User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-es-v

{prop} (Norse mythological figure) :: Ve
vacant {adj} /ˈveɪkənt/ (not occupied) :: vacante
vacant lot {n} (unused land) :: descampado {m}
vacate {v} (to move out) :: desalojar
vacate {v} (to leave an area) :: evacuar
vacate {v} :: dejar vacante
vacation {n} /veɪˈkeɪʃən/ (holiday, period of leisure time) :: vacaciones {f-p}
vacation {n} (the act of vacating something; moving out of something) :: vacación {f} [rare]
vacation {v} (to spend or take a vacation) :: vacacionar
vaccinate {v} /ˈvæksɪneɪt/ (treat with a vaccine) :: vacunar
vaccination {n} /ˌvæk.sɪˈneɪ.ʃən/ (inoculation with a vaccine) :: vacunación {f}
vaccinator {n} (a person or agent that administers vaccines) :: vacunador {m}
vaccine {n} /vækˈsiːn/ (substance meant to stimulate production of antibodies) :: vacuna {f}
vacillate {v} /ˈvæ.sə.leɪt/ :: vacilar, vacilarse
vacillation {n} /væsɪˈleɪʃən/ (Indecision in speech or action) :: vacilación {f}
vacillation {n} (Changing location by moving back and forth) :: vacilación {f}
vacuüm {n} (vacuum) SEE: vacuum ::
vacuole {n} /ˈvækjʊˌəʊl/ (large membrane-bound vesicle) :: vacuola {f}
vacuous {adj} /ˈvækju.əs/ (lacking meaningful content) :: vacuo, huero
vacuum {n} /ˈvæ.kjuːm/ (region of space that contains no matter) :: vacío {m}
vacuum {v} (transitive: to clean with a vacuum cleaner) :: aspirar
vacuum {v} (intransitive: to use a vacuum cleaner) :: aspirar
vacuum {n} (vacuum cleaner) SEE: vacuum cleaner ::
vacuum-clean {v} (to clean with a vacuum cleaner) :: pasar la aspiradora, [Latin America] aspirar
vacuum cleaner {n} (machine for cleaning) :: aspiradora {f}, aspirador {m}
vacuum exercise {n} (Breathholding and organ lifting) :: abdominal hipopresivo {m}
vacuum flask {n} (a bottle, flask or similar vessel having a vacuum between its inner and outer silvered walls) SEE: thermos ::
vacuum gauge {n} (vacuum gauge) :: vacuómetro {m}
vade mecum {n} (referential book) :: vademécum {m}, manual {m}
vagabond {n} /ˈvæɡ.ə.bɒnd/ (a person on a trip of indeterminate destination and/or length of time) :: vagabundo {m}
vagabond {n} (a bum, a hobo, a tramp, a homeless person) :: vagabundo {m}
vagal {adj} /ˈveɪɡəl/ (of or relating to the vagus nerve) :: vagal
vagary {n} /vəˈɡɛɹi/ (An erratic, unpredictable occurrence or action) :: extravagancia {f}, rareza {f}
vagary {n} (An impulsive or illogical desire; a caprice) :: antojo {m}, capricho {m}
vagina {n} /vəˈdʒaɪnə/ (anatomical sense) :: vagina {f}
vagina {n} (vulva) SEE: vulva ::
vaginal {adj} /ˈvædʒɪnəl/ (of the vagina) :: vaginal
vaginal flatulence {n} (emission or expulsion of air from the vagina) :: flatulencia vaginal {f}
vaginally {adv} (via the vagina) :: vaginalmente
vaginismus {n} /vadʒɪˈnɪzməs/ (muscular contraction) :: vaginismo {m}
vaginitis {n} (inflammation of the vagina) :: vaginitis {f}
vaginosis {n} (infection of the vagina) :: vaginosis {f}
vagrant {n} /ˈveɪ.ɡɹənt/ (person without a home or job) :: vagabundo {m}
vagrant {n} (wanderer) :: vagabundo {m}
vague {adj} /veɪɡ/ (not clearly expressed) :: vago, impreciso
vague {adj} :: vago
vaguely {adv} /ˈveɪɡli/ (in a vague manner) :: vagamente
vagueness {n} (condition of being unclear) :: vaguedad {f}
vaguery {n} (condition of being vague) SEE: vagueness ::
vaguery {n} (thing which is vague) SEE: vagueness ::
vaguery {n} (vagaries) SEE: vagary ::
vagus nerve {n} (cranial nerve) :: nervio vago {m}
vain {adj} /veɪn/ (overly proud of one's appearance) :: vanidoso
vain {adj} (pointless, futile) :: vano {m}, vacuo {m}
vainglorious {adj} /ˌveɪnˈɡlɔː.ɹi.əs/ (with excessive vanity or unwarranted pride) :: vanidoso {m}, soberbio {m}, fachendoso {m}, perdonavidas {m}, fanfarrón {m}
vainglory {n} (excessive vanity) :: vanagloria {f}
vainglory {n} (boastful, unwarranted pride) :: vanagloria {f}, jactancia {f}
vainglory {n} (vain, ostentatious display) :: vanagloria {f}
vainly {adv} /ˈveɪnli/ (in vain) :: vanamente
vair {n} /vɛə/ (heraldic fur) :: vero {m}
Vaishnava {n} (worshipper) :: vaisnava {m} {f}
Valadez {prop} /bæləˈdɛs/ :: Valadez
Valdes {prop} (surname) :: Valdés
Valdes {prop} (Valdes, Asturias, Spain) :: Valdés
Valdez {prop} (surname) :: Valdez
vale {n} /veɪl/ (valley) :: valle {m}
valediction {n} /ˌvæl.əˈdɪk.ʃən/ (speech) :: alocución de despedida
valediction {n} (act) :: despedida
valediction {n} (word or phrase upon leaving) :: adiós, hasta luego, chau, hasta la vista
valediction {n} (word or phrase to end a message) :: , antefirma, fórmula de cortesía
valence {n} /ˈveɪləns/ (chemistry: combining capacity) :: valencia {f}
Valencia {prop} /vəˈlɛnsi.ə/ (capital of the Valencian Community) :: Valencia {f}
Valencia {prop} (city in Venezuela) :: Valencia {f}
Valencian {adj} /vəˈlɛnsi.ən/ (from or relating to Valencia) :: valenciano
Valencian {n} (inhabitant of Valencia) :: valenciano {m}, valenciana {f}
Valencian {prop} (variety of Catalan) :: valenciano {m}
Valencian Community {prop} (autonomous community in Spain) :: Comunidad Valenciana {f}, Valencia {f}
valenki {n} (winter felt boots) :: válenki {p}
Valentina {prop} (female given name) :: Valentina {f}
Valentine {n} /ˈvæləntaɪn/ (male given name) :: Valentín {m}
Valentine {n} (female given name) SEE: Valentina ::
Valentine's Day {prop} (Saint Valentine's Day) SEE: Saint Valentine's Day ::
Valerie {prop} (female given name) :: Valeria
valet {n} /ˈvæleɪ/ (a man's personal male attendant) :: edecán {m}
valet {n} (a female performer in professional wrestling) :: mánager
valet-de-chambre {n} (valet) SEE: valet ::
valetudinarian {adj} /ˌvæ.ləˌtuː.dəˈnɛ.ɹi.ən/ (of infirm health; sickly) :: valetudinario {m}, valetudinaria {f}
valetudinarian {n} (person obsessed with their health) :: hipocondríaco {m}
Valhalla {prop} /vælˈhælə/ (in Norse mythology, the home of warriors slain gloriously in battle) :: Valhalla {m}
valiant {adj} /ˈvæljənt/ (showing courage or determination) :: valiente
valid {adj} (well grounded or justifiable, pertinent) :: válido, valedero
valid {adj} (acceptable, proper or correct) :: válido
valid {adj} (related to the current topic) SEE: relevant ::
validate {v} (to render valid) :: validar
validate {v} (to check the validity of) :: confirmar, validar
validation {n} /ˌvæl.əˈdeɪ.ʃən/ :: validación {f}
validity {n} (the state of being valid, authentic or genuine) :: validez {f}
valine {n} (essential amino acid C5H11NO2) :: valina {f}
valise {n} (a piece of hand luggage such as a suitcase) SEE: suitcase ::
valkyrie {n} /ˈvælˌkɪ.ɹi/ (any of the female attendants, or handmaidens of Odin) :: valquiria {f}, valkiria {f}
Valladolid {prop} (city in Spain) :: Valladolid
Valle d'Aosta {prop} /ˌvaleɪ dɑːˈɒstə/ (region of northwestern Italy) :: Valle de Aosta {m}
Valletta {prop} /vəˈlɛtə/ (capital of Malta) :: La Valeta {f}
valley {n} /ˈvæli/ (elongated depression between hills or mountains) :: valle {m}
Valley of the Kings {prop} (Egyptian valley known for its tombs) :: Valle de los Reyes {m}
valley of the shadow of death {n} (biblical phrase) :: valle de sombra de muerte
Valley of the Sun {prop} (Term for the Phoenix metropolitan area) :: Valle del sol {m}
valor {n} (value, worth) SEE: value ::
valor {n} (strength of mind in regard to danger) SEE: valour ::
valour {n} (value) SEE: value ::
valour {n} /ˈvælɚ/ (strength of mind in regard to danger) :: valor
Valparaiso {prop} (city) :: Valparaíso
valuable {adj} /ˈvæljuəbl̩/ (having a great value) :: valioso
value {n} /ˈvæljuː/ (quality (positive or negative) that renders something desirable or valuable) :: valor {m}
value {n} (degree of importance given to something) :: valor {m}, importancia {f}
value {n} (amount (of money, goods or services) that is considered to be a fair equivalent for something else) :: valor {m}
value {n} (numerical quantity measured or assigned or computed) :: valor {m}
value {n} (ideal accepted by some individual or group) :: valor {m}
value {n} :: valor
value {v} (to estimate the value of) :: valorar, cifrar
value {v} (to fix or determine the value of) :: valorar, cifrar
value {v} (to regard highly) :: valorar
value {v} (to hold dear) :: apreciar
value added tax {n} (tax levied on added value of an exchange) :: [Spain] impuesto sobre el valor añadido {m}, [Latin America] impuesto al valor agregado {m}
value judgment {n} (judgment) :: juicio de valor
valueless {adj} (having no value) :: sin valor
valve {n} /ˈvælv/ (device that controls flow of gas or fluid) :: válvula {f}, llave {f}
valve {n} (in anatomy) :: válvula {f}
valvulopathy {n} (disease or disorder of the valves of the heart) :: valvulopatia {f}
vamp {v} (to seduce or exploit someone) SEE: exploit ::
vampire {n} /ˈvæm.paɪ.ə(ɹ)/ (mythological creature) :: vampiro {m}
vampire {n} (bat) :: vampiro {m}
vampiress {n} (female vampire) :: vampiresa {f}, vampira {f}
vampiric {adj} (vampiric) :: vampírico
vampirism {n} (extortion) SEE: extortion ::
van {n} /væn/ (a covered vehicle) :: furgoneta {f}, furgón {m}, van {f}
van {n} (enclosed railway vehicle for transport of goods) :: vagón {m}
vanadinite {n} (mineral) :: vanadinita
vanadium {n} /vəˈneɪdi.əm/ (chemical element) :: vanadio {m}
Vancouver {prop} /væŋˈkuː.vɚ/ (city) :: Vancouver
Vancouverite {n} (native or resident of Vancouver) :: vancuverita
vandal {n} /ˈvændəl/ (person who destroys or damages property) :: vándalo {m}
Vandal {n} (member of an ancient east Germanic tribe) :: vándalo {m}
vandalic {adj} /vænˈdælɪk/ (having the nature of vandalism) :: vandálico
vandalise {v} (to needlessly destroy) :: vandalizar
vandalism {n} /ˈvændəlɪzm̩/ (needless damage or destruction of property) :: vandalismo {m}, gamberrada {f}
vandalize {v} (vandalise) SEE: vandalise ::
vane {n} /veɪn/ (curved surface radially mounted along an axis) :: aspa {f}
vane {n} (ornithology: flattened web-like part of a feather) :: vexilo {m}
vane {n} (weather vane) SEE: weather vane ::
