Analysis of L3 headers



  • Header list based on WT:ELE and WT:POS
  • Headers for numbers: Number, Numeral and all four combinations with Cardinal and Ordinal are treated as valid.
  • Entries starting with "Glossary of" are skipped: Glossary of psychiatry
  • Comments at the end of headers are ignored, but are a problem.
  • Notice how many ways there are to spell "pronunciation" ...
  • This is an analysis, it is not a policy document.

Please also see User:Connel MacKenzie/todo2 for a similar analysis, arranged as a cleanup list. This report is generated by a 'bot, while you are, of course, welcome to fix any of the examples, it isn't useful to try to strike them. Only a small number are shown.

Valid L3 headers


as of 27 June 2010

Header Occurs Notes
Abbreviation 1447 standard non-POS header
Acronym 104 standard non-POS header
Adjective 193266 standard POS header
Adverb 31899 standard POS header
Affix 77 standard POS header
Alternative forms 14776 standard L3 header
Alternative spellings 25821 standard L3 header
Anagrams 190468 standard L3 header
Antonyms 167 header should be at L4
Article 302 standard POS header
Cardinal number 2775 see note supra
Cardinal numeral 51 see note supra
Conjugation 109 header should be at L4
Conjunction 1820 standard POS header
Contraction 632 standard non-POS header
Counter 42 standard POS header
Declension 192 header should be at L4
Derived terms 1898 standard L4/L3 header
Descendants 243 standard L4/L3 header
Etymology 231199 standard L3 header
Etymology 1 8350 standard L3 header
Etymology 2 8347 standard L3 header
Etymology 3 1326 standard L3 header
Etymology 4 304 standard L3 header
Etymology 5 88 standard L3 header
Etymology 6 26 standard L3 header
Etymology 7 12 standard L3 header
Etymology 8 6 standard L3 header
Etymology 9 5 standard L3 header
External links 14045 standard L4/L3 header
Han character 24896 valid in single Han character entries only, not checked
Hanja 8949 valid in single Han character entries only, not checked
Hanzi 32755 valid in single Han character entries only, not checked
Idiom 2269 standard non-POS header
Infix 14 standard POS header
Inflection 117 header should be at L4
Initialism 265 standard non-POS header
Interjection 4099 standard POS header
Kanji 13264 valid in single Han character entries only, not checked
Letter 2208 standard non-POS header
Noun 668834 standard POS header
Number 457 see note supra
Numeral 2890 see note supra
Ordinal number 597 see note supra
Ordinal numeral 202 see note supra
Phrase 3249 standard non-POS header
Pinyin 1453 valid only for single syllable entries, not checked
Prefix 2316 standard POS header
Preposition 2593 standard POS header
Pronoun 5869 standard POS header
Pronunciation 215065 standard L3 header
Proper noun 56527 standard POS header
Proverb 1414 standard non-POS header
Quotations 1106 standard L4/L3 header
References 34423 standard L4/L3 header
Related terms 4639 standard L4/L3 header
See also 27825 standard L4/L3 header
Suffix 3120 standard POS header
Syllable 818 standard non-POS header
Symbol 3107 standard non-POS header
Synonyms 1681 header should be at L4
Translations 105 header should be at L4
Trivia 58 standard L3 header
Usage notes 2368 standard L3 header
Verb 890585 standard POS header
{{abbreviation}} 2812 L3 POS header templates
{{acronym}} 820 L3 POS header templates
{{initialism}} 3761 L3 POS header templates

