
This list is not nearly complete. I will add words to it when I can think of them. Also, there may be a few spelling mistakes, as I'm more used to speaking the language than writing in it.

melem = between

présentation (reg, n) = presentation, introduction

in = in

den = this

estori (reg, n) = story

on = one, a, an

desinje (reg, n) = design

anime = anime

de = the

dé = the (plural), they

orienal (reg, a) = original

orienalt = originally

orien (reg, n) = origin

oriena (reg, a) = originate

om = about, concerning

ti = to

intenda (reg, v) = to intend

tena (irreg, v) = to have

K: tenu, té, ted, tenet, tene

men = but

derso = however

similie (reg, a) = similar

abaja (reg, v) = to work

abaj (reg, n) = work

abajér (reg, n) = worker, staff

eg = I

du = you

hen = he

hun = she

it = it

itsel = itself

vi = we

je = you (pl)

maj = me, myself

daj = you, yourself

hem = him, himself

hene = her, herself

us = us, ourselves

jer = you (pl), yourselves

dém = them, themselves

mi = my

di = your

hens = his

huns = her

its = its

vos = our

ui = your (pl)

ders = their

preua (reg, v) = to try

creta (reg, v) = to create, make

vilka = which

hvik = which

hva = what

hvo = where

qu = who

kuj = who

hvofo = why

fodi = because, because of

hao = how

hvono = when

no = when

ige = not

spermo (reg, n) = sperm

pie (irreg, n) = girl

K: pien, pia, piana

kérst (reg, n) = soulmate, boyfriend, girlfriend

problem (reg, n) = problem

keunepa (reg, v) = to fuck, to have sex with

fo (reg, v) = to get, to receive

uf = of

of = off

to = two

tra = three

fi = four

fem = five

six = six

sy = seven

ots = f

ni = nine

ten = ten

eléu = eleven

toul = twelve

traten = thirteen

fiten = fourteen

femten = fifteen

sixten = sixteen

syten = seventeen

ogten = eighteen

niten = nineteen

dovi = twenty

onodovi = twenty-one

me = with

socielsistem (reg, n) = social system

sistem (reg, n) = system

sociel (reg, a) = social

trau = thirty

firé = fourty

hatrev = fifty

sys = sixty

hafjer = seventy

fies = eighty

niv = ninety

hundre = hundred

onhundre = one hundred

onhundreóonodovi = one hundred twenty-one

etsakula (reg, v) = to ejaculate

drem (reg, n) = boy

desira (reg, v) = to desire

eunska (reg, v) = to wish (for, followed by fo), to want, to desire for

parent (reg, n) = parent

femél (reg, n) (reg, a) = female

der = that

mél (reg, n) (reg, a) = male

vil = will, would

a = to (infinitive former), that

usig (reg, a) = unconfident, insecure

usighe (reg, n) = unconfidence, insecurity

oso = also

fakt (reg, n) = fact

otiseum (reg, n) = autism

ven (reg, n) = friend

kas (reg, n) = house

hjem (reg, n) = home

pa = on, at, by

miet = very, a lot, much

avansa (reg, v) = to advance

gél (reg, a) = angry, mad

difiden (reg, a) = difident

timido (reg, a) = timid

sky (reg(y), a) = shy

ha = have (former)

haet = had (former)

haed = had (former)

klasabaj (reg, n) = classwork

klas (reg, n) = class

abaj (reg, n) = work

hjemabaj (reg, n) = homework

elska (reg, v) = to love

guta (reg, v) = to like, to be pleased by

vara (irreg, v) = to be

K: varu, er, var, varéo, varene

rurelaré (reg, n) = rural area, the country

rurel (reg, a) = rural

aré (reg, n) = area (place)

areul (reg, n) = area (math)

viéo (reg, n) = video

viéospi (reg, n) = video game

spi (reg, n) = game

doblet (reg, a) = double

trubel (reg, n) = trouble

trubela (reg, v) = to trouble, to get in trouble, to make trouble

sintelsk (reg, n[s], a) = Sintelsk

midsintelsk (reg, n[s], a) = Middle Sintelsk

olsintelsk (reg, n[s], a) = Old Sintelsk

ol (reg, a) = old (thing)

ald (reg, a) = old (person)

recreta (reg, v) = to recreate, to remake

recretatson (reg, n) = recreation, remake (noun)

simpelt = simply

simpel (reg, a, simpla) = simple

nama (reg, v) = to name, (for a thing) to be called

creta (reg, v) = to create, to make

fo = for

favori (reg, a) = favorite

verd (reg, n) = world: verden = the world

Erto = Earth

akta (reg(u), v) = to act, to act like, to pretend

som = as, like

enfant (reg, n) = baby, infant

flyga (reg, v) = to fly

flyga pa (reg, v) = to fly by

engsk (reg, a) = English (from England or the English language)

engsk (reg, n) = English language

engar (reg, n) = English (person)

Englen = England

faktisk (reg, a, dv) = actually

alri = never

plaja (reg, v) = to care

plaja om (reg, v) = to care about

plaja pa (reg, v) = to care for, to

dat = that

glida (reg, v) = to glide

glida pa (reg, v) = to glide by

disa = these (plural of this)

dosa = those (plural of that)

tor (irreg, n) = word

K: toren, tor, torna

ful (reg, a) = full

fult = fully

éndales (reg, a) = different

unik (reg, a) = unique

unikli = uniquely

tin (irreg, n) = thing

K: tinen, tin, tinana

so = so, even

personaho (reg, n) = character

ogsom (reg, a) = awesome

menskli (reg, a) = humanlike, humanoid

krokodil (reg, n) = crocodile

aligato (reg, n) = alligator

finel (reg, a) = final, last

finelt (reg, a) = finally, lastly

bosfajt (reg, n) = boss fight, boss battle

bos (reg, n) = boss

fajt (reg, n) = fight, battle

boda = both

verson (reg, n) = version

especielt = especially

esp. = esp.