Vanessa {prop} /vəˈnɛsə/ (female given name) :: Vanesa
vanguard {n} /ˈvænˌɡɑɹd/ (leading units of an army) :: vanguardia {f}
vanguard {n} (forefront of any group or movement) :: vanguardia {f}
vanilla {n} /vəˈnɪlə/ (orchid) :: vainilla {f}
vanilla {n} (fruit) :: vainilla {f}
vanilla {n} (natural extract) :: vainilla {f}
vanilla {n} (flavor) :: vainilla {f}
vanilla {n} (artificial extract) :: vainilla {f}
vanilla {adj} (of vanilla) :: vainillado {m}
vanilla essence {n} (vanilla extract) SEE: vanilla extract ::
vanilla extract {n} (liquid used in cooking) :: extracto de vainilla {m}
vanillin {n} (primary constituent of vanilla) :: vainillina {f}
vanish {v} /ˈvænɪʃ/ (become invisible or to move out of view unnoticed) :: desvanecerse, desaparecer
vanish {v} (mathematics: to become equal to zero) :: anularse
vanishing point {n} (point in perspective drawing) :: punto de fuga {m}
vanishment {n} (disappearance) SEE: disappearance ::
vanity {n} /ˈvæ.nɪ.ti/ (that which is vain) :: vanidad {f}
vanity {n} (excessive pride) :: vanidad {f}
vanity {n} (dressing table) SEE: dressing table ::
vanquish {v} /ˈvæŋkwɪʃ/ (to defeat, to overcome) :: vencer
vantage {n} /ˈvæntɪd͡ʒ/ (place or position affording a good view; a vantage point) :: ventaja {f}
vantage point {n} /ˈvæntɪd͡ʒ ˌpɔɪ̯nt/ (place or position affording a good view) :: mirador {m}, atalaya {f}, posición estratégica {f}
vantage point {n} (point of view) SEE: point of view ::
Vanuatu {prop} /væn.uːˈɑː.tuː/ (Republic of Vanuatu) :: Vanuatu
Vanuatuan {n} (A person from Vanuatu or of Vanuatuan descent) :: vanuatuense {m} {f}
Vanuatuan {adj} (Of, from, or pertaining to Vanuatu, the Vanuatuan people or the Vanuatuan language) :: vanuatuense {m} {f}
vape {v} /veɪp/ (to inhale the vapor produced by a non-combustible cigarette) :: vapear, vaporear
vapid {adj} /ˈvæp.ɪd/ (lifeless, dull, or banal) :: soso, bobo, memo, papanatas, pavitonto, zoquete, sin vida
vapid {adj} (tasteless, bland, or insipid) :: insípido, soso, insulso
vapidity {n} (state or quality of being vapid) :: insipidez {f}
vapor {n} /ˈveɪpə/ (the gaseous state of a substance that is normally a solid or liquid) :: vapor {m}
vapor {n} :: vapor {m}
vapor {v} (intransitive: to become vapor) SEE: evaporate ::
vapor {v} (transitive: to turn into vapor) SEE: vaporize ::
vaporization {n} (conversion of a solid to gas) :: vaporización {f}
vaporize {v} (turn into vapour) :: [reflexive] vaporizarse, [transitive] vaporizar
vaporizer {n} (heating element device) :: vaporizador {m}
vaporizer {n} (device) :: vaporizador {m}
vapor pressure {n} (pressure that a vapor exerts) :: presión de vapor {f}
vapour {n} (vapor) SEE: vapor ::
vapour {n} (steam) SEE: steam ::
varactor {n} (solid-state diode) :: diodo de capacidad variable {m}, diodo varicap {m}
Varangian {n} /vəˈɹæn.d͡ʒi.ən/ (member of a Scandinavian tribe) :: varego {m}
Varangian {n} (member of the imperial body guard at Constantinople from 955) :: varego {m}
varenik {n} (varenyky) SEE: varenyky ::
vareniki {n} (varenyky) SEE: varenyky ::
varenyk {n} (varenyky) SEE: varenyky ::
varenyky {n} /vəˈɹɛniːkiː/ (a kind of dumplings) :: varenyky {m}, varénique {m}
Varese {prop} (capital) :: Varese
variability {n} /ˌvæɹ.i.ə.ˈbɪl.ə.ti (ɪ.ti)/ (state) :: variabilidad {f}
variability {n} (degree) :: variabilidad
variable {adj} /ˈvæɹ.i.ə.bl̩/ (able to vary) :: variable
variable {adj} (likely to vary) :: variable
variable {n} (something that is variable) :: variable {f}
variable {n} (mathematics: a quantity that may assume any one of a set of values) :: variable {f}
variable {n} :: variable {f}
variable antshrike {n} (Thamnophilus caerulescens) :: batará variable
variably {adv} /ˈvɛəɹiəbli/ (in a variable manner) :: variablemente
variadic {adj} /vɛɹiˈædɪk/ (taking a variable number of arguments) :: variádico {m}
variance {n} /ˈvæɹi.ənts/ (second central moment in probability (statistics)) :: varianza {f}
variant {adj} (variable) SEE: variable ::
variant {adj} /ˈvɛəɹi.ənt/ (showing deviation or disagreement) :: variante [law]
variant {n} (something slightly different) :: variante {f}
variation {n} /ˌvɛəɹɪˈeɪʃn̩/ (the act or state of varying) :: variación {f}
variation {n} (related but distinct thing) :: variación {f}
varicella {n} (chicken pox) SEE: chicken pox ::
varicose {adj} /ˈvɛɹ.ə.koʊs/ (abnormally swollen) :: varicoso
varied thrush {n} (Ixoreus naevius) :: mirlo de pecho cinchado {m}
varied tit {n} (Sittiparus varius) :: carbonero variado {m}
variegated {adj} /ˈveəɹɪəˌɡeɪtɪd/ (streaked or spotted with a variety of colours) :: variegado {m}, abigarrado {m}
variety {n} /vəˈɹaɪ.ɪ.ti/ (variation of something) :: variedad {f}
variety {n} (state of constant change) :: variedad {f}
variety {n} (rank in a taxonomic classification) :: variedad {f}
variety {n} (linguistics: term used for a specific form of a language) :: variedad {f}
variety is the spice of life {proverb} (variety is what makes life interesting) :: en la variedad está el gusto
variety show {n} (theatrical entertainment) :: espectáculo de variedades {m}
variola {n} (smallpox) :: viruela {f}
various {adj} /ˈvɛəɹi.əs/ (an eclectic range of) :: varios
varnish {n} /ˈvɑː(ɹ)nɪʃ/ (transparent paint) :: barniz {m}
varnish {n} :: barniz
varnish {v} (to apply varnish) :: barnizar, lacar
varnish {v} (to cover up with varnish) :: barnizar, lacar
varsity {n} (university) SEE: university ::
Varsovian {adj} /vɑː(ɹ)ˈsəʊviən/ (of, from or relating to Warsaw) :: varsoviano
Varsovian {n} (someone from Warsaw) :: varsoviano {m}, varsoviana {f}
vary {v} /ˈvɛəɹi/ (not to remain constant) :: variar
vary {v} :: variar
vary {v} (to institute a change in) SEE: modify ::
Vascon {prop} :: vascón
vascular {adj} (of, pertaining to or containing vessels) :: vascular
vascular plant {n} (plant possessing vascular tissue) :: planta vascular {f}
vasculature {n} /ˈvæskjʊlət͡ʃə(ɹ)/ (arrangement of blood vessels) :: vasculatura {f}
vasculitis {n} (group of diseases featuring inflammation of the wall of blood vessels) :: vasculitis {f}
vas deferens {n} (vas deferens) :: vaso deferente {m}, conducto deferente {m}
vase {n} /veɪs/ (container used mainly for displaying flowers) :: jarrón {m}, florero {m}
vasectomy {n} /vəˈsɛktəmi/ (male sterilization) :: vasectomía {f}
vasoconstriction {n} (constriction of a blood vessel) :: vasoconstricción {f}
vasoconstrictor {n} (substance that causes vasoconstriction) :: vasoconstrictor {m}
vasodilation {n} (dilation of the blood vessels) :: vasodilatación {f}
vasodilator {n} (agent that causes dilation of the blood vessels) :: vasodilatador
vassal {n} /ˈvæsəl/ (grantee of a fief) :: vasallo {m}
vassal {n} (servant) :: vasallo {m}
vassal {v} (to treat as a vassal) :: avasallar
vassal {v} (to subordinate to someone) :: avasallar
vassal state {n} (state that is subordinate to another) :: estado vasallo {m}
vast {adj} /væst/ (very large or wide (literally or figuratively)) :: vasto
vastly {adv} (greatly, in a vast manner) :: inmensamente
vastoadductor {adj} (relating to the vastus medialis and the adductor magnus) :: vastoaductor
vastus externus {n} (vastus lateralis) SEE: vastus lateralis ::
vastus lateralis {n} (muscle) :: vasto externo {m}
vat {n} /væt/ (a large tub, such as is used for making wine or for tanning) :: cuba {f}, tina {f}
VAT {n} /ˌviːeɪˈtiː/ (value-added tax) :: IVA {m}
Vatican {prop} /ˈvæ.tɪ.kən/ (state) :: Vaticano {m}
Vatican {adj} (Relating to the Vatican City state) :: vaticano
Vatican City {prop} /ˈvæ.tɪ.kən ˈsɪt.i/ (State of the Vatican City) :: el Vaticano, Ciudad del Vaticano
Vaticanian {adj} (Vatican) SEE: Vatican ::
Vaticanian {n} (a person from Vatican City) :: vaticano {m}
Vaucluse {prop} (département) :: Vaucluse
vaudeville {n} /ˈvɔd.vɪl/ (a style of multi-act theatrical entertainment) :: vodevil {m}
vault {n} /vɑlt/ (arched masonry structure) :: bóveda {f}
vault {n} :: bóveda {f}
vault {v} (to jump) :: saltar
vault {n} (a jump) :: salto {m}
vault {n} (gymnastics event) :: salto
vault {n} (crypt) SEE: crypt ::
vaulted {adj} (of a ceiling supported by arches) :: abovedado
vaunt {v} (speak boastfully) SEE: boast ::
vav {n} (Hebrew letter) :: vav
Vayu {prop} (god of wind in Indian religions) :: Vāyu
v-chip {n} (censorship device) :: V-viruta
veal {n} /viːl/ (flesh of a calf) :: ternera {f}
vector {n} /ˈvɛktɚ/ (directed quantity) :: vector {m}
vector {n} (aviation: chosen course or direction for motion) :: vector {m}
vector {n} (carrier of a disease-causing agent) :: vector {m}
vector {n} (programming: one-dimensional array) :: vector {m}
vector field {n} (construction) :: campo vectorial
vectorial {adj} (of or pertaining to a vector) :: vectorial
vectorization {n} (the action of vectorizing) :: vectorización {f}
vectorize {v} (to convert an image into a vector graphics format) :: vectorizar
vector space {n} (mathematics) :: espacio vectorial {m}
Vedic {adj} /ˈveɪdɪk/ (Of or pertaining to the Vedas) :: védico
vee {n} /viː/ (name of the letter V, v) :: uve {f}
veer {v} /vɪ(ə)ɹ/ (transitive: to turn) :: virar
veery {n} (American thrush) :: zorzal {m}
veg {v} /vɛdʒ/ (vegetate) :: vegetar
vegan {adj} /ˈviːɡən/ (relating to vegans or veganism) :: vegano
vegan {n} (supporter of veganism) :: vegano {m}, vegana {f}
Vegan {n} /ˈviːɡən/ (someone from Vega) :: vegano {m}, vegana {f}
veganaise {n} (imitation mayonnaise) :: mayonesa vegetariana {f}
veganism {n} (Eating neither meat nor other animal products) :: veganismo {m}
vegetable {n} /ˈvɛd͡ʒətəbəl/ (any plant) :: vegetal {m}
vegetable {n} (a plant raised for some edible part of it) :: verdura {f}, legumbre {m}, hortaliza {f}
vegetable {n} (a person whose brain has been damaged) :: vegetal {m}
vegetable {adj} (of or relating to plants) :: vegetal
vegetable garden {n} (vegetable garden) :: huerto {m}, huerta {f}
vegetable lamb {n} /ˌvɛdʒtəbəl ˈlam/ (legendary plant believed to grow sheep from its branches) :: cordero vegetal de Tartaria {m}
