n} (female head of household) :: хатняя гаспадыня {f}
hoverfly {n} (fly in the family Syrphidae) :: журчалка {f}
how {adv} (to what degree) :: як
how {adv} (in what manner) :: як
how are you {phrase} (greeting) :: як справы?, як пажываеш? [informal], як пажываеце? [formal or plural]
howdy {interj} (hi) SEE: hi ::
howdy doody {interj} (hi) SEE: hi ::
however {adv} (nevertheless) :: аднак, тым не менш
howl {v} (To utter a loud, protracted, mournful sound or cry, as dogs and wolves often do) :: выць
how many {determiner} (what number) :: колькі
how much {determiner} (what quantity) :: колькі
how much {determiner} (what is the cost/price?) :: колькі гэта каштуе
how much does it cost {phrase} (how much is it?) :: колькі гэта каштуе?
how much is it {phrase} (how much does it cost) SEE: how much does it cost ::
how old are you {phrase} (what is your age in years) :: колькі вам гадоў? [formal], колькі табе гадоў? [informal]
how's it going {phrase} (how's it going? - informal greetings) :: як справы?
Hrodna {prop} (Grodno) SEE: Grodno ::
hryvnia {n} (Ukrainian currency) :: грыўна {f}
Hsin-chiang {prop} (Xinjiang) SEE: Xinjiang ::
huckster {n} (peddler) SEE: peddler ::
Huelva {prop} (city and province in Andalusia, Spain) :: Уэльва {f}
hug {n} (affectionate embrace) :: абдымкі {p}, абдымак {m}
hug {v} (embrace) :: абдымаць {impf}, абняць {pf}
huge {adj} (very large) :: вялізны, велічэзны, вялізарны, аграмадны
hull {n} (frame of a ship or plane) :: корпус {m}
human {adj} (of or belonging to the species Homo sapiens) :: чалавечы, людскі
human {adj} :: чалавечы, людскі
human being {n} (a human being) SEE: human ::
human being {n} (person) :: чалавек {m}, людзі {p} [plural]
humanity {n} (human beings as a group) :: чалавецтва {n}
humankind {n} (human race) SEE: mankind ::
humankind {n} (the human race) :: чалавецтва {n}
human race {n} (the human race) SEE: humankind ::
human rights {n} (basic rights and freedoms that all humans should be guaranteed) :: правы чалавека {n-p}
humble {adj} (near the ground) :: нізкі {m}
humble {adj} (thinking lowly of oneself) :: сціплы, скромны
humid {adj} (slightly wet) :: вільготны
humidity {n} (dampness, especially that of the air) :: вільготнасць {f}
humiliation {n} (the act of humiliating or humbling someone; abasement of pride; mortification) :: прыніжэнне {n}
humiliation {n} (the state of being humiliated, humbled or reduced to lowliness or submission) :: прыніжэнне {n}
humility {n} (characteristic of being humble) :: пакорлівасць {f}, пакорнасць {f}, скромнасць {f}
hummingbird {n} (any of various small American birds in the family Trochilidae) :: калібры {m}
humorist {n} (writer of humor) :: гумарыст {m}, гумарыстка {f}
humour {n} (something funny) :: гумар {m}
hump {n} (deformity of the human back) :: горб {m}
hump {n} (rounded fleshy mass as in camel's back) :: горб {m}
Hun {n} (German) SEE: German ::
Hun {n} (derogatory: German) SEE: Fritz ::
hundred {num} (cardinal number 100) :: сто
hundredth {adj} (ordinal of 100, see also: 100th) :: сотый
Hungarian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Hungary) :: венгерскі, мадзярскі, вугорскі, угорскі
Hungarian {n} (person from Hungary) :: венгр {m}, венгерац {m}, венгерка {f}, вугорац {m}, вугорка {f}, мадзяр {m}, мадзярка {f}
Hungarian {n} (the language) :: венгерская мова {f}, вугорская мова {f}
Hungary {prop} (the country) :: Венгрыя {f}, Вугоршчына {f}
hunger {n} (need for food) :: голад {m}
hunger strike {n} (a fast undertaken as a means of protest) :: галадоўка {f}
hungry {adj} (affected by hunger; desirous of food) :: галодны
hunt {v} (to chase down prey) :: паляваць {impf}
hunt {n} (the act of hunting, shooting) :: паляванне {n}
hunter {n} (person who hunts game) :: паляўнічы {m}, мыслівы {m} [regional], мысліўца {m} [dated]
hurdy-gurdy {n} (barrel organ) SEE: barrel organ ::
hurrah {interj} (expressing approval, appreciation, or happiness) :: ура, слава
hurricane {n} (weather phenomenon) :: ураган {m}
hurry {v} (to do things quickly) :: спяшацца {impf}
hurt {v} (to be painful) :: балець {impf}, хварэць {impf}
hurt {v} (to cause physical pain and/or injury) :: раніць {impf}, параніць {pf}
husband {n} (male partner in marriage) :: муж {m}, сужэнец {m}
Hussite {n} (follower) :: гусіт {m}
hussy {n} ((obsolete) a housewife or housekeeper) SEE: housewife ::
hustler {n} (prostitute) SEE: prostitute ::
hut {n} (small wooden shed) :: хаціна
hut {n} (primitive dwelling) :: хаціна
hutong {n} (lane) SEE: lane ::
hutong {n} (alley) SEE: alley ::
hybrid {n} (biology: offspring resulting from crossbreeding) :: гібрыд {m}
hybrid warfare {n} (warfare that blends conventional warfare and irregular warfare) :: гібрыдная вайна {f}
Hyde Park {prop} (name of a park) :: Гайд-парк {m}
Hydra {prop} (one of Pluto's moons) :: Гідра
hydrocephalus {n} (skull enlargement due to fluid) :: гідрацэфалія {f}
hydrogen {n} (chemical element) :: вадарод {m}
hyena {n} (mammal) :: гіена {f}
hygiene {n} (conditions and practices that promote and preserve health) :: гігіена {f}
hygrometer {n} (instrument that measures humidity) :: гігрометр {m}
hymn {n} (a song of praise or worship) :: гімн {m}
hyperbola {n} (geometric curve) :: гіпербала {f}
hyperlink {n} (link from one electronic document to another) :: гіперспасылка {f}, лінк {m}, спасылка {f}
hyphen {n} (symbol used to join words or to indicate a word has been split) :: злучок {m}
hypocrite {n} (person practising hypocrisy) :: крывадушнік {m}, крывадушніца {f}
hypostasis {n} (essential person, the single person of Christ) :: іпастась {f}
hypothalamus {n} (a region of the brain, below the thalamus) :: гіпаталамус {m}
hypothesis {n} (tentative conjecture in science) :: гіпотэза {f}, прыпушчэнне {n}
hypothesis {n} (assumption taken to be true) :: прыпушчэнне {n}
hypothetical {adj} (based upon a hypothesis) :: гіпатэтычны
hysteria {n} (behavior exhibiting excessive or uncontrollable emotion) :: істэрыя {f}
I {pron} (personal pronoun) :: я
I am {interj} (I'm) SEE: I'm ::
I am blind {phrase} (I'm blind) SEE: I'm blind ::
I am English {phrase} (I am English) :: я англік {m}, я англійка {f}
I am hungry {phrase} (I'm hungry) SEE: I'm hungry ::
I am thirsty {phrase} (I'm thirsty) SEE: I'm thirsty ::
I am tired {phrase} (I'm tired) SEE: I'm tired ::
I am twenty years old {phrase} (I'm twenty years old) SEE: I'm twenty years old ::
I am ... year(s) old {phrase} (I'm ... year(s) old) SEE: I'm ... year(s) old ::
Ian {prop} (male given name) :: Ян {m}
Iberian Peninsula {prop} (peninsula) :: Пірэнейскі паўвостраў
ibex {n} (type of wild mountain goat) :: горны альпійскі казел {m}
Ibiza {prop} (island) :: Івіса {f}
Iblis {prop} ((Islam) Satan; the Devil) :: ібліс {m}
ice {n} (diamond) SEE: diamond ::
ice {n} (water in frozen form) :: лёд {m}
ice bear {n} (polar bear) SEE: polar bear ::
iceberg {n} (huge mass of floating ice) :: айсберг {m}, лёдагор {m}
icebox {n} (refrigerator) SEE: refrigerator ::
icebreaker {n} (ship designed to break through ice) :: ледакол {m}
ice cream {n} (dessert) :: марозіва {n}, марожанае {n}
ice floe {n} (floe) SEE: floe ::
Iceland {prop} (country in Europe) :: Ісландыя {f}
Icelandic {n} (language) :: ісландская мова, ісландская
Icelandic {adj} (of or relating to the Icelandic language) :: ісландскі
Icelandic {adj} (of or relating to the natives or inhabitants of Iceland) :: ісландскі
Icelandic {adj} (of or relating to Iceland) :: ісландскі
Icelandic Sheepdog {n} (Icelandic Sheepdog) :: ісландскі аўчарка {m}
Icelandish {prop} (Icelandic) SEE: Icelandic ::
Icelandish {adj} (Icelandic) SEE: Icelandic ::
ichthyology {n} (branch of zoology devoted to the study of fish) :: іхтыялогія {f}
icicle {n} (a spear-shape of ice) :: лядзяш {m}, лядзяк {m}, сусолка {f}, сапель {m}
icon {n} (religious painting) :: ікона {f}
iconostasis {n} (a wall of icons) :: іканастас {m}
ID {n} (identification or identity documentation) SEE: ID card ::
ID card {n} (card or badge showing the official identity of the wearer) :: пасведчанне асобы {n}, пасведчанне {n}
idea {n} (an image of an object that is formed in the mind or recalled by the memory) :: ідэя {f}, думка {f}
ideal {n} (perfect standard of beauty, intellect etc.) :: ідэал {m}
identify {v} (to establish the identity of someone or something) :: апазнаваць {impf}, апазнаць {pf}
identity card {n} (a card showing one's identity) SEE: ID card ::
idiom {n} (idiomatic expression) :: ідыёма {f}
idiot {n} (person of low general intelligence) :: дурань {m}, ідыёт {m}, ідыётка {f}
I'd like to know {phrase} (phrase) :: я хацеў бы ведаць {m}, я хацела б ведаць
idol {n} (representation of anything revered) :: ідал {m}, бажок {m}, боства {n}
idol {n} (cultural icon, especially popular person) :: ідал {m}, кумір {m}
I don't know {phrase} (I don’t know) :: я не ведаю, я не знаю
I don't speak English {phrase} (I don't speak English (specifically English)) :: я не размаўляю па-англійску, я не кажу па-англійску
I don't speak English {phrase} (I don't speak (fill with the name of the current foreign language)) :: я не размаўляю па-беларуску, я не кажу па-беларуску
I don't understand {phrase} (I don't understand) :: я не разумею
if {conj} (supposing that) :: калі
Ignatius {prop} (male given name) :: Ігнат
igneous rock {n} (one of the major groups of rock that makes up the crust of the Earth) :: магматычныя горныя пароды {p}
ignorance {n} (condition of being uninformed or uneducated) :: невуцтва {n}, няведанне {n}
ignore {v} (to deliberately pay no attention to) :: ігнараваць {impf} {pf}
Igor {prop} (male given name) :: Ігар {m}
iguana {n} (any of several members of the lizard family Iguanidae) :: ігуана {f}
I hate you {phrase} (expression of intense dislike) :: я цябе ненавіджу [informal], я вас ненавіджу [formal]
I have a cold {phrase} (I have a cold) :: я прастудзіўся {m}, я прастудзілася {f}
I have a question {phrase} (I have a question) :: у мяне ёсць пытанне, у мяне пытанне
I know {phrase} (response indicating agreement with prior statement before it was made) :: я ведаю, ведаю
ikra {n} (red caviar) :: ікра {f}, чырвоная ікра {f}
I like you {phrase} (I like you) :: ты мне падабаешся [informal]
Ilium {prop} (Troy) :: Іліян {m}
I live in Melbourne {phrase} (I live in Melbourne (example city)) :: я жыву ў Мельбурне [city name in the locative case]
ill {adj} (bad) SEE: bad ::
ill {adj} (in poor health, suffering from a disease) :: хворы
illegal {adj} (contrary to or forbidden by law) :: незаконны, нелегальны
illiterate {adj} (unable to read and write) :: няпісьменны, няграматны
illness {n} (an instance of a disease or poor health) :: хвароба {f}
illustrate {v} (to clarify by giving as an example) :: ілюстраваць {impf} {pf}
illustrate {v} (to add explanatory or decoratory features) :: ілюстраваць {impf} {pf}
I love you {phrase} (affirmation of affection or deep caring) :: я цябе кахаю
I love you {phrase} (affirmation of romantic feeling) :: [informal] я цябе кахаю, [formal] я вас кахаю, [informal] я цябе люблю, [formal] я вас люблю
Ilya {prop} (given name) :: Ілья
I'm {contraction} (I am) :: я ... [verb быць is not used in the present tense]
image {n} (computing: file) :: выява {f}
image {n} (characteristic as perceived by others) :: аблічча {n}
imagination {n} (image-making power of the mind) :: выабражэнне {n}, ўяўленне {n}
imagine {v} ((transitive) to form a mental image of something) :: уяўляць {impf}, уявіць {pf}
imam {n} (Muslim leader) :: імам {m}
I'm a Muslim {phrase} (I'm a Muslim) :: я мусульманін {m}, я мусульманка {f}
I'm blind {phrase} (I'm blind) :: я сляпы {m}, я сляпая {f}
imburse {v} (to save, to store up) SEE: save ::
I'm cold {phrase} (I'm cold) :: мне холадна
I'm fine {phrase} (response) :: у мяне ўсё добра
I'm hungry {phrase} (I'm hungry) :: я хачу есці, я галодны {m}, я галодная {f}
I miss you {phrase} (I miss you) :: я сумую па табе
imitate {v} (to follow as a model) :: пераймаць {impf}, імітаваць {impf}
I'm Jewish {phrase} (I'm Jewish (ethnic)) :: я яўрэй {m}, я яўрэйка {f}
I'm married {phrase} (I'm married) :: я жанаты {m}, я замужам {f}
immediate {adj} (without delay) :: неадкладны
immediate {adj} (very close) :: непасрэдны, беспасярэдні
immediately {adv} (in an immediate manner) :: неадкладна, зараз жа
immigrant {n} (person who comes to a country to settle) :: імігрант {m}, імігрантка {f}, перасяленец {m}, перасяленка {f}
immigration {n} (the act of immigrating) :: іміграцыя {f}, перасяленне {n}
imminent {adj} (about to happen, occur, or take place very soon) :: надыходзячы, немінучы [inevitable], неадхільны [inevitable], няўхільны [inevitable]
immobilize {v} (render motionless) :: імабілізаваць
immoral {adj} (not moral) :: амаральны
immortal {adj} (not susceptible to death) :: бессмяротны
immortality {n} (condition of not being susceptible to death) :: бессмяротнаць {f}
immovable property {n} (real estate) SEE: real estate ::
immurement {n} (capital punishment by entombing for life) :: замуровывание {n}
imp {n} (demonic creature) :: чарцяня {n}, чарцянё {n}, чорцік {m}, д'ябаля {n}, д'ябалё {n}
impartial {adj} (treating all parties, rivals or disputants equally) :: бесстаронні, непрадузяты
impatience {n} (quality of being impatient) :: нецярплівасць {f}
impatient {adj} (restless and intolerant of delays) :: нецярплівы
impeach {v} (to bring legal proceeding against public official) :: абвінавачваць {impf}, абвінаваціць {pf}
impeachment {n} (act of impeaching or charging a public official with misconduct) :: імпічмент {m}
imperative {adj} (grammar: of, or relating to the imperative mood) :: загадны
imperative {n} (imperative mood) SEE: imperative mood ::
imperative mood {n} (imperative mood) :: загадны лад {m}
imperceptible {adj} (not perceptible) :: непрыкметны
imperfective {adj} (related to the imperfective aspect) :: недасканалы, незакончаны
imperfective aspect {n} (feature of a verb) :: незакончанае трыванне {n}
imperium {n} (sovereignty) SEE: sovereignty ::
impersonal {adj} (lacking warmth or emotion) :: бязлікі
impersonal {adj} (grammar) :: безасабовы
implement {v} (bring about) :: выконваць {impf}, выканаць {pf}
important {adj} (having relevant and crucial value) :: важны
impossible {adj} (not able to be done) :: немагчымы, немажлівы
impostor {n} (someone who uses assumed identity) :: самазванец {m}
impoverished {adj} (with no possessions or money) SEE: poor ::
impoverishment {n} (state of being impoverished) :: абядненне {n}
I'm pregnant {phrase} (I'm pregnant) :: я цяжарная
impressed {adj} (strongly affected, especially favourably) :: ўражаны
impression {n} (overall effect of something) :: уражанне {n}
impressionist {n} (One who adheres to impressionism) :: імпрэсіяніст {m}
impressive {adj} (making, or tending to make, an impression; having power to impress) :: уражальны
imprisonment {n} (confinement) :: зняволенне {n}, пазбаўленне волі {n}
improbable {adj} (not likely to be true) :: непраўдападобны
improbable {adj} (not likely to happen) :: неверагодны
improve {v} (to make something better) :: паляпшаць {impf}, палепшыць {pf}
improve {v} (to become better) :: паляпшацца {impf}, палепшыцца {pf}
impunity {n} (freedom from punishment or retribution; security from any reprisal or injurious consequences of an action, behaviour etc.) :: беспакаранасць {f}, бяскарнасць {f}
I'm thirsty {phrase} (I need a drink) :: я хачу піць, мне хочацца піць
I'm tired {phrase} (I am tired (in need of rest or sleep)) :: я стаміўся {m}, я стамілася {f}
I'm twenty years old {phrase} (I am twenty years old) :: мне дваццаць гадоў
I must go {phrase} (I must go) :: я павінен ісці {m}, я павінна ісці {f}, я мушу ісці
I'm ... year(s) old {phrase} (I am ... year(s) old) :: мне ... гадоў [5-20, 25-30, 35-40, etc.]; мне ... гады [2-4, 22-24, 32-34, etc.]; мне ... год [1, 21, 31, etc.]
in {prep} (contained by) :: у, ў
inacceptable {adj} (unacceptable) SEE: unacceptable ::
in advance {prep} (in advance) SEE: beforehand ::
inanimate {adj} (not alive) :: нежывы, бяздушны
inanimate {adj} (in grammar) :: неадушаўлёны, нежывы
in any case {adv} (at any rate) :: у кожным разе, ва ўсякім выпадку, ва ўсякім разе, так ці іначай, так ці інакш
Inari {prop} (lake) :: Інары {n}
inattentive {adj} (not paying attention) :: няўважлівы, няўважны
inaudible {adj} (unable to be heard) :: нячутны
inauguration {n} (act of inaugurating) :: інаўгурацыя {f}
incandescent {n} (incandescent lamp) SEE: light bulb ::
incarnation {n} (incarnate being or form) :: увасабленне {n}
incest {n} (sexual relations between close relatives) :: інцэст {m}, кровазмяшэння {n}
incestuous {adj} (pertaining to or engaging in incest) :: кровазмяшальны
inch {n} (unit of length) :: дзюйм {m}, цаля {f}
incompetent {adj} (unskilled, lacking normally expected degree of ability) :: некампетэнтны
incomprehensible {adj} (impossible or very difficult to understand) :: незразумелы
inconceivable {adj} (unable to be conceived, unbelievable) :: непасціжны, невыабражальны
incontrovertible {adj} (not capable of being denied, challenged, or disputed; closed to questioning) :: неабвержны
inconvenient {adj} (not convenient) :: нязручны, невыгодны
incorrect {adj} (erroneous) :: няправільны
incredible {adj} (too implausible to be credible) :: неймаверны, неверагодны
incruental {adj} (bloodless) SEE: bloodless ::
incunabulum {n} (book, sheet or image) :: інкунабула {f}
incus {n} (anvil) SEE: anvil ::
indecent {adj} (offensive to good taste) :: непрыстойны
indefatigable {adj} (extremely persistent and untiring) :: нястомны
independence {n} (state or quality of being independent) :: незалежнасць {f}, самастойнасць {f}
independent {adj} (not dependent; not contingent or depending on something else; free) :: незалежны, самастойны
indescribable {adj} (impossible, or very difficult to describe) :: неапісальны, невыказны
index {n} (alphabetical listing of items) :: індэкс {m}
index {n} (index finger) SEE: forefinger ::
index finger {n} (index finger) SEE: forefinger ::
India {prop} (the country) :: Індыя {f}
Indian {adj} (of or pertaining to India) :: індыйскі
Indian {adj} (of, or related to, the aboriginal people of the Americas) :: індзейскі, індыйскі
Indian {n} (a person from India) :: індыец {m}, індыянка {f}
Indian {n} (individual of, or related to, the aboriginal people of the Americas) :: індзеец {m}, індыец {m}, індыянка {f}
Indianapolis {prop} (capital of the State of Indiana, USA) :: Індыянапаліс
Indian Ocean {prop} (the ocean separating Africa, southern Asia, Australia and Antarctica) :: Індыйскі акіян {m}
Indian summer {n} (stretch of warm days in autumn) :: бабіна лета
indicative mood {n} (indicative mood) :: абвесны лад {m}, абвяшчальны лад {m}
indifference {n} (the state of being indifferent) :: абыякасць {f}, абыякавасць {f}, раўнадушнасць {f}, раўнадушша {n}
indifferent {adj} (not caring) :: абыякавы, безуважны, раўнадушны
indigestion {n} (condition caused by eating too quickly) :: нястраўнасць
indignation {n} (anger aroused by some perceived offense or injustice) :: узбурэнне {n}, абурэнне {n}
indigo {adj} (colour) :: індыга
indispensable {adj} (not dispensable) :: незаменны, неабходны
indispensable {adj} (absolutely necessary) :: абавязковы
indium {n} (metallic chemical element) :: індый {m}
individual {n} (person considered alone) :: індывід {m}
individual {adj} (relating to a single person or thing) :: асобны, аддзельны, асабісты, індывідуальны
individualism {n} (moral stance) :: індывідуалізм {m}
individuality {n} (person) SEE: person ::
Indochina {prop} (part of Southeast Asia) :: Індакітай {m}
indoctrinate {v} (teach) SEE: teach ::
Indonesia {prop} (country) :: Інданезія {f}, Інданэзія {f} [Taraškievica]
Indonesian {adj} (referring to Indonesia) :: інданезійскі, інданэзійскі [Taraškievica]
Indonesian {n} (language) :: інданезійская {f}
induced abortion {n} (procedure that terminates pregnancy by removing the fetus) SEE: abortion ::
Indus {prop} (the river) :: Інд {m}
industrialization {n} (process of social and economic change) :: індустрыялізацыя {f}
industry {n} (businesses of the same type) :: прамысловасць {f}, індустрыя {f}
industry {n} (businesses that produce goods) :: прамысловасць {f}, індустрыя {f}
indweller {n} (inhabitant) SEE: inhabitant ::
I need ... {phrase} (I need ... (something)) :: мне патрэбен ... [a masculine object]
ineffable {adj} (beyond expression) :: невымоўны, невыказны
inevitable {adj} (impossible to avoid or prevent) :: няўхільны, нямінучы, непазбежны
inexistent {adj} (nonexistent) SEE: nonexistent ::
inexperienced {adj} (not experienced) :: недасведчаны, нявопытны
infallible {adj} (without fault or weakness; incapable of error or fallacy) :: бясхібны, беспахібны, непамыльны, беспамылковы
infanteer {n} (soldier) SEE: infantryman ::
infanticide {n} (the murder of an infant) :: дзетазабойства {n}
infantry {n} (soldiers who fight on foot) :: пяхота {f}
infantryman {n} (soldier who fights on foot) :: пяхотнік {m}, пехацінец {m}
infection {n} (the process of infecting) :: інфекцыя {f}, заражэнне {n}
infection {n} (uncontrolled growth of harmful microorganisms in a host) :: інфекцыя {f}, зараза {f}
infidelity {n} (unfaithfulness in marriage or other moral obligation) :: нявернасць {f}
infinite {adj} (boundless, endless) :: бясконцы, бесканечны
infinitive {n} (uninflected verb form) :: інфінітыў {m}, нявызначаная форма {f} [дзеяслова]
inflation {n} (expansion or increase in size) :: надзіманне {n}, надыманне {n}
inflation {n} (increase in the general level of prices or in the cost of living) :: інфляцыя {f}
inflorescence {n} (flower cluster) :: суквецце {n}
influence {n} (power to affect, control or manipulate) :: уплыў {m}, ўплыў {m}
influence {v} (transitive: to exert an influence upon) :: уплываць {impf}
influence {v} (intransitive: to exert influence) :: уплываць {impf}
influential {adj} (having considerable influence) :: уплывовы
influenza {n} (an acute contagious disease of the upper airways and lungs) :: грып {m}
inform {v} (to communicate knowledge to another/others (transitive)) :: паведамляць {impf}, паведаміць {pf}
informal {adj} (not formal or ceremonious) :: нефармальны, неафіцыйны
informal {adj} (language: reflecting everyday, non-ceremonious usage) :: размоўны
information {n} (communicable knowledge) :: інфармацыя {f}
in front of {prep} (at or near the front part of) :: перад
ingrate {adj} (ungrateful) SEE: ungrateful ::
Ingushetia {prop} (federal subject of Russia) :: Інгушэтыя {f}, Інгушэція {f}
inhabitant {n} (someone or thing who lives in a place) :: жыхар {m}, жыхарка {f}, насельнік {m}, насельніца {f}, жыцель {m}, жыцелька {f}
inherent {adj} (natural part or consequence) :: прыроджаны, уласцівы
inheritor {n} (heir) SEE: heir ::
inhumane {adj} (cruel and savage, not humane) :: негуманны
initiative {n} (a beginning; a first move) :: ініцыятыва {f}, пачын {m}
injury {n} (wound) SEE: wound ::
injury {n} (damage or violation) :: рана {f}, траўма {f}, пашкоджанне {f}
ink {n} (coloured fluid used for writing) :: чарніла {n}, туш {f}
ink bottle {n} (inkwell) SEE: inkwell ::
inkling {n} (desire, inclination) SEE: desire ::
inkpot {n} (inkwell) SEE: inkwell ::
inkwell {n} (container for ink) :: чарніліца {f}, каламар {m}
in-law {n} (father-in-law) SEE: father-in-law ::
in-law {n} (mother-in-law) SEE: mother-in-law ::
inn {n} (lodging) :: гасцініца {f}, карчма {f}
inner {adj} (being or occurring inside) :: унутраны
inner ear {n} (anatomy) :: унутранае вуха {n}
Inner Mongolia {prop} (autonomous region in northern China) :: Унутраная Манголія {f}
innocence {n} (absence of responsibility for a crime) :: нявіннасць {f}, невінаватасць {f}
innocent {adj} (pure, free from sin, untainted) :: нявінны, бязвінны
innocent {adj} (not legally responsible for a wrongful act) :: нявінны, невінаваты
in order {adv} (for the purpose of) SEE: in order to ::
in order to {phrase} (as a means of achieving the specified aim) :: каб
in other words {prep} (stated or interpreted another way) :: іншымі словамі, інакш кажучы
insane asylum {n} (mental hospital) SEE: mental hospital ::
in secret {prep} (secretly) SEE: secretly ::
insect {n} (arthropod of class Insecta) :: насякомае {n}, казурка {f}, вусяк {m}, гмыз {m}
inseminate {v} (to disperse or plant seds) SEE: sow ::
inseparable {adj} (unable to be separated) :: неаддзельны, неразлучны [of couples, friends, etc.]
insert {v} (put in between or into) :: устаўляць {impf}, ўстаўляць {impf}, уставіць {pf}, ўставіць {pf}; [into or on something written] упісваць {impf}, ўпісваць {impf}, упісаць {pf}, ўпісаць {pf}
inside {n} (interior or inner part) :: унутранасць, нутро {n}
inside {adj} (of or pertaining to the inner surface, limit or boundary) :: унутраны
inside {adv} (within the interior) :: усярэдзіне, унутры, унутр [where to], унутар [where to]
inside {prep} (within the interior of something, closest to the center or to a specific point of reference) :: ўнутры, ўнутр
insomnia {n} (sleeping disorder) :: бяссонніца {f}, бессань {f}
inspect {v} (examine critically, scrutinize) :: аглядаць {impf}, агледзець {pf}
inspection {n} (the act of examining something, often closely) :: інспекцыя {f}, інспэкцыя {f}, праверка {f}
instead of {prep} (in lieu of; in place of; rather than) :: замест
institute {n} (college) :: інстытут {m}
instrument {n} (tool) :: інструмент {m}
instrumental {adj} (pertaining to the instrumental case) :: творны
instrumental {n} (instrumental case) SEE: instrumental case ::
instrumental case {n} (case to express agency or means) :: творны склон {m}
insufficient {adj} (Not sufficient) :: недастатковы
insufficiently {adv} (not sufficiently) :: недастаткова
insulin {n} (polypeptide hormone) :: інсулін {m}
insult {v} (to be insensitive, insolent, or rude to (someone)) :: абражаць {impf}, абразіць {pf}
insult {n} (action or speech deliberately intended to be rude) :: абраза {f}
insurance {n} (indemnity) :: страхоўка {f}
insurance {n} (business) :: страхаванне {n}
insurrection {n} (mutiny or rebellion) :: паўстанне {n}
integral {n} (limit of sums) :: інтэграл {m}
integrity {n} (steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code) :: сумленнасць {f}
integrity {n} (state of being wholesome; unimpaired) :: цэласнасць {f}
intel {n} (intelligence) SEE: intelligence ::
intelligence {n} (capacity of mind) :: інтэлект {m}, розум {m}
intelligence {n} (a department, agency or unit designed to gather such information) :: разведка {f}
intelligent {adj} (of high or especially quick cognitive capacity, bright) :: разумны
intelligentsia {n} (intellectual élite) :: інтэлігенцыя {f}
intended {n} (fiancé) SEE: fiancé ::
intended {n} (fiancée) SEE: fiancée ::
intense {adj} (strained; tightly drawn) :: інтэнсыўны
intention {n} (course intended to follow) :: намер {m}, замер {m}
intentional {adj} (intended or planned; done deliberately or voluntarily) :: наўмысны
intercity {adj} (that connects cities one with another) :: міжгародні, міжмескі
intercontinental {adj} (between two or more continents) :: міжкантынентальны
intercourse {n} (sexual intercourse) :: палавыя зносіны {f-p}, палавы акт {m}, плоцевы акт {m}
interdiction {n} (act of interdicting or something interdicted) SEE: prohibition ::
interest {n} (finance: price of credit) :: працэнт {m}, адсотак {m}
interest {n} (great attention and concern from someone) :: цікавасць {f}
interest {v} (to attract attention or concern) :: цікавіць {impf}
interesting {adj} (arousing or holding the attention) :: цікавы
interface {n} (point of interconnection between entities) :: інтэрфейс {m}
interference {n} (act of interfering with something, or something that interferes) :: умяшанне {n}
intergovernmental {adj} (of, relating to, or involving two or more governments) :: міжурадавы
interior {adj} (having to do with the inner part of something) :: унутраны, нутраны
interjection {n} (exclamation or filled pause in grammar) :: выклічнік {m}, выгук {m}
Interlingua {prop} (interlanguage based on Romance languages) :: інтэрлінгва {f}
interlocutor {n} (A person who takes part in dialogue or conversation) :: суразмоўца {m}, размоўца {m}, субяседнік {m}
international {adj} (between, concerning, or transcending multiple nations) :: міжнародны, інтэрнацыянальны
International Court of Justice {prop} (UN court) :: Міжнародны суд {m}
Internationale {prop} (proletarian song) :: Інтэрнацыянал {m}
internationalism {n} (cooperation between nations) :: інтэрнацыяналізм {m}
International Monetary Fund {prop} (International Monetary Fund) :: Міжнародны валютны фонд {m}, МВФ {m}
International Phonetic Alphabet {prop} (standardized symbols for speech) :: міжнародны фанетычны алфавіт {m}
internet {n} (the Internet, largest global internet) SEE: Internet ::
Internet {prop} (specific internet consisting of the global network of computers) :: інтэрнэт {m}
interpret {v} (to act as an interpreter) :: [вусна] перакладаць {impf}, перакласці {pf}
interpreter {n} (one who interprets speech) :: перакладчык {m}, перакладчыца {f}, тлумач {m}, тлумачка {f}
interrogation {n} (act of interrogating or questioning) :: апытанне {n}, допыт {m}
interrogation mark {n} (question mark) SEE: question mark ::
interrogation point {n} (question mark) SEE: question mark ::
interrogative {adj} (asking or denoting a question) :: пытальны, запытальны
intersection {n} (junction of two or more paths, etc) :: скрыжаванне {n}
Interslavic {adj} (between Slavs or Slavic nations) :: міжславянскі
Interslavic {prop} (auxiliary Slavic language) :: міжславянская мова {f}
interval {n} (sports:half time) SEE: half time ::
interview {n} (conversation with journalist etc.) :: інтэрв'ю {n}
interview {n} (a formal meeting for the assessment of a candidate or applicant) :: сумоўе {n}, інтэрв'ю {n}
intestine {n} (alimentary canal) :: кішка {f}, кішэчнік {m}, чэрава {n} [dated or poetic]
in the event {conj} (if) SEE: if ::
in the future {prep} (from now on) SEE: from now on ::
in the least {prep} (at all) SEE: at all ::
inthronization {n} (enthronement) SEE: enthronement ::
into {prep} (going inside) :: у, ў, да
intolerable {adj} (not tolerable) :: нязносны, невыносны, нясцерпны
intonation {n} (the rise and fall of the voice in speaking) :: інтанацыя {f}
intransitive {adj} (of a verb, not taking a direct object) :: непераходны
intransitive verb {n} (action verb not taking a direct object, see also: neuter) :: непераходны дзеяслоў {m}
intrasexual {adj} (intrasexual) :: унутрапалавы
introduce {v} (to cause someone to be acquainted) :: прадстаўляць {impf}, прадставіць {pf}, знаёміць {impf}, пазнаёміць {pf}
intuitive {adj} (automatic, without requiring conscious thought) :: інтуітыўны, інтуіцыйны
invader {n} (one who invades; an assailant; an encroacher; an intruder) :: захопнік {m}
in vain {adv} (without success) :: дарэмна, дарма, марна
invalid {n} (sick person) :: інвалід {m}, інвалідка {f}
invasion {n} (military action) :: уварванне {n}
invent {v} (design a new process or mechanism) :: вынаходзіць {impf}, вынайсці {pf}
invention {n} (something invented) :: вынаходства {n}
inventiveness {n} (quality of being inventive) :: вынаходлівасць {f}
invert {n} (homosexual) SEE: homosexual ::
invest {v} (to clothe or wrap with garments) SEE: clothe ::
investigation {n} (the act of investigating) :: расследаванне {n}, даследаванне {n}
invincibility {n} (state or quality of being invincible) :: непераможнасць {f}
invincible {adj} (impossible to defeat, destroy or kill) :: непераможны
invisible {adj} (unable to be seen) :: нябачны {m}
invitation {n} (act of inviting) :: запрашэнне {n}
invite {v} (ask for the presence or participation of someone) :: запрашаць {impf}, запрасіць {pf}
invite {v} (encourage) SEE: encourage ::
invoice {n} (bill) :: рахунак-фактура {m}, інвойс {m}, фактура {f}, рахунак {m}
involved {adj} (complicated) SEE: complicated ::
invulnerable {adj} (incapable of being wounded) :: непаражальны
iodine {n} (element) :: ёд {m}
iotation {n} (process occurring in Slavic languages or elsewhere) :: ётаванне {n}
IPA {prop} (International Phonetic Alphabet) :: [narkomawka] МФА, [tarashkevica] МФА
iPhone {n} (device) :: айфон {m}
Iran {prop} (country in Western Asia) :: Іран {m}
Iran {prop} (Persia) SEE: Persia ::
Irani {adj} (Iranian) SEE: Iranian ::
Irani {n} (Iranian) SEE: Iranian ::
Iranian {n} (person from Iran or of Iranian descent) :: іранец {m}, іранка {f}
Iranian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Iran, the people or Iranian languages) :: іранскі
Iraq {prop} (country) :: Ірак {m}
Iraqi {n} (person from Iraq) :: іракец {m}
Ireland {prop} (island) :: Ірландыя {f}
Irene {prop} (female given name) :: Ірына {f}
iridium {n} (chemical element) :: ірыдый {m}
Irish {n} (the language) :: ірландская мова {f}, ірландская {f}
Irish {adj} (pertaining to or originating from Ireland or the Irish people) :: ірландскі
Irishman {n} (man from Ireland) :: ірландзец {m}
Irish Sea {prop} (a sea between the islands of Great Britain and Ireland) :: Ірландскае мора {n}
Irishwoman {n} (woman from Ireland) :: ірландка {f}
Irkutsk {prop} (city in Siberia) :: Іркуцк {m}
iron {n} (chemical element Fe) :: жалеза {n}
iron {n} (for pressing clothes) :: прас {m}, жалязка {n}
Iron Curtain {prop} (the dividing line between western Europe and the Soviet controlled regions) :: жалезная заслона {f}
ironsmith {n} (blacksmith) SEE: blacksmith ::
Iroquois {n} (a person belonging to an Iroquois tribe) :: іракез {m}, іракезка {f}
Irrawaddy {prop} (river that flows through Burma) :: Іравадзі
irreconcilable {adj} (unable to be reconciled; opposed; uncompromising) :: непрымірымы
irredentism {n} (an annexation doctrine) :: ірэдэнтызм {m}
irrefutable {adj} (undeniable, unable to be disproved) :: неабвержны
irregular {adj} (non-standard) :: няправільны, нестандартны
irregular {adj} (in grammar, applied to verbs) :: няправільны
irreparable {adj} (that is unable to be repaired) :: непапраўны
irreplaceable {adj} (that cannot be replaced) :: незаменны
irresponsible {adj} (lacking a sense of responsibility) :: безадказны, безадпавядальны
irreversible {adj} (incapable of being reversed) :: неабарачальны
irrigation {n} (The act or process of irrigating) :: арашэнне {n}, абвадненне {n}, ірыгацыя {f}, арашэньне {n} [taraškievica]
irritate {v} (to cause or induce displeasure or irritation) :: раздражняць {impf}
Isaac {prop} (son of Abraham and Sarah) :: Ісаак {m}
Islam {prop} (religion) :: іслам {m}, мусульманства {n}
Islamabad {prop} (the capital of Pakistan) :: Ісламабад {m}
Islamic {adj} (Adjectival form of Islam) :: ісламскі
Islamic Republic of Iran {prop} (full, official name of Iran) :: Ісламская Рэспубліка Іран {f}
Islamic Republic of Pakistan {prop} (Islamic Republic of Pakistan) :: Ісламская Рэспубліка Пакістан {f}
Islamophobia {n} (fear or hatred of Islam or Muslims) :: ісламафобія {f}
island {n} (area of land completely surrounded by water) :: востраў {m}, выспа {f}
isle {n} (isle) SEE: island ::
-ism {suffix} (a principle, belief or movement) :: -ізм {m}, -ызм {m}
isogloss {n} (line indicating geographical boundaries of a linguistic feature) :: ізаглоса
isolation {n} (state of being isolated) :: ізаляцыя {f}
isotope {n} (atoms of the same element having a different number of neutrons) :: ізатоп {m}
Israel {prop} (the state) :: Ізраіль {m}
Israeli {n} (person from Israel or of Israeli descent) :: ізраільцянін {m}, ізраільцянка {f}
Israeli {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Israel, the Israeli people) :: ізраільскі
isthmus {n} (narrow strip of land) :: перашыек {m}, пярэсмык {m}
it {pron} (subject — inanimate thing) :: яно {n}, гэта {n}
it {pron} (subject of impersonal statement) :: гэта
Italian {adj} (of or pertaining to Italy) :: італьянскі
Italian {n} (inhabitant of Italy) :: італьянец {m}, італьянка {f}
Italian {n} (language) :: італьянская мова {f}, італьянская {f}
Italian honeysuckle {n} (Lonicera caprifolium) :: капрыфоль {f}
Italianization {prop} (process of forced assimilation into the Italian culture) :: італьянізацыя {f}
Italian Republic {prop} (official name of Italy) :: Італьянская Рэспубліка {f}
Italy {prop} (European country) :: Італія {f}
itch {n} (a sensation felt on an area of the skin that causes a person or animal to want to scratch) :: свярбенне {n}, сверб {m}
itch {v} (to feel the need to scratch) :: свярбець {impf}, часацца {impf}
-ite {suffix} (used to form names of minerals and rocks) :: -ыт {m}
its {determiner} (belonging to it) :: яго {m} {n}, ягоны {m} [common, colloquial], яе {f}, свой [when referring to the subject of the sentence]
it's a pleasure {phrase} (you're welcome) SEE: you're welcome ::
itself {pron} ((reflexive) it) :: сябе, -цца [verb ending]
itself {pron} ((emphatic) it) :: яно само {n}
it's raining {phrase} (it's raining) :: дождж ідзе, ідзе дождж
it's too expensive {phrase} (it's too expensive) :: гэта занадта дорага
Ivan {prop} (male given name) :: Іван {m}
Ivano-Frankivsk {prop} (city) :: Івана-Франкоўск {m}
Ivano-Frankovsk {prop} (Ivano-Frankivsk) SEE: Ivano-Frankivsk ::
Ivanovo {prop} (city in Russia) :: Іванава {n}
I've {contraction} (I have) :: у мяне, у мяне ёсць [possession]
I've been robbed {phrase} (I've been robbed) :: мяне абрабавалі
ivory {n} (material) :: слановая косць {f}
Ivory Coast {prop} (Côte d'Ivoire) SEE: Côte d'Ivoire ::
I was born in ... {phrase} (I was born in ... (year)) :: я нарадзіўся ў ... годзе {m}, я нарадзілася ў ... годзе {f}
I was born in ... {phrase} (I was born in ... (place name)) :: я нарадзіўся ў ... {m}, я нарадзілася ў ... {f}
Izanagi {prop} (Japanese creator god) :: Ідзанакі {m}
Izhevsk {prop} (capital of Udmurtia) :: Іжэўск {m}
jack {n} (device for raising and supporting a heavy object) :: дамкрат {m}
jackal {n} (wild canine) :: шакал {m}
jackbooted {adj} (authoritarian or oppressive) SEE: authoritarian ::
jackdaw {n} (Coloeus monedula) :: каўка {f}, галка {f}
jacket {n} (piece of clothing worn on the upper body outside a shirt or blouse) :: куртка {f}
jacket {n} (piece of a person's suit) :: пінжак {m}
jackhammer {n} (portable percussive drill device) :: адбойны малаток
jack off {v} (jerk off) SEE: jerk off ::
Jackson {n} (transliterations of the surname) :: Джэксан {m}
Jackson {n} (cognates of the surname) SEE: Johnson ::
Jacob {prop} (one of the sons of Isaac and Rebecca) :: Якаў {m}
jade {n} (gem) :: нефрыт {m}, жад {m}
jaeger {n} (rifle) SEE: rifle ::
Jah {prop} (God) SEE: God ::
jail {n} (place for short-term confinement) :: турма {f}, астрог {m}
Jakarta {prop} (capital of Indonesia) :: Джакарта {f}
jalopy {n} (old, dilapidated car) :: тая калымага {f}
jam {n} (sweet mixture of fruit boiled with sugar) :: джэм {m}, варэнне {n}, мармелад {m}, павідла {n}
Jamaica {prop} (country in the Caribbean) :: Ямайка {f}
jam jar {n} (car) SEE: car ::
Jammu and Kashmir {prop} (portion of the territory which is governed by India) :: Джаму і Кашмір
janissary {n} (former Turkish soldier) :: янычар {m}
January {prop} (first month of the Gregorian calendar) :: студзень {m}
Janus {prop} (Roman god of doorways, gates and transitions) :: Янус
Japan {prop} (a country in East Asia) :: Японія {f}
Japanese {adj} (of or relating to Japan) :: японскі
Japanese {n} (person of Japan) :: японец {m}, японка {f}
Japanese {n} (Japanese language) :: японская мова {f}, японская {f}
Japanese macaque {n} (Macaca fuscata) :: японскі макак {m}
jape {n} (joke or quip) SEE: joke ::
jar {n} (small, approximately cylindrical container) :: слоік {m}, банька {f}
jargon {n} (technical terminology unique to a particular subject) :: жаргон {m}
jaundice {n} (morbid condition) :: жаўтуха {f}
Java {prop} (programming language) :: Джава {f}, Ява {f}, Java {f} /Džáva, Jáva/
jaw {n} (bone of the jaw) :: сківіца {f}, чэлюсць {f}
jay {n} (bird) :: сойка {f}
jazz {n} (musical art form) :: джаз {m}
jealous {adj} (suspecting rivalry in love; fearful of being replaced, in position or in affection) :: раўнівы
jealousy {n} (jealous attitude (e.g. fear of infidelity)) :: рэўнасць {f}, зайздрасць {f}
jealousy {n} (a resentment towards someone for a perceived advantage or superiority they hold) :: зайздрасць {f}, завісць {f}
jeans {n} (denim trousers) :: джынсы {m-p}
jeer {n} (mocking remark) :: здзек
Jehovah {prop} (transliteration of the Masoretic vocalization of the Tetragrammaton) :: Егова {m}
Jelgava {prop} (city in Latvia) :: Елгава {f}
jellyfish {n} (aquatic animal) :: медуза {f}
Jericho {prop} (city) :: Іерыхон
jerk {n} (physics: rate of change in acceleration) :: рывок {m}
jerk off {v} (to masturbate) :: драчыць {impf}
Jerry {n} (German) SEE: German ::
Jerry {n} (slang: German) SEE: Fritz ::
jerrycan {n} (pressed-steel fuel container) :: каністра
Jerusalem {prop} (city) :: Ерусалім {m}, Аль-Кудс {m} [rare, Muslim context]
jester {n} (one who jests) :: жартаўнік {m}, жартоўнік {m}
jester {n} (person who amused a medieval court) SEE: court jester ::
Jesus {prop} (the Christian Messiah) :: Ісус {m}, Езус {m}
Jesus Christ {prop} (Jesus of Nazareth) :: Ісус Хрыстос {m}
jet {n} (jet plane) SEE: jet plane ::
jet plane {n} (an airplane that is powered by a jet engine) :: рэактыўны самалёт {m}
jetty {n} (wharf) SEE: wharf ::
jetty {n} (pier) SEE: pier ::
Jew {n} (person of the Jewish faith) :: яўрэй {m}, яўрэйка {f}, габрэй {m}, габрэйка {f} [Taraškievica], іўдзей {m}, іўдзейка {f}, юдэй {m}, юдэйка {f} [Taraškievica], жыд {m}, жыдоўка {f} [now abusive]
Jew {n} (member or descendent of the Jewish people) :: яўрэй {m}, яўрэйка {f}, габрэй {m}, габрэйка {f} [Taraškievica], жыд {m}, жыдоўка {f} [now abusive]
jewel {n} (gemstone) :: каштоўны камень {m}, самацвет {m}
Jewess {n} (female Jew) :: яўрэйка {f}, габрэйка {f}, жыдоўка {f} [historical, now offensive]
Jewish {adj} (Yiddish) SEE: Yiddish ::
Jewish {adj} (of or relating to a Jew or Jews, their ethnicity, religion or culture) :: яўрэйскі, габрэйскі, жыдоўскі [may be pejorative]
Jewish Autonomous Oblast {prop} (Jewish autonomous oblast in Russia) :: Яўрэйская аўтаномная вобласць {f}
Jewry {n} (Jews in general, the Jewish population of a locale) :: яўрэйства {n}, габрэйства {n}
Jewry {n} (the land of Jews (obsolete)) SEE: Judea ::
jihad {n} (holy war undertaken by Muslims) :: джыхад {m}
jingoism {n} (chauvinism) SEE: chauvinism ::
jinn {n} (spirit) :: джын {m}
Joan of Arc {prop} :: Жанна д’Арк {f}
job {n} (task) :: работа {f}, праца {f}, заданне {n}, дзела {n}
job {n} (economic role for which a person is paid) :: работа {f}, праца {f}
jobless {adj} (lacking employment) SEE: unemployed ::
Johannesburg {prop} (a city in South Africa) :: Яганэсбург {m}, Іаганесбург {m}
John {prop} (male given name) :: Ян {m} [cognate], Іаан {m} [cognate, obsolete], Іван {m} [cognate], Джон {m} [transliteration]
Johnson {prop} (transliterations of the surname) :: Джонсан {m} {f}
John the Baptist {prop} (biblical prophet) :: Іаан Прадцеча {m}, Іаан Хрысціцель {m}
joint {adj} (done by two or more people or organisations working together) :: сумесны
joint {n} (part of the body where bones join) :: сустаў {m}, суглом {m}, сустава {f}
joint venture {n} (a cooperative business partnership) :: сумеснае прадпрыемства {n}
joke {n} (amusing story) :: жарт {m}, анекдот {m}, досціп {m}
joke {n} (something said or done for amusement) :: жарт {m}
joke {v} (do for amusement) :: жартаваць {impf}
joker {n} (jester) SEE: fool ::
Jordan {prop} (country) :: Іарданія {f}
Joseph {prop} (favorite son of Jacob) :: Іосіф {m}
Joseph {prop} (male given name) :: Іосіф, Джозэф, Юсуф
joskin {n} (yokel) SEE: country bumpkin ::
joule {n} (derived unit of energy, work and heat) :: джоуль {m}
journalism {n} (activity or profession of being a journalist) :: журналістыка {f}
journalist {n} (one whose occupation or profession is journalism) :: журналіст {m}, журналістка {f}, часапісец {m}
journalist {n} (reporter) :: рэпарцёр {m}, карэспандэнт {m}, журналіст {m}
journey {n} (trip, a voyage) :: паездка {f}, падарожжа {n}
journeyman {n} (tradesman who has served an apprenticeship) :: чаляднік
joy {n} (feeling of happiness) :: радасць {f}
Jūrmala {prop} (city in Latvia) :: Юрмала {f}
jubilee {n} (special anniversary) :: юбілей {m}
Judaism {prop} (world religion) :: іудаізм {m}
Judas {prop} (one of the Apostles) :: Іуда {m}, Юда {m}
Judas {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Іуда {m}, Юда {m}
Jude {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Ліст Іуды {m}
Judea {prop} (Judea) :: Іўдзея {f}
judge {n} (public judicial official) :: суддзя {m} {f}
judicial {adj} (of or relating to a court of law) :: судовы
jug {n} (serving vessel) :: гарлач {m}, збан {m}, жбан {m} [with a lid]
juggling {n} (moving of objects in an artful manner) :: жангліраванне {n}
juice {n} (liquid from a plant) :: сок {m}
juice {n} (beverage made of juice) :: сок {m}
juice joint {n} (nightclub) SEE: nightclub ::
Julia {prop} (female given name) :: Юлія {f} [cognate], Джулія {f} [transliteration]
Julie {prop} (female given name) SEE: Julia ::
Julius {prop} (male given name) :: Юлій {m}
July {prop} (seventh month of the Gregorian calendar) :: ліпень {m}
jump {v} :: скакаць {impf}, скокнуць {pf}, скочыць {pf}
June {prop} (sixth month of the Gregorian calendar) :: чэрвень {m}
Juneberry {n} (serviceberry) SEE: serviceberry ::
jungle {adj} (large, undeveloped, humid forest) :: джунглі {f-p}
junior {adj} (younger) :: малодшы
juniper {n} (shrub or tree of the genus Juniperus) :: ядловец {m}
junta {n} (ruling council of a military dictatorship) :: хунта {f}
Jupiter {prop} (planet) :: Юпітэр {m}
jurisdiction {n} (the power, right, or authority to interpret and apply the law) :: юрысдыкцыя {f}
juror {n} (jury member) :: прысяжны {m}, прысяжная {f}
jury {n} (group in a court of law) :: прысяжныя {m-p}, суд прысяжных {m}
jury {n} (group of judges in a competition) :: журы {n}
just {adj} (morally fair, righteous) :: справядлівы
justice {n} (state of being just or fair) :: справядлівасць {f}
justice {n} (the civil power dealing with law) :: правасуддзе {n}, юстыцыя {f}
Justin {prop} (male given name) :: Джастин
K2 {prop} (the world’s second highest mountain) :: гара Чагары
kakke {n} (beriberi) SEE: beriberi ::
kalach {n} (traditional East Slavic bread (or its equivalent)) :: калач {m}
Kaliningrad {prop} (Kaliningrad, see also: Königsberg) :: Калінінград {m}
Kaluga {prop} (city in Russia) :: Калуга {f}
Kamchadal {prop} (a member of the ethnic group who are the original inhabitants of the Kamchatka peninsula in Russia) :: камчадал {m}, камчадалка {f}
Kamchatka {prop} (peninsula in the Russian Far East) :: Камчатка {f}
Kampuchea {prop} (former name for Cambodia, see also: Cambodia) :: Кампучыя {f}
kana {n} (Japanese syllabaries) :: кана {f}
kangaroo {n} (marsupial) :: кенгуру {m}
kanji {n} (Chinese characters in Japanese context) :: кандзі {m}
Kanji {prop} (kanji) SEE: kanji ::
Karafuto {prop} (Sakhalin) SEE: Sakhalin ::
Karaite {n} (adherent of Karaism) :: караімскі
karaoke {n} (a form of entertainment) :: караоке {n}
karat {n} (unit of fineness of gold) :: карат {m}
karate {n} (martial art) :: каратэ {n}
Karelian {prop} (the language) :: карэльская {f}
Karl {prop} (transliterations) SEE: Carl ::
karma {n} (the total effect of a person’s actions and conduct during the successive phases of his existence) :: карма {f}
Karnataka {prop} (state in southern India) :: Карнатака {f}
karst {n} (type of land formation) :: карст
Kartvelian {n} (Georgian) SEE: Georgian ::
Kartvelian {prop} (Georgian) SEE: Georgian ::
Kartvelian {adj} (Georgian) SEE: Georgian ::
kasha {n} (porridge) :: каша {f}
Kashub {prop} (language) SEE: Kashubian ::
Kashubian {adj} (of the Kashubian people and their language) :: кашубскі
Kashubian {prop} (Slavic language spoken in the Pomeranian region of Poland) :: кашубская мова {f}, кашубская {f}
katakana {n} (Japanese syllabary) :: катакана {f}, катакана {f}
Kathleen {prop} (Catherine) SEE: Catherine ::
Kathmandu {prop} (Kathmandu) :: Катманду {m}
katorga {n} (penal servitude in a Russian or Soviet labour camp) :: катарга {f}
Katyusha {n} (rocket launcher) :: кацюша {f}
Kaunas {prop} (city) :: Коўна {n}, Каўнас {m}
Kazakh {n} (a person of Kazakh descent) :: казах {m}, казашка {f}
Kazakh {adj} (pertaining to the Kazakh people or the Kazakh language) :: казахскі, казаскі [Taraškievica]
Kazakh {n} (a person from Kazakhstan) SEE: Kazakhstani ::
Kazakh {adj} (pertaining to the Kazakhstan) SEE: Kazakhstani ::
Kazakhstan {prop} (country in Central Asia) :: Казахстан {m}
Kazakhstani {n} (person of Kazakh origin) SEE: Kazakh ::
Kazakhstani {adj} (of or pertaining to the Kazakh people or the Kazakh language) SEE: Kazakh ::
Kazakhstani {adj} (of or pertaining to Kazakhstan) :: казахстанскі
Kazan {prop} (city in Russia) :: Казань {f}
kazoo {n} (a simple musical instrument consisting of a pipe with a hole in it) :: казу {m}
Keats {prop} (transliterations of the name Keats) :: Кітс
kebab {n} (kebab) :: кебаб {m}, шашлык {m}
keel over {v} (to die) SEE: die ::
keep company {v} (court) SEE: court ::
keep quiet {v} (remain silent) :: маўчаць {impf}
kefir {n} (fermented milk) :: кефір {m}
Keijō {prop} (Seoul) SEE: Seoul ::
Kemerovo {prop} (city in Siberia) :: Кемерава {n}
Kemi {prop} (town) :: Кемі
Kennedy {prop} (surname) :: Кэнэдзі
kennel {n} (shelter) :: будка {f}
kennel {n} (facility) :: псярня {f}, сабакарня {f}
Kent {prop} (the English maritime county) :: Кент {m}
Kenya {prop} (country in Eastern Africa) :: Кенія {f}
kerb {n} (edge between pavement and roadway) :: бардзюр {m}
Kerch {prop} (city) :: Керч {f}
kerchief {n} (piece of cloth) :: хустка {f}
Kerch Strait {prop} (Strait of Kerch) SEE: Strait of Kerch ::
kerosene {n} (thin, colorless fuel) :: газа {f}, керасін {m}
kestrel {n} (Falco tinnunculus) :: звычайнага пустальга
ketchup {n} (tomato-vinegar based sauce) :: кетчуп {m}
kettle {n} (vessel for boiling a liquid or cooking food) :: чайнік, кацёл {m}
kettle {n} (teakettle) SEE: teakettle ::
kettle {n} (steam locomotive) SEE: steam locomotive ::
key {n} (device designed to open and close a lock) :: ключ {m}
key {n} (button on a typewriter or computer keyboard) :: клавіша {f}, кнопка {f}
keyboard {n} (set of keys used to operate a typewriter, computer etc.) :: клавіятура {f}
KGB {prop} ((historical) The former Soviet State Security Committee) :: КДБ {m}
KGB {prop} (the current Belarusian security service) :: КДБ {m}
Khabarovsk {prop} (city in Russia) :: Хабараўск {m}
khachapuri {n} (cheese pastry from Georgia) :: хачапуры {n}
khaltura {n} (black-market work, see also: moonlighting) :: халтура {f}
khaltura {n} (low-quality work, see also: botch) :: халтура {f}
khan {n} (a ruler over various Turkic, Tatar and Mongol peoples in the Middle Ages) :: хан {m}
khanjar {n} (Arabian dagger) :: ханджар {m}, кінжал {m}
Khanty-Mansiysk {prop} (city in Russia) :: Ханты-Мансійск {m}
Kharkiv {prop} (city) :: Харкаў {m}
Kharkov {prop} (Kharkiv) SEE: Kharkiv ::
Kherson {prop} (city in Ukraine) :: Херсон {m}
Khmelnitsky {prop} (Khmelnytskyi) SEE: Khmelnytskyi ::
Khmelnytskyi {prop} (city) :: Хмяльніцкі {m}
Khmer {n} (language) :: камбаджыйская {f}, кхмерская {f}, кхмерская мова {f}
Khmer {adj} (of or pertaining to Khmer people or their language) :: кхмерскі
kholop {n} (a feudally dependent person in Russia between the 10th and early 18th centuries) :: халоп {m}
khorovod {n} (a Slavic dance) :: карагод {m}
Khrushchev {prop} (surname) :: Хрушчоў {m}
khutor {n} (a single-homestead rural settlement of Eastern Europe) :: хутар {m}
kibbutz {n} (a community) :: кібуц {m}
kibitka {n} (carriage or sleigh) :: кiбíтка {f}
kick scooter {n} (foot-propelled vehicle) SEE: scooter ::
kid {n} (young goat) :: казляня {n}
kidnap {v} (to seize and detain a person unlawfully) :: выкрадаць {impf}, выкрасці {pf}
kidney {n} (an organ in the body) :: нырка {f}
Kiev {prop} (Ukrainian city) :: Кіеў {m}
Kiev {prop} (Kiev province (oblast)) :: Кіеўская вобласць {f}
Kiev {prop} (Medieval principality) SEE: Kievan Rus ::
Kievan {adj} (of or associated with the city of Kiev) :: кіеўскі
Kievan {n} (resident of Kiev) :: кіяўлянін {m}, кіяўлянка
Kievan Rus {prop} (medieval principality) :: Кіеўская Русь {f}
Kievite {adj} (Kievan) SEE: Kievan ::
Kievite {n} (Kievan) SEE: Kievan ::
kike {n} (offensive: Jew) :: жыд {m}, жыдоўка {f}
kikimora {n} (a female house spirit) :: кікімара {f}
kill {v} (to put to death) :: забіваць {impf}, забіць {pf}
killer {n} (person who kills) :: забойца {m} {f}
killer {n} (murderer) :: забойца {m} {f}
kilo {n} (short form of kilogram) :: кіло {n}
kilo- {prefix} (prefix) :: кіла-
kilogram {n} (unit of mass equal to 1000 grams) :: кілаграм {m}
kilometre {n} (unit of measure) :: кіламетр {m}
Kim {prop} (male given name) :: Кім {m}
Kim {prop} (Korean surname) :: Кім
kimono {n} (traditional Japanese clothing) :: кімано {n}
kin {n} (relative) SEE: relative ::
kind {adj} (affectionate, nice) :: добры, ветлівы, дружалюбны
kindergarten {n} (educational institution for young children, usually between ages 4 and 6) :: дзіцячы сад {m}
kindhearted {adj} (having an innately kind disposition or character) :: дабрасардэчны, лагодны
kindness {n} (being kind) :: дабрата {f}
king {n} (a male of a royal family who is the supreme ruler of his nation) :: кароль {m}, цар {m}
King Arthur {prop} (legendary king of Britain) :: Карол Артур {m}
kingdom {n} (realm having as supreme ruler a king and/or queen) :: каралеўства {n}, царства {n}
kingdom {n} (taxonomic division, below Domain and above Phylum) :: царства {n}, свет {m}
Kingdom of Belgium {prop} (official name of Belgium) :: Каралеўства Бельгія {n}
Kingdom of Cambodia {prop} (official name of Cambodia) :: Каралеўства Камбоджа {n}
Kingdom of Denmark {prop} (official name of Denmark) :: Каралеўства Данія {n}
Kingdom of England {prop} (Kingdom of England) :: Каралеўства Англія {n}
Kingdom of Great Britain {prop} :: Каралеўства Вялікабрытанія {n}
Kingdom of Morocco {prop} (official name of Morocco) :: Каралеўства Марока {n}
Kingdom of Norway {prop} (official name of Norway) :: Каралеўства Нарвегія {n}
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia {prop} (official name of Saudi Arabia) :: Каралеўства Саудаўская Аравія {n}
Kingdom of Scotland {prop} (Kingdom of Scotland) :: Каралеўства Шатландыя {n}
Kingdom of Spain {prop} (official name of Spain) :: Каралеўства Іспанія {n}
Kingdom of Sweden {prop} (official name of Sweden) :: Каралеўства Швецыя {f}
Kingdom of Thailand {prop} (official name of Thailand) :: Каралеўства Тайланд {n}
Kingdom of the Netherlands {prop} (monarchy consisting of the Netherlands and the Caribbean independent constituent countries) :: Каралеўства Нідэрландаў {n}
King Kong {prop} (a fictional giant ape) :: Кінг-Конг {m}
king of beasts {n} (the lion) :: цар звяроў {m}
kiosk {n} (enclosed structure where cigarettes, magazines, etc are sold) :: кіёск {m}
kipfel {n} (croissant) SEE: croissant ::
Kirill {prop} (Cyril) SEE: Cyril ::
Kirill {prop} (Kirill, Russian male given name) :: Кірыл {m}
Kirov {prop} (Russian surname) :: Кіраў {m}
Kirov {prop} (city in Russia) :: Кіраў {m}
Kirovograd {prop} (Kirovohrad) SEE: Kirovohrad ::
Kirovohrad {prop} (city) :: Кіраваград {m}
kisel {n} (dessert) :: кісель {m}
kishlak {n} (qishlaq) SEE: qishlaq ::
kiss {v} (to touch with the lips) :: цалаваць {impf}, пацалаваць {pf}
kiss {v} (to touch each other’s lips) :: цалавацца {impf}
kiss {n} (touch with the lips) :: пацалунак {m}
kiss me {phrase} (kiss me) :: пацалуй мяне [informal]
Kiswahili {prop} (Swahili) SEE: Swahili ::
kit {n} (clothing) SEE: clothing ::
kitchen {n} (room) :: кухня {f}
kitchen garden {n} (a garden used for growing fruits, vegetables for use in the kitchen) SEE: vegetable garden ::
kite {n} (bird of prey of the family Accipitridae) :: каршун {m}
kite {n} (lightweight toy) :: паветраны змей {m}, змей {m}
kitten {n} (a young cat) :: кацяня {n}, кацянё {n}
kiwi {n} (kiwi fruit) SEE: kiwi fruit ::
kiwi fruit {n} (fruit) :: ківі {n}
Klaipėda {prop} (city in Lithuania) :: Клайпеда {f}
Kletsk {prop} (A city in Belarus) :: Клецк {m}
knead {v} (to work and press into a mass) :: мясіць {impf}
kneading trough {n} (trough in which dough is kneaded) :: дзяжа {f}, ночвы {f-p}
knee {n} (joint in the middle of the leg and area around it) :: калена {n}
knee high {n} (knee sock) SEE: knee sock ::
kneel {v} (to stoop down and rest on the knee) :: укленчваць {impf}
knee pad {n} (protection for a knee) :: накаленнік {m}
knee sock {n} (a sock that reaches almost up to the knee) :: гольф {m}
knickers {n} (panties) SEE: panties ::
knife {n} (utensil or tool designed for cutting) :: нож {m}
knight {n} (warrior, especially of the Middle Ages) :: рыцар {m}, віцязь {m}, багатыр {m}, лыцар {m}
knight {n} (person on whom a knighthood has been conferred) :: рыцар {m}
knight {n} (chess piece) :: конь {m}
Königsberg {prop} (the former capital of East Prussia, see also: Kaliningrad) :: Каралявец {m}
knish {n} (an Eastern European Jewish, or Yiddish, snack food) :: кныш {m}
knit {v} (to make fabric from thread or yarn) :: вязаць
knitting needle {n} (thin rod used to knit yarn) :: спіца {f}
knock {v} (to rap one's knuckles against something) :: стукаць {impf}, стукнуць {pf}
knot {n} (looping) :: вузел {m}
know {v} (be certain or sure about (something)) :: ведаць {impf}, знаць {impf}
know {v} (be acquainted or familiar with) :: знаць {impf}
knowledge {n} (fact of knowing about something; understanding, familiarity with information) :: веданне {n}
koala {n} (a tree-dwelling marsupial that resembles a small bear) :: каала {f}
kobza {n} (a Ukrainian musical instrument) :: кобза {f}
Kodiak {prop} (town in Alaska) :: Кадзьяк {m}
kogel mogel {n} (egg-based dessert) :: гогаль-могаль {m}
kokoshnik {n} (a traditional Russian headdress worn by women and girls) :: какошнік {m}
kolach {n} (kalach) SEE: kalach ::
Kola Peninsula {prop} (peninsula in Russia) :: Кольскі паўвостраў {m}
kolkhoz {n} (farming collective) :: калгас {m}
kolkhoznik {n} (one who works on a collective farm in the Soviet Union) :: калгаснік {m}, калгасніца {f}
Kolyma {prop} (area) :: Калыма {f}
Komi {prop} (republic) :: Комі {f}
kompromat {n} (dirt, compromising material) :: кампрамат {m}
Komsomol {prop} (Young Communist League in the USSR) :: камсамол {m}
Komsomolsk {prop} (Komsomolsk-na-Amure, Russia) :: Камсамольск-на-Амуры {m}
Komsomolsk {prop} (Komsomolsk, towns and rural localities in Russia and Ukraine) :: Камсамольск {m}
kookaburra {n} (kingfishers) :: кукабара {f}
kopek {n} (one-hundredth of a ruble) :: капейка {f}
Koran {prop} (the Islamic holy book) SEE: Qur'an ::
Korea {prop} (South Korea) SEE: South Korea ::
Korea {prop} (North Korea) SEE: North Korea ::
Korea {prop} (ancient country or both Koreas as a whole) :: Карэя {f}
Korean {adj} (relating to the Korean Peninsula) :: карэйскі
Korean {n} (language) :: карэйская мова {f}, карэйская {f}
Korean {n} (person) :: карэец {m}, карэянка {f}
korovai {n} (a large, single-piece round or rectangular loaf of bread, elaborately decorated and served at a wedding) :: каравай {m}
Koschei {prop} (Koschei the Immortal) :: Кашчэй {m}, Кашчэй Бессмяротны {m}, Кашч {m}
Kosovan {adj} (related to Kosovo) :: косаўскі
Kosovar {adj} (Kosovan) SEE: Kosovan ::
Kosovar {n} (Kosovan) SEE: Kosovan ::
Kosovo {prop} (disputed region in the Balkans) :: Косава {n}
Kostroma {prop} (city in Russia) :: Кастрама {f}
koumiss {n} (fermented drink) :: кумыс {m}
kozachok {n} (Ukrainian and Russian couple-dance) :: казачок {m}
krai {n} (a region or province in Russia) :: край {m}
Kramatorsk {prop} (city) :: Краматорск {m}
Krasnodar {prop} (a city in Russia) :: Краснадар {m}
Krasnoyarsk {prop} (city) :: Краснаярск {m}
Kraut {n} (German) SEE: German ::
Kremlin {prop} (the Moscow Kremlin) :: Крэмль {m}
Kris Kringle {prop} (synonym of Santa Claus) SEE: Santa Claus ::
Krivoy Rog {prop} (Kryvyi Rih) SEE: Kryvyi Rih ::
Kırklareli {prop} (city of Turkey) :: Кыркларэлі
Krung Thep {prop} (Bangkok) SEE: Bangkok ::
Krym {prop} (Crimea) SEE: Crimea ::
krypton {n} (a chemical element) :: крыптон {m}
Kryvyi Rih {prop} (city) :: Крывы Рог {m}
Kuala Lumpur {prop} (capital of Malaysia) :: Куала-Лумпур {m}
Kuban {prop} (the Kuban river) :: Кубань {f}
Ku Klux Klan {prop} (Ku Klux Klan) :: Ку-Клукс-клан {m}
kulak {n} (prosperous peasant) :: кулак {m}, куркуль {m}
kuna {n} (currency of Croatia) :: куна {f}
Kurbyko {prop} (Slavic surname) :: Курбыка {m} {f}
Kurdish {n} (language of Kurdistan) :: курдская {f}
Kurdistan {prop} (a region in the Middle East inhabited mostly by the Kurds) :: Курдыстан {m}
kurgan {n} (prehistoric burial mound) :: курган {m}
Kurgan {prop} (city) :: Курган {m}
Kuril Islands {prop} (group of islands) :: Курыльскія выспы {f-p}, Курылы {p}
Kursk {prop} (city in Russia) :: Курск {m}
Kutaisi {prop} (city in Georgia) :: Кутаісі
kvass {n} (traditional Slavic drink) :: квас {m}
kyat {n} (unit of currency) :: к'ят {m}
Kyrgyz {n} (member of a Turkic people) :: кіргіз {m}, кіргізка {f}
Kyrgyz {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Kyrgyzstan, the Kyrgyz people or the Kyrgyz language) :: кіргіскі, кыргыскі
Kyrgyzstan {prop} (country in Central Asia) :: Кыргызстан {m}, Кыргызія {f}, Кіргізія {f}
Kyrgyzstani {n} (person of Kyrgyz origin) SEE: Kyrgyz ::
Kyrgyzstani {adj} (of or pertaining to the Kazakh people or the Kyrgyz language) SEE: Kyrgyz ::
Kyzyl {prop} (city in Russia) :: Кызыл {m}
label {n} (small ticket or sign giving information) :: этыкетка {f}, налепка {f}, ярлык {m}
labial {adj} (pertaining to the lips) :: губны
labial {adj} (linguistics: articulated by the lips) :: губны
labialize {v} (make a sound labial) :: лабіялізаваць
labor {n} (labor) SEE: labour ::
labor {v} (labor) SEE: labour ::
labor union {n} (labor union) SEE: trade union ::
labour {n} (work) :: праца {f}
labour {n} (giving birth) :: роды {m-p}
lace {n} (fabric) :: карункі {f-p}
lace {n} (cord for fastening a shoe) SEE: shoelace ::
lack {n} (deficiency, need) :: адсутнасць {f}, брак {m}, недахват {m}, недахоп {m}
lack {v} (be without, need, require) :: бракаваць {impf}, адсутнічаць {impf}
lackey {n} (liveried male servant) :: лакей {m}, лёкай {m} [dated]
lacking {n} (absence of something) SEE: lack ::
lacquer {n} (glossy, resinous material used as a surface coating) :: лак {m}
lactose {n} (disaccharide sugar of milk and dairy products) :: лактоза
lad {n} (a boy) :: хлопец {m}
Lada {prop} (a female name) :: Лада {f}
Lada {prop} (a Russian car) :: Лада {f}
ladder {n} (climbing tool) :: лесвіца {f}, драбіны {f-p}
ladies and gentlemen {n} (phrase used to address an audience of men and women) :: панства {p}, шаноўнае спадарства {n-p}, дамы і спадары, пані і панове
ladle {n} (deep-bowled spoon with a long, usually curved, handle) :: чарпак {m}
lady {n} (woman of breeding and authority) :: спадарыня {f}, пані {f}, лэдзі {f}, дама {f}
ladybird {n} (member of Coccinellidae) :: кароўка-багоўка {f}
ladybug {n} (ladybird) SEE: ladybird ::
Lahti {prop} (city of Finland) :: Лахты
Laius {prop} (father of Oedipus and husband of Jocasta) :: Лай {m}
lake {n} (body of water) :: возера {n}
Lalibela {prop} (town in Ethiopia) :: Лалібэла
lama {n} (master of Tibetan Buddhism) :: лама {m}
lamb {n} (young sheep) :: ягня {n}, ягнё {n}, баранчык {m}
lamb {n} (flesh of lamb as food) :: ягняціна {f}
lambada {n} (Brazilian dance) :: ламбада {f}
lame {adj} (unable to walk properly because of a problem with one's feet or legs) :: кульгавы
lamella {n} (gill of a mushroom) SEE: gill ::
Lamentations {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Кніга Плач Ераміі
lamp {n} (device producing light) :: лампа {f}, лампачка {f} [globe]
lampshade {n} (cover over a lamp) :: абажур {m}
land {n} (part of Earth that is not covered by oceans or other bodies of water) :: зямля {f}, суша {f}
land {v} (to descend to a surface, especially from the air) :: прызямляцца {impf}, прызямліцца {pf}
landing {n} (coming to earth, as of an airplane) :: прызямленне {f}
landrail {n} (Crex crex) SEE: corncrake ::
landscape {n} (portion of land or territory) :: ландшафт {m}, краявід {m}, пейзаж {m}
landslide {n} (natural disaster) :: апоўзень {m}, абвал {m}
lane {n} (passageway) :: завулак {m}, алея {f}
language {n} (body of words used as a form of communication) :: мова {f}
language {n} (the ability to communicate using words) :: мова {f}
language {n} (nonverbal communication) :: мова {f}
language {n} (particular words used) :: мова {f}
Languedoc {prop} (French province) :: Лангедок
lantern {n} (case of transparent material made to protect a flame, or light) :: ліхтар {m}
lanthanum {n} (metallic element) :: лантан {m}
Lao {n} (language) :: лаоская {f} [мова]
Lao {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Laos, the people or their language) :: лаоскі
Laocoön {prop} (Trojan or Argonaut) :: Лаакоан
Laos {prop} (country in Southeast Asia) :: Лаос {m}
Laotian {n} (Laotian person) SEE: Lao ::
lapserdak {n} (traditional Jewish black kaftan) :: лапсардак
lapti {n} (bast shoes) :: лапаць {m} [single], лапці {m-p} [pair]
lapwing {n} (bird belonging to the subfamily Vanellinae) :: кнігаўка {f}, чыбіс {m}
larboard {n} (port) SEE: port ::
larch {n} (a coniferous tree) :: лістоўніца {f}
lard {n} (bacon) SEE: bacon ::
lard {n} (fat from the abdomen of a pig) :: сала {n}, смалец {m}
largesse {n} (generosity in the giving of gifts or money) :: шчодрасць {f}
Larissa {prop} (female given name) :: Ларыса {f}
lark {n} (bird) :: жаваранак {m}
larva {n} (a stage of growth) :: лічынка {f}
larva {n} (an animal in such stage of growth, see also: tadpole) :: лічынка {f}
larynx {n} (organ involved in breath control, protection of the trachea, and sound production) :: гартань {f}
laser {n} (device producing beam of light) :: лазер {m}
lash {n} (eyelash; hair growing from the eyelid) SEE: eyelash ::
La Spezia {prop} (city in Liguria, Italy) :: Спецыя {f}
lass {n} (sweetheart) SEE: sweetheart ::
last {adj} (final) :: апошні
last {adj} (most recent) :: мінулы
last name {n} (surname) SEE: surname ::
last year {adv} (year before this one, see also: yesteryear) :: у мінулым годзе
lat {n} (former currency of Latvia) :: лат {m}
late {adj} (near the end of a period of time) :: позні
late {adj} (not arriving until after an expected time) :: позні, запознены
late {adv} (proximate in time) :: позна
Latgale {prop} (region of Latvia) :: Латгалія {f}
lathe {n} (machine tool used to shape a piece of material) :: станок {m}, варштат {m}, такарны станок {m}, такарны варштат {m}
Latin {adj} (Roman Catholic) SEE: Roman Catholic ::
Latin {adj} (of the language) :: лацінскі
Latin {prop} (language of the ancient Romans) :: лацінская мова {f}, лацінская {f}, лаціна {f}
Latin alphabet {n} (the 26-letter alphabet) :: лацінка {f}, лацініца {f}
Latin America {prop} (parts of the Americas which speak Spanish or Portuguese) :: Лацінская Амерыка {f}
latitude {n} (angular distance north or south from the equator) :: шырата {f}
latrine {n} (chamber pot) SEE: chamber pot ::
latter-day {adj} (modern, recent) SEE: modern ::
Latvia {prop} (country) :: Латвія {f}
Latvian {adj} (pertaining to Latvia or the Latvian language) :: латыскі, латышскі, латвійскі
Latvian {n} (Baltic language of Latvia) :: латыская мова {f}, латышская {f}, латыская {f},
Latvian {n} (person pertaining to Latvia) :: латвіец {m}, латвійка {f}
laudable {adj} (worthy of being lauded) :: пахвальны
laugh {v} (show mirth by peculiar movement of the muscles of the face and emission of sounds) :: смяяцца {impf}, рагатаць {impf} [loudly]
laughable {adj} (fitted to exite laughter) :: смешны {m}
laughing kookaburra {n} (Dacelo novaeguineae) :: кукабара-рагатуха {f}, зімарадак-велікан {m}
laughing stock {n} (object of ridicule) :: пасмешышча {n}
laughter {n} (sound (as) of laughing) :: смех {m}, рогат {m}
laundry {n} (laundering; washing) :: мыццё {n}
laundry {n} (place or room where laundering is done) :: пральня {f}
laurel {n} (Laurus nobilis) :: лаўр {m}
lava {n} (molten rock) :: лава {f}
lava {n} (magma) SEE: magma ::
lavash {n} (a soft, thin flatbread) :: лаваш {m}
lavatory {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet ::
lavatory {n} (sink) SEE: sink ::
law {n} (any rule that must or should be obeyed) :: закон {m}
lawlessness {n} (lack of law and order) :: беззаконне {n}, бяспраўе {n}
lawman {n} (lawyer) SEE: lawyer ::
lawn mower {n} (machine for cutting grass) SEE: lawnmower ::
lawn-mower {n} (lawnmower) SEE: lawnmower ::
lawnmower {n} (a device to cut grass) :: газонакасілка {f}
lawrencium {n} (chemical element) :: лаўрэнсій
lawyer {n} (professional person authorized to practice law) :: юрыст {m}, юрыстка {f}, адвакат {m}
layer {n} (single thickness of some material covering a surface) :: слой {m}, пласт {m}
Lazio {prop} (Italian region) :: Лацыё
lazy {adj} (unwilling to work) :: лянівы
lazybones {n} (person who is lazy) :: гультай {m}, лянцюх {m}
lead {n} (chemical element) :: свінец {m}
lead {n} :: цвінец {m}
lead {v} (guide or conduct with the hand, or by means of some physical contact connection) :: [abstract] вадзіць {impf}, павадзіць {pf}, [concrete] весці {impf}, павесці {pf}, праводзіць {impf} правесці {pf}
leader {n} (one having authority) :: кіраўнік {m}, лідар {m}, правадыр {m}, водца {m}
lead someone up the garden path {v} (to deceive, hoodwink, mislead, or seduce someone) SEE: deceive ::
leaf {n} (part of a plant) :: ліст {m}
leaflet {n} (small plant leaf) :: лістоўка {f}, ўлётка {f}
league {n} (a group or association of cooperating members) :: ліга {f}, аб'яднанне {n}, саюз {m}
league {n} (organization of sports teams) :: ліга {f}
League of Nations {prop} (international organization) :: Ліга Нацый {f}
Leaning Tower of Pisa {prop} (the leaning bell tower in the Italian town of Pisa) :: Пізанская вежа {f}
learn {v} (to acquire knowledge or ability) :: вучыцца
leash {n} (long cord for dogs) :: шворка {f}, павадок {m}, прывязь {f}
least weasel {n} (Mustela nivalis) :: ласка {f}
leather {n} (material produced by tanning animal skin) :: скура {f}
leather {adj} (made of leather) :: скураны
leave {v} (to cause to remain as available, not take away, refrain from depleting) :: застаўляць {impf}, заставіць {pf}
leave {v} (to depart from, end one's connection or affiliation with) :: пакідаць {impf}, пакінуць {pf}
leave {v} (to depart (intransitive)) :: адходзіць {impf}, адысці {pf} [on foot], ад'язджаць {impf}, ад'ехаць {pf} [by transport]
leave {n} (absence from work) :: водпуск {m}
leave of absence {n} (absence from work) SEE: leave ::