Invalid L3 headers


as of 27 June 2010

Header Occurs Examples
Adjective form 31 hög foilmhe folmha milse bige deasa japoneză seinem gamle neuen letzten superoptikjempefantafenomenalistiske nietige verwandte rhetorische selbsterfüllende
Adnominal 141 西 せんめい 理想 静か 人工 人為的 しずか スケルタル 無声 綺麗 普通 shizuka 金属 特殊 化学的 ユーロ kado 手前 大陸 特別 圧倒的 特製 一斉
Alternative readings 4 死人 しにん shinin
Amoy 1
Brivla 5 dukyba'u cidjrkebabi cidjrkari fu'ivla selma'o
Chaozhou Hua 1
Character data 1
Chữ Hán 1
Circumfix 6 en- -en em- -en a- -ing ge- -t an--ana i--ana
Circumposition 2 vanaf omheen
Classifier 37 con cái ตัว เล่ม ลูก ฟอง แก้ว หลัง ฉบับ รูป คู่ คน ชิ้น เม็ด ใบ จาน ม้วน องค์ quả trái ໂຕ ຫົວ ອົງ ໜ່ວຍ เหลี่ยม
Cmavo 160 nu te ci vi pi my bai so re sy bi du bo ta mu fe li na si ti co se dy lu po ra pa tu pe noi
Combined-kana character 9
Compounds 62 メイン 便 卓球 人工
Coordinate terms 5 triplicate low-key compile time load time bigram
Correlative 23 ie ĉia ĉiel ien ies kiom tiam iel ĉiom ĉial ĉies nenia neniel neniom nenial nenies ial alies aliu aliam aliel alial aliom
Cretan Doric 1 ἀδνός
Cyrillic spelling 6 kuda slovenački bre Pavlova Pavlov dorski
Determiner 423 dat dat dat die whatever few most you some too this this all any what that both enough al al haar mijn so we them
Devanagari spelling 31 کچھ اردو ذرا یونانی ہندوستانی آزاد اگنی چینی یہودی ہزار انتر اتینت امیر الگ الگ الگ اوارہ اشچریہ اتر گھٹنا غریب غلط غائب کیسری
Dictionary information 3 zhaaganaashiimowin zhaaganaashiimo zhaaganaashi
Dictionary notes 71 piñata catch laser Hangeul sulfur machine translation sprog première shop steal shop stealer slight garbage collection garbage collector garbage collect irregardless
Expression 74 kaj ja op tam tiel tiom nek 話せばわかる 証明終わり どういたしまして どう致しまして había chal-lie ten opzichte van huisarrest geven vanuit cara o cruz 名実共に備わる 華を去り実に就く
Gerund 9 pudendum arguendo laborando definiendum laborandum amandum sufflaminandum ambulando amandi
Gismu 1341 klama bongu zukte gerku smuni since curve kanji porto mabla baxso bemro morna cabra cinta kolme slovo torni cmavo crane pinta matra
Han term 4 公斤 卤水 滷水 鹵水
Hangeul 1 古琴
Hanja reading 3
Hieroglyphs 1 ỉʽḥ
Hiragana 208 あお へん しゅ する そらで ばい ふく るす るすばん ほご つくり いっしょ いらい せち ずい ひつ じゃく じょ ぶん しゅく けき さつ つつしむ みょう たすける けわしい めぐる ちょ
Hiragana character 69
Homograph-Capitonym 1 κυδνός
Homographs 2 h 굳이
Homonyms 3 ուրան ακριβός ακριβώς
Homophones 87 vecka vue crû ancre encre prix pris thon Froogle peddle crois draftee karat beau- quand Verse Laib cet ciento furent
Hypernyms 2 load time bigram
Hyphenation 23 férreo Tizona sepultura inimigo afa verringern metalithium akka dorruðr Dorruðr Báleygr Biflindi Bileygr Bolverkr Eyluðr Tveggi latu raufnir
Hyponyms 1 compile time
Hán Tự 2
Hán Việt readings 7 否定 否极泰来 否认 和顺 和气 和谈 和解
Hán tự 5 葡萄
Idioms 2 一生
Interfix 12 -o- -s- -s- -s- -e- -e- -k- -n- -a- -ㅅ- -ö- -á-
Jyutping 1
Jyutping syllable 86 ban3 ban1 si4 zi1 san1 si3 san4 ming4 jing1 si1 fung1 ban2 ban6 gaa1 zeot1 je5 man5 maan6 cing4 seoi2 saan1 saan3 syun1
Kanji reading 187 あい いく いち そう ぞう その あく じょう ぼく せん てん もん とう しょう きん こん れつ やす じん にん ひと けん kata sei
Kanji reading of 1 たく
Katakana character 134
Ligature 47 द्व क्ष द्य द्म ज्ञ द्ब द्भ द्द द्ध ह्म ह्य क्त त्त श्र श्न स्त्र ర్వ ర్ర ప్మ క్ష శ్శ న్ధ్ర న్భ్ర త్వ క్ర ట్ట
Lujvo 15 benmro carna'ivinji guntrusi'o malgli seldu'a xelkla daptutra notcrida malglico zgitci snacpa zgisamtro samgi'e varkiclaflo'i puvbixma'u
Measure word 19 ci wei ke ke duo zuo wèi zhī zhang tiao zhi
More common 1 奇跡
Mutation 13 defnyddiwr meas gardd genedl Tawe reilffordd collaíocht gwell meán meá colainn colann gnéasaigh
Names 4
Noun 1 106 broad bus papa agi bana physique cave cache chef pice rince shojo lager crème øl bids gen カー folks 盛り lucht jongen
Noun 2 104 broad bus papa agi bana physique cave cache chef pice rince shojo lager crème øl bids gen folks 盛り lucht jongen canes