vegetable oil {n} (oil produced from plants) :: aceite vegetal {m}
vegetable soup {n} (soup made from mixed vegetables) :: sopa de verduras {f}
vegetal {adj} /ˈvɛdʒɨtl̩/ (pertaining to vegetables or plants) :: vegetal
vegetarian {n} /vɛd͡ʒɪˈtɛɹi.ən/ (person who does not eat any animal flesh) :: vegetariano {m}, vegetariana {f}
vegetarian {adj} (relating to the type of diet eaten by vegetarians) :: vegetariano
vegetarian {adj} (of a product normally made with meat, having non-meat substitutes in place of meat) :: vegetariano
vegetarian {adj} (of a person, that does not eat meat) :: vegetariano
vegetarianism {n} /vɛdʒɪˈtɛɹi.ənɪzəm/ (practice of following a vegetarian diet) :: vegetarianismo {m}
vegetate {v} (To grow or sprout) :: vegetar
vegetate {v} (To live or spend a period of time in a dull, inactive, unchallenging way) :: vegetar, apalancarse
vegetation {n} /ˌvɛd͡ʒəˈteɪʃən/ (plants) :: vegetación {f}
veggie {n} /ˈvɛdʒi/ (vegetable) :: vegetal {m}, verdura {f}
veggie {n} (vegetarian) :: vegetariano {m}, vegetariana {f}
veggie burger {n} /ˈvɛdʒijˈbɹ̩ɡɹ̩/ (burger) :: hamburguesa vegetariana {f}
vehemence {n} /ˈviːəmən(t)s/ (An intense concentration, force or power) :: vehemencia {f}, hervor {m}
vehement {adj} /ˈviː.ə.mənt/ (showing strong feelings; passionate; forceful or intense) :: vehemente
vehemently {adv} (in a vehement manner) :: vehementemente
vehicle {n} /ˈviː.ɪ.kəl/ (conveyance) :: vehículo {m}
vehicle {n} (Hinduism: animal or plant on which a Hindu deity sits) :: vehículo {m}, vehículos {m-p}
vehicular {adj} /viˈhɪk.jə.lə(ɹ)/ (of or pertaining to a vehicle or vehicles) :: vehicular
veil {n} /veɪl/ (something to hide an object) :: velo {m}
veil {n} (covering for a person or thing) :: velo {m}
veil {n} :: velo {m}
veil {v} (conceal with a veil) :: velar
vein {n} /veɪn/ (blood vessel transporting blood towards the heart) :: vena {f}
vein {n} (thickened portion of a leaf) :: vena {f}
vein {n} (nervure of insect's wing) :: vena {f}
vein {n} (stripe or streak in stone or other material) :: vena {f}
veisalgia {n} (unpleasant after-effects of the consumption of alcohol) SEE: hangover ::
Vela {prop} (constellation) :: Vela {f}
velarization {n} (act or process of velarizing) :: velarización {f}
velarize {v} /ˈviːləɹaɪz/ (to raise the back of the tongue toward the velum while articulating another consonant) :: velarizar
Velcro {prop} /ˈvɛlkɹoʊ/ (fastener) :: velcro
veld {n} /vɛlt/ (pasture land) :: veld {m}
Veles {prop} (a city in the Republic of Macedonia) :: Veles {m}
velleity {n} /vɛˈliː.ɪ.ti/ (lowest degree of desire) :: antojo {m}, capricho {m}, veleidad {f}
velleity {n} (slight wish with no effort to obtain) :: veleidad {f}
vellum {n} /ˈvɛləm/ (type of parchment paper made from the skin of a lamb, baby goat, or calf) :: vitela
vellus hair {n} (thin body hair) :: vello {m}
velocipede {n} /vɪˈlɒs.ɪ.piːd/ (Early two-wheeled conveyance) :: velocípedo {m}
velociraptor {n} (dinosaur) :: velocirráptor {m}
velocity {n} /vəˈlɑsəti/ (vector quantity) :: velocidad {f}
velocity {n} (rapidity of motion) :: velocidad {f}
velocity {n} (economics) :: velocidad {f}
velodrome {n} /ˈvɛl.ə.dɹəʊm/ (arena for bicycle racing) :: velódromo {m}
velotaxi {n} (cycle rickshaw used as taxi) SEE: pedicab ::
velour {n} (a knit fabric similar to velvet, but usually somewhat coarser) :: velour {m}, velvetón {m}, velúr {m}
velvet {n} /ˈvɛlvɪt/ (fabric) :: terciopelo {m}
velveteen {n} /ˈvɛlvətiːn/ (cotton fabric with a short pile) :: pana {f}, velludillo {m}, terciopelo de algodón {m}
velvet scoter {n} (Melanitta fusca) :: negrón especulado {m}
velvet spider {n} (spider of the family Eresidae) :: erésido {m}
velvet worm {n} (worm of Onychophora) SEE: onychophoran ::
velvety {adj} /ˈvɛlvəti/ (like velvet) :: aterciopelado, terciopelado
vena cava {n} (large vein that returns blood into right atrium) :: vena cava {f}
venal {adj} /ˈviːnəl/ (for sale, available for a price) :: venal
venal {adj} (willing to take bribes) :: venal
venal {adj} (corrupt, mercenary) :: venal
vend {v} /vɛnd/ (sell) :: vender
vend {n} (sale) :: venta {f}
vendace {n} (Coregonus albula) :: coregono blanco {m}
vendetta {n} /vɛnˈdɛtə/ (bitter, destructive feud in which each injury is revenged) :: vendetta {f}, venganza de sangre {f}, venganza {f}
vending machine {n} (machine that dispenses merchandise) :: máquina expendedora {f}, distribuidor automático {m} {f}, máquina {f}, vending {m}
Vendémiaire {prop} /ˌvɑndəˈmjɛəɹ/ (the first month of the French Republican Calendar) :: vendimiario {m}
vendor {n} (a person or a company that vends or sells) :: vendedor {m}, vendedora {f}
veneer {n} /vɨˈniə̆ɹ/ (thin covering of fine wood) :: chapa {f}, chapa de madera {f}, chapeado {m}, contrachapado {m}
veneer {n} (covering or disguising appearance) :: barniz {m}
veneer {v} (to apply veneer) :: chapar, chapear, enchapar
venerate {v} /ˈvɛnəɹeɪt/ (To revere or hold in awe) :: venerar
venereal {adj} /vəˈnɪə.ɹɪ.əl/ (of a disease: sexually transmitted) :: venéreo
venereal disease {n} (contagious disease spread through sexual intercourse) :: enfermedad venérea {f}
venereal disease {n} (disease contracted through sexual contact) SEE: sexually transmitted disease ::
Venetian {adj} /vəˈniʃən/ (relating to Venice) :: veneciano
Venetian {n} (inhabitant of Venice) :: veneciano {m}, veneciana {f}
Venetian {prop} (Romance language spoken in Veneto) :: véneto {m}
Venetian {prop} (form of Venetian spoken in Venice) :: veneciano {m}
Venetian blind {n} (blind consisting of overlapping horizontal slats) :: persiana {f}
Venetic {prop} /vəˈnetɪk/ (Venetic language) :: venético {m}
Veneto {prop} (a region in northern Italy) :: Véneto {m}
Venezuela {prop} /ˌvɛn.ɪˈzweɪ.lə/ (country) :: Venezuela {f}
Venezuelan {n} (person from Venezuela or of Venezuelan descent) :: venezolano, venezolana {f}
Venezuelan {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Venezuela or the Venezuelan people) :: venezolano
vengeance {n} /ˈvɛnˌdʒəns/ (revenge taken for an insult, injury, or other wrong) :: venganza {f}
vengeful {adj} /ˈvenʒ.fəl/ (wanting vengeance) :: vengativo
venial {adj} /ˈviːni.əl/ (pardonable; able to be forgiven) :: venial
venial sin {n} (sin that is not a mortal sin) :: pecado venial {m}
Venice {prop} /ˈvɛnɪs/ (city and province in Italy) :: Venecia {f}
venison {n} /ˈvɛ.nɪ.zən/ (the meat of a deer) :: carne de venado {m}, carne de ciervo, carne de ciervo venado
Venn diagram {n} (diagram representing sets by circles) :: diagrama de Venn {m}
venography {n} /vɪˈnɒ.ɡrəf.i/ (diagnostic procedure) :: venografía {f}
venom {n} /ˈvɛnəm/ (poison carried by animal) :: veneno {m}
venom {n} ((figurative) malice) :: malicia {f}
venomous {adj} /ˈvɛnəməs/ (pertaining to or denoting an animal capable of producing a poisonous chemical) :: venenoso
venomous {adj} (pertaining to or containing venom) :: venenoso
venomous {adj} (malignant; spiteful; hateful) :: maléfico
venous {adj} /ˈviː.nəs/ (of or pertaining to veins) :: venoso
vent {n} /vɛnt/ (an opening through which gases, especially air, can pass) :: ventilación {f}
vent {n} (the opening of a volcano from which lava flows) :: chimenea {f}
vent {n} (the excretory opening of lower orders of vertebrates) :: cloaca {f}, ano {m}
vent {n} :: abertura {f}
vent {v} (to express a strong emotion) :: desahogar
ventilate {v} (To replace stale or noxious air with fresh) :: ventilar
ventilate {v} (To circulate air through a building, etc.) :: ventilar
ventilate {v} (To expose something to the circulation of fresh air) :: ventilar
ventilation {n} (mechanical system used to circulate and replace air) :: ventilación
ventilation {n} (breathing) :: ventilación
ventilator {n} (device that circulates fresh air and expels stale or noxious air) :: ventilador {m}
ventilator {n} (medicine: machine to help breathing) :: respirador {m}
vent one's spleen {v} (to openly express pent-up anger) :: soltar, descargar
ventral {adj} /ˈvɛntɹəl/ (on the front side of the human body or the according surface of an animal) :: ventral
ventral fin {n} (fin below pectoral fin) SEE: pelvic fin ::
ventricle {n} /ˈvɛntɹɪkəl/ (one of two lower chambers of the heart) :: ventrículo {m}
ventricular {adj} (of or relating to a ventricle) :: ventricular
ventriloquism {n} (art of projecting one's voice so that it appears to come from another source) :: ventriloquía {f}
ventriloquist {n} /vɛnˈtɹɪl.ə.kwɪst/ (a person who practices ventriloquism) :: ventrílocuo, ventrílocua {f}
Ventôse {prop} /vɑnˈtoʊz/ (the sixth month of the French Republican Calendar) :: ventoso {m}
venture {n} /ˈvɛn.t͡ʃɚ/ (A risky or daring undertaking or journey) :: aventura {f}
venture {v} (to risk) :: arriesgar
venture capitalist {n} (investor) :: capitalista de riesgo {m} {f}
venturi {n} (throat of a carburetor) SEE: throat ::
venue {n} /ˈvɛnjuː/ (place, especially the one where a given event is to happen) :: sala {f}, lugar {m}
venue {n} (legal: place in which anything is alleged to have happened) :: escena {f}
venue {n} (sport venue) :: cancha {m}
Venus {prop} /ˈvinəs/ (planet) :: Venus {f}
Venus {prop} (goddess) :: Venus
Venus' comb {n} (Scandix pecten-veneris) :: aguja {f}, peine de Venus {m}
Veps {prop} (the language) :: vepsio {m}
veracity {n} /vəˈɹæ.sə.ti/ ((of a person) the quality of speaking or stating the truth; truthfulness) :: veracidad {f}
Veracruz {prop} (state of Mexico) :: Veracruz {f}
Veracruz {prop} (city in Mexico) :: Veracruz
veraison {n} (A stage in the ripening process of grapes or olives) :: envero {m}
veranda {n} /vəˈɹæn.də/ (roofed open gallery) :: porche {m}, galería {f}
verb {n} /vɝb/ ((grammar) a word that indicates an action, event, or a state) :: verbo {m}
verbal {adj} /ˈvɝ.bəl/ (of, or relating to words) :: verbal
verbal {adj} (consisting of words only) :: verbal
verbal {adj} (spoken and not written; oral) :: verbal
verbal {adj} (derived from, or having the nature of a verb) :: verbal
