User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-hu-q

qadi {n} (judge in Islam) :: kádi
Qatar {prop} (a country in the Middle East) :: Katar
Qatari {n} (person from Qatar or of Qatari descent) :: katari
Qatari {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Qatar or the Qatari people) :: katari
Q.E.D. {n} (fact or scenario that proves an argument or proposition) SEE: justification ::
Q fever {n} (infectious disease resembling influenza) :: Q-láz
qi {n} (chi) SEE: chi ::
Qingdao {prop} (large city in China) :: Csingtao
Qinghai {prop} (a Chinese province) :: Csinghaj
Qiqihar {prop} (a city of China) :: Csicsihar
QRS complex {n} (series of graphical deflections on a typical electrocardiogram) :: QRS-komplexus
Q-tip {n} (type of cotton swab) SEE: cotton swab ::
quack {n} (sound made by a duck) :: háp, hápogás
quack {v} (to make a noise like a duck) :: hápog
quack {n} (fraudulent or incompetent doctor of medicine) :: kuruzsló
quackgrass {n} (couch grass) SEE: couch grass ::
quad {adj} (quadrilateral) SEE: quadrilateral ::
quadragenarian {adj} (being between the age of 40 and 49) :: negyvenes éveiben járó, negyvenvalahány éves, negyvenedik születésnapját betöltött
quadragenarian {n} (one who is quadragenarian) :: negyvenes
quadrangle {n} (quadrilateral) SEE: quadrilateral ::
quadrant {n} (section) :: kvadráns
quadrant {n} (region of the Cartesian plane) :: negyed
quadrant {n} (fourth of a circle) :: körnegyed, kvadráns
quadrant {n} (measuring device) :: kvadráns
quadratic equation {n} (second-degree equation) :: másodfokú egyenlet
quadratic function {n} (mathematics) :: másodfokú függvény
quadratic mean {n} (type of average) SEE: root mean square ::
quadrature amplitude modulation {n} (method of sending information) :: kvadratúra amplitúdómoduláció
quadriceps femoris {n} (muscle) :: négyfejű combizom
quadrilateral {n} (polygon having four sides) :: négyszög
quadrilateral {adj} (having four sides) :: négyszögű, négyszögletű, négyoldalú
quadrilliard {num} (1027) SEE: octillion ::
quadrillion {num} (a thousand trillion, 1015, see also: billiard) :: billiárd
quadrisyllabic {adj} :: négy szótagú/szótagos
quadruped {n} (a four-footed or four-legged animal) :: négylábú
quadruple {adj} (being four times as long, as big or as many of something) :: négyszer akkora/annyi
quadruple {v} (to multiply by four) :: négyszerez, megnégyszerez
quadruple {v} ((intransitive) to increase by a factor of four) :: megnégyszereződik, négyszeresére
quaestor {n} (Ancient Roman official) :: quaestor
quaffle {n} (ball used in Quidditch) :: kvaff
quagga {n} (subspecies of zebra, Equus quagga quagga) :: kvagga
quail {n} (any of several small game birds) :: fürj
quake {n} (earthquake) SEE: earthquake ::
quakebuttock {n} (coward) SEE: coward ::
qualification {n} (act or process of qualifying) :: képesítés megszerzése, feltételek teljesítése
qualification {n} (an ability or attribute that aids someone's chances of qualifying for something) :: képesítés, képzettség, szakképzettség, végzettség, minősítés
qualification {n} (added clause or condition; a limitation) :: feltétel, kikötés, megkötés, fenntartás, korlátozás
qualified {adj} (meeting requirements) :: képzett, képesített, kvalifikált
qualified {adj} (restricted or limited) :: fenntartások mellett érvényes, feltételes érvényű/érvényességű, korlátozásokkal érvényes
qualified majority {n} (majority that reaches a preset threshold level) :: minősített többség
qualify {v} (to describe or characterize something by listing its qualities) :: jellemez, leír, meghatároz
qualify {v} (to make someone, or to become competent or eligible for some position or task) :: [to make] képesít, képesítést ad, alkalmas tesz, [to become] képesítést szerez, alkalmas válik
qualify {v} (to certify or license someone for something) :: jogosít, feljogosít
qualify {v} (to modify, limit, restrict or moderate something) :: árnyal, módosít, finomít, pontosít
qualify {v} (to compete successfully in some stage of a competition and become eligible for the next stage) :: továbbjut
qualitatively {adv} (in a qualitative manner) :: minőségileg
qualitatively {adv} (with respect to quality) :: minőségileg
quality {n} (level of excellence) :: minőség
quality {n} (differentiating property or attribute) :: tulajdonság, sajátság
quality {adj} (being of good worth) :: minőségi
quality assurance {n} (system) :: minőségbiztosítás
quality control {n} (control by inspection or testing) :: minőségellenőrzés
quality of life {n} (general well-being of individuals and societies) :: életminőség