musik (reg, n) = musik

mas (reg, n) = massive amount

on mas uf = a lot of, a bunch of

platform (reg, n) = platform

exempel (irreg, n) = example

K: exemplen, exempla, exemplana

fo exempel = for example

lévér (reg, n) = elevator, lever

barejo (reg, n) = barrell

bonus (reg, n, a) = bonus

begyna (reg, v) = to begin, to start

botom (reg, n) = bottom

ala = all

ien = again

tsanel = channel

vaja = to go, to voyage

goa = to go

puberti (reg, n) = puberty

voa (reg, v) = watch

sexta (reg, v) = to sext

nu = now, right now

feula (reg, v) = to feel, to touch

testikel (irreg, v) = testicle

K: testiklen, testikla, testiklana

rolspi (reg, n) = roleplay

jart (reg, n) = heart

jarta (reg, n) = use a heart (somewhere in any situation)

toslav (reg, n) = dictionary

Wikitoslav = Wiktionary

Wikipédi = Wikipedia

encyklopédi = encyclopedia

oldansk (reg, n[s], a) = Old Danish

dansk (reg, n[s]) = Danish (language)

dansk (reg, a) = Danish

danar (reg, n) = Dane

Denmark = Denmark

eftakomer (reg, n) = descendant

fre = from

olnorisk (reg, n[s], a) = Old Norse

numer (reg, n) = number

substanty (reg(y), n) = noun, substantive

turksk (reg, a) = Turkish

turksk (reg, n[s]) = Turkish (language)

turkar (reg, n) = Turk (person)

ablaty = ablative

entel = singular

flatel = plural

entri (reg, n) = entry

etimoloi (reg, n) = etymology

etimoloisk (reg, a) = etymological

etimoloiskli = etymologically

sektson (reg, n) = section

deriva (reg, v) = derive

derivet = derived

substantyform (reg, n) = noun form

velkom = welcome

velkoma (reg, v) = to welcome

fri (reg, a) = free

spro (irreg, n) = language

K: sproen, spro, sprona

noen = any

noentin = anything

nolatin = anything

noenparson = anybody

nolaparsona = some people, anypeople

so lan = so far

lan (reg, a) = long, far

sida (reg(-a), n) = side, webpage

varasovenli = please

bidra (reg(-u), v) = to contribute

hvi = if

ka = can

beufeur = before

ska = shall, should

frumpsida (reg(-a), n) = front page

hoesida (reg(-a), n) = front page

diskutson (reg, n) = discussion

reiga (reg, v) = to edit

lésa (reg, v) = to read

rul (reg, n) = rule

struktur (reg, n) = structure, layout

entristruktur (reg, n) = entry structure, entry layout

index (reg, n) = index

dutsk (reg, n[s]) = Dutch (language)

nerlensk (reg, a) = Dutch

nerlenar (reg, n) = Dutch (person)

finsk (reg, a) = Finnish

finsk (reg, n[s]) = Finnish (language)

finar (reg, n) = Finn

frensk (reg, n[s]) = French (language)

frensk (reg, a) = French

frenkrar (reg, n) = French (person)

haj = hi (informal)

helo = hello (formal)

anje (reg, n) = year

o = and

seua (reg, v) = search

sex (reg, n) = sex

slev (reg, n) = slave

sexslev (reg, n) = sex slave

fosleva (reg, v) = enslave

plasa (reg, v) = to place, to put

gruptsat (reg, n) = groupchat

grup (reg, n) = group

grupa (reg, v) = to group, to put in a group

tsat (reg, n) = chat

tsatseson (reg, n) = chat session

seson (reg, n) = session

tsata (reg, v) = chat

prepra (reg(-u), v) = to prepare, get ready

bita (reg, v) = to bite

nipla (reg, v) = to nibble, (slang) to fondle nipples

slapa (reg, v) = to slap, to smack, to hit

vipa (reg, v) = to whip, to lash

nipel (irreg, n) = nipple

K: niplen, nipla, niplana

klampa (reg, v) = to clamp

klampatson (reg, n) = clamping, the act of clamping

klampér (reg, n) = clamper (someone who clamps), clamp

etc. = etc.

etcetera = etcettera

visa (reg, v) = to see, to vision

liali (reg, a) = horny

lialit = hornily

lialihe = horniness

manda (reg, v) = send

nud (reg, a) = naked, nude

biled (reg, n) = picture, image

nudbiled (reg, n) = nude, picture of a nude person

tifeuja (reg, v) = to add to

atesto (reg, n) = atheist

atesmo (reg, n) = atheism

atestisk (reg, a) = atheistic

unali (reg, a) = weird, crazy, strange

onsom (reg, a) = lonely, lonesome

onsomt = lonelily

onsomhe (reg, n) = loneliness

unalit = weirdly, crazily, strangly

unalihe (reg, n) = weirdness, craziness, strangeness

ungisk (reg, a) = like or resembling a young person, childish

ungiskli = childishly

ungiskhe (reg, n) = childishness

klingi (reg, a) = clingy

klingit = clingily

klingihe = clinginess

klinga (reg, v) = to cling

effeminat (reg, v) = effeminate

effeminatli = effeminately

effeminathe = effemininity

Frankrag = France

Italio = Italy

Spen = Spain

italiensk (reg, a) = Italian

italiensk (reg, n[s]) = Italian (language)

italiar (reg, n) = Italian (person)

latinsk (reg, a) = Latin

latinsk (reg, n[s]) = Latin (language)

Portugal = Portugal

portugar (reg, n) = Portuguese (person)

portuisk (reg, n[s]) = Portuguese (language)

portuisk (reg, a) = Portuguese

spanjol (reg, a) = Spanish

spanjol (reg, n[s]) = Spanish (language)

spenar (reg, n) = Spaniard

Sverig = Sweden

sverigar = Swede

svensk (reg, a) = Swedish

svensk (reg, n[s]) = Swedish (language)

Tysklen = Germany

tyskar (reg, n) = German (person)

tysk (reg, a) = German

tysk (reg, n) = German (language)

Katalonja = Catalonia

katalonar (reg, n) = Catalan (person)

katalensk (reg, a) = Catalan

katalensk (reg, n[s]) = Catalan

utal (reg, n) = pronunciation

prepositson (reg, n) = preposition

kategori (reg, n) = category

anagram (reg, n) = anagram

feust = first

an = second

trej = third

first = fourth

femt = fifth

sixt = sixth

syt = seventh

otst = eighth

parson (reg, n) = person

présens = present (tense)

subjunkty = subjunctive

imperaty = imperative

infinity = infinitive

verb (reg, n) = verb

verbform (reg, n) = verb form

Asturias = Asturias

asturiar (reg, n) = Asturian (person)

asturiensk (reg, a) = Asturian

asturiensk (reg, n[s]) = Asturian

famti = future

indikaty = indicative

akusaty = accusative (case)

adjekty (reg, n) = adjective

adjektyform (reg, n) = adjective form

altanaty (reg, a) = alternative

stamod (reg, n) = spelling

sta (reg, v) = spell

akty = active

adverb (reg, n) = adverb

íiomatisk (reg, a) = idiomatic

íiom = idiom

gentaetli = repeatedly

literelt = literally

literel (reg, a) = literal

literelhe (reg, n) = literalness

betya (reg, v) = to mean, to be defined as

betynin (reg, n) = meaning, definition

íiomatiskli = idiomatically

glemali (reg, a) = forgetful

glema (reg, v) = to forget

glemab (reg, a) = forgettable

glemalihe = forgetfulness

olportuisk = Old Portuguese

propry (reg(-y), n) = proper noun

kuntspro (irreg, n) = constructed language

K: kuntsproen, kuntspro, kuntsprona

letsk (reg, a) = Latvian

letsk (reg, n[s]) = Latvian (language)

letlar = Latvian (person)