Lebanese Republic {prop} (official name of Lebanon) :: Ліванская Рэспубліка {f}
Lebanon {prop} (Lebanese Republic) :: Ліван {m}
lecture {n} (a spoken lesson) :: лекцыя {f}
leech {n} (annelid) :: п'яўка {f}
leech {n} (physician) SEE: physician ::
left {adj} (the west side of the body when one is facing north) :: левы
left {adv} (on the left side) :: злева
left {adv} (towards the left side) :: налева
leftist {n} (a person who holds views associated with the political left) :: левый {m}, левая {f}
leg {n} (lower limb from groin to ankle) :: нага {f}
legal {adj} (relating to the law or to lawyers) :: юрыдычны, праўны, прававы
legal {adj} (having its basis in the law) :: законны, правамерны
legal {adj} (allowed or prescribed by law) :: законны, легальны
legend {n} (story of unknown origin describing plausible but extraordinary past events) :: легенда {f}
legion {n} (the major unit or division of the Roman army) :: легіён {m}
legislation {n} (the act of legislating) :: заканадаўства {n}
legislation {n} (law already enacted by legislature) :: закон {m}
legislative {adj} (having the power to make laws) :: заканадаўчы
leguaan {n} (iguana) SEE: iguana ::
Leiden {prop} (city in South Holland) :: Лейдэн {m}
Leipzig {prop} (city in Saxony, Germany) :: Лейпцыг {m}
leisure {n} (time free) :: свабодны час {m}
lemma {n} (linguistics: lexeme) SEE: lexeme ::
lemon {n} (citrus fruit) :: лімон {m}, цытрына {f}
lemur {n} (strepsirrhine primate of the infraorder Lemuriformes, superfamily Lemuroidea) :: лемур {m}
Lena {prop} (Lena River) :: Лена {f}
lend {v} (to allow to be used temporarily) :: пазычаць {impf}, пазычыць {pf}
lend {v} ((proscribed) to borrow) SEE: borrow ::
length {n} (distance along the longest dimension) :: даўжыня {f}
Lenin {prop} (a Russian revolutionary and politician) :: Ленін {m}
Leningrad {prop} (name of Saint Petersburg, 1924-1991) :: Ленінград {m}
Leningrad {prop} (Leningrad oblast) :: Ленінградская вобласць {f}
Leninism {n} (the political philosophy named after Vladimir Lenin) :: ленінізм {m}
lens {n} (object focusing or defocusing the light passing through it) :: лінза {f}, аб'ектыў {m} [object glass of a camera]
Lent {n} (Christian period of penitence before Easter) :: Вялікі пост {m}
lentigo {n} (pigmented spot on the skin) SEE: freckle ::
lentil {n} (plant Lens culinaris) :: сачавіца {f}, сачыўка {f}, сачэўка {f}, сачоўка {f}
Leonardo {prop} (Italian artist) :: Леанарда {m}
leopard {n} (a large wild cat with a spotted coat, Panthera pardus) :: леапард {m}
leprosy {n} (infectious disease caused by infection by Mycobacterium leprae) :: праказа {f}, струпля {f}
lesbian {adj} (between two women; pertaining to women's homosexuality) :: лесбійскі
lesbian {n} (homosexual woman) :: лесбіянка {f}, лесбійка {f}
Lesbian {n} (lesbian) SEE: lesbian ::
Lesbian {adj} (lesbian) SEE: lesbian ::
lesbo {n} (lesbian) SEE: lesbian ::
leshy {n} (a woodland spirit in Slavic mythology) :: лешы {m}, лясун {m}, лесавік {m}
Lesotho {prop} (country in Southern Africa) :: Лесота {f} {n}
less {adv} (to a smaller extent or degree) :: менш
-less {suffix} (lacking) :: без-
lesser {adj} (the comparative of little) :: меншы
lesser spotted woodpecker {n} (Dendrocopoes minor) :: малы дзяцел {m}
lesson {n} (section of learning or teaching) :: урок {m}, ўрок {m}, лекцыя {f}
less-than-stellar {adj} (not very good) SEE: poor ::
less-than-stellar {adj} (mediocre) SEE: mediocre ::
let {v} (to allow) :: пускаць {impf}, пусціць {pf} [let go], дазваляць {impf}, дазволіць {pf}
let's go {phrase} (hortative of go) :: ідзём
letter {n} (a symbol in an alphabet) :: літара {f}
letter {n} (written message) :: ліст {m}, пісьмо {n}
let there be light {phrase} (let there be light) :: хай будзе святло
Lettic {adj} (Latvian) SEE: Latvian ::
Lettish {adj} (Latvian) SEE: Latvian ::
Lettish {n} (Latvian) SEE: Latvian ::
lettuce {n} (an edible plant, Lactuca) :: салат-латук {m}, салат {m}, латук {m}
Letzeburgesh {prop} (Germanic language) SEE: Luxembourgish ::
lev {n} (currency of Bulgaria) :: леў {m}
level {n} (degree or amount) :: узровень {m}
lever {adv} (rather) SEE: rather ::
leveret {n} (a young hare) :: зайчаня {n}, зайчанё {n}
lexeme {n} (unit of vocabulary, the different forms of the same lemma) :: лексема {f}
lexical {adj} (of a language's vocabulary) :: лексічны
lexicology {n} (linguistic discipline) :: лексікалогія {f}
Leyden jar {n} (glass jar used to accumulate static electricity) :: лейдэнскі слоік {m}
LGBT {n} (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender/transexual) :: ЛГБТ {p}
Lhasa {prop} (Capital of Xizang (Tibet)) :: Лхаса {f}
liar {n} (one who tells lies) :: ілгун {m}, ілгунья {f}, брахун {m}, брахуха {f}, хлус {m}, хлуселька {f}, враль {m}
libation {n} (act of pouring a liquid as a sacrifice) :: паліваньне {n}
liberal {adj} (open to political or social reforms) :: ліберальны
liberal {n} (one with liberal views, supporting individual liberty) :: ліберал {m}
liberalism {n} (political movement) :: лібералізм {m}
liberate {v} (to free) :: вызваляць {impf}, вызваліць {pf}
liberation {n} (act of liberating or the state of being liberated) :: вызваленне {n}
Liberia {prop} (country in Western Africa) :: Ліберыя {f}
liberty {n} (condition of being free) :: свабода {f}, вольнасць {f}
librarian {n} (the manager of a library) :: бібліятэкар {m}, бібліятэкарка {f}
librarian {n} (one who cares for the publications etc. in a library) :: бібліятэкар {m}, бібліятэкарка {f}
librarian {n} (a person who processes and organizes information) :: бібліятэкар {m}, бібліятэкарка {f}
library {n} (institution which holds books etc.) :: бібліятэка {f}
Libya {prop} (country in Northern Africa) :: Лівія {f}
licence {n} (license) SEE: license ::
licence {v} (license) SEE: license ::
license {n} (legal document giving official permission to do something) :: ліцэнзія {f}, дазвол {m}
license plate {n} (an identifying plate attached to a vehicle) :: нумарны знак
lichen {n} (something which spreads across something else, causing damage) SEE: cancer ::
lichen {n} (symbiotic association of algae and fungi) :: лішай {m}, лішайнік {m}
lick {v} (to stroke with the tongue) :: лізаць {impf}
lid {n} (top or cover) :: вечка {n}, крышка {f}
lie {v} (be in horizontal position) :: ляжаць {impf}, легчы {pf}
lie {v} (tell an intentional untruth) :: ілгаць {impf}, лгаць {impf}, салгаць, хлусіць {impf}, схлусіць {pf}, брахаць {impf}
lie {n} (intentionally false statement) :: хлусня {f}, няпраўда {f}, брахня {f}
Liechtenstein {prop} (Principality of Liechtenstein) :: Ліхтэнштэйн {m}
lie down {v} (assume a reclining position) :: класціся {impf}, легчы {pf}
Liepāja {prop} (city in Latvia) :: Ліепая {f}, [old name] Лібава {f}
lieutenant {n} (lowest commissioned officer rank) :: лейтэнант {m}
life {n} (the state of being alive) :: жыццё {n}, жыцьцё {n} [Taraškievica]
life-affirming {adj} (appearing to have an optimistic quality) SEE: optimistic ::
lifeguard {n} (bodyguard) SEE: bodyguard ::
lift {v} (to raise or rise) :: паднімаць {impf}, падняць {pf}
lift {n} (mechanical device for vertically transporting goods or people) :: ліфт {m}
lift {n} (thief) SEE: thief ::
ligament {n} (band of strong tissue that holds the bones of an animal in position) :: звязка {f}
light {v} (to start (a fire)) :: запальваць {impf}, запаліць {pf}
light {adj} (having light) :: светлы
light {adj} (of low weight) :: лёгкі
light {n} (electromagnetic waves) :: святло {n}
light bulb {n} (evacuated glass bulb containing a metal filament that produces light) :: лямпа напальваньня {f}, лямпачка {f}, лямпа {f}, лампа {f}, лампачка {f}
lighter {n} (fire making device) :: запальнічка {f}
light globe {n} (light bulb) SEE: light bulb ::
lighthouse {n} (building containing a light to warn or guide ships) :: маяк {m}
light industry {n} (industry that does not require high capitalization or heavy machinery) :: лёгкая прамысловасць {f}
lightning {n} (flash of light) :: маланка {f}, бліскавіца {f}, бліскаўка {f} [regional]
lightning bug {n} (firefly) SEE: firefly ::
light spectrum {n} (range of colors) SEE: spectrum ::
light year {n} (astronomical distance) :: светлавы год {m}
lignite {n} (coal) :: буры вугаль {m}, лігніт {m}
like {v} (enjoy) :: падабацца [intransitive, the person who likes is the object of the verb in the dative case], любіць [transitive]
like {prep} (similar to) :: як
like {prep} (such as) :: як
likely {adv} (probably) SEE: probably ::
likewise {adv} (also; moreover; too) SEE: too ::
Lille {prop} (city in France) :: Ліль {m}
lily {n} (flower in the genus Lilium) :: лілія {f}
limb {n} (major appendage of human or animal) :: канцавіна {f}
limber {adj} (flexible) SEE: flexible ::
lime {n} (inorganic material containing calcium) :: вапна
lime {n} :: вапна {n}
lime {n} (green citrus fruit) :: лайм {m}
Limerick {prop} (town) :: Лімерык
limestone {n} (abundant rock of marine and fresh-water sediments) :: вапняк {m}
limit {n} (boundary) :: мяжа {f}, ліміт {m}
limo {n} (limousine) SEE: limousine ::
limousine {n} (luxury sedan/saloon car) :: лімузін
line {n} (path through two or more points, threadlike mark) :: лінія {f}, рыса {f}
line {n} (straight sequence of people, queue) :: чарга {f}
lingual {adj} (related to language) SEE: linguistic ::
lingual {adj} (related to the tongue) :: язычны, языковы
linguist {n} (one who studies linguistics) :: мовазнавец {m}, мовавед {m}, лінгвіст {m}, лінгвістка {f}
linguistic {adj} (of or relating to language) :: моўны, лінгвістычны
linguistic {adj} (of or relating to linguistics) :: лінгвістычны
linguistics {n} (scientific study of language) :: мовазнаўства {n}, лінгвістыка {f}
link {n} (element of a chain) :: звяно {n}
link {n} (computing: short for hyperlink, see also: hyperlink) :: спасылка {f}
linkage {n} (connection or relation between things or ideas) SEE: link ::
Linux {prop} (operating system) :: Лінукс {m}
Linz {prop} (city) :: Лінц {m}
lion {n} (big cat Panthera leo) :: леў {m}
lion cub {n} (young lion) :: ільвяня {n}, львяня {n}, ільвянё {n}, львянё {n}
lioness {n} (female lion) :: ільвіца {f}, львіца {f}
lionet {n} (lion cub) SEE: lion cub ::
lip {n} (fleshy protrusion framing the mouth) :: губа {f}
Lipetsk {prop} (city in Russia) :: Ліпецк {m}
lipstick {n} (make-up for the lips) :: губная памада {f}
liqueur {n} (a flavored alcoholic beverage) :: лікёр {m}
liquid {n} (substance that is liquid) :: вадкасць {f}
liquid {adj} (fluid; not solid and not gaseous) :: вадкі
liquor {n} (strong alcoholic drink derived from fermentation and distillation) :: алкагольны напой {m}, алкаголь {m}
lira {n} (currency of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, former currency of Italy, etc.) :: ліра {f}
Lisbon {prop} (capital of Portugal) :: Лісабон {m}
list {n} (enumeration or compilation of items) :: спіс {m}
listen {v} (to pay attention to a sound) :: слухаць {impf}, паслухаць {pf}
listener {n} (someone who listens) :: слухач {m}, слухачка {f}
litas {n} (currency of Lithuania) :: літ {m}
liter {n} (cubic decimeter) SEE: litre ::
literary {adj} (relating to literature) :: літаратурны, кніжны
literary language {n} (register of a language used in literary writing) :: літаратурная мова {f}
literary language {n} (supraregional idiom, see also: standard language; standard) :: літаратурная мова {f}
literary science {n} (all kinds of scientific study pertinent to literature) :: літаратуразнаўства
literature {n} (body of all written works) :: літаратура {f}
lithium {n} (chemical element) :: літый {m}
lithography {n} (printing method) :: літаграфія {f}
lithosphere {n} (The outer layer of the Earth) :: літасфера {f}
Lithuania {prop} (country) :: Літва {f}, Летува {f} [taraškievica]
Lithuanian {adj} (referring to Lithuania) :: літоўскі
Lithuanian {n} (language) :: літоўская мова {f}, літоўская {f},
Lithuanian {n} (person from Lithuania) :: літовец {m}, літоўка {f}
litre {n} (unit of fluid measure) :: літр {m}
litter {n} (platform designed to carry a person or a load) :: паланкін {m}, насілкі {f-p}
litter {n} (animals born in one birth) :: вывадак
litter {n} (bedding for animals) :: подсціл {m}, подсьціл {m} [Taraškievica]
litter {n} (discarded items) :: смецце {n}, смяццё {n}, сьмяцьцё {n} [Taraškievica]
litter {v} (drop or throw trash without properly disposing of it) :: смеціць {impf}, насмечваць {impf}
little {adj} (small in size) :: маленькі, малы
little {adv} (not much) :: мала, няшмат
little {determiner} (small amount) :: мала
little finger {n} (outermost and smallest finger of the hand) :: мязінец {m}
little girl {n} (a female child) :: дзяўчынка {f}
little owl {n} (species of owl) :: дамавы сыч {m}
Little Red Riding Hood {prop} (a folktale) :: Чырвоны Каптурок {m}
Little Russia {prop} (a historical area) :: Малая Русь {f}, Малая Расія {f}, Маларосія {f}
liturgy {n} (a predetermined or prescribed set of rituals) :: літургія {f}
live {v} (be alive) :: жыць {impf}
live {v} (have permanent residence) :: жыць {impf}, пражываць {impf}
live {adj} (having life) :: жывы
live by the sword, die by the sword {proverb} (one who uses violence can expect a violent response) :: усе, што возьмуць меч, ад мяча і загінуць
live-in son-in-law {n} (live-in son-in-law, man who marries and lives with his wife's family) :: прымак {m}
liver {n} (organ of the body) :: печань {f}, вантроба {f}
Liverpool {prop} (Liverpool, England) :: Ліверпул
livery {n} (distinctive uniform worn by a group) :: ліўрэя {f}
livestock {n} (farm animals) :: быдла {n}
living fossil {n} (species believed extinct but later found living) :: жывы выкапень
Livonia {prop} (historical region) :: Лівонія {f}
Livonian {prop} (language) :: ліўская мова {f}, ліўская {f}
Livorno {prop} (city in Italy) :: Ліворна {n}
lizard {n} (reptile) :: яшчарка {f}
lizard {n} (coward) SEE: coward ::
Ljubljana {prop} (Capital city of Slovenia) :: Любляна {f}
llama {n} (South American mammal of the camel family, Lama glama) :: лама {f}
loan translation {n} (calque) SEE: calque ::
loath {adj} (angry, hostile) SEE: angry ::
lobster {n} (crustacean) :: амар {m}
local {adj} (of a nearby location) :: месны, мясцовы, тутэйшы, лакальны, лякальны
location {n} (place) :: месцазнаходжанне {n}, становішча {n}
location {n} (act of locating) :: размяшчэнне {n}
locative {n} (locative case) SEE: locative case ::
locative case {n} (case used to indicate place, or the place where) :: месны склон {m}
lock {n} (something used for fastening) :: замок {m}
locksmith {n} (one who practices locksmithing) :: слесар {m}
lockup {n} (prison) SEE: prison ::
locomotive {n} (self-propelled vehicle that runs on rails) :: лакаматыў {m}, лякаматыў {m} [Taraškievica], паравоз {m}
locust {n} (type of grasshopper) :: саранчук {m}, саранча {f}
lodge {n} (inn) SEE: inn ::
lodging {n} (place to live or lodge) :: жыллё {n}, начлег {m} [lodging for the night]
Lodz {prop} (city in Poland) :: Лодзь {f}
loess {n} (sediment of eolian origin) :: лёс {m}
loftiness {n} (arrogance) SEE: arrogance ::
log {n} (trunk of dead tree, cleared of branches) :: бервяно {n}, бярно {n}, калода {f}
log {n} (bulky piece of timber) :: бервяно {n}, палена {n}, калода {f}
loge {n} (stall) SEE: stall ::
log off {v} (log out) SEE: log out ::
log out {v} (to exit an account in a computing system) :: выходзіць {impf}, выйсці {pf}
Logroño {prop} (capital city of La Rioja, Spain) :: Лагронья {f}
-logy {suffix} (branch of learning) :: -логія {f}
lokun {n} (doctor) SEE: doctor ::
lolly {n} (money) SEE: money ::
Lombard {n} (banker or moneylender) SEE: banker ::
Lombardy {prop} (region in northern Italy) :: Ламбардыя {f}
London {prop} (in the United Kingdom) :: Лондан {m}, Лёндан {m} [taraškievica]
loneliness {n} (condition of being lonely) :: самотнасць {f}, адзінота {f}, самота {f}
lonely {adj} (of person: unhappy by feeling isolated) :: самотны, адзінокі
long {adj} (having much distance from one point to another) :: доўгі
long {adj} (having great duration) :: доўгі
long {adj} (not short) SEE: tall ::
long ago {adv} (at a time in the distant past) :: даўно
long-eared owl {n} (Asio otus) :: вушастая сава {f}
longitude {n} (angular distance) :: даўгата {f}
long live {v} (prosper) :: хай жыве, няхай жыве, жыве
long since {adv} (long ago) SEE: long ago ::
long time no see {interj} (idiomatic: I (or we) have not seen you for a long time) :: даўно не бачыліся
Longyearbyen {prop} (settlement) :: Лонгйір {m}
loo {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet ::
look {v} (to try to see) :: глядзець {impf}, паглядзець {pf}
look {v} (to appear, to seem) :: выглядаць {impf}
look {n} (action of looking) :: погляд, позірк {m}
look {n} (physical appearance) :: выгляд {m}, знешнасць {f}
look {n} (facial expression) :: погляд {m}
look for {v} (search; seek) :: шукаць {impf}
looking-glass {n} (mirror) SEE: mirror ::
look like {v} (seem, appear) :: выглядаць {impf}
look like {v} (be similar in appearance, resemble) :: нагадваць {impf}
loom {n} (weaving frame) :: ткацкі станок {m}
loony {adj} (very silly) SEE: silly ::
loop {n} (length of thread, line or rope) :: пятля {f}
loop {n} (shape produced by a curve that bends around and crosses itself) :: пятля {f}
lord {n} (master of a household) :: гаспадар {m}, валадар {m}
lord {n} (aristocrat) :: пан {m}, лорд {m}, вяльможа {m}
lord {n} (titled nobleman) :: пан {m}
Lord {prop} (God) :: Гасподзь {m}, Госпад {m}
Lord's Prayer {prop} (the prayer taught by Jesus Christ to his disciples) :: Малітва Гасподняя
Lorraine {prop} (region west of Alsace) :: Латарынгія {f}
lorry {n} (motor vehicle) SEE: truck ::
Los Angeles {prop} (largest city in California) :: Лос-Анджэлес {m}
lose {v} (cause (something) to cease to be in one's possession or capability) :: траціць {impf}, страціць {pf}, губіць {impf}, губляць {pf}, згубіць {pf}
lose one's way {v} (get lost) SEE: get lost ::
lot {n} (large quantity or number) SEE: a lot ::
Lot {prop} (nephew of Abraham) :: Лот {m}
lotion {n} (ointment that one rubs on the skin) :: ласьён {m}
lots {n} (lots) SEE: a lot ::
lottery {n} (scheme for the distribution of prizes by lot or chance) :: латарэя {f}, лятарэя {f}
lotus {n} (plant of the genus Nelumbo) :: лотас {m}
loud {adj} (of a sound) :: гучны
loud {adj} (noisy) :: шумны, шумлівы, гучны
loudly {adv} (in a loud manner) :: гучна
loudspeaker {n} (transducer) :: гучнагаварыцель {m}, спікер {m}, дынамік {m}
louis d'or {n} (any gold coin introduced in France by Louis XIII) :: луідор {m}
louse {n} (insect) :: вош {f}
Louvre {prop} (an art museum in France) :: Луўр {m}
love {n} (strong affection) :: любоў {f} /ljubóŭ/, каханне {n} /kaxánnje/
love {v} (have a strong affection for) :: любіць {impf}, кахаць {impf}
love at first sight {n} (an instantaneous attraction) :: любоў з першага погляду {f}, каханне з першага погляду {n}
love interest {n} (romantic relationship) SEE: romance ::
love letter {n} (letter about the author's love) :: любоўны ліст {m}
lover {n} (one who loves another person) :: палюбоўнік {m}, палюбоўніца {f}, каханак {m}, каханка {f}
lover {n} (sexual partner) :: палюбоўнік {m}, палюбоўніца {f}, каханак {m}, каханка {f}
low {adj} (in a position comparatively close to the ground) :: нізкі
low {n} (flame) SEE: flame ::
low {v} (moo) SEE: moo ::
lower {adj} (more towards the bottom) :: ніжні
lower chamber {n} (lower house) SEE: lower house ::
lower house {n} (part of a parliament) :: ніжняя палата {f}
Lower Saxony {prop} (state) :: Ніжняя Саксонія {f}
low tide {n} (the tide at its lowest level) :: адліў {m}
loyal {adj} (firm in allegiance to a person or institution) :: верны, адданы, лаяльны
loyalness {n} (loyalty) SEE: loyalty ::
loyalty {n} (the state of being loyal; fidelity) :: вернасць {f}, лаяльнасць {f}, адданасць {f}
Lublin {prop} (city in Poland) :: Люблін {m}
Lucerne {prop} (city) :: Люцэрн {m}
lucky {adj} (of people, having good fortune) :: удачлівы, шчаслівы
lucky {adj} (being good by chance) :: шчаслівы
Lufthansa {prop} (German airline) :: Люфтганза {f}
Lugansk {prop} (Luhansk) SEE: Luhansk ::
luggage {n} (traveller's containers) :: багаж {m}
Luhansk {prop} (city) :: Луганск {m}
Luhansk People's Republic {prop} (secessionist state in Luhanshchyna, the Ukraine) :: Луганская Народная Рэспубліка {f}
Lukashenko {prop} (surname) :: Лукашэнка
lullaby {n} (a soothing song to lull children to sleep) :: калыханка {f}
lumberjack {n} (person who fells trees) :: лесаруб {m}, драўнік {m}, дрывасек {m}
Luna {prop} (Earth's moon) SEE: Moon ::
lunar {adj} (of, pertaining to, or resembling the Moon) :: месяцовы
lunar eclipse {n} (when the Earth casts its shadow over the Moon) :: месячнае зацьменне {n}
lunatic asylum {n} (mental hospital) SEE: mental hospital ::
lunch {n} (meal around midday) :: абед {m}
lunch {v} (to eat lunch) :: абедаць {impf}, паабедаць {pf}
luncheon {n} (a formal term for lunch) SEE: lunch ::
lung {n} (organ that extracts oxygen from the air) :: лёгкае {n}
lunokhod {n} (a Soviet lunar rover) :: лунаход {m}, месяцаход {m}
Lusatia {prop} (region) :: Лужыца {f}
Lusatian {adj} (of or pertaining to Lusatia or the Lusatians) :: лужыцкі {m}
Lusatian Neisse {prop} (river) :: Лужыцкая Ніса {f}
lust {n} (strong desire, especially of a sexual nature) :: юр {m}, пажаднасць {f}, похаць {f}
lust {n} (general want or longing) :: прага {f}
lute {n} (stringed instrument) :: лютня {f}
lutetium {n} (chemical element with atomic number of 71) :: лютэцый {m}
Lutheran {adj} (pertaining to the theology of Martin Luther or his followers, or the Lutheran church) :: лютэранскі
Lutheranism {n} (branch of Christianity developed by Martin Luther) :: лютэранства {n}
Lutsk {prop} (city) :: Луцк {m}
Luxembourg {prop} (country) :: Люксембург {m}, Люксэмбург {m} [Taraškievica]
Luxembourg {prop} (capital city) :: Люксембург {m}, Люксэмбург {m} [Taraškievica]
Luxembourgian {adj} (Luxembourgish) SEE: Luxembourgish ::
Luxembourgish {prop} (language of Luxembourg) :: люксембургская мова {f}, люксембургская {f}
Lviv {prop} (Lviv) :: Львоў {m}
lycanthrope {n} (werewolf) SEE: werewolf ::
Lydia {prop} (female given name) :: Лідзія {f}
lynx {n} (wild cat) :: рысь {f}, рыся {f}
Lyon {prop} (city in France) :: Ліён {m}
Lyubavichi {prop} (village in the Rudnyansky District of the Smolensk Oblast of Russia) :: Любавічы {m-p}
Lyubavichi {prop} (village in the Monastyrshchinsky District of the Smolensk Oblast of Russia) :: Любавічы {m-p}
mañana {adv} (tomorrow) SEE: tomorrow ::
Maastricht {prop} (capital of the province of Limburg in The Netherlands) :: Маастрыхт {m}
Macau {prop} (a city just west of Hong Kong) :: Аамынь {m}, Макао {m}
mace {n} (weapon) :: булава {f}, паліца {f}
Macedonia {prop} (Republic of North Macedonia, see also: Republic of North Macedonia) :: Македонія {f}, Рэспубліка Македонія {f}
Macedonian {adj} (of Macedonia or its people or language) :: македонскі
Macedonian {n} (person from Macedonia) :: македонец {m}, македонка
Macedonian {n} (Slavic language of Macedonia) :: македонская мова {f}, македонская {f}
machicolation {n} (opening between corbels that support a projecting parapet, or in the floor of a gallery or the roof of a portal, of a fortified building) :: машыкуль
machine {n} (mechanical or electrical device) :: машына {f}
machine code {n} (machine language) SEE: machine language ::
machine gun {n} (type of firearm) :: аўтамат {m}, кулямёт {m}
machine-gunner {n} (someone who uses a machine gun) :: кулямётчык
machine language {n} (set of instructions for a computer) :: машынны код {m}
machinist {n} (operator) SEE: operator ::
mackerel {n} (edible fish) :: скумбрыя {f}
mackintosh {n} (raincoat in general) SEE: raincoat ::
macrocosm {n} (the universe) SEE: universe ::
Madagascar {prop} (country in Southern Africa) :: Мадагаскар {m}
madam {n} (polite term of address to a woman) :: спадарыня {f}, пані {f}, мадам {f}
madder {n} (plant) :: марэна {f}, маруна {f}
made in China {adj} (manufactured in the PRC) :: зроблена ў Кітаі
Madonna {prop} (Virgin Mary) SEE: Virgin Mary ::
madrasa {n} (madrasah) SEE: madrasah ::
madrasah {n} (school for Islamic theology) :: медрэсэ {n}
Madrid {prop} (capital of Spain) :: Мадрыд {m}
madrigal {n} (either musical sense) :: мадрыгал {m}
mafia {n} (a crime syndicate) :: мафія {f}
Magadan {prop} (city in Siberia) :: Магадан {m}
Magas {prop} (a city in Russia) :: Магас {m}
magazine {n} (periodical) :: часопіс {m}, журнал {m}
magazine {n} (ammunition clip or chamber enabling multiple rounds to be held before firing) :: магазін {m}, магазын {m}
Magdalene {prop} (female given name) :: Магдалена {f}
Magdalene {prop} (biblical character) SEE: Mary Magdalene ::
magenta {n} (colour) :: пурпурны колер {m}
magenta {adj} (colour) :: пурпурны
maggot {n} (dipterous insect's larva that eats decomposing organic matter) :: апарыш {m}
maggot {n} (worthless person) :: чарвяк {m}, гніда {f}
Maghreb {prop} (region in Africa) :: Магрыб {m}
magic {n} (use of supernatural rituals, forces etc.) :: магія {f}, чараўніцтва {n}
magician {n} (practitioner of allegedly supernatural magic) :: чараўнік {m}, маг {m}
magma {n} (molten matter) :: магма {f}
magnality {n} (great or wonderful thing) SEE: miracle ::
magnanimous {adj} (noble and generous in spirit) :: вялікадушны
magnesium {n} (chemical element) :: магній {m}
magnet {n} (piece of material that attracts some metals by magnetism) :: магніт {m}
magnifying glass {n} (instrument) :: лупа {f}, павелічальнае шкло {n}
Magnitogorsk {prop} (city in Russia) :: Магнітагорск {m}
magnitude {n} (size, etc.) :: велічыня {f}
magpie {n} (bird of genus Pica) :: сарока {f}
Magyar {adj} (Hungarian) SEE: Hungarian ::
Mahilyow {prop} (Mogilev) SEE: Mogilev ::
maiden {n} (unmarried young female) :: панна {f}, дзяўчына {f}, дзева {f}
maiden {n} (female virgin) :: нявінніца {f}
maiden {adj} (virgin) SEE: virgin ::
maiden name {n} (married woman's original last name) :: дзявочае прозвішча {n}
mail {n} (postal delivery system) :: пошта {f}
mailbox {n} (box into which mail is put) :: паштовая скрыня {f}
mailman {n} (post office employee) :: паштальён {m}, паштар {m}
main {adj} (chief, most important, or principal in extent, etc.) :: галоўны {m}, асноўны
main {n} (mainland) SEE: mainland ::
mainland {n} (the main landmass of a country or continent) :: мацярык {m}
mainland China {prop} (area under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China, excluding Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan) :: кантынентальны Китай {m}
mainly {adv} (chiefly; for the most part) :: галоўным чынам
maintain {v} (to maintain, to consider) SEE: hold ::
maize {n} (corn; a type of grain of the species Zea mays) :: кукуруза {f}, маіс {m}
majestic {adj} (having splendor or royalty) :: горды
majestical {adj} (majestic) SEE: majestic ::
major {n} (military rank) :: маёр {m}
major {adj} (of great significance or importance) :: галоўны {m}
Majorca {prop} (island) :: Мальёрка {f}, Маёрка {f}
majority {n} (more than half) :: большасць {f}
Makassar {prop} (city in Indonesia) :: Макасар {m}
make {v} (to construct) :: рабіць {impf}, зрабіць {pf}
make a mistake {v} (to err) :: памыляцца {impf}
make friends {v} (to create friendships) :: пасябраваць {pf}, пасябрыцца {pf}, падружыць {pf}, падружыцца {pf}, папрыязніцца {pf}
make it {v} (to succeed in doing something, for example in reaching a place, or getting there on time) :: паспяваць {impf}, паспець {pf}
make love {v} (to engage in sexual intercourse, see also: copulate) :: займацца каханнем {impf}
makeup {n} (cosmetics) :: макіяж {m}, грым {m}
Makeyevka {prop} (Makiyivka) SEE: Makiyivka ::
Makhachkala {prop} (capital of Dagestan, Russia) :: Махачкала {f}
makhorka {n} (Nicotiana rustica) :: махорка {f}
Makiyivka {prop} (city) :: Макееўка {f}
malaria {n} (disease) :: малярыя {f}
Malawi {prop} (Republic of Malawi) :: Малаві {f}
Malay {adj} (of the Malay people) :: малайскі
Malay {adj} :: [malozijskaja] малозійская
Malay {n} :: [malozijskaja] малозійская; [malozijskaja] малозійская
Malaysia {prop} (country in Southeast Asia) :: Малайзія {f}
Malaysian {prop} (Malay) SEE: Malay ::
Malaysian {adj} (Pertaining to Malaysia) :: малайзійскі
Maldives {prop} (country in South Asia) :: Мальдывы {p}
male {adj} (grammatically masculine) SEE: masculine ::
male {adj} (belonging to the sex which typically produces sperm, or the gender typically associated with it) :: мужчынскі {m}
male {n} (human of masculine sex or gender) :: мужчына {m}
male {n} (animal of masculine sex) :: самец {m}
maledict {v} (curse) SEE: curse ::
malediction {n} (curse) SEE: curse ::
malevolence {n} (hostile feeling and attitude) :: варожасць {f}, нядобразычлівасць {f}
Mali {prop} (a country in Western Africa) :: Малі {f}
maliciousness {n} (maliciousness) SEE: malevolence ::
malkin {n} (cat) SEE: cat ::
mall {n} (enclosed shopping centre) :: гандлёвы цэнтр {m}
mallard {n} (a common and widespread dabbling duck, Anas platyrhynchos) :: крыжанка
malt {n} (sprouted grain used in brewing) :: солад {m}
Malta {prop} (republic) :: Мальта {f}
Maltese {adj} (pertaining to Malta or its language) :: мальтыйскі
malware {n} (software developed to cause harm to a computer system) :: шкоднасная праграма {f}
mama {n} (mum) SEE: mum ::
mama {n} (mother) SEE: mother ::
mamma {n} (mum) SEE: mum ::
mamma {n} (mother) SEE: mother ::
mammal {n} (animal of the class Mammalia) :: млекакормячае {n}, сысун {m}, звер {m}
mammalian {n} (any mammal) SEE: mammal ::
mammary gland {n} (milk-secreting gland) :: малочная жалеза {f}
mammoth {n} (elephant-like mammal) :: мамант {m}
man {n} (adult male human) :: мужчына {m}, муж {m} [archaic or poetic]
man {n} (human) :: чалавек {m}, людзі {p} [plural]
management {n} (administration; the process or practice of managing) :: менеджмент {m}, мэнэджмэнт {m}, кіраванне {n}
manager {n} (person whose job is to manage something) :: мэнэджэр {m}, дырэктар {m}, кіраўнік {m}
Managua {prop} (capital of Nicaragua) :: Манагуа {f}
Manama {prop} (the capital city of Bahrain) :: Манама {f}
manatee {n} (any of several plant-eating marine mammals, of family Trichechidae) :: ламанцін {m}
Manchester {prop} (major city in the north-west of England) :: Манчэстэр
Manchuria {prop} (historical region in Northeast Asia) :: Маньчжурыя {f}
mandarin {n} (fruit) SEE: mandarin orange ::
mandarin {n} (tree) SEE: mandarin orange ::
mandarin orange {n} (fruit) :: мандарын {m}
mandatory {adj} (obligatory) :: абавязковы
Mandela {prop} (surname) :: Мандэла {m} {f}
mane {n} (longer hair growth on back of neck of a horse) :: грыва {f}
mane {n} (longer hair growth around head of male lions) :: грыва {f}
manga {n} (comic originated in Japan) :: манга {f}
manga {n} (comic done in Japanese style) :: манга {f}
manganese {n} (chemical element) :: марганец {m}
mango {n} (fruit) :: манга {n}
manicure {n} (cosmetic treatment for the fingernails) :: манікюр {m}
manifold {n} (omasum) SEE: omasum ::
maniple {n} (division of the Roman army) :: маніпула {f}
manipulatable {adj} (gullible) SEE: gullible ::
mankind {n} (human race) :: чалавецтва {n}
mannequin {n} (model of the human body used for the displaying of clothes) :: манекен {m}
manor {n} (landed estate) :: маёнтак {m}, памесце {n}
mansard {n} (mansard roof) SEE: mansard roof ::
mansard roof {n} (a roof with a shallower slope descending into a steeper slope) :: мансарда {f}
mansion {n} (large house or building) :: асабняк {m}
mantis {n} (any of various large insects of the order Mantodea) :: багамол {m}
mantra {n} (the hymn portions of the Vedas) :: мантра {f}
manual {n} (handbook or booklet that instructs) :: даведнік {m}
manual {adj} (performed with the hands) :: ручны
manure {n} (excrement) :: гной {m}
manus {n} (hand) SEE: hand ::
Manx {n} (language) SEE: Manx Gaelic ::
Manx Gaelic {n} (a Goidelic language spoken on the Isle of Man) :: мэнкская мова {f}, мэнкская {f}
many {determiner} (an indefinite large number of) :: многія, шмат, многа, багата
manyplies {n} (omasum) SEE: omasum ::
Maoism {n} (philosophy espoused by Mao Zedong) :: мааізм {m}
map {n} (visual representation of an area) :: карта {f}, мапа {f}, план {m}
maple {n} (tree of the Acer genus) :: клён {m}
Mapuche {n} (Mapuche tribe) :: Мапучы {m}
marathon {n} (road race) :: марафон {m}
marble {n} (crystalline limestone) :: мармур {m}
march {n} (formal, rhythmic way of walking) :: марш {m}
March {prop} (third month of the Gregorian calendar) :: сакавік {m}
marchland {n} (borderland) SEE: borderland ::
mare {n} (female horse) :: кабыла {f}
margarine {n} (spread) :: маргарын {m}
Marie {prop} (female given name) SEE: Mary ::
marijuana {n} (the drug) :: марыхуана {f}
Marina {prop} (female given name) :: Марына
marine biology {n} (branch of biology) :: біялогія акіяна {f}
mariner {n} (sailor) SEE: sailor ::
mariner's compass {n} (compass) SEE: compass ::
marital {adj} (pertaining to marriage) :: шлюбны
maritime {adj} (relating to the sea) :: марскі
maritime {adj} (bordering on the sea) :: прыморскі, марскі
Mariupol {prop} (city) :: Марыупаль {m}
mark {n} (academic score) :: ацэнка {f}
market {n} (spacious site for trading) :: рынак {m}, базар {m}
market {n} (used attributively) :: базарны {m}, рыначны {m}
market {v} (to sell) SEE: sell ::
marketing {n} (the promotion, distribution and selling of a product or service) :: маркетынг {m}, маркетынг {m}
Marks {prop} (surname) :: Маркс {m} {f}
marl {n} (a mixed earthy substance) :: мергель {m}
marmalade {n} (jam) :: мармелад {m}, джэм {m}
marmoset {n} (small monkey) :: малпачка {f}
marmot {n} (rodent of the genera Marmota) :: сурок {m}
marquess {n} (title of nobility) :: маркіз {m}
marquis {n} (nobleman) SEE: marquess ::
marriage {n} (state of being married) :: шлюб {m}
marriage agency {n} (business) :: шлюбнае агенцтва {n}
married {adj} (in a state of marriage; having a wife or a husband) :: жанаты [of a man], замужняя [of a woman]
married {adj} (in a state of marriage; having a husband) :: замужняя {f}
married {adj} (in a state of marriage; having a wife) :: ажэнены {m}, жанаты {m}
marrow {n} (substance inside bones) :: касцявы мозг {m}
marry {v} (to take a husband or wife) :: [of a man] жаніцца {impf}, ажаніцца {pf}, выходзіць замуж {impf}, выйсці замуж {pf} [of women]
marry off {v} (successfully arrange the marriage of someone) :: жаніць {impf} {pf}, ажаніць {pf} [of a male], выдаваць замуж {impf}, выдаць замуж {pf} [of a female]
Mars {prop} (planet) :: Марс {m}
Mars {prop} (god of war) :: Марс {m}
marshrutka {n} (share taxi) :: маршрутнае таксі {n}, маршрутка {f} [informal]
marsupial {n} (mammal of which the female typically has a pouch) :: сумчаты, торбачкавы {m}
marsupial {adj} (of or pertaining to a marsupial) :: сумчаты, торбачкавы
marten {n} (mammal) :: куніца {f}
martial {n} (soldier, warrior) SEE: soldier ::
martial {adj} (of, relating to, or suggestive of war, see also: warlike) :: ваенны
martial art {n} (fighting style) :: баявое мастацтва {n}
Martin {prop} (given name) :: Марцін {m}
martyr {n} (one willing to be killed for religion) :: пакутнік {m}, пакутніца {f}, мучальнік {m}, мучальніца {f}, мучанік {m}, мучаніца {f}
martyr {v} (torture) SEE: torture ::
martyr {v} (persecute) SEE: persecute ::
marvel {n} (miracle) SEE: miracle ::
marvel {n} (wonder) SEE: wonder ::
marvellous {adj} (exciting wonder) SEE: marvelous ::
marvelous {adj} (exciting wonder or surprise) :: дзівосны
Marx {prop} (surname) :: Маркс
Marxism {n} (philosophy) :: марксізм {m}
Mary {prop} (female given name) :: Марыя {f}
Mary {prop} (biblical mother of Jesus) :: Марыя {f}
Mary Magdalene {prop} (female disciple of Jesus) :: Марыя Магдаліна {f}
masculine {adj} (of the male sex; biologically male, not female; manly) :: мужчынскі
masculine {adj} (belonging to males; appropriated to, or used by, males) :: мужчынскі {m}
masculine {adj} (having male qualities, not feminine or effeminate) :: мужчынскі {m}
masculine {adj} (grammar: being of the masculine class, being inflected in the masculine manner) :: мужчынскі
masculine {n} ((grammar) the masculine gender) :: мужчынскі род {m}
masjid {n} (mosque) SEE: mosque ::
mask {n} (cover for the face) :: маска {f}
mason {n} (one who builds with stone or brick) :: муляр {m}
masonry {n} (art or occupation of a mason) :: каменная кладка {f}
Masr {prop} (Egypt) SEE: Egypt ::
mass {n} (quantity of matter cohering together to make one body) :: маса {f}
mass {n} (physics: quantity of matter which a body contains) :: маса {f}
mass {n} (religion: Eucharist) :: імша {f}
mass {n} (religion: celebration of the Eucharist) :: імша {f}
Mass {n} (Roman Catholic Church: the principal liturgical service) :: імша {f}
massacre {n} (intentional mass killing) :: разня {f}, бойня {f}, разніца {f}
massage {n} (rubbing, kneading, or hitting muscled part of a body) :: масаж {m}
mass media {n} (public communication that reaches a large audience) :: сродкі масавай інфармацыі {m-p}, СМІ {m-p}
mast {n} (support of a sail) :: мачта {f}, шчогла {f}
master {n} (someone who has control over something or someone) :: гаспадар {m}, валадар {m}
master {n} (owner of an animal or slave) :: пан {m}
master {n} (expert at something) :: майстар {m}
master {n} (courtesy title of a man) :: пан {m}
masterpiece {n} (piece of work that has been given much critical praise) :: шэдэўр {m}
masterwork {n} (piece of quality indicative of having been made by a master) SEE: masterpiece ::
mastery {n} (philosopher's stone) SEE: philosopher's stone ::
masticate {v} (chew) SEE: chew ::
masturbate {v} (to masturbate) :: мастурбаваць {impf}, ананіраваць {impf}
masturbation {n} (manual erotic stimulation of the genitals) :: мастурбацыя {f}, ананізм {m}
match {n} (sporting event) :: матч {m}
match {n} (device to make fire) :: запалка {f}
matchmake {v} (to do matchmaking: to set up a date between two people or to arrange a marriage) :: сватаць {impf}
matchmaker {n} (someone who finds suitable marriage partners) :: сват {m}, свацця {f}
matchmaking {n} (attempt to make two people romantically interested in each other) :: сватанне {n}
matchstick {n} (piece of wood) :: запалка {f}
mate {n} (checkmate) SEE: checkmate ::
material {n} (matter) :: матэрыял {m}
mathematician {n} (expert in mathematics) :: матэматык {m}
mathematics {n} (field of study) :: матэматыка {f}
matrimonial {adj} (relating to marriage) :: шлюбны, малажонскі
matrix {n} (womb) SEE: womb ::
matryoshka {n} (Russian doll) SEE: Russian doll ::
matter {n} (basic structural component of the universe) :: матэрыя {f}
Matterhorn {prop} (mountain) :: Матэргорн {m}, Матэрхорн {m}
Matthew {prop} (male given name) :: Мацей {m}, Матвей {m}
Matthew {prop} (biblical disciple) :: Матфей {m}
mattress {n} (a pad on which a person can recline and sleep) :: матрас {m}, матрац {m}
matzo {n} (thin, unleavened bread) :: маца {f}
maundy {n} (commandment) SEE: commandment ::
Mauritania {prop} (Islamic Republic of Mauritania) :: Маўрытанія {f}
Mauritian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Mauritius, its people, or their language or culture) :: маўрыкійскі, маўрыцыйскі [Taraškievica]
Mauritius {prop} (country) :: Маўрыкій {m}, Маўрыцы {m} [Taraškievica]
mausoleum {n} (large tomb) :: маўзалей {m}
May {prop} (fifth month of the Gregorian calendar) :: травень {m}, май {m}
maybe {adv} (indicating a lack of certainty) :: мабыць, мо [informal]
May bug {n} (cockchafer) SEE: cockchafer ::
Maykop {prop} (city in Russia) :: Майкоп {m}
mayonnaise {n} (dressing) :: маянэз {m}
mayor {n} (leader of a city) :: мэр {m}
mayoralty {n} (the office or term of a mayor) :: мэрыя {f}
may the Force be with you {phrase} (wish someone luck) :: хай будзе з табой Сіла
McDonald's {prop} (fast-food restaurant) :: Макдоналдс {m}, Макдональдс {m}
me {pron} (myself) SEE: myself ::
me {pron} (direct object of a verb) :: мяне
meadow {n} (field or pasture) :: луг {m}, паляна {f}
meal {n} (food that is prepared and eaten) :: ежа {f}
mean {v} (to convey, indicate) :: азначаць {impf}, значыць {impf}
mean {adj} (having the mean as its value) :: сярэдні
meaning {n} (symbolic value of something) :: значэнне {n}
means {n} (instrument or condition for attaining a purpose) :: спосаб {m}, сродак {m}
measles {n} (acute highly contagious viral disease) :: адзёр {m}
measure {n} (melody) SEE: melody ::
measure {v} (ascertain the quantity of a unit) :: мераць {impf}, памераць {impf}
measure {n} (dance) SEE: dance ::
measure {n} (geology: bed or stratum) SEE: bed ::
meat {n} (animal flesh used as food) :: мяса {n}
meatball {n} (meatball) :: тэфтэлі
meatgrinder {n} (device for cutting meat) :: мясарубка {f}
meat jelly {n} (aspic) SEE: aspic ::
Mecca {prop} (city in Saudi Arabia) :: Мекка {f}
mechanic {n} (skilled worker on machinery) :: механік {m}
mechanical {adj} (physics: related to mechanics) :: механічны
mechanism {n} (mechanical means for the conversion or control of motion) :: механізм {m}
medal {n} (stamped metal disc) :: медаль {f}
meddle {v} (to have sex) SEE: have sex ::
median {n} (statistics: measure of central tendency) :: медыяна {f}
medic {n} (doctor) SEE: doctor ::
medicine {n} (substance which promotes healing) :: лекі {m-p}, лякарства {n}
medicine {n} (treatment or cure) :: лячэнне {n}
medicine {n} (field of study) :: медыцына {f}
medicine {n} (profession) :: медыцына {f}
mediocre {adj} (having no peculiar or outstanding features) :: пасрэдны, сярэдні
Mediterranean {adj} (Of or pertaining to the Mediterranean Sea and the region around it) :: міжземнаморскі
Mediterranean {prop} (Mediterranean Sea) SEE: Mediterranean Sea ::
Mediterranean Sea {prop} (sea between Europe and Africa) :: Міжземнае мора
medium {adj} (of intermediate size) :: сярэдні
Medvedev {prop} (transliteration of Медведев) :: Мядзьведзеў {m}
meerkat {n} (small carnivorous mammal) :: сурыкат {m}
meet {v} (encounter by accident) :: сустракаць {impf}
meeting {n} (gathering for a purpose) :: сход {m}, сустрэча {f}, нарада {f}, пасяджэнне {n}
megaphone {n} (portable device used to amplify a person's voice) :: мегафон {m}, рупар {m}
melancholy {n} (Sadness or depression) :: меланхолія {f}
Melbourne {prop} (city in Australia) :: Мельбурн {m}
melodrama {n} (romantic drama) :: меладрама {f}
melody {n} (sequence of notes that makes up a musical phrase) :: мелодыя {f}
melon {n} (fruit) :: дыня {f}, мэлён {m}, малён {m}
melongene {n} (eggplant) SEE: eggplant ::
melt {n} (idiot) SEE: idiot ::
member {n} (in set theory) SEE: element ::
member {n} (one who officially belongs to a group) :: член {m}
membership {n} (fact of being a member) :: членства {n}
meme {n} (unit of cultural information) :: мем {m}
memorial service {n} (funeral) SEE: funeral ::
memorize {v} (to commit to memory, to learn by heart) :: запамятаць {pf}, запамінаць {impf}, запомніць {pf}
memory {n} (ability to recall) :: памяць {f}
memory {n} (stored record) :: успамін {m}, успамінанне {n}
mendelevium {n} (chemical element) :: мендзялевій {m}
Menshevik {n} (member of a faction of the Russian revolutionary movement) :: меншавік {m}
menstruation {n} (periodic discharging of the menses) :: менструацыя {f}
mental disorder {n} (behavioral pattern) :: псіхічны разлад
mental hospital {n} (facility designed to treat persons with mental disorders) :: псіхіятрычная бальніца {f}
mental institution {n} (psychiatric hospital) SEE: mental hospital ::
mention {v} (mention) SEE: cover ::
menu {n} (details of the food to be served at a banquet) :: меню {n}
menu {n} (printed list of dishes offered in a restaurant) :: меню {n}
meow {interj} (cry of a cat) :: мяў, мяу
mercenary {n} (person employed to fight) :: наёмнік {m}, наёмніца {f}, найміт {m}, наймітка {f}
merchant {n} (person who traffics in commodities) :: гандляр {m}, гандлярка {f}, купец {m} [dated]
merchantman {n} (merchant) SEE: merchant ::
mercury {n} (element) :: ртуць {f}
Mercury {prop} (planet) :: Меркурый {m}, Мэркурый {m} [Taraškievica orthography]
Mercury {prop} (Roman god) :: Меркурый {m}, Мэркурый {m} [Taraškievica orthography]
mercy {n} (relenting; forbearance to cause or allow harm to another) :: міласэрдзе {n}, літасць {f}, міласэрнасць {f}, літасцівасць {f}, міласць {f}
mercy killing {n} (euthanasia) SEE: euthanasia ::
merely {adv} (only, just, and nothing more) :: толькі, проста
mergirl {n} (mermaid) SEE: mermaid ::
meridian {n} (imaginary great circle on the Earth's surface) :: мерыдыян {m}
Merkel {prop} (surname) :: Меркель {m} {f}
merlon {n} (any of the upright projections between the embrasures of a battlement) :: мерлон, зубец
mermaid {n} (mythological woman with a fish's tail) :: русалка {f}, сірэна {f}, наяда {f}
merry {adj} (jolly and full of high-spirits) :: вясёлы, рады
Merry Andrew {n} (person who clowns publicly) SEE: clown ::
merry Christmas {phrase} (good wishes at Christmas time) :: з Калядамі, з Нараджэннем, з Нараджэннем Хрыстовым
merry-go-round {n} (carousel) :: карусель {f}
mesentery {n} (the membrane that attaches the intestines to the wall of the abdomen) :: брыжейка {f}, аточына {f}
mesh {n} (structure) :: сетка {f}, сець {f}, мярэжа {f}
Mesopotamia {prop} (region between Euphrates and Tigris) :: Месапатамія {f}, Міжрэчча {n}, Двухрэчча
mess {n} (church service) SEE: Mass ::
message {n} (communication, concept or information conveyed) :: паведамленне {n}
messiah {n} (ordained to lead the people of Israel) :: месія {m}
Messiah {prop} ((Christianity) Jesus) :: Месія {m}
Messidor {prop} (the tenth month of the French Republican Calendar) :: месідор {m}
Messina {prop} (city) :: Месіна {f}
mestnichestvo {n} ((historical) a feudal hierarchical system in Russia from the 15th to 17th centuries) :: месніцтва {n}
metabolism {n} (complete set of chemical reactions that occur in living cells) :: абмен рэчываў
metabolite {n} (any substance produced by, or taking part in, a metabolic reaction) :: метабаліт
metacarpus {n} (five bones of the palm) :: пясць {f}
metal {n} (atomic element or material made of such atoms) :: метал {m}
metal {n} (certain category of rock music) :: метал
metallurgist {n} (person skilled in metallurgy) :: металург {m}
metamorphic rock {n} (one of the major groups of rock that makes up the crust of the Earth) :: метамарфічныя горныя пароды
metaphor {n} (uncountable: figure of speech) :: метафара {f}
meteor {n} (streak of light) :: метэор {m}
meteorite {n} (remains of a meteor) :: метэарыт {m}
meteorology {n} (science) :: метэаралогія {f}
meter {n} (unit of length) SEE: metre ::
meter {v} (to measure) SEE: measure ::
method {n} (process by which a task is completed) :: метад {m}, спосаб {m}, прыём {m}
metre {n} (unit of length) :: метр {m}
metro {n} (underground railway) SEE: subway ::
metro {n} (train of underground railway) SEE: subway ::
metronome {n} (a device used in music) :: метраном {m}
mettle {n} (metal) SEE: metal ::
mew {n} (crying sound of a cat) SEE: meow ::
mew {v} (meow) SEE: meow ::
Mexican {n} (person from Mexico or of Mexican descent) :: мексіканец {m}, мексіканка {f}
Mexican {adj} (of or pertaining to Mexico) :: мексіканскі {m}
Mexico {prop} (country) :: Мексіка {f}, Мэксыка {f} [Taraškievica]
Mexico {prop} (Mexico City) SEE: Mexico City ::
Mexico City {prop} (capital of Mexico) :: Мехіка {m}
Michael {prop} (male given name) :: Міхаіл
microbe {n} (microorganism) :: мікроб {m}
microphone {n} (transducer of sound waves to electricity) :: мікрафон {m}
microscope {n} (an optical instrument) :: мікраскоп {m}
microscopize {v} (microscope) SEE: microscope ::
Microsoft {prop} (Transliterations and translations) :: Майкрасофт {m}
microwave {n} (microwave oven) SEE: microwave oven ::
microwave {n} (electromagnetic wave) :: мікрахваля {f}
microwave oven {n} (oven using microwave energy) :: мікрахвалевая печ {f}, мікрахвалеўка {f} [colloquial]
micturate {v} (urinate) SEE: urinate ::
midday {n} (12 o'clock during the day) SEE: noon ::
middle {n} (centre, midpoint) :: сярэдзіна {f}, сяродак {m}
middle {adj} (located in the middle; in between) :: сярэдні
Middle Earth {prop} (Earth) SEE: Earth ::
Middle East {prop} (region comprising southwest Asia and northeast Africa) :: Блізкі Усход {m}, Сярэдні Усход {m}
middle finger {n} (finger between the forefinger and the ring finger) :: сярэдні палец {m}
middle of nowhere {n} (remote place) :: у чорта на рагах, у віру на калу
Midgard {prop} (Earth) SEE: Earth ::
midnight {n} (12 o'clock) :: поўнач {f}
midway {adv} (halfway) SEE: halfway ::
midwife {n} (person who assists women in childbirth) :: акушэрка {f}
mielie {n} (maize) SEE: maize ::
migrant worker {n} (guest worker) SEE: guest worker ::
mildew {n} (growth of minute fungi) :: цвіль {f}, плесня {f}, бросня {f}
mile {n} (measure of length) :: міля {f}
milieu {n} (medium) SEE: medium ::
militant {adj} (warlike, belligerent) :: ваяўнічы
militarize {v} (to train or equip for war) :: мілітарызаваць
military {adj} (characteristic of members of the armed forces) :: ваенны, вайсковы
military {adj} (relating to war) :: ваенны
militia {n} (army of trained civilians called upon in time of need) :: міліцыя {f}
militiaman {n} (member of a militia) :: міліцыянт {m}
militsia {n} (police) SEE: police ::
militsia {n} (militia) SEE: militia ::
militsia {n} ((Soviet Union) the police in the Soviet Union and related states) :: міліцыя {f}
milk {v} (to express milk from mammal) :: даіць
milk {n} (semen) SEE: semen ::
milk {n} (liquid) :: малако {n}
milkmaid {n} (a young woman who milks the cows on a farm) :: даярка {f}
milkmaid's yoke {n} (carrying pole) SEE: carrying pole ::
milkshake {n} (milk and ice cream beverage) :: малочны кактэйль {m}
milk tea {n} (beverage containing a combination of cow's milk and tea) :: чай з малаком {m}
milk thistle {n} (Silybum, Silybum marianum) :: растаропша {f}, растаропша плямістая {f}
Milky Way {prop} (galaxy) :: Млечны Шлях {m}
mill {n} (grinding apparatus) :: млын {m}
mill {n} (building housing a grinding apparatus) :: млын {m}
mill {v} (grind or process using a mill or other machine) :: малоць {impf}
mill {n} (milling cutter) SEE: milling cutter ::
millennium {n} (thousand-year period) :: тысячагоддзе {n}
miller {n} (person) :: млынар {m}
millet {n} (any of a group of various types of grass or its grains used as food) :: проса {n}, пшано {n}
milli- {prefix} (prefix) :: мілі-
milliard {num} (10^9) SEE: billion ::
millimeter {n} (unit of measure) :: мілімэтар {m}
millimetre {n} (millimeter) SEE: millimeter ::
milling cutter {n} (rotary cutting tool) :: фрэза
million {n} (cardinal number) :: мільён {m}
millionaire {n} (somebody whose wealth is greater than one million) :: мільянер {m}, мільянерка {f}
millipede {n} (elongated arthropod) :: шматножка {f}
milt {n} (the organ spleen) SEE: spleen ::
minaret {n} (mosque tower) :: мінарэт {m}
mince {n} (finely chopped meat) :: фарш {m}
mincer {n} (a kitchen utensil used for mincing meat) SEE: meatgrinder ::
mind {n} (ability for rational thought) :: розум {m}
mind {v} (to remember) SEE: remember ::
mine {pron} (that which belongs to me) :: мой
mine {n} (excavation from which ore is extracted) :: шахта {f}, руднік {m}
mine {n} (military: exploding device) :: міна {f}
minecart {n} (a wheeled container that travels on tracks, used for moving mining materials) :: ваганетка {f}
Minecrafty {adj} (characteristic of Minecraft) :: майнкрафтаўскі
minelayer {n} (ship capable of laying mines) :: мінны загараджальнік {m}
miner {n} (person who works in a mine) :: шахцёр {m}, гарняк {m}
mineral {n} (in geology) :: мінерал {m}
mineral {n} (mineral water) SEE: mineral water ::
mineralogy {n} (the study or science of minerals) :: мінералогія {f}
mineral water {n} (water containing dissolved minerals) :: мінеральная вада {f}, мінералка {f}
minibus {n} (a small bus) :: мікрааўтобус {m}
minimus {n} (the fifth digit) SEE: little finger ::
miniskirt {n} (skirt) :: міні-спадніца {f}
minister {n} (person who is trained to perform religious ceremonies at a Protestant church) :: свяшчэннiк {m}
minister {n} (politician who heads a ministry) :: міністр {m}, міністар {m} [Taraškievica]
ministry {n} (government department) :: міністэрства {n}
mink {n} (mammal) :: норка {f}
Minorca {prop} (An island of Spain) :: Менорка {f}, Мінорка {f}
minority {n} (subgroup that does not form a numerical majority) :: меншасць {f}
minotaur {n} (monster with the head of a bull and the body of a man) :: мінатаўр {m}
Minsk {prop} (capital of Belarus) :: Мінск {m}, Менск {m} [dated or Taraškievica orthography]
mint {n} (plant) :: мята {f}
minus {n} (minus sign) SEE: minus sign ::
minus sign {n} (symbol used to denote the operation of subtraction and to indicate that a number is negative) :: мінус {m}
minute {n} (unit of time) :: хвіліна {f}
Mir {prop} (an international space station) :: Мір {m}
miracle {n} (wonderful event attributed to supernatural powers) :: цуд {m}, дзіва {n}
mirage {n} (an optical phenomenon) :: міраж {m}, марыва {n}
mirror {n} (smooth reflecting surface) :: люстэрка {n}, люстра {n}
misanthropy {n} (hatred or dislike of people or mankind) :: мізантропія {f}
misbegotten {n} (one born out of wedlock) SEE: bastard ::
miserly {adj} (like a miser; very covetous; stingy) :: скупы
misery {n} (great unhappiness) :: няшчасце {f}, бяда {f}, гора {n}
misery {n} (poverty) :: галеча {f}
misfit {n} (a badly adjusted person) :: няўдачнік {m}
misfortune {n} (bad luck) :: няшчасце {n}, гора {n}, ліха {n}, бяда {f}
misinformation {n} (disinformation) SEE: disinformation ::
misleading {adj} (tending to mislead) :: зманлівы
misogyny {n} (hatred or contempt for women) :: жанчынаненавісніцтва {n}, жананянавісць {f}
miss {n} (unmarried woman) :: панна {f}, спадарычна {f}
miss {n} (Miss) SEE: Miss ::
Miss {n} (title) :: панна {f}, спадарычна {f}, панна {f}, [also: madam] спадарыня {f}, [also: madam] пані {f}
missile {n} (self-propelled, guidable projectile) :: ракета {f}
missing {adj} (not able to be located) :: адсутны, згублены [lost], страчаны [lost]
mission {n} (set of tasks that fulfills a purpose) :: місія {f}
missionary {n} (person traveling to spread a religion) :: місіянер {m}, місіянерка {f}
Mississippi {n} (river) :: Місісіпі {f}
missus {n} (wife) SEE: wife ::
mistake {n} (an error) :: памылка {f}
mistaken {adj} ((with a copula verb, often with about) having an incorrect belief) SEE: be wrong ::
mister {n} (title of adult male) :: пан {m}, спадар {m}
mistletoe {n} (any of several hemiparasitic evergreen plants of the order Santalales) :: амяла {f}
mistress {n} (woman of authority) :: спадарка {f}, гаспадыня {f}
mistress {n} (woman in extramarital relationship) :: палюбоўніца {f}, каханка {f}
mitre {n} (a covering for the head, worn on solemn occasions by church dignitaries) :: мітра {f}
mitt {n} (mitten) SEE: mitten ::
mitten {n} (type of glove) :: пальчатка {f}
moan {v} (to make a moan or similar sound) :: енчыць
moat {n} (defensive ditch) :: роў {m}
mob {n} (mafia) SEE: mafia ::
mobile {n} (mobile phone) SEE: mobile phone ::
mobile phone {n} (portable telephone) :: мабільны тэлефон {m}
mobile telephone {n} (mobile phone) SEE: mobile phone ::
mobilisation {n} (mobilization) SEE: mobilization ::
mobilization {n} (marshalling of troops and national resources in preparation for war) :: мабілізацыя {f}
mode {n} (in computing) :: рэжым {m}
mode {n} (grammatical mood) SEE: grammatical mood ::
model {n} (person) :: мадэль {f}
model {n} (simplified representation) :: мадэль {f}, макет {m}
model aircraft {n} (aircraft made to a smaller scale) :: авіямадэль {f}
modem {n} (device that encodes digital computer signals into analog/analogue telephone signals) :: мадэм {m}
modern {adj} (pertaining to the current time and style) :: сучасны
modest {adj} (not bragging or boasting about oneself or one's achievements) :: скромны, сціплы
modesty {n} (the quality of being modest) :: сціпласць {f}, скромнасць {f}
module {n} (self-contained component of a system) :: модуль {m}
Mogilev {prop} (city) :: Магілёў {m}
Mohammad {prop} (male given name) SEE: Muhammad ::
Mohammad {prop} (prophet) SEE: Muhammad ::
moiety {n} (half) SEE: half ::
moist {adj} (slightly wet) :: вільготны
moisture {n} (a moderate degree of wetness) :: вільгаць {f}, вільготнасць {f}
mojibake {n} (corrupt characters or letters) :: краказябра {f}
Moksha {prop} (language) :: макшанская {f} [мова]
mold {n} (woolly or furry growth of tiny fungi) :: цвіль {f}, плесня {f}, бросня {f}
Moldavia {prop} (Moldova) SEE: Moldova ::
Moldavian {adj} (relating to Moldova) :: малдаўскі
Moldova {prop} (country) :: Малдова {f}, Малдавія {f}
Moldovan {n} (Moldavian) SEE: Moldavian ::
Moldovan {prop} (Moldavian) SEE: Moldavian ::
Moldovan {adj} (Moldavian) SEE: Moldavian ::
mole {n} (dark spot on the skin) :: радзімка {f}
mole {n} (burrowing insectivore) :: крот {m}
molecule {n} (group of atoms held together by chemical bonds) :: малекула {f}
mollie {n} (Molotov cocktail) SEE: Molotov cocktail ::
mollusc {n} (soft-bodied invertebrate of phylum Mollusca, see also: clam; oyster; mussel) :: малюск {m}
Molotov cocktail {n} (simple incendiary bomb) :: кактэйль Молатава {m}
molybdenum {n} (chemical element) :: малібдэн {m}
mom {v} (mother) SEE: mum ::
moment {n} (very brief period of time) :: хвіліна {f}, міг {m}, імгненне {n}, хвілінка {f}, момант {m}
mommy {n} (mum) SEE: mum ::
momo {n} (type of dumpling) :: мома
Monaco {prop} (country in Europe) :: Манака {f}
Mona Lisa {prop} (painting by Leonardo da Vinci) :: Мона Ліза {f}, Джаконда {f}
monarch {n} (ruler) :: манарх {m}
monarchy {n} (form of government with a hereditary head of state) :: манархія {f}
monastery {n} (building for monks) :: манастыр {m}
Monday {n} (day of the week) :: панядзелак {m}
money {n} (means of exchange and measure of value) :: грошы {m-p}
moneybags {n} (wealthy person) :: багач {m}
money box {n} (tin with a slot in the top for depositing coins) SEE: piggy bank ::
money plant {n} (Lunaria annua) SEE: honesty ::
Mongol {n} (A person from Mongolia; a Mongolian) SEE: Mongolian ::
Mongolia {prop} (East Asian country) :: Манголія {f}
Mongolian {adj} (of or relating to Mongolia or its peoples, languages, or cultures) :: мангольскі
Mongolian {n} (native or inhabitant of Mongolia) :: мангол {m}, манголка {f}
Mongolian {n} (language of Mongolia) :: мангольская мова {f}, мангольская {f}
Mongolian People's Republic {prop} (Mongolia) SEE: Mongolia ::
mongoose {n} (a small carnivore of the family Herpestidae) :: мангуст {m}
moniker {n} (signature) SEE: signature ::
monitor {n} (computer display) :: манітор {m}
monitor {n} (monitor lizard) SEE: monitor lizard ::
monitor lizard {n} (lizard of the genus Varanus) :: варан {m}
monk {n} (slang: judge) SEE: judge ::
monk {n} (male member of monastic order) :: манах {m}
monkey {n} (primate) :: малпа {f} [includes apes]
monkey-house {n} (brothel) SEE: brothel ::
monocotyledon {n} (Plant belonging to Monocotyledones or Liliopsida) :: аднадольныя
monogamy {n} (permanent pair bond between two beings) :: манагамія {f}, аднашлюбнасць {f}
monster {n} (terrifying dangerous creature) :: пачвара {f}, страшыдла {n}, страхоцце {n}, монстар {m}
Mont Blanc {prop} (the highest mountain in Europe) :: Манблан {m}
Montenegrin {adj} (relating to Montenegro) :: чарнагорскі
Montenegrin {n} (person from Montenegro) :: чарнагорац {m}, чарнагорка {f}
Montenegrin {n} (the standardized variety of Serbo-Croatian) :: чарнагорская мова {f}, чарнагорская {f}
Montenegro {prop} (country in Europe) :: Чарнагорыя {f}
Montferrat {prop} (territory of Piedmont, Italy) :: Манферат {m}
month {n} (period into which a year is divided) :: месяц {m}
Montreal {prop} (a city in Quebec) :: Манрэаль {m}
monument {n} (structure built for commemorative or symbolic reasons) :: помнік {m}, памятнік {m}, манумент {m}
moo {v} (to make a lowing sound) :: мукаць {impf}
mood {n} (mental state) :: настрой {m}
mood {n} (grammatical mood) SEE: grammatical mood ::
moon {n} (largest natural satellite of planet Earth) :: месяц {m}
moon {n} (any substantially sized natural satellite of a planet) :: спадарожнік {m}, сатэліт {m}
Moon {prop} (sole natural satellite of the Earth) :: Месяц {m}, месяц {m}, Луна {f}
moonlighting {n} (period of working on the side) :: халтура {f}
moonshine {n} (illicit liquor) :: самагон {m}
Moor {n} (a member of a certain mixed race of Arab and Berber people) :: маўр {m}
moose {n} (largest member of the deer family (Alces alces)) :: лось {m}
moot {n} (debate) SEE: debate ::
moot {n} (discuss) SEE: discuss ::
mop {n} (implement for washing floors) :: швабра {f}
moped {n} (two-wheeled vehicle) :: мапед {m}
moraine {n} (accumulation of rocks and debris) :: марэна {f}
morality {n} (recognition of / obedience to the rules of right conduct) :: мараль {f}
moral philosophy {n} (ethics) SEE: ethics ::
Morava {prop} (river in Central Europe) :: Морава {f}
Moravia {prop} (historical region) :: Маравія {f}
Mordovia {prop} (republic of Russia) :: Мардовія {f}
Mordvinia {prop} (republic of Russia) SEE: Mordovia ::
more {determiner} (comparative of many) :: больш
more {determiner} (comparative of much) :: больш, яшчэ
more {adv} (comparative of much) :: больш
morgue {n} (place for dead people) :: морг {m}
morgue {n} (haughty attitude) SEE: arrogance ::
morion {n} (type of helmet) :: марыён
morning {n} (part of the day between dawn and midday) :: раніца {f}
morning {n} (the part of the day after midnight and before midday) :: раніца
morning after {n} (hangover) SEE: hangover ::
Morocco {prop} (country) :: Марока {n}
moron {n} (idiot) SEE: idiot ::
morpheme {n} (smallest linguistic unit) :: марфема {f}
mortal {adj} (susceptible to death) :: смяротны
mortar {n} (vessel used to grind ingredients) :: ступа {f}
mortuary {n} (morgue) SEE: morgue ::
mosaic {n} (artwork) :: мазаіка {f}
Moscow {prop} (capital city of Russia) :: Масква {f}
Moses {prop} (the biblical patriarch) :: Майсей {m}
mosque {n} (a place of worship for Muslims) :: мячэць {f}
mosquito {n} (small flying insect of the family Culicidae, known for biting and sucking blood) :: камар {m}, маскіт {m}
moss {n} (bog) SEE: bog ::
moss {n} (plants of the division Bryophyta) :: мох {m}
moss-grown {adj} (old; old-fashioned, out of date) SEE: old ::
most {adv} (forming the superlative) :: найбольш, най-
most {adv} (almost) SEE: almost ::
mostly {adv} (for the most part) :: найболей
motel {n} (type of hotel) :: матэль {m}
moth {n} (insect similar to a butterfly) :: моль {f}
mother {n} (motherfucker) SEE: motherfucker ::
mother {n} (hysterical passion) SEE: hysteria ::
mother {n} (female (human) who parents a child, gives birth to a baby, or is pregnant) :: маці {f}, мама {f}
mother {n} (one’s female parent) :: маці {f}, матуля {f}, мама {f}
motherfucker {n} (generic term of abuse) :: вырадак
mother-in-law {n} (spouse’s mother) :: свякроў {f}, свякруха {f} [husband's mother], цешча {f} [wife's mother]
motherland {n} (the country of one's ancestors) :: радзіма {f}, айчына {f}, бацькаўшчына {f}
Mother of God {prop} (mother of Jesus Christ) :: Маці Божая {f}
mother-of-pearl {n} (pearly layer) :: перламутр {m}, пэрлямутар {m}
mother tongue {n} (one's native tongue) :: родная мова {f}
motion picture {n} (movie) SEE: movie ::
motivation {n} (willingness of action especially in behavior) :: матывацыя {f}
motor {n} (machine that converts other energy forms into mechanical energy) :: рухавік {m}, матор {m}
motorcar {n} (enclosed passenger vehicle powered by engine) SEE: automobile ::
motorcycle {n} (open-seated motor vehicle with handlebars instead of a steering wheel) :: матацыкл {m}
motorway {n} (broad highway) :: аўтамагістраль {f}
motto {n} (sentence, phrase or word forming part of an heraldic achievement) :: дэвіз {m}
mouflon {n} (sheep) :: муфлон
mould {n} (mould) SEE: mold ::
mould {v} (mould) SEE: mold ::
mould {n} (mould) SEE: mold ::
mould {v} (mould) SEE: mold ::
mouldwarp {n} (mole) SEE: mole ::
mouldy {adj} (neglected) SEE: neglected ::
mound {n} (vulva) SEE: vulva ::
mount {n} (mountain) SEE: mountain ::
mountain {n} (large mass of earth and rock) :: гара {f}
mountain ash {n} (Sorbus aucuparia) SEE: rowan ::
Mount Everest {prop} (world’s highest mountain, located in the Himalayas) :: Эвэрэст
Mount Mayon {prop} (the most active volcano in the Philippines) :: Маён
mourning {n} (act of expressing sorrow) :: смутак {m}, жалоба {f}
mourning {n} (expressing sorrow over death) :: жалоба {f}
mouse {n} (rodent of the genus Mus) :: мыш {f}, мышка {f}
mouse {n} (computing: input device) :: мышка {f}, мыш {f}, мышка {f}
mousekin {n} (little mouse) :: мышка {f}
mousekin {n} (baby mouse) :: мышаня {n}, мышанё {n}
moustache {n} (hair on upper lip) :: вусы {p}
moustached {adj} (having moustache) :: вусаты
moustacheless {adj} (without a moustache) :: бязвусы
moustachio'd {adj} (possessing a moustachio) :: вусаты
mouth {n} (the opening of a creature through which food is ingested) :: рот {m}, вусны {n-p} [archaic or poetic]
mouthly {adj} (oral) SEE: oral ::
move {v} (to change place or posture; to go) :: рухацца {impf}
move {v} (to change residence) :: пераязджаць {impf}, пераехаць {pf}
move {v} (to cause to change place or posture; to set in motion) :: рухаць {impf}
move {n} (the act of moving a token on a gameboard) :: ход {m}
move {n} (the act of moving) SEE: movement ::
move house {v} (change place of residence) :: пераязджаць {impf}, пераехаць {pf}
movement {n} (physical motion) :: рух {m}
movie {n} (motion picture) :: фільм {m}, кіно {n}, кінафільм {m}
movie {n} (cinema) SEE: cinema ::
moviehouse {n} (cinema) SEE: cinema ::
movie theater {n} (cinema) SEE: cinema ::
mow {v} (to cut down) :: касіць {impf}, секчы {impf}
mower {n} (lawnmower) SEE: lawnmower ::
Mozambique {prop} (country in Southern Africa) :: Мазамбік {m}
mozzarella {n} (soft Italian cheese) :: мацарэла {f} /macarela/
Mr {n} (abbreviation of mister) SEE: Mr. ::
Mr. {n} (abbreviation of mister) :: пан {m}, спадар {m}, містар {m} [Anglophone context]
Mrs {n} (title before woman's name) :: пані {f}, спадарыня {f}, місіс {f} [Anglophone context]
Mstsislaw {prop} (town of Belarus) :: Мсціслаў; [taraškievica] Амсьціслаў, Мсьціслаў
much {determiner} (a large amount of) :: многа, шмат, багата
much obliged {interj} (thank you) SEE: thank you ::
much obliged {adj} (grateful) SEE: grateful ::
mucus {n} (slippery secretion) :: слізь {f}
mud {n} (mixture of soil and water) :: бруд {m}, гразь {f}
muezzin {n} (person who issues call to prayer) :: муэдзін {m}
muff {n} (a piece of fur or cloth for keeping the hands warm) :: муфта {f}, мутэрка {f}
muffler {n} (part of exhaust pipe) :: глушыцель {m}
muffler {n} (scarf) SEE: scarf ::
mug {n} (large cup) :: кухаль {m}, куфель {m}
Muggle {n} (person who has no magical abilities) :: магл {m}
muggy {adj} (humid or hot and humid) :: душны
Muhammad {prop} (the prophet who introduced Islam) :: Магамет {m}, Мухамед {m}
mujik {n} (Russian peasant) :: селянін {m}, мужык {m}
mulberry {n} (the tree) :: шаўковіца {f}
mulberry {n} (the fruit) :: шаўковіца {f}
mulct {n} (pecuniary penalty) SEE: fine ::
mule {n} (offspring of male donkey and female horse) :: мул {m}
mullah {n} (a Muslim religious scholar and teacher) :: мула {m}
mullein {n} (plants of the genus Verbascum) :: дзiвáнна {f}
mullet {n} (fish of the family Mugilidae (grey mullets)) :: кефаль {f}
multilateral {adj} (having many sides or points of view) :: многабочны, многабаковы, шматбаковы, многастаронні
multilingual {adj} (pertaining to multiple languages) :: мнагамоўны, шматмоўны
multinational {adj} (of, or involving more than two countries) :: шматнацыянальны
multiplication {n} (process) :: множанне {n}
multiplication {n} (calculation) :: множанне {n}
multiply {v} (transitive: perform multiplication on (a number)) :: памнажаць {impf}, памножыць {pf}
mum {n} (mother (informal, familiar)) :: мама {f}, матуля {f}
mummy {n} (embalmed corpse) :: мумія {f}
mummy {n} (child's term for mother) :: мама {f}
Munich {prop} (capital of Bavaria) :: Мюнхэн {m}
municipal {adj} (pertaining to city) :: гарадскі, мястовы, муніцыпальны
murabba {n} (kind of sweet fruit preserve) :: варэнне {n}
murder {n} (an act of deliberate killing) :: забойства {n}
murder {v} (deliberately kill) :: забіваць {impf}, забіць {pf}
murderer {n} (person who commits murder) :: забойца {m} {f}
murky {adj} (hard to see through) :: каламутны
Murmansk {prop} (city) :: Мурманск {m}
murrey {n} (mulberry) SEE: mulberry ::
Muscat {prop} (capital city) :: Маскат
muscle {n} (contractile tissue) :: мышца {f}, мускул {m}, цягліца {f}
muscleman {n} (bodyguard) SEE: bodyguard ::
Muscovite {n} (resident of Moscow) :: масквіч {m}, масквічка {f}
Muscovite {adj} (Relating to Moscow) :: маскоўскі {m}
museum {n} (building or institution) :: музей {m}
mushroom {n} (fruiting body of a fungus) :: грыб {m}
music {n} (sound, organized in time in a melodious way) :: музыка {f}
musical {adj} (of or relating to music) :: музычны
musical {n} (stage performance, show or film) :: мюзікл {m}
musical instrument {n} (a device, object, contrivance or machine used to produce musical notes or sounds) :: музычны інструмент {m}
musician {n} (person who performs or writes music) :: музыка {m}, музыкант {m}
music video {n} (motion picture accompanying a song) :: відэакліп {m}, кліп {m}
muskrat {n} (Ondatra zibethicus) :: андатра {f}
Muslim {n} (believer of Islam) :: мусульманін {m}, мусульманка {f}
Muslim {adj} (relating to believers of Islam) :: мусульманскі
muslin {n} (very different styles of fabric) SEE: fabric ::
musquash {n} (Ondatra zibethicus) SEE: muskrat ::
mussel {n} (any small edible bivalve shellfish, see also: clam; oyster; mollusc) :: мідыя {f}
Mussolini {prop} (surname) :: Мусаліні
must {v} (be required to) :: мусіць, [predicative] павінен {m}, павінна {f} {n}, павінны {p}
mustard {n} (plant) :: гарчыца {f}
mustard {n} (condiment) :: гарчыца {f}
muster {v} (to show, exhibit) SEE: show ::
mute {adj} (not having the power of speech) :: нямы
muteness {n} (characteristic of being mute) :: немата {f}
mutton {n} (the flesh of sheep used as food) :: бараніна {f}
muzzle {n} (part of animal's head) :: морда {f}
muzzle {n} (device to stop an animal from biting) :: наморднік {m}
my {determiner} (belonging to me) :: мой
Myanmar {prop} (Southeast Asian country, see also: Burma) :: М'янмар {m}, М'янма {f}, Бірма {f}
Myanmar {prop} (Burmese) SEE: Burmese ::
mycorrhiza {n} (symbiotic relationship between the mycelium of a fungus and the roots of a plant) :: грыбакорань
Mykolaiv {prop} (a city in Ukraine) :: Мікалаеў {m}
my name is {phrase} (a way to identify oneself) :: мяне клічуць ...
