
RV Attestations edit

Van Nooten & Holland Jamison Griffith Geldner
1.072.07 vidvā́m̐ agne vayúnāni kṣitīnā́ṃ
ānuṣák churúdho (f) jīváse dhāḥ
antarvidvā́m̐ ádhvano devayā́nān
átandro dūtó abhavo havirvā́ṭ
Knowing the patterns of the settled peoples, o Agni, distribute proliferating riches in proper order (for them) to live.
Inwardly knowing the roads leading to the gods, you have become the tireless messenger carrying the oblations.
Thou, Agni, knower of men's works, hast sent us good food in constant course for our subsistence:
Thou deeply skilled in paths of Gods becamest an envoy never wearied, offering-bearer.
Agni, Der du die Wege der Völker kennst, teile die Gaben der Reihe nach aus zum Leben!
Du wardst der unermüdliche Bote, der Opferfahrer, der die von Göttern begangenen Pfade herauskennt.
01.169.08 tvám mā́nebhya indara viśvájanyā
rádā marúdbhiḥ śurúdho (f) góagrāḥ
stávānebhi stavase deva devaír
vidyā́meṣáṃ vr̥jánaṃ jīrádānum
You, Indra, along with the Maruts—for the Mānas dig out proliferating riches, tipped with cows, destined for all men.
You will be praised, o god, by the gods [=Maruts] (also) being praised. – May we know refreshment and a community having lively waters.
Give to the Manas, Indra with Maruts, gifts universal, gifts of cattle foremost.
Thou, God, art praised with Gods who must be lauded. May we find strengthening food in full abundance.
Lass du, Indra, mit den Marut den Manas für alle Personen ausreichende Gewinne mit den Kühen an der Spitze zukommen!
Mit den gepriesenen Göttern sollst du, Gott, gepriesen werden. - Wir möchten einen gastfreien Opferbündler kennen lernen, der rasch schenkt.
3.038.05 ásūta pū́rvo vr̥ṣabhó jiyā́yān
imā́ asya śurúdhaḥ (f) santi pūrvī́ḥ
dívo napātā vidáthasya dhībhíḥ
kṣatráṃ rājānā pradívo dadhāthe
The earlier older bull gave birth. Here are his many proliferating riches.
You two sons of heaven, with your insights you established your dominion over the (cosmic) division, you kings, from olden days.
First the more ancient Bull engendered offspring; these are his many draughts that lent him vigour.
From days of old ye Kings, two Sons of Heaven, by hymns of sacrifice have won dominion.
Der ältere Bulle gebar als erster; diese seine Erfolge sind zahlreich.
Ihr beiden Enkel des Himmels, ihr Könige, übet im Geiste der Weisheit von jeher die Herrschaft aus.
4.023.08 r̥tásya hí śurúdhaḥ (f) sánti pūrvī́r
r̥tásya dhītír vr̥jinā́ni hanti
r̥tásya ślóko badhirā́ tatarda
kárṇā budhānáḥ śucámāna āyóḥ
Of truth there exist many riches. The vision of truth smashes the crooked,
and the signal call of truth bored open deaf ears—(the signal call) of Āyu [=Agni], awakening and blazing.
Eternal Law hath varied food that strengthens; thought of eternal Law, removes transgressions.
The praise-hymn of eternal Law, arousing, glowing, hath oped the deaf ears of the living.
Denn der Wahrheit Gaben sind viele: Die Erkenntnis der Wahrheit zerstört die Unredlichkeiten.
Der Mahnruf hat die tauben Ohren des Ayu geöffnet, zündend, wenn er verstanden wird.
6.003.03 sūraḥ na yasya dṛšatiḥ arepāḥ
bhīmā yat eti šucataḥ te ā dhīḥ
heṣasvataḥ śurúdho (m) na ayam aktoḥ
kutrāa cit raṇvaḥ vasatiḥ vane--jāḥ
(You) whose appearance is spotless like that of the sun: when your fearsome insight comes here as you blaze,
rich spoils (become yours), since (you are) armed. (But) on his own this one here [=you, Agni], born in the wood(s), is sometimes a cozy nest.
Bright God, whose look is free from stain like Surya's, thou, swift, what time thou earnestly desirest,
Hast gear to give us. Come with joy at evening, where, Child of Wood, thou mayest also tarry.
Dessen Anblick fleckenlos wie die Sonne, furchtbar, wenn deine, des Glühenden,
Hastigen Absicht auf Beute ausgeht, derselbe ist des Nachts überall ein angenehmer Hausbewohner, der Holzgeborene.
6.049.08 pathás-pathaḥ páripatiṃ vacasyā́
