User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-hi-n

n/a {adj} (not applicable) :: andaaza nahi
naan {n} (flat bread) :: नान
nabob {n} (an Indian ruler) :: नवाब
NaCl {n} (sodium chloride) SEE: sodium chloride ::
nacre {n} (pearly substance on the interior of shells) SEE: mother-of-pearl ::
nada {pron} (nothing) SEE: nothing ::
Nadia {prop} (female given name) :: नादिया {f}
naevus {n} (abnormal area on skin) SEE: mole ::
naga {n} (a semi-divine mythological creature in the form of a snake) :: नाग {m}
Nagaland {prop} (state) :: नागालैंड, नागा {m}, नागालैण्ड
Nagasaki {prop} (Japanese port) :: नागासाकी
Nagorno-Karabakh {prop} (region in South Caucasus) :: नागोर्नो-काराबाख़
Nagorny Karabakh {prop} (Nagorno-Karabakh) SEE: Nagorno-Karabakh ::
Nagpur {prop} (city in India) :: नागपुर
nail {n} (on fingers and toes) :: नाख़ुन {m}, नख {m}
nail {n} (spike-shaped metal fastener used for joining wood or similar materials) :: कील {f}, नेल {m}
nail polish {n} (cosmetic lacquer) :: नेल पॉलिश {m}
Nairobi {prop} (capital of Kenya) :: नायरोबी, नाइरोबी
naked {adj} (not wearing any clothes) :: नंगा, नग्न
nakedhood {n} (nakedness) SEE: nakedness ::
nakedness {n} (state of being naked) :: नंगापन
naker {n} (type of drum) :: नगाड़ा
namaste {n} (a greeting) :: नमस्ते
namaz {n} (prayer) SEE: prayer ::
namaz {n} (salat) SEE: salat ::
name {n} (word or phrase indicating a particular person, place, class or thing) :: नाम {m}
name {n} (reputation, see also: reputation) :: नाम, प्रतिष्ठा
Namibia {prop} (Republic of Namibia) :: नामीबिया
nancy {n} ((derogatory slang) effeminate male homosexual) SEE: fairy ::
nanotechnology {n} (science and technology of creating nanoparticles) :: नैनोतकनीकी
nape {n} (back part of the neck) :: डब
napkin {n} (diaper) SEE: diaper ::
napkin {n} (serviette) :: नैपकिन {f}
Naples {prop} (city in Italy) :: नापोलि {m}, नेपोलि {m}
Napoleon {prop} (Napoleon Bonaparte) :: नेपोलियन
nappy {n} (diaper) SEE: diaper ::
narcissus {n} (any of several bulbous flowering plants, of the genus Narcissus) :: नरगिस {m}, नर्गिस
narghile {n} (tobacoo pipe) SEE: hookah ::
Narnia {prop} (a fictional land) :: नार्निया
narrate {v} (to relate a story) :: सुनाना
narrow {adj} (having small width) :: तंग
NASA {prop} (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) :: नासा
Nashik {prop} (city in India) :: नाशिक, नासिक
Nassau {prop} (capital of the Bahamas) :: नासाओ
Nastaliq {prop} (Nastaʿlīq) :: नस्तालीक़, नसतालीक़ {m}, नस्तालीक {m}, नसतालीक {m}
Nataraja {prop} (dancing posture of the Hindu god Shiva) :: नटराज {m}
nation {n} (community of people) :: समाज {m}, क़ौम {f}, मिल्लत {m}
nation {n} (sovereign state) :: राज्य {m}, राष्ट्र {m}, जाति {f}
national {adj} (of or having to do with a nation) :: राष्ट्रीय
national anthem {n} (official song of a nation or country) :: राष्ट्रगान
nationalism {n} (idea of supporting one's country and culture) :: राष्ट्रवाद {m}
nationality {n} (membership of a nation or state) :: राष्ट्रीयता {f}, कौमियत {f}
nationality {n} (nationalism) SEE: nationalism ::
national park {n} (national park) :: राष्ट्रीय उद्यान {m}
national security {n} (safety of a country) :: राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा {f}
nation-state {n} (nation state or nation-state) :: राष्ट्र-राज्य