Letlen = Latvia

malagasisk = Malagasy

uperfekty = imperfect (tense

brida (reg, v) = to breathe, to inhale

svélihe (reg, n) = difficulty

svéli = difficultly, difficult

foti historisk = past historic

historisk (reg, a) = historic, historical

foti = past

galisk = Galician (language, adjective)

galiciar = Galician (person)

Galicia = Galicia

ujorsk (reg, a) = extreterrestrial, unworldly, alien

antonim (reg, n) = antonym

sinonim (reg, n) = synonym

beujnin (reg, n) = inflection, declension, conjugation (altogether as a whole concept)

beuja (reg, v) = to inflect, to decline, to conjugate

beujninsform (reg, n) = inflected form

tordelin (reg, n) = hyphenation

konjuktson (reg, n) = conjunction

bidratson (reg, n) = contribution

daty = dative (case)

oavoninslist (reg, n) = watchlist

oavoa (reg, v) = to overlook, to supervise

list (reg, n) = list

besyka (reg, v) = to collaterize

dronkard (reg, n) = drunkard

gya (reg(-y), v) = to give

on tin = something

on parson = someone, somebody

el = or

beháa (reg(two -as), v) = become

indel = part

grand (reg(comp), a) = great, large

K: granda, grandeur, grandest

oasétéls (reg, n) = translation, traduction

oaséta (reg, v) = to translate

bidrab (reg, a) = contributable

afrikansk = Afrikaans

araonisk = Aragonese

araonar = Aragonese (person)

Araon = Aragon

bulgarsk = Bulgarian

elinisk = Greek

esperanto = Esperanto

magjarisk = Hungarian

Magjarlen = Hungary

magjarar = Hungarian (person)

elinikar = Greek (person)

olfrensk = Old French

skotsk = Scots

tsek = Czech

Tsekia = Czech Republic

tsekar = Czech (person)

particip (reg, n) = participle

simpel (reg(-el), n) = simple, basic, easy

simpelt = simply, basically, easily

sept = except

foot = past (tense)

afrikansk (reg, a) = African

afrikansk (reg, n[s]) = Afrikaans

afrikar (reg, n) = African (person)

genity = genitive

bestem = definite

ubestem = indefinite

norvisk (reg, a) = Norwegian

Norvig = Norway

norvigar = Norwegian (person)

norvisk (reg, n[s]) = Norwegian (language)

bostag (reg, n) = letter (alphabet)

tsatlog (reg, n) = chatlog

konkatena (reg, v) = to concatenate

ruménsk (reg, a) = Romanian

ruménar (ren, n) = Romanian (person)

Rumén = Romania

ruménsk (reg, n[s]) = Romanian (language)

paga (reg, v) = to pay (money)

skat (reg, n) = tax

kopula (reg(-a), n) = copula, copular, copular verb, linking verb

homofon (reg, n) = homophone

foréla (reg, v) = to make obsolete, to make old, to make ancient

forélet (reg, a) = obsolete, dated

Kongrin uf Denmark = Kingdom of Denmark

féreusk (reg, a) = Faroese

féreusk (reg, n[s]) = Faroese (language)

féreuar (reg, n) = Faroe (person)

Féreuana = the Faroe Islands

interlingua = Interlingua (language)

ido = Ido (language)

greunlensk (reg, a) = Greenlandic

greunlensk (reg, n[s]) = Greenlandic (language)

Greunlen = Greenland

greunlenar (reg, n) = Greenlander

Islen = Iceland

islenar (reg, n) = Icelander

islensk (reg, a) = Icelandic

islensk (reg, n[s]) = Icelandic (language)

ketsua = Quechua

len (reg, n) = land, country, nation

kongri (irreg, n) = kingdom

K: kongrin, kongria, kongrina

vestli = west

hoesajt = capital (city)

Keubenhan = Copenhagen

acésk = Acehnese

albénsk (reg, a) = Albanian

albénsk (reg, n[s]) = Albanian (language)

Albén = Albania

albénar = Albanian (person)

arebisk (reg, a) = Arabic

arebisk (reg, n[s]) = Arabic (language)

armensk = Armenian

olarmensk = Old Armenian

azerisk = Azeri

bask = Basque

ekstremadurensk = Extremaduran

limbursk = Limburgish

luksemborgsk = Luxembourgish

oksisk = Occitan

bretonsk = Breton

deracielisa (reg, v) = to deracialize

dikarjofit (reg, n) = dikaryophyte

dixirasin (reg, n) = dixyrazine

dogmatisa (reg, v) = to dogmatize

domestika (reg, v) = to domesticate

domestik (reg, n) = domesticate (noun)

domestikatson (reg, n) = domestication

domestiket = domesticated

dycktor (irreg(tor), n) = Dyck word

renama (reg, v) = to rename

renamatson (reg, v) = renaming

flyta (reg, v) = to flee, to escape

aruménsk = Aromanian

dalmatisk = Dalmatian (language)

artikel (reg[-el], n) = article (language, page)

pronum (reg, n) = pronoun

kontraktson (reg, n) = contraction

hebrésk = Hebrew

midfrensk = Middle French

olengsk = Old English

midengsk = Middle English

slovensk = Slovenian

svahilisk = Swahili

tagalog = Tagalog

velsk = Welsh

yidisk = Yiddish

konekta (reg, v) = to connect

fras (reg, n) = phrase

frasa (reg, v) = to phrase, to put something into a phrase

maskulin = masculine

feminin = feminine

vék = away

abreviatson (reg, n) = abbreviation

abrevia (reg, v) = abbreviate

uformel = informal

formel = formal

stafaj (reg, n) = misspelling

favel = farewell, goodbye

ritili = really

basa (reg, v) = to base, to base on

centralt = mainly

central (reg, a) = main

speuga (reg, v) = to ask

répona (reg, v) = to respond

forum (reg, n) = forum

noen = nogen

numer = number

geua (reg, v) = to do, to carry out

topik (reg, n) = topic

kontakta (reg, v) = to contact

posta (reg, v) = to post

postér (reg, n) = poster

rejejsta (reg, v) = to register

faktisk = actually

Uniteta Stata uf Amerika = United States of America

fiu = few

on fiu = a few

sodern = southern

bée = just

ku = only

naty = native

linkvistik = linguistics

linkvistisk (reg, a) = linguistic(al)

inventa = to invent

studi (reg, n) = study

studia (reg, v) = to study

léra (reg, v) = to learn

interesa (reg, v) = to be interested in

spíin (reg, n) = gaming

onlajn = online

vel = well

TASér = TASer

spidreunér = speedrunner

spidreun = speedrun

linkvist (reg, n) = linguist

sudonim (reg, n) = pseudonym

prepet (reg, a) = ready

balncet (reg, a) = balanced

balnca (reg, v) = to balance

rusk = Russian

ja = yes (informal)

na = no (informal)

jas = yes (formal)

najsa = no (formal)