Noun 3 6 shojo gen balo bata kós derc
Noun 4 2 gen derc
Noun class 1 m
Noun form 50 ham pik longa tithe bróige clainne cailíní craice gáirí páistí buachalla buachaillí múinteora dúnta ceachta cailce puint Range Sarge luces
Noun stem 2 xòy- xə́-
Nôm character 1 𡮈
On-reading of: 2 でち ごつ
Participle 11509 abalienate abscissa ordinate abditus unit means apparatus locate sense po acerbatus nexus conspurcatus acte absens abruptus agenda migrate
Particle 474 fa y de de de de de de de de o o i i be mi mi mi at at for an to to to non om ag ag god ba
Phonetic values 1 𒀸
Pinyin reading 2 Aozhouren Àozhōurén
Pinyin syllable 1874 pie kun nu de en te die can o sun man tao ci mi ao you pi an men tan pen gun bei ai wei ba bai ban
Postposition 273 in all bee door -bo asti op over nélkül ut ellen ali par alla közben óta alle taa alta uran rond ohi enne
Predicative 36 право можно нельзя нету невозможно жарко ясно должен жаль мал трудно весело видно громко крепко легко медленно нужно ужасно чрезвычайно
Prenoun 2 moose aandeg
Prepositional article 1 ao
Prepositional phrase 21 by default out of the box all over the board over the transom all over the place under glass all over the shop across the pond like hell under the table to that end de sa
Preverb 4 gichi- ziigwan maajii- isht
Production 233 A B C OpenB@Chest-PalmBack CirclesSurface B@Sfhead-PalmForward B@FromSfhead-PalmForward B@Sfhead-PalmForward Sidetoside Open8@Chest-PalmBack-Open8@Chest-PalmBack Open8@SideNeckhigh-PalmBack-Open8@SideNeckhigh-PalmBack
Pronominal adverb 14 conosco waarvoor waaraan waaruit waarmee ernaar eraan ermee eronder waarop waaronder daarna daarna waarin
Pronunciation 1 1280 affix subject men e imp. errata uva imprint dy ea Cairo parma aggregate ally tema consummate iacere manus alba una vagina convict
Pronunciation 2 1278 affix subject men e imp. errata uva imprint dy ea Cairo parma aggregate ally tema consummate iacere manus alba una vagina convict
Pronunciation 3 32 זבל קדשנו שנתא כרכא חמרא קריתא ספרא חלא פלגא שמן נחשא ערבא צירא מנא קטל רקדא צבעא ערא עולא חבלא בסמא סכא גזרא כרתא
Pronunciation 4 6 ספרא נחשא ערבא חבלא גזרא עקרא
Pronunciation 5 2 ערבא עקרא
Quasi-adjective 14 hen 早計 無力 愚か ヘンテコ 至急 野蛮 冷静 不測 過酷 変な 不愉快 深刻 活発
Quoc Ngu 9 丿 𡮈
Readings 29 𡏘 𦵠 𦵗 𠲥 𠻗 𥆼 𣗱 𥘶 𥙪 𥛭 𨤧 𢹊 𨦁 𩂏 𡍘 𥻹 𦷨 𢯙 𣴓 𨨪 𡐮 𢠿 𤳰 刺青
Reciprocal 10 閉める 閉まる 消える 落とす 付ける 付く 消す 抜く 抜ける 見える
Related expressions 3 新年おめでとうございます 新年明けましておめでとうございます 謹賀新年
Romaji 61 nu zero i ren izen yo gairaigo mesu sen Akihabara ossharu norikaeru jikoshōkai Nihongo watashi anata anatatachi omae aida atashi achirakochira
Roman spelling 2 дорски куда
Romanization 5 國語 горілка епіфіз канадієць батяр
Root 171 bicara ר־ו־ץ ב־ו־ש ס־פ־ק ז־כ־ר פ־ס־ד פ־ח־ד ל־ן מ־ש־ך ז־ה־ר ש־ט־ח ל־מ־ד خ د ر ف ع ل ن ح ر غ ر ق ه ب ب ع ه ر ك س ر ج ي ء ق و ل س ف د
Shorthand 38 abacus abaft abandonment abase abasedly abasement abash abatement abbess abbey abbot abbreviate abbreviated abdicate abdication abdomen abduct
Stroke order 1
Suffix 1 1 -aí
Suffix 2 1 -aí
Teochew 1
Transformations 2 maajii- aandeg
Transliteration 6 неделя черепаха четврток ould
Urdu spelling 25 चीनी ज़रा आज़ाद कुछ यूनानी खाद्य हज़ार केसरी घुटना अन्तर अत्यन्त अमीर अलग अलग अलग आवारा आश्चर्य उत्तर ग़रीब ग़ायब हमेशा उदार और
Valediction 1 mfG
Variants 3 falowa faloha bosumflat
Verb 1 10 bobo basa bato balo bulag snerta bayaw bugto bukad dawat
Verb 2 11 bobo bati basa bato balo bulag snerta bayaw bugto bukad dawat
Verb 3 1 bati
Verb form 3386 pond fa abdicate servant het decade bot but ami stand close bomb small yak amai delineate carmine replica so ver ver cadi sale
Verb prefix 19 на- с- до- за- над- воз- в- вы- низ- о- от- пере- под- у- пре- пред- при- про- раз-
Verbal Adjective 1 cursum
Việt tự 1
Word element 1 とお
chữ Hán 1
  • Number of distinct invalid headers: 152
  • Total number of invalid headers: 24580

See also