Native American {adj} (of the American Indians) SEE: Indian ::
native language {n} (one's first language learned in childhood) SEE: mother tongue ::
NATO {prop} (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) :: नैटो
naturalize {v} (to grant citizenship) :: नागरिक बनाना
natural language {n} (human language developed naturally) :: प्राकृतिक भाषा {f}
natural science {n} (science involved in studying phenomena or laws of the physical world) :: प्राकृतिक विज्ञान {m}
natural selection {n} (natural selection) :: प्राकृतिक वरण {m}
nature {n} (the natural world) :: प्रकृति {f}, फ़ितरत {f}, तबीयत {f}, क़ुदरत {f}, कुदरत {f}, फितरत {f}, निसर्ग {m}
nature {n} (essential characteristics) :: स्वभाव, फ़ितरत {f}, फितरत {f}, ज़ात {f}
nature {n} (everything related to biological and geographical states) :: प्रकृति {f}, फ़ितरत {f}, तबीयत {f}, तबीअत {f}, फितरत {f}
nature's scythe {n} (penis) SEE: penis ::
nausea {n} (motion sickness) SEE: motion sickness ::
nautilus {n} (marine mollusc of the family Nautilidae) :: नौटिलस
Navami {prop} (a ninth day) :: नवमी
Navarre {prop} (autonomous community of Spain) :: नावारा
navel {n} (remnant of umbilical cord) :: नाभि {f}, नाफ़ {f}
navigation {n} (canal) SEE: canal ::
Navi Mumbai {prop} (city in India) :: नवी मुंबई
navy {n} (sea force) :: नौसेना, नाविकदल {m}, जलसेना {f}, समुद्री सेना {f}
Naxalite {n} (member of communist movements in India) :: नक्सलवादी
Naypyidaw {prop} (capital of Burma) :: नाएप्यीडॉ
Nay Pyi Taw {prop} (Naypyidaw) SEE: Naypyidaw ::
Nazareth {prop} (a city in northern Israel) :: नासरत {m} /nāsarat/
nazi {adj} (Nazi) SEE: Nazi ::
nazi {n} (Nazi) SEE: Nazi ::
Nazi {n} (member of the Nazi party) :: नाजी, नाज़ी
Nazi {adj} (pertaining to the Nazi Party or Nazism) :: नाजी {m}
Nazism {prop} (the ideology of Adolf Hitler’s NSDAP) :: नाज़ीवाद {m}, फ़ासीवाद {m}, नाजीवाद {m}
near {adj} (physically close) :: नज़दीक, क़रीब
near {adv} (at or towards a position close in space or time) :: क़रीबन, नज़दीक
near {prep} (in close proximity to) :: ... के पास, ... के नज़दीक
near {v} (come closer to) :: नज़दीक आना
near {adj} (stingy) SEE: stingy ::
near {adv} (nearly) SEE: nearly ::
nearby {adv} (close to) :: पास, पास में
nearly {adv} (almost, but not quite) :: लगभग
nearsightedness {n} (property of being nearsighted) :: निकट दृष्टि दोष
Nebraska {prop} (US state) :: नेब्रास्का
nebula {n} (a space cloud) :: नीहारिका {f}, नॅब्युला
necessary {adj} (needed, required) :: ज़रूरी
necessity {n} (quality or state of being necessary, unavoidable, or absolutely requisite) :: ज़रूरत {f}
neck {n} (part of body connecting the head and the trunk) :: गरदन, कंठ
necklace {n} (jewelry) :: हार {m}, हँसली {f}
necklet {n} (necklace) SEE: necklace ::
necktie {n} (strip of cloth worn around the neck and tied in the front) :: नेकटाई {f}, टाई {f}
necrosis {n} (localized death of cells or tissue) :: परिगलन
need {n} (something required) :: ज़रूरत {f}
need {v} (to have an absolute requirement for) :: मुहताज होना, (pattern: dative + verb + चाहीए)
need {v} (to want strongly) :: ज़रूरत होना
needle {n} (implement for sewing etc.) :: सुई {f}
neem {n} (Azadirachta indica) :: नीम
negro {n} (Negro) SEE: Negro ::
Negro {n} (person with dark skin) :: नीग्रो, हबशी {m}, हब्शी {m}, हबशिन {f}, हबसी {m}