quantifier {n} (a logical operator) :: kvantor
quantify {v} (to assign a quantity to) :: számszerűsít, kvantifikál, mennyiségileg/számszerűen meghatároz
quantitative {adj} (of a measurement based on some quantity or number rather than on some quality) :: mennyiségi, kvantitatív
quantitative easing {n} (monetary policy where the central bank creates money electronically) :: mennyiségi lazítás
quantitatively {adv} (in a quantitative manner) :: mennyiségileg
quantitatively {adv} (with respect to quantity rather than quality) :: mennyiségileg
quantity {n} (fundamental, generic term used when referring to the measurement) :: mennyiség
quantization {n} :: kvantálás
quantomechanical {adj} (of or pertaining to quantum mechanics) :: kvantummechanikai
quantum {n} (quantity) :: mennyiség
quantum {n} (indivisible unit of a given quantity) :: kvantum
quantum mechanical {adj} (of or pertaining to quantum mechanics) :: kvantummechanikai
quantum mechanics {n} (branch of physics) :: kvantummechanika
quantum theory {n} (quantum mechanics) SEE: quantum mechanics ::
quantum theory {n} (theory) :: kvantumelmélet
Quanzhou {prop} (a city of China) :: Csüancsou
quarantine {n} (sanitary measure isolating infected people) :: karantén
quarantine {n} (place for isolating persons) :: karantén, vesztegzár
quarantine {v} (to retain in obligatory isolation or separation as a sanitary prevention) :: elkülönít, karanténba helyez, karanténba zár
quark {n} ((physics) In the Standard Model, an elementary subatomic particle which forms matter) :: kvark
quark {n} (soft creamy cheese) :: túró
quarrel {n} (verbal dispute or heated argument) :: veszekedés, perpatvar, vita
quarrel {v} (to contend, argue strongly, squabble) :: veszekszik, veszekedik
quarrel {n} (square tile) :: burkolólap, mozaiklap
quarrelsome {adj} (given to quarreling) :: veszekedős
quarry {n} (site for mining stone) :: kőbánya
quart {n} (a unit of liquid capacity) :: kvart
quarter {n} (one of four equal parts) :: negyed
quarter {n} (period of three months) :: negyedév
quarter {n} (section of a town) :: negyed, városnegyed
quarter bottle {n} (piccolo) SEE: piccolo ::
quarter-final {n} (quarter-final) SEE: quarterfinal ::
quarterfinal {n} (competition in a tournament whose winners go on to play in the two semifinals) :: negyeddöntő
quarter-hour {n} (quarter-hour) SEE: quarter of an hour ::
quarter of an hour {n} (fifteen minutes) :: negyedóra
quartet {n} (music composition in four parts) :: kvartett
quartet {n} (four musicians who perform a piece of music together) :: kvartett, négyes
quartet {n} (group of four) :: négyes
quartz {n} (mineral) :: kvarc
quattrocento {n} (fifteenth-century Renaissance Italian period) :: quattrocento
quattuordecillion {num} (1045) :: szeptilliárd
quaver {n} (a trembling shake) :: reszketés, remegés
quaver {n} (a trembling of the voice) :: remegés
quaver {n} ((music) an eighth note) :: nyolcad
quaver {v} (to shake) :: remeg, reszket
quaver {v} (to use the voice in a trembling manner) :: trillázik
quay {n} (structure for loading and unloading vessels) :: rakpart rakodópart
queasy {adj} (experiencing or causing nausea or uneasiness) :: émelygő
queen {n} (female monarch) :: királynő
queen {n} (wife of a king) :: királyné
queen {n} (chess piece) :: királynő, [esp. in professional players' jargon] vezér
queen {n} (playing card) :: dáma
queen {n} (reproductive female animal in a hive) :: királynő
queen bee {n} (reproductive female bee) :: méhkirálynő
queen consort {n} (wife of a reigning king) :: királyné
queen mother {n} (widowed queen consort whose son or daughter from that marriage is the reigning monarch) :: anyakirálynő
queen regnant {n} (female monarch) :: királynő
queer {adj} (weird, odd, different) :: furcsa
queer {adj} (slang: homosexual) :: buzi
queer {adj} (pertaining to non-normative sexuality) :: queer
queer {n} :: buzi
queer {n} (slang: homosexual) SEE: fag ::
quell {n} (transitive: to take the life of; to kill) SEE: kill ::
quelle surprise {phrase} (what a surprise) SEE: surprise surprise ::
quench {v} (to satisfy thirst) :: csillapít
quench {v} (to extinguish or put out) :: elolt
quench {v} (to cool rapidly by immersion) :: lehűt
query {n} (computing: set of instructions passed to a database) :: lekérdezés
query language {n} (computer language) :: lekérdezőnyelv
question {n} (talk; conversation; speech) SEE: talk ::
question {n} (sentence, phrase or word) :: kérdés
question {n} (subject or topic) :: téma, tárgy, kérdés, ügy
question {n} (doubt or challenge) :: kétség, kétely