foléra (reg, v) = to teach

internatsonel = international

folérér = teacher

manja = many

adultisera (reg, v) = to grow up, to become an adult

inventér (reg, n) = inventor

skuel (reg, n) = school

tala (reg, v) = to speak (a language)

snaga (reg, v) = to talk, to chat

paresa (reg, v) = to look like

dajli (reg, a) = wonderful, delightful, lovely

spidreuna (reg, v) = to speedrun

rititim (reg, n) = realtime

trol (reg, n) = troll

trola (reg, v) = to troll

bevena (reg, v) = to befriend

nat (reg, n) = night

najt (reg, n) = knight

skra (reg(-u), v) = to write

hoba (reg, v) = to hope

ung (reg, a) = young

istori (reg, n) = history

preua (reg, v) = to try

viska (reg, v) = to wish

dér = the (ex. Mona dér Vampy)

vampy (reg[-y], n) = vampire

tiviseri (reg, n) = TV series

seri (reg, n) = series

pretenda (reg, v) = to pretend

fajta (reg, v) = to fight

meunst (reg, n) = monster

guli (reg, n) = ghoulie

gul (reg, n) = ghoul

vitst (reg, n) = witch

supa = super

supanaturel (reg, a) = supernatural

figu (reg, n) = figure

princes (reg, n) = princess

kigant (reg, n) = giant

tso = fun

komik (reg, n) = comic

komik (reg, a) = funny, comical

seu (reg, a) = sweet, cute

perfekt (reg, a) = perfect

rekomenda (reg, v) = to recommend

besten = the best

best = best

beder = better

vur = worse

vurt = worst

vurten = the worst

traditson (reg, n) = tradition

kultu (reg, n) = culture

ma = must, may

mor (reg, n) = mother

far (reg, n) = father

hada (reg, v) = to hate

hadatson (reg, n) = hating, hate

lérér (reg, n) = learner

nam = name

ny = new

meur = more

mest = most, mostly

kontuo = account

bestemli = definitely

bélén = backward(s)

folén = forward(s)

hota (reg, v) = to cough

hot (reg, n) = cough

imédiet (reg, a) = immediate, sudden

generalt (reg, a) = generally, usually

heunojsi (reg, a) = loud, noisy

expultson (reg, n) = expulsion

lung (reg, n) = lung

luf (reg, n) = air

oft = often

umoleli = accidentally, involuntarily

umoleli (reg, a) = accidental, involuntary

konditson (reg, n) = condition

konseken (reg, a) = consistent, continuous

kalien (reg, a) = hot, spicy

temperatu (reg, n) = temperature

secsi (reg, a) = sexy

populér (reg, a) = popular, new and hot

trusel (reg(-el), n) = threat

hotér (reg, n) = cougher

spam (reg, n) = spam

spamér (reg, n) = spammer

tahitsk = Tahitian

warao = Warao

fofosa (reg, v) = to push

truslita (reg, v) = to threaten

montanje (reg, n) = mountain

famili (reg, n) = family

homosexul (reg, a) = homosexual

réso (reg, n) = reason

kenla (reg(-u), v) = to know (someone)

vida (reg, v) = to know

respekab (reg, a) = respectable, honorable

onorab (reg, a) = honorable

diseka (reg, v) = to dissect

disekab (reg, a) = dissectable

disekabhe (reg, n) = dissectability

disektson (reg, n) = dissection

ab (reg, a) = able

oatur (reg, n) = override

oatura (reg, v) = to override

konglihe (reg, n) = royalty

oaturab (reg, a) = overrideable

fokotena (reg, v) = to shorten

abhe (reg, n) = ability

rielekta (reg, v) = to reelect

rielektson (reg, n) = reelection

intensy (reg(-y), a) = intensive

puloma (reg, v) = to attract, to pull in

atentson (reg, n) = attention

hag = hey (attention grabber)

expresa (reg, v) = to express

ironi (reg, n) = irony

havajensk = Hawaiian

vahina (reg(-a), n) = vagina

bjunalia (reg, v) = to estrange

vebsajt (reg, n) = website

skablon (reg, n) = template

sprokod (reg, n) = language code

eure (reg, n) = ear

donatson (reg, n) = donation

des = this (adverb)

indika (reg, v) = to indicate

aprutson (reg, n) = approval

aprua (reg, v) = approve

somiet = that much

tésis (reg, n) = thesis

nota (reg, v) = to note

te (reg, n) = tea

sko (irreg, n (sko is the plural)) = shoe

bebraja (reg, v) = to blame

folt (reg, n) = fault

embarasa (reg, v) = embarrass

embaraset = embarrassed

akusa (reg, v) = accuse

alader = all that

genocida (reg, v) = go on a genocide

genocid (reg, n) = genocide

lada (reg, v) = to let

jesta (reg, v) = to agree

samen = each other

fult = fully, entirely, purely

am = age, years old

feminist (reg, n) = feminist

extrémist (reg, n) = extremist

fohuti (reg, v) = to rush, to hurry

omkri = around

dia (reg, v) = to cause

kausa (reg, v) = to cause

éften (reg, n) = evening

susta (rev, v) = to scare

sustet = scared

utkoma (reg, v) = publish

Stobritan = UK

kopirajt (reg, n) = copyright

fiktson (reg, n) = fiction

fikty (reg, a) = fictional

imahinatson (reg, n) = imagination

beheuvi (reg, n) = behavior

titul (reg, n) = title

desimpra (reg, v) = to disrupt

desorganisa (reg, v) = to disorganize

balé (reg, n) = ballet

plotfokotrin (reg, n) = plot summary, summary

trédmark (reg, n) = trademark

sigura (reg, v) = to protect, to secure, to reserve

reutkoma (reg, v) = to republish, to reproduce

tronslata (reg, v) = to translate (move), to transmit

elektronisk (reg, a) = electronic

mekanisk (reg, a) = mechanic, mechanical

Beltsik = Belgium

oktob = october

faktukreta (reg, v) = to manufacture (to "factory create")

biledkopia (reg, v) = to photocopy

fotokopia (reg, v) = to photocopy

graba (reg, v) = to record

véréro (reg, n) = storage

retrevatson (reg, n) = retrieval

promisjon (reg, n) = permission

promita (reg, v) = permit

lov (reg, n) = law

imahina (reg, v) = imagine

imahinab (reg, a) = imaginable

jestatson (reg, n) = agreement

partik (reg, n) = particle (grammar)

gramatik (reg, n) = grammar

fostoa (reg, v) = to lengthen, to enlarge

frak (reg, n) = coat

tsakét (reg, n) = jacket

alfalfa (reg(-a), n) = alfalfa

desjestatson (reg, n) = disagreement

blena (reg, v) = to blend, to mix

breu (reg, n) = bread

vienasbreu (reg, n) = danish (pastry)