neighbour {n} (a person living on adjacent or nearby land) :: पड़ोसी {m}, पड़ोसिन {f}
neither {pron} (not either one) :: भी नहीं
nekton {n} (organisms in the ocean) :: तरणक
Nellore {prop} (city in India) :: नेल्लोर
neo- {prefix} (new) :: नव, नव्य
neodymium {n} (chemical element) :: आपीतला
Neolithic {adj} (of or relating to the New Stone Age) :: नवपाषाण {m}
Neolithic {prop} (the New Stone Age) :: नवपाषाण युग {m}
neon {n} (element) :: शिथिराति
neo-Nazi {n} (person who believes in a Nazi ideology) :: निओ-नाज़ी
Nepal {prop} (Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal) :: नेपाल {m}, नैपाल {m}
Nepalese {adj} (Nepali) SEE: Nepali ::
Nepalese {n} (Nepali) SEE: Nepali ::
Nepalese {prop} (Nepali) SEE: Nepali ::
Nepali {adj} (pertaining to Nepal) :: नेपाली, नैपाली
Nepali {n} (person) :: नेपाली, नैपाली
Nepali {prop} (language) :: नेपाली, गोरखाली {f}, नैपाली {f}
nephew {n} (fraternal or sororal nephew, see also: fraternal nephew; sororal nephew) :: भतीजा {m}
nepotism {n} (favoring of relatives or personal friends) :: भाई-भतीजावाद
Neptune {prop} (eighth planet of the solar system) :: वरुण, नेप्च्युन {m}
nerve {n} (bundle of neurons) :: नस {f}, तंत्रिका
nerve fibre {n} (axon) SEE: axon ::
-ness {suffix} (appended to adjectives to form nouns meaning "the state of being...", "the quality of being...", or "the measure of being...") :: -ई {f}
nest {n} (bird-built structure) :: घोसला {m}, घोंसला {m}
net {n} (mesh of string, cord or rope) :: जाल {m}
Netherlandic {prop} (Dutch) SEE: Dutch ::
Netherlandish {prop} (Dutch) SEE: Dutch ::
Netherlands {prop} (country in northwestern Europe, see also: Holland) :: नीदरलैण्ड, हॉलैंड
network {n} (multiple computers and other devices connected together) :: नेटवर्क {m}
neutral {adj} (not taking sides in a conflict) :: तटस्थ
neutral {adj} (favouring neither the supporting nor opposing viewpoint of a topic of debate) :: तटस्थ
neutral {adj} (physics: possessing no charge) :: उदासीन
neutral {adj} (chemistry: neither acidic nor alkaline) :: उदासीन
neutral {n} (nonaligned state) :: तटस्थ
neutral {n} (person who takes no side in a dispute) :: तटस्थ
neutron {n} (subatomic particle) :: नपुंसणु
Nevada {prop} (US state) :: नेवाडा, नेवादा {m}
never {adv} (at no time) :: कभी नहीं
nevus {n} (benign lesion on skin) SEE: mole ::
new {adj} (recently made or created) :: नया, नवीन, नव, नूतन, नव्य, नवा, ताज़ा
new {adj} (additional, recently discovered) :: नूतन, ताज़ा, नव, नवा
new {adj} (current or later) :: जदीद, नवा
new {adj} (distinguishing something established more recently) :: जदीद, ताज़ा, नवा
new {adj} (in original condition, pristine) :: नूतन, नव
new {adj} (refreshed, reinvigorated) :: जदीद, नवा
new {adj} (of recent origin) :: नूतन, ताज़ा, नवा
new {adj} (strange, unfamiliar) :: जदीद, नवा
new {adj} (recently arrived or appeared) :: नूतन, जदीद, नवा
new {adj} (inexperienced, unaccustomed) :: नवा
Newari {prop} (Newari language) :: नेपालभाषा
New Caledonia {prop} (overseas territory of France) :: नया कैलेडोनिया {m}
Newcastle {prop} (city) :: नया क़िला
New Delhi {prop} (capital of India) :: नई दिल्ली {f}, नई देहली {f}
New English {prop} (form of the English language spoken since the Great Vowel Shift, completed in roughly 1550) :: आधुनिक अंग्रेज़ी {f}