myocardial infarction {n} (heart attack) SEE: heart attack ::
my pleasure {interj} (a polite reaction to receiving thanks) :: няма за што, калі ласка
myrtle {n} (evergreen shrub) :: мірт {m}
myself {pron} (me, reflexive form of me) :: сябе [accusative, genitive], сабе [dative, locative], сабой [instrumental]; -цца [verb ending]
myself {pron} (in apposition with I; personally) :: я сам {m}, я сама {f}
mysterious {adj} (of unknown origin) :: таямнічы
mystery {n} (something secret or unexplainable) :: таямніца {f}, загадка {f}
myth {n} (divine story) :: міф {m}, міт {m} [Taraškievica]
mythical {adj} (existing in myth) :: міфічны, мітычны [Taraškievica]
mythology {n} (collection and study of myths) :: міфалогія {f}
nacre {n} (pearly substance on the interior of shells) SEE: mother-of-pearl ::
nada {pron} (nothing) SEE: nothing ::
Nadsat {prop} (Russian-influenced argot used in A Clockwork Orange (1962)) :: Надсат, надцать
naevus {n} (abnormal area on skin) SEE: mole ::
Nagasaki {prop} (Japanese port) :: Нагасакі {m}
Nagorno-Karabakh {prop} (region in South Caucasus) :: Нагорны Карабах {m}
Nagorno-Karabakh Republic {prop} (country in South Caucasus) :: Нагорна Карабахская Рэспубліка {f}
Nagorny Karabakh {prop} (Nagorno-Karabakh) SEE: Nagorno-Karabakh ::
naiad {n} (female deity) :: наяда {f}
nail {n} (on fingers and toes) :: пазногаць {m}, ногаць {m}
nail {n} (spike-shaped metal fastener used for joining wood or similar materials) :: цвік {m}, цьвік {m}, гвозд {m}
naive {adj} (lacking experience, wisdom, or judgement) :: наіўны
naked {adj} (not wearing any clothes) :: голы, нагі
Nakhodka {prop} (city in Russia) :: Находка {f}
Nalchik {prop} (city in Russia) :: Нальчык {m}
nalivka {n} (a Slavic sweet fruit or berry liqueur) :: наліўка {f}
namaz {n} (prayer) SEE: prayer ::
namaz {n} (salat) SEE: salat ::
name {n} (word or phrase indicating a particular person, place, class or thing) :: імя {n}, [of a place, class, etc.] назоў {m}, назва {f}
name {v} (to give a name to) :: называць {impf}, назваць {pf}
name card {n} (business card) SEE: business card ::
nameless {adj} (having no name) :: безыменны
Namibia {prop} (Republic of Namibia) :: Намібія {f}
nancy {n} ((derogatory slang) effeminate male homosexual) SEE: fairy ::
nanny {n} (child's nurse) :: нянька {f}, няня {f}
nanotechnology {n} (science and technology of creating nanoparticles) :: нанатэхналогія {f}
nap {n} :: кароткі сон {m}
nap {v} (to have a nap) :: драмаць {impf}
napalm {n} (inflammable substance) :: напалм {m}
nape {n} (back part of the neck) :: патыліца {f}
napiform {adj} (shaped like a turnip) :: рэпчаты
napkin {n} (diaper) SEE: diaper ::
napkin {n} (serviette) :: сурвэтка {f}
Naples {prop} (city in Italy) :: Неапаль {m}
Napoleon {prop} (Napoleon Bonaparte) :: Напалеон {m}
nappy {n} (diaper) SEE: diaper ::
narcissism {n} (excessive love of oneself) :: нарцысізм {m}
narcology {n} (study of drug abuse) :: наркалогія {f}
narcotic {n} (class of drugs) :: наркотык {m}
Narew {prop} (river) :: Нараў
narrate {v} (to relate a story) :: расказваць {impf}, расказаць {pf}, распавядаць {impf}, распавесці {pf}
narrow {adj} (having small width) :: вузкі
narrowly {adv} (by a narrow margin; closely) :: вузка
Narva {prop} (City in Estonia) :: Нарва {f}
narwhal {n} (Arctic cetacean) :: нарвал {m}, аднарог {m}
Naryan-Mar {prop} (city in Russia) :: Нар'ян-Мар {m}
nasal {adj} (pertaining to the nose) :: насавы, назальны
nastoyka {n} (a Slavic liqueur containing an infusion of herbs and/or fruits in brandy or similar spirit) :: настойка {f}, наліўка {f}
Natalia {prop} (female given name) SEE: Natalie ::
Natalie {prop} (female given name) :: Наталля
nation {n} (community of people) :: нацыя {f}, народ {m}
nation {n} (sovereign state) :: дзяржава {f}, нацыя {f}
national {adj} (of or having to do with a nation) :: нацыянальны, народны, дзяржаўны
national {adj} (of or having to do with a country) :: дзяржаўны
National Aeronautics and Space Administration {prop} (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) :: Нацыянальная адміністрацыя аэранаўтыкі і космасу {f}
national anthem {n} (official song of a nation or country) :: дзяржаўны гімн {m}
national emblem {n} (official emblem of a nation or country) :: дзяржаўны герб {m}, герб {m}
nationalism {n} (idea of supporting one's country and culture) :: нацыяналізм {m}
nationalist {n} (advocate of nationalism) :: нацыяналіст {m}, нацыяналістка {f}
nationalistic {adj} (of, relating to, or advocating nationalism) SEE: nationalist ::
nationality {n} (membership of a nation or state) :: нацыянальнасць {f}, грамадзянства {n} [citizenship]
nationality {n} (nationalism) SEE: nationalism ::
nation-state {n} (nation state or nation-state) :: нацыянальная дзяржава {f}
native {adj} (belonging to one by birth) :: родны
native {adj} (characteristic of or relating to people inhabiting a region from the beginning) :: карэнны, туземны, тубыльны, тубыльчы
native {n} (native speaker) SEE: native speaker ::
Native American {adj} (of the American Indians) SEE: Indian ::
native language {n} (one's first language learned in childhood) SEE: mother tongue ::
native speaker {n} (person who grew up with a particular language as their mother tongue) :: носьбіт мовы {m}, носьбітка мовы {f}
NATO {prop} (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) :: НАТО {f}
natural {adj} (relating to nature) :: прыродны
natural {adj} (without additives) :: натуральны
natural {adj} (as expected) :: натуральны
natural language {n} (human language developed naturally) :: натуральная мова {f}
nature {n} (the natural world) :: прырода {f}
nature {n} (essential characteristics) :: прырода {f}
nature {n} (primitive state of being) :: прырода {f}
nature {n} (everything related to biological and geographical states) :: прырода {f}
nature's scythe {n} (penis) SEE: penis ::
naughty {adj} (bad; tending to misbehave or act badly) :: непаслухмяны
Navarre {prop} (autonomous community of Spain) :: Навара
nave {n} (the middle or body of a church) :: неф {m}
navel {n} (remnant of umbilical cord) :: пупок {m}, пуп {m}
navigation {n} (canal) SEE: canal ::
navy {n} (sea force) :: ваенна-марскія сілы {f-p}, ваенна-марскі флот {m}, флот {m}
navy {adj} (having a navy (dark blue) colour, see also: light blue; blue) :: сіні
Naypyidaw {prop} (capital of Burma) :: Найп'іда
Nay Pyi Taw {prop} (Naypyidaw) SEE: Naypyidaw ::
Nazarbayev {prop} (surname) :: Назарбаеў {m}
nazi {adj} (Nazi) SEE: Nazi ::
nazi {n} (Nazi) SEE: Nazi ::
Nazi {n} (member of the Nazi party) :: нацыст {m}, нацыстка {f}
Nazi {adj} (pertaining to the Nazi Party or Nazism) :: нацысцкі
Nazism {prop} (the ideology of Adolf Hitler’s NSDAP) :: нацызм {m}, фашызм {m}
N'Djamena {prop} (capital city of Chad) :: Нджамена {f}, Нджамэна {f} [taraškievica]
near {adj} (physically close) :: блізкі, бліжні
near {adv} (at or towards a position close in space or time) :: блізка
near {prep} (in close proximity to) :: каля
near {adj} (stingy) SEE: stingy ::
near {adv} (nearly) SEE: nearly ::
near abroad {n} (the other countries and political regions which are in the vicinity of a country or political region) :: бліжняе замежжа {n}
Near East {prop} (region in Asia) :: Блізкі Усход {m}
nearly {adv} (almost, but not quite) :: амаль
neat {n} (cattle) SEE: cattle ::
nebula {n} (a space cloud) :: туманнасць {f}
necessary {adj} (needed, required) :: патрэбны, неабходны
necessity {n} (quality or state of being necessary, unavoidable, or absolutely requisite) :: неабходнасць {f}, нужда {f}, нужа {f}, патрэба {f}
neck {n} (part of body connecting the head and the trunk) :: шыя {f}
necklace {n} (jewelry) :: каралі {m-p}
necklet {n} (necklace) SEE: necklace ::
necktie {n} (strip of cloth worn around the neck and tied in the front) :: гальштук {m}, галстук {m}
necropolis {n} (cemetery) :: некропаль
necrosis {n} (localized death of cells or tissue) :: некроз {m}
need {n} (something required) :: патрэба {f}, нужа {f}
need {v} (to have an absolute requirement for) :: патрабаваць {impf}
needle {n} (implement for sewing etc.) :: іголка {f}, ігла {f}, спіца {f} [for knitting]
ne'er-do-well {n} (good-for-nothing) SEE: good-for-nothing ::
negation {n} (act of negating something) :: адмаўленне {n}, адмоўе {n}
negative {adj} (not positive or neutral) :: адмоўны, нэгатыўны
Negev {prop} (a desert in southern Israel) :: Негеў {f}
neglected {adj} (suffering from neglect) :: закінуты {m}
negotiation {n} (process of achieving agreement) :: перамовы {f-p}, перагаворы {m-p}
negress {n} (A black female) :: негрыцянка {f}
negro {n} (Negro) SEE: Negro ::
Negro {n} (person with dark skin) :: негр {m}, негрыцянка {f}, мурын {m}, мурынка {f}
neigh {v} ((of a horse) to make its cry) :: іржаць
neighborhood {n} (nearby area) :: ваколіцы {f-p}
neighbour {n} (a person living on adjacent or nearby land) :: сусед {m}, суседка {f}
Nei Mongol {prop} (Inner Mongolia) SEE: Inner Mongolia ::
neither {conj} (not either (used with nor): neither X nor Y) :: ні X ні X
neither … nor {conj} (used for showing that something is not true of two or more people, things, actions, qualities, or ideas) :: ніні, ані ... ані
Neman {prop} (river to the Baltic Sea) :: Нёман
neodymium {n} (chemical element) :: неадым {m}
neon {n} (element) :: неон {m}
neo-Nazism {n} (the ideology held by neo-Nazis) :: неанацызм {m}
Nepal {prop} (Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal) :: Непал {m}
nephew {n} (fraternal or sororal nephew, see also: fraternal nephew; sororal nephew) :: пляменнік {m}
Neptune {prop} (eighth planet of the solar system) :: Нептун {m}, [Taraškievica orthography] Нэптун {m}
neptunium {n} (chemical element) :: нептуній {m}
nerve {n} (bundle of neurons) :: нерв {m}
nerve {v} (encourage) SEE: encourage ::
nest {n} (bird-built structure) :: гняздо {n}
nestling {n} (small, young bird that is still confined to the nest) :: птушаня {n}
net {n} (mesh of string, cord or rope) :: сетка {f}, сець {f}, мярэжа {f}
Netherlandic {prop} (Dutch) SEE: Dutch ::
Netherlandish {prop} (Dutch) SEE: Dutch ::
Netherlands {prop} (country in northwestern Europe, see also: Holland) :: Нідэрланды {m-p}, Галандыя {f}, Нідэрлянды {m-p}, Галяндыя {f}
nettle {n} (stinging herb of genus Urtica) :: крапіва {f}
network {n} (multiple computers and other devices connected together) :: сетка {f}, сець {f}, мярэжа {f}
neurosis {n} (mental disorder) :: неўроз {m}
neuter {adj} (grammar: having a form which is not masculine nor feminine) :: ніякі
neuter {n} (the neuter gender (grammar)) :: ніякі род
neutral {adj} (not taking sides in a conflict) :: нейтральны
neutrality {n} (state of being neutral; taking no part on either side) :: нейтралітэт {m}
Nevada {prop} (US state) :: Невада {f}
never {adv} (at no time) :: ніколі
nevus {n} (benign lesion on skin) SEE: mole ::
new {adj} (recently made or created) :: новы
New Caledonia {prop} (overseas territory of France) :: Новая Каледонія {f}
Newcastle {prop} (city) :: Ньюкасл
New Delhi {prop} (capital of India) :: Нью-Дэлі {m}
New Guinea {prop} (large island) :: Новая Гвінея {f}, Новая Гвінэя {f} [Taraškievica]
New Hebrides {prop} (archipelago forming the state of Vanuatu) :: Новыя Гебрыды
New Mexico {prop} (US State) :: Нью-Мексіка {f} {n}
New Orleans {prop} (city) :: Новы Арлеан {m}
news {n} (new information of interest) :: навіны {f-p}
news conference {n} (press conference) SEE: press conference ::
newspaper {n} (publication) :: газета {f}, газэта {f} [dated]
newt {n} (type of salamander) :: трытон {m}
New Testament {prop} (second half of the Christian Bible) :: Новы Запавет {m}
New Year {n} (January 1 in the Julian and Gregorian calendar and the days following) :: Новы год {m}
New York {prop} (state) :: Нью-Ёрк {m}
New York {prop} (city) SEE: New York City ::
New York City {prop} (large city in the USA) :: Нью-Ёрк {m}, Нью-Йорк {m}
New Zealand {prop} (country in Oceania) :: Новая Зеландыя {f}, Новая Зэляндыя {f} [Taraškevica orthography]
New Zealand {prop} (attributive form - relating to New Zealand) :: новазеландскі, новазэляндскі [Taraškievica]
next {adj} (following in a sequence) :: наступны, будучы
next {prep} (next to) SEE: next to ::
nextly {adv} (next) SEE: next ::
next to {prep} (beside; alongside) :: побач поруч
Nicaragua {prop} (a country in Central America) :: Нікарагуа {f}
nice {adj} (pleasant) :: добры, мілы, прыемны, файны
nice {adj} (attractive) :: мілы, файны
Nice {prop} (city in France) :: Ніца {f}
nice-looking {adj} (attractive) SEE: attractive ::
Nicene Creed {prop} (official creed of the early Christian church stating tenets of the Christian faith) :: Нікейскі сімвал веры {m}
nice to meet you {phrase} (pleased to meet you) SEE: pleased to meet you ::
Nicholas {prop} (male given name) :: Мікалай {m}
nickel {n} (element) :: нікель {m}
nickel {v} (to plate with nickel) :: нікеляваць
nickname {n} (familiar, invented given name) :: мянушка {f}, клічка {f}, назвішча {n}, назьвішча {n} [Taraškievica]
niece {n} (fraternal or sororal niece, see also: fraternal niece; sororal niece) :: пляменніца {f}
niece-in-law {n} (niece of someone's husband) SEE: niece ::
niece-in-law {n} (niece of someone's wife) SEE: niece ::
nief {n} (fist) SEE: fist ::
Nietzsche {prop} (surname) :: Ніцшэ
nigella {n} (plant of the genus Nigella) :: чарнушка {f}
nigella {n} (spice) SEE: black caraway ::
Niger {prop} (country) :: Нігер {m}
Nigeria {prop} (a country in Western Africa) :: Нігерыя {f}
night {n} (period between sunset and sunrise) :: ноч {f}
nightclub {n} (establishment that is open late at night) :: начны клуб {m}
nightdress {n} (sleeping garment worn by women) SEE: nightgown ::
nightgown {n} (sleeping garment worn by women) :: начная кашуля {f}
nightie {n} (sleeping garment worn by women) SEE: nightgown ::
nightingale {n} (bird) :: салавей {m}
nightmare {n} (dream) :: кашмар {m}
nightshirt {n} (shirt-like garment) SEE: nightgown ::
nihilism {n} (doctrine grounded on the negation of one or more meaningful aspects of life) :: нігілізм {m}
Nihongo {n} (Japanese) SEE: Japanese ::
Nikolayev {prop} (Mykolaiv) SEE: Mykolaiv ::
Nikolayevsk {prop} (former name of Nikolayevsk-on-Amur) :: Нікалаеўск {m}
Nikolayevsk-on-Amur {prop} (city) :: Нікалаеўск-на-Амуры {m}
Nile {prop} (river) :: Ніл {m}
Nina {prop} (female given name) :: Ніна {f}
nine {num} (cardinal number) :: дзевяць, дзявяцера
nine {n} (the digit or figure 9) :: дзявятка {f}
nine hundred {num} (cardinal number 900) :: дзевяцьсот
nineteen {num} (cardinal number) :: дзевятнаццаць
nineteenth {adj} (the ordinal form of the number nineteen, see also: 19th) :: дзевятнаццаты
nine thousand {num} (9000) :: дзевяць тысяч
ninety {num} (90) :: дзевяноста, дзевяцьдзесят
ninety-eight {num} (98) :: дзевяноста восем
ninety-five {num} (95) :: дзевяноста пяць
ninety-four {num} (94) :: дзевяноста чатыры
ninety-nine {num} (cardinal number 99) :: дзевяноста дзевяць
ninety-one {num} (cardinal number ninety-one) :: дзевяноста адзін
ninety-seven {num} (97) :: дзевяноста сем
ninety-six {num} (96) :: дзевяноста шэсць
ninety-three {num} (93) :: дзевяноста тры
ninety-two {num} (92) :: дзевяноста два
ninja {n} (person trained in ninjutsu) :: ніндзя {m} {f}
ninjutsu {n} (ninjutsu) :: ніндзюцу {n}
ninth {adj} (ordinal form of nine, see also: 9th) :: дзявяты
niobium {n} (chemical element) :: ніобій {m}
nipple {n} (projection of mammary gland) :: сасок {m}
Nippon {prop} (a country in East Asia) SEE: Japan ::
Nipponese {adj} (Japanese) SEE: Japanese ::
Nipponese {prop} (Japanese) SEE: Japanese ::
nirvana {n} (Buddhism: cessation of suffering) :: нірвана {f}
nit {n} (egg of a louse) :: гніда {f}
nithing {n} (coward, dastard) SEE: coward ::
nithing {adj} (cowardly, dastardly) SEE: cowardly ::
nitrogen {n} (chemical element) :: азот {m}
nitty {adj} (foolish, inane) SEE: foolish ::
Niue {prop} (island of Niue) :: Ніуэ {m}
Nivôse {prop} (the fourth month of the French Republican Calendar) :: нівоз {m}
Nixon {prop} (surname) :: Ніксан {m} {f}
Nizhny Novgorod {prop} (large city in Russia) :: Ніжні Ноўгарад {m}
no {particle} (used to show disagreement or negation) :: не
no {n} (a negating expression) :: ня
Noah's ark {prop} (the vessel built by Noah under God's instructions, as described in Genesis) :: Ноеў каўчэг {m}
nobelium {n} (chemical element) :: нобелій {m}
nobility {n} (noble or privileged social class) :: дваранства {n}, шляхта {f}
noble {adj} (having honorable qualities) :: шляхетны
noble {adj} (of or relating to the nobility; distinguished from the masses by birth) :: высакародны, шляхетны
nobleman {n} (man of noble rank, title, or status; peer; aristocrat) :: дваранíн {m}, шляхцiц {m} [especially Polish]
noblewoman {n} (a woman of noble rank) :: дваранка {f}, шляхцянка {f} [especially Polish]
nobody {pron} (not any person; the logical negation of somebody) SEE: no one ::
nobody's {determiner} (belonging to nobody (possessive form of nobody)) :: нічый
noctule {n} (bat of the genus Nyctalus) :: вячэрніца {f}
nocturnal {adj} (primarily active during the night) :: начны
nod {v} (incline the head up and down) :: ківаць {impf}, кіўнуць {pf}
noise {n} (various sounds, usually unwanted) :: шум {m}
noisy {adj} (making a noise) :: шумны, гучны, тлумны
no longer {adv} (not any more) :: больш не, ужо не
nomad {n} (a member of society or class who wander with their herds) :: качэўнік {m}
nomenclature {n} (set of names or terms) :: наменклатура {f}, намэнклятура {f} [dated]
nominative {n} (the nominative case) SEE: nominative case ::
nominative {adj} (being in the nominative case) :: назоўны
nominative case {n} (case used to indicate the subject) :: назоўны склон {m}
none {pron} (not any person) :: ніхто
none {pron} (not any thing) :: ніякі
nones {n} (midday) SEE: noon ::
nones {n} (midday meal) SEE: lunch ::
nonexistent {adj} (not existent) :: неіснуючы
nonfree {adj} (not free of charge) :: платны
non-governmental organization {n} (organization with no government participation) :: грамадская арганізацыя {f}, неўрадавая арганізацыя
nonsense {n} (meaningless words) :: нонсэнс {m}, бяссэнсіца {f}, абсурд {m}, бязглуздзіца {f}
noodle {n} (fool) SEE: fool ::
noodle {n} (string or strip of pasta) :: локшына {f}
noon {n} (midnight) SEE: midnight ::
noon {n} (midday) :: поўдзень {m}, полудзень {m}
no one {pron} (not even a single person) :: ніхто
noose {n} (adjustable loop or rope) :: пятля {f}
Norilsk {prop} (city) :: Нарыльск {m}
norm {n} (that which is normal) :: норма {f}
Normandy {prop} (region of France) :: Нармандыя {f}
Norn {prop} (language) :: норн {m}
north {n} (compass point) :: поўнач {f}
north {adj} (of or pertaining to the north) :: паўночны {m}
North America {prop} (continent) :: Паўночная Амерыка {f}
North American {adj} (relating to North America) :: паўночнаамерыканскі
North Atlantic Treaty Organization {prop} (intergovernmental military alliance) :: Арганізацыя Паўночнаатлантычнага дагавора {f}
northeast {n} (compass point) :: паўночны ўсход {m}
northeast {adj} (northeastern) :: паўночна-ўсходні
northerly {adj} (from/to the north) :: паўночны {m}
northern {adj} (facing, situated in or related to the north) :: паўночны {m}
northerner {n} (person from the north of a region) :: паўночнік {m}, паўночніца {m}
Northern Europe {prop} (sociopolitical region of Europe) :: Паўночная Еўропа {f}
northern gannet {n} (Morus bassanus) :: олуша паўночная {f}
Northern Ireland {prop} (Northern Ireland) :: Паўночная Ірландыя {f}, Паўночная Ірляндыя {f} [taraškievica]
Northern Macedonia {prop} (country) SEE: North Macedonia ::
northern raccoon {n} (Procyon lotor) SEE: raccoon ::
Northern Territory {prop} (Territory in northern Australia) :: Паўночная тэрыторыя
northern wheatear {n} (Oenanthe oenanthe) :: палявая падкаменка {f}
North Korea {prop} (North Korea) :: Паўночная Карэя {f}
North Korean {adj} (pertaining to North Korea) :: паўночнакарэйскі
North Macedonia {prop} (country in Europe) :: Паўночная Македонія {f}
North Macedonian {adj} (of, or relating to North Macedonia) :: паўночнамакедонскі
North Pole {prop} (northernmost point on Earth) :: Паўночны полюс {m}
North Rhine-Westphalia {prop} (state) :: Паўночны Рэйн-Вестфалія
North Sea {prop} (a marginal sea of the Atlantic Ocean between Britain, Scandinavia and Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and France) :: Паўночнае мора {n}
northward {adv} (towards the north) :: на поўнач
northwest {n} (compass point) :: паўночны захад {m}
northwest {adj} (northwestern) :: паўночна-заходні {m}
Norway {prop} (Scandinavian country) :: Нарвегія {f}, Нарвэгія {f} [Taraškievica]
Norway maple {n} (Acer platanoides) :: клён вастралісты
Norwegian {n} (language of Norway) :: нарвежская мова {f}, нарвежская {f}
Norwegian {adj} (of or pertaining to Norway) :: нарвежскі, нарвэскі
nose {n} (protuberance on the face) :: нос {m}
nosh {n} (blowjob) SEE: blowjob ::
nosh {v} (to perform fellatio (on)) SEE: blow ::
nosh {n} (slang: food) SEE: grub ::
nostril {n} (either of the two orifices located on the nose) :: ноздра {f}
not {adv} (negates meaning of verb) :: не, ня (not standard in writing, despite common unstressed pronunciation)
not anymore {adv} (no longer) SEE: no longer ::
notary {n} (notary public) :: натарыус {m}
not at all {interj} (conventional reply to expression of gratitude) :: няма за што, калі ласка
note {n} (memorandum) :: запіска {f}, цыдулка {f}, заметка {f}, нататка {f}
note {n} (diplomatic missive or written communication) :: нота {f}
note {n} (musical sound) :: нота {f}
note {n} (banknote) SEE: banknote ::
notebook {n} (empty book able to be used for notes) :: нататнік {m}, блакнот {m}, запісная кніжка {f}, сшытак {m}
nothing {pron} (not any thing) :: нішто, нічога
notice {n} (written or printed announcement) :: паведамленне {n}, аб'ява {f}
notice {v} (to remark upon) :: заўважаць {impf}, заўважыць {pf}
notice {v} (to become aware of) :: заўважаць {impf}, заўважыць {pf}
not only … but also {conj} :: не толькі ... але і
notorious {adj} (known widely and infamously) :: праславуты {m}
not yet {adv} (not for the moment, though expected later) :: пакуль не, яшчэ не
noun {n} (grammatical category (narrow sense)) :: назоўнік {m}
noun substantive {n} (noun) SEE: noun ::
Novaya Zemlya {prop} (archipelago in Russia) :: Новая Зямля {f}
novel {n} (work of prose fiction) :: раман {m}, навэла {f}, аповесць {f}
November {prop} (eleventh month of the Gregorian calendar) :: лістапад {m}
Novgorod {prop} (city) :: Ноўгарад {m}
Novi Sad {prop} (largest city of the Serbian province of Vojvodina) :: Новы Сад {m}, Нові Сад {m}
Novokuznetsk {prop} (city) :: Навакузнецк {m}
Novorossiya {prop} (an area north of the Black Sea) :: Наваросія {f}
Novorossiysk {prop} (city) :: Наварасійск {m}
Novosibirsk {prop} (city in Russia) :: Навасібірск {m}
now {adv} (at the present time) :: зараз, цяпер
nowhere {adv} (in no place) :: нідзе
nowhere {adv} (to no place) :: нікуды
nowheres {adv} (nowhere) SEE: nowhere ::
nowhither {adv} (to no place) SEE: nowhere ::
no worries {interj} (you're welcome) SEE: you're welcome ::
now that {conj} (since) :: цяпер, калі
nuclear {adj} (involving nuclear energy) :: ядзерны
nuclear reactor {n} (device) :: ядзерны рэактар {m}
nuclear waste {n} (type of waste) SEE: radioactive waste ::
nucleus {n} (physics: massive, positively charged core of an atom) :: ядро {n}
nude {adj} (without clothing or other covering) :: голы
nudity {n} (the state of being without clothing on the body) :: галізна {f}
Nuku'alofa {prop} (capital of Tonga) :: Нукуалофа {f}
number {n} (abstract entity) :: лік {m}
number {n} (numeral) :: лічэбнік {m}, лічба {f}
number {n} (mathematics: number) :: лічба {f}
number {n} (used to show the rank of something in a list or sequence) :: нумар {m}
number {n} (grammar: state of being singular, dual or plural) :: лічба {f}
numberful {adj} (numerous) SEE: numerous ::
number plate {n} (license plate) SEE: license plate ::
numbersome {adj} (numerous) SEE: numerous ::
numerable {adj} (numerous) SEE: numerous ::
numeral {n} (non-word symbol that represents a number) :: лічба {f}, цыфра {f}
numeral {n} (word or symbol representing a number, see also: noun numeral) :: лічэбнік {m}
numerator {n} (number or expression written above the line in a fraction) :: лічнік {m}
numeric {adj} (of, or relating to numbers) SEE: numerical ::
numerical {adj} (of or pertaining to numbers) :: лікавы
numerous {adj} (Indefinitely large numerically) :: шматлікі
nun {n} (member of a Christian religious community of women) :: манашка {f}
nunnery {n} (brothel) SEE: brothel ::
Nuremberg {prop} (city in Germany) :: Нюрнбэрг {m}
nurse {n} (person who takes care of other people's young) :: няня {f}
nurse {n} (person trained to provide care for the sick) :: медсястра {f}, сястра {f}
nurse {n} (wet nurse) SEE: wet nurse ::
nursery {n} (place where the pre-school children of working parents are supervised during the day, see also: crèche) :: яслі {f-p}
Nur-Sultan {prop} (Astana) SEE: Astana ::
Nur-Sultan {prop} (Almaty) SEE: Almaty ::
Nur-Sultan {prop} (the official name of the capital of Kazakhstan) :: Нур-Султан {m}
nut {n} (hard-shelled fruit) :: арэх {m}
nut {n} (that fits on a bolt) :: гайка {f}
nutcracker {n} (implement for cracking nuts) :: шчаўкунчык {n}
nutria {n} (coypu) SEE: coypu ::
nutrition {n} (nutrition) :: харчаванне {n}
nuts {n} (nut) SEE: nut ::
nylon {n} (substance) :: нейлон {m}
oak {n} (tree or shrub of the genus Quercus) :: дуб {m}
oak tree {n} (tree or shrub of the genus Quercus) SEE: oak ::
oakwood {n} (wood populated with oaks) :: дуброва {f}, дубняк {m}
oar {n} (implement used to row a boat) :: вясло {n}
oar {v} (row) SEE: row ::
oat {n} (a widely cultivated cereal grass) :: авёс {m}
oath {n} (curse) SEE: curse ::
oath {n} (solemn pledge) :: прысяга {f}, кляцьба {f}
Ob {prop} (river in Russia) :: Об {f}
Obama {prop} (surname) :: Абама
obedience {n} (quality of being obedient) :: паслухмянасць {f}
obedient {adj} (willing to comply with commands) :: паслухмяны, слухмяны, паслушны, пакорлівы
obey {v} (to do as ordered by) :: падпарадкоўвацца {impf}, падпарадкавацца {pf}, пакарацца {impf}, пакарыцца {pf}
object {n} (thing) :: прадмет {m}, аб'ект {m}
object {n} (the goal, end or purpose of something) :: аб'ект {m}
object {n} (in grammar) :: дапаўненне {n}, аб'ект {m}
objective {adj} (not influenced by emotions) :: аб'ектыўны
oblast {n} (region or province) :: вобласць {f}
obligation {n} (act of binding oneself by a social, legal, or moral tie to someone) :: абавязацельства {n}, абавязак {m}
obligatory {adj} (binding) :: абавязковы
oboe {n} (wind instrument) :: габой {m}
obscene {adj} (offensive to current standards of decency or morality) :: непрыстойны, пошлы
observation wheel {n} (Ferris wheel) SEE: Ferris wheel ::
observatory {n} (place where celestial bodies or natural phenomena are observed) :: абсерваторыя {f}
obstacle {n} (something that impedes, stands in the way of, or holds up progress) :: перашкода {f}, памешка {f}
obtuse {adj} (of an angle) :: тупы
obvious {adj} (easily discovered or understood; self-explanatory) :: відавочны {m}
obviously {adv} (in an obvious manner; clearly apparent) :: відавочна
occasion {n} (favorable opportunity) :: выпадак {m}
occasion {n} (occurrence or incident) SEE: occurrence ::
Occitan {prop} (the Romance language) :: аксітанская {f}
Occitania {prop} (Occitania) :: Аксітанія {f}
occultation {n} (astronomical event) :: пакрыццё
occupation {n} (control of a country or region by a hostile army) :: акупацыя {f}
occupied {adj} (reserved) :: заняты
occupied {adj} (busy) :: заняты
occupied {adj} (militarily subjugated) :: акупаваны, заняты
occupy {v} (have (taken) control of) :: акупаваць, займаць {impf}, заняць {pf}
occur {v} (take place) :: здарацца {impf}, здарыцца {pf}, адбывацца {impf}, адбыцца {pf}, трапляцца {impf}, трапіцца {pf}
occurrence {n} (actual instance where a situation arises) :: выпадак {m}, здарэнне {n}, падзея {f}
ocean {n} (one of the large bodies of water) :: акіян {m}
Oceania {prop} (geographical region) :: Акіянія {f}
oceanic {adj} (of or relating to the ocean) :: акіянскі, акіянічны
o'clock {adv} (indication of time (the translations below are of "one o’clock")) :: гадзіна {f} [the number is omitted for one o'clock], першая {f}
o'clock {adv} (the translations below are of "at one o’clock") :: ў гадзіну
octet {n} (byte of eight bits) SEE: byte ::
October {prop} (tenth month of the Gregorian calendar) :: кастрычнік {m}
octopus {n} (mollusc) :: васьміног {m}
ocular {adj} (of or relating to the eye) :: вочны, вачавы
odd {adj} (indivisible by two) :: няцотны
ode {n} (a short poetical composition) :: ода {f}
Odesa {prop} (Odessa) SEE: Odessa ::
Odessa {prop} (Ukrainian city) :: Адэса {f}
odometer {n} (instrument attached to the wheel) :: адометр {m}
odor {n} (any smell, whether fragrant or offensive; scent; perfume) :: пах {m}
Oedipus {prop} (son of Laius and Jocasta) :: Эдып {m}
oenology {n} (scientific study of wines) :: эналогія {f}
oeuvre {n} (work of art) :: твор {m}
oeuvre {n} (complete body of works) :: творчасць {f}
of {prep} :: з
of course {adv} (naturally) :: вядома
offal {n} (refuse) SEE: refuse ::
offend {v} (to hurt the feelings) :: крыўдзіць {impf}, пакрыўдзіць {pf}, скрыўдзіць {pf}, абражаць {impf}, абразіць {pf}
offend {v} (sin) SEE: sin ::
offender {n} (a person who commits an offense against the law) :: злачынец {m}
offensive {adj} (causing offense) :: абразлівы {m}
offensive {adj} (relating to attack, offense) :: наступальны
offensive {n} (an attack) :: наступ {m}, атака {f}
offer {n} (proposal) :: прапанова {f}
offer {v} (propose) :: прапаноўваць {impf}, прапанаваць {impf}
office {n} (room(s) or building used for non-manual work) :: офіс {m}, кантора {f}, бюро {n}
officer {n} (one who holds a public office) :: чыноўнiк {m}, чыноўнiца {f}, ураднiк {m}, ураднiца {f}
officer {n} (contraction of the term "commissioned officer") :: афіцэр {m}
official {adj} (of or pertaining to an office or public trust) :: службовы
official {adj} (approved by authority) :: афіцыйны, офіцыяльны
official {n} (office holder invested with powers and authorities) :: службовая асоба {f}
often {adv} (frequently, many times) :: часта
oftenly {adv} (often) SEE: often ::
Ohio {prop} (U.S. state) :: Агаё {m}
ohm {n} (the derived unit of electrical resistance) :: ом {m}
oh my God {interj} (excitement or shock) :: божа мой
oi {interj} (exclamation to get attention) SEE: hey ::
oil {n} (liquid fat) :: алей {m}, масла {n}
oil {n} (petroleum-based liquid) :: нафта {f}
ointment {n} (viscous preparation, usually containing medication) :: мазь {f}, бальзам {m} [balm]
OK {interj} (acknowledgement or acceptance) :: добра
okanye {n} ((phonology) absence of the form of vowel reduction called akanye) :: оканне {n}
Oklahoma {prop} (state) :: Аклахома {f}
okroshka {n} (cold raw vegetable soup) :: акрошка {f}
okrug {n} (administrative division) :: округ {m}, акруга {f}
old {adj} (of an object, concept, etc: having existed for a relatively long period of time) :: стары
old {adj} (of a living being: having lived for relatively many years) :: стары
old age {n} (latter part of life) :: старасць {f}
Old Belarusian {prop} (West Russian descendent of Old East Slavic - specific to Old Belarusian) :: старабеларускі, старажытнабеларускі
Old Believer {n} (believer in Orthodoxy as it was before reforms) :: старавер {m}
Old Church Slavonic {prop} (the first literary and liturgical Slavic language) :: старажытнаславянская мова {f}
Old East Slavic {prop} (language) :: старажытнаруская {f} [мова], старажытнабеларуская {f} [мова]
Old English {prop} (ancestor language of modern English) :: стараанглійская {f}, стараанглійская мова {f}
older brother {n} (multi-word, compound-word or otherwise sum-of-parts translations) :: старэйшы брат {m}, старшы брат {m}
old maid {n} (periwinkle) SEE: periwinkle ::
old maid {n} (elderly unmarried woman) SEE: spinster ::
old man {n} (elderly man) :: стары {m}, дзед {m}, старац {m}, старык {m}
Old Slavonic {prop} (Old Church Slavonic) :: старажытнаславянская мова {f}
Old Slavonic {prop} (Proto-Slavic) :: праславянская мова {f}, праславянская {f}
old woman {n} (elderly woman) :: старая {f}, баба {f}, старушка {f}
olfaction {n} (the sense of smell) :: нюх {m}
Olga {prop} (female given name) :: Вольга
oligarch {n} (a member of an oligarchy) :: алігарх {m}
oligarchic {adj} (of or pertaining to oligarchy) :: алігархічны
oligarchy {n} (Government by only a few) :: алігархія {f}
oligarchy {n} (State ruled by such a government) :: алігархія {f}
olive {n} (fruit) :: аліўка {f}, масліна {f}
olive oil {n} (oil pressed from olives) :: аліўкавы алей {m}
Olmütz {prop} (city in Moravia) SEE: Olomouc ::
Olmutz {prop} (city in Moravia) SEE: Olomouc ::
Olomouc {prop} (city in the Czech Republic) :: Оламаўц
Olsztyn {prop} (city in northeastern Poland) :: Ольштын {m}
Olympic Games {prop} (international multi-sport event inspired by the ancient festival, see also: Olympics) :: Алімпійскія гульні {f-p}
Olympics {prop} (sport event, see also: Olympic Games) :: алімпіяда {f}
Olympus {prop} (mountain) :: Алімп {m}
Oman {prop} (country in the Middle East) :: Аман {m}
omasum {n} (the third part of the stomach of a ruminant) :: кніжка {f}
omnipresent {adj} (being everywhere) :: усюдыісны
omniscient {adj} (having total knowledge) :: усёведны
Omsk {prop} (large city in Russia) :: Омск {m}
on {prep} (positioned at the upper surface of) :: на
on air {prep} (transmitting live) :: у эфіры
once {adv} (one and only one time) :: раз, адзін раз; аднойчы
once again {adv} (one more time) :: яшчэ раз
once more {adv} (one more time) SEE: once again ::
oncology {n} (branch of medicine) :: анкалогія {f}
one {n} (neutral element in multiplication) :: адзінка {f}
one {n} (digit or figure) :: адзінка {f}
one {num} (ordinal number) SEE: first ::
one {num} (cardinal number 1) :: адзін, адзінка {f}
one and a half {num} (one and a half) :: паўтара, паўтары
one day {adv} (at unspecified time in the future) :: некалі, калі-небудзь
one-eyed {adj} (having only a single eye) :: аднавокі
one hundred {num} (cardinal number 100) SEE: hundred ::
one-legged {adj} (having only one leg) :: аднаногі
one million {num} (cardinal number 1000000) SEE: million ::
one o'clock {n} (the start of the second hour) :: гадзіна {f}, першая {f}
one's {pron} (belonging to one) :: свой {m}
one thousand {num} (cardinal number 1000) SEE: thousand ::
on foot {prep} (walking, jogging, running) :: пешшу
onion {n} (Allium cepa) :: цыбуля {f}, лук {m} [regional]
onion seed {n} (Nigella sativa) SEE: nigella ::
onlooker {n} (spectator, bystander) SEE: spectator ::
only {adj} (alone in a category) :: адзіны
only {adv} (without others or anything further; exclusively) :: толькі
only {conj} (but) :: але
only {conj} (however) :: аднак
onomasiology {n} (branch of lexicology) :: анамасіялогія {f}
onomastics {n} (branch of lexicology devoted to the study of names) :: анамастыка {f}
on purpose {prep} (purposely, with intention) :: наўмысна, знарок, наўмысля
Ontario {prop} (Province in eastern Canada) :: Антарыё {m} {f}
on the air {prep} (in the process of recording or broadcasting) SEE: on air ::
oofless {adj} (poor) SEE: poor ::
oogamy {n} (a form of anisogamy in which the female gamete is significantly larger than the male gamete and is non-motile) :: аагамія {f}
oology {n} (study of birds' eggs) :: аалогія {f}
opacity {n} (state of being opaque; blocking light) :: непразрыстасць {f}
opaque {adj} (hindering light to pass through) :: непразрысты
open {adj} (not closed) :: адкрыты {m}
open {v} (to make something accessible) :: адкрываць {impf}, адкрыць {pf}, адчыняць, адчыніць {pf}
opener {n} (bottle opener) SEE: bottle opener ::
opener {n} (can opener) SEE: can opener ::
open-minded {adj} (willing to consider new ideas) :: неўпярэджаны, бесстаронні, непрадузяты
opera {n} (theatrical work) :: опера {f}, опэра {f} [Taraškievica]
operating system {n} (software which controls computer) :: аперацыйная сістэма {f}
operation {n} (method by which a device performs its function) :: дзеянне {n}
operation {n} (a planned undertaking) :: аперацыя {f}
operation {n} (surgical procedure) :: аперацыя {f}
operation {n} (military campaign) :: аперацыя {f}
operator {n} (one who operates) :: аператар {m}
operetta {n} (lighter version of opera) :: аперэта {f}
ophthalmology {n} (eye medicine) :: афтальмалогія {f}
opinion {n} (thought a person has formed about a topic) :: зданне {n}, думка {f}, пагляд {m}, погляд {m}
opium {n} (drug from opium poppy) :: опій {m}, опіюм {m}
Opole {prop} (city in southern Poland) :: Аполе
opponent {n} (one who opposes another) :: праціўнік {m}, праціўніца {f}, супраціўнік {m}, супраціўніца {f}, апанент {m}, апанентка
opponent {n} (one who opposes another physically) :: супраціўнік {m}, супраціўніца {f}, праціўнік {m}, праціўніца {f}
opportunity {n} (chance for advancement, progress or profit) :: магчымасць {f}, шанс {m}, шанц {m}
opposite {adj} (located directly across from) :: супрацьлеглы
opposite sex {n} (the other gender to which one is referring) :: супрацьлеглы пол {m}
opposition {n} (politics: party or movement opposed to government) :: апазыцыя {f}
oppression {n} (act of oppressing, or the state of being oppressed) :: прыгнёт {m}, прыгнечанне {n}
oppressive {adj} (weather: hot and humid) :: спякотны {m}
optimism {n} (a tendency to expect the best) :: аптымізм {m}
optimistic {adj} (expecting a good outcome) :: аптымістычны
option {n} (one of the choices that can be made) :: выбар {m}
optional {adj} (not compulsory) :: неабавязковы, факультатыўны, апцыянальны
or {conj} (conjunction) :: або, ці
orach {n} (saltbush) SEE: saltbush ::
oral {adj} (relating to the mouth) :: ротавы, аральны
oral {adj} (spoken) :: вусны
oral sex {n} (stimulation of the genitals using the mouth) :: аральны сэкс {m}
orange {n} (tree) :: апэльсінавае дрэва {n}
orange {n} (fruit) :: апэльсін {m}
orange {adj} (having the colour of the fruit of an orange tree) :: аранжавы
orangutan {n} (arboreal anthropoid ape) :: арангутан {m}
orator {n} (someone who orates or delivers an oration) :: прамоўца {m}
oratorio {n} (a musical composition on a religious theme) :: араторыя
orb {n} (period of time marked off by the revolution of a heavenly body) SEE: year ::
orb {n} (circle) SEE: circle ::
orb {n} (orbit) SEE: orbit ::
orbit {n} (path of one object around another) :: арбіта {f}
orc {n} (Orcinus orca) SEE: orca ::
orca {n} (Orcinus orca) :: касатка {f}
orchard {n} (land for cultivation of fruit or nut trees) :: фруктовы сад {m}, сад {m}
orchestra {n} (large group of musicians who play together on various instruments) :: аркестр {m}
ordeal {n} (a painful or trying experience) :: цяжкае выпрабаванне {n}
ordeal {n} (trial in which the accused was subjected to a dangerous test) :: суд божы {m}, ардалія {f}
order {n} (arrangement, disposition) :: парадак {m}
order {n} (good arrangement) :: парадак {m}
order {n} (command) :: загад {m}, расказ {m}, каманда {f}, прыказ {m}
order {n} (request for some product or service) :: заказ {m}, замова {f}, замаўленне {n}
order {n} (awarded decoration) :: ордэн {m}
order {v} (to issue a command) :: расказваць {impf}, расказаць {pf}
order {v} (to request some product or service) :: заказваць {impf}, заказаць {pf}, замаўляць {impf}, замовіць {pf}
ordure {n} (dirt, filth) SEE: dirt ::
ore {n} (rock that contains materials that can be economically extracted and processed) :: руда {f}
Oregon {prop} (northwestern state of the United States of America) :: Арэгон {m}
Orenburg {prop} (city in Russia) :: Арэнбург {m}
organ {n} (part of an organism) :: орган {m}
organ {n} (body of an organization) :: орган {m}
organ {n} (musical instrument) :: арган {m}
organ {n} (official magazine, newsletter, or similar publication) :: орган {m}
organic {adj} (pertaining to, or derived from living organisms) :: арганічны
organism {n} (living thing) :: арганізм {m}
organization {n} (group of people or other legal entities with an explicit purpose and written rules) :: арганізацыя {f}
orgasm {n} (the peak of sexual pleasure) :: аргазм {m}
orifice {n} (orifice (see anus etc. for specific body cavities)) SEE: hole ::
origin {n} (beginning of something) :: крыніца {f}, жарало {n}, пачатак {m}
origin {n} (ancestry) :: паходжанне {n}, пахаджэнне {n}
original {adj} (relating to the origin or beginning) :: арыгінальны
original {adj} (fresh, different) :: арыгінальны
original {n} (object from which all later copies and variations are derived) :: арыгінал {m}
ornithology {n} (scientific study of birds) :: арніталогія {f}
orphan {n} (person whose (parent or) parents have died) :: сірата {m} {f}
orphanage {n} (a residential institution for the care and protection of orphans) :: дзіцячы дом {m}
orphanarium {n} (orphanage) SEE: orphanage ::
Orpheus {prop} (the musician who searched for Eurydice) :: Арфей {m}
Orthodox Church {n} (the Eastern body of Christendom) :: праваслаўная царква {f}
orthodoxy {n} (the beliefs and practices of the Eastern Orthodox Church) SEE: Orthodoxy ::
Orthodoxy {prop} (the Eastern Orthodox Church and its foundations) :: праваслаўе {n}
orthoepy {n} (study of pronunciation) :: арфаэпія {f}
orthography {n} (study of correct spelling) :: правапіс {m}, арфаграфія {f}
Orwell {prop} (surname) :: Оруэл
Oryol {prop} (a city in Russia) :: Арол {m}
Oscar {prop} (male given name) :: Оскар {m}
Oslo {prop} (Oslo (a county and municipality, the capital city of Norway)) :: Осла {m}
osmium {n} (chemical element) :: осмій {m}
osseous {adj} (relating to bone) :: касцявы
Ossetia {prop} (region in the Caucasus) :: Асеція {f}
ostrich {n} (large flightless bird) :: страус {m}
other {adj} (not the one previously referred to) :: іншы, другі
otherwise {adv} (differently, in another way) :: інакш
otolaryngology {n} (medical study of the ear, nose and throat) :: отарыналарынгалогія {f}
otolith {n} (small particle in the inner ear) :: аталіт {m}
otorhinolaryngology {n} (otolaryngology) SEE: otolaryngology ::
ottava rima {n} (arrangement of stanzas of eight lines rhyming ab ab ab cc) :: актава {f}
Ottawa {prop} (capital of Canada) :: Атава {f}
otter {n} (mammal) :: выдра {f}
Ottoman Empire {prop} (Turkish empire) :: Асманская імперыя {f}
oud {n} (Arabic plucked string instrument) :: уд {m}
ought {v} (indicating duty or obligation) :: [predicative] павінен {m}, павінна {f} {n}, павінны {p}
our {determiner} (belonging to us) :: наш
Our Lady {prop} (Virgin Mary) :: Багародзіца {f}, Божая Маці {f}
ours {pron} (that which belongs to us) :: наш
ourselves {pron} (reflexive: us) :: сябе [accusative, genitive], сабе [dative, locative], сабой [instrumental]; -цца [verb ending]
ourselves {pron} (emphatic: we) :: мы самі
outer {adj} (outside) :: вонкавы, знадворны, надворны
outer space {n} (region) :: касмічная прастора {f}, космас {m}
out of {prep} (from the inside to the outside of) :: з
out of it {prep} (drunk) SEE: drunk ::
out of work {prep} (unemployed) SEE: unemployed ::
outside {adv} (in or to the outside) :: звонку, вонкі
outsourcing {n} (transfer business) :: аўтсорсынг {m}, аўтсорсынґ {m} [rare spelling]
ouzo {n} (drink) :: уза
oval {n} (shape like an egg or ellipse) :: авал {m}
ovary {n} (female organ) :: яечнік {m}
oven {n} (chamber used for baking or heating) :: печ {f}, печка {f}
over {prep} (physical positioning: on top of; above) :: над
over {prep} (physical positioning: across or spanning) :: праз
overcoat {n} (garment) :: паліто {n}
overcome {v} (to surmount, get the better of) :: пераадольваць {impf}, пераадолець {pf}
overheat {v} (overheat) SEE: burn ::
overmorrow {adv} (on the day after tomorrow) SEE: day after tomorrow ::
overmorrow {n} (day after tomorrow) SEE: day after tomorrow ::
over there {adv} (in that place) :: там, вунь там
oviduct {n} (duct through which an ovum passes) :: яйцавод {m}
ovum {n} (gamete) :: яйцаклетка {f}
owe {v} (to be under an obligation) :: быць у абавязку {impf}, мусіць {impf}, быць павінен {impf}
owe {v} (to be in debt) :: завінаваціцца {pf}, запазычыцца {pf}, быць ў даўгу {impf}
owl {n} (bird) :: сава {f}
own {v} (defeat) SEE: defeat ::
own {adj} (belonging to (determiner)) :: свой, уласны, ўласны
own {v} (have rightful possession of) :: валодаць {impf}, мець {impf}
owner {n} (one who owns) :: гаспадар {m}, уладальнік {m}, хадзяін {m}
ox {n} (an adult castrated male of cattle) :: вол
ox {n} (any bovine animal used as a beast of burden) :: вол {m}, бык {m} [bull]
oxeye {n} (titmouse) SEE: titmouse ::
Oxford {prop} (city) :: Оксфард
oxygen {n} (chemical element) :: кісларод {m}
oxymoron {n} (figure of speech) :: аксюмаран {m}, аксімаран {m}
oxytocin {n} (hormone) :: аксітацын {m}
oyster {n} (mollusk, see also: clam; mollusc; mussel) :: вустрыца {f}
oystercatcher {n} (bird) :: кулікі-сарокі, крыўковыя
ozone {n} (O3) :: азон {m}
pace {n} (step: step) :: крок {m}
pace {n} (speed) :: тэмп {m}
Pacific Ocean {prop} (the world's largest body of water) :: Ціхі акіян {m}
pacifier {n} (for a baby) :: соска {f}
pack {n} (bundle to be carried) :: пакет {m}, пачка {f}, пачак {m}
pack {n} (full set of playing cards) :: калода {f}
package {n} (something which is packed) :: пакет {m}
packet {n} (small pack) :: пакет {m}, пачка {f}
pact {n} (an agreement; a league; a compact; a covenant) :: пакт {m}
paddy {n} (wet land where rice grows) :: рысавыя палі {m}
paddy field {n} (field where rice is grown) SEE: paddy ::
paddy wagon {n} (a police van for transporting prisoners) :: аўтазак {m}
padlock {n} (type of lock) :: замак навясны
pagan {n} (person not adhering to a main world religion) :: язычнік {m}, язычніца {f}
paganism {n} (local religions practiced before the introduction of Christianity) :: язычніцтва {n}
page {n} (boy child) SEE: boy ::
page {n} (one side of a leaf of a book) :: старонка {f}
page {n} (Internet: web page) SEE: web page ::
pager {n} (device) :: пэйджар {m}
pagoda {n} (a tiered tower with multiple eaves) :: пагада {f}
pail {n} (bucket) SEE: bucket ::
pain {n} (ache or bodily suffering) :: боль {m}
painful {adj} (causing pain) :: балючы
paint {n} (substance) :: фарба {f}, краска {f}, хварба {f}
paintbrush {n} (thin brush) :: пэндзаль {m}, пэндзлік {m}, пэндзьлік {m} [Taraškievica]
painter {n} (artist) :: мастак {m}, маляр {m}
painter {n} (one who paints surfaces using a paintbrush) :: маляр {m}
pair {n} (two similar or identical things) :: пара {f}
pair of binoculars {n} (binoculars) SEE: binoculars ::
pair of eyeglasses {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles ::
pair of glasses {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles ::
pair of pincers {n} (pincers) SEE: pincers ::
pair of scissors {n} (scissors) SEE: scissors ::
pair of specs {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles ::
pair of spectacles {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles ::
pajamas {n} (clothes for wearing to bed and sleeping in) :: піжама {f}
Pakistan {prop} (country in South Asia) :: Пакістан {m}
palace {n} (large, lavish residence) :: палац {m}, дварэц {m}
Palace of Westminster {prop} (building in London housing the House of Commons and House of Lords) :: Вэстмінстэрскі палац {m}
palanquin {n} (a covered type of litter) :: паланкін {m}
palate {n} (roof of the mouth) :: паднябенне {n}, нёба {n}
pale {adj} (light in color) :: бледны {m}
paleography {n} (study of old forms of writing) :: палеаграфія
Palestine {prop} (West Bank and Gaza Strip collectively) :: Палестына {f}
Palestinian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Palestine and/or the Palestinian people) :: палестынскі
Palestinian {n} (inhabitant of Palestine or Arab of Palestinian descent) :: палестынец {m}, палестынка {f}
palindrome {n} (a sequence of units that reads the same forwards as backwards) :: паліндром {m}
palladium {n} (chemical element) :: паладый {m}
palm {n} (inner, concave part of hand) :: далонь {f}
palm {n} (palm tree) SEE: palm tree ::
palm tree {n} (tropical tree) :: пальма {f}
palm wine {n} (alcoholic beverage made from palm) :: тодзі
Panama {prop} (country) :: Панама {f}, Панама {f}
pancake {n} (thin batter cake) :: блін {m}
Pancake Day {prop} (Shrove Tuesday) SEE: Shrove Tuesday ::
Pancake Tuesday {prop} (Shrove Tuesday) SEE: Shrove Tuesday ::
panda {n} (Ailuropoda melanoleuca, see also: giant panda) :: панда {f}
panda bear {n} (panda) SEE: panda ::
pandemic {adj} (general, widespread) SEE: general ::
pandemic {n} (disease that affects a wide geographical area and a large proportion of the population) :: пандэмія {f}
pander {n} (pimp or procurer) SEE: pimp ::
Panevėžys {prop} (city in Lithuania) :: Паневяжыс {m}, Панявеж {m} [old name]
pangolin {n} (mammal) :: пангалін {m}
panic {n} (overpowering fright) :: паніка {f}
panna cotta {n} (Italian dessert made from double cream) :: панакота {f}, пана-кота {f}
Pan-Slavism {n} (movement) :: панславізм {m}
pant {n} (a pair of pants) SEE: pants ::
pantheism {n} (belief that the universe is divine) :: пантэізм {m}
panther {n} (big cat with black fur) :: пантэра {f}
panties {n} (underpants for women or girls) :: трусікі {m-p}
pantry {n} (storage room) :: камора {f}
pants {n} (garment covering the body from the waist downwards) :: штаны {m-p}, нагавіцы {p}, порткі {p}, брукі {f-p}
panty {n} (panties) SEE: panties ::
pap {n} (porridge) SEE: porridge ::
papa {n} (Father (familiar, conversational)) SEE: dad ::
papaya {n} (fruit) :: папая {f}
paper {n} (sheet material) :: папера {f}
paper {adj} (made of paper) :: папяровы
paper {n} (newspaper) SEE: newspaper ::
paper {n} (wallpaper) SEE: wallpaper ::
paper {v} (to document) SEE: document ::
paper clip {n} (paper clip) :: канцылярская сашчэпка {f}, сашчэпка {f}
paperweight {n} (small, decorative, somewhat weighty object) :: прэс-пап'е {n}
papier-mâché {n} (paper mixed with glue to create a sculptural object) :: пап'е-машэ {n}
Papua {prop} (the southern part of Papua New Guinea) :: Папуа {f}
Papua New Guinea {prop} (country in Oceania) :: Папуа-Новая Гвінея {f}, Папуа-Новая Гвінэя {f} [Taraškievica]
papyrology {n} (the study of ancient texts written on papyrus) :: папіралогія {f}
papyrus {n} (plant in the sedge family) :: папірус {m}
parable {n} (short story illustrating a lesson) :: прытча {f}, прыпавесць {f}
parabola {n} (a conic section) :: парабала {f}
parachute {n} (a device designed to control the fall of an object) :: парашут {m}
parade {n} (organized procession) :: парад {m}
paradise {n} (heaven) :: рай {m}, нябёсы {n-p}
paradox {n} (apparent contradiction which is nonetheless true) :: парадокс {m}
paraffin {n} (kerosene) SEE: kerosene ::
paragraph {n} (passage in text) :: параграф {m}, абзац {m}
Paraguay {prop} (country in South America) :: Парагвай {m}
parallel {adj} (equally distant from one another at all points) :: паралельны
parameter {n} (variable kept constant during an experiment, calculation or similar) :: параметр {m}
parameter {n} (name in a function or subroutine definition) :: параметр {m}
paranoid schizophrenia {n} (form of schizophrenia accompanied by delusions) :: параноідная шызафрэнія {f}
parapsychology {n} (study of that which cannot yet be explained) :: парапсіхалогія {f}
parasite {n} (useless person who always relies on other people's work and gives nothing back) :: паразіт {m}, дармаед {m}
parasite {n} ((generally undesirable) living organism that exists by stealing resources from another living organism) :: паразіт {m}
parasitise {v} (parasitize) SEE: parasitize ::
parasitize {v} (live off a host) :: паразітаваць {impf} {pf}
paratyphoid fever {n} (acute infectious intestinal disease) :: паратыф {m}
parcel {n} (package wrapped for shipment) :: пасылка {f}
pardon {n} (forgiveness for an offence) :: прабачэнне {n}, дараванне {n}
pardon {n} (releasing order) :: памілаванне {n}
pardon {v} (to grant an official pardon) :: мілаваць {impf}, памілаваць {pf}
parent {n} (person from whom one is descended) :: бацька {m}
parenthesis {n} (either of a pair of brackets ( )) :: дужка {f}, скобка {f}
parents {n} (one's parents) :: бацькі {m-p}
Paris {prop} (capital of France) :: Парыж {m}
Paris {prop} (Trojan prince) :: Парыс {m}
Parisian {adj} (of Paris) :: парыжскі {m}
park {n} (ground for recreation) :: парк {m}
parking {n} (action) :: паркаванне {n}, паркоўка {f}
parking {n} (space) :: паркоўка {f}, стаянка {f}, паркінг {m}
Parkinson's disease {n} (Parkinson's disease) :: хвароба Паркінсона {f}
parliament {n} (institution with elected or appointed members) :: парламент {m}
Parliament {prop} (parliament) SEE: parliament ::
parlous {adj} (attended with peril) SEE: dangerous ::
parody {n} (expression making fun of something else) :: пародыя {f}
paroemia {n} (proverb) SEE: proverb ::
parquet {n} (the part of a theatre between the orchestra and the parquet circle) SEE: stall ::
parrot {n} (kind of bird) :: папугай {m}
parrot {n} (puffin) SEE: puffin ::
parsley {n} (plant Petroselinum crispum) :: пятрушка {f}
parsnip {n} (the plant Pastinaca sativa) :: пастарнак {m}
parsnip {n} (the edible root of Pastinaca sativa) :: пастарнак {m}
part {n} (fraction of a whole) :: частка {f}
part {adj} (partial) SEE: partial ::
Parthia {prop} ((historical) region) :: Парфія
partial {adj} (existing in part) :: частковы
partial {adj} (biased) :: прадузяты, упярэджаны, старонны
participant {n} (one who participates) :: удзельнік {m}, удзельніца {f}, учаснік {m}, учасніца {f}
participate {v} (to join in, to take part, to involve oneself) :: браць удзел {impf}, ўзяць удзел {pf}
participation {n} (act of participating) :: удзел {m}
participial {n} (participle) SEE: participle ::
participle {n} (verb form) :: дзеепрыметнік {m}, дзеяпрыметнік {m}
particle {n} (body with very small size) :: часціца {f}
particle {n} (word that does not obviously belong to any particular part of speech) :: часціца {f}
particular {adj} (specific; discrete; concrete) :: асобны, прыватны
particular {adj} (distinguished in some way; special) :: спецыяльны, асаблівы
particular {adj} (partial) SEE: partial ::
partisan {n} (member of a body of detached light troops) SEE: guerrilla ::
partner {n} (someone who is associated with another in a common activity or interest) :: партнёр {m}, партнёрка {f}
partnership {n} (state of being associated with a partner) :: партнёрства {n}