moderno (reg, a) = modern

absolut (reg, a) = absolute

vokabulér (reg, n) = vocabulary

staréna (reg, v) = to put up with

tolera (reg, v) = to tolerate

sel = self

selmorda (reg, v) = to kill oneself, to commit suicide

ensel = oneself

morda (reg, v) = to kill

bavéréls (reg, n) = bathroom

tvalet (reg, n) = toilet

supalaty = superlative

onist (reg, a) = honest

érli (reg, a) = honest

desonist (reg, a) = dishonest

anu (reg, n) = anus

kunéla (reg, v) = kneel

kunélér (reg, n) = kneeler (person)

kunélenedevik (reg, n) = kneeler (kneeling device)

devik (reg, n) = device

Ostrali = Australia

kunbordér (reg, n) = kneeboarder

kun (reg, n) = knee

bord (reg, n) = board

subjuga (reg, v) = to subjugate

beranin (reg, n) = prayer

bera (reg, v) = pray

avénja (reg, v) = to avenge

strafa (reg, v) = to punish

sia (reg, v) = to say

fokomer (reg, n) = ancestor

fokota (reg, v) = to shorten

iguala (reg, v) = to equal

suspisuon (reg, n) = something suspicious

Martsaleuana (reg, n) = Marshall Islands

strafnininstigene = punishment instigating

instiga (reg, v) = to instigate

strafnin (reg, n) = punishment

externel (reg, a) = external

kild (reg, n) = reference, source

komdo (reg, n) = food

dio (reg, n) = day

terifik (reg, a) = terrific

natstori (reg, n) = bedtime story

gur (reg, n) = ghost

gurli (reg, a) = ghostly

gekta (reg, v) = to make, to get to be, to make become

euj (reg, n) = eye

mort (reg, n) = mouth

popa (reg, v) = to pop

bleu (reg, n) = blood

boala (reg, a) = to boil, to curdle (idiomatic)

ténga (reg, v) = to think (have thoughts in your mind, literal meaning)

bruska (reg, v) = to brush

tén (reg, n) = tooth

hukta (reg, v) = to hang (on something)

oposivertik (reg, a) = (lit. opposite vertical) upside down

oposi (reg, a) = opposite

vertik (reg, a) = verticle

elefanto (reg, n) = elephant

giraf (reg, n) = giraffe

éb (reg, n) = ape

héografi (reg, n) = geography

félékén (reg, n) = flamingo

seng (reg, n) = bed

impota (reg, v) = import

sengvéréls (reg, n) = bedroom

snat (reg, a) = soon

soa (reg, v) = to sleep

aso (reg, a) = asleep

elsket (reg, a) = beloved, loved

sto (reg, a) = large

kot (reg, a) = short

kotli = shortly

grand (reg, a) = large (in importance)

reurnin (reg, n) = moving

reura (reg, v) = to move

flyta (reg, v) = to move

klimba (reg, v) = to climb

asénda (reg, v) = to ascend

lenlod (reg, n) = landlord

skark (reg, n) = shark

skéléton (reg, n) = skeleton

nukléoskéléton (reg, n) = nucleoskeleton

specifiet (reg, n) = specified, specific

specifia (reg, n) = specify

typ (reg, n) = type, kind

vid (reg, a) = wide

brimet (reg, a) = brimmed

sombrero (reg, n) = sombrero

jeva (reg, v) = to wear

middiomal (reg, n) = lunch

desajmal (reg, n) = breakfast

senmal (reg, n) = dinner

mundio = Monday

tusdio = Tuesday

onsdio = Wednesday

tursdio = Thursday

fredio = Friday

satordio = Saturday

seundio = Sunday

janvar = January

febrer = February

martso = March

abri = April

maje = May

juni = June

juli = July

ogust = August

septiem = September

oktobe = October

noviem = November

disiem = December

mon (reg, n) = morning

avéko (reg, a) = awake

avéka (reg, v) = to awaken

vurli (reg, a) = early

okupet (reg, a) = occupied

okupa (reg, v) = to occupy, to be busy or to make busy

ahoe = ahead

necesa (reg, v) = to need

necesa som = to have to

neceset (reg, a) = necessary, needed

kluk (reg, n) = cloak

lan (reg, a) = long

gadin (reg, n) = curtain

spisastu (reg, n) = dining room

spisa (reg, v) = to eat, to dine

stu (reg, n) = 1. stew 2. living room

ving (reg, n) = wing

bat (reg, n) = bat (animal)

boat (reg, n) = bat (thing)

smik (reg, n) = makeup

plastik (reg, n) = plastic

plastik (reg, a) = plastic

gloindedark (reg, a) = (directly taken from English) glow-in-the-dark

fantén (reg, n) = fang

drula (reg, n) = to drool, to dribble

on lil = a little, a bit

exelente (reg, a) = excellent

anténa (reg, n) = antenna

Kanada = Canada

eufemistik (reg, a) = euphemistic

sexul (reg, a) = sexual

aktiviti (reg, a) = activity

verifia (reg, v) = to verify

kvalifika (reg, v) = to qualify

pruba (reg, v) = to prove

sjert (reg, n) = truth

kofirma (reg, v) = to confirm

testa (reg, v) = to test

akurasi (reg, n) = accuracy

bent (reg, a) = good

vaj (reg, n) = way, manner, way of doing things

kvin (reg, n) = queen

kong (reg, n) = king

hor (reg, a) = hard

let (reg, a) = easy

parti (reg, n) = party

tsampu (reg, n) = shampoo

projet (reg, n) = project

advertisman (reg, n) = advertisement

pistojo (reg, n) = pistol

pek (reg, n) = gun

skyda (reg, a) = to shoot

fisis (reg, n) = pussy

vahina (reg, n) = vagina

péni (reg, n) = penis

kok (reg, n) = cock

pik (reg, n) = dick

vivihua (reg, v) = to hum

klema (reg, v) = to hug

pork (reg, n) = pork

lympa (reg, v) = to clean

aprenta (reg, v) = to apprentice, to help

jelpa (reg, v) = to help

plida (reg, v) = to beg, to plead

plidér (reg, n) = pleader, beggar

dykan (reg, n) = toucan

dyk (reg, n) = duck

léon (reg, n) = lion

tigor (reg, n) = tiger

bjeurn (reg, n) = bear

monu (reg, n) = monkey

patdy (reg, n) = mammal

grés (reg, n) = grass

gri (reg, n) = pig

préfrens (reg, n) = preference

ko (reg, n) = cow

pulan (reg, n) = horse

bul (reg, n) = bull

eugel (reg, n) = lizard

kysa (reg, v) = to kiss

agrikultu (reg, n) = agriculture

gard (reg, n) = farm

gardabajér (reg, n) = farmer, farmworker

prostitui (reg, n) = prostitute

voltét (reg, n) = rape

voltéa (reg, v) = to rape

bugar (reg, n) = burger

hambugar (reg, n) = hamburger

frenskfri (reg, n) = french fry

ké (reg, n) = cake

paj (reg, n) = pie

armor (reg, n) = armor

armari (reg, n) = locker

baner (reg, n) = banner, flag

oun (reg, n) = oven

morddom (reg, n) = murder

bibi (reg, n) = baby (slang), baby (infant)