New Guinea {prop} (large island) :: न्यू गिनी, नया गिनी {m}
New Hampshire {prop} (US state) :: नया हेम्पशायर, न्यू हैम्पशायर, न्यू हेम्पशायर, न्यू हैम्शर
New Jersey {prop} (a northeast state of the United States of America) :: न्यू जर्सी
New Mexico {prop} (US State) :: नया मेक्सिको, न्यू मेक्सिको {m}
New Orleans {prop} (city) :: न्यू ओर्लियंस
news {n} (new information of interest) :: ख़बर {f}, समाचार {m}, संदेश {m}, खबर {f}, वार्ता {f}, बातचीत {f}
news {n} (reports of current events) :: खबर {f}, वार्ता {f}, बातचीत {f}
news conference {n} (press conference) SEE: press conference ::
New South Wales {prop} (one state of Australia) :: न्यू साउथ वेल्स
newspaper {n} (publication) :: अख़बार {m}, समाचारपत्र {m}, वृत्तपत्र {m}, अखबार {m}, वार्तापत्रिका {f}, रोज़नामा {m}, पत्र {m}, पत्रिका {f}
New Stone Age {prop} (Neolithic) SEE: Neolithic ::
newt {n} (type of salamander) :: सरटिका {f}
New Testament {prop} (second half of the Christian Bible) :: नया नियम {m}
newton {n} (derived unit of force) :: न्यूटन
New World Order {prop} (vision for the world) :: नई विश्व व्यवस्था
New Year {n} (January 1 in the Julian and Gregorian calendar and the days following) :: नया साल {m}
New York {prop} (state) :: न्यूयॉर्क, न्यू यार्क
New York {prop} (city) SEE: New York City ::
New York City {prop} (large city in the USA) :: न्यूयॉर्क, न्यू यार्क
New Zealand {prop} (country in Oceania) :: न्यू ज़ीलंड, न्यूज़ीलैंड, न्यूज़ीलैण्ड
New Zealand dollar {n} (official currency of New Zealand) :: न्यूज़ीलैंड डॉलर, न्यूजीलैंड डॉलर
next {adj} (following in a sequence) :: अगला
next {prep} (next to) SEE: next to ::
nextly {adv} (next) SEE: next ::
next to {prep} (beside; alongside) :: ... के पास, ... के नज़दीक
Nicaragua {prop} (a country in Central America) :: निकारागुआ
Nice {prop} (city in France) :: नीस {?}
nice to meet you {phrase} (pleased to meet you) SEE: pleased to meet you ::
nickel {n} (element) :: रूपक, निकल
nickname {n} (familiar, invented given name) :: उपनाम {m}, लक़ब
Nicobar Islands {prop} (archipelago) :: निकोबार
Nicosia {prop} (capital of Cyprus) :: निकोसिया
nicotine {n} (addictive alkaloid derived from tobacco) :: निकोटीन, ताम्रकूटी
niece {n} (fraternal or sororal niece, see also: fraternal niece; sororal niece) :: भतीजी {f}
niece-in-law {n} (niece of someone's husband) SEE: niece ::
niece-in-law {n} (niece of someone's wife) SEE: niece ::
nief {n} (fist) SEE: fist ::
Nietzsche {prop} (surname) :: नीत्शे
nigella {n} (spice) SEE: black caraway ::
Niger {prop} (country) :: नाइजर
Nigeria {prop} (a country in Western Africa) :: नाइजीरिया
night {n} (period between sunset and sunrise) :: रात {f}, रात्रि {f}, शब {f}, रात्र {f}, राति {f}
night {n} (quality of sleep obtained during a night) :: निद्रा {f}
night {n} (nightfall) :: साँझ {f}
night {n} (darkness) :: तारकी
night {interj} (Short for good night) :: रात्रि
night blindness {n} (nyctalopia; the inability to see clearly in faint light) :: रतौंधी
nightclub {n} (establishment that is open late at night) :: रात का क्लब {m}, क्लब {m}
nightfall {n} (the close of the day; the coming of night) :: साँझ {f}
nightingale {n} (bird) :: बुलबुल {f}
nightmare {n} (dream) :: दुःस्वप्न {m}, कुस्वप्न {m}