verbal {adj} (used to form a verb) :: verbal
verbal {n} (grammar) :: verbal {m}
verbalist {n} /ˈvəːb(ə)lɪst/ :: verbalista {m} {f}
verbalization {n} (An instance of verbalizing) :: verbalización {f}
verbalize {v} (to express) :: verbalizar
verbalize {v} (to adapt as a verb) :: verbalizar
verbally {adv} (in a verbal manner) :: verbalmente, de viva voz
verbal noun {n} (grammar: noun that is morphologically related to a verb and has similar meaning) :: nombre verbal {m}
verbatim {adv} /vɚˈbeɪ.tɪm/ (word for word) :: literalmente, textualmente, palabra por palabra, al pie de la palabra
verbatim {adj} (of a document: word for word) :: literal
verbena {n} /vɝˈbinə/ (a genus of herbaceous plants) :: verbena {f}
verbiage {n} /ˈvɜː(ɹ).bi.ɪdʒ/ (overabundance of words) :: verborrea {f}, palabrería
verbose {adj} /və˞ˈboʊs/ (abounding in words) :: verboso
verbosity {n} /vɚˈbɑsəti/ (the excess use of words; long-windedness) :: palabrería {f}
verb phrase {n} (Phrase that functions syntactically as a verb) :: sintagma verbal {m}
verdant {adj} /ˈvɝ.dənt/ (green) :: verde
verdant {adj} :: verdoso
Verdian {adj} (of or pertaining to Giuseppe Verdi) :: verdiano
verdict {n} /ˈvɝ.dɪkt/ (decision on an issue of fact in a civil or criminal case or an inquest) :: veredicto {m}, fallo {m}
verdict {n} (opinion or judgement) :: fallo {m}
verdigris {n} /ˈvɝ.də.ɡɹis/ (blue-green patina on copper and copper alloys) :: cardenillo {m}
verdolaga {n} (common purslane) SEE: common purslane ::
verdure {n} /ˈvɜːdʒɚ/ (greenness, vegetation) :: verdor {m}, vegetación {f}
verge {n} /vɝd͡ʒ/ (edge or border) :: arcén {m}
verge {n} (phallus) SEE: phallus ::
veridical {adj} /vəˈɹɪdɪkəl/ (true) :: verídico {m}, veraz, auténtico {m}
verifiability {n} (property of being capable of being verified) :: verificabilidad {f}
verifiable {adj} /vɛɹ.ɪˈfaɪ.ə.bəl/ (able to be verified or confirmed) :: verificable
verification {n} (the act of verifying) :: verificación
verify {v} (to substantiate or prove the truth of something) :: verificar
verify {v} (to confirm or test the truth or accuracy of something) :: verificar
verify {v} :: constatar
verily {adv} /ˈvɛɹ.əl.i/ (truly, doubtlessly) :: verdaderamente, de verdad, de veras, realmente, sin duda alguna
verily {adv} (confidently, certainly) :: ciertamente, por supuesto
verisimilitude {n} /vɛɹɪsɪˈmɪlɪtjuːd/ (property of seeming true) :: verosimilitud {f}, verismo {m}
veritably {adv} (in a veritable manner) :: verdaderamente
verjuice {n} /ˈvɝdʒuːs/ (very acidic juice) :: verjus {m}, agraz {m}
verlan {n} /vɛə(ɹ)ˈlɑːn/ (type of backslang used in French) :: verlan {m}
vermicelli {n} (long, slender pasta) :: vermicelli {m}
vermicular {adj} (relating to or having the form of a worm) :: vermicular
vermiculate {adj} /vəɹˈmikjəleit/ (Decorated with lines like worm tracks.) :: vermiculado
vermiculation {n} (peristalsis) SEE: peristalsis ::
vermiculite {n} (mineral) :: vermiculita {f}
vermiform {adj} (in the shape of a worm) :: vermiforme
vermiform appendix {n} (blind tube projecting from the caecum) :: apéndice vermiforme {m}
vermilion {n} /vɜː(ɹ)ˈmɪl.jən/ (pigment) :: bermellón {m}
vermilion {n} (colour) :: bermellón
vermilion {adj} (having a brilliant red colour) :: bermejo
vermilion {adj} (having the color of vermilion dye) :: bermejo
vermin {n} /ˈvɝmɪn/ (Any one of various common types of small insects or animals which cause harm and annoyance) :: alimaña {f}
vermin {n} (An obnoxious, or mean and offensive person) :: gentuza {f}
vermin {n} :: bicho
Vermont {prop} /vɚˈmɑnt/ (a state in the United States) :: Vermont {m}
vermouth {n} /vəˈmuːθ/ (wine infused with herbs) :: vermú {m}
vernacular {n} /vɚˈnækjəlɚ/ (language unique to a particular group of people) :: idioma {m}, dialecto {m}
vernacular {n} (spoken language as opposed to literary or liturgical) :: lengua vernácula
vernacular {adj} (pertaining to everyday language) :: vernáculo
vernal {adj} /ˈvɜːn(ə)l/ (pertaining to or occurring in spring) :: vernal, primaveral
vernal equinox {n} (the point) :: equinoccio vernal {m}
vernal equinox {n} (the moment) :: equinoccio vernal {m}
vernalize {v} (to subject to vernalization) :: vernalizar
vernier caliper {n} (measuring instrument) :: calibre {m}, calibrador {m}, vernier {m}
veronal {n} (barbiturate) :: veronal {m}
Veronica {prop} /vəˈɹɒnɪkə/ (female given name) :: Verónica {f}
Versailles {prop} /vəɹˈsaɪ/ (suburb of Paris) :: Versalles {f}
versatile {adj} /ˈvɝsətl̩/ (capable of doing many things competently) :: versátil
versatile {adj} (having varied uses or many functions) :: versátil, multiuso , multívoco {m}
versatile {adj} (gay sexual slang: capable of taking both a top and bottom role) :: versátil, universal
versatility {n} /ˌvəɹsəˈtɪlɪti/ (the property of being versatile or having many different abilities; flexibility) :: versatilidad {f}
verse {n} /ˈvɝs/ (poetic form in general) :: verso {m}
verse {n} (one of several similar units of a song, consisting of several lines, generally rhymed) :: estrofa {f}, verso {m}
verse {n} (a small section of the Bible) :: versículo {m}, verso {m}
versed {adj} /vɜː(r)st/ (knowledgeable or skilled) :: versado
versed sine {n} (function 1 - cos) :: seno verso {m}
version {n} /ˈvɝʒən/ (a specific form or variation of something) :: versión {f}
version {n} (a translation from one language to another) :: versión {f}
version {n} (computing) :: versión
versioning {n} (distinguishing items based on version) :: versionado
verso {n} (the back side of a flat object) :: dorso {m}, reverso {m}
versus {prep} /ˈvɝsəs/ (in opposition to) :: contra, en vez de
vert {n} /vɝt/ (colour) :: sinople
vert {adj} (of green colour) :: sinople (verde)
vertebra {n} /ˈvɜːtɪbɹə/ (any of the small bones which make up the backbone) :: vértebra {f}
vertebral {adj} (of or relating to a vertebra or the spine) :: vertebral
vertebral column {n} (vertebral column) :: columna vertebral {f}
vertebrate {adj} /ˈvɛɹ.tɪ.bɹeɪt/ (having a backbone) :: vertebrado
vertebrate {n} (an animal having a backbone) :: vertebrado
vertex {n} /vɜːteks/ (highest point) :: cumbre {f}, vértice {m}
vertex {n} (anatomy: highest surface on skull) :: vértice {m}
vertex {n} (geometry: corner of a polygon or polyhedron) :: vértice {m}
vertex {n} (element of a graph) :: vértice {m}, nodo {m}
vertex {n} (computer graphics: point in 3D space) :: vértice {m}
vertex {n} (optics: point where the surface of an optical element crosses the optical axis) :: vértice {m}
vertical {adj} /ˈvɝtɪkəl/ (being perpendicular to horizontal) :: vertical
vertical bar {n} (vertical bar) SEE: pipe ::
vertically {adv} /ˈvɜːtɪkli/ (in a vertical direction or position) :: verticalmente
vertiginous {adj} /vɜː(ɹ)ˈtɪd͡ʒɪnəs/ (Inducing giddiness or vertigo) :: vertiginoso {m}
vertigo {n} /ˈvɝtɪɡoʊ/ (sensation of whirling and loss of balance) :: vértigo {m}, mareo {m}
verve {n} /vɜː(r)v/ (excitement of imagination) :: nervio {m}, energía {f}, fogosidad {f}
very {adv} /ˈvɛɹi/ (to a high degree) :: muy
very much {adv} (indeed) SEE: indeed ::
very much {adv} (extremely) :: mucho {m}
Vesak {prop} (Buddhist holiday celebrating the birth, enlightenment, and passing of the Buddha) :: Vesak {m}
vesicle {n} /ˈvɛsɪkəl/ (cytology: membrane-bound compartment) :: vesícula {f}
vesicular {adj} (of or pertaining to vesicles) :: vesicular
Vespasian {prop} /vɛsˈpeɪʒi.ən/ (Roman cognomen) :: Vespasiano
vesper bat {n} (bat in Vespertilionidae) :: vespertiliónido {m}
Vespers {prop} (A Christian service held in the late afternoon or early evening) :: vísperas {f-p}
vespiary {n} (a wasps' nest) :: avispero {m}
vessel {n} /ˈvɛs.əl/ (craft) :: embarcación {f}, barco {m}, casco {m}
vessel {n} (container) :: recipiente {m}, receptáculo {m}, vaso {m}, vasija {f}, recinto
vessel {n} (tube or canal that carries fluid in an animal or plant) :: vaso {m}
vest {n} /vɛst/ (garment worn over a shirt) :: chaleco {m}, chalequillo {m} [Southern Spain, especially Seville - in this city, "chaleco" means "sweater" or "jumper"]
vest {n} (garment worn under a shirt) :: camiseta de tirantes
Vesta {prop} /vɛstə/ (asteroid) :: Vesta {f}
vestal {adj} /ˈvɛs.t(ə)l/ (of or pertaining to Vesta) :: vestal
vestal {adj} (pure; chaste) :: vestal
vestal {n} (female virgin) :: vestal
vestal {n} (virgin consecrated to Vesta) SEE: vestal virgin ::
vestal virgin {n} (servant of Vesta) :: vestal
vested interest {n} (a stake, often financial, in a particular outcome) :: interés personal {m}
vested interest {n} (an exceptionally strong interest in protecting whatever is to one's own advantage) :: intereses creados {m-p}
vestibular {adj} (re: anatomy) :: vestibular
vestibule {n} /ˈvɛstəbjul/ (a passage, hall or room) :: vestíbulo {m}
vestibule {n} (body cavity) :: vestíbulo {m}
vestibulo- {prefix} (vestibule) :: vestibulo-
vestibulocochlear {adj} (of or pertaining to the vestibular and cochlear nerves) :: vestibulococlear
vestige {n} /ˈvɛ.stɪd͡ʒ/ (mark of the foot left on the earth; a track or footstep; a trace; a sign) :: huella {f}, pisada {f}
vestige {n} (faint mark or visible sign left by something which is lost) :: vestigio {m}
vestment {n} (clothing) SEE: clothing ::
Vesuvius {prop} /vəˈəs/ (volcano in Italy) :: Vesubio {m}
vet {n} /vɛt/ (short form of veteran) :: veterano {m}
vet {v} (check or investigate particularly) :: examinar
vet {n} (veterinarian) SEE: veterinarian ::
vetch {n} /vɛtʃ/ (plant of the genus Vicia) :: veza {f}, arveja {f}
veteran {n} /ˈvɛ.t̬ə.ɹən/ (person with long experience) :: veterano {m}
veteran {n} (old soldier) :: veterano {m}
veteran {adj} (with long experience) :: veterano, aguerrido
veteran {adj} (related to former members of armed forces) :: retirado
veterinarian {n} /ˌvɛt(ə)ɹəˈnɛɹi.ən/ (doctor who treats animals) :: veterinario {m}, veterinaria {f}
veterinary {n} (veterinarian) SEE: veterinarian ::
veterinary {adj} /ˈvɛt.ə.ɹɪ.nɛɹ.i/ (of or relating to the medical treatment of animals) :: veterinario