partnership {n} (association of two or more people to conduct a business) :: партнёрства {n}, таварыства {n}
part of speech {n} (the function a word or phrase performs) :: часціна мовы {f}
partridge {n} (any bird of the genera Perdix or Alectoris) :: курапатка {f}
parturition {n} (act of giving birth) :: роды {m-p}
party {n} (social gathering) :: вечарынка {f}
party {n} (political group) SEE: political party ::
pasha {n} (title) :: паша {m}
Pashto {n} (official language of Afghanistan) :: пушту {m}
Pashtun {prop} (Pashto) SEE: Pashto ::
paska {n} (paskha) SEE: paskha ::
paskha {n} (Easter dessert) :: пасха {f}, паска {f}
pass {v} (move or be moved from one place to another) :: [to give] перадаваць {impf}, перадаць {pf}
pass {n} (password) SEE: password ::
passenger {n} (one who rides or travels in a vehicle) :: пасажыр {m}, пасажырка {f}
passer-by {n} (a person who is passing by) :: прахожы {m}, мінак {m}
passion {n} (any great emotion) :: страсць {f}, запал {m}
passion {n} (fervor, determination) :: страсць {f}, запал {m}
passion fruit {n} (edible fruit) :: маракуя {f}
passive {adj} (not active, but acted upon) :: пасыўны
passive {adj} (grammar: being in the passive voice) :: залежны, пасыўны
pass on {v} (To die) SEE: die ::
passport {n} (official document) :: пашпарт {m}
pass round {v} (to distribute) :: абносіць {impf}, абнесці {pf}
password {n} (word used to gain admittance) :: пароль {m}
past {adj} (ago) SEE: ago ::
past {n} (period of time that has already happened) :: мінулае {n}
past {adj} (having already happened; in the past) :: мінулы
paste {n} (a soft mixture) :: паста {f}
pastel {n} (crayon made from such a paste) :: пастэль {f}
pastor {n} (shepherd) SEE: shepherd ::
pastor {n} (a minister or priest) :: пастар {m}
pastry {n} (food group) :: пірог {m}
past tense {n} (grammatical form) :: мінулы час {m}
pasture {v} (graze) SEE: graze ::
pasture {n} (land on which cattle can be kept for feeding) :: выпас {m}, выгул {m}, выган {m}, паша {f}
patch {n} (paltry fellow) SEE: fool ::
paternoster {n} (a rosary) SEE: rosary ::
path {n} (a trail for the use of, or worn by, pedestrians) :: сцежка {f}
pathetic {adj} (arousing pity, sympathy, or compassion) :: жаласны
pathetic {adj} (arousing scorn or contempt) :: убогі
patience {n} (quality of being patient) :: цярпенне {n}, цярплівасць {f}
patience {n} (game that can be played by one person) :: пасьянс {m}
patient {adj} (not losing one's temper while waiting) :: цярплівы
patient {n} (someone who receives treatment from a doctor) :: пацыент {m}, спалечнік {m}, хворы {m}
patriot {n} (person who loves, supports and defends their country) :: патрыёт {m}, патрыётка {f}
patriotism {n} (love of one's own country) :: патрыятызм {m}
patronymic {n} (patronymic (noun)) :: імя па бацьку {n}, па бацьку {n}
Paul {prop} (male given name) :: Павал {m} [cognate], Пол {m} [transliteration]
pauper {n} (one who is extremely poor) :: жабрак {m}, галяк {m}, бядак {m}, бедны {m}
pavement {n} (footpath) :: тратуар {m}
paw {n} (soft foot of an animal) :: лапа {f}
pawnbroker {n} (person who makes monetary loans at interest, taking personal property as security) :: ліхвяр {m}
pawnshop {n} (business premises of a pawnbroker) :: ламбард {m}
pay {v} (to give money in exchange for goods or services) :: плаціць {impf}, заплаціць {pf}
pay attention {v} (to be attentive) :: звяртаць увагу {impf}
payment {n} (the act of paying) :: аплата {f}, плата {f}, плацеж {m}
pea {n} (plant) :: гарох {m}, гарошак {m}
peace {n} (tranquility, quiet, harmony; absence of violence) :: мір {m}, спакой {m}
peace {n} (state of being free from war) :: мір {m}
peace {n} :: мір
peaceful {adj} (not at war or disturbed by strife or turmoil) :: спакойны, мірны, ціхі
peaceful {adj} (inclined to peace; peaceable) :: мірны, міралюбівы
peach {n} (fruit) :: персік {m}
peachtree {n} (peach) SEE: peach ::
peacock {n} (pheasant of one of the genera Pavo and Afropavo) :: паўлін {m}
peak hour {n} (rush hour) SEE: rush hour ::
peal {n} (loud sound) :: звон {m}
peanut {n} (a legume resembling a nut) :: арахіс {m}
pear {n} (fruit) :: груша {f}
pear {n} (tree) :: груша {f}
pearl {n} (mother-of-pearl) SEE: mother-of-pearl ::
pearl {n} (rounded shelly concretion produced by certain mollusks) :: жэмчуг {m}, жомчуг {m}, земчуг {m}, пэрла {f}, жамчужына {f} [individual]
pearl diver {n} (dishwasher) SEE: dishwasher ::
Pearl Harbor {prop} (a harbor on Oahu) :: Перл-Харбар {m}
pearl necklace {n} (necklace made of pearls) :: жамчужныя каралі {m-p}
pear tree {n} (a tree of the genus Pyrus) :: груша {f}
peasant {n} (member of the agriculture low class) :: селянін {m}, селянка {f}
peasantry {n} (impoverished rural farm workers) :: сялянства {n}
peashooter {n} (toy gun) :: гарохастрэл
peat {n} (soil) :: торф {m}
Pecheneg {n} (member of a Turkic people) :: печанег {m}
pechka {n} (Russian oven) SEE: Russian oven ::
peck {v} (to strike or pierce with the beak or similar) :: дзюбаць {impf}, дзюбнуць {pf}
pecker {n} (slang for penis) SEE: dick ::
pecker {n} (slang for woodpecker) SEE: woodpecker ::
pecker {n} (slang for courage) SEE: courage ::
peckerwood {n} (woodpecker) SEE: woodpecker ::
pectoral {adj} (of or pertaining to the breast or chest) :: грудны
peculiar {adj} (out of the ordinary) :: асаблівы
ped {n} (pedestrian) SEE: pedestrian ::
pedagogy {n} (profession of teaching) :: педагогіка {f}
pedal {n} (lever operated by one's foot) :: педаль {f}
pedal {adj} (of or relating to the foot) :: нажны
peddler {n} (itinerant seller of small goods) :: карабейнік {m}, каробачнік {m}, піліпон {m}, афеня {m}, разносчык {m}
pederast {n} (practitioner of pederasty) :: педэраст {m}
pedestal {n} (the base or foot of a column, statue, vase, lamp, or the like) :: п'едэстал {m}
pedestrian {n} (somebody walking rather than using a vehicle) :: пешаход {m}, хадак {m}
pedigree {n} (chart of ancestors) :: радавод {m}
Pei-ching {prop} (Beijing) SEE: Beijing ::
Peking {prop} (Beijing) SEE: Beijing ::
pelican {n} (any of various seabirds of the family Pelecanidae) :: пелікан {m}
pelmeni {n} (Russian dumplings) :: пяльмень {m}, пяльмені {m-p} [usually plural]
Peloponnese {prop} (region of Greece) :: Пелапанес {m}
pelvis {n} (bone) :: таз {m}
pen {n} (wing) SEE: wing ::
pen {n} (enclosure (enclosed area) for animals) :: загон {m}
pen {n} (writing tool) :: ручка {f}
pencil {n} (graphite writing-instrument) :: аловак {m}, карандаш {m}
pencil box {n} (container for stationery) SEE: pencil case ::
pencil case {n} (object purposed to contain stationery) :: пенал {m}
pencil crayon {n} (pencil crayon) SEE: colored pencil ::
penguin {n} (flightless sea bird) :: пінгвін {m}
penicillin {n} (penicillin) :: пеніцылін {m}
peninsula {n} (piece of land projecting into water) :: паўвостраў {m}, паўвыспа {f}
penis {n} :: пеніс {m}, палавы член {m}, хуй {m} [vulgar]
penis {n} (penis) SEE: member ::
Pennsylvania {prop} (US state) :: Пенсільванія
penny {n} (one-cent coin in US and Canada) SEE: cent ::
pension {n} (regular payment due to a person in consideration of past services) :: пенсія {f}, пэнсія {f}
pensioner {n} (someone who lives on a pension) :: пенсіянер {m}, пенсіянерка {f}, пэнсiянэр {m}, пэнсiянэрка {f}
pentagon {n} (a polygon with five sides and five angles) :: пяцікутнік {m}
penumbra {n} (partially shaded area around a shadow, especially an eclipse) :: паўцень {f}
Penza {prop} (a city in Russia) :: Пенза {f}
peony {n} (Paeonia genus of flowering plants) :: півоня {f}
people {n} (a body of human beings; a group of two or more persons) :: людзі {m-p}
people {n} (a group of persons forming or belonging to a particular nation etc.) :: народ {m}, нацыя {f}
people's {adj} (of, from, or controlled by the common people) :: народны
People's Democratic Republic of Algeria {prop} (official name of Algeria) :: Алжырская Народная Дэмакратычная Рэспубліка {f}
people's republic {n} (self-designation of states with Marxist-Leninist governments) :: народная рэспубліка {f}
People's Republic of China {prop} (official name of China) :: Кітайская Народная Рэспубліка {f}
pepper {n} (spice) :: перац {m}
perambulator {n} (pram) SEE: pram ::
percent {n} (a part or other object per hundred) :: працэнт {m}, адсотак {m}
perceptible {adj} (able to be perceived) :: адчувальны, прыкметны
perch {n} (fish of the genus Perca) :: акунь {m}, вокунь {m}
peregrine falcon {n} (Falco peregrinus) :: сапсан {m}
perennial {adj} ((of a plant) Having a life cycle of more than two years) :: шматгадовы
perestroika {prop} (reform in the Soviet Union in 1980s) :: перабудова {f}
perfect {adj} (grammar: of a tense or verb form: representing a completed action) :: закончаны, дасканалы
perfectionism {n} (a dislike for anything less than perfection) :: перфекцыянізм {m}
perfectionist {n} (person who does not settle for anything that is not perfect) :: перфекцыяніст {m}, перфекцыяністка {f}
perfectionistic {adj} (perfectionist) SEE: perfectionist ::
perfective {adj} (relative to the perfect tense or perfective aspect) :: дасканалы, закончаны
perfective aspect {n} (grammatical term) :: закончанае трыванне {n}
perfume {n} (pleasant smell) :: водар {m}, арамат {m}, пах {m}
perfume {n} (substance providing a pleasant smell) :: духі {n-p}, парфума {f} [colloquial]
perhaps {adv} (indicating a lack of certainty) :: можа быць, магчыма, можа
perimeter {n} (sum of the distance of all the lengths of the sides of an object) :: перыметр {m}
period {n} (a length of time) :: пэрыяд, прамежак
period {n} (history: period of time seen as coherent entity) :: перыяд {m}
period {n} (punctation mark “.”) :: кропка {f}
period {n} (menstruation) SEE: menstruation ::
periodic table {n} (tabular chart of the chemical elements) :: перыядычная сістэма элементаў {f}, табліца Мендзялеева {f}
perish {v} (to die, to pass away, see also: die) :: гінуць {impf}, згінуць {pf}
peristalsis {n} (rhythmic contraction of the digestive tract) :: перыстальтыка {f}
peritonitis {n} (inflammation of the peritoneum) :: перытаніт {m}
periwinkle {n} (plant) :: барвенак {m}
perjury {n} (deliberate giving of false or misleading testimony under oath) :: ілжэсведчанне {n}, лжэсведчанне {n}, клятвапарушэнне {n}
Perm {prop} (city in Russia) :: Перм {f}
permanent {adj} (without end) :: пастаянны, сталы
permanent wave {n} (series of waves in the hair) SEE: permanent ::
permission {n} (authorisation) :: дазвол {m}
permit {v} (allow (something) to happen) :: дазваляць {impf}, дазволіць {pf}
perpendicular {adj} (at or forming a right angle to) :: перпендыкулярны
Perpignan {prop} (city in Pyrénées-Orientales, France) :: Перпіньян {m}
persecute {v} (to pursue in a manner to injure, grieve, or afflict) :: праследаваць {impf}
perseverance {n} (persistent determination to adhere to a course of action; insistence) :: настойлівасць {f}, упартасць {f}, стойкасць {f}
Persia {prop} (Iran) SEE: Iran ::
Persia {prop} (region of ancient Iran) :: Персія {f}
Persian {n} (the Persian language) :: персідская мова {f}, персідская {f}, фарсі {m}
Persian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Persia) :: персідскі, пэрсыдзкі
Persian Gulf {prop} (gulf between Iran and the Arabian peninsula) :: Персідскі заліў {m}
persimmon {n} (fruit) :: хурма {f}
persistent {adj} (refusing to give up) :: настойлівы
person {n} (individual) :: чалавек {m}, асоба {f}
person {n} (specifically a human being, see also: human; human being; man) :: чалавек {m}
person {n} (grammar: linguistic category) :: асоба {f}
person {n} :: пэрсона {f}, асоба {f}
personal {adj} (of or pertaining to a particular person) :: асабісты, асабовы, персанальны
personal {adj} (grammar: denoting person) :: асабовы
personal computer {n} (small computer for use by one person at a time, see also: PC) :: персанальны камп'ютар {m}
personality {n} (celebrity) :: дзеяч {m}
personal pronoun {n} (part of speech) :: асабовы займеннік {m}
persona non grata {n} (a person who is not welcome) :: персона нон грата
perspective {n} (view, vista or outlook) :: пэрспэктыва {f}, выгляд {m}
perspicacious {adj} (showing keen insight) :: праніклівы
perspiration {n} (sweat) SEE: sweat ::
perspire {v} (sweat) SEE: sweat ::
persuade {v} (convince) :: запэўніваць {impf}, запэўніць {pf}
Perth {prop} (city in Western Australia) :: Перт {m}
pertussis {n} (whooping cough) SEE: whooping cough ::
Peru {prop} (country in South America) :: Перу {f} {n}
pervert {n} (sexually perverted person) :: вычварэнец {m}
pessimism {n} (general belief that bad things will happen) :: песімізм {m}
pessimistic {adj} (marked by pessimism and little hopefulness) :: песімістычны
pestle {n} (instrument used with a mortar to grind things) :: песцік {m}
pesto {n} (an Italian sauce especially for pasta) :: песта {m}
pet {n} (an animal kept as a companion) :: хатняя жывёла {f}, любімец {m}, жывёла-кампаньён {f}, гадаванец {m}, свойскі гадаванец {m}, хатні гадунец {m}
petal {n} (one of the component parts of the corolla of a flower) :: пялёстак {m}
Peter {prop} (male given name) :: Пётр {m}, Пятро {m}
Petrarchan sonnet {n} (type of sonnet) :: італьянскі санет {m}
petrol {n} (gasoline) SEE: gasoline ::
petroleum {n} (oil) SEE: oil ::
petrol station {n} (gas station) SEE: gas station ::
petrol tank {n} (petrol tank) SEE: gas tank ::
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky {prop} (city in Russia) :: Петрапаўлаўск-Камчацкі {m}
Petrovich {prop} (Russian patronymic) :: Пятровіч {m}
Petrozavodsk {prop} (city in Russia) :: Петразаводск {m}
phalange {n} (phalanx) SEE: phalanx ::
phalanx {n} (ancient Greek military unit) :: фаланга {f}
phalanx {n} (finger or toe bone) :: фаланга {f}
phallus {n} (penis) SEE: penis ::
pharaoh {n} (supreme ruler of ancient Egypt) :: фараон {m}
pharmaceutics {n} (pharmacy) SEE: pharmacy ::
pharmacist {n} (professional who dispenses prescription drugs) :: аптэкар {m}, аптэкарка {f}, фармацэўт {m}
pharmacy {n} (a place where prescription drugs are dispensed) :: аптэка {f}
phase {n} (distinguishable part of a sequence) :: фаза {f}
pheasant {n} (bird of family Phasianidae, often hunted for food) :: фазан {m}
phenomenon {n} (observable fact or occurrence) :: з'ява {f}, з'яўленне {n}, феномен {m}
phenomenon {n} (unusual, curious, or astonishing fact or event) :: феномен {m}
phial {n} (glass vessel) SEE: vial ::
philander {n} (lover) SEE: lover ::
philharmonic {n} (full-sized symphonic orchestra) SEE: symphony orchestra ::
philharmonic orchestra {n} (symphony orchestra) SEE: symphony orchestra ::
philia {n} (friendship) SEE: friendship ::
Philippines {prop} (Republic of the Philippines) :: Філіпіны {f-p}
philologist {n} (person who engages in philology) :: філолаг {m}, філёлёг {m} [Taraškievica], мовазнаўца {m}
philology {n} (historical linguistics) :: філалогія {f}, філёлёгія {f} [Taraškievica]
philosopher {n} (person devoted to studying philosophy) :: філосаф {m}
philosopher's stone {n} (philosopher's stone) :: філасофскі камень {m}
philosophy {n} (the pursuit of wisdom) :: філасофія
philosophy {n} (academic discipline) :: філасофія {f}
phlegm {n} (mucus secreted in the bronchial passages) :: макрота {f}, харкоціна {f}, слізь {f}
phlox {n} (plant of genus Phlox) :: флёкс {m}
phobia {n} (irrational or obsessive fear or anxiety) :: фобія {f}
phone {v} (to call (someone) on the telephone) :: званіць, пазваніць {pf}; тэлефанаваць {impf}, патэлефанаваць {pf}
phone {n} (telephone) SEE: telephone ::
phoneme {n} (indivisible unit of sound) :: фанема {f}, фанэма {f}
phone number {n} (telephone number) SEE: telephone number ::
phonograph {n} (archaic record player) SEE: gramophone ::
phonograph record {n} (record) SEE: record ::
phonology {n} (subfield of linguistics concerned with the way sounds function in languages) :: фаналогія {f}
phosphorus {n} (element) :: фосфар {m}
photo {n} (photograph) SEE: photograph ::
photocopy {n} (copy made using a photocopier) :: ксеракопія {f}
photograph {n} (picture) :: фатаграфія {f}, фотаздымак {m}, фота {n}, фотка {f}
photograph {v} (to take a photograph) :: фатаграфаваць {impf}, сфатаграфаваць {pf}, здымаць {impf}, зняць {pf}
photographer {n} (one who takes photographs) :: фатограф {m}
photography {n} (art and technology of producing images on photosensitive surfaces) :: фатаграфія
photon {n} (quantum of light) :: фатон {m}
phrase {n} (short written or spoken expression) :: фраза {f}, выслоўе {n}
phrase book {n} (book of everyday expressions and vocabulary) :: размоўнік {m}
phrasebook {n} (book used to learn foreign language) SEE: phrase book ::
phraseology {n} (phrasebook) SEE: phrase book ::
Phrygian cap {n} (conical close-fitting cap with the top bent forward) :: фрыгійскі каўпак {m}, фракійскі каўпак {m}
physician {n} (medical doctor) :: урач {m} {f}, доктар {m} {f}, лекар {m}, лекарка {f}
physicist {n} (person whose occupation specializes in the science of physics) :: фізік {m}, фізык {m}
physics {n} (branch of science) :: фізіка {f}
piano {n} (a keyboard musical instrument) :: фартэпіяна {n}
pick {v} (to pick) SEE: choose ::
pick {n} (music: plectrum) SEE: plectrum ::
pickaxe {n} (heavy iron tool) :: кірка {f}
picket line {n} (barrier or fortification formed by pickets) SEE: stockade ::
picnic {n} (a meal eaten outdoors) :: пікнік {m}
picture {n} (representation of visible reality produced by drawing, etc) :: карціна {f}, карцінка {f} [small]
pie {n} (type of pastry) :: пірог {m}
pie {n} (pizza) SEE: pizza ::
piece {n} (part of a larger whole) :: кусок {m}, кавалак {m}, частка {f}
piece {n} (single item belonging to a class of similar items) :: штука {f}
piece {n} (chess: figure other than pawn; similar counter in other games) :: фігура {f}, фішка {f}
piece {n} (distance) SEE: distance ::
piece {n} (castle; a fortified building) SEE: castle ::
piece {n} (pacifier) SEE: pacifier ::
piece of meat {n} (penis) SEE: penis ::
piece of shit {n} (a despicable person) :: хуйло {n}
pie-eyed {adj} ((extremely) drunk or intoxicated) SEE: drunk ::
pier {n} (raised platform built from the shore out over water) :: прыстань {f}, пірс {m}
pierogi {n} (dumpling) :: варэнікі {m-p}
pig {n} (mammal of genus Sus) :: свіння {f}
pig {n} (piglet) SEE: piglet ::
pig {n} (pork) SEE: pork ::
pigeon {n} (bird of the dove and pigeon family Columbidae) :: голуб {m}
piggy bank {n} (small container to store small saved coins in) :: скарбонка {f}
piglet {n} (young pig) :: парася {n}, парасё {n}
pigling {n} (piglet) SEE: piglet ::
pigpen {n} (pigsty) SEE: pigsty ::
pigsty {n} (enclosure where pigs are kept) :: свінарнік {m}, хлеў {m}
pike pole {n} (tool, see also: setting pole; gaff; hook) :: багор {m}
pilaf {n} (dish) :: плоў {m}
pilaff {n} (pilaf) SEE: pilaf ::
pilau {n} (pilaf) SEE: pilaf ::
pile {n} (nap of a cloth) SEE: nap ::
pileous {adj} (hairy) SEE: hairy ::
pileous {adj} (of, pertaining to, or consisting of hair) :: валасяны
pill {n} (small object for swallowing) :: таблетка {f}, пілюля {f}
pillow {n} (soft cushion used to support the head in bed) :: падушка {f}
pillowcase {n} (sheet for covering a pillow) :: навалачка {f}
pilot {n} (controller of aircraft) :: лётчык {m}, лётчыца {f}, пілот {m}
pimp {n} (prostitution solicitor) :: сутэнёр {m}
pimple {n} (inflamed spot on the surface of the skin) :: прышч {m}, вугар {m}, вугор {m}
pin {n} (needle without an eye, used for fastening) :: шпілька {f}, булаўка {f}
pin {n} (jewellery attached with a pin) SEE: brooch ::
pincers {n} (gripping tool) :: абцугі {m-p}
pinch {v} (to squeeze a small amount of skin) :: шчыпаць {impf}, ушчыпнуць {pf}
pinch {n} (action of squeezing a small amount of skin) :: шчыпок {m}
pine {n} (tree of the genus Pinus) :: сасна {f}
pineapple {n} (plant) :: ананас {m}
pineapple {n} (fruit) :: ананас {m}
pine tree {n} (pine) SEE: pine ::
pingo {n} (flexible pole with a load suspended from each end) SEE: carrying pole ::
ping pong {n} (table tennis) SEE: table tennis ::
pink {adj} (colored/coloured between red and white) :: ружовы
pinkie {n} (little finger) SEE: little finger ::
pinky {n} (little finger) SEE: little finger ::
Pinocchio {prop} (protagonist) :: Пінокіа {m}
Pinsk {prop} (city in Belarus) :: Пінск
Pinyin {prop} (romanization of Mandarin Chinese) :: піньінь {m}
pioneer {n} (one who goes before) :: першапраходзец {m}, першаадкрывальнік {m}, піянер {m}
pioneer {n} (member of a child organization in the Soviet bloc) :: піянер {m}, піянерка {f}
pious {adj} (of or pertaining to piety) :: набожны, пабожны, багабойны
pipe {n} (rigid tube) :: труба {f}
pipe {n} (smoking implement) SEE: tobacco pipe ::
piranha {n} (South American fish) :: пірання {f}
pirate {n} (one who plunders at sea) :: пірат {m}
pirog {n} (baked good) :: пірог {m}
pirozhki {n} (small pastries) :: піражок {m}, піражкі {m-p}
pirozhok {n} (pirozhki) SEE: pirozhki ::
pisanka {n} (decorated egg) SEE: pysanka ::
pismire {n} (ant) SEE: ant ::
piss {v} :: сцаць {impf}
pisser {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet ::
pistil {n} (a discrete unit in the center of a flower which receives the pollen and produces a fruit) :: слупок {m}, песцік {m}
pistol {n} (handgun) :: пісталет {m}
piston {n} (in firearms) :: ігліца {f}, ударнік {m}
pit {n} (hole in the ground) :: яма {f}
pit {n} (mine) SEE: mine ::
pit {n} (armpit) SEE: armpit ::
pitchfork {n} (farm tool with tines) :: вілы {p}
pith {n} (spinal cord; marrow) SEE: spinal cord ::
pitiful {adv} (so appalling or sad that one feels or should feel sorry for it) :: жаласны
pitiless {adj} (having no pity) :: бязлітасны, неміласэрны
pity {n} (feeling of sympathy) :: жаль {m}, літасць {f}, жаласць {f}
pity {n} (something regrettable) :: жаль {m}
pity {interj} (what a pity) SEE: what a pity ::
pivot {n} (that on which something turns) :: стрыжэнь {m}, шпяня {f}
pixel {n} (one of the tiny dots that make up the representation of an image in a computer's memory) :: піксэль {m}
pizza {n} (baked Italian dish) :: піца {f}
place {n} (location, position) :: месца {n}
place {n} (open space, courtyard, market square) :: плошча {f}
placenta {n} (anatomy: placenta) :: плацэнта {f}
plagiarism {n} (copying of someone's ideas) :: плагіят {m}
plague {n} (specific disease "the Plague") :: чума {f}
plague {n} (an epidemic or pandemic caused by any pestilence) :: мор {m}
plain {n} (an expanse of land with relatively low relief) :: раўніна {f}
plait {n} (braid) SEE: braid ::
plait {v} (to interweave) SEE: braid ::
plan {n} (technical drawing) :: план {m}, чарцёж {m}
plan {n} (set of intended actions) :: план {m}
planet {n} (each of the seven major bodies which move relative to the fixed stars in the night sky) :: планета {f}, плянэта {f} [Taraškievica]
planet {n} (rocky or gaseous spherical bodies orbiting the Sun) :: планета {f}
plant {n} (factory) SEE: factory ::
plant {n} (organism capable of photosynthesis) :: расліна {f}, расьліна {f} [Taraškievica]
plasma {n} (high energy state of matter) :: плазма {f}
plastic {n} (synthetic thermoplastic polymer) :: пластмаса {f}, пластык {m}
plasticine {n} (modeling clay) :: пластылін {m}
plat {n} (a braid; a plait) SEE: braid ::
plat {v} (to braid, plait) SEE: braid ::
plate {n} (Cockney rhyming slang: foot) SEE: foot ::
plate {n} (flat dish) :: талерка {f}, міска {f}, блюда {n}
plate {n} (prize given to the winner in a contest) SEE: prize ::
platform {n} (politics: political stance on a broad set of issues) :: платформа {f}
platform {n} (travel: raised structure for passengers) :: платформа {f}, перон {m}
platinum {n} (metal) :: плаціна {f}
platoon {n} (unit of 30-40 soldiers) :: узвод {m}
platypus {n} (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) :: качканос {m}
play {v} (act in a manner such that one has fun) :: граць {impf}, іграць {impf}
play {v} (produce music using a musical instrument (transitive sense), affecting a noun) :: граць {impf}
play {n} (playful activity) :: гульня {f}, ігра {f}
play {n} (literary composition intended to be represented) :: дзеятвор
play {n} (theatrical performance) :: п'еса {f}, спектакль {m}
player {n} (electronic device) :: плэер {m}, прайгравальнік {m}
playground {n} (large open space to play on, usually for children) :: дзіцячая пляцоўка {f}
playhouse {n} (venue for performing plays) SEE: theater ::
playing card {n} (one of usually 52 rectangular pieces of card) :: ігральная карта {f}, карта {f}
play with fire {v} (put oneself in a precarious situation) :: гуляць з агнём
playwright {n} (writer of plays for the theatre) :: драматург {m}
playwriter {n} (playwright) SEE: playwright ::
plaza {n} (a towns' public square) :: плошча {f}
pleasant {adj} (giving pleasure; pleasing in manner) :: прыемны
please {adv} (interjection to make a polite request) :: калі ласка, прашу
pleased to meet you {phrase} (polite formula used when being introduced to somebody) :: прыемна пазнаёміцца, вельмі прыемна
please repeat after me {phrase} (phrase) :: паўтарайце за мной, калі ласка
pleasurable {adj} (that gives pleasure) :: прыемны
pleasure {n} (a state of being pleased) :: задавальненне {n}, прыемнасць {f}
plectrum {n} (music: small piece for plucking strings) :: плектар {m}, медыятар {m}
Pleiades {prop} (astronomy) :: Аб'ект Месье M45
plenary {adj} (fully attended) :: пленарны
plenty {n} (a more-than-adequate amount) :: шмат {m}
plenty {adv} (more than sufficiently or very) :: многа
plenum {n} (a legislative meeting (especially of the Communist Party) in which all members are present) :: пленум {m}
pleophony {n} (disyllabic reflex in East Slavic languages) :: поўнагалоссе {n}
pliers {n} (gripping tool which multiplies the strength of the user's hand) :: абцугі {m-p}
plot {n} (course of a story) :: сюжэт {m}, фабула {f}
plot {v} (to trace out a graph or diagram) :: чарціць {impf}, начарціць {pf}
plough {n} (device pulled through the ground) :: плуг {m}
plough {v} (to use a plough on to prepare for planting) :: араць {impf}, узараць {pf}
plov {n} (pilaf) SEE: pilaf ::
plow {n} (plough) SEE: plough ::
plow {v} (plough) SEE: plough ::
plug {n} (electric connecting device) :: штэпсель {m}, штэкер {m}, вілка {f}
plum {n} (fruit of Prunus domestica) :: сліва {f}
plum tree {n} (tree that bears plums) SEE: plum ::
plural {n} (the plural number) :: множны лік {m}
plural {n} (word in plural form) :: множны лік {m}
plus {n} (plus sign) SEE: plus sign ::
plush {n} (textile fabric) :: плюш {m}
plus sign {n} (mathematical symbol) :: плюс {m}
plutocracy {n} (government by the wealthy) :: плутакратыя {f}
plutonium {n} (chemical element) :: плутоній {m}
Pluviôse {prop} (the fifth month of the French Republican Calendar) :: плювіёз {m}
Plymouth {prop} (a city in Devon, England) :: Плімут {m}
pneumatic drill {n} (pneumatic drill) SEE: jackhammer ::
pneumonia {n} (inflammation of the lungs) :: пнеўманія {f}, запаленне лёгкіх {n}
pocket {n} (bag stitched to an item of clothing) :: кішэнь {f}
pocketbook {n} (notebook) SEE: notebook ::
pocketknife {n} (small knife whose blades or tools can fold in its handle) :: складаны нож
Podgorica {prop} (capital city of Montenegro) :: Падгорыца {f}
poem {n} (literary piece written in verse) :: верш {m}, паэма {f}
poet {n} (person who writes poems) :: паэт {m}
poetess {n} (female poet) :: паэтка {f}, паэтэса {m}
poetry {n} (literature composed in verse) :: паэзія {f}
pogrom {n} (riot with the intent to massacre or terrorize a certain group, usually Jews) :: пагром {m}
point {n} (element in larger whole) :: пункт {m}
point {n} (particular moment in an event or occurrence) :: момант {m}
point {n} (opinion which adds to the discussion) :: зданне {n}, думка {f}, пагляд {m}, погляд {m}
point {n} (purpose or objective) :: цэль {f}, мэта {f}, сэнс {m}
point {n} (geometry: zero-dimensional object) :: кропка {f}
point {v} (to extend finger) :: паказваць {impf}, паказаць {pf}
pointed {adj} (sharp at one end) :: востры {m}
pointer {n} (advice) SEE: advice ::
pointer {n} (anything that points or is used for pointing) :: указка {f}
pointer {n} (teacher's pointer) :: указка {f}
pointer {n} (needle of a timepiece or measuring device) :: стрэлка {f}
pointless {adj} (having no prominent or important feature) :: бессэнсоўны, бязглузды
pointless {adj} (having no purpose) :: бессэнсоўны, бязглузды
poison {n} (substance harmful to a living organism) :: атрута {f}
poison {v} (to use poison to kill or paralyse) :: атручваць {impf}, атруціць {pf}
poisoned chalice {n} (something initially regarded as advantageous but which is later recognized to be disadvantageous or harmful) :: мядзведжая паслуга {f}
poison hemlock {n} (poisonous plant) SEE: hemlock ::
poisoning {n} (administration of a poison) :: атручванне {n}
poisoning {n} (state of being poisoned) :: атручванне {n}
poisonous {adj} (containing sufficient poison to be dangerous) :: ядавіты, атрутны
poker {n} (metal rod for poking) :: качарга {f}
poker {n} (card game) :: покер {m}
Poland {prop} (European country) :: Польшча {f}
polao {n} (pilaf) SEE: pilaf ::
polar bear {n} (Ursus maritimus) :: белы мядзведзь {m}
polar cap {n} (high-latitude region covered by ice) :: палярная шапка
pole {n} (extreme of an axis) :: полюс {m}
pole {n} (magnetic point) :: полюс {m}
Pole {n} (person from Poland) :: паляк {m}, полька {f}, палячка {f}; [somewhat pejorative] лях {m}, ляшка {f}
polecat {n} (Mustela putorius) :: тхор лясны {m}, тхор чорны {m}, тхор {m}
polecat {n} (skunk) SEE: skunk ::
polemic {n} (argument or controversy) :: палеміка {f}
police {n} (an organisation that enforces the law) :: паліцыя {f}, міліцыя {f}
policeman {n} (a member of a police force) :: паліцэйскі {m}, міліцыянт {m}
police officer {n} (an officer in a law enforcement agency) :: паліцэйскі {m}, міліцыянт {m}, міліцыянер {m}
police station {n} (building of police force) :: паліцэйскі ўчастак {m}
policewoman {n} (a female police officer) :: паліцэйская {f}, міліцыянтка {f}, паліцыянтка {f}
policy {n} (principle of conduct) :: палітыка {f}
policy {n} (law: insurance) SEE: insurance ::
Polish {adj} (of Poland or its language) :: польскі
Polish {n} (the language of Poland) :: польская мова {f}, польская {f}
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth {prop} (confederation of Poland and Lithuania) :: Рэч Паспалітая {f}
politburo {n} (the governing Communist council) :: Палітбюро {n}, палітбюро {n}
polite {adj} (well-mannered) :: ветлівы
political {adj} (concerning or relating to politics) :: палітычны
political party {n} (political organization) :: партыя {f}
political prisoner {n} (person) :: палітычны вязень {m}, палітычны зняволены {m}
politician {n} (one engaged in politics) :: палітык {m}, палітычка {f}
politics {v} (a methodology and activities associated with running a government) :: палітыка {f}
poll {n} (an election or a survey of a particular group) :: апытанне {n}, галасаванне {n} [voting]
polnoglasie {n} (disyllabic reflex in East Slavic languages) SEE: pleophony ::
polo {n} (ball game) :: пола {n}
polonium {n} (chemical element) :: палоній {m}
Polonization {n} (Polonization) :: паланізацыя {f}
Poltava {prop} (city) :: Палтава {f}
poltroon {adj} (cowardly) SEE: cowardly ::
polyandry {n} (plurality of husbands at the same time) :: многамуства {n}
polyclinic {n} (a clinic in which diseases of many sorts are treated) :: паліклініка {f}
polygamy {n} (the having of a plurality of socially bonded sexual partners at the same time) :: палігамія {f}, многажонства {n} [polygyny], многамуства {n} [polyandry]
polygamy {n} (polygyny) SEE: polygyny ::
polyglot {n} (one who masters, notably speaks, several languages) :: паліглот {m}
polygonum {n} (any plant in the genus Polygonum) :: драсён {m}
polygyny {n} (plurality of wives at the same time) :: многажонства {n}
polyhedron {n} (geometry: solid figure) :: шматграннік {m}, мнагаграннік {m}
Polynesia {prop} (part of Oceania) :: Палінезія {f}
Polynesian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Polynesia) :: палінезійскі {m}
Polynesian {n} (person from Polynesia) :: палінезіец {m}, палінезійка {f}
polynya {n} (area of open water surrounded by sea ice) :: палонка {f}
polysemy {n} (ability to have multiple meanings) :: полісемія {f}
polytheism {n} (belief in the existence of multiple gods) :: шматбожжа {n}, мнагабожжа {n}, палітэізм {m}
pomegranate {n} (fruit) :: гранат {m}
pomelo {n} (grapefruit) SEE: grapefruit ::
Pomerania {prop} (region of Europe on the southern shores of the Baltic Sea) :: Памеранія {f}
Pomeranian {prop} (Kashubian) SEE: Kashubian ::
Pomerelia {prop} (historical region in Pomerania) :: Усходняе Памор'е
poncy {adj} (gay, homosexual) SEE: gay ::
pond {n} (small lake) :: стаў {m}
ponderous {adj} (dense) SEE: dense ::
pony {n} (small horse) :: поні {m}
pood {n} (Russian unit of mass) :: пуд {m}
pool {n} (swimming pool) SEE: swimming pool ::
poop {n} (stern) SEE: stern ::
poor {adj} (with little or no possessions or money) :: бедны
poorly {adj} (ill) SEE: ill ::
pop {v} (to hit) SEE: hit ::
popcorn {n} (a snack food made from corn kernels popped by dry heating) :: папкорн {m}
pope {n} (head of the Roman Catholic Church) :: папа рымскі {m}, папа {m}
pope {n} (Russian Orthodox priest) :: поп {m}
Popemobile {n} (any of various vehicles with bulletproof glass sides used to transport the Pope) :: папамабіль
popinjay {n} (Picus viridis) SEE: green woodpecker ::
popinjay {n} (parrot) SEE: parrot ::
poplar {n} (any of various deciduous trees of the genus Populus) :: таполя {f}
poppy {n} (plant) :: мак {m}
popsicle {n} (serving of frozen juice on a stick) :: фруктовае марозіва
populace {n} (inhabitants of a nation) SEE: population ::
population {n} (all people living within a political or geographical boundary) :: насельніцтва {n}
populism {n} (a political doctrine or philosophy) :: папулізм {m}
porcelain {n} (hard white translucent ceramic) :: фарфор {m}, парцалан {m}
porch {n} (a covered and enclosed entrance to a building) :: ганак {m}, веранда {f}
porcupine {n} (large rodent) :: дзікабраз {m}
pore {n} (a tiny opening in the skin) :: пора {f}
pork {n} (meat of a pig) :: свініна {f}
porn {n} (pornography) SEE: pornography ::
pornocracy {prop} (period of the papacy known as the saeculum obscurum) :: Парнакратыя {f}
pornocracy {n} (government by, or dominated by, prostitutes or corrupt persons) :: парнакратыя {f}
pornographic {adj} (containing an explicit depiction of sexual activity) :: парнаграфічны
pornography {n} (depiction of sexual subject matter with prurient intent) :: парнаграфія {f}
Poroshenko {prop} (Ukrainian surname) :: Парашэнка {m} {f}
porpoise {n} (cetacean) :: марская свіння {f}
porridge {n} (breakfast cereal dish, see also: oatmeal) :: каша {f}
port {n} (dock or harbour) :: порт {m}, гавань {f}
port {n} (computing: logical or physical construct into and from which data are transferred) :: порт {m}
Port-au-Prince {prop} (capital of Haiti) :: Порт-о-Прэнс {m}
portcullis {n} (gate in the form of a grating) :: герса {f}
porthole {n} (circular window) :: ілюмінатар {m}
portmanteau {n} (portmanteau word) SEE: portmanteau word ::
portmanteau word {n} (word which combines the meaning of two words) :: кантамінацыя {f}
Port Moresby {prop} (capital of Papua New Guinea) :: Порт-Морсбі {m}
Portoferraio {prop} (city and harbour in the north of Elba, Italy) :: Портафераё {n}
portrait {n} (painting of a person) :: партрэт {m}
Portugal {prop} (country) :: Партугалія {f}
Portuguese {adj} (of or relating to the region of Portugal) :: партугальскі
Portuguese {n} (the language) :: партугальская мова {f}, партугальская {f}
Portuguese Republic {prop} (official name of Portugal) :: Партугальская Рэспубліка {f}
port wine {n} (A type of fortified wine traditionally made in Portugal) :: партвейн {m}
portyanki {n} (footwrap) SEE: footwrap ::
position {n} (place, location) :: палажэнне {n}, пазіцыя {f}, становішча {n}
position {n} (post of employment) :: пасада {f}
positive {adj} (mathematics: greater than zero) :: дадатны, пазітыўны
positive {adj} (characterised by constructiveness) :: станоўчы, дадатны, позітыўны
positron {n} (positron) :: пазітрон {m}
possess {v} (to have; to have ownership of) :: валодаць {impf}
possessive {adj} (grammar: indicating possession) :: прыналежны
possibility {n} (quality of being possible) :: магчымасць {f}
possible {adj} (able but not certain to happen) :: магчымы, мажлівы
possibly {adv} (adverb indicating that a proposition may be true or false) SEE: perhaps ::
post {n} (long dowel or plank protruding from the ground) :: слуп {m}
post {n} (method of delivering mail) :: пошта {f}
post {n} (assigned station) :: пост {m}
post {n} (appointed position in an organization) :: пасада {f}, пост {m}
postage stamp {n} (piece of paper indicating postage has been paid) :: паштовая марка {f}, марка {f}
postal {adj} (relating to mail) :: паштовы
postal code {n} (postcode) SEE: postcode ::
post box {n} (box in which post can be left to be picked up) SEE: mailbox ::
postcard {n} (rectangular piece of thick paper to be mailed without an envelope) :: паштоўка {f}
postcode {n} (sequence of letters and/or numbers added to a postal address) :: паштовы індэкс {m}
poster {n} (picture intended to be attached to a wall) :: афіша {f}
poster {n} (advertisement, see also: placard) :: плакат {m}, афіша {f}
postman {n} (mailman) SEE: mailman ::
post office {n} (place) :: паштовае аддзяленне {n}, пошта {f}
postscriptum {n} (something written afterward) :: постскрыптум {n}
pot {n} (vessel for cooking or storing food etc.) :: гаршчок {m}, каструля {f}, рондаль {m}
potable {adj} (good for drinking, see also: drinkable) :: пітны
potable {n} (drinkable liquid) SEE: beverage ::
potassium {n} (the chemical element) :: калій {m}
potato {n} (plant tuber eaten as starchy vegetable) :: бульба {f}
potato beetle {n} (Colorado beetle) SEE: Colorado beetle ::
potato pancake {n} (potato pancake) :: дранік {m}
Potter {prop} (surname) :: Потэр
potty {n} (bathroom) SEE: bathroom ::
potty {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet ::
potty {n} (chamber pot) SEE: chamber pot ::
pound {n} (unit of currency) :: фунт {m}
pound {v} (crush to pieces) :: таўчы {impf}
pound sterling {n} (currency of the UK) :: фунт стэрлінгаў {m}
pour {v} (to cause to flow in a stream) :: ліць {impf}, наліваць {impf}, наліць {pf}
Po valley {prop} (large plain in northern Italy) :: Паданская раўніна {f}
poverty {n} (quality or state of being poor) :: бедната {f}
powder {n} (fine particles of any dry substance) :: парашок {m}
powder {n} (cosmetic product) :: пудра {f}
powder {n} (gunpowder) SEE: gunpowder ::
power {n} (capability or influence) :: ўлада {f}
power {n} (electricity, electricity supply) :: электрычнасць {f}, энергія {f}, энэргія {f}, ток {m}
powerful {adj} (having or capable of exerting power, potency or influence) :: моцны, магутны
power plant {n} (power station) SEE: power station ::
power station {n} (an industrial complex where electricity is produced) :: электрастанцыя {f}
Poznań {prop} (Poznan) SEE: Poznan ::
Poznan {prop} (city in Poland) :: Познань {f}
practice {n} (repetition of an activity to improve skill) :: практыка {f}
Prague {prop} (capital of the Czech Republic) :: Прага {f}
Praia {prop} (capital of Cape Verde) :: Прая {f}
Prairial {prop} (the ninth month of French Republican Calendar) :: прэрыяль {m}
prairie {n} (An extensive area of relatively flat grassland) :: прэрыя {f}
praise {n} (commendation; favorable representation in words) :: пахвала {f}, хвала {f}
praise {v} (to give praise to) :: хваліць {impf}
pram {n} (perambulator) :: каляска {f}, дзіцячая каляска {f}
praseodymium {n} (chemical element) :: празеадым {m}
prawn {n} (large shrimp) :: крэветка {f}
pray {v} (to petition a higher being) :: маліцца {impf}, памаліцца {pf}
prayer {n} (practice of communicating with one's God) :: малітва {f}
prayer beads {n} (string of beads, see also: rosary) :: ружанец {m}
praying mantis {n} (any of various predatory insects of the Mantidae family) :: багамол {m}
preacher {n} (one who preaches) :: прапаведнік {m}, казальнік {m}, казаннік {m}
precedent {n} (past act used as example) :: прэцэдэнт {m}
precious {adv} (intensifier) SEE: very ::
precious {adj} (of high value or worth) :: каштоўны, дарагі
precipitation {n} (weather: water falling from the atmosphere) :: ападкі {m-p}
precise {adj} (exact) :: дакладны
preconception {n} (prejudice) SEE: prejudice ::
predator {n} (animal or organism that hunts) :: драпежнік, хіжак {m}
predecessor {n} (one who precedes) :: папярэднік {m}, папярэдніца {f}
predicate {n} ((grammar) part of sentence that states something about its subject) :: выказнік {m}, прэдыкат {m}
predictable {adj} (able to be predicted) :: прадказальны
preface {n} (introduction before the main text) :: прадмова {f}
prefer {v} (to favor) :: аддаваць перевагу {impf}, аддаць перевагу {pf}
preference {n} (selection) :: перавага {f}, выбар {m}
preference {n} (option to select or selected) :: перавага {f}, выбар {m}
preference {n} (state of being preferred) :: перавага {f}
preference {n} (liking) :: перавага {f}
preference {n} (bias) :: перавага {f}
preferences {n} (plural of "preference") SEE: preference ::
prefix {n} (morpheme at the beginning of a word) :: прыстаўка {f}
pregnancy {n} (condition) :: цяжарнасць {f}
pregnant {adj} (carrying developing offspring within the body) :: цяжарны
prejudice {n} (adverse judgement formed beforehand) :: прадузятасць {f}
premier {n} (prime minister of a country) SEE: prime minister ::
Prešov {prop} (City in Slovakia) :: Прэшаў {m}
prep {n} (homework) SEE: homework ::
prepare {v} (to make ready for a specific future purpose) :: гатаваць {impf}, прыгатаваць {pf}, рыхтаваць {impf}, падрыхтаваць {pf}
preposition {n} (grammar: a type of word like "of, from, for, by") :: прыназоўнік {m}
prepositional {n} (the prepositional case) SEE: prepositional case ::
prepositional case {n} (case serving as object of a preposition) :: месны склон {m} (locative case)
prepuce {n} (foreskin) SEE: foreskin ::
prerogative {n} (right, generally) SEE: right ::
Presbyterianism {n} (form of Protestantism) :: прэсвітарыянства {n}
prescription {n} (written order for the administration of a medicine) :: рэцэпт {m}
presence {n} (fact or condition of being present) :: прысутнасць {f}
present {n} (gift) SEE: gift ::
present {n} (present tense) SEE: present tense ::
present {adj} (pertaining to the current time) :: цяперашні
present {adj} (in the immediate vicinity) :: прысутны
present {n} (current time) :: сапраўднае {n}, цяперашні час {m}
present tense {n} (form of language) :: цяперашні час {m}
president {n} (the head of state of a republic) :: прэзідэнт {m}, прэзідэнтка {f}
president {n} (a person presiding over a meeting, chair, presiding officer, presider) :: старшыня {m}
presidential palace {n} (White House) SEE: White House ::
press {n} (device used to apply pressure) :: прэс {m}
press {n} (printed media) :: прэса {f}, друк {m}
press {n} (printing machine) :: друкарскі варштат {m}
press {v} (to press) SEE: bear ::
Pressburg {prop} (Bratislava) SEE: Bratislava ::
press conference {n} (question and answer session with members of television, print and other media) :: прэс-канферэнцыя {m}, прэсавая канфэрэнцыя {f}
pressure {n} (a pressing; force applied to a surface) :: націск {m}
pressure {n} (mental strain) :: націск {m}
pressure {n} (physics: amount of force divided by area) :: націск {m}, ціск {m}
prestigious {adj} (of high prestige) :: прэстыжны
pretentious {adj} (marked by an unwarranted claim to importance or distinction) :: прэтэнцыёзны
pretty {adj} (especially of women and children: pleasant, attractive) :: прыгожы
prevent {v} (to keep from happening) :: прадухіляць, прадухіліць
previous {adj} (prior) :: мінулы
prey {n} (booty, anything taken by force) :: здабыча {f}, спажыва {f}
prey {n} (that which may be seized by animals) :: здабыча {f}, спажыва {f}
Prey Nokor {prop} (Ho Chi Minh City) SEE: Ho Chi Minh City ::
price {n} (cost required to gain possession of something) :: цана {f}, кошт {m}
priceless {adj} (so precious as not to be sold at any price) :: бясцэнны
prick {n} ((slang) a penis) :: хуй {m}
pride {n} (quality or state of being proud; inordinate self-esteem; an unreasonable conceit of one's own superiority in talents, beauty, wealth, rank etc.) :: гонар {m}, пыха {f}, гардыня {f}, фанабэрыя {f}, ганарыстасць {f}
pride {n} (sense of one's own worth, and abhorrence of what is beneath or unworthy of one) :: гордасць {f}
priest {n} (clergyman (clergywoman, clergyperson)) :: святар {m}, поп {m}, ксёндз {m} [Catholic], жрэц {m} [pagan], свяшчэннiк {m}, сьвяшчэньнiк {m} [Taraškievica]
priesthood {n} (role or office) :: свяшчэнства {n}, папоўства {n}
priesthood {n} (clergy) :: духавенства {n}
primarily {adv} (of a primary or central nature) :: галоўным чынам, пераважна
primate {n} (mammal) :: прымат {m}
prime {v} :: просты
prime minister {n} (chief member of the cabinet and head of the government) :: прэм'ер-міністр {m}, прэм'ер {m}
prime number {n} (natural number) :: просты лік {m}
primer {n} (children's book introducing basic literacy) :: лемантар {m}, буквар {m}, азбука {f}
primer {n} (introductory textbook) :: буквар {m}, азбука {f}, лемантар {m}
Primorsky Krai {prop} (federal subject of Russia) :: Прыморскі край {m}
prince {n} (male ruler or head of a principality) :: князь {m}, прынц {m}
prince {n} (son or male-line grandson of a reigning monarch) :: прынц {m}, царэвіч {m} [tsar's son], каралевіч {m} [king's son]
Prince of Wales {prop} (royal title) :: прынц Уэльскі {m}
princess {n} (female member of royal family) :: прынцэса {f}, царэўна {f} [daughter of a tsar], каралеўна {f} [daughter of a king]
principal {n} (essential point or rule) SEE: principle ::
principal {adj} (primary, main) :: галоўны {m}, асноўны
principal {n} (chief administrator of a school) :: дырэктар {m}
principal {n} (legal: one on behalf of whom an agent or gestor acts) :: давернік {m}
principle {n} (fundamental assumption) :: прынцып {m}
print {v} (to produce a copy of a text or image on a surface, especially by machine) :: друкаваць {impf}, надрукаваць {pf}
print {n} (footprint) SEE: footprint ::
printer {n} (computing: device used to print text or images) :: прынтэр {m}, прынтар {m}
printing {n} (the process or business of producing printed material, see also: typography) :: друкаванне {n}, друк {m}, друкарства {n}
printing house {n} (commercial company) :: друкарня {f}
printshop {n} (printing house) SEE: printing house ::
prior {adj} (former) SEE: former ::
Pripyat {prop} (river flowing through Ukraine and Belarus) :: Прыпяць {f}
Pripyat {prop} (abandoned city in Ukraine) :: Прыпяць {f}
prise {n} (prize) SEE: prize ::
prison {n} (place of long-term confinement for those convicted of serious crimes) :: турма {f}, цямніца {f}, астрог {m}
prisoner {n} (person incarcerated in a prison) :: вязень {m}, зняволены {m}, арыштант {m}, арыштантка {f}
prisoner of conscience {n} (person) :: вязень сумлення {m}
prisoner of war {n} (soldier or combatant captured by the enemy) :: ваеннапалонны, палонны {m}
Pristina {prop} (city) :: Прышціна {f}
private {adj} (belonging to, concerning, or accessible only to an individual person or a specific group) :: прыватны
privet {interj} (hello) SEE: hello ::
privilege {n} (particular benefit, advantage, or favor) :: прывілея {f}, прывілей {m}, ільгота {f}, льгота {f}
privy {n} (lavatory or toilet) SEE: toilet ::
prize {n} (anything captured using the rights of war) :: трафей {m}
prize {n} (honor or reward striven for in a competitive contest) :: прэмія {f}, прыз {m}
prize {n} (that which may be won by chance) :: прыз {m}, выгрыш {m}, выйгранка {f}
probability {n} (state of being probable; likelihood) :: імавернасць {f}, верагоднасць {f}
probability {n} (event that is likely to occur) :: імавернасць {f}, верагоднасць {f}
probability {n} (relative likelihood of an event happening) :: імавернасць {f}, верагоднасць {f}
probable {adj} (likely to be true) :: праўдападобны, верагодны
probable {adj} (likely to happen) :: верагодны
probably {adv} (in all likelihood) :: верагодна, напэўна
problem {n} (difficulty) :: праблема {f}
procedure {n} (method for performing a task) :: працэдура {f}
process {n} (series of events to produce a result) :: працэс {m}
processor {n} (microprocessor) :: працэсар {m}
product {n} (commodity for sale) :: прадукт {m}
product {n} (multiplication result) :: здабытак {m}
production {n} (the act of producing) :: вытворчасць {f}, вытворчасьць {f} [Taraškievica]
profane {adj} (Not sacred or holy) :: свецкі, непрысвечаны
profane {adj} (Treating sacred matters with contempt, disrespect, irreverence, or undue familiarity) :: блюзнерскі, богазневажальны
profane {adj} (taking the name of God in vain) :: блюзнерскі, богазневажальны
profession {n} (occupation) :: прафесія {f}, фах {m}
professional {adj} (of, pertaining to, or in accordance with the standards of a profession) :: прафесіянальны
professor {n} (a higher ranking for a teacher or faculty member at a college or university) :: прафесар {m}
profile {n} (outermost shape) :: профіль {m}
profit {n} (benefit) :: прыбытак {m}, карысць {f}, выгада {f}, выгода {f}
profitable {adj} (producing profit) :: карысны, выгадны, даходны
program {n} (set of structured activities) :: праграма {f}
program {n} (software application) :: праграма {f}
programme {n} (programme) SEE: program ::
programmer {n} (one who writes computer programs) :: праграміст {m}, праграмістка {f}
programming language {n} (code of reserved words and symbols) :: мова праграмавання {f}
progress {n} (advancement to a more developed state) :: прагрэс {m}
prohibit {v} (to proscribe officially) :: забараняць {impf}, забараніць {pf}
prohibited {adj} (forbidden) SEE: forbidden ::
prohibition {n} (act of prohibiting) :: забарона {f}
prohibition {n} (law that prohibits something) :: забарона {f}
project {n} (planned endeavor) :: праект {m}
proletarian {n} (member of the proletariat) :: пралетар {m}
proletariat {n} (working class or lower class) :: пралетарыят {m}
prolix {adj} (long) SEE: long ::
promethium {n} (chemical element) :: праметый {m}
promise {n} (vow) :: абяцанне {n}
promise {v} (to commit to something) :: абяцаць {impf}
promising {adj} (showing promise, and likely to develop in a desirable fashion) :: шматабяцаючы, многаабяцаючы
pronoun {n} (type of noun) :: займеннік {m}
pronounce {v} (to pronounce) SEE: say ::
pronounce {v} (to sound out (a word or phrase); to articulate) :: вымаўляць {impf}, вымавіць {pf}
pronunciation {n} (sound of a word) :: вымаўленне {n}, вымова {f}
pronunciation {n} (way in which words are pronounced) :: вымаўленне {n}, вымова {f}
proof {n} (any effort, process, or operation designed to establish or discover a fact or truth) :: доказ {m}
propaganda {n} (concerted set of messages) :: прапаганда {f}
propane {n} (aliphatic hydrocarbon: C3H8) :: прапан {m}
proper noun {n} (the name of a particular person, place, organization or other individual entity) :: уласнае імя {n}, імя ўласнае {n}
property {n} (something owned) :: маёмасць {f}
property {n} (piece of real estate) :: нерухомасць {f}
property {n} (exclusive right of possessing, enjoying and disposing of a thing) :: уласнасць {f}
property {n} (attribute or abstract quality associated with an object, individual or concept) :: уласцівасць {f}, якасць {f}
prophecy {n} (prediction) :: прароцтва {n}
prophet {n} (one who speaks by divine inspiration) :: прарок {m}, прарочыца {f}
prophetess {n} (female prophet) :: прарочыца {f}
propiska {n} (system of mandatory registration in ex-USSR) :: прапіска {f}
propiska {n} (stamp) :: прапіска {f}
propiska {n} (domicile) :: прапіска {f}
proportion {n} (size) SEE: size ::
proposal {n} (that which is proposed) :: прапанова {f}
proposition {n} (uncountable: act of offering for consideration) :: прапанова {f}
proposition {n} (idea or plan offered) :: прапанова {f}
prose {n} (written language not intended as poetry) :: проза {f}
prosecutor {n} (a person instituting criminal prosecution) :: пракурор {m}
prosopography {n} (a study of the individuals in a group of people within a specific context and their relationships) :: прасапаграфія
prosthesis {n} (artificial replacement for a body part) :: пратэз {m}
prosthetic {n} (prosthesis) SEE: prosthesis ::
prostitute {n} (a person having sex for profit) :: прастытутка {f}, [vulgar] курва {f}
prostitute {n} (promiscuous person) SEE: whore ::
prostitution {n} (having sex for profit) :: прастытуцыя {f}
prostokvasha {n} (soured milk) :: сыраватка {f}
protactinium {n} (chemical element) :: пратактыній {m}
protect {v} (to keep safe) :: абараняць {impf}, абараніць {pf}
protection {n} (process of keeping sthg safe) :: абарона {f}
protest {v} (to make a strong objection) :: пратэставаць {impf}
protest {n} (formal objection) :: пратэст {m}
Protestantism {n} (faith) :: пратэстанцтва {n}
protester {n} (person who protests) :: пратэстуючы {m}, пратэстуючая {f}
Proto-Germanic {prop} (hypothetical prehistoric ancestor language) :: прагерманская {f}
proto-language {n} (common ancestor language) :: прамова {f}
protomartyr {n} (any of the first Christian martyrs) :: першамучанік {m}, першамучаніца {f}
Proto-Slavic {prop} (Proto-Slavic) :: праславянская мова {f}, праславянская {f}
Proto-Slavic {adj} (of or pertaining to Proto-Slavic language or people who spoke it) :: праславянскі
proud {adj} (gratified, feeling honoured, feeling satisfied) :: горды
proud {adj} (possessed of a due sense of what one is worth or deserves) :: горды
Provence {prop} (region in France) :: Праванс {m}
proverb {n} (phrase expressing a basic truth) :: прыказка {f}, прыслоўе {n}
province {n} (a subdivision of government usually one step below the national level) :: вобласць {f}, правінцыя {f}
provocateur {n} (one who engages in provocative behavior) :: правакатар {m}
provocation {n} (act of provoking) :: правакацыя {f}
provocative {adj} (tending to provoke strong negative feeling) :: правакацыйны
proximately {adv} (approximately) SEE: approximately ::
prune {v} (plum) SEE: plum ::
Prussia {prop} (geographical area) :: Прусія {f}
Prussia {prop} (former Baltic country) :: Прусія {f}
Prussia {prop} (former German province) :: Прусія {f}
Przemyśl {prop} (a city in south-eastern Poland) :: Пшэмысль {m}, Пярэмышль {m}
PS {n} (addendum to a letter) :: P.S.