nihilism {n} (doctrine grounded on the negation of one or more meaningful aspects of life) :: नाइलीज़्म, निषेधवाद, विनाशवाद
Nihongo {n} (Japanese) SEE: Japanese ::
Nile {prop} (river) :: नील
nilgai {n} (large antelope of northern India) :: नीलगाय
nincompoop {n} (foolish or silly person) :: साला {m} [vulgar]
nine {num} (cardinal number) :: नौ (numeral: )
nine hundred {num} (cardinal number 900) :: नौ सौ
nineteen {num} (cardinal number) :: उन्नीस
ninetieth {adj} (ordinal form of ninety) :: नव्वेवां
ninety {num} (90) :: नब्बे, नव्वे
ninety-eight {num} (98) :: अट्ठानवे
ninety-five {num} (95) :: पचानवे
ninety-four {num} (94) :: चौरानवे
ninety-nine {num} (cardinal number 99) :: निन्यानवे
ninety-one {num} (cardinal number ninety-one) :: इक्यानवे
ninety-seven {num} (97) :: सत्तानवे
ninety-six {num} (96) :: छियानवे
ninety-three {num} (93) :: तिरानवे
ninety-two {num} (92) :: बानवे
ninja {n} (person trained in ninjutsu) :: निंजा
Nintendo {n} (Nintendo Entertainment System, or other video game system made by Nintendo) :: निनटेंडो {m}
ninth {adj} (ordinal form of nine, see also: 9th) :: नवां
niobium {n} (chemical element) :: काशातु
Niphon {prop} (Honshu) SEE: Honshu ::
nipple {n} (projection of mammary gland) :: चूची {f}, चुचुक
Nippon {prop} (a country in East Asia) SEE: Japan ::
Nipponese {adj} (Japanese) SEE: Japanese ::
Nipponese {prop} (Japanese) SEE: Japanese ::
niqab {n} (veil which covers the face) :: नक़ाब {m}, निक़ाब {m}, नकाब {m}, निकाब {m}
nirvana {n} (Buddhism: cessation of suffering) :: निर्वाण {m}
nirvana {n} (state of bliss) :: निर्वाण {m}
nithing {n} (coward, dastard) SEE: coward ::
nitrate {n} (any salt or ester of nitric acid) :: भूयातती
nitride {n} (compound of nitrogen) :: भुयातिक
nitrogen {n} (chemical element) :: भूयाति {f}, नाइट्रोजन {m}
nitro-hydrochloric acid {n} (aqua regia) SEE: aqua regia ::
nitrometer {n} (apparatus) :: नत्रमापक
nitty {adj} (foolish, inane) SEE: foolish ::
Niue {prop} (island of Niue) :: निउए
Nixon {prop} (surname) :: निक्सन {m} {f}
Nizamabad {prop} (a city in India) :: निज़ामाबाद {m}
Nizhny Novgorod {prop} (large city in Russia) :: निज़्नी नॉवग्रोद
no {particle} (used to show disagreement or negation) :: नहीं, जी नहीं
no {n} (a negating expression) :: नहीं
No. {n} (abbreviation of "number") :: नं., नं॰
Noah {prop} (biblical character) :: नूह {m}
Nobel Prize {n} (international prize) :: नोबेल पुरस्कार
nobleman {n} (man of noble rank, title, or status; peer; aristocrat) :: रईस {m}
nobody {pron} (not any person; the logical negation of somebody) SEE: no one ::
nobody's perfect {phrase} (phrase to remind that we all fail at times) :: कोई भी पूर्ण नहीं है
noise {n} (various sounds, usually unwanted) :: शोर, रव, आहट
Nokia {prop} (a town in Finland) :: नोकिया
nomad {n} (a member of society or class who wander with their herds) :: बंजारा {m}
nom de guerre {n} (pseudonym) SEE: pseudonym ::
nom de plume {n} (pseudonym) SEE: pseudonym ::
nomenclature {n} (set of names or terms) :: नामकरण
nomination {n} (An act or instance of nominating) :: नामांकन {m}
nominee {n} (a person named or designated to any office, duty or position) :: नामनिर्देशिती {f}
none of someone's business {n} (matter that someone is not entitled to be involved in) :: तुम्हारा कार्य नहीं!, तेरा कार्य नहीं!, आपका कार्य नहीं!