veterinary medicine {n} (branch of medicine that deals with animals) :: medicina veterinaria {f}
veterinary science {n} (veterinary medicine) SEE: veterinary medicine ::
veterinary surgeon {n} (veterinarian) SEE: veterinarian ::
vetiver {n} /ˈvɛtɪvə/ (aromatic root) :: vetiver {m}
veto {n} /ˈviːtoʊ/ (political right) :: veto {m}
veto {v} (to use a veto against) :: vetar
vetting {n} (checking or investigation) :: investigación {f}, escrutinio {m}, verificación {f}, chequeo {m}
vex {v} /vɛks/ (rare, archaic: to trouble aggressively) :: fastidiar {m}
vex {v} (to annoy) :: disgustarse, vejar
vex {v} (to distress; to cause mental suffering) :: disgustar
vexation {n} /vɛkˈseɪʃən/ (act of annoying, vexing or irritating) :: vejación
vexation {n} (state of being vexed or irritated) :: vejación {f}
vexatious {adj} (causing vexation) :: vejatorio {m}
vexatious {adj} (full of trouble or disquiet) :: vejatorio {m}
vexed {adj} /ˈvɛkst/ (annoyed, irritated or distressed) :: molesto {m}, irritado {m}
vexed {adj} (much debated, discussed or disputed) :: discutido {m}, debatido {m}
vexillology {n} /ˌvɛksəˈlɑːlədʒi/ (study of flags) :: vexilología {f}
vexillum {n} (vane) SEE: vane ::
vexillum {n} (sign of the cross) SEE: sign of the cross ::
via {prep} /ˈvaɪə/ (by way of) :: vía
via {prep} (by (means of); using (a medium)) :: por
viability {n} /ˌvaɪəˈbɪlɪti/ (property of being viable) :: viabilidad {f}
viable {adj} /ˈvaɪəbəl/ (able to live on its own) :: viable
viable {adj} (possible) :: viable
viable {adj} ((biology) able to live and develop) :: viable
viaduct {n} /ˈvaɪəˌdʌkt/ (bridge with several spans that carries road or rail traffic over a valley) :: viaducto {m}
via ferrata {n} /ˌviːə fəˈɹɑːtə/ (protected climbing route) :: vía ferrata {f}
Viagra {prop} (trademark name of the drug, sildenafil citrate, used to treat erectile dysfunction) :: Viagra {f}
vial {n} /ˈvaɪəl/ (a small tube-shaped bottle used to store a chemical) :: frasco {m}
viaticum {n} /vʌɪˈatɪkəm/ (Eucharist) :: viático {m}
viaticum {n} (supplies for journey) :: viático {m}
vibe {n} /vaɪb/ (atmosphere or aura) :: onda {f}, vibra {f}, rollo {m} [informal]
vibrant {adj} /ˈvaɪbɹənt/ (pulsing with energy or activity) :: vibrante {m} {f}
vibrant {adj} (lively and vigorous) :: vibrante {m} {f}
vibrant {adj} (vibrating, resonant or resounding) :: vibrante {m} {f}
vibraphone {n} /ˈvɑɪ.bɹə.ˌfoːn/ (percussion instrument) :: vibráfono {m}
vibrate {v} /ˈvaɪ.bɹeɪt/ (to move with small movements rapidly) :: vibrar
vibrating {adj} (that vibrates) :: vibratorio, vibrante
vibration {n} /vaɪˈbɹeɪʃən/ (act of vibrating) :: vibración {f}
vibrato {n} /vɪˈbɹɑːtoʊ/ (Musical effect or technique) :: vibrato {m}
vibrator {n} /ˈvaɪbɹeɪtɚ/ (device used for massage or sexual stimulation) :: vibrador {m}
vibrator {n} :: vibrador {m}
vibratory {adj} (causing or exhibiting vibrations) :: vibratorio
viburnum {n} (plants of the genus Viburnum) :: viburno {m}
vicar {n} /ˈvɪkɚ/ (lower-ranking priest) :: vicario {m}, vicaria {f}
vicar {n} (local representative of higher-ranking member of clergy) :: vicario {m}
vicariate {n} (the office or authority of a vicar) :: vicaría {f}, vicariato {m}
vicarious {adj} /vaɪˈkɛ(ə)ɹi.əs/ (on behalf of others) :: vicario
vicarious embarrassment {n} (embarrassment felt for someone else) :: vergüenza ajena {f}, alipori {m} [colloquial]
vice {n} /vaɪs/ (bad habit) :: vicio {m}, resabio {m}
vice- {prefix} (deputy) :: vice-
vice {n} (screw apparatus) SEE: vise ::
vice admiral {n} (rank between rear admiral and admiral) :: vicealmirante {m}
vice-chancellor {n} (official) :: vicecanciller {m} {f}
vice president {n} (deputy to a president) :: vicepresidente {m}, vicepresidenta {f}
viceregal {adj} /vaɪsˈɹiːɡəl/ (Of, or pertaining to, a viceroy or viceroyalty.) :: virreinal
vicereine {n} /vʌɪsɹeɪn/ (wife of a viceroy) :: virreina
viceroy {n} /ˈvaɪsˌɹɔɪ/ (governor of a country) :: virrey {m}
vice versa {adv} /ˈvaɪsi ˈvɝsə/ (the other way round) :: viceversa, contrariamente
Vichuquén {prop} (Vichuquén) :: Vichuquén {m}
vicinal {adj} /ˈvɪsɪnəl/ (of or pertaining to a neighborhood) :: vecinal
vicinity {n} /vəˈsɪnəti/ :: cercanías {f-p}, inmediaciones {f-p}, proximidad {f}, cercanía {f}
vicious {adj} /ˈvɪʃəs/ (pertaining to vice; characterised by immorality or depravity) :: vicioso
vicious circle {n} (situation in which the solution to a problem creates another problem) :: círculo vicioso {m}
viciously {adv} (in a vicious manner) :: corruptamente
vicissitude {n} /vɨˈsɪs.ɨˌt(j)u(ː)d/ (regular change or succession from one thing to another) :: vicisitud {f}
vicissitude {n} (a change, especially in one's life or fortunes) :: vicisitud {f}
victim {n} /ˈvɪktɪm/ (one who is harmed) :: víctima {f}
victim {n} (one who is harmed by a crime) :: víctima {f}
victim {n} (one who is harmed by their own undertakings) :: víctima {f}
victim {n} (one who is harmed by a disaster or other adverse circumstance) :: víctima {f}
victim {n} (a living being slain and offered as a sacrifice) :: víctima {f}, sacrificio {m}
victim {n} ((narratology) a character who is conquered or manipulated by a villain) :: víctima {f}
victimism {n} (tendency to play the victim) :: victimismo {f}
victimist {n} (one who plays the victim) :: victimista {m} {f}
victimization {n} :: victimización {f}
victimize {v} /ˈvɪktɪmaɪz/ (to make someone a victim or sacrifice) :: victimizar
victimize {v} (defraud) SEE: defraud ::
victor {n} /ˈvɪk.tə(ɹ)/ (winner in a fight or contest) :: vencedor {m}
Victor {prop} (male given name) :: Víctor {m}
Victoria {prop} /vɪkˈtɔːɹi.ə/ (female given name) :: Victoria {f}
Victoria Falls {prop} (waterfall in Africa) :: cataratas Victoria
Victorian {adj} /vɪkˈtɔːɹiən/ (relating to the reign of Queen Victoria) :: victoriano
Victorian {adj} (displaying the standards of the time of Queen Victoria) :: victoriano
victorious {adj} /vɪkˈtɔːriəs/ (being the winner) :: victorioso
victoriously {adv} (in a victorious manner) :: victoriosamente
victory {n} /ˈvɪkt(ə)ɹi/ (an instance of having won a competition or battle) :: victoria {f}
Victory Day {n} (a day to commemorate victories in important battles or wars in the countries' history) :: Día de la Victoria {m}
victual {n} /ˈvɪtl̩/ (Food, provisions) :: víveres {m-p}, vituallas {f-p}
vicuna {n} /vɪˈkuːnjə/ (vicuna) :: vicuña {f}
video {n} /ˈvɪdiˌoʊ/ (television show, movie) :: vídeo {m} [Spain], video {m} [Latin America]
video {n} (motion picture stored on VHS) :: vídeo
video {n} (VHS) :: videocinta {f}, cinta de vídeo {f}
video call {n} (kind of telephone call accompanied by video imagery) :: videollamada
video camera {n} (device for recording video) :: videocámara {f}, cámara de vídeo {f} [Spain], cámara de video {f} [Latin America]
videocassette {n} (cassette containing recorded videotape) :: videocasete {f}, cinta de vídeo {f}
videocassette recorder {n} (recording device) :: vídeo {m} [Spain], videograbador {m} [Spain], videograbadora {f} [Latin America]
video chat {n} (a webcam-based discussion) :: videochat {m}
video conference {n} (conference held by video link) :: videoconferencia {f}
video doorphone {n} :: videoportero {m}
video game {n} /ˈvɪ.di.oʊ̯ˌɡeɪm/ (game controlled by software) :: juego de video, videojuego
video game console {n} (dedicated electronic device that is designed to play video games) :: consola de videojuegos {f}
videographer {n} (person involved in the production of video material) :: videógrafo {m}, videógrafa {f}
videographic {n} (video recording) :: videográfico
videography {n} (the art and technology) :: videografía {f}
videography {n} (occupation) :: videografía {f}
videophone {n} (type of telephone) :: videófono {m}
videotape {n} (tape used to record videos) :: video {m}, cinta de video {f}
videotape {v} (to make a recording on videotape) :: grabar en video, videograbar
vie {v} /vaɪ/ (to rival; to struggle for superiority; to compete) :: rivalizar, rivalejar
Vienna {prop} /viˈɛ.nə/ (capital of Austria) :: Viena {f}
Vienna sausage {n} (spicy smoked link sausage type wiener (short for wienerwurst), associated with the Austrian capital Vienna) :: salchicha de Viena {f}, salchicha vienesa {f}
Vienna sausage {n} :: salchicha de Frankfurt
Vienne {prop} (department of France) :: Vienne, Viena
Viennese {n} /ˌviː.ən.iːz/ (inhabitant) :: vienés {m}, vienesa {f}
Viennese {adj} (connected with Vienna) :: vienés
Vientiane {prop} /viˌɛntiˈɑːn/ (capital of Laos) :: Vientián {m}
Vietnam {prop} /(ˈ)vjɛtˈnɑm/ (country in Southeast Asia) :: Vietnam {m}
Vietnamese {adj} /ˌviː.ət.nəˈmiːz/ (of or pertaining to Vietnam) :: vietnamita
Vietnamese {n} (Vietnamese person) :: vietnamita {m} {f}
Vietnamese {n} (language) :: vietnamita {m}
Vietnamese balm {n} (Southeast Asian herb) :: bálsamo vietnamita {m}
Vietnam War {prop} (war that occurred in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia between 1955 and 1975) :: guerra de Vietnam {f}
view {n} /vjuː/ (seeing) :: vista {f}
view {n} (range of vision) :: vista {f}
view {n} (something to look at) :: vista {f}
view {n} (mental image) :: visión {f}
view {n} (way of understanding) :: mirada {f}, visión {f}
view {v} (to look at) :: ver
viewer {n} (someone who views a spectacle) :: espectador {m}, espectadora {f}
viewer {n} (someone who watches television) :: televidente, telespectador {m}, telespectadora {f}
viewership {n} (viewers, collectively) :: audiencia {f}
viewfinder {n} (device on a camera) :: visor {m}
viewpoint {n} (point of view) SEE: point of view ::
vigesimal {adj} /vɪˈdʒɛsɪm(ə)l/ (to the base twenty) :: vigésimo
vigil {n} /ˈvɪdʒəl/ (keeping awake) :: vigilia {f}
vigil {n} (eve of a religious festival) :: vigilia {f}, víspera {f}
vigilance {n} /ˈvɪdʒɪlɪns/ (Alert watchfulness) :: vigilancia {f}
vigilance {n} (Close and continuous attention) :: vigilancia {f}
vigilant {adj} /ˈvɪdʒɪlənt/ (watchful) :: vigilante