enfant (reg, n) = infant, baby

hour (reg, n) = whore

krum (reg, n) = crum

gardlen (reg, n) = farmland

stal (reg, n) = stall, barn

kat (reg, n) = cat

hundo (reg, n) = dog

friz (reg, a) = frozen, cold

citatson (reg, n) = citation

cita (reg, n) = to cite

tatatu (reg, n) = keyboard

tatu (reg, n) = tattoo

beujb (reg, n) = boob (slang for breast)

brist (reg, n) = breast

krajola (reg, n) = crayon

séb (reg, n) = soap

sup (reg, n) = soup

foret (reg, n) = forest, woods

jongla (reg(-u), n) = juggle

jungol (reg, n) = jungle

jys (reg, n) = juice

téroristo (reg, n) = terrorist

fing (reg, n) = finger

finga (reg, n) = to finger

vén (reg, n) = water

juropisk (reg, n) = European

delt (reg, n) = partially

fro (reg, n) = frog

tod (reg, n) = toad

komda (reg, v) = to cook

komdér (reg, n) = cook (person who cooks)

tsef (reg, n) = chef

pan (reg, n) = pan

pot (reg, n) = pot

hat (reg, n) = hat

tsita (reg, v) = to shit (vulgar)

tsit (reg, n) = shit (vulgar)

musikal (reg, a) = musical

baho (reg, n) = badge

slo (reg, a) = slow

huti (reg, a) = fast

bioloi (reg, n) = biology

bioloisk (reg, n) = biological

genetik (reg, n) = genetics

genetisk (reg, a) = genetic (adjective)

eurefona (reg, n) = headphones

hoe (reg, n) = head

téléfon (reg, n) = telephone

céléfon (reg, n) = cell phone

cél (reg, n) = cell

célular (reg, n) = cellular

dedika (reg, v) = to dedicate

dedikatson (reg, n) = dedication

povera (reg, v) = to get into poverty, to become poor

poverti (reg, n) = poverty

trajler (reg, n) = trailer (mobile home)

insekto (reg, n) = insect

tako (reg, n) = taco

burito (reg, n) = burrito

papel (reg, n) = paper

skrér (reg, n) = writer, author

hjéméfon (reg, n) = home phone

abajéfon (reg, n) = work phone

fonnumer (reg, n) = phone number

téléfonnumer (reg, n) = telephone number

céléfonnumer (reg, n) = cell phone number

hjéméfonnumer (reg, n) = home phone number

abajéfonnumer (reg, n) = work phone number

é (reg, n) = egg

ditribua (reg, v) = to distribute

ditributson (reg, n) = distribution

háab (reg, a) = existable, available, existing

matématik (reg, n) = mathematics

mat (reg, n) = math

matématisk (reg, a) = mathematical

maskot (reg, n) = mascot

pito (reg, n) = pet

fog (reg, n) = fog

aléator (reg, a) = random

informatson (reg, n) = information

listér (reg, n) = lister

animel (reg(-el), n) = animal

slavpak (reg, n) = bookbag, backpack

slav (reg, n) = book

pak (reg, n) = bag, pack

ehpiditson (reg, n) = expidition

kromosom (reg, n) = chromosome

nukléotid (reg, n) = nucleotide

nukléus (reg, n) = nucleus

sitoplaseum (reg, n) = cytoplasm

Serbi = Serbia

Bosni = Bosnia

Herzegovina = Herzegovina

Ruslen = Russia

Belaruslen = Belarus

Polien = Poland

Indie = India

Burkinafaso = Burkina Faso

Libja = Libya

Éhipto = Egypt

gepard (reg, n) = cheetah

Alheri = Algeria

Angola = Angola

Bénin = Benin

Botsvana = Botswana

Burundi = Burundi

Camérono = Cameroon

Kabo Verde = Cape Verde

Centralafrikansk Republik = Central African Republic

Tsad = Chad

Komoros = Comoros

Tsibuti = Djibouti

Éritré = Eritrea

Itiopi = Ethiopia

Gabon = Gabon

Gambja = Gambia

Gjana = Ghana

Giuné = Guinea

Giuné-Biso = Guinea-Bissau

Kot Divuar = Ivory Coast

Kenja = Kenya

Lésoto = Lesotho

Libéri = Liberia

Malavi = Malawi

Mali = Mali

Moriténie = Mauritania

Moritéus = Mauritius

Moroko = Morocco

Mosambik = Mozambique

Namibie = Namibia

Nigero = Niger

Nigeri = Nigeria

Sao Tomé o Principé = São Tome and Principe

Senegal = Senegal

Sajtsels = Seychelles

Siera Léon = Sierra Leone

Somali = Somalia

Syafrika = South Africa

Sudan = Sudan

Sysudan = South Sudan

Svaslen = Swaziland

Tansania = Tanzania

Togo = Togo

Tunisi = Tunisia

Uganda = Uganda

Sambi = Zambia

Zimbabvé = Zimbabwe

Tsekia = Czech Republic

Afrika = Afrika

Asia = Asia

sy = south

syli = southern

nor = north

norli = northern

isto = east

istoli = eastern

vest = west

vestli = western

demonim (reg, n) = demonym

réon (reg, n) = region

notabel (reg,(-el), a) = notable

tot (reg, n) = thought

fobryéls (reg, n) = crime

totfobryéls (reg, n) = thoughtcrime

bui (reg, n) = city

inti = into

lokatson (reg, n) = location

inklutson (reg, n) = inclusion

positson (reg, n) = position

fogeneralt = in general

format (reg, n) = format

inenfo = inside

ut = out

sitvatson (reg, n) = situation

kuranfatsonri (reg, a) = current-fashion (in style, in fashion)

imo = against

fina (reg, v) = to find

kavo (reg, n) = cave

botyka (reg, v) = to print

elekta (reg, v) = elect, choose

fitura (reg, v) = to feature

elektson (reg, n) = election

gyft (reg, n) = gift

stat (reg, n) = state (of being)

tsme = too

exesy (reg(-y), a) = excessive

nog = enough

hjel (reg, n) = wheel

dofi (reg, a) = lazy

fodofia (reg, v) = to laze

unjon (reg, n) = union

Bosnia = Bosnia

Hertsegovina = Herzegovina

Apénino = Apennine

haveu (reg, n) = peninsula

Elinja = Greece

tal (reg, n) = speech, language

melodi (reg, n) = melody

Armenie = Armenia

armenar (reg, n) = Armenian (person)