psalm {n} (sacred song) :: псалом {m}, псальма {f}
psalter {n} (The Book of Psalms) :: псалтыр {m}
psalterium {n} (omasum) SEE: omasum ::
Pskov {prop} (a city in Russia) :: Пскоў {m}
psychiatric hospital {n} (mental hospital) SEE: mental hospital ::
psychiatry {n} (branch of medicine dealing with mental disorders) :: псіхіятрыя {f}
psychic {adj} (relating to the abilities of a psychic) :: псыхічны, душэўны
psychologist {n} (expert in the field of psychology) :: псіхолаг {m}, псыхолёг {m} [Taraškievica]
psychology {n} (study of the human mind) :: псіхалогія {f}, псыхіка {f}
psychopathy {n} (personality disorder) :: псіхапатыя
psychopomp {n} (entity who assists souls) :: псіхапомп {m}
psychosis {n} (mental disorder) :: псіхоз {m}
pâté {n} (finely-ground paste of meat, fish or vegetables) :: паштэт {m}
pub {n} (public house) :: піўная {f}, бар {m}, паб {m}, тракцір {m}, карчма {f}
public {adj} (pertaining to people as a whole) :: грамадскі
public {adj} (provided (by the government) for the community) :: грамадскі, публічны
public {n} (people in general) :: публіка {f}, грамадзкасць {f}
public house {n} (pub) SEE: pub ::
public servant {n} (convict) SEE: convict ::
publish {v} (to issue a medium (e.g. publication)) :: публікаваць {impf}, апублікаваць {pf}
publish {v} (to issue something (usually printed work) for sale and distribution) :: выдаваць {impf}, выдаць {pf}
puck {n} (hockey puck) SEE: hockey puck ::
pudding {n} (any dessert) SEE: dessert ::
puddle {n} (a small pool of water) :: лужына, лужа {f}, калюга {f} [regional], калюжына {f} [regional], калюжа {f} [regional]
puffin {n} (Fratercula arctica) :: тупік {m}
pulao {n} (pilaf) SEE: pilaf ::
pull {v} (transitive: apply force to (something) so it comes towards one) :: [abstract] цягаць {impf}, пацягаць {pf}, [concrete] цягнуць {impf}, пацягнуць {pf}
pullet {n} (spineless person) SEE: chicken ::
pulmonary {adj} (related to lungs) :: лёгачны
pulpit {n} (raised platform in church) :: кафедра {f}, трыбуна {f}
pulsar {n} (rotating neutron star) :: пульсар {m}
pulse oximetry {n} (method of monitoring of the oxygenation of hemoglobin) :: аксігемаметрыя {f}
pumice {n} (pumice) :: пемза {f}
pump {n} (trainer or sneaker) SEE: trainer ::
pump {n} (device for moving liquid or gas) :: насос {m}, помпа {f}
pumpkin {n} (plant) :: гарбуз {m}
pumpkin {n} (fruit of this plant) :: гарбуз {m}
punch {n} (hit or strike with one's fist) :: удар {m} [кулаком]
punch {v} (to herd cattle) SEE: herd ::
punching bag {n} (device used to practice punching) :: баксёрская груша {f}
punctual {adj} (prompt) :: пунктуальны
punctuation {n} (set of symbols) :: пунктуацыя {f}
pungent {adj} (having a strong odour) :: востры {m}
pungent {adj} (having a sharp and stiff point) :: востры {m}
punish {v} (to cause to suffer for crime or misconduct) :: караць {impf}, пакараць {pf}
punisher {n} (one who punishes) :: карнік {m}, карніца {f}
punishment {n} (the act of punishing) :: пакаранне {n}, кара {f}
punk {n} (prostitute) SEE: prostitute ::
pupa {n} (insect) :: кукалка {f}, лялечка {f}
pupil {n} (learner) :: вучань {m}, вучаніца {f}
pupil {n} (the hole in the middle of the iris of the eye) :: зрэнка {f}, зяніца {f}
puppet {n} (movable model of a person or animal) :: марыянетка {f}, лялька {f}, кукла {f}
puppet {n} (person or country controlled by another) :: марыянетка {f}
puppet {n} (doll) SEE: doll ::
puppeteer {n} (person who uses a puppet) :: лялечнік {m}
puppy {n} (young dog) :: шчанюк {m}, шчаня {n}, шчанё {n}, цюцька {f}
purchase {n} (the act or process of seeking and obtaining something for money) :: пакупка {f}, купля {f}
pure {adj} (free of flaws or imperfections) :: чысты {m}
pure {adj} (free of foreign material or pollutants) :: чысты {m}
purgatory {n} (Purgatory) SEE: Purgatory ::
Purgatory {prop} (intermediate state after physical death) :: чысьцец {m}
purge {n} (forcible removal of undesirable people from political activity, etc.) :: чыстка {f}
purple {adj} (colour) :: фіялетавы
purpose {n} (target) :: мэта {f}, цэль {f}
purposefully {adv} (on purpose) SEE: on purpose ::
purr {v} (cat to make a vibrating sound in its throat) :: мурлыкаць {impf}, курняўкаць {impf}, муркаць {impf}
purse {n} (small bag for carrying money) :: кашалёк {m}
pursue {v} (to follow urgently) :: пераследваць {impf}
pursuit {n} (act of pursuing) :: пераслед {m}, дагон {m}, пагоня {f}
pus {n} (fluid found in regions of infection) :: гной {m}
Pusan {prop} (Busan) SEE: Busan ::
push {v} (to apply a force to something so that it moves away) :: штурхаць {impf}, штурхнуць {pf}
pushchair {n} (stroller) SEE: stroller ::
Pushkin {prop} (Russian surname) :: Пушкін {m}
push scooter {n} (a child's foot-operated vehicle) SEE: scooter ::
Puss in Boots {prop} (fairy tale) :: Кот у ботах {m}
pussy {n} (slang: female genitalia) :: [extremely vulgar] пізда {f}
put {v} (to place something somewhere) :: класці {impf}, пакласці {pf}, ставіць {impf}, паставіць {pf}
put away {v} (to kill someone) SEE: kill ::
Putin {prop} (surname) :: Пуцін {m}
Putinism {prop} (the political policies of Vladimir Putin) :: пуцінізм {m}
Putler {prop} (derogatory name of Vladimir Putin) :: Путлер {m}
put on {v} (to don clothing) :: надзяваць {impf}, надзець {pf}
putsch {n} (a coup; an illegal effort to forcibly overthrow the current government) :: путч {m}, пераварот {m}
putto {n} (representation of a small, naked, often winged child) :: пута
puzzle {n} (crossword puzzle) SEE: crossword ::
puzzle {n} (anything difficult to understand or make sense of) :: загадка {f}
puzzle {n} (game for one person) :: галаваломка {f}
Pyongyang {prop} (capital of North Korea) :: Пхеньян {m}
pyramid {n} (ancient construction) :: піраміда {f}
pyrotechnics {n} (firework) SEE: firework ::
pysanka {n} (Easter egg decorated with intricate designs) :: пісанка {f}
python {n} (constricting snake) :: пітон {m}
Qatar {prop} (a country in the Middle East) :: Катар {m}
qishlaq {n} (a rural settlement of nomadic people) :: кішлак {m}
Q-tip {n} (type of cotton swab) SEE: cotton swab ::
quackgrass {n} (couch grass) SEE: couch grass ::
quad {adj} (quadrilateral) SEE: quadrilateral ::
quadrangle {n} (quadrilateral) SEE: quadrilateral ::
quadratic {adj} (of a class of polynomial of the form y ) :: квадратны
quadrilateral {n} (polygon having four sides) :: чатырохвугольнік {m}
quadruped {n} (a four-footed or four-legged animal) :: чатырохногае {n}
quagmire {n} (swampy ground) :: балота {n}, дрыгва {f}, багна {n}
quail {n} (any of several small game birds) :: перапелка {f}
quake {n} (earthquake) SEE: earthquake ::
quakebuttock {n} (coward) SEE: coward ::
qualification {n} (an ability or attribute that aids someone's chances of qualifying for something) :: кваліфікацыя {f}
qualify {v} (to describe or characterize something by listing its qualities) :: кваліфікаваць
qualify {v} (to make someone, or to become competent or eligible for some position or task) :: рыхтаваць
qualify {v} (to certify or license someone for something) :: атэставаць
qualify {v} (to modify, limit, restrict or moderate something) :: абмяжоўваць
qualitative {adj} (of descriptions or distinctions based on some quality rather than on some quantity) :: якасны
quality {n} (level of excellence) :: якасць {f}
quality {n} (differentiating property or attribute) :: якасць {f}
quantitative {adj} (of a measurement based on some quantity or number rather than on some quality) :: колькасны
quantity {n} (fundamental, generic term used when referring to the measurement) :: колькасць {f}
quarantine {n} (sanitary measure isolating infected people) :: карантын {m}, каранцін {m}
quark {n} (soft creamy cheese) :: тварог {m}
quarrel {n} (verbal dispute or heated argument) :: сварка {f}
quarrel {v} (to contend, argue strongly, squabble) :: сварыцца {impf}
quart {n} (a unit of liquid capacity) :: кварта {f}
quarter {n} (one of four equal parts) :: чвэрць {f}
quarter {n} (section of a town) :: квартал {m}
quartz {n} (mineral) :: кварц {m}
quasar {n} (An extragalactic object) :: квазар {m}
quay {n} (structure for loading and unloading vessels) :: набярэжная {f}
quayside {n} (an area alongside a quay) :: набярэжная {f}
Quebec {prop} (province) :: Квэбэк {m}
queen {n} (female monarch) :: каралева {f}, царыца {f}
queen {n} (playing card) :: дама {f}
queer {n} (slang: homosexual) SEE: fag ::
quell {n} (transitive: to take the life of; to kill) SEE: kill ::
query {n} (computing: set of instructions passed to a database) :: запыт {m}
quest {n} (journey or effort in pursuit of a goal) :: пошук
question {n} (talk; conversation; speech) SEE: talk ::
question {n} (sentence, phrase or word) :: пытанне {n}
questionary {n} (questionnaire) SEE: questionnaire ::
questioning {n} (interrogation) SEE: interrogation ::
questioning {n} (action of asking questions; a survey or inquiry) :: апытанне {n}, допыт {m}
question mark {n} (punctuation mark) :: пытальнік {m}, пытальны знак {m}
questionnaire {n} (form containing a list of questions) :: анкета {f}, апытальнік {m}
queue {n} (line of people) :: чарга {f}
queue {n} (waiting list) :: чарга {f}
quick {adj} (moving with speed) :: хуткі
quicken {v} (make quicker, hasten, speed up) :: паскараць {impf}, паскорыць {pf}
quicklime {n} (calcium oxide) :: вапна {n}
quickly {adv} (rapidly, fast) :: хутка
Quidditch {n} (fictitious ball game) :: квідыш {m}, квідыч {m}
quiet {adj} (with little sound) :: ціхі
quietly {adv} (in a quiet manner) :: ціха
quill {n} (music: plectrum) SEE: plectrum ::
quill {n} (pen made of feather) :: пяро {n}
quince {n} (fruit) :: айва {f}
quincunx {n} (coin) SEE: coin ::
quinquangle {n} (pentagon) SEE: pentagon ::
Quirinal Hill {prop} (one of the seven hills on which ancient Rome was built) :: Квірынал
quitch {n} (couch grass) SEE: couch grass ::
Quito {prop} (capital of Ecuador) :: Кіта {m}
quiver {n} (arrow container) :: калчан {m}
quotation {n} (fragment of a human expression) :: цытата {f}
quotation mark {n} (quotation marks) SEE: quotation marks ::
quotation marks {n} (Note: These languages use “◌”-style marks or other styles as indicated. Some are singular and some plural.) :: двукоссі, лапкі [«◌»], [„◌“]
quote {n} (a statement attributed to someone) :: цытата {f}
quote {n} (a quotation mark) :: двукоссе {n}
Qur'an {prop} (the Islamic holy book) :: Каран {m}, каран {m}
Ra {prop} (Egyptian god of the Sun) :: Ра {m}
rabbi {n} (Jewish scholar or teacher) :: рабін {m}
rabbit {n} (mammal) :: трус {m}, кролік {m} , трусіха {f}
raccoon {n} (nocturnal omnivore living in North America, Procyon lotor) :: янот {m}
race {n} (a large group of people set apart from others on the basis of a common heritage) :: раса {f}
racial {adj} (of or relating to a race (or a people)) :: расавы
racialism {n} (racism) SEE: racism ::
racism {n} (racial prejudice or discrimination) :: расізм {m}
racist {n} (person who believes a particular race is superior to others.) :: расіст {m}, расістка {f}
racist {adj} (relating to racism) :: расісцкі
racoon {n} (raccoon) SEE: raccoon ::
rada {n} (soviet) SEE: soviet ::
rada {n} (a parliamentary body in a number of Slavic countries) :: рада {f}
Rada {prop} (rada) SEE: rada ::
radiator {n} (device that lowers engine coolant temperature by conducting heat to the air) :: радыятар {m}
radio {n} (technology) :: радыё {n}
radioactive {adj} (exhibiting radioactivity) :: радыёактыўны
radioactive fallout {n} (material from a radioactive plume) :: радыёактыўны асадак {m}
radioactive waste {n} (type of waste) :: радыёактыўныя адходы {m-p}
radioactivity {n} (radiation emitted) :: радыеактыўнасць {f}
radio station {n} (broadcast station emitting an audio signal) :: радыёстанцыя {f}
radish {n} (plant Raphanus sativus var. sativus) :: радыска {f}, рэдзька {f}
radish {n} (edible root) :: радыска {f}, рэдзька {f}
radius {n} (line segment) :: радыус {m}
radius {n} (length of this line segment) :: радыус {m}
radix {n} (biology: root) SEE: root ::
radon {n} (chemical element) :: радон {m}
raft {n} (flat, floating structure) :: плыт {m}
rag {n} (piece of cloth) :: ануча {f}
raid {n} (attack for the purpose of making arrests, seizing property, or plundering) :: рэйд {m}, налёт {m}
rail {n} (means of transportation) SEE: railway ::
rail {n} (metal bar) :: рэйка {f}
railroad {n} (permanent road consisting of fixed metal rails) SEE: railway ::
railroad {n} (transportation system) SEE: railway ::
railroad station {n} (place where trains stop for passengers) SEE: railway station ::
railway {n} (track, consisting of parallel rails) :: каляя {f}
railway {n} (transport system using these rails) :: жалезная дарога {f}, чыгунка {f}, чыгуначны пуць {m}
railway station {n} (place where trains stop) :: чыгуначная станцыя {f}
rain {n} (condensed water from a cloud) :: дождж {m}, [Polatsk dialect] дож {m}
rainbow {n} (multicoloured arch in the sky) :: вясёлка {f}
rain cloud {n} (cloud from which rain is falling) :: дажджавая хмара
raincoat {n} (waterproof coat) :: плашч {m}, [Polatsk dialect] плаш {m}, дажджавік {m}, порхаўка {f}
rajah {n} (Hindu prince) :: раджа {m}
rake {n} (garden tool) :: граблі {f-p}
rake {n} (a lot, plenty) SEE: plenty ::
rally {n} (demonstration) SEE: demonstration ::
rally {n} (public gathering for a cause) :: мітынг {m}
ram {n} (male sheep) :: баран {m}
ram {n} (battering ram) SEE: battering ram ::
Ramadan {prop} (holy ninth month of Islamic lunar calendar) :: рамадан {m}
ramble {n} (stroll) SEE: stroll ::
ramble {v} (wander) SEE: wander ::
ramrod {n} (device used with early firearms) :: шомпал {m}
ramson {n} (ramsons) SEE: ramsons ::
ramsons {n} (Allium ursinum) :: чарамша {f}, цыбуля мядзведжая {f}, мядзведжая цыбуля {f}
rancid {adj} (rancid) SEE: offensive ::
Rangoon {prop} (Yangon) SEE: Yangon ::
ransom {n} (money paid for the freeing of a hostage) :: выкуп {m}
rape {n} (act of forcing sexual activity) :: згвалтаванне {n}
rape {v} (force sexual intercourse) :: гвалтаваць {impf}, згвалтаваць {pf}
raping {n} (rape) SEE: rape ::
rapist {n} (someone who rapes someone else) :: гвалтаўнік {m}, гвалтоўнік
rare {adj} (very uncommon) :: рэдкі
raspberry {n} (plant) :: маліна {f}
raspberry {n} (fruit) :: маліна {f}
rassolnik {n} (a soup in Russian cuisine) :: расольнік {m}
rat {n} (rodent) :: пацук {m}, шчур {m}
rate {n} (speed) SEE: speed ::
ratel {n} (Mellivora capensis) SEE: honey badger ::
rather {adv} (preferably) :: хутчэй
rather {adv} (somewhat, fairly) :: даволі, досыць
raven {n} (bird) :: крумкач {m}, воран {m}
ravish {v} (rape) SEE: rape ::
raw {adj} (uncooked) :: сыры
ray {n} (beam of light or radiation) :: прамень {m}
ray {n} (marine fish with a flat body, large wing-like fins, and a whip-like tail) :: скат {m}
razor {n} (shaving knife) :: брытва {f}
razor {n} (shaving instrument) :: брытва {f}
reach {v} (to arrive at by effort) :: [on foot] даходзіць {impf}, дайсці {pf}, [by vehicle] даязджаць {impf}, даехаць {pf}
reach for the sky {interj} (surrender) SEE: hands up ::
reaction {n} (action in response to an event) :: рэакцыя {f}
reaction {n} (chemical transformation) :: рэакцыя {f}
read {v} (look at and interpret letters or other information) :: чытаць {impf}, прачытаць {pf}
read {v} (speak aloud words or other information that is written) :: чытаць {impf}
read between the lines {v} (infer a meaning that is not stated explicitly) :: чытаць паміж радкоў
reader {n} (person who reads a publication) :: чытач {m}, чытачка {f}
readiness {n} (state or degree of being ready) :: гатоўнасць {f}, гатоўнасьць {f} [Taraškievica], гатовасць {f}, гатовасьць {f} [Taraškievica]
reading {n} (process of interpreting written language) :: чытанне {n}
ready {n} (cash) SEE: cash ::
ready {adj} (prepared for immediate action or use) :: гатовы
real {adj} (true, genuine, not merely nominal) :: сапраўдны, рэальны
real estate {n} (property that cannot easily be moved) :: нерухомасць {f}
realistic {adj} (expressed or represented as being accurate) :: рэалістычны
reality {n} (state of being actual or real) :: рэальнасць {f}, рэчавістасць {f}, рэчаіснасць {f}, сапраўднасць {f}
reality {n} (entirety of all that is real) :: рэальнасць {f}, рэчаіснасць {f}, рэчавістасць {f}
realpolitik {n} (pragmatic international government policy) :: рэальная палітыка {f}
real property {n} (real estate) SEE: real estate ::
reap {v} (to cut with a sickle) :: жаць {impf}, пажынаць {impf}
reap hook {n} (sickle) SEE: sickle ::
reaping hook {n} (sickle) SEE: sickle ::
reason {n} (that which causes: a cause) :: прычына {f}
reason {n} (excuse, explanation: thought or consideration offered in support of a determination) :: рацыя {f}
reason {n} ((the capacity of the human mind for) rational thinking) :: розум {m}
reason {n} (something reasonable) :: слушнасць {f}
reason {v} (to arrange and present the reasons for or against; to examine, debate, discuss) SEE: debate ::
reasonable {adj} (just; fair; agreeable to reason) :: разумны {m}
reassure {v} (to assure anew; to restore confidence to; to free from fear or self-doubt) :: запэўніваць {impf}, запэўніць {pf}
rebel {n} (person who resists an established authority) :: бунтаўшчык {m}, паўстанец {m}, бунтар {m}
rebel {v} (to resist or become defiant towards) :: бунтаваць {impf}, бунтавацца {impf}, паўставаць {impf}, паўстаць {pf}
rebellion {n} (armed resistance) :: мяцеж {m}, паўстанне {n}, бунт {m}
rebirth {n} (reincarnation) :: адраджэнне {n}
rebirth {n} (revival, reinvigoration) :: адраджэнне {n}
rebirth {n} (spiritual renewal) :: адраджэнне {n}
rebus {n} (puzzle) :: рэбус {m}
recall {v} (to remember, recollect) :: памінаць {impf}, памянуць {pf}
receipt {n} (written acknowledgement) :: квітанцыя {f}, распіска {f}
receive {v} (take what is offered, accept from another) :: атрымліваць {impf}, атрымаць {pf}
reception {n} (front desk) :: прыёмная {f}, рэгістратура {f} [in a clinic]
reciprocal {adj} (done by each of two people towards the other) :: узаемны
recite {v} (to recite) SEE: say ::
record {n} (information put into a lasting physical medium) :: запіс {m}
record {n} (phonograph record) :: пласцінка {f}, дыск {m}, грампласцінка {f}
record {n} (computing: set of data relating to a single individual or item) :: запіс {m}
record {n} (most extreme known value of some achievement) :: рэкорд {m}
record {v} (make a record of) :: запісваць {impf}, запісаць {pf}
recording {n} (reproduction stored in a permanent medium) :: запіс {m}
record player {n} (analogue electronic device for playing gramophone records, see also: gramophone) :: прайгравальнік {m}, грамафон {m}
recount {n} (narration, description) :: апавяданне {n}, расказ {m}
recount {v} (to tell, narrate) :: расказваць {impf}, расказать {pf}
recreation {n} (activity that diverts, amuses or stimulates) :: адпачынак {m}
rectangle {n} (quadrilateral) :: Taraškievica: прастакутнік {n}; “Academic”: прамавугольнік {n} {m}
rectify {v} (to heal) SEE: heal ::
red {n} (colour) :: чырвоны
red {adj} (having red as its colour) :: чырвоны
Red Army {prop} (name of the Soviet army) :: чырвоная Армія
Red Army man {n} (the lowest military rank of the Red Army) :: чырвонаармеец
red beet {n} (beetroot) SEE: beetroot ::
Red Crescent {prop} (branch of the Red Cross) :: Чырвоны Паўмесяц {m}
Red Cross {prop} (Red Cross) :: Чырвоны Крыж {m}
red deer {n} (Cervus elaphus) :: алень {m}
red giant {n} (large red star) :: чырвоны гігант
red hot {n} (hot dog) SEE: hot dog ::
red kite {n} (Milvus milvus) :: каршун чырвоны {m}
red lynx {n} (bobcat) SEE: bobcat ::
Red Sea {prop} (sea between Africa and Arabia) :: Чырвонае мора {n}
redskin {n} (an American Indian) :: чырванаскуры
Red Square {prop} (Moscow square) :: Чырвоная плошча {f}
red tea {n} (black tea) SEE: black tea ::
red wine {n} (red coloured wine) :: чырвонае віно {n}
reed {n} (grass-like plant) :: трыснёг {m}, чарот {m}, трысцё {n}
reef {n} (rocks at or near surface of the water) :: рыф {m}
reefer {n} (marijuana) SEE: marijuana ::
reek {n} (unpleasant smell) :: смурод {m}, вонь {f}
reference book {n} (book providing factual information) :: даведнік {m}
referendum {n} (direct popular vote) :: рэферэндум {m}
reflection {n} (act of reflecting; the state of being reflected) :: адлюстраванне {n}, адбіццё {n}
reflexive {adj} (in grammar) :: зваротны
reform {n} (amendment) :: рэформа {f}
refrigerator {n} (appliance) :: халадзільнік {m}
refuge {n} (state of safety, protection or shelter) :: прытулак {m}
refugee {n} (person seeking political asylum) :: уцекач {m}
refusal {n} (the act of refusing) :: адмова {f}
refuse {v} ((transitive) decline (request, demand)) :: адмаўляць {impf}, адказваць {impf}
regal {adj} (of or having to do with royalty) :: каралеўскі
regal {adj} (befitting a king) :: каралеўскі
regeneration {n} (rebuilding or restructuring; large scale repair or renewal) :: адраджэнне {n}
regime {n} (form of government) :: рэжым {m}, лад {m}
regiment {n} (army unit) :: полк {m}
region {n} (any considerable and connected part of a space or surface) :: раён {m}, рэгіён {m}, обласць {f}, край {m}
region {n} (an administrative subdivision) :: вобласць {f}
register {n} (cash register) SEE: cash register ::
registration {n} (the act of signing up or registering for something) :: рэгістрацыя {f}
regret {v} (feel sorry about some past thing) :: шкадаваць {impf}
regret {n} (instance of such an emotion) :: шкадаванне {n}, жаль {m}
regular {adj} (having a constant pattern) :: рэгулярны
regular {adj} (grammar) :: правільны
regularly {adv} (with constant frequency) :: рэгулярна
Reims {prop} (city) :: Рэймс {m}
rein {n} (strap or rope) :: повад {m}, лейцы {p}
reindeer {n} (Rangifer tarandus) :: паўночны алень {m}
rejoice {v} (be happy) :: радавацца {impf}, цешыцца {impf}
rejoice {v} (make happy) :: радаваць {impf}, цешыць {impf}
relate {v} (to narrate) SEE: narrate ::
relational {adj} (relative) SEE: relative ::
relationship {n} (connection or association) :: адносіны {f-p}
relative {adj} (conditional; depending on something else) :: адносны
relative {n} (someone in the same family; someone connected by blood, marriage, or adoption) :: сваяк {m}, сваячка {f}
relativity {n} (the state of being relative) :: адноснасць {f}
relaxed {adj} (having an easy-going mood) :: расслаблены
relevant {adj} (directly related, connected, or pertinent to a topic) :: адпаведны
reliability {n} (quality of being reliable) :: надзейнасць {f}
reliability {n} (quality of a measurement) :: дакладнасць {f}
reliable {adj} (fit to be relied on) :: надзейны
relief {n} (removal of stress or discomfort) :: палёгка {f}, аблягчэнне {n}
relief {n} (type of artwork) :: рэльеф {m}, барэльеф {m}
relief {n} (difference of elevations on a surface) :: рэльеф {m}
religion {n} (system of beliefs dealing with soul, deity and/or life after death) :: рэлігія {f}
religious {adj} (concerning religion) :: рэлігійны
religious {adj} (committed to the practice of religion) :: рэлігійны, веруючы
reluctant {adj} (not wanting to take some action) :: неахвотны
remain {v} (to stay behind while others withdraw) :: заставацца {impf}, застацца {pf}
remainder {n} (what remains after some has been removed) :: рэшта {f}, астача {f}
remarkable {adj} (worthy of being remarked) :: выдатны
remember {v} (to recall from one's memory) :: [still have memories] памятаць {impf}, помніць {impf}; [recall, try to remember] памінаць {impf}; памянуць {pf}
remorse {n} (feeling of regret or sadness for doing wrong or sinning) :: мукі сумлення {f-p}, дакоры сумлення {f-p}, згрызоты сумлення {f-p}, каянне {n}
remote {adj} (at a distance) :: далёкі
remote control {n} (device used to operate an appliance or mechanical toy from a short distance away) :: пульт дыстанцыйнага кіравання {m}, дыстанцыйнае кіраванне {n}, пульт {m}
remote control {n} (doing something from a distance) :: дыстанцыйнае кіраванне {n}
ren {n} (a kidney) SEE: kidney ::
renaissance {n} (rebirth or revival) :: адраджэнне {n}
rennet stomach {n} (abomasum) SEE: abomasum ::
rep {n} (representative) SEE: representative ::
rep {n} (repetition) SEE: repetition ::
repair {v} (to restore to good working order) :: рамантаваць {impf}
repair {n} (act of repairing something) :: рамонт {m}, направа {f}
repeat {v} (do or say again) :: паўтараць {impf}, паўтарыць {pf}
repentance {n} (feeling of regret or remorse) :: каянне {n}
repetition {n} (act or an instance of repeating or being repeated) :: паўтарэнне {n}
replace {v} (to substitute) :: замяняць {impf}, замяніць {pf}
report {v} (to relate details of) :: паведамляць {impf}, паведаміць {pf}
report {n} (information describing events) :: даклад {m}, справаздача {f}
reporter {n} (journalist) :: рэпарцёр {m}, карэспандэнт {m}, журналіст {m}
representative {n} (one who speaks for another) :: прадстаўнік {m}, прадстаўніца {f}
repression {n} (act of repressing) :: рэпрэсія {f}, уціск {m}
reprise {n} (repetition) SEE: repetition ::
reptile {n} (a cold-blooded vertebrate) :: рэптылія {f}, паўзун {m}, гад {m} [colloquial: includes reptiles, amphibians, molluscs, etc.]
republic {n} (a type of state) :: рэспубліка {f}
Republican {n} (supporter of the Republican Party of the U.S.) :: рэспубліканец {m}, рэспубліканка {f}
Republic of Armenia {prop} (official name of Armenia) :: Рэспубліка Арменія {f}
Republic of Austria {prop} (official name of Austria) :: Рэспубліка Аўстрыя {f}
Republic of Azerbaijan {prop} (official name of Azerbaijan) :: Азербайджанская Рэспубліка {f}
Republic of Belarus {prop} (official name of Belarus) :: Рэспубліка Беларусь {f}
Republic of Bulgaria {prop} (official name of Bulgaria) :: Рэспубліка Балгарыя {f}
Republic of Croatia {prop} (official name of Croatia) :: Рэспубліка Харватыя {f}
Republic of Cyprus {prop} (official name of Cyprus) :: Рэспубліка Кіпр {f}
Republic of Estonia {prop} (official name of Estonia) :: Эстонская Рэспубліка {f}
Republic of Finland {prop} (official full name of Finland) :: Фінляндская Рэспубліка {f}
Republic of Hungary {prop} (former official name of Hungary) :: Венгерская Рэспубліка {f}
Republic of Iceland {prop} (conventional descriptive name of Iceland) :: Рэспубліка Ісландыя {f}
Republic of India {prop} (official name of India) :: Рэспубліка Індыя {f}
Republic of Indonesia {prop} (official name of Indonesia) :: Рэспубліка Інданезія {f}
Republic of Iraq {prop} (official name of Iraq) :: Рэспубліка Ірак {f}
Republic of Ireland {prop} (country) :: Рэспубліка Ірландыя {f}
Republic of Korea {prop} (country) :: Рэспубліка Карэя {f}
Republic of Latvia {prop} (Official name of Latvia) :: Латвійская Рэспубліка {f}
Republic of Lithuania {prop} (Official name of Lithuania) :: Літоўская Рэспубліка
Republic of Macedonia {prop} (Republic of Macedonia, see also: Macedonia) :: Рэспубліка Македонія {f}
Republic of Malta {prop} (official name of Malta) :: Рэспубліка Мальта {f}
Republic of North Macedonia {prop} (Republic of North Macedonia, see also: North Macedonia) :: Рэспубліку Паўночная Македонія {f}
Republic of Poland {prop} (official name of Poland) :: Рэспубліка Польшча {n}
Republic of Serbia {prop} (official name of Serbia) :: Рэспубліка Сербія {f}
Republic of Singapore {prop} (official name of Singapore) :: Рэспубліка Сінгапур {f}
Republic of Slovenia {prop} (official name of Slovenia) :: Рэспубліка Славенія {f}
Republic of South Africa {prop} (official name of South Africa) :: Паўднёва-Афрыканская Рэспубліка {f}
Republic of the Congo {prop} (country) :: Рэспубліка Конга {f}
Republic of the Philippines {prop} (country in Southeast Asia) :: Рэспубліка Філіпіны {f}
Republic of Turkey {prop} (official name of the country of Turkey) :: Турэцкая Рэспубліка {f}
request {v} (to express the need or desire for) :: запытваць {impf}, запытаць {pf}
request {n} (act of requesting) :: просьба {f}, запыт {m}, заяўка {f}, хадайніцтва {n}, патрабаванне {n}, прашэнне {n}
require {v} (ask) SEE: ask ::
require {v} (to demand, call for authoritatively) :: патрабаваць {impf}, запатрабаваць {pf}
rescue {n} (act of rescuing, saving) :: ратаванне {n}, ратунак {m}, выратаванне {n}
rescue {n} (liberation) SEE: liberation ::
research {n} (inquiry or examination) :: даследаванне {n}
research {v} (to examine with continued care) :: даследаваць {impf}
reseda {n} (plant of the genus Reseda) :: рэзеда
resemble {v} (compare) SEE: compare ::
resemble {v} (to be like or similar to something else) :: быць падобным {impf}
resentful {adj} (inclined to resent) :: крыўдлівы, злапомны, злапамятны
resentful {adj} (full of resentment) :: пакрыўджаны, абураны
reserve {v} (to reserve) SEE: hold ::
reserve bank {n} (reserve bank as a central bank) SEE: central bank ::
reservoir {n} (large natural or artificial lake used as a source of water supply) :: вадасховішча {n}
reside {v} (to dwell permanently or for a considerable time) :: пражываць {impf}, жыць {impf}
resident {n} (person living at a location or an area) :: жыхар {m}, жыхарка {f}, насельнік {m}, насельніца {f}, жыцель {m}, жыцелька {f}
resin {n} (secretion of plants) :: смала {f}
resistance {n} (act of resisting) :: супраціўленне {n}, супраціў {m}
resource {n} (something that one uses to achieve an objective) :: рэсурс {m}, сродак {m}
respect {n} (admiration for a person or entity because of perceived merit) :: павага {f}, паважанне {n}, пашана {f}
respect {v} (to have respect for) :: паважаць {impf}, шанаваць {impf}
respond {v} (to say in reply, to respond) SEE: return ::
responsibility {n} (the state of being responsible) :: адказнасць {f}
responsibility {n} (a duty, obligation or liability for which someone is responsible) :: абавязак {m}
responsible {adj} (answerable for an act performed or for its consequences) :: адказны {m}, адпавядальны
rest {n} (relief afforded by sleeping; sleep) :: адпачынак {m}
rest {n} (peace, freedom from trouble, tranquility) :: спакой {m}
rest {v} (intransitive: take repose) :: адпачываць {impf}, адпачыць {pf}
rest {v} (to remain) SEE: remain ::
restaurant {n} (an eating establishment in which diners are served food) :: рэстаран {m}
restriction {n} (act or state) :: абмежаванне {n}
restriction {n} (regulation or limitation) :: абмежаванне {n}
restrictive {adj} (confining; limiting) :: абмежавальны
result {n} (that which results) :: рэзультат {m}, вынік {m}
resume {n} (curriculum vitae) SEE: curriculum vitae ::
resurrection {n} (the act of arising from the dead) :: уваскрашэнне {n}
reticulum {n} (the second stomach of a ruminant) :: сетка {f}
retina {n} (thin layer of cells at the back of the eyeball) :: сятчатка {f}
retort {v} (to retort; to throw back) SEE: return ::
retreat {n} (lavatory) SEE: toilet ::
retreat {n} (to turn back, retreat) SEE: return ::
retromingent {adj} (cowardly) SEE: cowardly ::
return {n} (answer) SEE: answer ::
return {v} (to come or go back) :: варочацца {impf}, вярнуцца {pf}, вяртацца {impf}, зварачацца {impf}, звярнуцца {pf}
return {v} (to give something back to its original holder or owner) :: зварачаць {impf}, звярнуць {pf}, вяртаць {impf}, вярнуць {pf}
reunification {n} (the unification of something that was previously divided; used especially of a country) :: уз'яднанне {n}
reunion {n} (reunification) SEE: reunification ::
revanchism {n} (political policy of endeavouring to regain lost territory) :: рэваншызм {m}
rev counter {n} (rev counter) SEE: tachometer ::
revenge {n} (retaliatory action) :: помста {f}
revenge {v} (to take revenge for an action) :: помсціць {impf}
reverse dowry {n} (bride price) SEE: bride price ::
review {n} (account intended as a critical evaluation of a text or a piece of work) :: рэцэнзія {f}
revise {v} (to look over again) :: паўтараць {impf}
revival {n} (reviving) :: адраджэнне {n}
revival {n} (renewed performance) :: адраджэнне {n}
revolt {n} (act of revolting) :: паўстанне {n}
revolution {n} (political upheaval) :: рэвалюцыя {f}
revolution {n} (removal and replacement of a government) :: рэвалюцыя {f}
revolutionary {adj} (of or pertaining to a revolution in government) :: рэвалюцыйны
revolutionary {n} (A revolutionist; a person who revolts) :: рэвалюцыянер {m}, рэвалюцыянерка {f}
reward {n} (something of value given in return for an act) :: нагарода {f}
reward {v} (give a reward to) :: узнагароджваць {impf}, узнагародзіць {pf}
Reykjavik {prop} (capital of Iceland) :: Рэйк'явік {m}
RF {prop} (Russian Federation) :: РФ {f}
rhenium {n} (chemical element) :: рэній {m}
rheumatology {n} (branch of medicine) :: рэўматалогія {f}
Rhine {prop} (river that flows through Europe) :: Рэйн {m}
Rhineland {prop} (land on both sides of the river Rhine) :: Рэйнланд {m}, Рэйнская вобласць {f}
rhinoceros {n} (herbivorous pachyderm with horn(s)) :: насарог {m}
Rhodes {prop} (island) :: Родас
rhodium {n} (chemical element) :: родый {m}
rhododendron {n} (flowering shrub in the genus Rhododendron) :: рададэндран {m}
rhombencephalon {n} (hindbrain) SEE: hindbrain ::
rhombus {n} (A parallelogram having all sides of equal length) :: ромб {m}
rhyme {n} (verse, poetry) :: верш {m}
rhyme {n} (word that rhymes with another) :: рыфма {f}
rhythm {n} (variation of strong and weak elements of sounds over time) :: рытм {m}
rib {n} (curved bone) :: рабро {n}
ribbon {n} (long, narrow strip of material) :: стужка {f}, лента {f}
rice {n} (plants) :: рыс {m}, рыж {m}
rice {n} (seeds used as food) :: рыс {m}
rice cooker {n} (kitchen appliance designed to cook rice) :: рысаварка {f}
ricefield {n} (field where rice is grown) SEE: paddy ::
rice paddy {n} (field immersed in water dedicated for the cultivation of rice) SEE: paddy ::
rich {adj} (having wealth) :: багаты
Richard {prop} (male given name) :: Рычард {m}
Richter scale {prop} (logarithmic scale) :: шкала Рыхтэра {f}
rickshaw {n} (two-wheeled carriage) :: рыкша {m}
ricotta {n} (Italian whey cheese) :: рыкота {f}
riddle {n} (sieve) SEE: sieve ::
riddle {n} (verbal puzzle) :: загадка {f}
ride {v} (to transport oneself by sitting on and directing a horse, bicycle etc.) :: скакаць {impf}
rider {n} (robber) SEE: robber ::
ridiculous {adj} (foolish, absurd) :: смешны {m}
rifle {n} (firearm with a rifled barrel) :: вінтоўка {f}, ружжо {n}, стрэльба {f}
rift {n} (shallow place in a stream) SEE: ford ::
Riga {prop} (capital of Latvia) :: Рыга {f}
right {adj} (straight, not bent) :: прамы
right {adj} (geometry: incorporating a right angle between edges, faces, axes, etc.) :: правільны, верны
right {adj} (of direction, opposite of left) :: правы
right {adv} (on the right side) :: справа
right {adv} (towards the right side) :: направа
right {n} (legal or moral entitlement) :: права {n}
right away {adv} (very soon; immediately) :: адразу
right now {adv} (immediately) SEE: immediately ::
Rijeka {prop} (coastal city in Croatia) :: Рыека {f}
ring {n} (circumscribing object) :: кальцо {n}
ring {n} (round piece of (precious) metal worn around the finger) :: пярсцёнак {m}, кальцо {n}, персцень {m}, персьцень {m} [Taraškievica], каблучка {f}
ring {n} (place where some sports take place) :: рынг {m}
ring {n} (resonant sound of a bell, or a sound resembling it) :: звон {m}
ring {v} ((intr.) to produce a resonant sound) :: званіць {impf}, звінець {impf}
ring {v} (to telephone (someone)) :: званіць {impf}, пазваніць {pf}; тэлефанаваць {impf}, патэлефанаваць {pf}
ring down the curtain {v} (stop) SEE: stop ::
ring finger {n} (finger between the middle finger and little finger) :: безназоўны палец {m}
ringing {n} (sound) :: звон {m}
ring up the curtain {v} (start) SEE: start ::
Rio de Janeiro {prop} (municipality) :: Рыа-дэ-Жанэйра {m}
riot {n} (tumultuous disturbance of public peace) :: бунт {m}, мяцеж {m}, паўстанне {n}
rip {v} (to fart) SEE: fart ::
rip {n} (tear) SEE: tear ::
ripen {v} (to grow ripe) :: спець {impf}
rise {v} (to move upwards) :: падымацца {impf}, падняцца {pf}, уставаць {impf}, устаць {pf}
rise {v} (to assume an upright position after lying down or sitting) :: уставаць {impf}, ўставаць {impf}, устаць {pf} ўстаць {pf}
rite {n} (ritual) :: абрад {m}, рытуал {m}
ritual {n} (rite) :: рытуал {m}, абрад {m}
river {n} (large stream which drains a landmass) :: рака {f} (plural: рэкі {f-p}), рэчка {f} [small]
river horse {n} (hippopotamus) SEE: hippopotamus ::
Rivne {prop} (city) :: Роўна {n}
Riyadh {prop} (capital of Saudi Arabia) :: Эр-Рыяд {m}
Ürümchi {prop} (Capital of Xinjiang) SEE: Ürümqi ::
Ürümqi {prop} (Capital of Xinjiang) :: Урумчы {m}
roach {n} (US: cockroach) SEE: cockroach ::
road {n} (a way for travel) :: дарога {f}, шлях {m}
road roller {n} (heavy engineering vehicle used to compact asphalt) :: каток {m}, дарожны каток {m}
roar {v} (to make loud, deep cry of emotion) :: раўці {impf}, рыкаць {impf}, гыркаць {impf}
roar {v} (of animals, to make a loud deep noise) :: раўці {impf}, рыкаць {impf}
roar {n} (deep cry of the bull) :: роў {m}
rob {v} (to steal from, using violence) :: рабаваць {impf}, абрабаваць {pf}
robber {n} (one who robs) :: разбойнік {m}
robbery {n} (act or practice of robbing) :: грабеж {m}, разбой {m}, лупеж {m}, рабунак {m}
robin {n} (Erithacus rubecula) :: малінаўка
robin {n} :: заранка
robot {n} (intelligent mechanical being) :: робат {m}
robot {n} (traffic light) SEE: traffic light ::
rock {n} (style of music) :: рок {m}
rock and roll {n} (style of music) :: рок-н-ролл {m}
rock band {n} (rock group) SEE: rock group ::
rock dove {n} (Columba livia) :: шызы голуб {m}
rocket {n} (rocket engine) :: ракета {f}
rocket {n} (military: non-guided missile) :: ракета {f}
rocket {n} (vehicle) :: ракета {f}
rocket {n} (rocket-propelled firework, see also: skyrocket) :: ракета {f}
rock group {n} (musical group specializing in rock music) :: рок-група {f}, рок-гурт {m}
Rockies {prop} (Rocky Mountains) SEE: Rocky Mountains ::
rock pigeon {n} (rock dove, Columba livia) SEE: rock dove ::
Rocky Mountains {prop} (mountain range) :: Скалістыя горы {f-p}
rod {n} (slang: pistol) SEE: pistol ::
rodent {n} (mammal of the order Rodentia) :: грызун {m}
roe {n} (roe deer) SEE: roe deer ::
roe {n} (eggs of fish) :: ікра {f}
roe deer {n} (small deer species, Capreolus capreolus) :: казуля {f}
role {n} (character or part) :: роля {f}
roller {n} (slang: police) SEE: cop ::
rollercoaster {n} (amusement ride) :: амерыканскія горкі {f-p}
rolling pin {n} (food preparation utensil) :: качалка {f}
Rom {n} (a member of the Romani people) :: ром {m}; цыган {m}, цыганка {f}
romaji {n} (romanization of Japanese) :: ромадзі {f}
Roman {adj} (of or from Rome) :: рымскі
Roman {n} (a native or resident of Rome) :: рымлянін {m}, рымлянка {f}
Roman {n} (a native or inhabitant of the Roman Empire) :: рымлянін {m}, рымлянка {f}
Roman {n} (the Roman script) :: лацінка {f} (Belarusian Latin script: łacinka {f})
Roman alphabet {n} (Latin alphabet) SEE: Latin alphabet ::
Roman Catholic {n} (person) :: рыма-каталік {m}
Roman Catholic Church {prop} (Catholic Church) :: Рымска-Каталіцкая Царква {f}
romance {n} (intimate relationship, love affair) :: раман {m}
Romance {adj} (of or dealing with languages or cultures derived from Roman influence and Latin) :: раманскі
Roman Empire {prop} (ancient Latin empire) :: Рымская імперыя {f}
Romani {n} (member of the Roma people) SEE: Rom ::
Romania {prop} (South-Eastern European country) :: Румынія {f}
Romanian {adj} (of or relating to Romania, its people, or language) :: румынскі {m}
Romanian {n} (native of Romania) :: румын {m}, румынка {f}
Romanian {n} (official language of Romania) :: румынская мова {f}, румынская {f}
romantic {adj} (fantastic, idealistic) :: рамантычны
romantic {adj} (powerfully sentimental, evocative) :: рамантычны
romantic {adj} (concerned with, or conducive to, romance and love) :: рамантычны
Rome {prop} (city) :: Рым {m}
Romeo {n} (boyfriend) SEE: boyfriend ::
Romney {n} (surname) :: Ромні
roof {n} (the cover at the top of a building) :: дах {m}
roof tile {n} (tile covering a roof) :: дахоўка {f}
rook {n} (bird) :: грак {m}
room {n} (space) :: месца {n}, прастора {f}
room {n} (division in a building) :: пакой {m}, нумар {m}
Roosevelt {prop} (surname) :: Рузвельт {m} {f}
rooster {n} (flower) SEE: violet ::
rooster {n} (male chicken; male gallinaceous bird) :: певень {m}, пятух {m}
root {n} (part of a plant) :: корань {m}
rope {n} (thick, strong string) :: вяроўка {f}, шворка {f}
rosary {n} (Catholic prayer beads) :: ружанец {m}
rose {n} (shrub) :: ружа {f}, шыпшына {f}
rose {n} (flower) :: ружа {f}
rosehip {n} (the fruit of a rose plant) :: шыпшына {f}
rosin {n} (liquid resin) SEE: resin ::
rosin {n} (solid form of resin) :: каніфоль {f}
roster {n} (schedule) SEE: schedule ::
Rostov {prop} (Rostov Veliky, Yaroslavl oblast, Russia) :: Растоў {m}
Rostov-na-Donu {prop} (a city in Russia) SEE: Rostov-on-Don ::
Rostov-on-Don {prop} (a city in Russia) :: Растоў-на-Доне {m}
rostrum {n} (zoology: beak) SEE: beak ::
rot {v} ((intransitive) to suffer decomposition) :: гніць {impf}
rotate {v} (to spin, turn, or revolve) :: абарачацца {impf}, абараціцца {pf}, абярнуцца {pf}
rotten {adj} (decayed, gone bad) :: гнілы
rough {adj} (not smooth) :: грубы, грубы
roughly {adv} (approximately) SEE: approximately ::
roulette {n} (game of chance) :: рулетка {f}
round {adj} (circular or cylindrical) :: круглы
round {n} (circular object) :: круг {m}
round {prep} (around) SEE: around ::
round {adv} (around) SEE: around ::
rounding {n} (the act of rounding a mathematical value) :: акругленне {n}
round table {n} (conference) :: круглы стол {m}
router {n} (device that connects local area networks to form a larger internet) :: маршрутызатар {m}, раўтар {m}, рутар {m}, роўтар {m}
rove beetle {n} (beetle of Staphylinidae) :: стафілін {m}
Rovno {prop} (Rivne) SEE: Rivne ::
row {n} (line of objects) :: шэраг {m}
rowan {n} (Sorbus aucuparia) :: рабіна звычайная {f}
rowan {n} (tree or shrub of the genus Sorbus) :: рабіна {f}
royal {adj} (of or relating to a monarch or their family) :: каралеўскі {m}
royal {adj} (majestic) SEE: majestic ::
Roy G. Biv {prop} (mnemonic) :: чажзбсф
rösti {n} (traditional dish in Germanophone Switzerland made from fried potatoes) :: рошці {n}
rub {v} (to move one object while maintaining contact with another object over some area) :: церці {impf}
rubber {n} (pliable material derived from the sap of the rubber tree) :: гума {f}, каўчук {m} [caoutchouc]
rubber {n} (eraser) SEE: eraser ::
rubberneck {n} (tourist) SEE: tourist ::
rubbish {n} (garbage) SEE: garbage ::
rubella {n} (disease caused by the Rubella virus infecting the respiratory tract) :: краснуха {f}
rubeola {n} (measles) SEE: measles ::
ruble {n} (Russian monetary unit) :: рубель {m}
ruby {n} (type of gem) :: рубін {m}
ruby {n} (5½-point type) SEE: agate ::
ruchnik {n} (traditional East Slavic towel/cloth) SEE: rushnyk ::
rudder {n} (underwater vane used to steer a vessel) :: руль {m}
rude {adj} (bad-mannered) :: грубы
rue {n} (any of various perennial shrubs) :: рута {f}
ruff {n} (the bird Philomachus pugnax (syn. Calidris pugnax)) :: турухтан
ruff {v} (play a trump card) SEE: trump ::
ruff {n} (fish of the genus Gymnocephalus) SEE: ruffe ::
ruffe {n} (fish of the genus Gymnocephalus) :: джгір {m}
rug {n} (wig) SEE: wig ::
rug {n} (partial floor covering) :: кілімок {m}
rugby {n} (a sport where players can hold or kick an ovoid ball) :: рэгбі {n}
rule {n} (regulation) :: правіла {n}
rule {v} (to regulate, be in charge of, make decisions for, reign over) :: правіць {impf}, кіраваць {impf}, панаваць {impf}, уладарыць {impf}
rule {n} (straight-edge) SEE: ruler ::
ruler {n} (measuring or drawing device) :: лінейка {f}
rum {n} (distilled spirit) :: ром {m}
rumor {n} (statement or claim from no known reliable source) :: плётка {f}
run {v} (to move quickly on two feet) :: бегаць {impf}, пабегаць {pf} [abstract], бегчы {impf} [concrete], пабегчы {pf}
Runet {prop} (he Russian-language community on the Internet and websites) :: Рунэт {m}, рунэт {m}
runner {n} (deserter) SEE: deserter ::
runner {n} (somebody who runs, who moves at a fast pace) :: бягун {f}
running {n} (the action of the verb to run) :: бег {m}, беганне {n}
running {n} (sport) :: бег {m}
runway {n} (walkway extending from a stage) :: подыум {m}
rupee {n} (monetary currency) :: рупія {f}
rural {adj} (pertaining to non-urban areas) :: сельскі, вясковы
Rus {prop} (people) :: Русь {f}, русь {f}, русічы {m-p}
Rus {prop} (medieval East Slavic state) :: Русь {f}, Руская зямля {f}, Рутэнія {f} [translation of "Ruthenia"]
Rus {prop} (any of the medieval East Slavic principalities) :: Русь {f}
rusalka {n} (female water spirit that leads handsome men to their deaths) :: русалка {f}
rush hour {n} (times of day when traffic jams are commonplace, principally due to commuting) :: гадзіна пік {f}
rushnik {n} (traditional East Slavic towel/cloth) SEE: rushnyk ::
rushnyk {n} (traditional East Slavic towel/cloth) :: ручнік {m}, рушнік {m}
Rusian {adj} (related to the Rus (people)) :: рускі, старажытнарускі
Rusian {adj} (from or related to the medieval state of Kievan Rus) :: рускі
Ruslana {prop} (a female name) :: Руслана {f}
Russia {prop} (country in Asia and Europe) :: Расія {f}, Расея {f} [Taraškievica], Расейшчына {f} [Taraškievica]
Russian {adj} (of or pertaining to Russia) :: рускі, расейскі [Taraškevica orthography], расійскі
Russian {adj} (of or pertaining to Rus) :: рускі, старажытнарускі
Russian {n} (person from Russia) :: расіянін {m}, расіянка {f}
Russian {n} (ethnic Russian) :: рускі {m}, руская {f}
Russian {n} (Russian (language)) :: руская мова {f}, руская {f}, расейская мова {f} [Taraškevica orthography]
Russian doll {n} (wooden doll) :: матрошка {f}
Russian Empire {prop} (state) :: Расійская імперыя {f}, Расейская імпэрыя {f} [Taraškievica]
Russian Federation {prop} (alternative formal name of Russia) :: Расійская Федэрацыя {f}, Расейская Фэдэрацыя {f} [Taraškievica]
Russianism {n} (a word or other feature originating in the Russian language) :: русізм {m}
Russianism {n} (ideology) :: русізм {m}, рашызм {m}
Russianness {n} (quality of being Russian) :: рускасць {f}
Russian Orthodox Church {prop} (one of the autocephalous Eastern Orthodox Christian churches) :: Руская праваслаўная царква {f}
Russian oven {n} (a type of oven) :: печка {f}, печ {f}
Russian roulette {prop} (deadly game with revolver and random spinning) :: расейская рулетка {f} [taraškievica]
russification {n} (Russification) SEE: Russification ::
Russification {n} (process of making anything Russian) :: русіфікацыя {f}
Russki {n} (alternative term for Russian (derogatory)) :: маскаль {m}, маскалька {f}
rust {n} (result of oxidation) :: іржа {f}
rusty {adj} (affected by rust) :: іржавы
Rusyn {n} (member of a people) :: руснак {m}, русначка {f}, русін {m}, русінка {f}
Rusyn {n} (an inhabitant of the ancient Rus) :: русін {m}, русінка {f}, рускі {m}, руская {f}, русіч {m}, русічка {f}
rutabaga {n} (plant) :: бручка {f}
rutabaga {n} (edible root) :: бручка {f}
Ruthenia {prop} (alternative name of Rus, see also: Rus) :: Рутэнія {f}, Русь {f}
Ruthenian {prop} (West Russian descendent of Old East Slavic - specific to Old Belarusian) :: старабеларускі, старажытнабеларускі
Ruthenian {adj} (of or related to Ruthenia) :: захаднарускі
ruthenium {n} (chemical element) :: рутэній {m}
rutherfordium {n} (chemical element) :: рэзерфордый {m}
Rwanda {prop} (country) :: Руанда {f}
Ryan {prop} (male given name) :: Раян, Райан
Ryazan {prop} (city in Russia) :: Рязань {f}
rye {n} (the grass Secale cereale or its grains as food) :: жыта {n}
Rzeczpospolita {prop} (Poland) SEE: Poland ::
Rzeczpospolita {prop} (republic) SEE: republic ::
Rzeczpospolita {prop} (Republic of Poland) SEE: Republic of Poland ::
Rzeczpospolita {prop} (Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth) :: Рэч Паспалітая {f}
Rzeszów {prop} (city in Poland) :: Жэшаў
saber {v} (sabre) SEE: sabre ::
sable {n} (animal) :: собаль {m}
sabre {n} (light sword, sharp along the front edge, part of the back edge, and at the point) :: шабля {f}, шашка {f}
sabre-rattling {n} (display of military power as an implied threat) :: бразганне зброяй
sack {n} (bag for commodities or items) :: мяшок {m}
sacred {adj} (made holy) :: святы, свяшчэнны
sacrifice {v} (to offer as a gift to a deity) :: ахвяроўваць {impf}, ахвяраваць {impf}
sacrifice {n} (something offered to a god) :: ахвярапрынашэнне {n}
sacrifice {n} (something sacrificed) :: ахвяра {f}
sad {adj} (feeling sorrow) :: сумны
Saïda {prop} (port city in Lebanon) SEE: Sidon ::
saddle {n} (seat on an animal) :: сядло {n}
sadly {adv} (unfortunately) SEE: unfortunately ::
sadness {n} (state/emotion) :: печаль {f}, смутак {m}
sad to say {adv} (unfortunately) SEE: unfortunately ::
safari {n} (a trip into any undeveloped area) :: сафары {n}
safe {adj} (not in danger) :: бяспечны
safe {adj} (free from risk) :: бяспечны
safe {n} (box in which valuables can be locked for safekeeping) :: сейф {m}
safety {n} (condition or feeling of being safe) :: бяспека {f}
safety pin {n} (pin in the form of a clasp) :: шпілька {f}
sage {adj} (wise) :: мудры {m}
Sahara {prop} (desert) :: Сахара {f}
Saigon {prop} (Ho Chi Minh City) SEE: Ho Chi Minh City ::
sail {n} (a piece of fabric attached to a boat) :: парус {m}, ветразь {m}
sail {v} (to ride in a boat, especially sailboat) :: [abstract] плаваць {impf}, паплаваць {pf}, [concrete] плыць {impf}, паплыць {pf}
sailor {n} (worker on a ship, seaman, seawoman) :: матрос {m}, марак {m}, мараплавец {m}
sailplane {n} (sailplane) SEE: glider ::
saint {n} (person proclaimed as saint) :: святы {m}, святая {f}
Saint George {prop} (Patron saint of England and several other places) :: Георгій Перамаганосец {m}
Saint Kitts and Nevis {prop} (a country in the Caribbean) :: Сент-Кітс і Невіс {f}
Saint Lucia {prop} (country in the Caribbean) :: Сент-Люсія {f}
Saint Mary {prop} (the mother of Jesus Christ) :: Дзева Марыя {f}, Багародзіца {f}
Saint Nicholas {prop} (Santa Claus) SEE: Santa Claus ::
Saint Nicholas {prop} (4th-century Greek bishop, patron of children and marines) :: Мікалай Цудатворац {m}
Saint Petersburg {prop} (city in Russia) :: Санкт-Пецярбург {m}, Пецярбург {m}
sake {n} (Japanese rice wine) :: сакэ {n}
Sakhalin {prop} (island in Russia) :: Сахалін {m}
sakura {n} (cherry) SEE: cherry ::
Salé {prop} (city near Rabat) :: Сале
salad {n} (food) :: салат {m}, салата {f}
salamander {n} (amphibian) :: саламандра {f}
salami {n} (penis) SEE: penis ::
salami {n} (sausage) :: салямі {f}
salary {n} (fixed amount of money paid on monthly or annual basis) :: заработная плата {f}, зарплата {f}, аклад {m}
salat {n} (Islamic prayer) :: намаз {m}
sale {n} (exchange of goods or services for currency or credit) :: продаж {m}
sale {n} (sale of goods at reduced prices) :: распродаж {m}
Salekhard {prop} (city in Russia) :: Салехард {m}
salesperson {n} (person who sells) :: прадавец {m}
saliva {n} (liquid secreted into the mouth) :: сліна {f}
sally {n} (willow) SEE: willow ::
salmon {n} (fish) :: ласось {m}
salo {n} (non-rendered pig fat) :: сала {n}
salon {n} (large room) :: салон {m}, зал {m}
salt {v} (to add salt to) :: саліць {impf}, пасаліць {pf}
salt {n} (salt marsh) SEE: salt marsh ::
salt {n} (sodium chloride) :: соль {m}
saltbush {n} (plant of the genus Atriplex) :: лебяда {f}
salting {n} (salt marsh) SEE: salt marsh ::
salt marsh {n} (marsh of saline water) :: саланчак {m}
salt water {n} (brine) SEE: brine ::
salty {adj} (tasting of salt) :: салёны
salvation {n} (the process of being saved (religion)) :: ратаванне {n}, ратунак {m}, выратаванне {n}
samara {n} (winged indehiscent fruit of trees such as the ash, elm or maple) :: крылатка {f}, крылаўка {f}
Samara {prop} (city in Russia) :: Самара {f}
Samaria {prop} (Both city and part of ancient Palestine) :: Самарыя {f}
samarium {n} (chemical element) :: самарый {m}
Samarkand {prop} (city in Uzbekistan) :: Самарканд {m}
Sambo {prop} (martial art) :: самба {n}
same {adj} (not different as regards self; identical) :: аднакі, аднолькавы, той жа
samizdat {n} (underground publishing) :: самвыдат {m}
Samogitia {prop} (Samogitia) :: Жамойць {f}, Жмудзь {f}
samogon {n} (moonshine) SEE: moonshine ::
samovar {n} (metal urn with a spigot, for boiling water for making tea) :: самавар {m}
sample {n} (part taken for inspection) :: узор {m}
Samson {prop} (Israelite judge) :: Самсон {m}
samurai {n} (feudal Japanese warrior) :: самурай {m}
-san {suffix} (Mrs) SEE: Mrs ::
-san {suffix} (Miss) SEE: Miss ::
sanatorium {n} (institution that treats chronic diseases, and provides supervised recuperation and convalescence) :: санаторый {m}
sanction {n} (penalty, coercive measure) :: санкцыя {f}
sand {n} (finely ground rock) :: пясок {m}
sandal {n} (type of footwear) :: сандаль {m}
sandwich {n} (snack consisting of two slices of bread) :: сэндвіч {m}, бутэрброд {m}
San Francisco {prop} (San Francisco, California city) :: Сан-Францыска {m}
sangfroid {n} (composure, self-possession or imperturbability) :: халаднакроўе {n}
sangria {n} (Spanish wine drink with fruit, sugar and soda) :: сангрыя {f}
San José {prop} (the capital of Costa Rica) :: Сан-Хасэ {m}
San José {prop} (A city in California, USA) SEE: San Jose ::
San Jose {prop} (a city in California, USA) :: Сан-Хасэ
San Marino {prop} (Republic of San Marino) :: Сан-Марына {f}
sans {prep} (without) SEE: without ::
San Salvador {prop} (capital of El Salvador) :: Сан-Сальвадор {m}
Sanskrit {n} (language) :: санскрыт {m}
Santa {prop} (Santa Claus) SEE: Santa Claus ::
Santa Claus {prop} (fictional figure) :: Дзед Мароз {m} [Slavic style], Санта-Клаус {m} [Western style]
sap {n} (juice of plant) :: сок {m}
Sara {prop} (female given name) SEE: Sarah ::
sarafan {n} (a traditional long, trapeze-shaped Russian pinafore worn by women and girls.) :: сарафан {m}
Sarah {prop} (the wife of Abraham) :: Сара {f}
Sarajevo {prop} (city) :: Сараева {m} {n}
Saransk {prop} (city in Russia) :: Саранск {m}
Saratov {prop} (city) :: Саратаў {m}
sarcasm {n} (derision, facetiousness) :: сарказм {m}
sarcophagus {n} (coffin) :: саркафаг {m}
sarcophagus {n} (steel structure) :: саркафаг {m}
Sardinia {prop} (island of Italy) :: Сардзінія {f}
sarin {n} (neurotoxin) :: зарын {m}
Sarkozy {prop} (surname) :: Сарказі
Saskatoon {prop} (the largest city in Saskatchewan, Canada) :: Саскатун
Satan {prop} (the Devil) :: Сатана {m}, сатана {m}
satellite {n} (a body orbiting a larger one) :: сатэліт {m}, спадарожнік {m}
satellite {n} (man-made apparatus designed to be placed in orbit around a celestial body) :: спадарожнік {m}, сатэліт {m}
satiated {adj} (pleasantly full) :: сыты
satin {n} (cloth with a glossy surface and a dull back) :: атлас {m}, сацін {m}
satire {n} (literary technique) :: сатыра {f}
satisfaction {n} (fulfillment of a need or desire) :: здавальненне {n}
satisfactory {adj} (adequate or sufficient) :: здавальняючы, здавольны
satisfied {adj} (in a state of satisfaction) :: сыты
satisfy {v} (to meet needs, to fulfill) :: задавальняць {impf}, задаволіць {pf}
satrap {n} (governor of a Persian province) :: сатрап {m}
Saturday {n} (day of the week) :: субота {f}
Saturn {prop} (planet) :: Сатурн {m}
Saturn {prop} (god) :: Сатурн {m}
sauce {n} (liquid condiment) :: падліўка {f}, соўс {m}
saucepan {n} (deep cooking vessel) :: каструля {f}, рондаль {m}
Saudi {prop} (Saudi Arabia) SEE: Saudi Arabia ::
Saudi {adj} (pertaining to Saudi Arabia) :: саудаўскі
Saudi Arabia {prop} (country in the Middle East) :: Саудаўская Аравія {f}
Saudi Arabian {n} (person from Saudi Arabia) SEE: Saudi ::
Saudi Arabian {adj} (pertaining to Saudi Arabia) SEE: Saudi ::
sauerkraut {n} (a dish made by fermenting finely chopped cabbage) :: квашаная капуста {f}
sauna {n} (sauna room or house) :: саўна {f}
sausage {n} (a food made of minced meat packed into a tubular casing) :: каўбаса {f}
sausage {n} (small, uncooked) :: сасіска {f}
Sava {prop} (river) :: Сава {f}
savage {adj} (wild, not cultivated) :: дзікі
savage {n} (uncivilized or feral person) :: дзікун {m}
savanna {n} (tropical grassland with scattered trees) :: саванна {f}
save {v} (to help someone to survive, or rescue someone) :: ратаваць {impf}, выратаваць {pf}
Save {prop} (river in Africa) :: Сабі {m}
savior {n} (a person who saves someone, rescues another from harm) :: выратавальнік {m}
saw {n} (tool) :: піла {f}
saxaul {n} (any plant of the Haloxylon genus) :: саксаул {m}
Saxony {prop} (state) :: Саксонія {f}
saxophone {n} (a musical instrument of the woodwind family) :: саксафон {m}
say {v} (to pronounce) :: гаварыць {impf}, сказаць {pf}, казаць {impf}
say {v} (to say) SEE: tell ::
say goodbye {v} (wish someone farewell upon their leaving) :: развітвацца {impf}, развітацца {pf}, адвітвацца {impf}, адвітацца {pf}, жагнацца {impf}, пажагнацца {pf}
saying {n} (proverb or maxim) :: прымаўка {f}, прыказка {f}, прыслоўе {n}
scab {n} (incrustation over a wound) :: струп {m}, кароста {f}
scab {n} (scabies) SEE: scabies ::
scab {n} (strikebreaker) SEE: strikebreaker ::
scabbard {n} (the sheath of a sword) :: ножны {f-p}, похва {f}, похвы {f-p}
scabies {n} (an infestation of parasitic mites, Sarcoptes scabiei) :: кароста {f}
scaffold {n} (structure made of scaffolding for workers to stand on) :: будаўнічыя лясы {m-p}
scaffold {n} (platform for executions) :: эшафот {m}
scale {n} (sequence for measurement) :: шкала {f}
scale {n} (size or scope) :: маштаб {m}
scale {n} (keratin pieces covering the skin of certain animals) :: луска {f}
scale {n} (ladder) SEE: ladder ::
scale {n} (device) SEE: scales ::
scales {n} (device for weighing goods for sale) :: шалі {f-p}, вагі {f-p}, вага {f}
scalpel {n} (small straight knife) :: скальпель
scaly anteater {n} (pangolin) SEE: pangolin ::
scandal {n} (incident that brings disgrace) :: скандал {m}
Scandinavia {prop} (Scandinavian Peninsula) SEE: Scandinavian Peninsula ::
Scandinavian Peninsula {prop} (peninsula in Northern Europe, see also: Scandinavia) :: Скандынавія {f}
scandium {n} (chemical element) :: скандый {m}
scanner {n} (device which scans documents) :: сканар {m}
scapegoat {n} (a goat imbued with the sins of the people) :: казёл адпушчэння {m}, ахвярны казёл {m}
scar {n} (cliff) SEE: cliff ::
scar {n} (permanent mark on the skin) :: шнар {m}, рубец {m}
scare {v} (to frighten) :: палохаць {impf}
scarecrow {n} (an effigy made to scare the birds away) :: пудзіла
scared {adj} (afraid, frightened) :: спалоханы, спуджаны, спужаны
scarf {n} (long garment worn around the neck) :: шалік {m}, шарф {m}
scarf {n} (headscarf) SEE: headscarf ::
scary {adj} (causing, or able to cause, fright) :: страшны, жахлівы
scatterbrained {adj} (absent-minded) SEE: absent-minded ::
scenario {n} (outline of the plot of a dramatic or literary work) :: сцэнарый {m}, сцэнар {m}
scene {n} ((theater) the stage) SEE: stage ::
scent {n} (distinctive odour or smell) :: запах {m}, пах {m}
sceptre {n} (ornamental staff) :: скіпетр {m}, жазло {n}
schadenfreude {n} (malicious enjoyment derived from observing someone else's misfortune) :: злараднасць {f}
schedule {n} (a procedural plan, usually but not necessarily tabular in nature, indicating a sequence of operations and the planned times at which those operations are to occur) :: расклад {m}, графік {m}
Schiller {prop} (surname) :: Шылер
schizophrenia {n} (mental disorder) :: шызафрэнія {f}, схізафрэнія {f}
schnitzel {n} (a meat dish) :: шніцаль {m}
school {n} (an institution dedicated to teaching and learning) :: школа {f} /škóla/, вучылішча {n} /vučýlišča/
schoolbag {n} (satchel) :: партфэль {m}
schoolboy {n} (young male student) :: школьнік {m}, вучань {m}
schoolgirl {n} (girl attending school) :: школьніца {f}, вучаніца {f}
schoolie {n} (schoolteacher) SEE: teacher ::
schoolteacher {n} (schoolteacher) SEE: teacher ::
schooner {n} (sailing ship) :: шхуна {f}
Schwartz {prop} (surname) :: Шварц {m}
science {n} (collective discipline of learning acquired through the scientific method) :: навука {f}
science {n} :: навукі
scientist {n} (one whose activities make use of the scientific method) :: вучоны {m}, вучоная {f}
scissors {n} (tool used for cutting) :: нажніцы {p}, нажнічкі {f-p}
scold {v} (rebuke) :: лаяць {impf}, ганіць {impf}
scooter {n} (foot-propelled vehicle) :: самакат {m}
scooter {n} (type of small two-wheeled vehicle, see also: motorscooter) :: мотаролер {m}, скутэр {m}
-scope {suffix} (suffix to name viewing instruments) :: -скоп {m}
score {v} (to score) SEE: strike ::
scores {pron} (many) SEE: many ::
scorpion {n} (any of various arachnids of the order Scorpiones) :: скарпіён {m}
Scotch crow {n} (hooded crow) SEE: hooded crow ::
Scotland {prop} (country in northwest Europe to the north of England) :: Шатландыя {f}
Scots Gaelic {n} (Scottish Gaelic) SEE: Scottish Gaelic ::
Scottish Gaelic {n} (The Gaelic language of Scotland) :: шатландская мова {f}, шатландская {f}
scrape {v} (draw an object along while exerting pressure) :: скрэбці {impf}
scratch {v} (to rub a surface with a sharp object) :: драпаць {impf}
scratch {v} (to rub the skin with rough material) :: часаць {impf}
scratch {n} (disruption or mark on a surface) :: драпіна {f}
scree {n} (loose stony debris on a slope) :: асыпак {m}
screen {n} (viewing area of electronic output device) :: экран {m}
screenplay {n} (script for a movie or a television show) :: сцэнарый {m}, сцэнар {m}
screen printing {n} (printing method) :: шаўкаграфія
screw {n} (fastener) :: шруба {f}
screwdriver {n} (tool) :: зашрубка {f}, адвёртка {f}
script {n} (a system of writing) :: пісьменства {n}
scriptorium {n} (room set aside for the copying, writing, or illuminating of manuscripts) :: скрыпторый {m}
Scripture {prop} (Tanakh) SEE: Tanakh ::
Scripture {prop} (Bible) SEE: Bible ::
scrofulous {adj} (morally degenerate; corrupt) SEE: corrupt ::
scroll {n} (roll of paper or parchment) :: сувой {m}
scrotum {n} (the bag of the skin and muscle that contains the testicles) :: машонка {f}
sculptor {n} (a person who sculpts) :: разьбяр {m}, скульптар {m}
sculpture {n} (art of sculpting) :: скульптура {f}, разбярства {n}
sculpture {n} (work of art created by sculpting) :: скульптура {f}
scumbag {n} (condom) SEE: condom ::
scutch grass {n} (couch grass) SEE: couch grass ::
scythe {n} (farm tool) :: каса {f}
scythe {v} (to cut with a scythe) :: касіць
sea {n} (body of water) :: мора {n}
sea eagle {n} (Haliaeetus albicilla) SEE: white-tailed eagle ::
seafarer {n} (sailor) SEE: sailor ::
seafarer {n} (one who travels by sea) :: мараплавец {m}, марак {m}, мараплавіца {f}
seagrass {n} (grasslike marine plants) :: марскія травы
seagull {n} (bird of the family Laridae) :: чайка {f}, мэва {f} [dated or regional]
sea horse {n} (walrus) SEE: walrus ::
sea horse {n} (fish) :: марской канёк {m}
seal {n} (pinniped) :: цюлень {m}
seal {n} (stamp used to impress a design on a soft substance) :: пячаць {f}, пячатка {f}
seam {n} (folded back and stitched piece of fabric) :: шво {n}
seaman {n} (mariner or sailor) SEE: sailor ::
Sea of Azov {prop} (sea) :: Азоўскае мора {n}
Sea of Japan {prop} (the sea between Japan and the rest of Asia) :: Японскае мора {n}
Sea of Okhotsk {prop} (sea) :: Ахоцкае мора {n}
sea-parrot {n} (puffin) SEE: puffin ::
search {v} (to search) SEE: look ::
search {n} (an attempt to find something) :: пошук {m}
search {v} (to look throughout (a place) for something) :: шукаць {impf}
seashell {n} (shell) :: ракавіна {f}, ракушка {f}, чарапах {m}
sea-sickness {n} (seasickness) SEE: seasickness ::
seasickness {n} (a feeling of nausea caused by the motion of a ship) :: марская хвароба {f}
season {n} (quarter of a year) :: пара года {f}, сезон {m}
seasoning {n} (cooking ingredient) :: прыправа {f}
seat {n} (place in which to sit) :: сядзенне {n}, месца {n}
sea urchin {n} (any of many marine echinoderms of the class Echinoidea) :: марскі вожык {m}
secession {n} (The act of seceding) :: аддзяленне {n}
second {adj} (second (numeral), see also: 2nd) :: другі
second {n} (one-sixtieth of a minute; SI unit of time) :: секунда {f}
Second World War {prop} (World War II) SEE: World War II ::
secret {n} (knowledge that is hidden) :: таямніца {f}, тайна {f}, сакрэт {m}
secretary {n} (person keeping records and handling clerical work) :: сакратар {m}, сакратарка {f}
secretly {adv} (in a secret manner) :: таемна
sect {n} (religious movement) :: сэкта {f}
secular {adj} (not specifically religious) :: свецкі
secure {adj} (free from attack or danger; protected) :: бяспечны
secure {adj} (free from the danger of theft; safe) :: бяспечны
security {n} (condition of not being threatened) :: бяспека {f}
sedentary {adj} (not moving, not migratory) :: аселы
sedimentary rock {n} (one of the major groups of rock that makes up the crust of the Earth) :: асадкавыя горныя пароды
see {v} (perceive with the eyes) :: бачыць {impf}, убачыць {pf}
seed {n} (fertilized grain) :: насенне {n}, семя {n}
seek {v} (to try to find) :: шукаць {impf}
seel {v} (To blind) SEE: blind ::
seem {v} (to appear, to seem) SEE: look ::
seem {v} (to appear) :: здавацца {impf}
seemingly {adv} (apparently) SEE: apparently ::
see off {v} (to defeat) SEE: defeat ::
see off {v} (to accompany someone to a point of departure) :: праводзіць {impf}, правесці {pf}
see-through {adj} (transparent) SEE: transparent ::
see you later {phrase} (goodbye) :: ўбачымся пазней, ўбачымся, да пабачэння, да сустрэчы
see you tomorrow {phrase} (see you tomorrow) :: да заўтра
seine {n} (fishing net) :: невад {m}
sejunct {adj} (separate) SEE: separate ::
seldom {adv} (infrequently, rarely) :: рэдка
selenium {n} (chemical element) :: селен {m}
self {n} (individual person as the object of his own reflective consciousness) :: сам {m}
selfie {n} (photographic self-portrait) :: сэлфі {n}
selfish {adj} (holding one's self-interest as the standard for decision making) :: эгаістычны
self-service {n} (the practice of serving oneself) :: самаабслугоўванне {n}
sell {v} (to agree to transfer goods or provide services) :: прадаваць {impf}, прадаць {pf}
seller {n} (someone who sells) :: прадавец {m}, прадаўшчыца {f}, гандляр {m}
Selonia {prop} (A cultural region in Latvia) :: Сэлія
semen {n} (semen (fluid)) SEE: sperm ::
semen {n} (male reproductory fluid) :: сперма {f}, семя {n}, кнура {f}, насенне {n}
semicolon {n} (punctuation mark ';') :: кропка з коскай {f}
semiotician {n} (linguist specialized in semiotics) :: семіётык
Semitic {adj} (pertaining to the Semitic subdivision of Afroasiatic languages) :: семіцкі
semla {n} (Swedish pastry eaten on Shrove Tuesday) :: семла {f}
senate {n} (the upper house in some bicameral legislative systems) :: сенат
senator {n} (member in the house or chamber of a legislature called a senate) :: сенатар {m}
senator {n} (historic: position in government of ancient Rome) :: сенатар {m}
send {v} (make something go somewhere) :: высылаць {impf}, выслаць {pf}, пасылаць {impf}, слаць {impf}, паслаць {pf}, адпраўляць {impf}, адправіць
send out {v} (dispatch, issue) :: высылаць {impf}, выслаць {pf}
Senegal {prop} (Republic of Senegal) :: Сенегал {m}
senile {adj} (exhibiting the deterioration in mind) :: старэчы
senior {adj} (older) :: старшы, старэйшы
sense {n} (manner by which living beings perceive the physical world) :: пачуццё {n}
sense {n} (conscious awareness) :: пачуццё {n}
sense {n} (meaning or reason) :: значэнне {n}, сэнс {m}
sensualism {n} (doctrine: everything reduces to transformed sensation) :: сэнсуалізм {m}
sentence {n} (grammatically complete series of words consisting of a subject and predicate) :: сказ {m}, фраза {f}
Seoul {prop} (capital of South Korea) :: Сеул {m}, Сэул {m}
Seoulite {adj} (of or from Seoul) :: сеульскі
separate {adj} (apart from; not connected to) :: асобны
separately {adv} (in a separate manner) :: асобна
separatism {n} (separatism) :: сепаратызм {m}
separatist {n} (political separatist) :: сепаратыст {m}, сепаратыстка {f}
sepia {n} (cuttlefish) SEE: cuttlefish ::
September {prop} (ninth month of the Gregorian calendar) :: верасень {m}
Sequoyah {prop} (Inventor of the syllabary for writing Cherokee) :: Секвоя
Serb {n} (person of Serb descent, see also: Serbian) :: серб {m}, сербка {f}
Serbia {prop} (a country in southeastern Europe) :: Сербія {f}, Сэрбія {f} [Taraškievica]
Serbia and Montenegro {prop} (former country on the Balkan Peninsula) :: Сэрбія і Чарнагорыя, Сербія і Чарнагорыя
Serbian {n} (person from Serbia, see also: Serb) :: серб {m}, сербка {f}
Serbian {n} (the standardized variety of Serbo-Croatian) :: сербская мова {f}, сербская {f}
Serbian {adj} (pertaining to Serbia and Serbians) :: сербскі, сэрбскі
Serbian {n} (Serb) SEE: Serb ::
Serbo-Croatian {n} (South Slavic language) :: сербскахарвацкая мова {f}, сэрбскахарвацкая мова {f} [Taraškievica]
Serbo-Croatian {adj} (pertaining to the Serbo-Croatian language) :: сербскахарвацкі, сэрбскахарвацкі [Taraškievica]
serene {adj} (peaceful, calm) :: ціхамірны, спакойны
serf {n} (semifree peasant) :: прыгонны {m}, прыгонная {f}
sergeant {n} (non-commissioned officer rank) :: сяржант {m}
Sergey {prop} (transliteration of Сергей) :: Сяргей {m}
Sergius {prop} (male given name) :: Сяргей {m}
series {n} (television or radio program) :: тэлесерыял {m}, серыял {m}
serigraphy {n} (printing method) SEE: screen printing ::
serious {adj} (without humor or expression of happiness) :: сур'ёзны
serious {adj} (important; weighty; not trifling; leaving no room for play) :: сур'ёзны
serious {adj} (really intending what is said; being in earnest) :: сур'ёзны
seriously {adv} (in a serious or literal manner) :: сур'ёзна
sermon {n} (religious discourse) :: казанне {n}, казань {f}, пропаведзь {f}
serum {n} (yellowish fluid obtained from blood) :: сыроватка {f}
servant {n} (one who is hired to perform regular household or other duties, and receives compensation) :: слуга {m}, служанка {f}
serve {v} (to work for) :: служыць {impf}, паслужыць {pf}
serve {v} (to bring food to) :: [around] абносіць {impf}, абнесці {pf}
server {n} (computing: a program which provides services to other programs or users) :: сервер {m}
Servian {adj} (Serbian) SEE: Serbian ::
Servian {n} (Serbian) SEE: Serbian ::
Servian {prop} (Serbian) SEE: Serbian ::
service {n} (practice of providing services as economic activity) :: служба {f}, абслугоўванне {n}, сервіс {m}
service {n} (the military) :: служба {f}
serviceberry {n} (plant) :: ірга {f}
service station {n} (gas station) SEE: gas station ::
serviette {n} (napkin) SEE: napkin ::
session {n} (period devoted to a particular activity) :: сэсія {f}, сесія {f}, сеанс {m}
session {n} (meeting of a body to conduct business) :: сэсія {f}, сесія {f}, пасяджэнне {n}
set {v} (to sit) SEE: sit ::
set forth {v} (to start) SEE: start ::
settee {n} (long seat) :: канапа {f}
settlement {n} (newly established colony) :: пасяленне {n}, пасяленьне {n} [Taraškievica], паселiшча {n}, сяліба {f}, асада {f}
settler {n} (someone who settles in a new location) :: пасяленец {m}, пасяленка {f}
Sevastopol {prop} (city) :: Севастопаль {m}
seven {num} (cardinal number 7) :: сем, [collective] сямёра
seven {n} (the figure seven) :: сямёрка {f}
seven hundred {num} (cardinal number 700) :: семсот
sevennight {n} (period of seven consecutive days and nights) SEE: week ::
seventeen {num} (cardinal number) :: сямнаццаць, семнаццаць
seventeenth {adj} (ordinal number, see also: 17th) :: сямнаццаты
seventh {adj} (ordinal form of the number seven, see also: 7th) :: сёмы
seven thousand {num} (7,000) :: сем тысяч
seventy {num} (cardinal number) :: семдзесят
seventy-eight {num} (78) :: семдзесят восем
seventy-five {num} (75) :: семдзесят пяць
seventy-four {num} (74) :: семдзесят чатыры
seventy-nine {num} (79) :: семдзесят дзевяць
seventy-one {num} (71) :: семдзесят адзін
seventy-seven {num} (77) :: семдзесят сем
seventy-six {num} (76) :: семдзесят шэсць
seventy-three {num} (73) :: семдзесят тры
seventy-two {num} (72) :: семдзесят два
several {determiner} (consisting of a number more than two, but not very many) :: некалькі {p}
severe {adj} (very bad or intense) :: суровы, цяжкі
severe {adj} (strict or harsh) :: суровы, строгі
sew {v} ((transitive) use a needle) :: шыць
sewer {n} (pipes used to remove human waste and to provide drainage) :: сцёкавая труба {f}, каналізацыя {f}
sewerage {n} (sewer system) :: каналізацыя {f}
sewing machine {n} (device) :: швейная машына {f}
sex {n} (act of sexual intercourse) :: сэкс {m}, секс {m}, палавыя зносіны {f-p}, палавы акт {m}, плоцевы акт {m}
sex {n} (gender (female or male)) :: пол, плоць {f}
sexism {n} (gender discrimination or dislike) :: сэксізм {m}
sex shop {n} (shop that sells sexual merchandise) :: сэкс-шоп {m}
sext {n} (noon) SEE: noon ::
sexton {n} (church official) :: царкоўны вартаўнік {m}
sexual {adj} (of or relating to having sex) :: плоцевы, сэксуальны, палавы
sexual {adj} (of or relating to the sex of an organism) :: плоцевы, палавы
sexual intercourse {n} (sexual interaction) :: палавыя зносіны {f-p}, сукупленне {n}, палавы акт {m}, плоцевы акт {m}
sexuality {n} (sexual orientation) SEE: sexual orientation ::
sexual orientation {n} (sexual orientation) :: сексуальная арыентацыя {f}
sexual reproduction {n} (process whereby a new organism created by combining the genetic material of two organisms) :: палавое размнажэнне
Seychelles {prop} (country in East Africa) :: Сейшэлы {f-p}, Сейшэльскія астравы {m-p}, Сэйшэлы {f-p}, Сэйшэльскія астравы {m-p}
shack {n} (crude hut) :: хаціна, халупа {f}
shackle {n} (stubble) SEE: stubble ::
shadbush {n} (serviceberry) SEE: serviceberry ::
shade {n} (darkness where light is blocked) :: цень {f}
shadow {n} (dark image projected onto a surface) :: цень {m}
shadow {n} (spirit, ghost) SEE: ghost ::
shah {n} (king of Persia) :: шах {m}
shaheed {n} (martyr) SEE: martyr ::
shaitan {n} (Iblis, Satan in Islam) :: шайтан {m}
shake {v} (transitive: to cause to move) :: трэсці {impf}
shake {n} (beverage made of ice cream and carbonated drink) SEE: float ::
shakedown {n} (extortion) SEE: extortion ::
Shakespeare {prop} (English playwright) :: Шэкспір {m}, Шэксьпір {m} [taraškievica]
Shakespearean sonnet {n} (type of sonnet) :: шэкспіраў санет {m}
shallow {adj} (having little depth and significantly less deep than wide) :: мелкі, неглыбокі
shallow {adj} (concerned mainly with superficial matters) :: паверхневы, павярхоўны
shalom {interj} (transliteration of the Jewish greeting or farewell) :: шалом
shalwar {n} (garment) :: шаравары {f-p}
shaman {n} (a medium between the concrete and spirit worlds) :: шаман {m}, знахар {m}
shamanism {n} (range of traditional beliefs) :: шаманізм {m}
shame {n} (uncomfortable or painful feeling) :: сорам {m}, стыд {m}
shampoo {n} (product for washing the hair or other fibres) :: шампунь {m}
shamrock {n} (any of several small plants, forms of clover) SEE: clover ::
shamrock {n} (trefoil leaf of any clover) :: канюшына {f}; трылістнік {m}
Shang-hai {prop} (Shanghai) SEE: Shanghai ::
Shanghai {prop} (Chinese city as provincial-level municipality) :: Шанхай {m}
shape {n} (appearance or outline) :: форма {f}
Shapiro {prop} (surname Shapiro) :: Шапіра
sharbat {n} (sherbet) SEE: sherbet ::
share {n} (portion of something) :: доля {f}, частка {f}
share {n} (financial instrument) :: акцыя {f}
share {v} (to give) :: дзяліць {impf}, дзяліцца {impf}
share {v} (to have in common) :: падзяляць {impf}
shareholder {n} (one who owns shares of stock) :: акцыянер {m}
shareowner {n} (shareholder) SEE: shareholder ::
shari'a {n} (Islamic religious law) :: шарыят {m}
shark {n} (fish) :: акула {f}
sharp {adj} (able to cut easily) :: востры
shashlik {n} (skewered dish) :: шашлык {m}
shave {v} (to remove hair from) :: галіць {impf}, брыць {impf}
shave {v} (to remove hair from one's face) :: галіцца {impf}, брыцца {impf}
shaver {n} (boy) SEE: boy ::
shaver {n} (barber) SEE: barber ::
shaver {n} (electric razor) :: электрабрытва {f}, брытва {f}
shawl {n} (a square piece of cloth worn as a covering for the head, neck, and shoulders) :: хустка {f}, шаль {m}
shchi {n} (a type of Russian soup) :: шчы {f-p}, капусняк {m}
she {pron} (person) :: яна
sheaf {n} (bundle of grain or straw) :: сноп {m}, вязанка {f}
shear {v} (to remove the fleece from a sheep) :: стрыгчы {impf}
sheath {n} (scabbard) SEE: scabbard ::
sheath {n} (condom) SEE: condom ::
Sheba {prop} (biblical kingdom) :: Саба {f}
shebop {v} (masturbate) SEE: masturbate ::
shed {n} (temporary structure to shelter something) :: хлеў {m}, пуня {f}, шопа {f}
sheep {n} (animal) :: авечка {f}, аўца {f}
sheepherder {n} (shepherd) SEE: shepherd ::
sheer {adj} (pure) SEE: pure ::
sheet {n} (sheet of paper) :: ліст {m}, аркуш {m}
sheet {n} (thin bed cloth) SEE: bedsheet ::
sheik {n} (leader of an Arab village, family or small tribe) :: шэйх {m}
shelf {n} (structure) :: паліца {f}
shell {n} (hard calcareous or chitinous external covering of many invertebrates) :: чарапашка {f}, ракавіна {f}, панцыр {m} [of an arthropod or a turtle]
shell {n} (hard covering of an egg) :: шкарлупіна {f}, лушпіна {f}, шалупайка {f}, шкарупа {f}
shell {n} (conjoined scutes that comprise the "shell" of a tortoise or turtle) :: панцыр {m}
shell {n} (casing of an artillery projectile) :: гільза {f}
shellfish {n} (aquatic food that has a shell) :: малюск {m}
shelter {n} (a refuge or other protection) :: прытулак {m}
shepherd {n} (a person who tends sheep) :: пастух {m}, пастыр {m}
sherbet {n} (frozen fruit juice) :: шарбет {m}
sherbet {n} (sweet drink prepared from fruits or flower petals) :: шарбет {m}
Sheremetyevo {prop} (airport in Russia) :: Шарамецьева {n}
sheriff {n} (all meanings) :: шэрыф {m}
she-tiger {n} (tigress) SEE: tigress ::
Shevchenko {prop} (surname) :: Шаўчэнка {m} {f}
she-wolf {n} (female wolf) :: ваўчыца {f}
shield {n} (lavatory) SEE: toilet ::
shield {n} (armor) :: шчыт {m}
shift {n} (change of workers) :: змена {f}
Shimshon {prop} (given name) SEE: Samson ::
shin {n} (front part of the leg below the knee) :: галёнка {f}, голень {f}
shine {v} (to emit light) :: свяціць {impf}, ззяць {impf}
shine {n} (slang: moonshine) SEE: moonshine ::
Shinto {prop} (religion) :: сінтаізм {m}
Shintoism {prop} (Shinto) SEE: Shinto ::
ship {n} (large water vessel) :: карабель {m}, судна {n}
shipyard {n} (place to build and repair ships) :: верф {f}, суднаверф {f}, карабельня {f}
shirt {n} (article of clothing) :: кашуля {f}, сарочка {f}, рубашка {f}
shit {n} :: гаўно {n}, лайно {n}
shit {v} :: сраць {impf}
shit happens {phrase} (expression of acceptance of misfortune) SEE: such is life ::
shithole {n} (anus) SEE: asshole ::
shithole {n} (unpleasant person) SEE: asshole ::
shits {n} (vulgar slang for diarrhea) :: срачка {f}, дрыстачка {f}
shitter {n} (coarse slang for the anus) SEE: anus ::
shitty {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk ::
shitty {adj} (high) SEE: high ::
Shiva {prop} (deity) :: Шыва {m}
Shlomo {prop} (given name) SEE: Solomon ::
Shoah {prop} (the systematic mass murder of 6 million Jews) SEE: Holocaust ::
shoal {n} (group of fish) SEE: school ::
shocking {adj} (inspiring shock; startling) :: шакавальны, шакіруючы
shoe {n} (protective covering for the foot) :: чаравік {m}
shoe {n} (piece of metal designed to be attached to a horse’s foot) SEE: horseshoe ::
shoehorn {n} (tool used to assist the foot) :: ражок {m}
shoelace {n} (for fastening a shoe, see also: lace) :: шнурок {m}
shoestring {n} (the string or lace used to secure the shoe to the foot; a shoelace) SEE: shoelace ::
shogun {n} (supreme generalissimo of feudal Japan) :: сёгун {m}
shoot {v} (to fire a shot) :: страляць {impf}, стрэліць {pf}
shoot down {v} (to cause to fall by shooting) :: збіваць {impf}, збіць {pf}
shooting {n} (instance of shooting) :: стральба {f}, страляніна {f}
shooting range {n} (a facility designed for firearms practice) :: стрелбище
shooting star {n} (meteor) :: падаючая зорка {f}, знічка {f}
shop {n} (establishment that sells goods) :: крама {f}, магазін {m}
shop assistant {n} (shop employee) :: прадавец {m}, прадаўшчыца {f}
shoppe {n} (shop) SEE: shop ::
shopping center {n} (shopping centre) SEE: shopping centre ::
shopping centre {n} (large retail outlet) :: гандлёвы цэнтр {m}
shopping mall {n} (shopping centre) SEE: shopping centre ::
shop window {n} (large window at the front of a shop) :: вітрына {f}
shore {n} (land adjoining a large body of water) :: бераг {m}
short {adj} (having a small distance between ends or edges) :: кароткі
short {adj} (of a person, of comparatively small height) :: нізкі
shortcoming {n} (deficiency) :: недахоп {m}
shorten {v} (to make shorter) :: скарачаць {impf}, скараціць {pf}
short of {phrase} (except) SEE: except ::
shorts {n} (plural of short) SEE: short ::
shorts {n} (pants worn primarily in the summer that do not go lower than the knees) :: шорты {f-p}
short story {n} (work of fiction) :: апавяданне {n}, навэла {f}
short-tailed weasel {n} (Mustela erminea) SEE: ermine ::
shot {n} (result of launching a projectile) :: стрэл {m}
Shota {prop} (male given name) :: Шата
shotgun {n} (gun) :: стрэльба {f}
should {v} (expressing obligation) :: [predicative] павінен {m}, павінна {f} {n}, павінны {p}
shoulder {n} (joint between arm and torso) :: плячо {n}, рамя {n}
shoulder pole {n} (carrying pole) SEE: carrying pole ::
shout {v} (to utter a sudden and loud outcry) :: крычаць {impf}
shovel {n} (spade) SEE: spade ::
shovel {n} (tool for moving portions of material) :: шуфель {m}, рыдлёўка {f}, лапата {f}
show {v} (to display) :: паказваць {impf}, паказаць {pf}
show {n} (entertainment) :: паказ {m}, шоў {n}, спектакль {m}, відовішча {n}
showcase {n} (a setting for displaying something favorably) :: вітрына {f}
shower {n} (device for bathing) :: душ {m}
shrew {n} (mouselike animal) :: землярыйка {f}
shrimp {n} (decapod crustacean) :: крэветка {f}
shrine {n} (a holy place dedicated to a specific figure of respect) :: рака {f}, святыня {f}, храм {m}
shroom {n} (mushroom) SEE: mushroom ::
Shrovetide {n} (period of three days) :: масленіца {f}, масьленіца {f}
Shrove Tuesday {n} (day before the beginning of Lent) :: масьленіца {f}
shrub {n} (woody plant) :: хмызняк {f}, куст {m}
shut {v} ((transitive) to close) :: зачыняць {impf}, зачыніць {pf}
shut one's trap {v} (shut up) SEE: shut up ::
shut up {v} (imperative: "Shut up!", see also: hold one's tongue) :: заткніцеся!, зябі ляпу!