vigilante {n} /vɪdʒɪˈlænti/ (person who considers it their responsibility to summarily uphold the law) :: justiciero {m}
vigilantly {adv} (in a vigilant manner) :: vigilantemente
vignette {n} /vɪnˈjɛt/ (running ornament used in Gothic architecture) :: viñeta
vignette {n} (decorative design at the head of a chapter, of a manuscript or printed book) :: viñeta {f}
vignette {n} (small borderless picture in a book) :: viñeta
vignette {n} (short story) :: viñeta
vignette {n} (small picture on a postage stamp) :: viñeta
vigorous {adj} /ˈvɪɡəɹəs/ (physically strong and active) :: vigoroso
vigorously {adv} /ˈvɪɡəɹəsli/ (with intense energy) :: vigorosamente
Viking {n} /ˈvaɪkɪŋ/ (One of the Scandinavian seafaring warriors) :: vikingo {m}
Vilamovian {prop} (Wymysorys) SEE: Wymysorys ::
vilayet {n} (one of the chief administrative divisions or provinces of the Ottoman Empire) :: valiato {m}
vile {adj} /vaɪl/ (morally low) :: vil
vilify {v} /ˈvɪl.ɪ.faɪ/ (say defamatory things about; to speak ill of) :: vilipendiar
vilify {v} :: acusar
vilipend {v} /ˈvɪlɪpɛnd/ (to express a disparaging opinion of, see also: disparage; vilify) :: vilipendiar
villa {n} /ˈvɪlə/ (a house used as a retreat) :: villa {f}, quinta {f}
village {n} /ˈvɪlɪd͡ʒ/ (a rural habitation of size between a hamlet and a town) :: aldea {f}, pueblo {m}
village idiot {n} (person widely known in their community for their stupidity and ignorant behaviour) :: tonto del pueblo {m}
villager {n} /ˈvɪlɪd͡ʒə/ (person who lives in, or comes from, a village) :: aldeano {m}, aldeana {f}, lugareño
villain {n} /ˈvɪlən/ (scoundrel) :: villano
villain {n} (bad person in a stage or screen play) :: villano {m}
villancico {n} /ˌviljənˈsikoʊ/ (traditional Spanish or Portuguese folk song) :: villancico {m}
Villarreal {prop} (city) :: Villarreal
villeinage {n} (serfdom) SEE: serfdom ::
Vilnius {prop} /ˈvɪlni.əs/ (capital of Lithuania) :: Vilna
vinaigrette {n} /vɪnəˈɡɹɛt/ (sauce) :: aliño {m}
vinasse {n} /vɪˈnæs/ :: vinaza {f}
Vincent {prop} /ˈvɪnsənt/ (male given name) :: Vicente
Vincentian {n} (A citizen of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) :: sanvicentino {m}
Vincentian {adj} (Of, or pertaining to, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) :: sanvicentino {m}
vincible {adj} (capable of being defeated) :: vencible {m} {f}
vindicate {v} (to clear from an accusation, suspicion or criticism) :: vindicar
vindicate {v} (to maintain or defend a cause against opposition) :: defender
vindicate {v} (to provide justification) :: justificar
vindicate {v} (to claim) :: reclamar
vindication {n} /vɪndɪˈkeɪʃən/ (the act of vindicating) :: justificación, vindicación {f}
vindication {n} (justification of a claim or belief) :: vindicación {f}
vindictive {adj} /vɪnˈdɪk.tɪv/ (having a tendency to seek revenge) :: vindicativo, vengativo
vindictiveness {n} (a malevolent desire for revenge) :: revanchismo {m}
vine {n} /vaɪn/ (climbing plant that produces grapes) :: vid {f}
vine {n} (any plant of the genus Vitis) :: vid {f}
vine {n} (any similar climbing or trailing plant) :: trepadora {f}, enredadera {f}
vinegar {n} /ˈvɪnəɡɚ/ (condiment) :: vinagre {m}
vineyard {n} /ˈvɪn.jɚd/ (grape plantation) :: viñedo {m}, viña {f}
viniculture {n} (cultivation of grapes) :: vinicultura {f}
vinification {n} (winemaking) SEE: winemaking ::
vinous {adj} /ˈvaɪnəs/ (pertaining to or having the characteristics of wine) :: vinoso {m}
vintage {n} /ˈvɪn.tɪdʒ/ (yield of grapes during one season) :: vendimia {f}
vintage {n} (wine identified by year and vineyard) :: cosecha {f}
vintage {n} (harvesting of a grape and initial pressing for winemaking) :: vendimia {f}
vintage {adj} (relating to a vintage or to wine identified by a specific vintage) :: cosecha
vintage {adj} (having an enduring appeal; classic) :: clásico
vintage {adj} (of a car, built between 1919 and 1930) :: antiguo
vintage car {n} :: coche antiguo {m}
vintager {n} (vintager) :: vendimiador {m}
vintner {n} /ˈvɪntnɚ/ (manufacturer of wine) :: vinatero {m}
vinyl {n} /ˈvaɪ.nəl/ (univalent radical) :: vinilo {m}
vinyl {n} (substance) :: vinilo {m}
vinyl {n} (record) :: vinilo {m}
viola {n} /viˈoʊ.lə/ (music: stringed instrument of the violin family) :: viola {f}
viola {n} /vaɪˈoʊlə/ (botany: any of several flowering plants) :: violeta {f}
violaceous {adj} (violet-colored) :: violáceo
violate {v} /ˈvaɪəˌleɪt/ (to break or fail to act by rules) :: violar
violation {n} (rape) SEE: rape ::
violation {n} /ˌvaɪəˈleɪʃən/ (act or instance of violating) :: violación {f}
violence {n} /ˈvaɪələns/ (extreme force) :: violencia {f}
violence {n} (action intended to cause destruction, pain or suffering) :: violencia
violence {n} :: violencia {f}
violent {adj} /ˈvaɪ(ə)lənt/ (involving extreme force or motion) :: violento
violent {adj} (involving physical conflict) :: violento
violent {adj} (likely to use physical force) :: violento
violently {adv} /ˈvaɪ(ə)ləntli/ (in a violent manner) :: violentamente
violet {n} /ˈvaɪələt/ (colour) :: violeta {f}
violet {n} (plant) :: violeta {f}
violet {adj} (having a bluish-purple color) :: violeta
Violet {prop} (female given name) :: Violeta {f}
violet carpenter bee {n} (Xylocopa violacea) :: abejorro carpintero europeo {m}
violin {n} /ˌvaɪəˈlɪn/ (string instrument) :: violín {m}
violinist {n} (person who plays violin) :: violinista {m} {f}
violoncello {n} (cello) SEE: cello ::
VIP {n} (abbreviation: very important person) :: vip {m} {f}
viper {n} /ˈvaɪpɚ/ (a poisonous snake in the family Viperidae) :: víbora {f}
viper {n} (adder) SEE: adder ::
virago {n} /vɪˈɹɑːɡəʊ/ (rough woman) :: virago {f}
viral {adj} /ˈvaɪɹəl/ (relating to a virus in biological sense) :: viral, vírico
viral {adj} (caused by a virus) :: viral, vírico
viral {adj} (advertising and marketing: spread by word of mouth) :: viral
viral load {n} (measure of the severity of a viral infection) :: carga viral {f}
vireo {n} (any species of genus Vireo) :: verderón {m}
Virgil {prop} (Roman writer) :: Virgilio
virgin {n} /ˈvɝdʒɪn/ (person who has never had sexual intercourse) :: virgen {m} {f}, doncel {m}, doncella {f}, señorita {f} [euphemistic]
virgin {adj} (of a person, in a state of virginity) :: virgen {m} {f}, virginal {m} {f}, casto {m}, casta {f}
virgin {adj} (of an object, untouched) :: virgen {m} {f}, intacto {m}, intacta {f}
virgin {adj} (of olive oil) :: virgen {m}
Virgin {prop} (Mary, the mother of Jesus) :: la Virgen
virginal {adj} (being or resembling virgin) :: virginal, virgíneo
virginal membrane {n} (hymen) SEE: hymen ::
virgin forest {n} (forest free from disturbance) :: selva virgen
Virginia {prop} /vɚˈdʒɪn.jə/ (state) :: Virginia {f}
Virginia {prop} (female given name) :: Virginia
Virginia stock {n} (flower) :: mahonesa {f}
Virgin Islander {n} (person) :: virgenense {m} {f}
Virgin Islands {prop} (archipelago) :: Islas Vírgenes {f-p}
virginity {n} (state or characteristic of being a virgin) :: virginidad, doncellez {f}
Virgin Mary {prop} (mother of Christ) :: Virgen María {f}
Virgo {prop} /ˈvɝɡoʊ/ (constellation) :: Virgo {m}
Virgo {prop} (astrological sign) :: Virgo
virgule {n} /ˈvɝ.ɡjul/ (typographic character) :: barra oblicua {f}
virial theorem {n} (theorem) :: teorema de virial
virile {adj} /ˈvɪɹəl/ (being manly) :: viril
virility {n} /vəˈɹɪlɪti/ (the state of being virile) :: virilidad {f}
virion {n} /ˈvaɪɹiɑn/ (particle of a virus) :: virión {m}
virological {adj} (of or pertaining to virology) :: virológico
virologist {n} (scientist or doctor specializing in virology) :: virólogo {m}, viróloga {f}
virology {n} /vʌɪˈɹɒlədʒi/ (branch of microbiology that deals with the study of viruses and viral disease) :: virología
virtual {adj} /ˈvɝtʃuəl/ (in effect; not fact) :: virtual
virtualize {v} :: virtualizar
virtual keyboard {n} (software that allows a user to enter characters) :: teclado virtual {m}
virtually {adv} /ˈvɚ.tʃwə.li/ (almost) :: prácticamente
virtual particle {n} (virtual particle) :: partícula virtual {f}
virtual reality {n} (virtual reality) :: realidad virtual {f}
virtual sex {n} (sexual activity) :: sexo virtual {m}
virtue {n} /ˈvɜːtʃuː/ (excellence in morals) :: virtud {f}
virtue {n} (a good model quality) :: virtud {f}
virtue {n} (chastity and faithfulness) :: virtud {f}
virtue {n} (an exemplary quality) :: virtud {f}
virtuous {adj} /ˈvɜːt͡ʃʊəs/ (full of virtue, having excellent moral character) :: virtuoso
virtuous circle {n} /ˈvɜː.t͡ʃʊ.əs ˈsɜː.kəl/ (situation in which the solution to one problem makes each future problem easier to solve) :: círculo virtuoso {m}
virtuously {adv} (in a virtuous manner) :: virtuosamente
virus {n} /ˈvaɪɹəs/ (infectious organism) :: virus {m}
virus {n} (computer virus) :: virus {m}
visa {n} /ˈviː.zə/ (permit) :: visa {f} [Latin America], visado {m}
visa-on-arrival {n} (a simplified method of issuing visa) :: visa-en-llegada {f}
Visayan {n} (person or nation) :: bisayo {m}
Visayan {prop} (language) :: bisayo {m}
viscacha {n} (rodents of the genera Lagidium and Lagostomus, within family Chinchillidae) :: vizcacha {f}
viscacha rat {n} (Octomys mimax) :: vizcacha del monte {f}, rata cola peluda {f}
viscera {n} (internal organs of the body) :: víscera {f}
visceromegaly {n} (enlargement of abdominal organs) :: visceromegalia {f}
viscoelastic {adj} (viscous and elastic) :: viscoelástico
viscometer {n} (instrument used to measure viscosity) :: viscosímetro {m}
viscose {n} (fabric) :: viscosa {f}
viscosity {n} /vɪsˈkɑsɪti/ (state of being viscous) :: viscosidad {f}
viscount {n} /ˈvaɪkaʊnt/ (a member of the peerage above a baron but below a count or earl) :: vizconde
viscountess {n} (viscount's wife) :: vizcondesa {f}
viscous {adj} /ˈvɪs.kəs/ (having a thick, sticky consistency) :: viscoso
viscus {n} /ˈvɪskəs/ (organ in the abdomen) :: víscera {f}
vise {n} /vaɪs/ (two-jawed instrument for holding work) :: tornillo de banco {m}, torno de banco {m}, morsa {f} [Arg.]