nones {n} (midday) SEE: noon ::
nones {n} (midday meal) SEE: lunch ::
nonfree {adj} (not free of charge) :: सशुल्क
non-governmental organization {n} :: अशासकीय संस्था
nonmonetary {adj} (not in the form of money) :: paisa me nahi
nonplussed {adj} (bewildered) :: भौचक
nonsense {n} (meaningless words) :: बकवास {f}
nonviolence {n} (philosophy that rejects violence) :: अहिंसा {f}
noodle {n} (fool) SEE: fool ::
noodle {n} (string or strip of pasta) :: नूडल {m}, नूडल्स
noon {n} (midnight) SEE: midnight ::
noon {n} (midday) :: दोपहर {m}
no one {pron} (not even a single person) :: कोई नहीं
nope {particle} (informal "no") :: नहीं
north {n} (compass point) :: उत्तर {m}
North Africa {prop} (the northern part of Africa) :: उत्तर अफ़्रीका
North America {prop} (continent) :: उत्तर अमेरिका, उत्तर अमरीका
North Atlantic Treaty Organization {prop} (intergovernmental military alliance) :: उत्‍तरी एटलांटिक संधि संगठन {m}
North Carolina {prop} (state of the United States) :: उत्तरी केरोलिना, नॉर्थ कैरोलिना, नार्थ कैरोलीना
North Dakota {prop} (state of the United States of America) :: उत्तरी डकोटा, नार्थ डेकोटा
Northern Hemisphere {n} (hemisphere to the north of its equator) :: उत्तरी गोलार्ध
Northern Ireland {prop} (Northern Ireland) :: उत्तरी आयरलैंड
Northern Macedonia {prop} (country) SEE: North Macedonia ::
northern raccoon {n} (Procyon lotor) SEE: raccoon ::
Northern Territory {prop} (Territory in northern Australia) :: नॉर्थर्न टेरिटरी
North Korea {prop} (North Korea) :: उत्तर कोरिया
North Macedonia {prop} (country in Europe) :: उत्तर मैसिडोनिया
north pole {n} (northernmost point on celestial bodies) :: उत्तरी ध्रुव
North Pole {prop} (northernmost point on Earth) :: उत्तरी ध्रुव
North Rhine-Westphalia {prop} (state) :: उत्तरी राइन
North Sea {prop} (a marginal sea of the Atlantic Ocean between Britain, Scandinavia and Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and France) :: उत्तरी सागर
Norway {prop} (Scandinavian country) :: नॉर्वे
Norwegian {n} (native of Norway) :: नार्वेजियन, नॉर्वेजियाई
Norwegian {n} (language of Norway) :: नार्वेजियन, नॉर्वेजियाई {f}
Norwegian {adj} (of or pertaining to Norway) :: नार्वेजियन, नॉर्वेजियाई
Norwegian {adj} (of or pertaining to Norwegians) :: नार्वेजियन, नॉर्वेजियाई
Norwegian {adj} (of or pertaining to the Norwegian language) :: नार्वेजियन, नॉर्वेजियाई
nose {n} (protuberance on the face) :: नाक {f}, नासिका
nose {n} :: नाक
no smoking {phrase} (phrase used in notices indicating that the smoking of cigarettes is not permitted) :: सिगरेट पीना मना है
nostalgia {n} (bittersweet yearning for the things of the past) :: उदासी {f}
Nostradamus {prop} (Nostradamus) :: नोस्ट्राडेमस
nostril {n} (either of the two orifices located on the nose) :: नथना, नथुना, नासापुट
not {adv} (negates meaning of verb) :: नहीं, [don't] , [don't, more abrupt] मत
not at all {interj} (conventional reply to expression of gratitude) :: कुछ नहीं
note {n} (musical sound) :: सुर {m}, स्वर {m}
note {n} (banknote) SEE: banknote ::
notebook {n} (empty book able to be used for notes) :: नोटबुक {f}, कापी {f}
notebook {n} (notebook computer) :: नोटबुक {f}
nothing {pron} (not any thing) :: कुछ नहीं
notorious {adj} (known widely and infamously) :: बदनाम