shvitz {n} (sweat) SEE: sweat ::
shy {adj} (easily frightened) :: палахлівы, пужлівы, страшлівы, баязны, нясмелы
shy {adj} (reserved) :: сарамлівы
shy {adj} (cautious) :: баязлівы
shyness {n} (quality of being shy) :: сарамлівасць {f}
Siberia {prop} (region of Russia) :: Сібір {f}
Siberian Husky {n} (Siberian Husky dog) :: сібірскі хаскі {m}
sic {adv} (thus, thus written) :: так
Sicily {prop} (island) :: Сыцылія {f}
sick {adj} (ill) SEE: ill ::
sick and tired {adj} (frustrated and annoyed) SEE: fed up ::
sickle {n} (agricultural implement) :: серп {m}
sickle {v} (to cut with a sickle) :: жаць {impf}
side {n} (bounding straight edge of an object) :: бок {m}, старана {f}
side {n} (portion of the human torso generally covered by the arms) :: бок {m}
side {n} (television channel) SEE: channel ::
side cap {n} (military cap) :: пілотка {f}
sidewalk {n} (paved footpath) :: тратуар {m}
Sidon {prop} (city state of Phoenicia) :: Сайда
siege {n} (lavatory) SEE: toilet ::
Sierra Leone {prop} (Republic of Sierra Leone) :: Сьера-Леонэ {f}
sieve {n} (device to separate larger objects from smaller ones or from liquids) :: рэшата {n}, сіта {n}
sigh {v} (to inhale a larger quantity of air than usual, and immediately expel it) :: уздыхаць {impf}, уздыхнуць {pf}
sigh {n} (act of sighing) :: уздых {m}
sight {n} (eyesight) SEE: eyesight ::
sign {n} (visible indication) :: знак {m}
sign {v} (to make (a document) official by writing one's signature) :: падпісваць {impf}, падпісаць {pf}
signal {n} (sign made to give notice) :: сігнал {m}, знак {m}
signature {n} (person’s autograph name) :: подпіс {m}
signboard {n} (a board carrying a sign) :: шыльда {f}
significant {adj} (having noticeable effect) :: значны {m}, важны {m}
silence {n} (lack of any sound) :: цішыня {f}, маўчанне {n} [when nobody talks]
silencer {n} (attachment) :: глушыцель {m}
silent {adj} (free from sound or noise; absolutely still; perfectly quiet) :: ціхі {m}, [verb "to be silent"] маўчаць {impf}
silent {adj} (to refrain from speaking) SEE: be silent ::
silently {adv} (in a silent manner; making no noise) :: ціха
Silesia {prop} (region) :: Сілезія {f}, Шлёнск {m}
silhouette {n} (representation of the outlines of an object filled in with a black color) :: сілуэт {m}
silicon {n} (non-metallic element) :: крэмній {m}
silicosis {n} (silica dust pneumoconiosis) :: сілікоз {m}
silique {n} (fruit with two carpels) :: струк {m}
silk {n} (fiber) :: шоўк {m}, ядваб {m}
silk {n} (fabric) :: шоўк {m}, ядваб {m}
silk-screen printing {n} (screen printing) SEE: screen printing ::
silkworm {n} (caterpillar) :: тутавы шаўкапрад {m}
silly {adj} (foolish, showing a lack of good sense and wisdom) :: дурны, глупы, тупы
silovik {n} (former member of the security services and the military, any power structure (Russia)) :: сілавік {m}
silt {n} (fine earth deposited by water) :: іл {m}, глей {m}, мул {m}
silver {n} (metal) :: серабро {n}, срэбра {n}
silver {adj} (made from silver) :: сярэбраны
silvern {adj} (made from silver) SEE: silver ::
Simferopol {prop} (city) :: Сімферопаль {m}
similar {adj} (having traits or characteristics in common; alike, comparable) :: падобны
simile {n} (figure of speech in which one thing is compared to another) :: параўнанне {n}
Simon {prop} (male given name) :: Сямён {m}
simony {n} (act of buying or selling spiritual things) :: сіманія {f}
simoom {n} (hot, dry wind) :: самум {m}
simple {adj} (uncomplicated) :: просты, лёгкі [easy]
simplicity {n} (quality or state of being simple, unmixed, or uncompounded; as, the simplicity of metals or of earths) :: прастата {f}
simplify {v} (to make simpler) :: спрашчаць {impf}, спрасціць {pf}
simultaneous {adj} (occurring at the same time) :: адначасовы
sin {n} (violation of religious law) :: грэх {m}
sin {v} (to commit a sin) :: грашыць {impf}
since {prep} (from (time)) :: з
sincere {adj} (earnest) :: шчыры
sinew {n} (cord or tendon of the body) SEE: tendon ::
sinful {adj} (evil) SEE: evil ::
sing {v} (to produce harmonious sounds with one’s voice) :: спяваць {impf}, заспяваць {pf}
Singapore {prop} (Republic of Singapore) :: Сінгапур {m}, Сынгапур {m} [Taraškievica], Сынґапур [Taraškievica]
singer {n} (person who sings) :: спявак {m}
singer {n} (female person who sings) :: спявачка {f}
singing {n} (the act of using the voice to produce musical sounds; vocalizing) :: спеў {m} [usually plural], спевы {m-p}, спяванне {n}
singlet {n} (sleeveless shirt) :: саколка {f}, майка {f}
singular {n} (grammar: form of a word that refers to only one thing) :: адзіночны лік {m}
sink {v} (descend into liquid, etc) :: тануць {impf}, апускацца {impf}
sink {n} (basin) :: ракавіна {f}, умывальнік {m}
sinker {n} (weight used in fishing) :: грузіла {n}
Sinkiang {prop} (Xinjiang) SEE: Xinjiang ::
sinless {adj} (without sin) :: бязгрэшны
sinner {n} (person who has sinned) :: грэшнік {m}, грэшніца {f}
Sinocentrism {n} (belief that China was literally the centre of the world) :: кітаецэнтрызм {m}
Sion {prop} (capital of Valais, a canton in Switzerland) :: Сьён
sir {n} (address to any male, especially if his name or proper address is unknown) :: спадар {m}, пан {m}
siren {n} (nymph of Greek mythology) :: сірэна {f}
siren {n} (device for making a sound alarm) :: сірэна {f}
siskin {n} (small European finch) SEE: Eurasian siskin ::
sister {n} (woman or girl having the same parents) :: сястра {f}
sister {n} (a nun; a female member of a religious community) :: сястра {f}
sit {v} (of a person, be in a position in which the upper body is upright and the legs are supported) :: сядзець {impf}
sit down {v} (to assume a sitting position from a standing position) :: сядаць {impf}, садзіцца {impf}, сесці {pf}
situation {n} (position vis-à-vis surroundings) :: становішча {n}, сітуацыя {f}
situation {n} (location) :: месцазнаходжанне {n}
six {num} (cardinal number) :: шэсць, [collective] шасцёра
six {n} (digit) :: шасцёрка {f}
six hundred {num} (cardinal number 600) :: шэсцьсот
sixteen {num} (cardinal number 16) :: шаснаццаць
sixteenth {adj} (the ordinal form of the number sixteen, see also: 16th) :: шаснаццаты
sixth {adj} (ordinal form of the number six, see also: 6th) :: шосты
six thousand {num} (6000) :: шэсць тысяч
sixtieth {n} (person or thing in the sixtieth position) :: шасцідзесяты
sixty {num} (cardinal number) :: шэсцьдзесят
sixty-eight {num} (cardinal number) :: шэсцьдзесят восем
sixty-five {num} (cardinal number) :: шэсцьдзесят пяць
sixty-four {num} (cardinal number) :: шэсцьдзесят чатыры
sixty-nine {n} (cardinal number) :: шэсцьдзесят дзевяць
sixty-one {num} (cardinal number) :: шэсцьдзесят адзін
sixty-seven {num} (cardinal number) :: шэсцьдзесят сем
sixty-six {num} (cardinal number) :: шэсцьдзесят шэсць
sixty-three {num} (cardinal number) :: шэсцьдзесят тры
sixty-two {num} (cardinal number) :: шэсцьдзесят два
size {n} (dimensions or magnitude of a thing) :: памер {m}, велічыня {f}
size {n} (a specific set of dimensions for clothing) :: памер {m}
skate {n} (ice skate or roller skate) :: канёк {m}
skate {n} (fish of family Rajidae) :: скат {m}
skateboard {n} (platform on wheels) :: скейтборд {m}
skeeter {n} (mosquito) SEE: mosquito ::
skeleton {n} (system that provides support to an organism) :: шкілет {m}
sketch {n} (quick freehand drawing) :: эскіз {m}, накід {m}
skewer {n} (pin used to secure food during cooking) :: шампур {m}, ражон {m}, круцяк {m}
ski {n} (one of a pair of long flat runners designed for gliding over snow) :: лыжа {f}
ski jumping {n} (a winter sport) :: скачкі на лыжах з трампліну
skill {n} (capacity to do something well) :: уменне {n}, умельства {n}, майстэрства {n}, навык {m}
skimble-skamble {n} (gibberish, mumbo-jumbo, nonsense) SEE: nonsense ::
skin {n} (outer protective of the body of a person or animal) :: скура {f}
skinhead {n} (member of skinhead subculture) :: скінхэд {m}, скін {m}
skink {n} (lizard) :: сцынк {m}
skinny {adj} (thin) :: худы
skirmish {n} (brief battle between small groups) :: сутычка {f}, схватка {f}, бойка {f}, перастрэлка {f} [with shooting]
skirmish {n} (minor dispute) :: сутычка {f}
skirt {n} (clothing) :: спадніца {f}
ski track {n} (trail from/for skis) :: лыжня {f}
skitrack {n} (ski track) SEE: ski track ::
Skopje {prop} (capital of North Macedonia) :: Скоп'е {m} {n}
Skopje {prop} (North Macedonia) SEE: North Macedonia ::
skull {n} (bones of the head: cranium and mandible) :: чэрап {m}
skunk {n} (animal) :: скунс {m}
skunk {n} (skunkweed) SEE: marijuana ::
sky {n} (atmosphere above a point) :: неба {n}
sky blue {adj} (light blue, see also: dark blue; blue) :: блакітны
skyclad {adj} (nude) SEE: nude ::
skylark {n} (small brown passerine bird) :: жаваранак {m}
skyline {n} (horizon) SEE: horizon ::
skyrocket {n} (pocket) SEE: pocket ::
skyscraper {n} (tall building) :: небасяг {m}
slack {adj} (not tense) :: расслаблены
slang {n} (jargon) SEE: jargon ::
slant {n} (typography: slash) SEE: slash ::
slanting {adj} (not perpendicular) :: касы, нахілены
slash {n} (typography: / symbol) :: касая рыска {f}, слэш {m}
slattern {n} (slut) SEE: slut ::
slaughterhouse {n} (abattoir) SEE: abattoir ::
Slav {n} (a member of a group of peoples in Eastern Europe speaking a Slavic language) :: славянін {m}, славянка {f}
Slavdom {n} (the area inhabited by Slavs, or with Slavic influence) :: славяншчына {f}
slave {n} (person owned by another) :: раб {m}, рабыня {f}
slavery {n} (institution or practice of owning human beings) :: рабства {n}
slavery {n} (condition of servitude endured by a slave) :: рабства {n}
Slavic {adj} (of the Slavs, their culture or languages) :: славянскі
Slavism {n} (a Slavic idiom or phrase) :: славянізм {m}, славізм {m}
Slavo- {prefix} (Slavic) :: славяна-
Slavonia {prop} (region of Croatia) :: Славонія
Slavonic {adj} (Slavic) SEE: Slavic ::
Slavyansk {prop} (Slovyansk) SEE: Slovyansk ::
slay {v} (to kill, murder) :: забіваць {impf}, забіць {pf}
sled {n} (sledge) SEE: sledge ::
sledge {n} (sledgehammer) SEE: sledgehammer ::
sledge {n} (sleigh or sled) :: сані {m-p}, санкі {f-p}
sledgehammer {n} (kind of hammer) :: кувалда {f}
sleep {v} (to rest in state of reduced consciousness) :: спаць {impf}
sleep {n} (state of reduced consciousness) :: сон {m}
sleeping {adj} (asleep) SEE: asleep ::
sleeping bag {n} (padded or insulated bag) :: спальны мяшок {m}
Sleeping Beauty {prop} (fairy tale) :: Спячая Прыгажуня {f}
sleeve {n} (part of a garment that covers the arm) :: рукаў {m}
sleigh {adj} (sly) SEE: sly ::
sleigh {n} (vehicle on runners) SEE: sledge ::
slender {adj} (thin) :: стройны, стромкі
slide fastener {n} (zip fastener) SEE: zip fastener ::
slide rule {n} (analog calculator) :: лагарыфмічная лінейка {f}
slime {n} (mucilaginous substance or mucus-like substance) :: слізь {f}, шлам {m}, іл {m}
sling {n} (instrument for throwing, see also: slingshot) :: прашча {f}
slingshot {n} (Y-shaped stick with an elastic sling between the arms used for shooting small projectiles, see also: sling) :: рагатка {f}
slipper {n} (low shoe usually worn indoors) :: тапачкі {f-p}, тапкі {f-p}, пантофлі {f-p}
slippery {adj} (of a surface) :: слізкі, коўзкі
slipstick {n} (slide rule) SEE: slide rule ::
slivovitz {n} (rakija made from distilled, fermented plum juice) :: слівавіца
sloboda {n} (a kind of settlement in the history of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine) :: слабада {f}
slogan {n} (phrase associated with a product, used in advertising) :: лозунг {m}, слоган {m}
sloop {n} (single-masted sailboat) :: шлюп {m}
sloth {n} (laziness) :: лянота {f}
sloth {n} (mammal) :: лянівец {m}
slot machine {n} (vending machine) SEE: vending machine ::
Slovak {adj} (of Slovakia or its language) :: славацкі
Slovak {n} (native of Slovakia) :: славак {m}, славачка {f}
Slovak {n} (language of Slovakia) :: славацкая мова {f}, славацкая {f}
Slovakia {prop} (Slovakia) :: Славакія {f}, Славаччына {f} [Taraškievica]
Slovakian {adj} (of or pertaining to Slovakia) SEE: Slovak ::
Slovakian {n} (a person from Slovakia or of Slovakian descent) SEE: Slovak ::
Slovak Republic {prop} (official name of Slovakia) :: Славацкая Рэспубліка {f}
Slovene {adj} (adjective) :: славенскі
Slovene {n} (a person) :: славенец {m}, славенка {f}
Slovene {prop} (the language) :: славенская мова {f}, славенская {f}
Slovenia {prop} (country in Europe) :: Славенія {f}
Slovenian {adj} (Slovene) SEE: Slovene ::
Slovenian {n} (language) SEE: Slovene ::
Slovenian {n} (person) SEE: Slovene ::
Slovincian {prop} (extinct language of the Slovincian people) :: славінская мова {f}, славінская {f}
Slovio {prop} (an artificial Slavic language) :: словіа {m}
Slovyansk {prop} (city) :: Славянск {m}
slow {adj} (not quick in motion) :: павольны
slow down {v} (to reduce speed) :: запавольваць {impf}, спавольніць {pf}
slowly {adv} (at a slow pace) :: павольна
slug {n} (gastropod) :: смоўж {m}, слімак {m}, слізняк {m}
sluice {n} (passage for water) :: шлюз {m}
slum {n} (dilapidated neighborhood) :: трушчоба {f}
slut {n} (prostitute) SEE: prostitute ::
slut {n} (sexually promiscuous woman) :: шлюха {f}, курва {f}, шлюндра {f}, прасталытка {f}
sly {adj} (artfully cunning; secretly mischievous; wily) :: хітры
smack {n} ((slang) heroin) SEE: horse ::
small {adj} (not large) :: маленькі, малы
small {adj} (young) :: маленькі, малады
smallest room {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet ::
small of the back {n} (lumbar region of the back) :: паясніца {f}, крыж {m}, крыжавіна {f}
smallpox {n} (disease) :: воспа {f}
smaragdine {n} (emerald) SEE: emerald ::
smart {adj} (exhibiting intellectual knowledge, such as that found in books) :: разумны
smartphone {n} (electronic handheld device) :: смартфон {m}
smegma {n} (sebaceous secretion) :: смегма
smell {n} (sensation) :: пах {m}
smell {n} (sense of smell) :: нюх {m}
smell {v} (sense with nose) :: адчуваць пах {impf}, чуць {impf}, нюхаць {impf}
smell {v} (to have a particular smell, whether good or bad; if descriptive, followed by "like" or "of") :: пахнуць {impf}
smell you later {interj} (see you later; goodbye) SEE: goodbye ::
smerd {n} (a member of a class of peasants in medieval Rus') :: смердзь {m}, смерд {m}
smetana {n} (type of soured cream) :: смятана {f}
smile {n} (a happy face expression using mouth, but without producing voice) :: усмешка {f}
smile {v} (to have a smile on one's face) :: усміхацца {impf}, усміхнуцца {pf}
smith {n} (craftsperson who works metal, see also: blacksmith) :: каваль {m}
Smith {prop} (transliterations of the name Smith) :: Сміт {m} {f}
smithy {n} (forge) SEE: forge ::
smoke {v} (to inhale and exhale smoke from a burning cigarette) :: курыць {impf}, пакурыць {pf}
smoke {v} (to inhale and exhale tobacco smoke regularly or habitually) :: курыць {impf}
smoke {n} (visible particles and vapour given off by burning material) :: дым {m}
smokestack {n} (a conduit or group of conduits atop a structure allowing smoke to flow out) SEE: chimney ::
smoking {n} (smoking of tobacco) :: паленне {n}, курэнне {n}
smolder {v} (to burn with no flame and little smoke) :: тлець {impf}
Smolensk {prop} (city) :: Смаленск {m}
smooth {adj} (lacking friction, not rough) :: гладкі
smorgasbord {n} (Swedish-style buffet comprising a variety of cold sandwiches and other dishes, see also: buffet) :: шведскі стол {m}
smuggler {n} (One who smuggles things) :: кантрабандыст {m}, кантрабандыстка {f}
smut {n} (soot) SEE: soot ::
snag {n} (tree fixed in the bottom of a river or other navigable water) :: корч {m}, карчажына {f}, карчак {m}
snail {n} (any animal of the class Gastropoda having a shell) :: смоўж {m}, слімак {m}, улітка {f}
snake {n} (legless reptile) :: змяя {f}
sneaky {adj} (difficult to catch due to constantly outwitting the adversaries) :: хітры
sneaky {adj} (dishonest; deceitful) :: баязлівы
sneeze {v} (expel air as a reflex) :: чхаць {impf}, чхнуць {pf}, чыхаць {impf}, чыхнуць {pf}
sneeze {n} (act of sneezing) :: чыханне {n}
sniff {v} (to make a short audible inhalation) :: нюхаць {impf}, шморгаць {impf} [to sniff noisily]
sniff {v} (to perceive vaguely) :: чуць {impf}
sniff {v} (to inhale drugs in powder form through the nose) :: нюхаць {impf}
sniper {n} (a person using long-range small arms for precise attacks from a concealed position) :: снайпер {m}
snooker {n} (cue sport) :: снукер {m}
snore {v} (breathe during sleep with harsh noises) :: храпці {impf}
snore {n} (act and noise of snoring) :: храп {m}
snot {n} (mucus) :: соплі {f-p}
snout {n} (long, projecting nose, mouth, and jaw of a beast) :: морда {f}, мыса {f}, рыла {n}
snow {n} (precipitation) :: снег {m}
snowball fight {n} (play fight) :: снежкі {m-p}
snowfall {n} (instance of falling of snow) :: снегапад {m}
snowflake {n} (crystal) :: сняжынка {f}
snow leopard {n} (a large feline mammal, Uncia uncia) :: барс {m}, снежны барс {m}, снежны леапард {m}
snowman {n} (figure made of snow) :: снежная баба {f}, снегавік {m}
Snow Queen {prop} (fairy tale character with power over snow and ice) :: Снежная каралева {f}
Snow White {prop} (character from Snow White (Schneewittchen)) :: Беласнежка {f}
so {adv} (to a particular extent) :: так
soaked {adj} (drenched) :: [be drenched] адмакаць {impf}, адмокнуць {pf}
soap {n} (soap opera) SEE: soap opera ::
soap {n} (substance) :: мыла {n}
soap opera {n} (television serial) :: мыльная опера {f}, тэлесерыял {m}, серыял {m}
soapwort {n} (herb) :: мыльнік {m}
sober {adj} (not drunk) :: цвярозы
soccer {n} (game) :: футбол {m}
Sochi {prop} (city in Russia) :: Сочы {m}
sociable {adj} (tending to socialize or be social; friendly; inviting; congenial) :: таварыскі
social {adj} (extroverted or outgoing) :: таварыскі
social {adj} (relating to society) :: сацыяльны, грамадскі
social class {n} (class of people) :: стан {m}
socialism {n} (political philosophy of social and economic equality) :: сацыялізм {m}
Socialist Republic of Vietnam {prop} (official name of Vietnam) :: Сацыялістычная Рэспубліка В’етнам {f}
society {n} (group of people sharing culture) :: грамадства {n}
society {n} (group of persons who meet from time to time to engage in a common interest) :: таварыства {n}, грамадства, згуртаванне {n}
sociolinguistics {n} (the study of social and cultural effects on language) :: сацыялінгвістыка {f}
sociology {n} (study of society, human social interactions, etc.) :: сацыялогія {f}
sock {n} (covering for the foot) :: шкарпэтка {f}
socket {n} (mechanical opening) :: разетка {f}, гняздо {n}, раздым {m}
soda {n} (sodium carbonate) :: сода {f}
sodium {n} (reactive metal) :: натрый {m}
Sodom {prop} (city in the Middle East) :: Садом {m}
sofa {n} (upholstered seat) :: канапа {f}, сафа {f}
Sofia {prop} (the capital city of Bulgaria) :: Сафія {f}
soft {adj} (foolish) SEE: foolish ::
soft {adj} (giving way under pressure) :: мяккі
softly {adv} (softly, gently) :: мякка
softly {adv} (not loudly, inaudible) :: ціха
soft sign {n} (Cyrillic letter Ь/ь) :: мяккі знак {m}
soft spot {n} (fontanelle) SEE: fontanelle ::
software {n} (encoded computer instructions) :: праграмнае забеспячэнне {n}, ПЗ {n}
soil {n} (mixture of sand and organic material) :: зямля {f}, глеба {f}, грунт {m}
soiree {n} (formal evening party) :: вечарынка {f}
solar {adj} (of or pertaining to the sun) :: сонечны
solar eclipse {n} (when the Moon passes between the Earth and the sun) :: сонечнае зацьменне {n}
solar system {prop} (Solar System) SEE: Solar System ::
Solar System {prop} (the Sun and all the heavenly bodies that orbit around it) :: Сонечная сістэма {f}
solar wind {n} (outflow of charged particles from the solar corona into space) :: сонечны вецер {m}
soldering iron {n} (tool) :: літавальнік {m}, паяльнік {m}
soldier {n} (member of an army) :: салдат {m}, воін {m}, жаўнер {m}, жаўнёр {m} [dated], ваенны {m}
sole {n} (bottom of the foot) :: падэшва {f}
sole {n} (bottom of a shoe or boot) :: падэшва {f}
solid {adj} (in the solid state) :: цвёрды
solidarity {n} (unifying bond between individuals with common goal or enemy) :: салідарнасць {f}
solidus {n} (slash) SEE: slash ::
solitaire {n} (patience) SEE: patience ::
Solomon {prop} (king of Israel) :: Саламон {m}
Solomon {prop} (male given name) :: Саламон {m}
solonchak {n} (soil type) :: саланчак {m}
so long as {phrase} (as long as) SEE: as long as ::
solstice {n} (point where the earth stands at the extreme of its ellipsis around the sun) :: сонцастаянне {n}
solution {n} (liquid mixture) :: раствор {m}, рошчын {m}
solution {n} (an act, plan or other means, used or proposed, to solve a problem.) :: рашэнне {n}
solvent {n} (liquid that dissolves a solid, liquid, or gaseous solute) :: рашчыньнік {m}, растваральнік {m}
solyanka {n} (a thick, spicy and sour soup in Russian and Ukrainian cuisine) :: салянка {f}
Somali {n} (a language) :: самалійская {f}
Somalia {prop} (country in the Horn of Africa) :: Самалі {f}
Somalian {adj} (pertaining to Somalia) SEE: Somali ::
Somalian {n} (someone from Somalia) SEE: Somali ::
some {pron} (certain number) :: некаторы
some {pron} (indefinite quantity or number) :: некалькі {p}, трохі
some {pron} (indefinite amount, part) :: трохі
some {determiner} (certain, unspecified or unknown) :: якісьці, якісь, нейкі, які-небудзь, некаторы
somebody {pron} (some unspecified person) :: хтосьці, хтось, нехта
someday {adv} (sometime; at some time in the future) :: калі-небудзь
somehow {adv} (in one way or another; in some way not yet known or designated) :: яка-сь, неяк, як-небудзь
someone {pron} (some person) :: хтосьці, хтось, нехта
something {pron} (unspecified object) :: штосьці, штось, нешта
sometime {adv} (obsolete: sometimes) SEE: sometimes ::
sometime {adv} (at an unstated or indefinite time in the future) :: калі-небудзь
sometimes {adv} (on certain occasions, but not always) :: часам
somewhat {pron} (something) SEE: something ::
somewhere {adv} (in some place) :: дзесьці, дзесь, дзе-небудзь
somewhere {adv} (to some place) :: кудысьці, кудысь, куды-небудзь
somewhither {adv} (to some place) SEE: somewhere ::
son {n} (a male person in relation to his parents) :: сын {m}
song {n} (music with words) :: песня {f}
songbird {n} (bird) :: пявучая птушка {f}
son-in-law {n} (son-in-law) :: зяць {m}
sonless {adj} :: бяссыноўны
son of a bitch {n} (objectionable person) :: сын сукі, сукін сын {m}
Son of Man {prop} (Jesus Christ) :: Сын чалавечы {m}
soon {adv} (within a short time) :: хутка, скора
sooner or later {adv} (set phrase; eventually) :: рана ці позна
soot {n} (fine black or dull brown particles) :: сажа {f}, курава {n}, копаць {f}
soothsayer {n} (mantis or rearhorse) SEE: mantis ::
sop {n} (gravy) SEE: gravy ::
sophisticated {adj} (complicated, especially of technology) :: мудрагелісты
Sorbian {prop} (language) :: лужыцкая {f}
sorceress {n} (female wizard) :: чараўніца {f}
sorrel {n} (plant) :: шчаўе {n}
sorrow {n} (unhappiness) :: смутак {m}, печаль {f}, гора {n}, сум {m}, туга {f}
sorry {interj} (expression of regret or sorrow) :: [formal] выбачайце, [informal] выбачай
sort {n} (type) :: тып {m}, сорт {m}, від {m}, род {m}
so that {conj} (in order to) :: каб
São Tomé and Príncipe {prop} (Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe) :: Сан-Тамэ і Прынсіпі {f} {n}
soul {n} (the spirit or essence of a person that is often believed to live on after the person's death) :: душа {f}
sound {n} (sensation perceived by the ear) :: гук
sound {v} (to produce a sound) :: гучаць {impf}
sound {n} (cuttlefish) SEE: cuttlefish ::
soup {n} (dish) :: суп {m}
souped-up {adj} (drunk, intoxicated) SEE: drunk ::
souped-up {adj} (excited) SEE: excited ::
soupçon {n} (suspicion, suggestion) SEE: suspicion ::
souq {n} (a street market in the Arabic-speaking countries) :: сук {m}
sour {adj} (having an acidic, sharp or tangy taste) :: кіслы
source {n} (person, place or thing) :: крыніца {f}, жарало {n}
source {n} (spring etc.) :: жарало {n}, крыніца {f}
sour cherry {n} (Prunus cerasus) :: вішня {f}
sour cherry {n} (fruit) :: вішня {f}
sour cream {n} (cream which has been treated with a benign bacterium) :: смятана {f}
south {n} (compass point) :: поўдзень {m}
south {adj} (of or pertaining to the south) :: паўднёвы {m}
South Africa {prop} (country) :: Паўднёва-Афрыканская Рэспубліка, Паўднёвая Афрыка {f}
South African {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to South Africa) :: паўднёваафрыканскі
South America {prop} (continent that is the southern part of the Americas) :: Паўднёвая Амерыка {f}
South American {adj} (relating to South America) :: паўднёваамерыканскі
Southampton {prop} (city) :: Саўтгемптан {m}
South Asia {prop} (South Asia) :: Паўднёвая Азія {f}
South China Sea {prop} (Pacific Ocean, between the Asian mainland and Taiwan, Borneo and the Philippines) :: Паўднёва-Кітайскае мора {n}
southeast {n} (compass point) :: паўднёвы ўсход {m}
southeast {adj} (southeastern) :: паўднёва-ўсходні {m}
Southeast Asia {prop} (a subregion of Asia) :: Паўднёва-Усходняя Азія {f}
southerly {adj} (coming from the south) :: паўднёвы {m}
southerly {adj} (facing the south) :: паўднёвы {m}
southerly {adj} (located towards the south) :: паўднёвы {m}
southern {adj} (of the south) :: паўднёвы
southern {adj} (of or pertaining to a southern region) :: паўднёвы
southerner {n} (someone from the south of a region) :: паўднёвік {m}
Southerner {n} (someone from the south of a region) SEE: southerner ::
Southern Europe {prop} (Southern Europe) :: Паўднёвая Еўропа {f}
Southern Ocean {prop} (the ocean surrounding Antarctica) :: Паўднёвы акіян {m}
South Korea {prop} (country in East Asia) :: Паўднёвая Карэя {f}
South Korean {adj} (of South Korea) :: паўднёвакарэйскі
South Ossetia {prop} (South Ossetia) :: Паўднёвая Асеція {f}
South Pole {prop} (the southernmost point on Earth) :: Паўднёвы полюс {m}
South Sea {prop} (Southern Ocean) SEE: Southern Ocean ::
South Slavic {adj} (of or relating to South Slavic or the South Slavs) :: паўднёваславянскі
South Sudan {prop} (country in Africa) :: Паўднёвы Судан {m}
southward {adv} (towards the south) :: на поўдзень
southwest {n} (compass point) :: паўднёвы захад {m}
southwest {adj} (southwestern) :: паўднёва-заходні {m}
souvenir {n} (item of sentimental value to remember an event or location) :: сувенір {m}, сувэнір {m} [taraškievica]
sovereign {adj} (exercising power of rule) :: сувэрэнны
sovereignty {n} (of a nation: the state of making laws and controlling resources without the coercion of other nations.) :: суверэнітэт {m}
soviet {n} (council) :: савет {m}, рада {f}
soviet {adj} (relating to the Soviet Union) SEE: Soviet ::
Soviet {n} (soviet) SEE: soviet ::
Soviet {adj} (pertaining to the Soviet Union or its republics) :: савецкі
Sovietology {n} (the field of study of the Soviet Union) :: саветалогія {f}
Soviet Russia {prop} (Russia) SEE: Russia ::
Soviet Russia {prop} (Soviet Union) SEE: Soviet Union ::
Soviet Union {prop} (USSR, see also: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; USSR) :: Савецкі Саюз {m}
sovkhoz {n} (soviet state farm) :: саўгас {m}
sovnarkhoz {n} (a regional economic council of the Soviet Union (historical)) :: саўнаргас {m}
sow {v} (disperse seeds) :: сеяць
sower {n} (one who or that which sows) :: сеяльшчык {m}
Soyuz {n} (a Soviet/Russian spacecraft) :: Саюз {m}
space {n} (while) SEE: while ::
space {n} (physical extent in two or three dimensions) :: прастора {f}
space {n} (area beyond atmosphere of planets) :: космас {m}
space {n} (gap between written characters, lines etc.) :: прабел {m}
spacefarer {n} (a person who travels in space, see also: astronaut) :: зараплавец {m}
spaceship {n} (vehicle that flies through space) :: касмічны карабель {m}
spade {n} (a garden tool with a handle and a flat blade for digging) :: рыдлёўка {f}, лапата {f}
spades {n} (spade) SEE: spade ::
spaghetti {n} (pasta) :: спагеці {n-p}
Spain {prop} (country in Europe) :: Іспанія {f}, Гішпанія {f} [Taraškevica orthography]
Spaniard {n} (somebody from Spain) :: іспанец {m}, іспанка {f}, гішпанец {m}, гішпанка {f} [Taraškevica]
Spanish {adj} (of or pertaining to Spain) :: іспанскі, гішпанскі [Taraškevica]
Spanish {prop} (Romance language of Spain and the Americas) :: іспанская мова {f}, іспанская {f}
spare time {n} (free time) SEE: free time ::
spark {n} (particle of glowing matter) :: іскра {f}
sparrow {n} (bird of the family Passeridae) :: верабей {m}, варобчык {m} [diminutive]
sparrow {n} :: верабей {m}
sparrow {n} (Passer domesticus) SEE: house sparrow ::
sparrow hawk {n} (Falco sparverius) SEE: American kestrel ::
sparrow hawk {n} (Accipiter nisus) SEE: Eurasian sparrowhawk ::
sparrowhawk {n} (Eurasian sparrowhawk) SEE: Eurasian sparrowhawk ::
sparse {adj} (having widely spaced intervals) :: рэдкі
Sparta {prop} (ancient city-state in southern Greece) :: Спарта {f}
Spartacus {prop} (Thracian name) :: Спартак {m}
speak {v} (to communicate with one's voice using words) :: гаварыць {impf}, сказаць {pf}, размаўляць {impf}, размовіць {pf}
speaker {n} (politics: the chair or presiding officer) :: спікер {m}
spear {n} (long stick with a sharp tip) :: дзіда {f}, піка {f}
special {adj} (distinguished by a unique or unusual quality) :: асаблівы {m}, спецыяльны, вынятковы
species {n} (group of plants or animals having similar appearance) :: від {m}
species {n} (rank in a taxonomic classification) :: від {m}
spectacle {n} (optical instrument) SEE: spectacles ::
spectacle {n} (something exciting or extraordinary) :: відовішча {n}, спектакль {m}
spectacles {n} (a pair of lenses set in a frame) :: акуляры {p}
spectacles {n} (plural of spectacle) SEE: spectacle ::
spectator {n} (observer) :: глядач {m}, глядачка {f}
specter {n} (ghostly apparition) :: прывід {m}
spectroscope {n} (optical instrument used for spectrographic analysis) :: спектраскоп {m}
spectrum {n} (range) :: спектр {m}
speculative fiction {n} (class of fiction involving fantastic, supernatural or futuristic elements) :: фантастыка {f}
speech {n} (dialect or language) SEE: dialect ::
speech {n} (vocal communication) :: мова {f}, гаворка {f}
speech {n} (an oration, session of speaking) :: прамова {f}, гаворка {f}
speech community {n} (group of people sharing a language or way of speaking) :: моўная супольнасць {f}
speed {n} (rapidity) :: скорасць {f}, хуткасць {f}
speed {n} (rate of motion) :: скорасць {f}
speed up {v} (increase speed (transitive)) :: паскараць {impf}, паскорыць {pf}
spelling {n} (the practice, ability, or subject of forming words with letters, or of reading the letters of words; orthography) :: правапіс {m}
spelling {n} (a specific spelling of a word) :: правапіс {m}, арфаграфія {f}, напісанне {n}
spelunk {n} (cave, cavern, grotto) SEE: cave ::
spend {v} (to pay out) :: траціць {impf}, выдаваць {impf}
sperm {n} (semen (fluid)) :: сперма {f}
sperm bank {n} (vulgar: vagina) SEE: cunt ::
sperm whale {n} (sperm whale) :: кашалот {m}
Spetsnaz {n} (post-Soviet special forces) :: спецназ {m}
spew {n} (vomit) SEE: vomit ::
sphere {n} (mathematics: regular three-dimensional object) :: сфера {f}
sphere {n} (spherical physical object) :: сфера {f}
sphere {n} (astronomy: apparent outer limit of space) SEE: celestial sphere ::
sphincter {n} (band of muscle) :: сфінктар {m}
sphinx {n} (sphincter) SEE: sphincter ::
spice {n} (Yorkshire dialect: sweets, candy) SEE: sweet ::
spice {n} (plant matter used to season or flavour food) :: спецыя {f}, прыправа {f}
spicy {adj} (containing spice) :: востры
spicy {adj} (tangy or pungent) :: востры
spider {n} (arthropod) :: павук {m}
spiderweb {n} (net-like construct of a spider) :: павуціна {f}
spigot {n} (faucet) SEE: tap ::
spill one's guts {v} (vomit) SEE: vomit ::
spin {v} (to make yarn) :: прасці
spinach {n} (a particular edible plant, Spinacia oleracea) :: шпінат {m}
spinal cord {n} (thick, whitish cord of nerve tissue) :: спінны мозг {m}
spindle {n} (dragonfly) SEE: dragonfly ::
spindle {n} (rod in spinning and winding thread) :: верацяно {n}
spindle {n} (trees of the genus Euonymus) :: брызгліна {f}
spindle tree {n} (tree of the genus Euonymus) SEE: spindle ::
spine {n} (backbone) :: хрыбетнік {m}, ́хрыбетніца {f}, пазваночнік {m}, хрыбет {f}
spine pig {n} (porcupine) SEE: porcupine ::
spinster {n} (unmarried woman) :: старая дзева {f}
spiral {n} (geometry) :: спіраль {f}
spirit {n} (soul) :: душа {f}, дух {m}
spirit {n} (supernatural being) :: прывід {m}, дух {m}
spirit {n} (manner or style) :: дух {m}
spirit {n} (alcohol) :: алкаголь {m}, спірт {m}
spit {v} (to dig, to spade) SEE: dig ::
spit {n} (generally low, narrow, pointed, usually sandy peninsula) :: каса {f}
spit {v} (to evacuate (saliva or another substance) from the mouth, etc.) :: пляваць {impf}, напляваць {impf}, плюнуць {pf}
spit {n} (saliva) :: сліна {f}
spit {n} (instance of spitting) :: плявок {m}
spiteful {adj} (filled with spite) :: злосны, зласлівы
spleen {n} (organ) :: селязёнка {f}
splice {v} (to unite in marriage) SEE: marry ::
split {v} (divulge a secret; to betray confidence; to peach) SEE: peach ::
spoiled {adj} (of food, that has deteriorated to the point of no longer being usable or edible) :: сапсуты, сапсованы
spoiled {adj} ((of a person, usually a child) having a selfish or greedy character due to pampering) :: распешчаны, збалаваны, распушчаны
spoke {n} (part of a wheel) :: спіца {f}
sponge {n} (marine invertebrate) :: губка {f}
sponge {n} (piece of porous material used for washing) :: губка {f}
sponge {n} (sponge cake) SEE: sponge cake ::
sponge cake {n} (type of soft cake made from flour, sugar, baking powder and eggs, with a spongy structure) :: бісквіт {m}
spool {n} (spindle) :: катушка {f}, шпулька {f}
spoon {n} (scooped utensil for eating (or serving)) :: лыжка {f}
sport {n} (any athletic activity that uses physical skills) :: спорт {m}
sportive {adj} (gay, frolicsome, merry) SEE: merry ::
spouse {n} (husband) SEE: husband ::
spouse {n} (wife) SEE: wife ::
spouse {n} (person in a marriage or marital relationship) :: сужэнец {m}, муж {m}, жонка {f}
spring {n} (season between winter and summer in temperate climates) :: вясна {f}; [adverb, in spring] увесну, ўвесну
spring {n} (water springing from the ground) :: жарало {n}, крыніца {f}
spring {n} (device made of flexible material) :: спружына {f}
spring {v} (to jump) SEE: jump ::
spring {n} (jump) SEE: jump ::
spring {n} (people sharing the same origin) SEE: race ::
spring {n} (shoot) SEE: shoot ::
spring {n} (cluster of trees) SEE: grove ::
spring {n} (erection of the penis) SEE: erection ::
spring {n} (youth) SEE: youth ::
spring {n} (time of growth, early stages) SEE: beginning ::
spring {n} (high tide) SEE: high tide ::
sprite {n} (the green woodpecker, or yaffle) SEE: green woodpecker ::
Sprite {prop} (colourless, caffeine-free, lemon and lime-flavoured soft drink) :: Спрайт {m}
spruce {n} (tree from the genus Picea) :: ёлка {f}, яліна {f}
spur {n} (implement for prodding a horse) :: шпора {f}, астрога {f}
spur on {v} (spur) SEE: spur ::
sputnik {n} (a Soviet robotic space satellite) :: спадарожнік {m}, спутнік {m}
spy {n} (person who secretly watches) :: шпіён {m}, шпег {m} [colloquial], шпік {m} [colloquial]
spyglass {n} (binoculars) SEE: binoculars ::
spyware {n} (program) :: шпіёнскае праграмнае забеспячэнне {n}
squacco {n} (Ardeola ralloides) :: жоўтая чапля {f}
square {n} (type of polygon) :: квадрат {m}
square {n} (open space in a town) :: плошча {f}, майдан {m}, пляц {m}
square {n} (act quarrelling) SEE: quarrel ::
square {v} (to take opposing sides) SEE: quarrel ::
square {adj} (fair) SEE: fair ::
square metre {n} (standard unit of area) :: квадратны метр {m}, квадратны мэтар {m} [taraškievica]
squash {n} (soft drink) SEE: cordial ::
squeeze {v} (to apply pressure to from two or more sides at once) :: сціскаць {impf}, сціснуць {pf}, ціснуць {impf}
squid {n} (sea animal) :: кальмар {m}
squirrel {n} (rodent) :: вавёрка {f}
Sri Lanka {prop} (a country in South Asia) :: Шры-Ланка {f}
stable {n} (building for animals with hoofs) :: канюшня {f}, стайня {f}, хлеў {m}
stadium {n} (venue where sporting events are held) :: стадыён {m}
staff {n} (employees of a business) :: персанал {m}, кадры {m-p}, штат {m}
stage {n} (phase) :: стадыя {f}, фаза {f}, этап {m}
stage {n} (in theatre) :: сцэна {f}
stain {n} (discoloured spot or area) :: пляма {f}
stair {n} (single step) :: прыступка {f}
stair {n} (series of steps) :: лесвіца {f}, усходы {p}
staircase {n} (stairway) :: лесвіца {f}, сходы {p}, усходы {p} / ўсходы {p}
stairs {n} (contiguous set of steps) :: лесвіца {f}, сходы {p}, усходы {p} / ўсходы {p}
stake {n} (pointed long and slender piece of wood etc.) :: кол {m}
stalactite {n} (mineral deposit hanging from the roof of a cave) :: сталактыт {m}
stalagmite {n} (mineral deposit) :: сталагміт {m}, сталягміт {m}
Stalin {prop} (Stalin) :: Сталін {m}
Stalinism {n} (Communist philosophies espoused by Josef Stalin) :: сталінізм {m}
Stalinist {n} (a person who accepts the philosophy of Stalinism) :: сталініст {m}
stalk {n} (stem or main axis of a plant) :: сцябло {n}
stall {n} (compartment for a single animal in a stable or cattle shed) :: стайня {f}, хлеў {m}
stallion {n} (uncastrated male horse) :: жарабец {m}
stammer {v} (to stutter) :: заікацца {impf}
stamp {n} (device for stamping designs) :: штамп {m}, пячатка {f}, штэмпель {m}
stamp {n} (postage stamp) SEE: postage stamp ::
stand {v} (to support oneself on the feet in an erect position) :: стаяць {impf}, пастаяць {pf}
standard {n} (level of quality) :: стандарт {m}
standard {n} (standard idiom, see also: standard language) :: стандарт {m}, літаратурны стандарт {m}
standard lamp {n} (a floor lamp supported by a pole) :: таршэр {m}
standard language {n} (standard variety) :: стандартная мова {f}, літаратурная мова {f}, нарматыўная мова {f}, культурная мова {f}
stand up {v} (rise from a sitting position) :: уставаць {impf}, ўставаць {impf}, устаць {pf} ўстаць {pf}
Stanislaus {prop} (male given name- the standard or most popular form) :: Станіслаў
stanitsa {n} (a Cossack village) :: станіца {f}
stapler {n} (device which binds together paper) :: стэплер {m}
star {n} (luminous celestial body) :: зорка {f}, звязда {f} [dated]
star {n} :: зорка {f}
Starbucks {prop} (chain of coffee shops) :: Старбакс {m}
starfish {n} (various echinoderms) :: марская зорка {f}
starling {n} (bird) :: шпак {m}
Star of Bethlehem {prop} (star mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew) :: Віфлеемская зорка {f}
Star of David {prop} (symbol of Jewish Community and Judaism) :: зорка Давіда {f}
starring {v} (present participle of "to star") SEE: star ::
start {n} (beginning of an activity) :: пачатак {m}
start {v} (to begin) :: пачынаць {impf}, пачаць {pf} [transitive], пачынацца {impf}, пачацца [intransitive]
starve {v} (to die because of lack of food) :: галадаць
Star Wars {prop} (Saga) :: Зорныя войны
state {n} (any sovereign polity) :: дзяржава {f}
state {n} (a political division of a federation retaining a degree of autonomy) :: штат {m}
state {n} (a condition) :: стан {m}, становішча {n}
State of Israel {prop} (country (official name)) :: Дзяржава Ізраіль {f}
station {n} (place where a vehicle may stop) :: станцыя {f}, вакзал {m} [railway, also], прыпынак {m}
station {n} (place used for broadcasting) :: станцыя {f}
statistics {n} (mathematical science) :: статыстыка {f}
statistics {n} (collection of measurements) :: статыстыка {f}
statolith {n} (amyloplast involved in graviperception) :: статаліт {m}
statue {n} (three-dimensional work of art) :: статуя {f}
statue {n} (portrait) SEE: portrait ::
status {n} (person’s position or standing) :: стан {m}, статус {m}
status {n} (situation or state of affairs) :: становішча {n}, стан {m}
Stavropol {prop} (city) :: Стаўрапаль {m}
stay {v} (to remain in a particular place) :: заставацца {impf}, застацца {pf}
steak {n} (slice of beef) :: біфштэкс {m}
steal {v} (to illegally take possession of) :: красці {impf}, скрасці {pf}
steam {n} (water vapor) :: пара {f}, пар {m}
steamboat {n} (vessel powered by steam) :: параход {m}
steam engine {n} (any steam-driven heat engine) :: паравоз {m}
steam engine {n} (steam locomotive) SEE: steam locomotive ::
steam locomotive {n} (locomotive powered by steam) :: паравоз {m}
steampunk {n} (subgenre of speculative science fiction) :: парапанк {m}, стымпанк {m}
steamship {n} (vessel propelled by steam) :: параход {m}
steam train {n} (type of train) :: паравоз {m}
steel {n} (metal produced from iron) :: сталь {f}
steelworker {n} (a person employed to manufacture or shape steel) :: сталявар {m}
steelyard {n} (steelyard balance) :: кантар {m}
steep {adj} (expensive) SEE: expensive ::
steep {adj} (near-vertical) :: стромкi, стромы, круты
steering wheel {n} (wheel-shaped control) :: руль {m}, стырно {n}, штурвал {m} [vessel], рулявое кола {n}
stela {n} (archaeology: an obelisk or upright stone pillar) SEE: stele ::
stele {n} ((archaeology) tall, slender stone monument) :: стэла {f}
stellar {adj} (of, pertaining to, or characteristic of stars) :: зорны
stem {n} (botany: above-ground stalk of a vascular plant) :: ствол {m}
stench {n} (a strong foul smell, a stink) :: смурод {m}, вонь {f}
step {n} (pace) :: крок {m}, шаг {m}
step {n} (one of a set of rests in a stair or ladder) :: прыступка {f}, сходзень {m}
stepdaughter {n} (daughter of one's spouse and not of oneself) :: падчарка {f}, пасербка {f}
stepfather {n} (husband of one's biological mother, other than one's biological father) :: айчым {m}
step in {v} (To act) SEE: act ::
step ladder {n} (ladder with steps or treads instead of rungs) :: драбіны {f-p}
stepmother {n} (wife of one's biological father, not one's biological mother) :: мачаха {f}
steppe {n} (the grasslands of Eastern Europe and Asia) :: стэп {f}
stepson {n} (son of one's spouse and not of oneself) :: пасерб {m}, пасынак {m}
stern {n} (the rear part or after end of a ship or vessel) :: карма {f}
stethoscope {n} (medical instrument) :: стэтаскоп {m}
Stettin {prop} (Szczecin) SEE: Szczecin ::
steven {n} (command) SEE: command ::
steven {n} (a prayer) SEE: prayer ::
steven {n} (voice) SEE: voice ::
stick {n} (long piece of wood) :: палка {f}, кій {m}
stiletto {n} (awl) SEE: awl ::
still {adv} (up to a time, as in the preceding time) :: яшчэ
still life {n} (work of art) :: нацюрморт {m}
still waters run deep {proverb} (a person's calm appearance may be misleading) :: у ціхім балоце чэрці вядуцца
stilt {n} (crutch) SEE: crutch ::
sting {v} (of an insect: to bite) :: джаліць {impf}, кусаць {impf}, джгаць {impf}
sting {n} (pointed portion of an insect or arachnid used for attack) SEE: stinger ::
stinger {n} (pointed portion of an insect) :: джала {n}
stingy {adj} (unwilling to spend or give) :: хцівы, прагны, хіжы, скупы
stink {v} (have a strong bad smell) :: смярдзець {impf}
stirrup {n} (footrest used by riders) :: стрэмя {n}
stitch {v} (form stitches in) SEE: sew ::
stitch {v} (agriculture: to form land into ridges) SEE: plough ::
stitch {n} (furrow) SEE: furrow ::
stoat {n} (stoat) SEE: ermine ::
stockade {n} (a military prison (colloquial)) :: гауптвахта {f}
stock character {n} (fictional character based on a recognizable stereotype) :: амплуа {n}
stock dove {n} (stock dove, Columba oenas) :: клінтух {m}
stock exchange {n} (building and the associated organization) :: фондавая біржа {f}, біржа {f}
stockholder {n} (one who owns stock) SEE: shareholder ::
Stockholm {prop} (capital of Sweden) :: Стакгольм {m}
stocking {n} (garment (for translations of "sock", see sock)) :: панчоха {f}
stoichiometry {n} (the study of the relationships of reactants and products in chemical reactions) :: стэхіяметрыя {f}
stoker {n} (poker) SEE: poker ::
stomach {n} (digestive organ) :: страўнік {m}, жалудак {m} [dialectal]
stomach {n} (belly) :: жывот {m}, чэрава {n}
stomach {n} (appetite) SEE: appetite ::
stomach {n} (figuratively: desire, appetite) SEE: appetite ::
stompie {n} (cigarette butt) SEE: butt ::
stone {n} (substance) :: камень {m} /kámjenʹ/
stone {n} (small piece of stone) :: камень {m}
stoned {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk ::
Stonehenge {prop} (ancient group of standing stones in England) :: Стоўнхендж {m}
stool {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet ::
stool {n} (chamber pot) SEE: chamber pot ::
stop {v} (to cease moving) :: спыняцца {impf}, спыніцца {pf}
stop {v} (to cause to cease moving) :: спыняць {impf}, спыніць {pf}
stop {n} (place to get on and off mass transport) :: прыпынак {m}
stoplight {n} ((US) a traffic control signal) SEE: traffic light ::
store {n} (in computing) SEE: memory ::
store {n} (shop) SEE: shop ::
storey {n} (floor, level) :: паверх {m}
stork {n} (large wading bird of the family Ciconiidae) :: бусел {m}, бацян {m}
storm {n} (disturbed state of the atmosphere) :: бура {f}
storm cloud {n} (rain cloud with potential to bring a storm) :: хмара {f}
stormcloud {n} (cloud threatening rain and wind) SEE: storm cloud ::
story {n} (lie) SEE: lie ::
story {n} (account of events) :: апавяданне {n}, гісторыя {f}
story {n} (storey) SEE: storey ::
stove {n} (heater) :: печ {f}, печка {f}
stove {n} (device for heating food) :: печка {f}, пліта {f}
straight {adj} (not crooked or bent) :: прамы, просты
straight {adj} (direct, truthful, frank) :: прамы
straight away {adv} (very soon; immediately) SEE: right away ::
strait {n} (narrow channel of water) :: праліў {m}, пратока {f}
Strait of Kerch {prop} (strait) :: Керчанскі праліў {m}
Strait of Messina {prop} (narrow section of water between Sicily and mainland Italy) :: Месінскі праліў {m}
Strait of Sicily {prop} (strait between Sicily and Tunisia) :: Туніскі праліў {m}
strange {adj} (not normal) :: дзіўны
stranger {n} (person whom one does not know) :: незнаёмец {m}, незнаёмка {f}, чужы {m}
stranger {n} (outsider or foreigner, see also: foreigner) :: іншаземец {m}, іншаземка {f}, чужаземец {m}, чужаземка {f}
strangle {v} (to kill someone by strangulation) :: душыць {impf}, прыдушыць {pf}
Strategic Defense Initiative {prop} (Star Wars) SEE: Star Wars ::
strategist {n} (one who devises strategies) :: стратэг {m}
strategy {n} (science and art of military command) :: стратэгія {f}
Strauss {prop} (surname) :: Штраўс {m} {f}
straw {n} (a dried stalk of a cereal plant) :: саломіна {f}, саломінка {f}
straw {n} (dried stalks considered collectively) :: салома {f}
straw {n} (drinking straw) SEE: drinking straw ::
strawberry {n} (fruit) :: суніца {f} [wild], клубніца {f} [cultivated]; трускаўка {f}
stream {n} (small river) :: паток {m}, ручай {m}, рэчка {f}
street {n} (paved part of road in a village or a town) :: вуліца {f}
streetcar {n} (tram) SEE: tram ::
strength {n} (quality of being strong) :: сіла {f}, моц {f}
stress {n} (on a syllable) SEE: accent ::
stress {n} ((physics) internal force across a boundary per area ) :: націск {m}
stress {n} (when speaking) :: націск {m}
stress {n} (on a point in an argument) :: націск {m}
stressed {adj} (having a stress or accent) :: націскны
stretcher {n} (simple litter designed to carry a sick, injured, or dead person) :: насілкі {f-p}
strict {adj} (severe in discipline) :: строгі, суровы
strike {v} (to hit) :: біць {impf}, пабіць {pf}, удараць {impf}, ўдараць {impf}, ударыць {pf}, ўдарыць {pf}
strike {n} (work stoppage) :: забастоўка {f}, страйк {m}, стачка {f}, штрайк {m}
strikebreaker {n} (worker hired to replace a striking worker) :: штрэйкбрэхер {m}, штрайкбрэхер {m}
string {n} (long, thin structure made from twisted threads) :: вяровачка {f}, матуз {m}, ліна {f}
string {n} (computing: sequence of characters) :: радок {m}
string {n} (string of a musical instrument) :: струна {f}
strive {v} (to try to achieve) :: імкнуцца
stroboscope {n} (instrument for studying or observing periodic movement by rendering a moving body visible only at regular intervals) :: страбаскоп {m}
stroke {n} (blow) :: удар {m}
stroke {n} (line drawn with a writing implement) :: рыса {f}, чырта {f}, штрых {m}
stroke {n} (- slash) SEE: slash ::
stroke {n} (appetite) SEE: appetite ::
stroll {v} (wander on foot) :: гуляць {impf}, шпацыраваць {impf}
stroller {n} (seat on wheels used to transport babies) :: каляска {f}, дзіцячая каляска {f}
strong {adj} (capable of producing great physical force) :: сільны, моцны
strongbox {n} (sturdy box with a lock) SEE: safe ::
strontium {n} (chemical element) :: стронцый {m}
structure {n} (cohesive whole built up of distinct parts) :: структура {f}
strudel {n} (layered pastry) :: штрудэль {m}
struggle {n} (strife, effort) :: барацьба {f}, змаганне {n}, бой {m}, бітва {f}
struggle {v} (to strive, to labour in difficulty, to fight) :: біцца {impf}, змагацца {impf}
stubble {n} (short stalks left in a field after harvest) :: іржэўнік {m}, [after vowels] ржэўнік {m}, іржышча {f}, [after vowels] ржышча {f}, , сцерня {f}
stubborn {adj} (refusing to move or change one's opinion) :: упарты
student {n} (person who studies a subject) :: студэнт {m}, студэнтка {f}
studio {n} (artist’s or photographer’s workshop) :: студыя {f}, атэлье {n}, майстэрня {f}
studio {n} (establishment where an art is taught) :: студыя {f}
studio {n} (place where radio or television programs, records or films are made) :: студыя {f}
study {v} (to revise/review materials) :: вучыць {impf}
study {v} (to take a course) :: вучыцца {impf}
study {v} (to acquire knowledge) :: вучыцца {impf}
study {n} (act of studying or examining) SEE: examination ::
stump {n} (remains of something that has been cut off) :: пень {m}
stupid {adj} (lacking in intelligence) :: дурны, глупы, тупы
stupidity {n} (property of being stupid) :: дурасць {f}, глупства {n}
stupor {n} (a state of reduced consciousness or sensibility) :: ступар {m}
sturgeon {n} (fish of family Acipenseridae) :: асётр {m}
stutter {v} (to speak with spasmodic repetition) SEE: stammer ::
sty {n} (inflammation) SEE: stye ::
sty {n} (ladder) SEE: ladder ::
stye {n} (bacterial infection of the eyelash or eyelid) :: ячмень {m}
style {n} (gnomon or pin of a sundial) SEE: gnomon ::
style {n} (manner of creating, doing, or presenting something, especially a work of architecture or art) :: стыль {m}
stylist {n} (hairdresser) SEE: hairdresser ::
stylist {n} (designer) SEE: designer ::
subconscious {adj} (below the level of consciousness) :: падсвядомы
subconsciousness {n} (state of being subconscious) :: падсвядомасць {f}
subject {n} (in grammar) :: дзейнік {m}, суб'ект {m}
subject {n} (main topic) :: прадмет {m}, тэма {f}
subject {n} (particular area of study) :: прадмет {m}
subject {n} (citizen in a monarchy) :: падданы {m}, падданая {f}
subjective {adj} (based upon subjective feelings or intuition) :: суб'ектыўны
subjunctive {n} (subjunctive mood) SEE: subjunctive mood ::
subjunctive mode {n} (subjunctive mood) SEE: subjunctive mood ::
subjunctive mood {n} (subjunctive mood) :: умоўны лад {m}
submarine {n} (undersea boat) :: падводная лодка {f}
submissive {adj} (meekly obedient or passive) :: пакорлівы
subpoena {n} (writ requiring someone to appear in court to give testimony) :: павестка {f}
subscribe {v} (to sign up to receive a publication) :: падпісвацца {impf}, падпісацца {pf}
subscription {n} (access to a resource for a period of time) :: абанемент {m}
subsistent {adj} (inherent) SEE: inherent ::
substance {n} (physical matter; material, see also: matter) :: рэчыва {n}, субстанцыя {f} [literary]
substance {n} (theology: hypostasis) SEE: hypostasis ::
substantive {n} (noun) SEE: noun ::
substitute {v} (to substitute) SEE: replace ::
substratum {n} (a layer that lies underneath another) :: субстрат {m}
subterranean {adj} (below ground, under the earth, underground) :: падземны
subterraneous {adj} (subterranean) SEE: subterranean ::
subtitle {n} (textual versions of the dialog in films) :: субцітры {m-p}, субтытры {m-p}
subtract {v} (to remove or reduce) :: адымаць {impf}, адняць {pf}
subtraction {n} (process) :: адніманне {n}, адыманне {n}
suburb {n} (area on the periphery of a city or large town) :: прыгарад {m}, прадмесце {n}
suburban {adj} (relating to outskirts of a city) :: прыгарадны, прымескі
subway {n} (underground railway) :: метро {n}
success {n} (achievement of one's aim or goal) :: поспех {m}
successful {adj} (resulting in success) :: паспяховы
successor {n} (person or thing that immediately follows another) :: наступнiк {m}, наступнiца {f}, заступнiк {m}, заступнiца {f}, пераемнік {m}, пераемніца {f}, спадкаемец {m}, спадкаемка {f}
successor {n} (next heir in order or succession) :: наследнік {m}, наследніца {f}
such {determiner} (used to make a comparison with something implied by context) :: такі
such as {prep} (for example) SEE: for example ::
such is life {phrase} (used to express the acceptance of misfortune) :: такое жыццё
suck {v} (to use the mouth to pull in (liquid etc)) :: смактаць {impf}, ссаць {impf}
sucrose {n} (a disaccharide) :: цукроза {f}
Sudan {prop} (Republic of Sudan) :: Судан {m}
sudden {n} (surprise) SEE: surprise ::
sudden {adj} (happening quickly and with little or no warning) :: раптоўны {m}
suddenly {adv} (happening quickly and with little or no warning) :: раптам
Sudetenland {prop} (region in Czechia) :: Судэцкая вобласць {f}, Судэты {p}
Suez Canal {prop} (canal) :: Суэцкі канал {m}
suffer {v} (undergo hardship) :: пакутаваць {impf}, мучыцца {impf}
suffering {n} (condition) :: цярпенне {n}, пакута {f}, мука {f}
suffice {v} (be enough, sufficient, adequate) :: хапаць {impf}, хапіць {pf}
sufficient {adj} (adequate to wants) :: дастатковы
suffix {n} (morpheme added at the end of a word to modify the word's meaning) :: суфікс {m}
sugar {n} (sucrose from sugar cane or sugar beet and used to sweeten food and drink) :: цукар {m}
sugar {n} (any of a series of carbohydrates used by organisms to store energy) :: цукар {m}
sugar beet {n} (type of beet) :: цукровы бурак {m}
sugar cane {n} (species of grass whose sap is a source of sugar) :: цукровы трыснёг {m}
Sugarloaf Mountain {prop} (rocky peak in Rio de Janeiro) :: Цукровая галава {f}
suggest {v} (to ask for without demanding) :: прапанаваць {impf}, прапаноўваць {impf}
suggest {v} (to recommend) :: прапаноўваць {impf}, прапанаваць {impf}
suggestion {n} (something suggested) :: прапанова {f}
suicide {n} (instance of killing oneself) :: самагубства {n}, самазабойства {n}
suicide {adj} (to kill oneself intentionally) SEE: commit suicide ::
suit {n} (set of clothes) :: касцюм {m}
suit {n} (card games: set of cards distinguished by color and emblems) :: масць {f}
suit {v} (to be appropriate or apt for) :: падыходзіць {impf}, падысці {pf}
suit {n} (pursuit, chase) SEE: pursuit ::
suitcase {n} (large piece of luggage) :: чамадан {m}, валіза {f}, валізка {f}
Sukhumi {prop} (capital city) :: Сухумі
sulfur {n} (element) :: сера {f}
sultan {n} (ruler) :: султан {m}
sum {n} (quantity obtained by addition or aggregation) :: сума {f}
sum {n} (summit) SEE: summit ::
Sumatra {prop} (the largest island of Indonesia) :: Суматра {f}
summer {n} (hottest season) :: лета {n}
summery {adj} (relating to the summer) :: летні
summit {n} (peak, top of mountain) :: вяршыня {f}, пік {m}, вярхушка {f}
summit {n} (gathering of leaders) :: саміт {m}, сустрэча {f} [на вышэйшым узроўні, ў вярхах]
sumo {n} (form of wrestling) :: сумо {n}
sun {prop} (the star around which the Earth revolves, see also: Sun) :: сонца {n}
sun {n} (a star, especially when seen as the centre of any single solar system) :: сонца {n}
Sun {prop} (star) :: Сонца {n}
Sunday {n} (day of the week) :: нядзеля {f}
sunderling {adv} (separately) SEE: separately ::
sundial {n} (device noting the time of day by the position of a shadow) :: сонечныя гадзіны {f-p}
sundown {n} (sunset) SEE: sunset ::
sunflower {n} (flower) :: сланечнік {m}
sunny {adj} (weather, day) :: сонечны
sunrise {n} (time of day) :: усход сонца {m}
sunrise {n} (sky changing color) :: зара {f}, заранак {m}, досвітак {n}, світанне {n}
sunset {n} (time of day) :: захад сонца {m}
sunup {n} (time of day) SEE: sunrise ::
sunup {n} (change in color of sky) SEE: sunrise ::
supercilium {n} (arch of hair) SEE: eyebrow ::
superlative {n} (form of adjective expressing "most") :: найвышэйшая ступень {f}
superlative {adj} (exceptionally good) :: найвышэйшы
supermarket {n} (store) :: супермаркет {m}
supernatural {adj} (above nature) :: звышнатуральны
supernova {n} (exploding star) :: звышновая {f}
superpower {n} (fictional extraordinary ability) :: суперсіла {f}
superstition {n} (a belief that events may be influenced by one's behaviour in some magical or mystical way) :: забабоны {m-p}
supervision {n} (the act or instance of supervising) :: нагляд {m}
supper {n} (food before going to bed) :: вячэра {f}
suppletion {n} ((grammar) the use of an unrelated word or phrase to supply inflected forms otherwise lacking) :: суплетывізм {m}
support {v} (to keep from falling) :: падтрымліваць {impf}, падтрымаць {pf}
support {v} (to back a cause, party, etc., mentally or with concrete aid) :: падтрымліваць {impf}, падтрымаць {pf}
support {n} (something which supports) :: апора {f}
support {n} (financial or other help) :: падтрымка {f}, паддзержка {f}
suppose {v} (conclude; believe) :: прыпускаць {impf}, прыпусціць {pf}
supposition {n} (assumption) :: прыпушчэнне {n}
supreme {adj} (dominant) :: галоўны, вярхоўны, найвышэйшы
Supreme Soviet {prop} (Soviet parliament) :: Вярхоўны Савет {m}
sura {n} (chapter of the Qur'an) :: сура {f}
sure {adj} (certain in one's knowledge or belief) :: упэўнены, пэўны
surety {n} (certainty) SEE: certainty ::
