User:Matthias Buchmeier/la-en-x

x {letter} :: letter
X {letter} :: letter
X {num} :: ten; decem
xanthelasmoideus {adj} [New Latin] :: of or resembling xanthelasma
Xanthippe {prop} :: A name, notably that of the philosopher Socrates' wife
Xanthippus {prop} :: An Athenian statesman and general, father of Pericles
xanthogaster {adj} [New Latin] :: having a yellow belly
xanthopterus {adj} [New Latin] :: yellow-winged
xanthos {noun} :: a golden-yellow precious stone
xanthosternus {adj} [New Latin] :: yellow-breasted
xanthus {adj} :: yellow
Xanthus {prop} :: The name of several rivers and their associated deities, especially the Scamander
xapuriensis {adj} [New Latin] :: of or from Xapuri
xeniolum {noun} :: small gift
xenium {noun} :: a present, gift, especially one for a host or vice-versa
xeno- {prefix} :: xeno-
xenodochus {noun} :: a superintendent of the stranger's hospital
xenon {noun} :: xenon
xenoparochus {noun} :: a person who attends to, or provides for, strangers
Xenophon {prop} :: Xenophon (a celebrated Greek historian and philosopher, born 445 B.C., a pupil of Socrates and a leader of the Greeks in the army of Cyrus the younger)
xeranticus {adj} :: drying
xerocollyrium {noun} :: dry salve
xeromyrrha {noun} :: dry myrrh
xerophagia {noun} :: The eating of dry food
xerophilus {adj} [New Latin] :: dry-loving
xiphias {noun} :: a swordfish, Xiphias gladius
xiphias {noun} :: a sword-shaped comet
xiphion {noun} :: gladiolus
xiphoideus {adj} [relational] :: xiphoid
xiphosternalis {adj} [New Latin] :: xiphisternal (Relating to the xiphoid process and the sternum)
xizangensis {adj} :: Tibetan
Xois {prop} :: Xois (town) situated nearly in the centre of the delta of the Nile
xylanolyticus {adj} [New Latin] :: xylanolytic
xylinum {noun} :: cotton
xylobalsamum {noun} :: balsam-wood
xylocassia {noun} :: cassia wood
xylocinnamomum {noun} :: cinnamon wood
xylon {noun} :: cotton (plant)
xylophytum {noun} :: comfrey
Xylopolis {prop} :: A town of Mygdonia
Xyniae {prop} :: A town of Thessaly situated near a lake
Xypete {prop} :: One of the demoi of Attica, situated near Phalerum
xystarches {noun} :: xystarch
xysticus {noun} :: athlete
xystra {noun} :: A currycomb
xystus {noun} :: covered portico or gallery (or one planted with trees)