Visean {prop} (A subdivision of the Carboniferous period) :: Viseano
Vishnu {prop} /ˈvɪʃnu/ (the god) :: Vishnú
visibility {n} /ˌvɪz.əˈbɪl.ɪ.ti/ (degree to which things may be seen) :: visibilidad {f}
visible {adj} /ˈvɪzəb(ə)l/ (able to be seen) :: visible
visibly {adv} /ˈvɪzɪbli/ (in a visible manner) :: visiblemente
Visigoth {n} (member of an East Germanic tribe) :: visigodo {m}
vision {n} /ˈvɪ.ʒ(ə)n/ (sense or ability of sight) :: vista {f}, visión {f}
vision {n} (something imaginary one thinks one sees) :: visión {f}
vision {n} (ideal or goal) :: visión {f}
vision {n} (religious or mystical experience) :: visión {f}
vision {n} (footage) SEE: footage ::
visionary {adj} /ˈvɪʒn̩(ə)ɹi/ (having vision or foresight) :: visionario {m}, visionaria {f}
visionary {adj} (imaginary or illusory) :: ilusorio
visionary {adj} (prophetic or revelatory) :: visionario {m}
visionary {adj} (idealistic or utopian) :: idealista
visionary {n} (someone who has visions) :: visionario
visionary {n} (an impractical dreamer) :: visionario
visit {v} /ˈvɪzɪt/ (to go and meet (someone)) :: visitar
visit {n} (single act of visiting) :: visita {f}
visit {n} (meeting with a doctor) :: consulta
visit {n} :: visita {f}
visit {v} (to avenge) SEE: avenge ::
visit {v} (to inflict) SEE: inflict ::
visitant {n} (migratory bird) SEE: migrant ::
visiting card {n} (business card) SEE: business card ::
visiting team {n} (team opposed to the home team) :: visitante {m}
visitor {n} /ˈvɪzɪtə/ (guest) :: visita {f}
visitors' book {n} (a facility for visitors' comments) SEE: guest book ::
visitor team {n} (visiting team) SEE: visiting team ::
visor {n} (mask) SEE: mask ::
visor {n} /ˈvaɪzɚ/ (part of a helmet) :: visera {f}
vista {n} /ˈviːstə/ (distant view or prospect) :: vista {f}
vista {n} (site offering such a view) :: vista {f}
Vistula {prop} /ˈvɪstʃʊlə/ (Polish river) :: Vístula {m}
visual {adj} /ˈvɪʒuəl/ (related to or affecting the vision) :: visual
visual arts {n} (art forms that are primarily visual in nature) :: artes visuales {f-p}
visualise {v} (to form a mental picture) :: visualizar
visualise {v} (to make visible) :: visualizar
visualization {n} (the act of visualizing, or something visualized) :: visualización {f}
visualization {n} (computing: a visual representation of data) :: visualización {f}
visually {adv} (by means of sight) :: visualmente
visual space {n} (visual world as subjectively perceived by an aware observer) :: espacio visual {m}
vis-à-vis {n} (counterpart) SEE: counterpart ::
vis-à-vis {adv} /viz.ɑˈvi/ (face to face) :: en relación a
vis-à-vis {adj} (face-to-face) SEE: face-to-face ::
vital {adj} (containing life) SEE: living ::
vital {adj} /ˈvaɪt̬əl/ (relating to, or characteristic of life) :: vital
vital {adj} (necessary to the continuation of life) :: vital
vital {adj} (very important) :: vital
vitalism {n} (doctrine that life involves a "vital force") :: vitalismo {m}
vitalist {adj} (of or espousing vitalism) :: vitalista
vitalist {n} (someone who believes in vitalism) :: vitalista {m} {f}
vitality {n} /vaɪˈtælɪti/ (the capacity to live and develop) :: vitalidad {f}
vitality {n} (energy or vigour) :: vitalidad {f}
vital organ {n} (organ which performs an important function) :: órgano vital {m}
vital signs {n} (set of measurements of a patient's condition) :: constantes vitales {f-p}
vitamin {n} /ˈvaɪ.tə.mɪn/ (organic compound essential to human health) :: vitamina {f}
vitamin {n} ((attributive use of the noun)) :: vitamínico
vitamin A {n} (any fat-soluble vitamin essential for vision) :: vitamina A {f}
Vitebsk {prop} (city) :: Vítebsk, Vítsiebsk
viticulture {n} (agricultural practice of growing grape vines) :: viticultura {f}
vitiligo {n} (patchy loss of skin pigmentation) :: vitiligo {m}
Vitoria {prop} (city) :: Vitoria {f}
vitreous humor {n} (vitreous humour) SEE: vitreous humour ::
vitreous humour {n} (clear gel) :: humor vítreo {m}
vitrify {v} /ˈvɪ.tɹɪ.faɪ/ (to be made into glass) :: vitrificar, vitrificarse
vitrine {n} /vɪˈtɹiːn/ (glass-paneled cabinet or case) :: vitrina {f}
vitriol {n} (sulfuric acid) SEE: sulfuric acid ::
vitriol {n} /ˈvɪ.tɹi.əl/ (various metal sulphates) :: vitriolo {m}
vitriolic {adj} (bitterly scathing) SEE: caustic ::
Vitsebsk {prop} (Vitebsk) SEE: Vitebsk ::
Vitus {prop} (male given name) :: Vito
viva {interj} (long live ... !) SEE: long live ::
vivacious {adj} /vaɪˈveɪʃəs/ (lively and animated) :: vivaz
vivacious {adj} (long-lived) :: vivaz
vivaciously {adv} (in a vivacious manner) :: vivazmente
vivacity {n} (the state of being vivacious) :: vivacidad {f}
vivid {adj} /ˈvɪvɪd/ (clear, detailed or powerful) :: vívido {m}
vivid {adj} (bright, intense or colourful) :: vivo {m}
vividness {n} (state of being vivid) :: nitidez {f}
viviparous {adj} /vɪˈvɪpəɹəs/ (of an animal) :: vivíparo
vivisection {n} /ˈvɪvɪsɛkʃən/ (The action of invasive treatment of a living organism for scientific investigation) :: vivisección {f}
vixen {n} (attractive woman) SEE: fox ::
vixen {n} /ˈvɪk.sən/ (female fox) :: zorra {f}
vixen {n} (temperamental woman) :: puta {f}, perra {f}, zorra {f}
Vixen {prop} (reindeer of Santa Claus) :: Juguetón {m}, Bromista {m}, Travieso {m}
viz. {adv} /vɪz/ (abbreviation for namely) :: a saber, concretamente
vizier {n} /vɪˈzɪə/ (high-ranking official) :: visir {m}
Vladimir {prop} /ˈvlæ.dɪ.miə(ɹ)/ (male given name) :: Vladimiro {m}, Vladímir {m} (of Russians)
Vladimir {prop} (Russian city) :: Vladímir {m}
Vladivostok {prop} (seaport in Russia) :: Vladivostok {m}
Vlax Romani {prop} (Vlax Romani) :: Romaní Vlax {m}
vlei {n} (marsh) SEE: marsh ::
vlei {n} (wetland) SEE: wetland ::
Vltava {prop} /vəlˈtɑːvə/ (a major river in the Czech Republic) :: Moldava {m}
völva {n} /ˈvɜːlvə/ (in Old Norse society, a female practitioner of magic divination and prophecy) :: völva {f}
Vänern {prop} (Swedish lake) :: Lago Vänern
vocabulary {n} /voʊˈkæbjəlɛɹi/ (list of words) :: vocabulario {m}
vocabulary {n} (set of words a person knows) :: vocabulario {m}
vocabulary {n} (stock of words used in a particular field) :: vocabulario {m}
vocabulary {n} (words of a language collectively) :: vocabulario {m}, léxico {m}
vocal {adj} /ˈvoʊ.kəl/ (of or pertaining to the voice or speech) :: vocal
vocal {adj} (uttered or modulated by the voice) :: vocal
vocal {adj} (of or pertaining to a vowel) :: vocálico
vocal cord {n} (folds of mucous membrane) :: cuerda vocal {f}
vocal cords {n} (folds of tissue) :: cuerdas vocales {f}
vocalist {n} /ˈvoʊkəlɪst/ (singer) :: vocalista {m} {f}
vocalization {n} /voʊk(ə)l(a)ɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n/ (act of vocalizing or something vocalized) :: vocalización {f}
vocalization {n} (specific mode of utterance) :: vocalización {f}
vocalization {n} (production of musical sound) :: vocalización {f}
vocally {adv} /ˈvoʊkəli/ (using words) :: vocalmente
vocation {n} (calling) :: vocación {f}
vocation {n} (occupation for which a person is suited) :: profesión {f}
vocational {adj} (of or pertaining to a vocation) :: vocacional
vocational {adj} ((of education) that provides a special skill rather than academic knowledge) :: profesional
vocative {adj} /ˈvɑkətɪv/ (grammar: used in address) :: vocativo
vocative {n} (grammatical case) SEE: vocative case ::
vocative case {n} (case of address) :: caso vocativo {m}
vociferate {v} /vəʊˈsɪfəɹeɪt/ (to cry out with vehemence) :: vociferar
vociferation {n} /voʊˌsɪf.əˈɹeɪ.ʃən/ (act of exclaiming; violent outcry) :: vociferación
vodka {n} /ˈvɑdkə/ (clear distilled alcoholic liquor) :: vodka {f}
vodka {n} (serving) :: vodka {m} {f}
voetsek {interj} (get lost) SEE: get lost ::
voetsek {interj} (go away) SEE: go away ::
vogue {n} /vəʊɡ/ (the prevailing fashion or style) :: boga {f}
vogue {n} (popularity or a current craze) :: boga {f}
voice {n} (sound uttered by the mouth) :: voz {f}
voice {n} (sound made through vibration of the vocal cords) :: sonoro {m}
voice {n} (tone or sound emitted by anything) :: voz {f}
voice {n} (the faculty or power of utterance) :: voz {f}
voice {n} (language; words; speech; expression; signification of feeling or opinion) :: palabra {f}
voice {n} (opinion or choice expressed; judgment; a vote) :: voto {m}
voice {n} (one who speaks; speaker) :: orden {f}
voice {n} (grammar: particular mode of inflecting or conjugating verbs) :: voz {f}
voice actor {n} (an actor who provides voices for animations, dubbed films) :: actor de voz {m}, actriz de voz {f}, doblador {m}, dobladora {f}, actor de doblaje {m}, actriz de doblaje {f}
voice box {n} (larynx) SEE: larynx ::
voice crack {n} :: gallo {m}
voiced {adj} /vɔɪst/ (sounded with vibration of the vocal cords) :: sonoro
voiceless {adj} (lacking a voice, without vocal sound) :: mudo {m}
voiceless {adj} ((phonetics, of a consonant) spoken without vibration of the vocal cords) :: sordo
voice mail {n} (system) :: buzón de voz {m}
voice-over {n} /ˈvɔɪsoʊvɚ/ (voice-overed release) :: voz en off {f}
voice talent {n} (voice actor) SEE: voice actor ::
void {adj} /vɔɪd/ (having lost all legal validity) :: nulo {m}, inválido {m}
void {adj} (computing: not returning value) :: nulo {m}, inválido {m}
void {n} (An empty space; a vacuum) :: vacío {m}
void {v} (to make invalid or worthless) :: anular, invalidar
void {v} ((medicine) to empty) :: evacuar