question {n} (proposal to a meeting as a topic for discussion and vote) :: javaslat, indítvány
question {n} (interrogation by torture) :: kihallgatás, vallatás
question {v} (ask questions of) :: faggat, vallat, kérdőre von, kikérdez
question {v} (raise doubts about) :: megkérdőjelez, kétségbe von
questionable {adj} (problematic; open to doubt or challenge) :: kétséges
questionable {adj} (of dubious respectability or morality) :: megkérdőjelezhető
questionary {n} (questionnaire) SEE: questionnaire ::
questionee {n} (one who is questioned) :: kérdezett
questioning {n} (interrogation) SEE: interrogation ::
question mark {n} (punctuation mark) :: kérdőjel
questionnaire {n} (form containing a list of questions) :: kérdőív
quethe {v} (to say or declare) :: mond, kijelent, szól, megszólal
queue {n} (line of people) :: sor
queue {v} (put oneself at the end of a queue) :: sorba áll, beáll a sorba
quick {adj} (moving with speed) :: gyors
quick {adj} (occurring in a short time) :: gyors
quick {adj} (lively, witty) :: élénk, eszes
quick {adj} (mentally agile, perceptive) :: friss
quick {adj} (easily aroused to anger) :: hirtelen, lobbanékony
quick {adj} (alive) :: eleven
quicklime {n} (calcium oxide) :: mész
quickly {adv} (rapidly, fast) :: gyorsan
quickness {n} (rapidity of movement or activity) :: gyorsaság
quickness {n} (dexterity) SEE: dexterity ::
quicksand {n} (type of sand) :: futóhomok, föveny, süppedő, mocsaras talaj
Quidditch {n} (fictitious ball game) :: kviddics
quid pro quo {n} :: viszontszolgáltatás, ellenszolgáltatás, egyenérték, ellenérték
quiescent {adj} (Inactive, at rest, quiet) :: nyugodt
quiet {adj} (with little sound) :: csendes, halk
quietism {n} (form of mysticism) :: kvietizmus
quill {n} (music: plectrum) SEE: plectrum ::
quilt {n} (bed covering) :: paplan
quilt {v} (to construct something else with quilting technique) :: steppel, tűzdel
quilted {adj} (having the characteristics of a quilt) :: steppelt
quince {n} (fruit) :: birs, birsalma, birskörte
quince {n} (tree) :: birsalmafa
quincunx {n} (coin) SEE: coin ::
quindecillion {num} (1048, see also: octillion) :: oktillió
quinquagenarian {adj} (being between the age of 50 and 59) :: ötvenes éveiben járó, ötvenvalahány éves, ötvenedik születésnapját betöltött
quinquagenarian {n} (One who is between the age of 50 and 59) :: ötvenes
quinquangle {n} (pentagon) SEE: pentagon ::
quintal {n} (one hundred kilograms) :: mázsa
quintet {n} ((music) a composition in five parts) :: ötös, kvintett
quintet {n} ((music) a group of five musicians) :: ötös, kvintett
quintet {n} (any group of five) :: ötös
quintillion {num} (a billion billion, 1018, see also: trillion) :: trillió
quintuple {adj} (fivefold) SEE: fivefold ::
quip {n} (smart, sarcastic turn or jest) :: beszólás
quit {adj} (to leave) :: otthagy
quit {adj} (to give up, stop doing something) :: abbahagy
quit {adj} (to resign) :: felmond
quitch {n} (couch grass) SEE: couch grass ::
quite {adv} (to the greatest extent; completely) :: teljesen
quite {adv} (in a fully justified sense; truly) :: teljesen
quite {adv} (to a moderate extent) :: meglehetősen, eléggé, aránylag, viszonylag, [with adjectives and adverbs but not verbs] elég
quiver {n} (arrow container) :: tegez
quiz {n} (competition in the answering of questions) :: kvíz
quiz {n} (a school examination of less importance) :: röpdolgozat
quizmaster {n} (a person who poses questions to contestants on a quiz show) :: játékvezető
quorate {adj} (having a quorum) :: határozatképes
quotation {n} (fragment of a human expression) :: idézet, idézés
quotation {n} (act of naming a price; price that has been quoted) :: (price quoted) árajánlat, (act of naming a price) árajánlattétel, (current rate) árfolyam
quotation dash {n} (a dash used to introduce a line of dialogue) :: párbeszédjel
quotation mark {n} (quotation marks) SEE: quotation marks ::
quotation marks {n} (Note: These languages use “◌”-style marks or other styles as indicated. Some are singular and some plural.) :: idézőjel [„◌”], macskaköröm
quote {n} (a statement attributed to someone) :: idézet
quote {v} (to refer to a statement that has been made by someone else) :: idéz
quote {v} (to prepare a summary of work to be done and set a price) :: árajánlatot ad/tesz, vállal [the latter supplemented with the price affixed with -ért]
quotient {n} (number resulting from division) :: hányados
Qur'an {prop} (the Islamic holy book) :: Korán
Qur'an {n} (a copy of the Qur'an) :: Korán
Quranism {n} (Islam that rejects the role of the hadith) :: koranizmus
q.v. {adv} (which see) :: lásd ott