surface {n} (up-side of a flat object) :: паверхня {f}
surgeon {n} (doctor who performs surgery) :: хірург {m}
Suriname {prop} (country) :: Сурынам {m}
surname {n} (name that indicates family) :: прозвішча {n}
surprise {n} (something not expected) :: сюрпрыз {m}, неспадзеўка {f}
surprise {v} (cause (someone) to feel surprise) :: дзівіць {impf}, здзіўляць {impf}, здзівіць {pf}
surprised {adj} (caused to feel surprise) :: здзіўлены
surprising {adj} (that is or are a surprise) :: дзіўны
surströmming {n} (traditional Swedish delicacy made from fermented Baltic herring) :: сюрстромінг {m}
survey {n} (an examination of the opinions of a group) :: апытанне {n}
survive {v} (person: continue to live) :: перажываць {impf}, перажыць {pf}
Surzhyk {prop} (language) :: суржык {m}
Susanoo {prop} (Japanese storm god) :: Сусанаа {m}
sushi {n} (Japanese dish) :: сушы {n}
suslik {n} (Spermophilus or Citellus) :: суслік {m}
suspicion {n} (act of suspecting something or someone, especially of something wrong) :: падазрэнне {n}
suspicious {adj} (arousing suspicion) :: падазроны
Suva {prop} (capital of Fiji) :: Сува {f}
Svalbard {prop} (islands north east of Greenland) :: Шпіцберген {m}, Шпіцбэрген {m} [taraškievica]
svirel {n} (an old folk Russian wind instrument) :: свірэль {f}, жалейка {f}
Swahili {n} (language) :: суахілі {m}
swallow {v} (to cause to pass from the mouth into the stomach) :: каўтаць {impf}, глытаць {impf}
swallow {n} (bird) :: ластаўка {f}
swamp {n} (type of wetland) :: балота {n}
swan {n} (waterfowl of the genus Cygnus) :: лебедзь {m}
swanling {n} (baby swan, young swan) SEE: cygnet ::
swarm {n} (large number of insects) :: рой {m}
swarthy {adj} (dark) SEE: dark ::
swastika {n} (a cross with arms of equal length all bent halfway along at a 90° angle) :: свастыка {f}
Swaziland {prop} (Kingdom of Swaziland, see also: eSwatini) :: Свазіленд {m}
sweat {n} (fluid that exits the body through pores) :: пот {m}
sweat {v} (to emit sweat) :: пацець {impf}
sweater {n} (knitted jacket worn by athletes before or after exercise) :: світар {m}, швэдар {m}
sweater {n} (similar garment worn for warmth) :: світар {m}, пуловер {m}
swede {n} (turnip) SEE: turnip ::
swede {n} (yellow root of Brassica napus) SEE: rutabaga ::
swede {n} (plant) SEE: rutabaga ::
Sweden {prop} (Scandinavian country) :: Швецыя {f}, Швэцыя {f} [Taraškievica]
Swedish {prop} (language) :: шведская мова {f}, шведская {f}
Swedish {adj} (of or pertaining to Sweden) :: шведскі, швэдзкі
Swedish turnip {n} (Brassica napus var. napobrassica) SEE: rutabaga ::
sweep {v} (to clean using a broom or brush) :: падмятаць {impf}, месці {impf}, падмесці {pf}
sweet {adj} (having a pleasant taste) :: салодкі
sweet {adj} (having a taste of sugar) :: салодкі
sweet {adj} (containing a sweetening ingredient) :: салодкі {m}
sweet {adj} (of a wine: retaining a portion of sugar) :: салодкі {m}
sweet {adj} (not having a salty taste) :: прэсны
sweet {adj} (having a pleasing disposition) :: мілы {m}
sweet {n} (food eaten for dessert) SEE: dessert ::
sweet {n} (sweetheart) SEE: sweetheart ::
sweet cherry {n} (Prunus avium) SEE: wild cherry ::
sweetener {n} (food additive) :: падсаладжальнік {m}, падсалоднік {m}
sweetheart {n} (darling) SEE: darling ::
sweetheart {n} (a person very much liked or loved by someone) :: любы {m}, любая {f}, мілы {m}, мілая {f}
sweet potato {n} (tuber) :: батат {m}, салодкая бульба {f}
swim {v} (move through water) :: [abstract] плаваць {impf}, паплаваць {pf}, [concrete] плыць {impf}, паплыць {pf}
swimming {n} (human activity of moving oneself through water) :: плаванне {n}
swimming pool {n} (pool for swimming) :: басейн {m}, плавальны басейн {m}
swine {n} (pig) SEE: pig ::
swing {n} (hanging seat) :: качэлі {f-p}, арэлі {f-p}, гушкалка {f}
Swiss {adj} (of or pertaining to Switzerland) :: швейцарскі, швайцарскі [Taraškievica]
Swiss {adj} (of or pertaining to the Swiss people) :: швейцарскі
Swiss {n} (Swiss person) :: швейцар {m}, швейцарац {m}, швейцарка {f}
Swiss Confederation {prop} (Official name of Switzerland) :: Швейцарская Канфедэрацыя {f}
switch {n} (device to turn electric current on and off) :: выключальнік {m}, выключацель {m}, пераключальнік {m}, ключ {m}
switch off {v} (turn switch to off position) :: выключаць
Switzerland {prop} (sovereign country) :: Швейцарыя {f}, Швайцарыя {f} [Taraškievica]
swole {adj} (upset) SEE: upset ::
sword {n} (weapon) :: шабля {f}, меч {m}
sycamore {n} (sycamore maple) SEE: sycamore maple ::
sycamore maple {n} (Acer pseudoplatanus) :: явар {m}
Sydney {prop} (in Australia) :: Сідней {m}, Сідней {m}
syenite {n} (obsolete: granite) SEE: granite ::
Syktyvkar {prop} (city in Russia) :: Сыктыўкар {m}
syllable {n} (unit of speech) :: склад {m}
symbol {n} (character or glyph) :: сімвал {m}, знак {m}, сымбаль {m}
symbol {n} (object meant to represent another) :: сімвал {m}
symmetry {n} (correspondence on either side of a dividing line, plane, center or axis) :: сіметрыя {f}
symphonic {adj} (characteristic of a symphony) :: сімфанічны
symphony {n} (piece of orchestral music) :: сімфонія {f}
symphony orchestra {n} (large orchestra that traditionally plays Western classical orchestral music) :: сімфанічны аркестр {m}
synagogal {adj} (of or pertaining to a synagogue) :: сінагагальны
synagogue {n} (Jewish place of worship) :: сінагога {f}
synclinal {n} (synclinal fold) :: сінкліналь, геасінкліналь, сінклінальная складка
syncline {n} (concave upward fold) SEE: synclinal ::
synecdoche {n} (figure of speech that uses the name of a part of something to represent the whole) :: сінекдаха {f}
synod {n} (ecclesiastic council or meeting) :: сінод {m}
synonym {n} (word with same meaning as another) :: сінонім {m}
synthesis {n} (formation of something complex or coherent) :: сінтэз {m}
Syracuse {prop} (city in New York state) :: Сірак'юс
Syria {prop} (country in the Middle East) :: Сірыя {f}, Сырыя {f}
Syrian Arab Republic {prop} (official name of Syria) :: Сірыйская Арабская Рэспубліка {f}
syringe {n} (hypodermic syringe) :: шпрыц {m}
syrup {n} (thick liquid that has a high sugar content) :: сіроп {m}
system {n} (collection of organized things; whole composed of relationships among its members) :: сістэма {f}
syzygy {n} (astronomical conjunction) :: сізігія {f}
Szczecin {prop} (city in Poland) :: Шчэцін {m}
Szlachta {prop} (nobility of Poland, and Lithuania) :: шляхта {f}
ta {interj} (thanks) SEE: thanks ::
tab {n} (cigarette) SEE: cigarette ::
table {n} (item of furniture) :: стол {m}
table {n} (grid of data in rows and columns) :: табліца {f}
tablecloth {n} (a cloth used to cover and protect a table, especially for a dining table) :: абрус {m}, настольнік {m}, настольніца {f}
tablet {n} (pill) SEE: pill ::
table tennis {n} (game similar to tennis) :: настольны тэніс {m}, пінг-понг {m}
tachometer {n} (device for measuring rpm) :: тахометр {m}
tachycardia {n} (rapid resting heart rate) :: тахікардыя {f}
taciturn {adj} (untalkative, silent) :: маўклівы, негаманлівы
taciturnous {adj} (taciturn) SEE: taciturn ::
tack {n} (nautical: distance between these maneuvers) SEE: board ::
tack {n} (hardtack) SEE: hardtack ::
tactics {n} (the employment of forces) :: тактыка {f}
tadpole {n} (toad or frog larva) :: апалонік {m}
taffeta {n} (woven fabric) :: тафта
Tagalog {n} (language) :: тагальская мова {f}, тагальская {f}
Tahiti {prop} (island) :: Таіці {m}
Taibei {prop} (Taipei) SEE: Taipei ::
taiga {n} (subarctic zone of coniferous forest) :: тайга {f}
tail {n} (appendage of an animal) :: хвост {m}
tailbone {n} (coccyx) SEE: coccyx ::
tailor {n} (person who makes, repairs, or alters clothing as profession) :: кравец {m}, краўчыха {f}
tailored {adj} (adjusted by a tailor, fitted) :: заказны, на заказ, падагнаны
Taimyr {prop} (large peninsula) :: Таймыр {m}
taipan {n} (venomous snake of the genus Oxyuranus) :: тайпаны
Tʻai-pei {prop} (Taipei) SEE: Taipei ::
Taipei {prop} (Taipei) :: Тайбэй {m}
Taiwan {prop} (East Asian country) :: Тайвань {m}
Taiwanese {adj} (relating to Taiwan) :: тайваньскі
Tajik {n} (person) :: таджык {m}, таджычка {f}
Tajik {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Tajikistan, the Tajik people or the Tajik language) :: таджыкскі, таджыцкі
Tajiki {prop} (dialect of Persian) SEE: Tajik ::
Tajikistan {prop} (Republic of Tajikistan) :: Таджыкістан {m}
Tajikistani {adj} (person of Tajik origin) SEE: Tajik ::
Tajikistani {adj} (of or pertaining to the Kazakh people or the Tajik language) SEE: Tajik ::
tajine {n} (stew originally from Morocco) :: таджын, тажын
take {v} (to get into one's hands or control) :: браць {impf}, ўзяць, узяць {pf}
take {v} (to exact) SEE: exact ::
take a bath {v} (to bathe) SEE: bathe ::
take a dump {v} (defecate) SEE: defecate ::
take apart {v} (defeat) SEE: defeat ::
take away {v} (to remove something and put it in a different place) :: выносіць {impf}, вынесці {pf}
take a wife {v} ((of a man) to marry a woman) :: жаніцца {impf}
take off {v} (to remove) :: здымаць {impf}, зняць {pf} [clothing]
take off {v} (to begin flight) :: узлятаць {impf}, узляцець {pf}
take off {v} (to imitate) SEE: imitate ::
take one's leave {v} (depart) SEE: depart ::
take one's own life {v} (commit suicide) SEE: commit suicide ::
take out {v} (to remove) :: выносіць {impf}, вынесці {pf}
take part {v} (participate or join) :: браць удзел {impf}, ўзяць удзел {pf}
talaria {n} (winged sandals) :: таларыі
tale {n} (type of story) :: апавяданне {n}
talent {n} (marked ability or skill) :: талант {m}
talented {adj} (endowed with talents) :: таленавіты, таланавіты, адораны
talisman {n} (magical protective charms) :: талісман
talk {v} (to communicate by speech) :: размаўляць, гаварыць
talk {v} ((transitive) to discuss) SEE: discuss ::
talk around {v} (persuade) SEE: persuade ::
talkative {adj} (tending to talk or speak freely or often) :: гаварлівы, гаваркі, размоўны
talk over {v} (discuss) SEE: discuss ::
talk over {v} (persuade) SEE: persuade ::
tall {adj} (of a person) :: высокі
tall {adj} (of a building) :: высокі
Tallinn {prop} (Capital of Estonia) :: Талін {m}
tallow {n} (hard animal fat obtained) :: сала {n}
Talmud {prop} (collection of Jewish writings) :: Талмуд {m}
talon {n} (hooked claw) :: кокаць {m}, кіпцюр {m}
tamada {n} ((chiefly Georgia) toastmaster) :: тамада {m}
tambour {n} (drum) SEE: drum ::
Tambov {prop} (a city in Russia) :: Тамбоў {m}
tampon {n} (A plug of cotton or other absorbent material) :: тампон {m}
Tanakh {prop} (body of Jewish scripture) :: Танах {m}
tang {n} (tongue) SEE: tongue ::
tangent {n} (in geometry) :: датычная {f}
tangent {n} (in trigonometry) :: тангенс {m}
tangerine {n} (fruit) :: мандарын {m}
tank {n} (fuel reservoir) :: бак {m}
tank {n} (armoured fighting vehicle) :: танк {m}
tank {n} (reservoir or dam) SEE: reservoir ::
tanked {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk ::
tank top {n} (singlet) SEE: singlet ::
tantalum {n} (A metallic chemical element with an atomic number of 73.) :: тантал {m}
Tanzania {prop} (United Republic of Tanzania) :: Танзанія {f}
tap {n} (device to dispense liquid) :: кран {m}
tape {n} (video or audiocassette tape) :: стужка {f}
tapioca {n} (starchy food from cassava) :: тапіёка {f}
tar {n} (substance) :: дзёгаць {m}, гудрон {m}, смала {f}
tar {n} (coal tar) :: смала {f}
Taraškievica {prop} (a classical Belarusian orthography, also a current alternative standard) :: тарашкевіца {f}
tarantass {n} (a low horse-drawn carriage without springs used in Russia) :: тарантас {m}
tardigrade {n} (water bear) SEE: water bear ::
target {n} (butt or mark to shoot at) :: мішэнь {f}
tariff {n} (duties imposed) :: тарыф {m}
tarsier {n} (insectivorous primate) :: даўгапят {m}
Tarvisio {prop} (town) :: Тарвізіа
Tashkent {prop} (capital of Uzbekistan) :: Ташкент {m}
task {n} (piece of work done as part of one’s duties) :: заданне {n}, задача {f}
Tasmania {prop} (Australian state) :: Тасманія {f}
taste {n} (one of the sensations produced by the tongue) :: смак {m}
tasty {adj} (having a pleasant or satisfying flavor) SEE: delicious ::
Tatarstan {prop} (Tatarstan, Russia) :: Татарстан {m}
Tatra {prop} (mountain range on the border of Poland and Slovakia) :: Татры {f-p}
tawny owl {n} (Strix aluco) :: няясыць шэрая {f}
tax {n} (money paid to government) :: падатак {m}
tax haven {n} (country that levies low taxes on foreign businesses) :: афшорная зона {f}
taxi {n} (vehicle) :: таксі {n}
taxpayer {n} (person who pays tax) :: падаткаплацельшчык {m}, падаткаплацельшчыца {f}, падаткаплатнік {m}, падаткаплатніца {f}
Tbilisi {prop} (the capital city of Georgia (the country)) :: Тбілісі {m}
Tchaikovsky {prop} (surname) :: Чайкоўскі
tea {n} (main evening meal) SEE: dinner ::
tea {n} (drink made from leaves of tea plant) :: гарбата {f}, чай {m}
tea ceremony {n} (detailed ritual in Japan or Asia for preparing, serving and drinking tea) :: чайная цырымонія {f}
teach {v} (to pass on knowledge) :: вучыць {impf}, выкладаць {impf}
teach {v} (to pass on one's knowledge as one's profession) :: выкладаць {impf}
teacher {n} (index finger) SEE: forefinger ::
teacher {n} (person who teaches) :: настаўнік {m}, выхавальнік {m}
teacher {n} (a female person who teaches) :: настаўніца {f}, выхавальніца {f}
teacher's desk {n} (pulpit) SEE: pulpit ::
teahouse {n} (a cafe that sells tea) :: гарбатная {f}, чайхана {f} [Central Asia, etc.]
teakettle {n} (a vessel for boiling water for tea) :: чайнік {m}, гарбатнік {m}
tea leaf {n} (thief) SEE: thief ::
team {n} (group of people) :: каманда {f}
teapot {n} (vessel for tea) :: чайнік {m}, гарбатнік {m}, імбрычак {m}
tear {v} (rend) :: рваць {impf}, ірваць {impf}
tear {n} (drop of clear salty liquid from the eyes) :: сляза {f}
tearoom {n} (teahouse) SEE: teahouse ::
tea shop {n} (a shop where tea or coffee is served) SEE: teahouse ::
technetium {n} (chemical element) :: тэхнецый {m}
technique {n} (practical aspects of a given art) :: тэхніка {f}
technology {n} (the study of or a collection of techniques) :: тэхналогія {f}, тэхніка {f}, тэхналёгія {f}
teddy bear {n} (a stuffed toy bear) :: плюшавы мішка {m}
teen {adj} (teenager) SEE: teenager ::
-teen {suffix} (to form numbers 13 - 19) :: -наццаць [11 to 19]
teenager {n} (person aged between thirteen and nineteen) :: падлетак {m}
Tegucigalpa {prop} (capital of Honduras) :: Тэгусігальпа {f}
Teheran {prop} (Tehran) SEE: Tehran ::
Tehran {prop} (capital of Iran) :: Тэгеран {m}
tečka {n} (tečka diacritic) SEE: dot ::
Telavi {prop} (the main city and administrative center of Georgia's eastern province of Kakheti) :: Тэлаві
Tel Aviv {prop} (city in Israel) :: Тэль-Авіў {m}
telega {n} (a simple four-wheeled Russian cart without springs) :: калёсы {n-p}
telegram {v} (telegraph) SEE: telegraph ::
telegram {n} (message sent by telegraph) :: тэлеграма {f}
telegraph {n} (apparatus, or a process, for communicating) :: тэлеграф {m}
telepathy {n} (communication by psychic means) :: тэлепатыя {f}
telephone {n} (a device used for two-way talking with other people) :: тэлефон {m}
telephone {v} (to call someone) :: званіць {impf}, пазваніць {pf}; тэлефанаваць {impf}, патэлефанаваць {pf}
telephone number {n} (digits assigned to a telephone) :: нумар тэлефона {m}
telephonic {adj} (of or relating to telephony) :: тэлефонны
telescope {n} (optical instrument that magnifies) :: тэлескоп {m}
teleshow {n} (television show) SEE: television show ::
television {n} (medium) :: тэлебачанне {n}, тэлевізія {f}
television {n} (device for receiving television signals) :: тэлевізар {m}
television program {n} (the content of an individual television broadcasting) :: тэлеперадача {f}
television series {n} (series) SEE: series ::
television set {n} (television) SEE: television ::
television show {n} (live or recorded TV broadcast or program) :: тэлепраграма {f}, тэлеперадача {f}, тэлевізійная праграма {f}
tell {v} (to pass information) :: гаварыць {impf}, казаць {impf}, сказаць {pf}
tell {v} (narrate) SEE: narrate ::
teller {n} (bank clerk who receives and pays out money) :: касір {m}
teller {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine ::
tellurium {n} (chemical element) :: тэлур {m}
telnyashka {n} (a white undershirt with horizontal stripes, sometimes sleeveless, worn as part of a Russian military uniform) :: цяльняшка {f}, нацельнік {m}
temblor {n} (earthquake) SEE: earthquake ::
temperance {n} (state with regard to heat or cold) SEE: temperature ::
temperature {n} (a measure of cold or heat) :: тэмпература {f}
tempest {n} (storm) :: бура {f}
template {n} (physical object) :: шаблон {m}
temple {n} (place of worship, see also: church; mosque; synagogue) :: храм {m}
temple {n} (region of skull) :: скронь {f}
tempo {n} (frequency or rate) :: тэмп {m}
tempo {n} (music: number of beats per minute) :: тэмп {m}
temporarily {adv} (for a limited period of time) :: тымчасова, часова
temporary {adj} (for a limited time, ephemeral, not constant) :: тымчасовы, часовы
tempura {n} (dish made by deep-frying food in a light batter) :: тэмпура {f}
ten {n} :: дзясятка
ten {num} (the cardinal number occurring after 9 and before 11) :: дзесяць, дзясяцера
Ten Commandments {prop} (religious ten commandments) :: Дзесяць запаведзей {f-p}
tender {adj} (soft and easily chewed) :: далікатны
tender {adj} (fond, loving, gentle, sweet) :: пяшчотны, ласкавы, нежны [rare], далікатны
tendon {n} (tough band of inelastic fibrous tissue that connects a muscle with its bony attachment) :: сухажылле {n}
Tennessee {prop} (state) :: Тэнесі {m}
tennis {n} (sport played by two or four players with strung racquets) :: тэніс {m}
tennis player {n} (a person who plays tennis) :: тэнісіст {m}, тэнісістка {f}
tenpin bowling {n} (bowling) SEE: bowling ::
tense {n} (verb forms distinguishing time) :: час {m}
tent {n} (portable lodge) :: палатка {f}
tentacle {n} (elongated, boneless, flexible appendage) :: шчупальца {n}
tenth {adj} (ordinal form of ten, see also: 10th) :: дзясяты
ten thousand {num} (10,000) :: дзесяць тысяч
terbium {n} (chemical element) :: тэрбій {m}
term {n} (limitation, restriction or regulation) :: умова {f}
term {n} (word or phrase, especially one from a specialised area of knowledge) :: тэрмін {m}
term {n} (relations among people) :: адносіны {f-p}
term {n} (part of a year) :: чвэрць {f}
term {n} (period of time, time limit) :: тэрмін {m}
termes {n} (a termite) SEE: termite ::
termination {n} (the last part (or morpheme) of a word, see also: suffix) :: канчатак {m}
termitarium {n} (termite colony) :: тэрмітнік {m}
termite {n} (insect) :: тэрміт {m}
Ternopil {prop} (city) :: Цярнопаль {m}, Тэрнопаль {m} [dated]
Ternopol {prop} (Ternopil) SEE: Ternopil ::
Terpsichore {prop} (Greek mythology: one of the nine muses) :: Тэрпсіхора {f}
Terra {prop} (the Planet Earth) SEE: Earth ::
terrestrial {adj} (of, relating to, or inhabiting the Earth or its inhabitants) :: зямны
terrible {adv} (dreadful; causing alarm or fear) :: жудасны, страшны, жахлівы {m}
terrible {adv} (most formidable) :: грозны
territorial {adj} (of, relating to, or restricted to a specific geographic area, or territory) :: тэрытарыяльны
territory {n} (large tract of land) :: тэрыторыя {f}
terror {n} (extreme fear) :: жах {m}
terror {n} (terrorism) :: тэракт {m}, тэрор {m}, тэрарызм {m}
terrorism {n} (use of terror as a means of coercion) :: тэрарызм {m}
terrorist {n} (person who uses terror as a weapon in a political struggle) :: тэрарыст {m}, тэрарыстка {f}
terrorist {adj} (of or relating to terrorism) :: тэрарыстычны
terza rima {n} (arrangement of triplets rhyming aba bcb cdc) :: тэрцына {f}
test {n} (challenge, trial) :: тэст {m}, выпрабаванне {n}
test {n} (academics: examination) :: экзамен {m}, тэст {m}, кантрольная работа {f} [control work]
test {n} (product examination) :: тэст {m}
testament {n} (document containing a person's will) :: запавет {m}, духоўніца {f}, завяшчанне {n}, наказ {m}, тэстамант {m}
testament {n} (part of the Bible) :: запавет {m}
testicle {n} (male sex gland) :: яечка {n}, тэсцікула {f} [rare]
testosterone {n} (steroid hormone) :: тэстастэрон {m}
tetanus {n} (disease) :: слупняк {m}
tetragon {n} (quadrilateral) SEE: quadrilateral ::
tetrahedron {n} (polyhedron) :: тэтраэдр {m}, чатырохсценнік {m}, чатырохсцен {m}
tetrapod {n} (any vertebrate with four limbs) SEE: quadruped ::
Tetris {prop} (game in which falling shapes must be manipulated) :: Тэтрыс {m}
Teutonic Knights {prop} (order) :: Тэўтонскі ордэн {m}
text {n} (a written passage) :: тэкст {m}
textbook {n} (formal manual of instruction) :: падручнік {m}
Thai {adj} (of or pertaining to Thailand) :: тайскі, тайландскі {f}
Thai {n} (language) :: тайская мова {f}, тайская {f}
Thailand {prop} (country in Southeast Asia) :: Тайланд {m}
thallium {n} (chemical element) :: талій {m}
Thames {prop} (river through London) :: Тэмза {f}
than {prep} (Introduces a comparison) :: чым, ніж, за [+ accusative], як
thanatology {n} (deathlore) SEE: deathlore ::
thank {v} (express gratitude or appreciation to someone) :: дзякаваць
thank {v} :: дзякаваць
thankful {adj} (showing thanks) :: ўдзячны, удзячны
thank God {interj} (exclamation of gratitude or relief) :: слава богу, дзякуй богу
thank goodness {interj} (express gratitude) :: слава богу, дзякуй богу
thanks {interj} (used to express appreciation or gratitude) :: дзякую
thanks in advance {interj} (thanks in advance) :: загадзя дзякуй, загадзя дзякую
thanks to {prep} (because of) :: дзякуючы
thank you {interj} (an expression of gratitude) :: дзякую, дзякуй
that {conj} (connecting a noun clause) :: што
that {determiner} (what is being indicated) :: той
that {pron} (which) :: які {m}
Thatcher {prop} (surname) :: Тэтчэр {m} {f}
that is {adv} (in other words) :: гэта значыць, г.зн., то бок [colloquial]
that is to say {adv} (in other words) SEE: that is ::
that's life {phrase} (expression of acceptance of misfortune) SEE: such is life ::
thaw {v} (to melt, dissolve, or become fluid) :: раставаць {impf}, растаяць {pf}
the {article} (article) :: Not used in Belarusian
theater {n} (cinema) SEE: cinema ::
theater {n} (place or building) :: тэатр {m}, тэатар {m} [Taraškievica]
theatre {n} (theater) SEE: theater ::
thede {n} (nation) SEE: nation ::
thee {pron} (thou) SEE: thou ::
theft {n} (act of stealing property) :: крадзеж {m}, кража {f}
The Hague {prop} (Dutch city) :: Гаага {f}
their {determiner} (belonging to them (plural)) :: іх
theirs {pron} (that which belongs to them) :: іх
theme {n} (subject of a talk or an artistic piece) :: тэма {f}
themselves {pron} (the reflexive case of they, the third-person plural personal pronoun) :: сябе [accusative, genitive], сабе [dative, locative], сабой [instrumental]; -цца [verb ending]
themselves {pron} (emphatic: they) :: яны самі
then {adv} (at that time) :: тады
then {adv} (soon afterward) :: затым
then {adv} (in that case) :: тады
theocracy {n} (government under the control of a Church) :: тэакратыя {f}
theodolite {n} (instrument) :: тэадаліт {m}
Theodore {prop} (male given name) :: Фёдар {m}
theoretical {adj} (of or relating to theory) :: акадэмічны {m}
theory {n} (a coherent set of statements attempting to explain observed phenomena) :: тэорыя {f}
theosophic {adj} (of, or relating to theosophy) :: тэасофскі, тэасафічны
theosophy {n} (doctrine of religious philosophy and mysticism) :: тэасофія
therapy {n} (treatment of disease) :: тэрапія {f}, лячэнне {n}
there {adv} (in or at that place) :: там
there {adv} (to or into that place; thither) :: туды
there are {phrase} :: ёсць [singular and plural]
there be {v} (to exist) :: быць, мецца, ёсць
therefor {adv} (therefore) SEE: therefore ::
therefore {adv} (for that or this reason; for that) :: таму
there is {v} (third-person singular simple present indicative form of there be) :: ёсць [singular and plural]
there you go {phrase} (here you are) SEE: here you are ::
Thermidor {prop} (the eleventh month of the French Republican Calendar) :: тэрмідор {m}
thermodynamic equilibrium {n} (state of equal temperature) :: тэрмадынамічная раўнавага {f}
thermometer {n} (apparatus used to measure temperature) :: тэрмометр {m}
thermos {n} (vacuum flask) :: тэрмас {m}
thermosphere {n} (layer of the Earth's atmosphere) :: тэрмасфера {f}
these {determiner} (plural of this) :: гэтыя {p}
Thessaloniki {prop} (city in Greece) :: Фесалонікі {p}
they {pron} (third-person plural pronoun) :: яны
thick {adj} (relatively great in extent from one surface to another) :: тоўсты
thick {adj} (having a viscous consistency) :: густы
thicket {n} (copse) :: хмыз {m}
thickness {n} (layer) SEE: layer ::
thickness {n} (property of being thick in dimension) :: таўшчыня {f}
thief {n} (one who carries out theft) :: злодзей {m}, зладзейка {f}
thief in law {n} (high-status criminal in Russia, etc.) :: злодзей у законе {m}
thigh {n} (upper leg) :: сцягно {n}, бядро {n}
thimble {n} (a protective cap for the finger) :: напарстак {m}
thin {adj} (having little thickness or extent from one surface to its opposite) :: тонкі
thin {adj} :: тонкі
thine {determiner} (possessive determiner) :: твой
thine {pron} (possessive pronoun) :: твой
thing {n} (that which is considered to exist as a separate entity, object, quality or concept) :: рэч {f}
think {v} (communicate to oneself in one’s mind) :: думаць {impf}, падумаць {pf}; мысліць {impf}, памысліць {pf}
think nothing of it {phrase} (you're welcome) SEE: you're welcome ::
think of {v} (think) SEE: think ::
third {adj} (the ordinal form of the cardinal number three, see also: 3rd) :: трэці {m}
third {n} (person or thing in the third position) :: трэці
third {n} (one of three equal parts of a whole) :: траціна {f}
thirst {n} (dryness) :: прага {f}, смага {f}
thirsty {adj} (needing to drink) :: які хоча піць
thirteen {num} (the cardinal number occurring after twelve and before fourteen) :: трынаццаць
thirteenth {adj} (ordinal form of thirteen, see also: 13th) :: трынаццаты
thirty {num} (cardinal number) :: трыццаць
thirty-eight {num} (38) :: трыццаць восем
thirty-five {num} (35) :: трыццаць пяць
thirty-four {num} (34) :: трыццаць чатыры
thirty-nine {num} (39) :: трыццаць дзевяць
thirty-one {num} (31) :: трыццаць адзін
thirty-seven {num} (37) :: трыццаць сем
thirty-six {num} (36) :: трыццаць шэсць
thirty-three {num} (33) :: трыццаць тры
thirty-two {num} (32) :: трыццаць два
this {determiner} (the (thing) here) :: гэты {m}, гэтая {f}, гэта {n}, гэтыя {p}
this {pron} (The thing, item, etc. being indicated) :: гэты {m}, гэта
thistle {n} (plant) :: чартапалох {m}
this way {n} (to indicate direction) :: сюды
thither {adv} (to that place) :: туды
thole {v} (to suffer) SEE: suffer ::
Thomas {prop} (biblical Apostle) :: Фама {m}
Thomas {prop} (given name) :: Фама {m}
thong {n} (footwear) :: в'етнамкі {f-p}
thorium {n} (chemical element) :: торый {m}
thorn {n} (letter of the Latin alphabet (Þ, þ)) :: торн {m}
thou {pron} (singular nominative form of you) :: ты
thou {v} (to address (a person) using the familiar second-person pronoun) :: тыкаць {impf}
thought {n} (form created in the mind) :: думка {f}, мысль {f}
thousand {num} (cardinal number 1000) :: тысяча {f}
Thrace {prop} (historical and geographic area in southeast Europe) :: Фракія {f}
thread {n} (long, thin and flexible form of material) :: нітка {f}
threads {n} (clothes) SEE: clothes ::
threads {n} (thread) SEE: thread ::
threat {n} (expression of intent to injure or punish another) :: пагроза {f}
threaten {v} (to make a threat against someone; to use threats) :: пагражаць {impf}
threatening {adj} (presenting a threat) :: пагражальны, пагрозлівы
three {num} (cardinal number 3) :: тры, [collective] трое, тройка {f}
three {n} (digit/figure 3) :: тройка {f}
three hundred {num} (cardinal number 300) :: трыста
three stops short of Dagenham {adj} (crazy; mad) SEE: crazy ::
three thousand {num} (3,000) :: тры тысячы
thresher {n} (farm machine) :: малатарня {f}
threshing floor {n} (floor of a threshing house) :: ток {m}
threshold {n} (bottom-most part of a doorway) :: парог {m}
thrift {n} (characteristic of using a minimum of something) :: ашчаднасць {f}, беражлівасць {f}, ашчадлівасць {f}, ашчэднасць, зборлівасць {f}, эканомнасць {f}
thrifty {adj} (given to, or evincing, thrift) :: беражлівы, ашчадны, эканомны
throat {n} (front part of the neck) :: горла {n}
thrombosis {n} (formation of thrombi, causing obstruction of circulation) :: трамбоз {m}
throne {n} (ornate seat) :: трон {m}, прастол {m}, пасад {m}
throne room {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet ::
through {prep} (from one side of an opening to the other) :: праз, цераз, пераз [dated]
throw {v} (to cause an object to move rapidly through the air) :: кідаць {impf}, кінуць {pf}
throw up {v} (to vomit) SEE: vomit ::
thru {prep} (through) SEE: through ::
thrush {n} (one of several species of songbirds of the family Turdidae) :: дрозд {m}
thulium {n} (chemical element) :: тулій {m}
thumb {n} (digit) :: вялікі палец {m}
Thumbelina {prop} (a thumb-sized girl, the main character of a fairy tale) :: Traditional: Пярсьцяначка {f}, Цалёвачка {f}
thumbnail {n} (small picture) :: мініяцюра {f}, карцінка {f}
Thun {prop} (city and municipality) :: Тун {m}
thunder {n} (sound caused by lightning) :: гром {m}
thunderstorm {n} (storm with thunder and lightning) :: навальніца {f}, бура {f}
Thursday {n} (day of the week) :: чацвер {m}
thy {determiner} (possessive determiner) :: твой
thyme {n} (plant of the genus Thymus, see also: wild thyme) :: чабор {m}
Tibet {prop} (region in Inner Asia) :: Тыбет {m}, Тыбэт {m}
Tibetan {n} (a language) :: тыбецкая {f}, тыбэцкая {f} [taraškievica]
tick {n} (arachnid) :: клешч {m}
ticket {n} (admission to entertainment) :: білет {m}
ticket {n} (pass for transportation) :: білет {m}
ticket stamping machine {n} (ticket validating machine) :: кампосцер {m}
tickle {v} (to touch in a manner that causes tingling sensation) :: казытаць {impf}, ласкатаць {impf}, шчакатаць {impf}, казлытаць {impf}, шлакатаць {impf}
tide {n} (periodic change of sea level) :: прыліў {m} [high tide], адліў {m} [low tide]
tide {n} (high tide) SEE: high tide ::
tide {n} (low tide) SEE: low tide ::
tie {n} (tie score) :: нічыя {f}
tie {v} (to attach or fasten with string) :: звязваць {impf}, звязаць {pf}, прывязваць {impf}, прывязаць {pf}
tie {n} (necktie) SEE: necktie ::
tiger {n} (The mammal Panthera tigris) :: тыгр {m}, тыгра {f} [colloquial]
tiger cub {n} (young tiger) :: тыграня {n}, тыгранё {n}
tight {adj} (narrow) SEE: narrow ::
tight {adj} (pushed/pulled together) :: цесны
tight {adj} (under high tension) :: тугі
tigress {n} (female tiger) :: тыгрыца {f}
Tigrinya {prop} (language) :: тыгрынья {f}
Tijuana {prop} (city in Baja California, Mexico) :: Тыхуана {f}
tile {n} (mostly rectangular shaped sheet of ceramic or fired clay to cover surfaces) :: кафля {f}, плітка {f}
till {prep} (until) :: да
till point {n} (cash desk) SEE: cash desk ::
timber {n} (trees considered as a source of wood) :: драўніна {f}
timber {n} (wood that has been cut ready for construction) :: лесаматэрыял {m}
time {n} (inevitable passing of events) :: час {m}
time {n} (instance or occurrence) :: раз {m}
time is money {proverb} (time is money) :: час — грошы, час — гэта грошы
time of day {n} (time according to the clock) SEE: time ::
Times Square {prop} (wide intersection in New York City) :: Таймс-сквер {m}
timetable {n} (a structured schedule of events) :: расклад {m}, графік {m}
time zone {n} (range of longitudes where a common standard time is used) :: часавы пояс {m}, часавы пас {m} [taraškievica]
timezone {n} (time zone) SEE: time zone ::
timid {adj} (lacking in courage or confidence) :: баязны, баязлівы, палахлівы, нясмелы
Timor-Leste {prop} (East Timor) SEE: East Timor ::
Timothy {prop} (male given name) :: Цімафей {m}
timpanum {n} (eardrum) SEE: eardrum ::
timpanum {n} (hearing organ) SEE: tympanum ::
timpanum {n} (ornamental panel) SEE: tympanum ::
tin {n} (element) :: волава {f}
tin {n} (airtight container) :: бляшанка {f}, кансерва {f}
tinkle {v} (to urinate) SEE: urinate ::
tin opener {n} (tin opener) SEE: can opener ::
tin-opener {n} (can opener) SEE: can opener ::
tiny {adj} (very small) :: малюсенькі, малюхны, маленечкі, маленькі, дробны
tip {n} (small amount of money left for a servant as a token of appreciation) :: чаявыя {m-p}
tip-top {adj} (excellent) SEE: excellent ::
tiramisu {n} (semifreddo dessert) :: тырамісу {m}
Tirana {prop} (capital city of Albania) :: Тырана {f}
Tiraspol {prop} (capital of Transnistria) :: Ціраспаль {m}, Тыраспаль {m} [Taraškievica]
tire {n} (rubber covering on a wheel) SEE: tyre ::
tire {v} (to become sleepy) :: утамляцца {impf}, утаміцца {pf}, стамляцца {impf}, стаміцца {pf}
tired {adj} (in need of rest or sleep) :: стомлены, змораны
tired {adj} (fed up) SEE: fed up ::
tiresome {adj} (causing fatigue or boredom) :: абрыдлівы
tiring {adj} (that tires or tire) :: утомны, стомны
tissue {n} (sheet of absorbent paper) :: сурвэтка {f}
tit {n} ((slang, vulgar) a woman's breast) :: сіська {f}
tit {n} (chickadee) SEE: chickadee ::
Titan {prop} (moon of Saturn) :: Тытан {m}
Titanic {prop} (ship) :: Тытанік {m}
titanium {n} (chemical element) :: тытан {m}
titer {v} (titrate) SEE: titrate ::
titfer {n} (hat) SEE: hat ::
tit for tat {n} (hat) SEE: hat ::
tithe {n} (tenth) SEE: tenth ::
Titian {prop} (sixteenth century Italian painter) :: Тыцыян {m}
title {n} (prefix or suffix added to a name) :: тытул {m}, званне {n}
title {n} (name of a book, etc) :: назва {f}
titmouse {n} (Any bird of the family Paridae) :: сініца {f}
titrate {v} (to ascertain the concentration of a solution) :: цітраваць
titushky {n} (a violent pro-government vigilante involved in cracking down on popular protest) :: цітушка {m} {f}
Tōkyō {prop} (Tokyo) SEE: Tokyo ::
toad {n} (amphibian similar to a frog) :: рапуха {f}, жаба {f}
toast {n} (toasted bread) :: грэнка {f}, тост {m}
toast {n} (salutation) :: тост {m}
toaster {n} (device for toasting bread) :: тостар {m}
tobacco {n} (any plant of the genus Nicotiana) :: тытунь {m}
tobacco {n} (leaves of certain varieties of tobacco plant) :: тытунь {m}
tobacco pipe {n} (smoking tool) :: [курыльная] трубка {f}, файка {f}, люлька {f}
today {adv} (on the current day) :: сёння, сягоння
toe {n} (each of the five digits on the end of the foot) :: палец нагі {m}, палец {m}
to each his own {proverb} (every person is entitled to his or her personal preferences) :: кожнаму сваё
tofu {n} (protein-rich food made from curdled soy milk) :: тофу {n}
together {adv} (at the same time, in the same place) :: разам, сумесна, супольна
Togo {prop} (Togolese Republic) :: Тога {f}
toilet {n} (dressing room) :: гардэробная {f}, прыбіральня {f}
toilet {n} (room used for urination and defecation, see also: bathroom; men's room; ladies' room; outhouse; portable toilet; latrine; shitter) :: туалет {m}, прыбіральня {f}
toilet {n} (fixture used for urination and defecation, see also: flush toilet; squat toilet; chemical toilet; urinal; latrine) :: туалет {m}
toilet paper {n} (paper to clean oneself after defecation or urination) :: туалетная папера {f}
toilet water {n} (perfumed mixture of water and alcohol) SEE: eau de toilette ::
Toki Pona {prop} (constructed language) :: такіпона
Tokyo {prop} (capital of Japan) :: Токіа {m} Токіё {m} [Taraškievica]
tolerant {adj} (tending to permit, allow, understand, or accept something) :: цярплівы {m}
Tolyatti {prop} (city) :: Тальяці {m}
tom {n} (prostitute) SEE: prostitute ::
tom {n} (lesbian) SEE: lesbian ::
tom {n} (male cat) :: кот {m}
tomato {n} (fruit) :: памідор {m}, тамат {m}
tomato sauce {n} (ketchup) SEE: ketchup ::
tomb {n} (small building or vault for the remains of the dead) :: грабніца {f}, магільня {f}
tomcat {n} (tom) SEE: tom ::
tomnoddy {n} (puffin) SEE: puffin ::
tomorrow {adv} (on the day after the present day) :: заўтра
tomorrow {n} (the day after the present day) :: заўтра {n}
Tomsk {prop} (а city in Russia) :: Томск {m}
Tom Thumb {prop} (the thumb-sized hero of a fairy tale) :: Traditional: Хлопчык як пальчык {m}, Малое Пальчанё {n}
ton {n} (unit of weight) :: тона {f}
tone {n} (pitch of a word that distinguishes a difference in meaning) :: тон {m}
tongue {n} (organ) :: язык {m}
tongue {n} (language) SEE: language ::
tongue-twister {n} (phrase which is difficult to say) :: скорагаворка {f}, быстрамоўка {f} [taraškievica]
tonight {adv} (during today's evening) :: сёння вечарам
tonight {adv} (during today's nighttime) :: сёння ноччу
too {adv} (likewise) :: таксама
too {adv} (more than enough; as too much) :: занадта, надта, за- [prefix], завельмі
toodeloo {interj} (goodbye) SEE: goodbye ::
tool {n} (mechanical device intended to make a task easier) :: інструмент {m}, прылада {f}
toon {n} (town) SEE: town ::
tooth {n} (biological tooth) :: зуб {m}
toothbrush {n} (brush for cleaning the teeth and tongue) :: зубная шчотка {f}
toothpaste {n} (paste for cleaning the teeth) :: зубная паста {f}
toothpick {n} (stick for removing food residue from the area between the teeth) :: зубачыстка {f}
top {n} (uppermost part) :: вяршыня {f}, верх {m}
topaz {n} (gem) :: тапаз {m}
topic {n} (discussion thread) SEE: thread ::
topic {n} (subject; theme) :: тэма {f}
tor {n} (hill) SEE: hill ::
Torah {prop} (the Five Books of Moses - the full body of Jewish law) :: Тора {f}
torch {n} (flashlight) SEE: flashlight ::
torch {n} (stick with flame at one end) :: паходня {f}, факел {m}
torment {n} (extreme pain) :: пакута {f}, мука {f}
Toronto {prop} (city in Canada) :: Таронта {m}
torso {n} (body excluding the head and limbs) :: тулава {n}, торс {m}, корпус {m}
tortoise {n} (land-dwelling reptile) :: [tortoise or turtle] чарапаха {f}
torture {n} (intentional causing of somebody's experiencing agony) :: катаванне {n}, тартура {f}
torture {v} (to intentionally inflict unnecessary pain or suffering on helpless victims) :: катаваць {impf}, мучыць {impf}
torturer {n} (one who tortures) :: мучыцель {m}, катавальнік {m}, кат {m}
Toruń {prop} (city in northern Poland) :: Торунь
totalitarianism {n} (system where state wields absolute control) :: таталітарызм {m}
total war {n} (warfare where all of a country's resources are employed) :: татальная вайна {f}
to that end {prep} (therefore) SEE: therefore ::
to the max {prep} (very) SEE: very ::
toucan {n} (Ramphastid) :: тукан {m}
touch {v} (make physical contact with) :: кранаць {impf}, крануць {pf}, датыкацца {impf}, даткнуцца {pf}
touchdown {n} (landing) :: прызямленне {n}
tough {adj} (stubborn) SEE: stubborn ::
Toulouse {prop} (a city in France) :: Тулуза {f}
Tour de France {prop} (annual long-distance cycling race through France) :: Тур дэ Франс {m}
tourism {n} (the act of travelling or sightseeing) :: турызм {m}
tourist {n} (someone who travels for pleasure) :: турыст {m}, турыстка {f}
tourniquet {n} (a tightly compressed bandage used to stop bleeding) :: жгут {m}, джгут {m}
tovarish {n} (comrade) SEE: comrade ::
tovarish {n} (comrade, especially with reference to the former USSR, see also: comrade) :: таварыш {m}
towel {n} (cloth used for wiping) :: ручнік {m}, рушнік {m}, уціральнік {m}
tower {n} (structure) :: вежа {f}, вышка {f}, церам {m}
Tower of London {prop} (a fortress in London) :: Таўэр {m}, Лонданскі Таўэр {m}
Tower of Pisa {prop} (Leaning Tower of Pisa) SEE: Leaning Tower of Pisa ::
town {n} (settlement) :: горад {m}, места {n}
town hall {n} (a building that houses the local government offices of a town) :: мэрыя {f}
townhouse {n} (town hall) SEE: town hall ::
townlet {n} (a small town) :: гарадок {m}, мястэчка {n}
toy {n} (something to play with) :: цацка {f}, забаўка {f}
trace {v} (to draw or sketch) :: чарціць {impf}, начарціць {pf}
trachoma {n} (infectious disease) :: трахома {f}
track {n} (mark left by something that has passed along) :: след {m}
track {n} (beaten path) :: шлях {m}, пуць {m}, дарога {f}, траса {f}, сцежка {f}
track {n} (path or course laid out for a race or exercise) :: трэк {m}, траса {f}
track {n} (permanent way; the rails) :: траса {f}, пуць {m}, дарога {f}
tractor {n} (farm vehicle) :: трактар {m}
tractor driver {n} (one who drives a tractor) :: трактарыст {m}, трактарыстка {f}
trade {n} (buying and selling) :: гандаль {m}, камерцыя {f}, таргоўля {f}
trader {n} (one who earns a living by trading) :: гандляр {m}
trade union {n} (organization) :: прафсаюз {m}, прафесійны саюз {m}
tradition {n} (a part of culture that is passed from person to person or generation to generation) :: традыцыя {f}
traditional {adj} (of or pertaining to tradition) :: традыцыйны
traffic {n} (pedestrians or vehicles on roads or on the air) :: рух {m}
traffic jam {n} (situation in which all road traffic is stationary or very slow) :: корак {m}, затор {m}
traffic light {n} (signalling device) :: святлафор {m}
tragedy {n} (disastrous event, especially one involving great loss of life or injury) :: трагедыя {f}, няшчасце {n}, гора {n}, бяда {f}
trailer {n} (vehicle towed behind another, used for carrying equipment) :: прычэп {m}
train {n} (line of connected cars or carriages) :: цягнік {m}, [steam] паравоз {m}, поезд {m}
trainer {n} (person who trains another; coach) :: трэнер {m}
train station {n} (place where trains stop for passengers) SEE: railway station ::
trait {n} (an identifying characteristic, habit or trend) :: рыса {f}
traitor {n} (one who violates allegiance and betrays one's country) :: здраднік {m}, здрадніца {f}
trajectory {n} (path of a body) :: траекторыя {f}
tram {n} (passenger vehicle) :: трамвай {m}
tramcar {n} (streetcar) SEE: tram ::
trance {n} (genre of electronic dance music) :: транс
transcribe {v} (to convert a representation of language into another) :: транскрыбіраваць {impf} {pf}
transcript {n} (something which has been transcribed) :: транскрыпцыя
transcription {n} (in linguistics) :: транскрыпцыя {f}
transfer {n} (act) :: перадача {f}
transfuge {n} (deserter) SEE: deserter ::
transfuge {n} (turncoat) SEE: turncoat ::
transgender {n} (a transgender person) :: трансгендар {m}
transitive {adj} (grammar, of a verb: taking an object or objects) :: пераходны
transitive verb {n} (a verb that is accompanied by a direct object) :: пераходны дзеяслоў {m}
translatable {adj} (capable of being translated into another language) :: перакладальны
translate {v} (to change text from one language to another) :: [пісьмова] перакладаць {impf}, перакласці {pf}, пераводзіць {impf}, перавесці {pf}
translation {n} (act of translating between languages) :: пераклад {m}
translation {n} (result of translating between languages) :: пераклад {m}
translator {n} (someone who translates) :: перакладчык {m}, перакладчыца {f}
transliteration {n} (product of transliterating) :: транслітарацыя {f}
Transnistria {prop} (Transnistria, an autonomous territory in Moldova) :: Прыднястроўе {n}
transparency {n} (quality of being transparent; transparence) :: празрыстасць {f}
transparent {adj} (see-through, clear) :: празрысты
transphobia {n} (fear or hatred of transsexuality or transgenderism) :: трансфобія {f}
transpire {v} (to happen, take place) SEE: happen ::
transportation {n} (act of transporting) :: перавозка {f}
transportation {n} (means of conveyance) :: транспарт {m}
transsexualism {n} (transsexuality) SEE: transsexuality ::
transsexuality {n} (the state, condition, or properties of being transsexual) :: транссексуальнасць {f}, транссексуалізм {m}
Transylvania {prop} (Transylvania) :: Трансільванія {f}, Сяміградзе {n}
trap {n} (device designed to catch or kill animals) :: пастка {f}
Trasyanka {prop} (language) :: трасянка {f}
trauma {n} (serious injury to the body) :: траўма {f}
travel {v} (be on a journey) :: падарожнічаць {impf}, вандраваць {impf}, ездзіць {impf}
travel {n} (act of traveling) :: падарожжа {n}, паездка {f} [specific]
traveler {n} (one who travels) SEE: traveller ::
traveller {n} (one who travels) :: падарожнік {m}, падарожніца {f}, вандроўнік {m}, вандроўніца {f}
travelling salesman {n} (itinerant salesperson) :: коміваяжор {m}
tray {n} (object on which things are carried) :: паднос {m}
treachery {n} (treason) SEE: treason ::
treason {n} (crime of betraying one’s country) :: здрада {f}
treasure {n} (collection of valuable things) :: скарб {m}
treasury {n} (place where treasure is stored safely) :: скарбніца {f}, казна {f}, скарб {m}
treasury {n} (place where state or royal money and valuables are stored) :: скарбніца {f}, казна {f}, скарб {m}
treasury {n} (collection of artistic or literary works) :: скарбніца {f}
treat {n} ((obsolete) A parley or discussion of terms; a negotiation) SEE: negotiation ::
treatment {n} (process or manner of treating) :: абыходжанне {n}
treatment {n} (medical care for an illness or injury) :: лячэнне {n}
treaty {n} (a binding agreement under international law) :: дагавор {m}, умова {f}, пакт {m}
tree {proverb} (large woody plant) :: дрэва {n}
tree hollow {n} (tree hollow) :: дупло {n}
tree sparrow {n} (Passer montanus) :: палявы верабей {m}
tree trunk {n} (the main structural member of a tree) :: ствол {m}
tremble {v} (to shake) :: дрыжаць {impf}
trepanation {n} (practice of drilling a hole in the skull) :: трэпанацыя
treshchotka {n} (an old Russian percussion instrument) :: трашчотка {f}
trespass {n} (sin) SEE: sin ::
trial {n} (chance to test something out) :: выпрабаванне {n}, вопыт {m}, проба {f}, дослед {m}, эксперымент {m}
trial {n} (appearance at judicial court) :: суд {m}, разгляд {m}, разбор {m}, працэс {m}
triangle {n} (polygon) :: трохкутнік {m}
tribal {adj} (of or relating to tribes) :: племянны
tribe {n} (group of people) :: племя {n}, род {m}
tribology {n} (science and technology of lubrication) :: трыбалогія
tribunal {n} (assembly including one or more judges to conduct judicial business) :: трыбунал {m}, суд {m}
tributary {n} (stream which flows into a larger one) :: прыток {m}
trick {n} (magic trick) :: фокус {m}, трук {m}
trickster {n} (fraud) SEE: fraud ::
tricolour {n} (A flag with three stripes of different colours) :: трыкалор {m}
Trieste {prop} (city) :: Трыест {m}
triforium {n} (gallery of arches) :: трыфорыум, трыфорый
trigger finger {n} (forefinger) SEE: forefinger ::
trillion {num} (a million million, 1012, see also: billion) :: трыльён {m}
Trinity {prop} (Christianity: three persons of the Godhead) :: троіца {f}, Троіца {f}
trip {n} (journey) :: паездка {f}, падарожжа {n}
Tripoli {prop} (capital of Libya) :: Трыпалі {m}
triumph {n} (trump card) SEE: trump ::
troika {n} (carriage) :: тройка {f}
Trojan {n} (computer malware) SEE: Trojan horse ::
Trojan horse {prop} (epic wooden horse) :: траянскі конь {m}
Trojan War {prop} (mythological war) :: Траянская вайна {f}
troll {n} (supernatural being) :: троль {m}
troll {n} (person who provokes others) :: троль {m}
trolley {n} (cart or shopping cart) :: цялежка {f}, каляска {f}, каламажка {f}
trolley bus {n} (bus powered via overhead electric cables) :: тралейбус {m}
trombone {n} (a musical instrument in the brass family) :: трамбон {m}
Tromsø {prop} (municipality in Norway) :: Тромсё
troop {n} (military forces) :: войські {n-p}
trophy {n} (object rewarding success) :: трафей {m}
tropic {n} (either of the two parallels) :: тропік {m}
Tropic {n} (one of the two Tropics) SEE: tropic ::
Tropic of Cancer {prop} (the parallel of latitude 23°30′ north of the equator) :: тропік Рака {m}, паўночны тропік {m}
Tropic of Capricorn {prop} (parallel of latitude 23°30' S) :: тропік Казярога {m}, паўднёвы тропік {m}
troth {n} (truth) SEE: truth ::
trouble {n} (distressful or dangerous situation) :: бяда
trough {n} (a long, narrow, open container for feeding animals) :: карыта {n}
trouser {v} (to pocket) SEE: pocket ::
trousers {n} (article of clothing for the lower body) SEE: pants ::
trout {n} (fish) :: стронга {f}, фарэль {f}
Troy {prop} (an ancient city) :: Троя {f}
truce {n} (a period of time in which no fighting takes place) :: перамір'е {n}
truck {v} (trade) SEE: trade ::
truck {n} (vehicle designed for carrying cargo) :: грузавік {m}
true {adj} (concurring with a given set of facts) :: верны, сапраўдны, праўдзівы
trump {n} (suit that outranks all others) :: козыр {m}
trump {n} (playing card of that suit) :: козыр {m}
Trump {prop} (surname) :: Трамп
trump card {n} (trump) SEE: trump ::
trunk {n} (tree trunk) :: ствол {m}
trunk {n} (large suitcase or chest) :: куфар {m}, скрыня {f}
trunk {n} (extended nasal organ of an elephant) :: хобат {m}
trunk {n} (luggage storage compartment of a sedan/saloon style car) :: багажнік {m}
trunk {n} (torso) SEE: torso ::
trust {n} (confidence in or reliance on some person or quality) :: давер {m}, давер'е {n}
trust {n} (a group of businessmen or traders) :: трэст {m}
trust {v} (to place confidence in) :: давяраць {impf}
trustworthy {adj} (reliable) :: надзейны, дакладны
truth {n} (state or quality of being true to someone or something) :: вернасць {f}
truth {n} (conformity to fact or reality) :: праўда {f}, ісціна {f}
truth {n} (true facts) :: праўда {f}, ісціна {f}
try {v} (to attempt) :: спрабаваць {impf}, паспрабаваць {pf}; старацца, пастарацца
tsar {n} (an emperor) :: цар {m}
tsardom {n} (the territory ruled by a tsar) :: царства {n}
tsarina {n} (empress or wife of a tsar) :: царыца {f}
tsaritsa {n} (tsarina) SEE: tsarina ::
tselina {n} (virgin lands in Russia and Kazakhstan) :: цаліна {f}
T-shirt {n} (type of shirt) :: футболка {f}
tsunami {n} (large, destructive wave generally caused by a tremendous disturbance in the ocean) :: цунамі {f}
tub {n} (bathtub) SEE: bathtub ::
tube {n} (a pipe) :: труба {f}
tuber {n} (fleshy underground stem) :: бульба {f}, клубень {m}, бульбіна {f}
tuberculosis {n} (infectious disease) :: сухоты {f-p}
tucker {n} (slang: food) SEE: grub ::
Tuesday {n} (day of the week) :: аўторак {m}
tug {n} (tugboat) SEE: tugboat ::
tugboat {n} (small, powerful boat) :: буксір {m}
Tula {prop} (city) :: Тула {f}
tulip {n} (plant) :: цюльпан {m}
tumor {n} (oncology, pathology: an abnormal growth) :: пухліна {f}, вопух {m}
tumour {n} (tumor) SEE: tumor ::
tundra {n} (flat treeless arctic region) :: тундра
tune {n} (melody) :: мелодыя {f}
tungsten {n} (chemical element) :: вальфрам {m}
Tunis {prop} (capital of Tunisia) :: Туніс {m}
Tunisia {prop} (Republic of Tunisia) :: Туніс {m}
tunnel {n} (an underground or underwater passage) :: тунэль {m}
tup {v} (fuck) SEE: fuck ::
tup {n} (ram) SEE: ram ::
turban {n} (man's head-dress) :: чалма {f}, цюрбан {m}
Turk {n} (a person from Turkey) :: турак {m}, турчанка {f}
Turk {n} (Muslim) SEE: Muslim ::
turkey {n} (bird) :: дзікая індычка {f}
Turkey {prop} (country at intersection of Europe and Asia) :: Турцыя {f}, Турэччына {f}
Turkic {adj} (of or relating to this language group or the people who speak it) :: цюркскі
Turkish {n} (official language of Turkey and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus) :: турэцкая мова {f}, турэцкая {f}
Turkish {adj} (of, from or pertaining to Turkey, the Turkish people or the Turkish language) :: турэцкі
Turkish bath {n} (establishment) :: хамам {m}
Turkish delight {n} (confection) :: рахат-лукум {m}, лукум {m}
Turkman {n} (person from Turkmenistan) :: туркмен {m}, туркменка {f}
Turkmen {adj} (of or pertaining to Turkmenistan, the Turkmen people or the Turkmen language) :: туркменскі
Turkmen {n} (Turkman) SEE: Turkman ::
Turkmenistan {prop} (Central Asian country) :: Туркменістан {m}, Туркменія {f}
Turkmenistani {adj} (person of Turkmen origin) SEE: Turkmen ::
turn {v} (change one's direction of travel) :: паварочваць {impf}, павярнуць {pf}
turn {n} (chance to use (something) shared in sequence with others) :: чарга {f}
turn {n} (one's chance to make a move in a game) :: ход {m}
turn around {v} (to physically rotate horizontally 360 degrees) :: абарачацца, абараціцца, абярнуцца
turn back {v} (to turn back, retreat) SEE: return ::
turncoat {n} (a traitor) :: рэнэгат {m}, перабежчык {m}, здраднiк {m} [traitor]
turnip {n} (white root of Brassica rapa) :: рэпа {f}, рэпка {f} [colloquial]
turn off {v} (switch off appliance or light) :: выключаць {impf}, выключыць {pf}
turn on {v} ((transitive) to activate an appliance, light, mechanism, functionality etc.) :: уключаць {impf}, уключыць {pf}
turn out {v} (to result; end up) :: выяўляцца {impf}, выявіцца {pf}, аказвацца {impf}, аказацца {pf}
turn over {v} (to transfer) SEE: transfer ::
turquoise {adj} (having a pale greenish-blue colour) :: бірузовы
turtle {n} (land or marine reptile with a shell) :: чарапаха {f}
turtle {n} (turtle dove) SEE: turtle dove ::
turtle dove {n} (bird in the genus Streptopelia) :: туркаўка {f}
tusk {n} (pointed tooth) :: бівень {m}
tussis {n} (cough) SEE: cough ::
Tutankhamon {prop} (Egyptian Pharaoh) :: Тутанхамон
TV {n} (abbreviation for television) :: ТБ {n}
Tver {prop} (city) :: Цвер {f}
tvorog {n} (a soft Russian curd cheese) :: тварог {m}
TV series {n} (series) SEE: series ::
tweak {n} (promiscuous person) SEE: prostitute ::
twelfth {adj} (ordinal form of twelve) :: дванаццаты
twelve {num} (cardinal number 12) :: дванаццаць
Twelve Days of Christmas {n} (the season or time made up of the twelve days between Christmas and Epiphany) :: святкі {f-p}, калядныя святкі {f-p}
twelveth {adj} (twelfth) SEE: twelfth ::
twentieth {adj} (ordinal form of twenty, see also: 20th) :: дваццаты
twenty {num} (cardinal number) :: дваццаць
twenty-eight {num} (number) :: дваццаць восем
twenty-five {num} (twenty-five) :: дваццаць пяць
twenty-four {num} (cardinal number) :: дваццаць чатыры
twenty-nine {num} (cardinal number) :: дваццаць дзевяць
twenty-one {num} (cardinal number) :: дваццаць адзін
twenty-seven {num} (twenty-seven) :: дваццаць сем
twenty-six {num} (cardinal number) :: дваццаць шэсць
twenty-three {num} (twenty-three) :: дваццаць тры
twenty-two {num} (twenty-two) :: дваццаць два
twig {n} (a small thin branch) :: галіна {f}, галінка {f}
twilight {n} (light before rising and after the setting of the Sun) :: змярканне {n}, змрок {m}, прыцемак {m}
twin {n} (either of two people who shared the same uterus, or of two similar or closely related objects) :: блізнюк {m}, блізнючка {f}, блізніца {f}, блізня {n}, блізнё {n}, блізнятка {n} [endearing]
twist {n} (twig) SEE: twig ::
twitch {n} (Elymus repens) SEE: couch grass ::
two {num} (numerical value) :: два {m}, [collective] двое, двойка {f}
two {n} (digit or figure) :: двойка {f}
two hundred {num} (cardinal number 200) :: дзвесце
two-legged {adj} (having two legs) :: двухногі
two-line double pica {n} (meridian) SEE: meridian ::
two thousand {num} (cardinal number) :: дзве тысячы {f}
tympanic membrane {n} (eardrum) SEE: eardrum ::
tympanum {n} (eardrum) SEE: eardrum ::
tympanum {n} (triangular space between the sides of a pediment) :: тымпан {m}
type {n} (grouping based on shared characteristics) :: тып {m}, від {m}, род {m}
typewriter {n} (machine used to print text by pressing keys) :: пішучая машынка {f}
typhoon {n} (hurricane in the Pacific) :: тайфун {m}
typographer {n} (typewriter) SEE: typewriter ::
typography {n} (art and technique) :: тыпаграфіка {f}
typology {n} (systematic classification of the types of something according to their common characteristics) :: тыпалогія {f}
tyrant {n} (absolute ruler) :: тыран {m}
tyre {n} (wheel covering) :: шына {f}, аўташына {f}
Tyre {prop} (an ancient sea port and city state of Phoenicia) :: Тыр
Tyumen {prop} (a city in Russia) :: Цюмень {f}
udarnik {n} (shock worker, super-productive worker in the Soviet Union and the other countries from the Soviet Block, see also: Stakhanovite) :: ударнік {m}, ударніца {f}
udder {n} (organ formed of the mammary glands of female quadruped mammals) :: вымя {n}
Udine {prop} (capital) :: Удзінэ
Ufa {prop} (city) :: Уфа
UFO {n} (an unidentified flying object) :: НЛА {m}
Uganda {prop} (Republic of Uganda) :: Уганда {f}
ugly {adj} (displeasing to the eye; not aesthetically pleasing) :: пачварны, брыдкі
ugly duckling {n} (one who is ugly, but who is expected to become beautiful as they mature) :: брыдкае качаня {n}
UK {prop} (abbreviation of United Kingdom, see also: United Kingdom) :: Not used in Belarusian
ukha {n} (a soup in Russian cuisine) :: вуха {f}
Ukraine {prop} (Eastern European country) :: Украіна {f}
Ukrainian {n} (ethnic/citizen) :: украінец {m}, украінка {f}
Ukrainian {n} (language) :: украінская мова {f}, украінская {f}
Ukrainian {adj} (relating to Ukraine or its people) :: украінскі
Ukrainization {n} (the process or result of Ukrainizing) :: украінізацыя {f}
Ulaanbaatar {prop} (the capital of Mongolia) :: Улан-Батар {m}
Ulan-Ude {prop} (capital of Buryatia, Russia) :: Улан-Удэ {m}
ultrasound {n} (sound) :: ультрагук {m}
Ulyanovsk {prop} (city) :: Ульянаўск {m}
Uman {prop} (city in Ukraine) :: Умань
umbilical cord {n} (cord between foetus and placenta) :: пупавіна {f}
umbilicus {n} (navel) SEE: navel ::
umbra {n} (a shadow) SEE: shadow ::
umbrella {n} (cloth-covered frame used for protection against rain or sun) :: парасон {m}, парасонік {m}
un- {prefix} (violative of; contrary to) :: не-
UN {prop} (United Nations) :: ААН
unacceptable {adj} (unsatisfactory; not acceptable) :: непрымальны, недапушчальны
unanimous {adj} (based on unanimity) :: аднагалосны, аднадушны
unanimous {adj} (sharing the same view) :: аднадушны
unanimously {adv} (in a unanimous manner) :: аднагалосна, аднадушна
unavoidable {adj} (impossible to avoid) :: непазбежны, нямінучы
unbelieving {adj} (that does not believe) :: няверуючы
uncle {n} (brother (or brother-in-law) of someone’s parent) :: дзядзька {m}, дзядзя {m}