alfabet (reg, n) = alphabet

Brasil (reg, n) = Brazil

bestika (reg, v) = to bribe

arm (reg, n) = arm

tesorus (reg, n) = thesaurus

nutin (reg, a) = modern

nutro = neuter, neutral

eftakomest (reg, n) = descent

sma = small

transkontinental (reg, a) = transcontinental

Jersé = Jersey (Europe)

fokomatson (reg, n) = coming together of things, conjugation

verbbeujnin (reg, n) = conjugation

selfeugeli = of course

hila (reg, v) = to greet

hilatson (reg, n) = greeting

aknolaha (reg, v) = acknowledge

joga (reg, v) = to arrive

répona ti téléfonen = answer the phone

kal (reg, n) = call

kala (reg, n) = to call

inga parsona (reg, n, pl) = nobody

helikoptér (reg, n) = helicopter

présentio (reg, a) = present (there

séaj = bye

firmo (reg, n) = company, firm

alabamaisk (reg, a) = Alabamian

alabamar (reg, n) = Alabamian

biajsta (reg, v) = to enthuse

ventetli (reg, a) = expectedly

ventet (erg, a) = expected

lod (reg, n) = lord

limon (reg, n) = lemon

limonéd (reg, n) = lemonade

viti (reg, a) = real

vitit = really

uviti (reg, a) = unreal, not real

vina (reg, v) = whine

komplanja (reg, v) = complain

komplanjatson (reg, n) = complaint

kria (reg, v) = cry

tona (reg, v) = to toll

bél (reg, n) = bell

konditsy = conditional

lan = long

kul (reg, n) = coal

restoruanto (reg, n) = restaurant

inat = tonight

igoé = yesterday

idie = today

fodie (reg, n) = tomorrow

keunibe (reg, n) = knife

fruéko (reg, a) = naughty, dirty (sexual)

beujér (reg, n) = bender, inflecter

fosigurnin (reg, n) = insurance

Vietji (reg, n) = Vietnam

danjero (reg, a) = dangerous

heur (reg, n) = whore, slut (vulgar)

avansja (reg, v) = advance

heurkas (reg, n) = whorehouse

seuér (reg, n) = searcher, browser, web browser

furko (reg, n) = fork

utéurko (reg, n) = spork

utéo (reg, n) = spoon

uténsi (reg, n) = utensil

papelelympér (reg, n) = (paper) napkin, paper towel

fombe (reg, n) = rug, carpet

rubio (reg, a) = blonde

rubi (reg, n) = blondie, ruby (jewel)