not so fast {phrase} (stop doing something) :: इतना शीघ्र नहीं
Nottingham {prop} (city) :: नोट्टिंघम
Nouméa {prop} (capital of New Caledonia) :: नूमेआ
noun {n} (grammatical category (narrow sense)) :: संज्ञा {m}
noun {n} (grammatical category (broad sense)) :: नाम {m}
noun substantive {n} (noun) SEE: noun ::
nouveau riche {n} (new money: wealthy persons whose fortunes are newly acquired, and who are therefore perceived to lack the refinement of those who were raised wealthy) :: नए अमीर
novel {adj} (new, original, especially in an interesting way) :: नया
novel {n} (work of prose fiction) :: कथा {f}, कहानी {f}, उपन्यास {m}, नावेल {m}
novelist {n} (author of novels) :: उपन्यासकार {m}, नावेलिस्ट {m}
novelty {n} (state of being new) :: नवीनता
November {prop} (eleventh month of the Gregorian calendar) :: नवम्बर {m}
Novgorod {prop} (city) :: नॉवग्रोद
novity {n} (novity) SEE: novelty ::
Novosibirsk {prop} (city in Russia) :: नॉवोसिबिरिस्क
now {adv} (at the present time) :: अब
nowadays {adv} (at the present time) :: आज कल
nowadays {adv} (in the current era) :: आज कल
no worries {interj} (you're welcome) SEE: you're welcome ::
Nowruz {prop} (Iranian New Year) :: नौरोज़, नौरोज {m}
nuclear family {n} (a family unit consisting of a father, mother and children) :: परिवार {f}
nuclear fission {n} (atom-splitting nuclear reaction) :: नाभिकीय विखंडन {m}
nuclear fusion {n} (the combining of the nuclei of small atoms to form the nuclei of larger ones) :: नाभिकीय संलयन {m}
nuclear physics {n} (branch of physics) :: नाभिकीय भौतिकी
nuclear reactor {n} (device) :: परमाणु भट्ठी {m}
nucleolus {n} (part of nucleus of a cell) :: केंद्रिका
nucleus {n} (physics: massive, positively charged core of an atom) :: नाभिक {m}, केंद्रक {m}
nudity {n} (the state of being without clothing on the body) :: नंगापन
number {n} (abstract entity) :: संख्या {f}, अंक {m}
number {n} (numeral) :: संख्या {f}
number {n} (mathematics: number) :: संख्या {f}
number {n} (used to show the rank of something in a list or sequence) :: नंबर {m}
Number of the Beast {prop} (the number 666) :: जानवर की संख्या {m}
number one {n} (urine or urination euphemism) :: पेशाब {m}, मूत {m}, मूत्र {m}
numeral {n} (word or symbol representing a number, see also: noun numeral) :: अंक, संख्या {f}
nun {n} (member of a Christian religious community of women) :: मठवासिनी {f}, भक्तिन {f}
nun {n} (member of a non-Christian religious community of women) :: मठवासिनी {f}, तपस्विनी {f}
nunnery {n} (brothel) SEE: brothel ::
nuqta {n} (diacritic) :: नुक़्ता {m}, [symbol]
Nuremberg {prop} (city in Germany) :: नूर्नबर्ग, न्युरेंबर्ग
nurse {n} (person trained to provide care for the sick) :: नर्स {f}
Nur-Sultan {prop} (Astana) SEE: Astana ::
Nur-Sultan {prop} (Almaty) SEE: Almaty ::
Nur-Sultan {prop} (the official name of the capital of Kazakhstan) :: नूर-सुल्तान
nut {n} (hard-shelled fruit) :: अख़रोट {m}
nut {n} (that fits on a bolt) :: नट {m}
nutcracker {n} (implement for cracking nuts) :: सरौता
nutmeg {n} (tree) :: जायफल {m}
nutmeg {n} (seed) :: जायफल
nutrition {n} (nutrition) :: पोषण {m}, खाद्य {m}, खाना {m}
nuts {n} (nut) SEE: nut ::
nyctalopia {n} (night blindness) SEE: night blindness ::