User:Matthias Buchmeier/uk-en-z

Югославія {prop} [historical] :: Югославія (former country)
Юґославія {prop} :: alternative form of Югосла́вія
Юлія {prop} :: given name
юний {adj} :: young
юрба {noun} :: crowd, throng
юрба {noun} [colloquial] :: group, mass (large number of things)
юрба {noun} :: common people
юшка {noun} :: soup, (especially fish soup)
я {pron} :: I (first-person singular subject pronoun)
я {pron} [psychology] :: ego
я {letter} :: The thirty-third letter of the Ukrainian Cyrillic alphabet. It is preceded by Ю
яблуко {noun} :: apple (fruit)
яблуня {noun} :: apple tree (any cultivar of the Malus domestica tree)
явище {noun} :: phenomenon
явище {noun} :: event, fact
явище {noun} :: property, feature
явище {noun} :: sphere, branch
явище {noun} :: phenomenon (unusual, outstanding person)
явище {noun} :: phenomenon (rare, exceptional animal)
ягідка {noun} :: a small berry; diminutive of ягода
ягня {noun} :: lamb
ягнятина {noun} [uncountable] :: lamb (flesh of a lamb used as food)
ягода {noun} :: berry (a small fruit)
яєчко {noun} [anatomy] :: testicle
яєчко {noun} :: small egg
язик {noun} :: tongue
яйце {noun} :: egg
як {adv} :: how
як {adv} :: as, like
як {conj} :: than
якби {interj} :: if only (signifies a wish)
який {pron} [interrogative] :: what, which, what kind of
який завгодно {determiner} :: whichever, whichsoever, whatever
який-небудь {determiner} :: some, a certain [unspecified or unknown]
якийсь {determiner} :: some, a certain [unspecified or unknown]
Яків {prop} :: given name
якір {noun} :: anchor
якір {noun} :: armature [in a direct-current electric motor]
якісний {adj} :: qualitative
якісний {adj} :: quality (of good quality)
якість {noun} :: quality
якість {noun} :: property, feature, attribute
як справи {phrase} :: how are you?, how are things?
як то кажуть {phrase} :: as the saying goes
як то кажуть {phrase} :: as they say
якщо {conj} :: if, in case
яловичина {noun} :: beef
Ялта {prop} :: Ялта (a <<resort city>> in <<pen/Crimea>>, internationally recognized as part of <<c/Ukraine>> but de facto in <<c/Russia>>)
яма {noun} :: pit, hole (in the ground)
Яна {prop} :: given name
я не знаю {phrase} :: I don't know
яничар {noun} :: janissary (former Turkish soldier)
янтар {noun} :: amber (fossil resin)
янтар {noun} :: amber (object made of amber)
Японія {prop} :: Японія (country/and/archipelago)
японський {adj} :: Japanese
ярмо {noun} :: yoke (wooden bar)
ярмо {noun} [figuratively] :: burden
яскравий {adj} :: bright
яскравий {adj} [figurative] :: colorful
яскравий {adj} [figurative] :: rememberable, catchy
ясла {noun} [agriculture] :: manger
ясла {noun} :: nursery, crèche (daytime institution caring for toddlers)
ясний {adj} :: clear, distinct
яструб {noun} :: hawk
я українець {phrase} :: I am a Ukrainian (male)
я українка {phrase} :: I am a Ukrainian (female)
ячмінь {noun} :: barley (annual temperate grasses of the species Hordeum vulgare)
ячмінь {noun} :: barley (a cereal of the species Hordeum vulgare or its grains)
ячмінь {noun} [uncountable] :: stye (a bacterial infection of the eyelash or eyelid)
ящик {noun} :: box, case, chest
ящірка {noun} :: lizard