brunét (reg, n) = brunette

brunéto (reg, a) = black-haired

afin (reg, n) = end, stopping point

nant = not good, bad

druma (reg, v) = to dream

drum (reg, n) = dream

nandrum (reg, n) = bad dream, nightmare

hugaur (reg, n) = sugar

salua (reg, n) = living room

fol (reg, n) = sheep

lifol (reg, n) = lamb

oblik = oblique

paodér (reg, n) = powder

fin (reg, a) = fine

melje (reg, n) = flour

granulisk (reg, a) = granular

substans (reg, n) = substance

fleujeur (reg, n) = flower

politana (erg, n, fl) = the police

kontrola (reg, v) = to control

manaha (reg, v) = to manage, to run

gu (erg, a) = cool

tak = thanks

taka (reg, v) = to thank

leson (reg, n) = lesson

heli (reg, a) = lucky

aja (reg, v) = to own

ajet = own, owned

ajér = owner

venta (reg, v) = to wait

ténbruskér (reg, n) = toothbrush

ténbruska (reg, v) = to toothbrush

normal (reg, a) = normal

uk (reg, n) = week

réligieus (reg, a) = religious

rélihion (reg, n) = religion

bekla (reg, v) = apologize

beklé = sorry

boa (reg, v) = to live

interésa (reg, v) = to interest

marténo (reg, n) = marten

siens (reg, n) = science

halapénjo (reg, n) = jalapeño

sykosis (reg, n) = psychosis

sykosisk (reg, a) = psychotic

syko (reg, a) = psycho

keukni (reg, n) = kitchen

sykoloi (reg, n) = psychology

svér (reg, a) = severe, hard

mental fosty (reg, n) = mental disorder

fosty (reg, n) = disorder

mental (reg, a) = mental

gag (reg, n) = time

tim (reg, n) = time

nolatima = sometimes

onda (reg, v) = to hurt, to damage

ondatson (reg, n) = damage

hjen (reg, n) = brain

marka (reg, v) = to mark

deranga (reg, v) = to derange, to upset mentally

parsonujli (reg, n) = personality

parsonli (reg, adv) = personally

fovria (reg, v) = to distort

vist (reg, n) = view

ritilihe (reg, n) = reality

frevaru (reg, n) = absence

pebe (reg, n) = pepper

dialektisk (reg, a) = dialectal

dialekt (reg, n) = dialect

intanet (reg, n) = internet

miné (reg, a) = minor

minéti (reg, n) = minority

susom = such as, for example

bas (reg, n) = base

enmonin (reg, n) = request

avasel (reg, n) = warning

ménspés (reg, n, a) = mainspace

anda = other

permita (reg, v) = permit, allow

furthermore = envide

subsida (reg, n) = subpage

inti = until

komplétli = completely

kompléta (reg, v) = complete

komplétson (reg, n) = completion

proposa (reg, v) = to propose

propositson (reg, n) = proposition

vandalisa (reg, v) = vandalize

vandalisatson (reg, n) = vandalism

vandalisér (reg, n) = vandal

sluta (reg, n) = delete

slutatson (reg, n) = deletion

kuntaila (reg, v) = count for, go for, qualify

répons (reg, n) = response

lympatson (reg, n) = cleaning, maintenance

kalendér (reg, n) = calendar

gregorisk (reg, v) = Gregorian

link (reg, n) = link

idé (reg, n) = idea

exonim (reg, n) = exonym

rot (reg, n) = root

event (reg, n) = event

Skérmskot (reg, n) = screenshot

funamen (reg, n) = foundation

desambigutson (reg, n) = disambiguation

omdiria (reg, v) = to redirect

omdiritson (reg, n) = redirection, redirect

brua (reg, v) = to use, to utilize

bruér (reg, n) = user

bruatson (reg, n) = utilization, using, usage

konténto (reg, n) = content

asterojd (reg, n) = asteroid

uniko = placemarker, like ____self

ufo = unlike

kod (reg, n) = code

oficiel (reg, n) = official

oficielt = officially

kunt (reg, n) = art

del (erg, n) = part

sten (reg, n) = rock, stone

incisa (reg, v) = to incise, to carve

incisatson (reg, n) = incising, carving

plyka (reg, v) = to pick

plykatson (reg, n) = picking

nioloiseum (reg, n) = neologism

verdli (reg, n) = worldly, worldwide

asosjata (reg, v) = associate

asosjatson (reg, n) = association

kontinent (reg, n) = continent

Antarktik = Antarctica

komunfri (reg, a) = unincorporated

aré (reg, n) = area

lensbui (reg, n) = town

atrakta (reg, v) = attract

atraktson (reg, n) = attraction

atrakty (reg, a) = attractive

amerikansk (reg, a) = American

amerikar (reg, n) = American person

komté (reg, n) = county

poblatson (reg, n) = population

pobla (reg, v) = populate

sient = since, as of

poblos (reg, a) = populous

komtéhoesajt (reg, n) = county seat

kvadrat (reg, n) = square

mil (reg, n) = mile

kvadmil (reg, n) = square mile

sum (reg, n) = sum, total

atjacen (reg, a) = adjacent

funa (reg, v) = found

président (reg, n) = president

portrét (reg, n) = portrait

seun (reg, n) = son

dater (reg, n) = daughter

feua (reg, v) = to be born, to give birth to

feuet (reg, a) = born

deuja (reg, v) = to die

senée (reg, a) = later

vajsprésident (reg, n) = vice president

Masatsusets = Massachusetts

bagrun (reg, n) = background

deujt (reg, n) = death

konsidra (reg, v) = consider

gifta (reg, v) = to marry

giftatson (reg, n) = marriage

asita (reg, v) = attend

sam = same

og = as well as

masaker (reg, n) = massacre

ste (reg, n) = place

feutste (reg, n) = birthplace

deujtste (reg, n) = deathplace

feut (reg, n) = birth

revolutson (reg, n) = revolution

feuderal (reg, a) = federal

feuderalist (reg, n) = federalist

sinja (reg, v) = to sign

angst (reg, n) = anxiety

obvios (reg, a) = obvious

sensy (reg, a) = likely

usensy (reg, a) = unlikely

paranoia (reg, n) = paranoia

durene = during

dura (reg, v) = dure

troa (reg, v) = to believe, to trust

trotson (reg, n) = belief

heuj (reg, a) = high

heujt = highly

féri (reg, a) = fair

férihe (reg, n) = fairness

fosvéra (reg, v) = defend

Stobritén = Great Britain, United Kingdom

involva (reg, v) = to involve

do = though

kontroversi (reg, n) = controversy

kontroversisk (reg, a) = controversial

imigratson (reg, n) = immigration

imigrata (reg, v) = to immigrate

emigratson (reg, n) = emmigration

emigrata (reg, v) = to emmigrate

onsi (reg, a) = harmful, malicious

guberment (reg, n) = government

gubermentsk (reg, a) = governmental

proces (reg, n) = process

répons (reg, n) = response, answer

répona (reg, v) = respond, answer

speuga (reg, v) = ask

speujmal (reg, n) = question

refer (reg, v) = kilda

kuran (reg, a) = current

kurant = currently, yet

muli (reg, a) = possible

mulit = possibly

nér (reg, a) = near

nért = nearly

nér ti = almost

futil (reg, a) = futile, pointless

dokumenta (reg, v) = document

dokument (reg, n) = document

dokumentatson (reg, n) = documentation

poan (reg, n) = point, purpose

lil (reg, a) = little

ing (reg, a) = none

mandata (reg, v) = to mandate, require

mandatson (reg, n) = requirement

rok = rock (music)

musikgrup (reg, n) = music group, band

forma (reg, v) = to form

form (reg, n) = form

kariro (reg, n) = career

germansk (reg, n) = Germanic

op = up

opgya (reg, v) = give up, abandon

efta = after, afterwards

déskra (reg, v) = describe

cretson (reg, n) = creation

henelhun = he or she, they

hemelhene = him or her, them

vasta (reg, v) = waste

vastatson (reg, n) = wasting

vastér (reg, n) = waster

fenomenon (reg, n) = phenomenon

mim (reg, n) = meme

fad (reg, n) = fad

fosvina (reg, v) = vanish, disappear

fosvinatson (reg, n) = disappearance

svina (reg, v) = appear

svinatson (reg, n) = appearance

kanal (reg, n) = channel

koment (reg, n) = comment

komenta (reg, v) = comment

subscribe (reg, v) = subskra

komentér (reg, n) = commenter

morsom (reg, a) = funny, humorous

humeurisk (reg, a) = humorous

humeur (reg, n) = humor

fovisa (reg, v) = to show

difaulto (reg, n) = default

profil (reg, n) = profile

fohina (reg, v) = to prevent, to restrict

pejoraty (reg, a, n) = derogatory, pejorative

sens (reg, n) = sense

kritik (reg, n) = criticism

kritisa (reg, a) = criticize, criticise

tenda (reg, v) = tend

tendatson (reg, n) = tendency

lona (reg, v) = loan

lonatson (reg, n) = loan

plas (reg, n) = place

inplas (uf) (reg, n) = in place of, instead of, rather than

tusin = thousand

mijon = million

mijard = billion

inklua (reg, v) = include

inkluatson (reg, n) = inclusion

gréns (reg, n) = border

grénsa (reg, v) = to border, to limit

kvantit (reg, n) = amount, quantity

Slesvi (reg, n) = Schleswig

Syslesvi (reg, n) = Southern Schleswig

komuniti (reg, n) = community

Arhéntina = Argentina

norisk (reg, n) = Nordic

fonoloi (reg, n) = phonology

ortografi (reg, n) = orthography

konventson (reg, n) = convention

oasétér (reg, n) = translator

omtira (reg, n) = confuse

omtirene (reg, a) = confusing

promota (reg, v) = to promote

promotatson (reg, n) = promotion

promotatsonal (reg, a) = promotional

Néerlandia = Netherlands

film (reg, n) = film

muvi (reg, n) = movie

kot film = short film

anima (reg, v) = animate

animatson (reg, n) = animation

komputa (reg, v) = compute

komputér (reg, v) = computer

Japan = Japan

Finlen = Finland

ninja (reg, n) = ninja

Ohajo = Ohio

pornografi (reg, n) = pornography

pornografisk (reg, a) = pornographic

rickrola (reg, v) = rickroll

rickrolene = rickrolling

provins (reg, n) = province

ruman (reg, a) = Romance (spro)

rumanspro (reg, n) = romance language

influenséls (reg, n) = influence

influensa (reg, v) = influence

influensa (reg, n) = influenza

akademi (reg, n) = academy

akademisk (reg, A) = academic

atorité (reg, n) = authority

ynivers (reg, n, -s) = universe

katastrofi (reg, n) = catastrophy

bisexul (reg, a, n) = bisexual

soen = indeed

vinor (reg, n) = winter

koropa (reg, v) = to dry

koropet (reg, a) = dry

vif (reg, n) = life

fuol (reg, n) = leaf

stopa (reg, v) = to stop

sne (reg, n) = snow

snéa (reg, v) = to snow

nést = next, then, and then

vajr (reg, n) = weather

nola = some (plural)

noen = some (singular)

sodat = so that

mélk (reg, n) = milk

kontena (irreg (see tena), v) = to contain

familispro (reg, n (spro)) = a language spoken only by a specific family, especially a constructed language