uncle {n} (form of address to a man by young people or children in some countries) :: дзядзька {m}
unclear {adj} (ambiguous; liable to more than one interpretation) :: няясны
Uncle Sam {prop} (personification of the US government) :: Дзядзька Сэм {m}
under {prep} (in a lower level than) :: пад
under {prep} (beneath the surface of) :: пад
underage {n} (deficit in funds) SEE: deficit ::
underground {n} (subway) SEE: subway ::
under lock and key {prep} (imprisoned) SEE: behind bars ::
under one's hat {prep} (secret) SEE: secret ::
underpants {n} (underwear) :: трусы {m-p}, майткі {p}
undershirt {n} (for wifebeater) SEE: singlet ::
understand {v} (to grasp the meaning of) :: разумець {impf}, зразумець {pf}
understanding {n} (mental process of comprehension, assimilation of knowledge, subjective by its nature) :: разуменне {n}
underwear {n} (clothes worn next to the skin) :: ніжняя бялізна {f}
undies {n} (panties) SEE: panties ::
unemployed {adj} (having no job) :: беспрацоўны
unemployment {n} (joblessness) :: беспрацоўя {n}
uneven {adj} (odd) SEE: odd ::
uneven {adj} (not level or smooth) :: няроўны
unexpected {adj} (not expected, anticipated or foreseen) :: нечаканы, неспадзяваны, раптоўны [sudden]
unexpectedly {adv} (in an unexpected manner) :: раптам
unfair {adj} (not fair) :: несправядлівы
unforgettable {adj} (which is very difficult to forget) :: незабываны, незабыўны, незабытны
unfortunately {adv} (happening through bad luck) :: на жаль
unfreeze {v} (thaw) SEE: thaw ::
ungodly {adj} (immoral, sinful, or wicked) SEE: immoral ::
ungrateful {adj} (not grateful) :: няўдзячны
unguent {n} (cream applied to the skin for a therapeutic purpose) SEE: ointment ::
unharness {v} (to liberate) SEE: liberate ::
unhealthy {adj} (conducive to poor health) :: шкадлівы, шкодны, нездаровы
Unicode {prop} (series of computer encoding standards) :: Юнікод {m}
unicorn {n} (mythical beast) :: аднарог {m}
unidentified flying object {n} (anything in the air not readily explainable) :: неапазнаны лятаючы аб'ект {m}
unification {n} (act of unifying) :: аб'яднанне {n}
uniform {n} (distinctive outfit as a means of identifying members of a group) :: форма {f}, уніформа {f}
unilateral {adj} (done by one side only) :: аднабаковы, аднабочны
unintuitive {adj} (in particular, counterintuitive; counter to what one's intuition expects) SEE: counterintuitive ::
union {n} (trade union) SEE: trade union ::
union {n} (the act of uniting or the state of being united) :: саюз {m}
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics {prop} (a confederation of Communist states, see also: Soviet Union; USSR) :: Саюз Савецкіх Сацыялістычных Рэспублік {m}
unique {adj} (one of a kind) :: унікальны, адзіны, непаўторны
unit {n} (standard measure of a quantity) :: адзінка {f}
unite {v} ((transitive) to bring together as one) :: яднаць {impf}, аб'яднаць {pf}
United Arab Emirates {prop} (country in the Middle East) :: Аб'яднаныя Арабскія Эміраты {m-p}
United Kingdom {prop} (Kingdom in Europe, see also: Great Britain) :: Злучанае Каралеўства {n}, Аб'яднанае Каралеўства {n}
United Kingdom of Great Britain {prop} (United Kingdom of Great Britain) :: Злучанае Каралеўства Вялікабрытаніі {n}
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland {prop} (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland) :: Злучанае Каралеўства Вялікабрытаніі і Ірландыі {n}
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland {prop} (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) :: Злучанае Каралеўства Вялікабрытаніі і Паўночнай Ірландыі {n}
United Nations {prop} (international coalition) :: Арганізацыя Аб'яднаных Нацый {f}, Аб'яднаныя Нацыі {f-p}
United States {prop} (the United States) :: Злучаныя Штаты {m-p}, ЗША {m-p}, Амерыка {f}
United States of America {prop} (country in North America) :: Злучаныя Штаты Амерыкі {m-p}, ЗША {m-p}, Амерыка {f}
universal {adj} (common to all members of a group or class) :: агульны
universal {adj} (common to all society, world-wide) :: агульны
universe {n} (the Universe) :: сусвет {m}, Сусвет {m}
university {n} (institution of higher education) :: універсітэт {m}, унівэрсытэт {m} [Taraškievica]
unknown {adj} (not known) :: невядомы
unless {conj} (except on a specified condition) :: калі не
unlike {adj} (not likely) SEE: unlikely ::
unlikely {adj} (not likely) :: неверагодны
unlikely {adv} (in an improbable manner) :: наўрад, наўрад ці
unmarried {adj} (having no husband or wife) :: нежанаты {m} [of a man], незамужняя {f} [of a woman]
unnecessary {adj} (not necessary) :: непатрэбны
UNO {prop} (United Nations) SEE: UN ::
unpronounceable {adj} (impossible or difficult to pronounce or articulate) :: невымоўны, невымаўляльны
unreconcilable {adj} (irreconcilable) SEE: irreconcilable ::
unreliable {adj} (not reliable) :: ненадзейны
unripe {adj} (not ripe) :: няспелы
unstressed {adj} (not stressed or accentuated) :: ненаціскны
until {prep} (up to the time of) :: да
untranslatable {adj} (not able to be translated) :: неперакладальны
unusual {adj} (not usual) :: нязвычны, нязвыклы
unvisible {adj} (invisible) SEE: invisible ::
unvoiced {adj} (linguistics: voiceless) SEE: voiceless ::
unwearied {adj} (not stopping) SEE: persistent ::
unwed {adj} (not married) SEE: unmarried ::
unwed {n} (bachelor or a spinster) SEE: unmarried ::
up {adv} (away from earth’s surface) :: [direction] наверх, уверх, ўверх; [location] наверсе, уверсе, ўверсе
upbringing {n} (raising or training) :: выхаваньне {n}
upfront {adv} (beforehand) SEE: beforehand ::
upper {adj} (at a higher level, rank or position) :: верхні
upper chamber {n} (upper house) SEE: upper house ::
upper house {n} (part of a parliament) :: верхняя палата {f}
Upper Lusatian {prop} (Upper Sorbian) SEE: Upper Sorbian ::
Upper Sorbian {prop} (a Slavic language spoken in part of Saxony) :: верхнелужыцкая мова {f}, верхнелужыцкая {f}
upright piano {n} (a keyboard musical instrument) :: піяніна {n}
uprising {n} (a popular revolt) :: паўстанне {n}
upset {adj} (angry, distressed, unhappy) :: разладжаны {m}
upstairs {adv} (up the stairs; on a higher floor or level) :: [direction] наверх, уверх, ўверх; [location] наверсе, уверсе, ўверсе
upwards {adv} (to a higher place) :: [direction] наверх, уверх, ўверх; [location] наверсе, уверсе, ўверсе
Uranian {adj} (homosexual) SEE: homosexual ::
uranium {n} (uranium (element)) :: уран {m}
Uranus {prop} (planet) :: Уран {m}
urban {adj} (of the city; characteristic of city life) :: гарадскі, мескі
urban-type settlement {n} (an official designation for a semi-urban settlement) :: пасёлак гарадскога тыпу
urchin {n} (hedgehog) SEE: hedgehog ::
urchin {n} (sea urchin) SEE: sea urchin ::
ureter {n} (narrow duct that carries urine from the kidneys) :: мачаточнік {f}
urgent {adj} (requiring immediate attention) :: тэрміновы, пільны
Ur-Germanic {prop} (Proto-Germanic) SEE: Proto-Germanic ::
urinal {n} (lavatory) SEE: toilet ::
urinary bladder {n} (urinary bladder) :: мачавы пузыр {m}
urinate {v} :: мачыцца {impf}
urine {n} :: мача {f}
Uruguay {prop} (country) :: Уругвай {m}
US {prop} (abbreviation of United States, see also: USA) :: Not used in Belarusian
USA {prop} (United States of America) :: ЗША {m-p}, Амерыка {f}
usable {adj} (capable of being used) :: прыдатны да ўжывання, прыдатны
use {n} (act of using) :: ужыванне {n}, ўжыванне {n}
use {v} (employ, apply) :: выкарыстоўваць {impf}, выкарыстаць {pf}; скарыстоўваць {impf}, скарыстаць {pf}; ужываць {impf}, ўжываць {impf}, ужыць {pf}, ўжыць {pf}
useable {adj} (usable) SEE: usable ::
useful {adj} (having a practical or beneficial use) :: карысны
useless {adj} (without use or possibility to be used) :: бескарысны
user {n} (person who uses a computer) :: карыстальнік {m}
ushanka {n} (a traditional Russian fur cap with earflaps) :: вушанка {f}, шапка-вушанка {f}
USSR {prop} (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) :: СССР {m}
Ussuriysk {prop} (city in Russia) :: Усурыйск {m}
usual {adj} (most commonly occurring) :: звычайны
usurper {n} (one who usurps) :: узурпатар {m}
uterus {n} (womb) SEE: womb ::
utilise {v} (to make use of; to use) :: выкарыстоўваць {impf}, выкарыстаць {pf}; скарыстоўваць {impf}, скарыстаць {pf}; ужываць {impf}, ўжываць {impf}, ужыць {pf}, ўжыць {pf}
utilize {v} (utilise) SEE: utilise ::
utopia {n} (world in perfect harmony) :: ўтопія {f}
Utrecht {prop} (city in the Netherlands) :: Утрэхт {m}
utter {adj} (absolute) :: абсалютны {m}
uvula {n} (appendage that hangs from the palate) :: язычок {m}
uyezd {n} (an administrative subdivision) :: павет {m}, уезд {m}, в'езд {m}
Uyghur {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to the Uyghur people or the Uyghur language) :: уйгурскі
Uzbek {n} (person) :: узбек {m}, узбечка {f}
Uzbek {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Uzbekistan, its people or language) :: узбекскі, узбэцкі [Taraškievica]
Uzbekistan {prop} (Republic of Uzbekistan) :: Узбекістан {m}
Uzbekistani {adj} (of or pertaining to the Kazakh people or the Uzbek language) SEE: Uzbek ::
Uzhgorod {prop} (Uzhhorod) SEE: Uzhhorod ::
Uzhhorod {prop} (a city in western Ukraine) :: Ужгарад {m}
vacation {n} (holiday, period of leisure time) :: адпачынак {m}, водпуск {m}, канікулы {f-p} [students, MP's]
vaccine {n} (substance meant to stimulate production of antibodies) :: вакцына {f}
vacuum {n} (vacuum cleaner) SEE: vacuum cleaner ::
vacuum cleaner {n} (machine for cleaning) :: пыласос {m}
vacuum flask {n} (a bottle, flask or similar vessel having a vacuum between its inner and outer silvered walls) SEE: thermos ::
vagina {n} (anatomical sense) :: похва {f}, вагіна {f}
vagina {n} (vulva) SEE: vulva ::
valenki {n} (winter felt boots) :: валёнкі {m-p}
Valhalla {prop} (in Norse mythology, the home of warriors slain gloriously in battle) :: Вальхала {f}, Вальгала {f}
valid {adj} (related to the current topic) SEE: relevant ::
valise {n} (a piece of hand luggage such as a suitcase) SEE: suitcase ::
Valletta {prop} (capital of Malta) :: Валета {f}
valley {n} (elongated depression between hills or mountains) :: даліна {f}
valor {n} (value, worth) SEE: value ::
valour {n} (value) SEE: value ::
valuable {adj} (having a great value) :: каштоўны
value {n} (quality (positive or negative) that renders something desirable or valuable) :: каштоўнасць {f}, цэннасць {f}, вартасць {f}, кошт {m}
value {n} (amount (of money, goods or services) that is considered to be a fair equivalent for something else) :: кошт {m}
value added tax {n} (tax levied on added value of an exchange) :: падатак на дададзеную вартасьць {m}
valve {n} (device that controls flow of gas or fluid) :: клапан {m}, вентыль {m}
vamp {v} (to seduce or exploit someone) SEE: exploit ::
vampire {n} (mythological creature) :: вампір {m}, ўпір {m}, упір {m}, кажан {m}
vampirism {n} (extortion) SEE: extortion ::
van {n} (a covered vehicle) :: фургон {m}
van {n} (enclosed railway vehicle for transport of goods) :: вагон {m}
vanadium {n} (chemical element) :: ванадый {m}
Vancouver {prop} (city) :: Ванкувер {m}
vandal {n} (person who destroys or damages property) :: вандал {m}
vandalism {n} (needless damage or destruction of property) :: вандалізм {m}
Van Gogh {prop} (van Gogh) :: ван Гог
vanguard {n} (leading units of an army) :: авангард {m}
vanish {v} (become invisible or to move out of view unnoticed) :: знікаць {impf}, знікнуць {pf}
vapor {n} (the gaseous state of a substance that is normally a solid or liquid) :: пара {f}, пар {m}
vapour {n} (vapor) SEE: vapor ::
vapour {n} (steam) SEE: steam ::
Varangian {n} (member of a Scandinavian tribe) :: вараг {m}
varenik {n} (varenyky) SEE: varenyky ::
vareniki {n} (varenyky) SEE: varenyky ::
varenye {n} (kind of sweet fruit preserve) :: варэнне {n}
varenyk {n} (varenyky) SEE: varenyky ::
varenyky {n} (a kind of dumplings) :: варэнік {m}, варэнікі {m-p} [usually plural as a dish]
variable {n} (mathematics: a quantity that may assume any one of a set of values) :: пераменная {f}, зменная {f}
variant {adj} (variable) SEE: variable ::
variant {n} (something slightly different) :: варыянт {m}
varicella {n} (chicken pox) SEE: chicken pox ::
variegated {adj} (streaked or spotted with a variety of colours) :: стракаты, пёстры [regional], пярэсты
variety {n} (linguistics: term used for a specific form of a language) :: моўная разнавіднасць {f}
variety show {n} (theatrical entertainment) :: вар’етэ {n}
various {adj} (an eclectic range of) :: розны {m}
varnish {n} (transparent paint) :: лак {m}
varsity {n} (university) SEE: university ::
vase {n} (container used mainly for displaying flowers) :: ваза {f}
vasodilation {n} (dilation of the blood vessels) :: вазадылатацыя {f}
Vatican {prop} (state) :: Ватыкан {m}
Vatican City {prop} (State of the Vatican City) :: Ватыкан {m}
Vaticanian {adj} (Vatican) SEE: Vatican ::
vatrushka {n} (a small, round cottage cheese-filled pastry) :: ватрушка {f}
vaudeville {n} (a style of multi-act theatrical entertainment) :: вадэвіль {m}
vault {n} (arched masonry structure) :: скляпенне {n}
vault {n} (underground storeroom) :: сховішча {n}, склеп {m}
vault {n} (underground burial chamber) :: склеп {m}
veche {n} (a popular assembly in medieval Slavic countries) :: веча {n}
vegetable {n} (a plant raised for some edible part of it) :: гародніна {f}, агародніна {f}
vegetable {n} (edible part of such a plant) :: гародніна {p}
vegetable garden {n} (vegetable garden) :: агарод {m}, гарод {m}
vegetarianism {n} (practice of following a vegetarian diet) :: вегетарыянства {n}
vehicle {n} (conveyance) :: транспартны сродак {m}
vein {n} (blood vessel transporting blood towards the heart) :: вена {f}, жыла {f}
veisalgia {n} (unpleasant after-effects of the consumption of alcohol) SEE: hangover ::
Vela {prop} (constellation) :: Ветразі
velocity {n} (vector quantity) :: скорасць {f}
velocity {n} (rapidity of motion) :: скорасць {f}
velvet {n} (fabric) :: аксаміт {m}, бархат {m}
vending machine {n} (machine that dispenses merchandise) :: гандлёвы аўтамат {m}, аўтамат {m}
Vendémiaire {prop} (the first month of the French Republican Calendar) :: вандэм'ер {m}
vendor {n} (a person or a company that vends or sells) :: прадавец {m}, прадаўшчыца {f}
Venetian {adj} (relating to Venice) :: венецыянскі
Venetian {n} (inhabitant of Venice) :: венецыянец {m}, венецыянка {f}
Venezuela {prop} (country) :: Венесуэла {f}, Вэнэсуэла {f} [Taraškievica]
Venice {prop} (city and province in Italy) :: Венецыя {f}
venous {adj} (of or pertaining to veins) :: вянозны
Ventôse {prop} (the sixth month of the French Republican Calendar) :: вантоз {m}
venturi {n} (throat of a carburetor) SEE: throat ::
Venus {prop} (planet) :: Венера {f}, [Taraškievica orthography] Вэнэра {f}
Venus {prop} (goddess) :: Венера {f}, [Taraškievica orthography] Вэнэра {f}
Vera {prop} (female given name) :: Вера {f}
verb {n} ((grammar) a word that indicates an action, event, or a state) :: дзеяслоў {m}
verbal {adj} (of, or relating to words) :: слоўны, вэрбальны
verbatim {adv} (word for word) :: даслоўна, літаральна
vermiculation {n} (peristalsis) SEE: peristalsis ::
Versailles {prop} (suburb of Paris) :: Версаль {m}, [Taraškievica] Вэрсаль {m}
verse {n} (poetic form with regular meter and a fixed rhyme scheme) :: верш {m}
verse {n} (a small section of the Bible) :: верш {m}
version {n} (a translation from one language to another) :: пераклад {m}
verst {n} (unit of length) :: вярста {f}
versus {prep} (in opposition to) :: супраць
vertex {n} (anatomy: highest surface on skull) :: цемя {n}
vertical {adj} (being perpendicular to horizontal) :: вертыкальны, проставесны
vertical bar {n} (vertical bar) SEE: pipe ::
very {adv} (to a high degree) :: вельмі, дужа
vest {n} (garment worn over a shirt) :: камізэлька {f}
vestment {n} (clothing) SEE: clothing ::
vet {n} (veterinarian) SEE: veterinarian ::
veteran {n} (old soldier) :: ветэран {m}, вэтэран {m}
veterinarian {n} (doctor who treats animals) :: ветэрынар {m}, вэтэрынар {m}
veterinary {n} (veterinarian) SEE: veterinarian ::
veterinary surgeon {n} (veterinarian) SEE: veterinarian ::
Vetka {prop} (a town in Belarus) :: Ветка {f}
veto {n} (invocation of that right) :: вета {n}
vial {n} (a small tube-shaped bottle used to store a chemical) :: флакон {m}, пляшачка {f}, бутэлечка {f}, дутка {f}
vice {n} (bad habit) :: загана {f}, няцнота {f}, парок {m}
vice {n} (screw apparatus) SEE: vise ::
vice versa {adv} (the other way round) :: наадварот
vicious circle {n} (situation in which the solution to a problem creates another problem) :: заганны круг
victim {n} (one who is harmed by a disaster or other adverse circumstance) :: ахвяра {f}, пацярпелы {m}
victim {n} (a living being slain and offered as a sacrifice) :: ахвяра {f}, жэртва {f}, афяра {f}
Victor {prop} (male given name) :: Віктар
Victoria {prop} (female given name) :: Вікторыя {f}
victory {n} (an instance of having won a competition or battle) :: перамога {f}
Victory Day {n} (a day to commemorate victories in important battles or wars in the countries' history) :: Дзень Перамогі {m}
video {n} (television show, movie) :: відэа {n}
video {n} (motion picture stored on VHS) :: відэа {n}
Vidzeme {prop} (A region in northeastern Latvia) :: Відзэмэ
vie {v} (to rival; to struggle for superiority; to compete) :: супернічаць {impf}, выпярэднічаць
Vienna {prop} (capital of Austria) :: Вена {f}
Vientiane {prop} (capital of Laos) :: Віенцьян {m}
Vietnam {prop} (country in Southeast Asia) :: В'етнам {m}
Vietnamese {adj} (of or pertaining to Vietnam) :: в'етнамскі
Vietnamese {n} (Vietnamese person) :: в'етнамец {m}, в'етнамка {f}
Vietnamese {n} (language) :: в'етнамская мова {f}, в'етнамская {f}
view {n} (something to look at) :: выгляд {m}
view {v} (to look at) :: аглядаць {impf}, агледзець {pf}
viewer {n} (someone who views a spectacle) :: глядач {m}, глядачка {f}
viewer {n} (someone who watches television) :: глядач {m}, глядачка {f}
viewfinder {n} (device on a camera) :: відашукальнік {m}, візір {m}
villa {n} (a house used as a retreat) :: віла {f}, дача {f}
village {n} (a rural habitation of size between a hamlet and a town) :: весь {f}, вёска {f}, сяло {n}
villain {n} (scoundrel) :: ліхадзей {m}, злачынец {m}
Vilnius {prop} (capital of Lithuania) :: Вільнюс {m}, [dated] Вільня {f}
vinaigrette {n} (a Russian salad) :: вінэгрэт {m}
vinegar {n} (condiment) :: воцат {m}
vineyard {n} (grape plantation) :: вінаграднік {m}
vinification {n} (winemaking) SEE: winemaking ::
Vinnitsa {prop} (Vinnytsia) SEE: Vinnytsia ::
Vinnytsia {prop} (city) :: Вінніца {f}
violation {n} (rape) SEE: rape ::
violence {n} (extreme force) :: лютасьць {f}, сіла {f}
violence {n} (action intended to cause destruction, pain or suffering) :: гвалт {m}
violet {n} (colour) :: фіялетавы
violet {adj} (having a bluish-purple color) :: фіялетавы
Violet {prop} (female given name) :: Віялета {f}
violin {n} (string instrument) :: скрыпка {f}
violoncello {n} (cello) SEE: cello ::
viper {n} (a poisonous snake in the family Viperidae) :: гадзюка {f}
virgin {n} (person who has never had sexual intercourse) :: нявіннік {m}, нявінніца {f}
Virgin Islands {prop} (archipelago) :: Віргінскія выспы {f-p}
virginity {n} (state or characteristic of being a virgin) :: дзявоцкасць {f}, цнота {f}, цнатлівасць {f}
Virgin Mary {prop} (mother of Christ) :: Дзева Марыя {f}
virile {adj} (being manly) :: мужны
virtue {n} (excellence in morals) :: цнота {f}, дабрачыннасць
virus {n} (infectious organism) :: вірус {m}
virus {n} (computer virus) :: кампутарны вірус {m}
visa {n} (permit) :: віза {f}
vise {n} (two-jawed instrument for holding work) :: ціскі {m-p}
visible {adj} (able to be seen) :: бачны {m}
vision {n} (sense or ability of sight) :: зрок {m}
visit {v} (to go and meet (someone)) :: наведваць {impf}, наведаць {pf}
visit {n} (single act of visiting) :: візіт {m}, наведванне {n}
visit {v} (to avenge) SEE: avenge ::
visiting card {n} (business card) SEE: business card ::
visor {n} (mask) SEE: mask ::
Vistula {prop} (Polish river) :: Вісла {f}
vitamin {n} (organic compound essential to human health) :: вітамін {m}
Vitebsk {prop} (city) :: Віцебск {m}
vitrine {n} (glass-paneled cabinet or case) :: вітрына {f}
Vitsebsk {prop} (Vitebsk) SEE: Vitebsk ::
viva {interj} (long live ... !) SEE: long live ::
vivid {adj} (bright, intense or colourful) :: яркі {m}
vixen {n} (attractive woman) SEE: fox ::
Vladikavkaz {prop} (city) :: Уладзікаўказ {m}
Vladimir {prop} (male given name) :: Уладзімер {m}
Vladimir {prop} (Russian city) :: Уладзімір {m}
Vladimir {prop} (Volodymyr) SEE: Volodymyr ::
Vladivostok {prop} (seaport in Russia) :: Уладзівасток {m}
Vltava {prop} (a major river in the Czech Republic) :: Влтава {f}
Vänern {prop} (Swedish lake) :: Возера Венерн, Вэнэрн
vobla {n} (Rutilus caspicus) :: вобла {f}
vocal {adj} (of or pertaining to the voice or speech) :: вакальны, галасавы
vocative {adj} (grammar: used in address) :: клічны
vocative {n} (grammatical case) SEE: vocative case ::
vocative case {n} (case of address) :: клічны склон {m}
vodka {n} (clear distilled alcoholic liquor) :: гарэлка {f}, водка {f}
vodyanoi {n} (vodyanoy) SEE: vodyanoy ::
vodyanoy {n} (type of water sprite) :: вадзянік {m}
voetsek {interj} (get lost) SEE: get lost ::
voetsek {interj} (go away) SEE: go away ::
voice {n} (sound uttered by the mouth) :: голас {m}
voice box {n} (larynx) SEE: larynx ::
voiced {adj} (sounded with vibration of the vocal cords) :: звонкі, зычны, гучны
voiceless {adj} (lacking a voice, without vocal sound) :: бязгучны, безгалосы
voiceless {adj} ((phonetics, of a consonant) spoken without vibration of the vocal cords) :: глухі, бязгучны
voivode {n} (a local ruler or official in various parts of central and eastern Europe) :: ваявода {m}
voivode {n} (an administrative chief in modern Poland) :: ваявода {m}
voivodeship {n} (the jurisdiction of a voivode) :: ваяводства {n}
Vojvodina {prop} (autonomous province of Serbia) :: Ваяводзіна {f}
Volapük {prop} (language) :: валапюк {m}
volcano {n} (mountain containing a magma chamber) :: вулкан {m}
vole {n} :: палеука
Volga {prop} (longest river in Europe, flowing to the Caspian Sea) :: Волга {f}
Volgograd {prop} (Volgograd) :: Валгаград {m}
Volhynia {prop} (region) :: Валынь {f}
volleyball {n} (game) :: валейбол {m}
Volodymyr {prop} (Vladimir) SEE: Vladimir ::
Volodymyr {prop} (male given name) :: Уладзімер {m}
Vologda {prop} (city in Russia) :: Волагда {f}
volt {n} (unit of measure) :: вольт {m}
voltage {n} (difference in electrostatic potential) :: напружанне {n}, напруга {f}
volume {n} (three-dimensional measure of space) :: аб'ём {m}
volume {n} (strength of sound) :: гучнасць {f}
volume {n} (single book of a publication issued in multi-book format, such as an encyclopedia) :: том {m}, кніга {f}
volunteer {n} (one who voluntarily offers himself/herself for service) :: добраахвотнік {m}, добраахвотніца {f}, валанцёр {m}
Volyn {prop} (oblast) :: Валынь {f}
vomit {v} (to regurgitate the contents of a stomach) :: ванітаваць {impf}, бляваць {impf}, рваць {impf} [impersonal], рыгаць {impf}
Voronezh {prop} (city in Russia) :: Воронеж {m}
vote {n} (formalised choice) :: голас {m}
vote {n} (instance of voting) :: галасаванне {n}
vote {v} (assert a formalised choice) :: галасаваць {impf}, прагаласаваць {pf}
voter {n} (one who votes) :: выбаршчык {m}, абіральнік {m}, выбіральнік {m}
voting {n} (action of the verb to vote) :: галасаванне {n}
vow {n} (A solemn promise to perform some act, or behave in a specified manner) :: клятва {f}, кляцьба {f}, прысяга {f}, зарок {m}
vowel {n} (sound) :: галосны {m}
vowel harmony {n} (phonological process) :: гармонія галосных {f}, сінгарманізм {m}
voyager {n} (traveller) SEE: traveller ::
vulgar {adj} (distasteful, uncouth, obscene) :: вульгарны, непрыстойны
vulgarian {n} (vulgar individual) :: вульгарны
vulgarian {adj} (having the characteristics of a vulgarian) :: вульгарны
vulnerability {n} (security vulnerability) SEE: hole ::
vulnerability {n} (state of being vulnerable) :: уразлівасць {f}
vulnerable {adj} (exposed to attack) :: уразлівы
Vulpecula {prop} (autumn constellation) :: Лісічка
vulture {n} (bird) :: грыф {m}, сіп {m}, белагаловы сіп {m}
vulva {n} (collectively the external female sexual organs) :: вульва {f}
vyshyvanka {n} (traditional Ukrainian and Belarusian clothing) :: вышыванка {f}
wacky {adj} (zany) SEE: zany ::
wage {n} (money paid to a worker) :: заработная плата {f}, зарплата {f}
wager {n} (an agreement) :: заклад {m}
Wagner {prop} (surname) :: Вагнер {m} {f}, Вагнэр {m} {f}
wagtail {n} (various small passerine birds) :: сітаўка {f}, пліска {f}
waist {n} (part of the body between the pelvis and the stomach) :: талія {f}
waistcoat {n} (a sleeveless, collarless garment) :: камізэлька {f}
wait {v} (delay until some event) :: чакаць {impf}, пачакаць {pf}; ждаць {impf}
wait {v} (transitive: delay until) SEE: await ::
waiter {n} (a server in a restaurant or similar) :: афіцыянт {m}, афіцыянтка {f}, кельнер {m}
wait for {v} (await) SEE: await ::
waitress {n} (female waiter) :: афіцыянтка {f}
wake up {v} (to (become) awake) :: абуджацца {impf}, абудзіцца {pf}, прачынацца {impf}, прачнуцца {pf}
Wales {prop} (a constituent nation of the UK) :: Ўэльс {m}
walk {v} (to move on the feet) :: ісці, хадзіць, гуляць [leisurely], ісці пешшу
walk {n} (trip made by walking) :: прагулка {f}
walkie-talkie {n} (portable radio) :: рацыя {f}
walking {n} (gerund of walk) :: хада {f}, хадня {f}, хадзьба {f}, шаганне {n}, хаджэнне {n}
walking cane {n} (walking stick) SEE: walking stick ::
walking stick {n} (cane) :: трысціна {f}, кій {m}, палка {f}
walkout {n} (stoppage of work) SEE: strike ::
wall {n} (defensive rampart) :: сцяна {f}
wall {n} (structure built for defense surrounding an area) :: сцяна {f}
wall {n} (substantial structure acting as side or division in a building) :: сцяна {f}
Wallachia {prop} (region in Romania) :: Валахія {f}
Wallachian {n} (person from Wallachia or of Wallachian descent) :: валах {m}, влах {m}, валох {m}
wallet {n} (case for keeping money) :: папернік {m}, кашалёк {m}
wallpaper {n} (decorative paper for walls) :: шпалери {p}
walls have ears {proverb} (be careful about what you say) :: і сцены маюць вушы
walrus {n} (large Arctic marine mammal) :: морж {m}
wan {adj} (pale, sickly-looking) :: бледны {m}
wander {v} (to move without purpose or destination) :: блукаць {impf}, блудзіць {impf}
want {v} (desire) :: хацець {impf}, захацець {pf}, жадаць {impf}, пажадаць {pf}
want {v} (lack) SEE: lack ::
wanton {n} (overly playful person) :: свавольнікі
war {n} (conflict involving organized use of arms) :: вайна {f}
wardrobe {n} (lavatory) SEE: toilet ::
wardrobe {n} (movable furniture for storing clothes) :: шафа {f}
warehouse {n} (A place for storing large amounts of products) :: склад {m}
warlike {adj} (belligerent) :: ваяўнічы {m}
warlock {n} (male magic-user) :: вядзьмар {m}, чараўнік {m}, чарадзей {m}, вядзьмак {m}, маг {m}
warm {adj} (having a temperature slightly higher than usual) :: цёплы
warning {n} (instance of warning someone) :: папярэджанне {n}
warrant {v} (to authorize) SEE: authorize ::
warrior {n} (person actively engaged in battle, conflict or warfare) :: воін {m}, баец {m}
Warsaw {prop} (capital city of Poland) :: Варшава {f}
wart {n} (type of growth occurring on the skin) :: бародаўка {f}
warthog {n} (a species of wild pig) :: барадавачнік {m}
wary {adj} (cautious of danger; timorously or suspiciously prudent; circumspect; scrupulous) :: асцярожны [careful]
wasabi {n} (green Japanese condiment) :: васабі {n}
wash {v} (to clean with water) :: мыць {impf}, памыць {pf}; праць {impf} [of clothes]
wash {v} (to clean oneself) :: мыцца {impf}, памыцца {pf}
washbasin {n} (basin used for washing, sink) :: рукамыйніца {f}, умывальнік {m}
washer {n} (flat disk) :: шайба {f}
washing machine {n} (machine that washes clothes) :: пральная машына {f}
Washington {prop} (name) :: Вашынгтон {m}
Washington, D.C. {prop} (federal capital of the United States of America) :: Вашынгтон {m}
washroom {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet ::
wasp {n} (insect) :: аса {f}
watch {n} (portable or wearable timepiece) :: гадзіннік {m}, наручны гадзіннік {m}
watch {n} (particular time period) :: вахта {f}, дзяжурства {n}
watch {n} (person or group of people who guard) :: варта {f}, старожа {f}, страж {m}, каравул {m}
watch {v} (to look at for a period of time) :: глядзець {impf}, паглядзець {pf}
watcher {n} (guard) SEE: guard ::
watch out {interj} (proceed with caution) :: асцярожна!
water {n} (mineral water) SEE: mineral water ::
water {n} (clear liquid H₂O) :: вада {f}
water bear {n} (A member of the phylum Tardigrada) :: ціхаходка {f}
waterbody {n} (significant accumulation of water) SEE: body of water ::
water closet {n} (room with a toilet) SEE: toilet ::
water closet {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet ::
waterfall {n} (flow of water over the edge of a cliff) :: вадаспад {m}
watering can {n} (utensil for watering plants) :: палівачка {f}
watering pot {n} (watering can) SEE: watering can ::
watermelon {n} (plant) :: кавун {m}
watermelon {n} (fruit) :: кавун {m}
watt {n} (derived unit of power) :: ват {m}
waulk {v} (full) SEE: full ::
wave {n} (moving disturbance, undulation) :: хваля {f}
wave {n} (moving disturbance in a field) :: хваля {f}
wavelength {n} (the length of a single cycle of a wave) :: даўжыня хвалі {f}
wax {n} (oily, water-resistant substance) :: воск {m}
wax {n} (earwax) SEE: earwax ::
way {adv} (very) SEE: very ::
way {adv} (far) SEE: far ::
way {n} (road, direction, path) :: шлях {m}, дарога {f}, пуць {m}
way {adv} (much) SEE: much ::
way out {n} (exit) SEE: exit ::
way too {adv} :: вельмі, дужа
we {pron} (the speakers, or the speaker(s) and other person(s) not being addressed (exclusive we: he or she or they and I)) :: мы
weak {adj} (lacking in force or ability) :: слабы
weaken {v} (to make weaker) :: аслабляць, аслабіць
weakness {n} (condition of being weak) :: слабасць {f}
weakness {n} (fault) :: недахоп {m}, недахват {m}
wealth {n} (riches; valuable material possessions) :: багацце {n}
wealthy {adj} (rich) :: багаты {m}
weapon {n} (instrument of attack or defense in combat) :: зброя {f}, аружжа {n}
wear {v} (to have on (clothes)) :: насіць {impf}, панасіць {pf}, апранаць {impf}, апрануць {pf} [to put on], надзяваць {impf}, надзець {pf} [to put on]
weasel {n} (least weasel, Mustela nivalis) :: ласка {f}
weasel {n} (any mammal of the genus Mustela) :: ласка {f}
weather {n} (state of the atmosphere) :: надвор'е {n}, пагода {f}
weather {n} (situation) SEE: situation ::
weave {v} (to form something by passing strands of material over and under one another) :: ткаць {impf}, плесці {impf}, сплесці {pf}
weaver {n} (one who weaves) :: ткач {m}, ткалля {f}
web {n} (any interconnected set of persons, places, or things) :: сетка {f}
web {n} (the World Wide Web (also spelled Web)) :: вэб {m}
web {n} (spiderweb) SEE: spiderweb ::
web browser {n} (a computer program used to navigate the World Wide Web) :: браўзэр {m}
weblog {n} (blog) SEE: blog ::
web page {n} (a single page in a website) :: вэб-старонка {f}
website {n} (a collection of pages on the World Wide Web) :: вэб-сайт {m}, сайт {m}, вэб-старонка {f}
wedding {n} (marriage ceremony) :: вяселле {n}, свадзьба {f}
wedge {n} (simple machine) :: клін {m}
Wednesday {n} (day of the week) :: серада {f}
weed {n} (cigar) SEE: cigar ::
weed {n} (the weed) SEE: tobacco ::
weed {v} (to remove weeds from) :: палоць {impf}
week {n} (period of seven days) :: тыдзень {m}
weekend {n} (break in the working week) :: выхадныя {m-p}, уік-энд {m}
weep {v} (to cry, shed tears) :: плакаць {impf}
weevil {n} (beetle in the superfamily Curculionoidea) :: даўганосік {m}, слонік {m}, шашолка {f}
weevil {n} (beetle in the family Curculionidae) :: даўганосік {m}, слонік {m}, шашолка {f}
weigh {v} (to determine the weight of an object) :: ўзважыць {impf}, ўзважваць {pf}
weigh {v} (to have a certain weight) :: важыць {impf}
weight {n} (physics: mass) SEE: mass ::
weight {n} (force due to gravity) :: вага {f}
weightlessness {n} (having zero weight) :: бязважкасць {f}
weighty {adj} (heavy) :: важкі {m}
welcome {interj} (greeting given upon someone's arrival) :: вітаем!
welcome {v} (affirm or greet the arrival of someone) :: вітаць {impf}
welkin {n} (sky) SEE: sky ::
well {adv} (accurately; competently) :: добра
well {n} (hole sunk into the ground) :: студзень {m}, калодзеж {m}
Wellington {prop} (capital of New Zealand) :: Велінгтон {m}, Вэлінгтан {m}, Уэлінгтан {m}
Welsh {n} (language) :: валійская мова {f}, валійская {f}
weltanschauung {n} (worldview) SEE: worldview ::
Wenceslas {prop} (male given name) SEE: Wenceslaus ::
Wenceslaus {prop} (male given name) :: Вячаслаў {m}
Wend {n} (Slav) SEE: Slav ::
Wendish {adj} (Sorbian) SEE: Sorbian ::
Wendish {prop} (Sorbian) SEE: Sorbian ::
werewolf {n} (wolflike human) :: ваўкалак {m}, пярэварацень {m}, пераварацень {m}, скідзень {m}
west {n} (compass point) :: захад {m}
west {adj} (western) :: заходні {m}
West Bank {prop} (territory) :: Заходні бераг ракі Іардан {m}, Заходні бераг {m}
western {adj} (pertaining to the west) :: заходні
Western {adj} (of, situated in, or related to the West) SEE: western ::
Western Europe {prop} (Western Europe) :: Заходняя Еўропа {f}
Western Sahara {prop} (a territory in northern Africa) :: Заходняя Сахара {f}
Western Wall {prop} (ancient wall in Jerusalem, remnant of the Jewish Second Temple) :: Сцяна плачу {f}
Westminster Abbey {prop} (large Gothic church) :: Вэстмінстэрскае абацтва {n}
Westminster Cathedral {prop} (chuerch) :: Вэстмінстэрскі сабор {m}
West Slavic {prop} (of or relating to the West Slavs) :: заходнеславянскі
westward {adv} (towards the west) :: на захад
wet {adj} (of an object: covered with or impregnated with liquid) :: мокры, вільготны
wet nurse {n} (woman hired to suckle another woman's child) :: карміцелька {f}
whale {n} (large sea mammal) :: кіт {m}
wharf {n} (man-made landing place) :: прыстань {f}, прычал {m}, док {m}
what {pron} (what? (interrogative pronoun)) :: што
what a pity {phrase} (used to express regret) :: які жаль
what are you doing {phrase} (what are you doing) :: [formal] што вы робіце?, [informal] што ты робіш?
what a shame {phrase} (used to express regret) SEE: what a pity ::
what does XX mean {phrase} (what does XX mean?) :: што значыць XX?, што азначае XX?
what is that {phrase} (what is that?) :: што гэта?, што гэта такое?
what is your name {phrase} (what is your name?) :: як цябе клічуць? [informal], як вас завуць? [formal]
what kind of {pron} :: які
what time is it {phrase} (what is the time of day?) :: колькі часу?
wheat {n} (grain) :: пшаніца {f}
wheel {n} (a circular device facilitating movement or transportation) :: кола {n}
wheel {n} (steering device in a vessel) :: штурвал {m}
wheel {n} (steering wheel and its implied control of a vehicle) SEE: steering wheel ::
wheelbarrow {n} (small cart) :: тачка {f}
wheelwright {n} (person who builds and repairs wheels) :: колавы майстар {m}
when {adv} (at what time, as a direct question) :: калі
when {conj} (at what time; at which time) :: калі
whence {adv} (from where; from which place or source) :: адкуль
whenever {conj} (when) SEE: when ::
where {conj} (at or in which place) :: дзе, куды [where to], адкуль [where from]
where {conj} (to which place or situation) :: куды
where {adv} (at or in what place) :: дзе
where {adv} (to what place) :: куды
where {adv} (from what place) :: адкуль
where do you live {phrase} (where do you live?) :: дзе вы жывяце? [formal], дзе ты жывеш? [informal]
where is the toilet {phrase} (where is the toilet?) :: дзе туалет?
whet {v} (hone or rub on with some substance for the purpose of sharpening) :: тачыць {impf}
whether {conj} (introducing indirect questions) :: ці
whey {n} (liquid remaining after milk has been curdled) :: сыроватка {f}
which {determiner} ((interrogative) what, of those mentioned or implied) :: які, каторы
which {pron} ((relative) who, whom, what) :: які {m}
while {conj} (during the same time that) :: пакуль, у той час як, да таго часу, пакуль
while {conj} (until) SEE: until ::
whip {n} (rod or rope) :: пуга {f}, бізун {m}, плётка {f}, біч {m}, нагайка {f}
whip {v} (to hit with a whip) :: сцябаць {impf}, сячы {impf}, хвастаць {impf}, пароць {impf}
whirlpool {n} (swirling body of water) :: вір {m}
whirlwind {n} (a violent windstorm of limited extent characterised by an inward spiral motion of the air) :: віхур {m}, віхура {f}
whisker {n} (long projecting hair at the sides of the mouth of a cat) :: вусік {m}, вібрыса {f} [scientific but uncommon]
whiskey {n} (alcoholic drink) :: віскі {n}
whisky {n} (whiskey) SEE: whiskey ::
whisper {n} (act of speaking in a quiet voice) :: шэпт {m}
whisper {v} (to talk in a quiet voice) :: шаптаць {impf}, шапнуць {pf}
whistle {n} (device used to make a whistling sound) :: свісток {m}
whistle {n} (act of whistling) :: свіст {m}
whistle {v} (to produce a whistling sound) :: свістаць {impf}
whistle {n} (slang: a suit) SEE: suit ::
white {n} (color/colour) :: белы {m}
white {n} (white wine) SEE: white wine ::
white {adj} (bright and colourless) :: белы
white ant {n} (white ant) SEE: termite ::
white bear {n} (polar bear) SEE: polar bear ::
whitefish {n} (beluga) SEE: beluga ::
White House {prop} (the official residence of the President of the United States of America) :: Белы дом {m}
white lightning {n} (illegally distilled whiskey) SEE: moonshine ::
White Russian {n} (Belarusian language) SEE: Belarusian ::
White Russian {n} (a cocktail) :: Белы рускі {m}
white sauce {n} (mayonnaise) SEE: mayonnaise ::
White Sea {prop} (a sea to the northwest of Russia) :: Белае мора {n}
white-tailed eagle {n} (Haliaeetus albicilla) :: арлан-белахвост
white tea {n} (drink) :: белая гарбата {f}
white whale {n} (a cetacean, Delphinapterus leucas) SEE: beluga ::
white wine {n} (light coloured wine) :: белае віно {n}
whither {adv} (to which place) :: куды
whiz {v} (urinate) SEE: urinate ::
who {pron} (who? (interrogative pronoun)) :: хто
who {pron} (who (relative pronoun)) :: які {m}
whole {adj} (entire) :: цэлы, поўны
whooping cough {n} (a contagious disease) :: коклюш {m}, кохлік {m}
whore {n} :: прастытутка {f}, шлюха {f}, курва {f}, шлюндра {f}, прасталытка {f}
whore {v} (to pimp) SEE: pimp ::
whoremaster {n} (pimp) SEE: pimp ::
whose {determiner} (of whom (interrogative)) :: чый
why {adv} (for what reason) :: чаму
wick {n} (the porous cord that draws up liquid fuel for burning) :: кнот {m}
wicket gate {n} (a small gate or door, especially one built into a large one) :: весніцы {f-p}, брамка {f}, фортка {f}
widdle {v} (urinate) SEE: urinate ::
wide {adj} (having a large physical extent from side to side) :: шырокі
widely {adv} (commonly, generally) :: шырока
widely {adv} (separated by a large distance) :: далёка
widow {n} (woman whose spouse has died) :: удава {f}, ўдава {f}
widower {n} (a man whose spouse has died and who has not remarried) :: удавец {m}, ўдавец {m}
width {n} (measurement of something from side to side) :: шырыня {f}
wife {n} (married woman) :: жонка {f}
wifebeater {n} (singlet) SEE: singlet ::
wig {n} (head of artificial hair) :: парык {m}
wiki {n} (collaborative website) :: вікі {f}
Wikipedia {prop} (online encyclopedia) :: [Taraškievica] Вікіпэдыя {f}, Вікіпедыя {f}
Wiktionary {prop} (the collaborative project; a particular version of this project written in a certain language) :: Вікіслоўнік {m}
wild {adj} (not domesticated or tamed) :: дзікі
wild boar {n} (Sus scrofa) :: кабан {m}, дзік {m}, вяпрук {m}
wild cat {n} (Felis silvestris) SEE: wildcat ::
wild cat {n} (Lynx rufus) SEE: bobcat ::
wildcat {n} :: кошка лясная
wildcat {n} (Felix rufus) SEE: bobcat ::
wild cherry {n} (Prunus avium tree) :: чарэшня {f}
wild cherry {n} (Prunus avium fruit) :: чарэшня {f}
wildfire {n} (Greek fire) SEE: Greek fire ::
will {v} (indicating future action) :: Use the future perfective or use the future of быць + imperfective infinitive
will {n} (act of choosing to do something; conscious intent or volition) :: воля {f}
will {n} (legal document) :: завяшчанне {n}, тастамент {m}
willow {n} (tree) :: вярба {f}
willow grouse {n} (Lagopus lagopus) :: курапатка белая
willowherb {n} (Epilobium) :: скрыпень
willow ptarmigan {n} (Lagopus lagopus) SEE: willow grouse ::
willpower {n} (strength of will) :: сіла волі {f}
will you marry me {phrase} (marriage proposal) :: выходзь за мяне замуж
win {v} (transitive: achieve victory in) :: перамагаць {impf}, перамагчы {pf}
Winchester {prop} (city in England) :: Уінчэстэр {m}
wind {n} (movement of air) :: вецер {m}
windhover {n} (common kestrel) SEE: common kestrel ::
window {n} (opening for light and air) :: акно {n}, вакно {n}, акенца {n} [diminutive]
window {n} (shop window) SEE: shop window ::
windowpane {n} (piece of glass filling a window) :: аконнае шкло {n}, шкло {n}, шыбка {f}, шыба {f}
windowsill {n} (the horizontal member protruding from the base of a window frame) :: падаконнік {m}
windpipe {n} (anus) SEE: anus ::
windpipe {n} (trachea) :: трахея {f}, дыхальнае горла {n}
windy {n} (fart) SEE: fart ::
windy {adj} (accompanied by wind) :: ветраны
wine {n} (alcoholic beverage made from grapes) :: віно {n}
winemaking {n} (the act of making wine) :: вінаробства {f}
wing {n} (part of an animal) :: крыло {n}
wing {v} (to fly) SEE: fly ::
wing {v} (to throw) SEE: throw ::
wink {v} (to blink with only one eye as a message, signal, or suggestion) :: падморгваць {impf}, падмаргнуць {pf}, падмігваць {impf}, падмігнуць {pf}
winkle {n} (gastropod) SEE: periwinkle ::
winner {n} (one who has won or often wins) :: пераможца {m}
Winnie the Pooh {prop} (the fictional bear) :: Віні-Пух {m}
winnow {v} (to separate the heavier and lighter with a current of air) :: веяць {impf}
win over {v} (to persuade) SEE: persuade ::
winter {n} (fourth season, marked by short days and lowest temperatures) :: зіма {f}
wintergreen {n} (evergreen) SEE: evergreen ::
wintry {adj} (suggestive or characteristic of winter; cold, stormy) :: зімовы, зімні
wipe {v} (remove surface substance) :: выціраць {impf}, выцерці {pf}
wire {n} (thin thread of metal) :: провад {m}, дрот {m}
wire {n} (informal: telegraph) SEE: telegraph ::
wire {n} (informal: message transmitted by telegraph) SEE: telegram ::
wisdom {n} (element of personal character) :: мудрасць {f}
wisdom tooth {n} (rearmost molar in humans) :: зуб мудрасці {m}
wise {adj} (showing good judgement) :: мудры
wisent {n} (European bison, Bison bonasus) :: narkamawka: зубр {m}, taraškievica: зубар {m}
wish {n} (desire) :: жаданне {n}
wish {v} (to hope for an outcome) :: жадаць {impf}
wit {n} (intelligence) SEE: intelligence ::
witch {n} (person who uses magic) :: ведзьма {f}, чараўніца {f}
witchcraft {n} (the practice of witches) :: чараўніцтва {n}
witch doctor {n} (person believed to ward off witchcraft and heal through magic) :: шаман {m}, знахар {m}
witchgrass {n} (couch grass) SEE: couch grass ::
witch-hunt {n} (persecution of persons believed to be using magic) :: паляванне на ведзьмаў {n}
with {prep} (in the company of) :: з
wither {v} ((intransitive) shrivel, droop, dry up) :: вянуць {impf}
without {prep} (not having) :: без
without a doubt {prep} (probably) SEE: probably ::
with pleasure {prep} (willingly, without argument) :: ахвотна, з задавальненнем
witness {n} (someone called to give evidence in a court) :: сведка {m} {f}
wizard {n} (person skilled with magic) :: чараўнік {m}, чарадзей {m}, маг {m}, шаптун {m}, вядзьмак {m}, вядзьмар {m}
wizard {n} (computing: program or script used to simplify complex operations) :: майстар {m}
wizardess {n} (sorceress) SEE: sorceress ::
wolf {n} (animal) :: воўк {m}
wolf cub {n} (young wolf) :: ваўчаня {n}, ваўчанё {n}
Wolfgang {prop} (male given name) :: Вольфганг
wolf in sheep's clothing {n} (someone or something harmful or threatening but disguised as something peaceful or pleasant) :: воўк у авечай шкуры {m}
wolfkin {n} (young or small wolf) SEE: wolf cub ::
wolfling {n} (wolf cub) SEE: wolf cub ::
wolfram {n} (tungsten) SEE: tungsten ::
wolf whelp {n} (young, esp. infant, wolf) SEE: wolf cub ::
Wolverhampton {prop} (city) :: Вулвергемптан
wolverine {n} (Gulo gulo) :: расамаха {f}
woman {n} (wife) SEE: wife ::
woman {n} (adult female person) :: жанчына {f}, жана {f} [archaic or poetic], баба {f} [pejorative]
womanliness {n} (femininity) SEE: femininity ::
womb {n} (uterus) :: матка {f}, чэрава {n}
womb {n} (belly) SEE: belly ::
wonder {n} (something that causes amazement or awe, a marvel) :: цуд {m}, дзіва {n}
wonder {v} (to ponder about something) :: здзіўляцца {impf}, цікавіцца {impf} [be interested to know]
wonderful {adj} (excellent, extremely impressive) :: цудоўны
wonderous {adj} (wondrous) SEE: wondrous ::
wondrous {adj} (amazing, inspiring awe) :: цудоўны {m}
wood {n} (substance) :: дрэва {n}, драўніна {f}
woodcutter {n} (lumberjack) SEE: lumberjack ::
wooden {adj} (made of wood) :: дрэўны, драўняны, драўляны
woodie {n} (erection) SEE: erection ::
woodlouse {n} (any species of suborder Oniscidea) :: макрыца {f}
wood nuthatch {n} (Sitta europaea) SEE: Eurasian nuthatch ::
woodpecker {n} (bird in Picinae) :: дзяцел {m}
woods {n} (forest) SEE: forest ::
wool {n} (hair of sheep, etc.) :: воўна {f}, шэрсць {f}
wool {n} (cloth or yarn) :: пража {f}, воўна {f}
Worcester {prop} (city in England) :: Вустэр {m}
Worcestershire sauce {n} (English condiment) :: вустэршырскі соус {m}, вустэрскі соус {m}
word {n} (unit of language) :: слова {n}
word {n} (proverb) SEE: proverb ::
wordbook {n} (dictionary) SEE: dictionary ::
word for word {adv} (in exactly the same words) SEE: verbatim ::
wordster {n} (one who uses words instead of actions) SEE: hypocrite ::
work {n} (labour, employment, occupation, job) :: праца {f}, работа {f}
work {n} (place where one is employed) :: праца {f}
work {v} (to do a specific task) :: працаваць {impf}, рабіць {impf}
workbench {n} (sturdy table) :: варштат {m}, станок {m}
worker {n} (person who performs labor) :: работнік {m}, работніца {f}, працаўнік {m}, працаўніца {f}
workers of the world, unite {phrase} (workers of the world, unite) :: пралетарыі ўсіх краін, яднайцеся!
workshop {n} (small manufacturing room) :: майстэрня {f}, атэлье {n}, цэх {m}
work up {v} (To develop) SEE: develop ::
world {n} (human collective existence) :: свет {m}, [Taraškievica orthography] сьвет {m}
World Trade Organization {prop} (World Trade Organization) :: Сусветная гандлёвая арганізацыя {f}
worldview {n} (personal view of the world) :: светапогляд {m}
world war {n} (a war involving the major nations of the world) :: сусветная вайна {f}
World War I {prop} (war) :: першая сусветная вайна {f}
World War II {prop} (war from 1939 to 1945) :: другая сусветная вайна
World War One {prop} (World War I) SEE: World War I ::
World War Two {prop} (World War II) SEE: World War II ::
worldwide {adj} (affecting every place in the world) :: сусветны
worm {n} (animal) :: чарвяк {m}
wormwood {n} (Artemisia absinthium) :: палын {f}
worried {adj} (thinking about unpleasant things that have happened or that might happen) :: занепакоены
worry {v} (be troubled) :: турбавацца {impf}, непакоіцца {impf}, хвалявацца {impf}
worry {v} (strangle) SEE: strangle ::
worrying {adj} (inducing worry) :: хвалюючы
worse {adj} (comparative form of bad) :: горшы
worse {adv} (comparative of badly) :: горш
worsen {v} (transitive: make worse) :: пагаршаць {impf}, пагоршыць {pf}
worsen {v} (intransitive: get worse) :: пагаршацца {impf}, пагоршыцца {pf}
worship {n} (devotion accorded to a deity or to a sacred object) :: пакланенне {n}
worship {v} (to honor and adore, especially as a deity) :: пакланяцца {impf}
worst {adj} (most inferior) :: найгоршы
worst {adv} (in the worst way) :: найгорш
worth {adj} (equal in value to) :: варты
worth {n} (value) :: цана {f}, вартасць {f}, цэннасць {f}
wound {n} (injury) :: рана {f}
wound {v} (hurt or injure) :: раніць {impf}, параніць {pf}
wreath {n} (ornamental circular band) :: вянок {m}, вянец {m}
wrench {n} (screw) SEE: screw ::
wretch {n} (exile) SEE: exile ::
wrinkle {n} (line or crease in the skin) :: маршчына {f}
wrist {n} (wrist) :: запясце {n}
write {v} (to form letters, etc.) :: пісаць {impf} напісаць {pf}
writer {n} (person who writes; an author) :: пісьменнік {m}, пісьменніца {f}
writing {n} (written letters or symbols) :: пісьмо {n}, пісьменнасць {f}
written {adj} (of, relating or characteristic of writing) :: пісьменны, пісьмовы
Wroclaw {prop} (a city in southwestern Poland) :: Вроцлаў {m}; Tarashkevitsa: Уроцлаў
wrong {adj} (incorrect) :: неправільны
Wulumuqi {prop} (Capital of Xinjiang) SEE: Ürümqi ::
WW1 {prop} (World War I) SEE: World War I ::
Xenia {prop} (female given name) :: Ксенія {f}
xenon {n} (chemical element) :: ксэнон {m}
xenophobe {n} (hater of foreigners) :: ксенафобскія {m} {f} {n}
xenophobia {n} (a pathological fear or hatred of strangers or foreigners) :: ксенафобія {f}
xenophobic {n} (xenophobe) SEE: xenophobe ::
xerox copy {n} (photocopy) :: ксеракопія {f}
xeroxcopy {n} (xerox copy) SEE: xerox copy ::
Xianggang {prop} (Hong Kong) SEE: Hong Kong ::
Xinjiang {prop} (autonomous region of China) :: Сіньцзян {m}
Xizang {prop} (Tibet) SEE: Tibet ::
X-ray {n} (short wavelength electromagnetic radiation) :: рэнтген {m}
xylophone {n} (musical instrument) :: ксілафон {m}
ya {n} (a letter of the Cyrillic alphabet "Я/я") :: я {n}
yacht {n} (slick and light ship) :: яхта {f}
yaffingale {n} (green woodpecker) SEE: green woodpecker ::
yaffle {n} (green woodpecker) SEE: green woodpecker ::
yaffler {n} (green woodpecker) SEE: green woodpecker ::
yah {adv} (yes) SEE: yes ::
Yahoo! {prop} (a popular web portal) :: Яху! {m}, Яху {m}
Yahweh {prop} (Jehovah) SEE: Jehovah ::
Yakutsk {prop} (city in Russia) :: Якуцк {m}
yale {n} (mythical beast) :: іэйл {m}
Yalta {prop} (city in Crimea) :: Ялта {f}
yam {n} (potato) SEE: potato ::
yam {n} (sweet potato) SEE: sweet potato ::
Yamal {prop} (a large peninsula in the Russian North) :: Ямал {m}
Yandex {prop} (Yandex (in other scripts, the trademark may also be written in Roman letters)) :: Яндэкс {m}
Yangon {prop} (largest city in Myanmar) :: Рангун {m}, Янгон {m}
Yang-tzŭ {prop} (Yangtze) SEE: Yangtze ::
Yangtze {prop} (river) :: Янцзы {f}, Чанцзян {m}
Yanukovych {prop} (Ukrainian surname) :: Януковіч {m} {f}
Yaoundé {prop} (capital of Cameroon) :: Яундэ
yard {n} (land around a house) :: двор {m}, дворык {m}
yard {n} (three feet) :: ярд {m}
Yard {prop} (Jamaica) SEE: Jamaica ::
yarligh {n} (khan's decree) :: ярлык {m-in}
yarmulke {n} (skullcap worn by religious Jewish males) :: ярмолка {f}
yarn {n} (fiber strand for knitting or weaving) :: пража {f}
Yaroslavl {prop} (city) :: Яраслаўль {m}
yataghan {n} (type of sword) :: ятаган {m}
yawn {v} (open the mouth and take a deep breath) :: пазяхаць {impf}, пазяхнуць {pf}, зяваць {impf}, зяўнуць {pf}
year {n} (time it takes for the Earth to complete one revolution around the Sun) :: год {m}, лет [genitive plural], рок {m} [rare]
year {n} (a level or grade at school or college) :: клас {m}, курс {m} [at college or university]
yeast {n} (fungus) :: дрожджы {f-p}
Yekaterinburg {prop} (city in Russia) :: Екацерынбург {m}
yellow {adj} (having yellow as its colour) :: жоўты
yellow jersey {n} (shirt worn by the leader in the Tour de France) :: жоўтая майка {f}
yellow-legged gull {n} (Larus michahellis) :: чайка жоўтаногая {f}
Yeltsin {prop} (Russian surname) :: Ельцын {m}
Yemen {prop} (Republic of Yemen) :: Емен {m}, Емэн {m}
yen {n} (unit of Japanese currency) :: іена {f}
Yenakiyeve {prop} (city) :: Енакіева {m}
Yenakiyevo {prop} (Yenakiyeve) SEE: Yenakiyeve ::
Yenisei {prop} (river in Russia) :: Енісей {m}
Yerevan {prop} (the capital and largest city of Armenia) :: Ерэван {m}
yermulke {n} (yarmulke) SEE: yarmulke ::
yery {n} (a letter of the Cyrillic alphabet "Ы/ы") :: ы {n}
yes {particle} (word used to indicate agreement or acceptance) :: так, да
yes-no {particle} (particle used to form yes-no questions) :: ці [initial]
yesterday {n} (day before today) :: учора, ўчора
yesterday {adv} (on the day before today) :: учора, ўчора
yet {adv} (thus far) :: яшчэ
yet {adv} (continuously up to this point in time) :: яшчэ
yet {adv} (even) SEE: even ::
Yiddish {prop} (language) :: ідыш {m}
Yiddish {adj} (Jewish) SEE: Jewish ::
yin-yang {n} (vagina) SEE: vagina ::
Yitzchak {prop} (given name) SEE: Isaac ::
Yoda {prop} (A wise old Jedi Master in the Star Wars films) :: Ёда
yoga {n} (Hindu discipline) :: ёга {f}
yogurt {n} (a milk-based product thickened by a bacterium-aided curdling process) :: ёгурт {m}
yoke {n} (wooden bar) :: ярмо {n}, хамут {m}, іга {n}
yoke {n} (wooden frame or bar for a person to carry a pair of buckets) SEE: carrying pole ::
yolk {n} (yellow of egg) :: жаўток {m}
Yonne {prop} (départment of Bourgogne) :: Іона {f}
York {prop} (city in North Yorkshire) :: Ёрк {m}
Yoshkar-Ola {prop} (capital of Mari El, Russia) :: Іашкар-Ала {m}
you {pron} (subject pronoun: the group being addressed) :: вы
you {pron} (subject pronoun: the person being addressed) :: [familiar] ты, [polite] вы
you {v} (to address using the more formal second-person pronoun) :: выкаць {impf}
you are welcome {phrase} (you're welcome) SEE: you're welcome ::
young {adj} (in the early part of life or growth) :: малады, юны
younger {adj} (in an earlier period of life) :: малодшы
young man {n} (youth) SEE: youth ::
your {determiner} (belonging to you (singular; one owner)) :: твой, ваш [formal]
your {determiner} (belonging to you (plural; more owners)) :: ваш
you're welcome {phrase} (reply to thanks) :: няма за што, калі ласка
yours {pron} (possessive pronoun, singular) :: твой
yours {pron} (possessive pronoun, plural) :: ваш
yourself {pron} ((reflexive) your own self) :: сябе [accusative, genitive], сабе [dative, locative], сабой [instrumental], -цца [verb ending]
yourself {pron} (you, used emphatically) :: ты сам {m}, ты сама {f}, [plural or formal] вы самі
yourselves {pron} (you (referring to the people being spoken to, previously mentioned)) :: сябе [accusative, genitive], сабе [dative, locative], сабой [instrumental]; -цца [verb ending]
yourselves {pron} (intensifier) :: вы самі
youth {n} (quality or state of being young) :: маладосць {f}, юнацтва {n}, юнасць {f}
youth {n} (young person) :: малады чалавек {m}
youth {n} (young man) :: юнак {m}, малады чалавек {m}, хлопец {m}
youth {n} (young persons, collectively) :: маладзёж {f}, моладзь {f}
ytterbium {n} (chemical element) :: ітэрбій {m}
yttrium {n} (chemical element) :: ітрый {m}
yuan {n} (basic unit of money in China) :: юань
Yugoslavia {prop} (former country in the Balkans) :: Югаславія {f}
yuppie {n} (young upwardly mobile urban professional person) :: япі {m}
yurt {n} (large, round tent with vertical walls and conical roof) :: юрта {f}
yus {n} (name of the old Cyrillic letter) :: юс {m}
Yushchenko {prop} (Ukrainian surname) :: Юшчанка
Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk {prop} (city in Russia) :: Южна-Сахалінск {m}
za {n} (pizza) SEE: pizza ::
Zachariah {prop} (male given name) SEE: Zachary ::
Zacharias {prop} (male given name) SEE: Zachary ::
Zachary {prop} (male given name) :: Захарый {m}
Zagreb {prop} (capital of Croatia) :: Загрэб {m}
Zakarpattia {prop} (oblast) :: Закарпацце {n}
Zakarpatye {prop} (Zakarpattia) SEE: Zakarpattia ::
Zambia {prop} (country in Southern Africa) :: Замбія {f}
zany {adj} (ludicrously or incongruously comical) :: смешны {m}
Zaporizhia {prop} (city) :: Запарожжа {n}
zebra {n} (African animal) :: зебра {f}
zebra shark {n} (Stegostoma fasciatum) :: зебравая акула {f}, акула-зебра {f}
Zelda {prop} (female given name) :: Зелда
Zelensky {prop} (Ukrainian surname (cognates and transliterations)) :: Зяленскі {m}, Зяленская {f}
Zemfira {prop} (transliteration of Земфира) :: Земфіра {f}
zero {num} (cardinal number before 1, denoting nothing) :: нуль {m}
Zheleznogorsk {prop} (town) :: Жалезнагорск
Zhitomir {prop} (city) :: Жытомір {m}
Zhukov {prop} (Russian surname) :: Жукаў {m}
Zhytomyr {prop} (Zhitomir) SEE: Zhitomir ::
Zimbabwe {prop} (Republic of Zimbabwe) :: Зімбабвэ {n}
zinc {n} (element) :: цынк {m}
Zionism {n} (Jewish national liberation movement) :: сіянізм
zip {n} (zip fastener) SEE: zip fastener ::
zip code {n} (postcode) SEE: postcode ::
zip fastener {n} (a fastener used in clothing, bags) :: маланка {f}, засцежка-маланка {f}, змейка {f}
zipper {n} (zip fastener) SEE: zip fastener ::
zippy {adj} (quick, speedy) SEE: quick ::
zirconium {n} (chemical element) :: цырконій {m}
zloty {n} (the currency unit of Poland) :: злоты {m}
zonked {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk ::
zoo {n} (park where live animals are exhibited) :: заапарк {m}, заалагічны парк {m}
zoology {n} (science that studies the animal kingdom) :: заалогія {f}
zootechnician {n} (one working in zootechnics) :: заатэхнік
zootechnics {n} (animal husbandry) :: заатэхнія {f}
zootechny {n} (zootechnics) SEE: zootechnics ::
Zoroastrianism {prop} (religion and philosophy ascribed to Zoroaster) :: зараастрызм {m}
zubr {n} (zubr) SEE: wisent ::
zubrowka {n} (Polish liqueur of vodka and herbs) :: зуброўка {f}
zucchetto {n} (small skullcap worn by Catholic clergy) :: піуска {f}
zucchini {n} (courgette) SEE: courgette ::
Zurich {prop} (city) :: Цюрых {m}