voilà {interj} /(v)wɑˈlɑ/ (behold!) :: he ahí, he aquí, helo ahí, helo aquí, vualá
voila {interj} (voilà) SEE: voilà ::
voivode {n} /ˈvɔɪvəʊd/ (a local ruler or official in various parts of central and eastern Europe) :: voevoda {m}, vaivoda, voivoda
voivodeship {n} (the jurisdiction of a voivode) :: voivodato {m}, voivodia {f}
Vojvodina {prop} /ˌvɔɪvəˈdiːnə/ (autonomous province of Serbia) :: Voivodina {f}
Volans {prop} (small circumpolar constellation of the southern sky) :: Volans
Volapük {prop} /ˈvɒləˌpʊk/ (language) :: volapük {m}, volapuk {m}
volatile {adj} /ˈvɑl.ə.tl̩/ (evaporating or vaporizing readily under normal conditions) :: volátil
volatile {adj} :: volátil, inestible
volatility {n} (state of being volatile) :: volatilidad {f}
volatility {n} (state of being unpredictable) :: volatilidad {f}
volatility {n} (financial markets: quantification of the degree of uncertainty about the future price) :: volatilidad {f}
volcanic {adj} /vɒlˈkanɪk/ (of or pertaining to a volcano) :: volcánico
volcanically {adv} (by means of a volcano) :: volcánicamente
volcanic ash {n} (fragments of pulverized rock, minerals and volcanic glass) :: ceniza volcánica {f}
volcanism {n} (natural phenomena associated with volcanoes) :: vulcanismo {m}
volcano {n} /vɒlˈkeɪnəʊ/ (mountain containing a magma chamber) :: volcán {m}
volcanologist {n} /vəl.kənˈɒl.ə.dʒɪst/ (person who studies volcanology) :: vulcanólogo {m} {f}
volcanology {n} /ˌvɒl.kənˈɒl.ə.dʒi/ (study of volcanoes) :: vulcanología {f}
volcano rabbit {n} (Romerolagus diazi) :: conejo de los volcanes {m}, teporingo {m}, zacatuche {m}
vole {n} /ˈvəʊl/ (small rodents of the subfamily Arvicolinae) :: campañol {m}, topillo {m}, rata de agua {f}
Volga {prop} /ˈvoʊlɡə/ (longest river in Europe, flowing to the Caspian Sea) :: Volga {m}
Volgograd {prop} (Volgograd) :: Volgogrado
volley {n} /ˈvɒli/ (simultaneous fire) :: salva {f}
volley {n} (shot in which the ball is played before it hits the ground) :: volea {f}, voleo {m}
volleyball {n} /ˈvɒlibɔ(ː)l/ (game) :: voleibol {m}, voley {m}, balonvolea {m}
volleyballer {n} (volleyball player) :: voleibolista {m} {f}
Volodymyr {prop} (Vladimir) SEE: Vladimir ::
Vologda {prop} (city in Russia) :: Vólogda {f}
volt {n} /vɒlt/ (unit of measure) :: voltio {m}
voltage {n} /voʊltɪdʒ/ (difference in electrostatic potential) :: voltaje {m}, tensión {f}
Voltairean {adj} (of or pertaining to François-Marie Arouet, pen name Voltaire) :: volteriano {m}
volte-face {n} /vɒltˈfæs/ (a reversal of policy, attitude or principle) :: media vuelta {f}
voltmeter {n} (instrument for measuring electric potential) :: voltímetro {m}
voluble {adj} /ˈvɑl.jə.bəl/ (fluent or having a ready flow of speech; garrulous or loquacious) :: locuaz
voluble {adj} (easily rolling or turning) :: voluble
voluble {adj} (twisting and turning like a vine) :: voluble
volume {n} /ˈvɑl.jum/ (three-dimensional measure of space) :: volumen {m}
volume {n} (strength of sound) :: volumen {m}
volume {n} (issues of a periodical over a period of one year) :: volumen {m}
volume {n} (single book of a publication issued in multi-book format, such as an encyclopedia) :: volumen {m}
volume {n} (synonym for quantity, see also: quantity) :: volumen {m}
volumetric {adj} (relating to measurement by volume) :: volumétrico
volumetric flask {n} (laboratory flask) :: matraz aforado {m}
voluminous {adj} /vəˈlu.mə.nəs/ (pertaining to volume) :: voluminoso
voluminous {adj} (having written much) :: prolífico {m}
voluntarily {adv} /ˌvɑlənˈtɛɹɪli/ (in a voluntary manner) :: voluntariamente
voluntary {adj} /ˈvɒ.lən.tɹi/ (done, given, or acting of one's own free will) :: voluntario
volunteer {n} /vɑl.ənˈtɪɹ/ (one who voluntarily offers himself/herself for service) :: voluntario
volunteer {n} :: voluntario {m}
volunteering {n} (act of volunteering) :: voluntariado {m}
voluntourism {n} (type of tourism) :: volunturismo {m}
voluptuous {adj} /vəˈlʌp.tʃu.əs/ (suggestive of or characterized by full, generous, pleasurable sensation) :: voluptuoso, sensual
vomit {v} /ˈvɑmɪt/ (to regurgitate the contents of a stomach) :: vomitar, devolver, arrojar
vomit {n} (regurgitated former contents of a stomach) :: vómito {m}
vomitive {adj} (inducing vomiting) :: vomitivo
vomitive {n} (something that induces vomiting) :: vomitivo {m}
voodoo {n} /ˈvuːduː/ (Afro-Caribbean religion) :: vudú
voodoo doll {n} (doll fashioned to resemble a person for malicious magical intent) :: muñeca vudú {f}
voracious {adj} /vɔːˈɹeɪ.ʃəs/ (devouring great quantities of food) :: voraz, insaciable
voracious {adj} (having a great appetite for anything) :: voraz, insaciable
voraciously {adv} (in a voracious manner) :: vorazmente
voracity {n} (the state of being voracious) :: voracidad {f}
vorarephilia {n} (sexual fetish) :: vorarefilia {f}
Voronezh {prop} (city in Russia) :: Vorónezh {m}
vortex {n} /ˈvɔɹtɛks/ (whirlpool) :: remolino {m}
vortex {n} (anything involving violent or chaotic activity around some centre) :: vórtice
vortical {adj} /ˈvɔːtɪk(ə)l/ (pertaining to a vortex) :: vortiginoso {m}
Vosges {prop} /voʊʒ/ (mountain range in France) :: Vosgos {m-p}
Vosges {prop} (department of France) :: Vosgos
vote {n} /vəʊt/ (formalised choice) :: voto {m}
vote {v} (assert a formalised choice) :: votar
vote of confidence {n} (motion proposed in a parliament or other assembly) :: moción de confianza {f}
vote of no confidence {n} (parliamentary motion) :: moción de censura {f}, voto de censura {m}
voter {n} /ˈvoʊtɚ/ (one who votes) :: votante {m} {f}
Votic {prop} (language) :: voto
voting {n} (action of the verb to vote) :: votación {f}
voting booth {n} (small compartment where a voter may register a vote) :: cabina electoral {f}
voting station {n} (polling station) SEE: polling station ::
vouch {v} /ˈvaʊtʃ/ (to take responsibility for; to express confidence in; to witness; to obtest) :: valefacer
vouch {v} (to warrant; to maintain by affirmations; to attest; to affirm; to avouch) :: valefacer
vouch {v} (to back; to support; to confirm; to establish) :: valefacer
vouch {v} (to call into court to warrant and defend, or to make good a warranty of title) :: valefacer
vouch {v} (to bear witness; to give testimony or full attestation) :: valefacer
vouch {v} (to assert; to aver; to declare) :: valefacer
voucher {n} /ˈvaʊtʃə(ɹ)/ (A piece of paper that entitles the holder to a discount, or that can be exchanged for goods and services) :: cupón {m}, vale {m}
voucher {n} (A receipt) :: voucher {p}
voussoir {n} (wedge-shaped brick or stone) :: dovela {f}
voussoired {adj} (having a voussoir) :: adovelado
vow {n} /vaʊ/ (A solemn promise to perform some act, or behave in a specified manner) :: voto {m}, manda {f}, promesa {f}
vowel {n} /ˈvaʊ.əl/ (sound) :: vocal {f}
vowel {n} (letter) :: vocal {f}, letra vocal {f}
vowel harmony {n} (phonological process) :: armonía vocálica {f}, sinarmonía vocálica {f}
vowelization {n} (vocalization) SEE: vocalization ::
voyage {n} /ˈvɔɪ.ɪdʒ/ (long journey; especially by ship) :: viaje {m}
voyager {n} (traveller) SEE: traveller ::
voyeur {n} /vwɑ.ˈjɜɹ/ (a person who derives sexual pleasure from secretly observing other people) :: voyer {m} {f}, mirón {m}
voyeurism {n} /vwɑːjˈɜːɹɪz(ə)m/ (derivation of sexual satisfaction by watching people secretly) :: voyerismo {m}
Vuelta a España {prop} /ˌvwɛltə aɪ ɛsˈpɑnjə/ (annual cycling race in Spain) :: Vuelta a España {f}
Vulcan {prop} /ˈvʌlkən/ (Roman god of fire) :: Vulcano
vulcanization {n} (process by which rubber is hardened using heat and sulphur) :: vulcanización {f}
vulcanize {v} /ˈvʌlkənaɪz/ (to harden rubber with heat) :: vulcanizar
vulcanologist {n} (person who studies volcanoes) SEE: volcanologist ::
vulcanology {n} (study of volcanoes) SEE: volcanology ::
vulgar {adj} /ˈvʌl.ɡɚ/ (distasteful, uncouth, obscene) :: vulgar, chabacano, ramplón
vulgar {adj} (having to do with common people) :: vulgar
Vulgar Era {prop} (Common Era) SEE: Common Era ::
vulgar fraction {n} (fraction with two integers) SEE: common fraction ::
vulgarian {n} /vʌlˈɡɛəɹi.ən/ (vulgar individual) :: vulgar
vulgarian {adj} (having the characteristics of a vulgarian) :: vulgariano
vulgarism {n} (word or term that is considered offensive or vulgar) :: vulgaridad
vulgarism {n} (spelling, word, or phrase considered improper or incorrect for formal communication) :: vulgarismo {m}
vulgarity {n} /vʌlˈɡɜɹɪɾi/ (quality of being vulgar) :: vulgaridad {f}
vulgarity {n} (offensive or obscene act) :: vulgaridad {f}
Vulgar Latin {prop} (the Latin language as spoken by people) :: latín vulgar {m}
Vulgate {prop} /ˈvʌlɡeɪt/ (Latin Bible translation) :: Vulgata
vulnerability {n} (security vulnerability) SEE: hole ::
vulnerability {n} (state of being vulnerable) :: vulnerabilidad {f}
vulnerability {n} (specific weakness) :: vulnerabilidad {f}
vulnerability {n} (computing: type of weakness) :: vulnerabilidade {f}
vulnerable {adj} /ˈvʌln(ə)ɹəbl̩/ (exposed to attack) :: vulnerable
Vulpecula {prop} /vʌlˈpɛkjələ/ (autumn constellation) :: Vulpecula
vulture {n} /ˈvʌltʃɚ/ (bird) :: buitre {m}, zopilote {m}
vulture {n} (person) :: buitre {m}
vulture fund {n} (hedge fund) :: fondo buitre {m}
vulva {n} /ˈvʌlvə/ (collectively the external female sexual organs) :: vulva {f}
vuvuzela {n} /vuːvuːˈzɛlə/ (horn) :: vuvuzela {f}