kā́mena kr̥tó abhí ānaḷ arkám
sá no rāsac churúdhaś (f) candráagrā
dhíyaṃ-dhiyaṃ sīṣadhāti prá pūṣā́
I will direct my eloquence to the complete protector of every path. Prompted by desire, he has attained the chant.
He will bestow on us proliferating riches tipped with gold; he will cause every visionary thought to reach its goal—Pūṣan.
I praise with eloquence him who guards all pathways. He, when his love impelled him, went to Arka.
May he vouchsafe us gear with gold to grace it: may Pusan make each prayer of ours efective.
Den Hüter eines jeden Weges preise ich mit Beredsamkeit. Der Verliebte hat den Preis gewonnen.
Er schenke uns Belohnungen mit Gold an der Spitze. Jedes Gebet möge Pusan zum Ziel führen.
7.023.02 áyāmi ghóṣa indra devájāmir
irajyánta yác churúdho (m) vívāci
nahí svám ā́yuś cikité jáneṣu
tā́nī́d áṃhāṃsi áti parṣi asmā́n
The cry that is the gods’ kinsman has been offered, Indra, as the rich spoils were put in order at the verbal contest.
Because (the length of) their own lifetime is not perceptible to people, carry us across just these straits.
A cry was raised which reached the Gods, O Indra, a cry to them to send us strength in combat.
None among men knows his own life's duration: bear us in safety over these our troubles.
Das den Göttern vertraute Geschrei hat sich erhoben, o Indra, da über die Gewinner im Wettstreit entschieden wird;
denn unter den Menschen wird die eigene Lebensdauer nicht gekannt. So hilf du über diese ängste hinweg!
7.062.03 ví naḥ sahásraṃ śurúdho (f) radantu
r̥tā́vāno váruṇo mitró agníḥ
yáchantu candrā́ upamáṃ no arkám
ā́ naḥ kā́mam pūpurantu stávānāḥ
Let those possessing the truth—Varuṇa, Mitra, and Agni—clear the way to a thousand ritual gifts for us.
Let the glittering ones offer us the highest chant [/flame]. Being praised, let them fulfill our wish.
May holy Agni, Varuna, and Mitra send down their riches upon us in thousands.
May they, the Bright Ones, make our praise-song perfect, and, when we laud them, grant us all our wishes.
Tausend Gewinne sollen uns die wahrhaften Varuna, Mitra, Agni zukommen lassen.
Die Schimmernden sollen uns das beste Loblied eingeben, und gepriesen sollen sie unseren Wunsch erfüllen.
9.070.05 sá marmr̥jāná indriyā́ya dhā́yasa
óbhé antā́ ródasī harṣate hitáḥ
vŕ̥ṣā śúṣmeṇa bādhate ví durmatī́r
ādédiśānaḥ śaryahéva śurúdhaḥ (m)
Constantly being groomed, propelled between the two worlds-halves, he is roused to give suck to Indra.
With his blustering the bull thrusts away evil thoughts, always setting his sights, like a sharpshooter, on rich spoils.
He, while he is adorned to stream forth mighty strength, rejoices in his place between the earth and heaven.
The Steer dispels the evil-hearted with his might, aiming at offerings as an archer at the game.
Geputzt, um die indrische Kraft zu laben, wird er kampflustig, zwischen beiden Welten angespornt.
Der Bulle vertreibt mit Wut die Feindseligen, wie ein Pfeilkämpfer auf die Gewinne abzielend.
10.122.01 vásuṃ ná citrámahasaṃ gr̥ṇīṣe
vāmáṃ śévam átithim adviṣeṇyám
sá rāsate śurúdho (f) viśvádhāyaso
agnír hótā gr̥hápatiḥ suvī́ryam
Him, of brilliant might like a Vasu, will I hymn—the precious, kindly guest, not to be despised.
He will bestow all-nourishing riches—Agni the Hotar, the Houselord— and an abundance of heroes.
I PRAISE the God of wondrous might like Indra, the lovely pleasant Guest whom all must welcome.
May Agni, Priest and Master of the household, give hero strength and all-sustaining riches.
Ihn, der wunderbare Herrlichkeit besitzt, wie es einem Vasu, einem Gott zukommt, den lieben, holden, nicht widerwärtigen Gast will ich preisen.
Er möge allsättigende Belohnung schenken, Agni der Opferpriester, der Hausherr die Meisterschaft.

Possible roots edit

*ḱreh₁- (to grow, increase) *ḱerh₃- (to saturate, satisfy; to feed) *ḱreyH- (to be splendid)
  • *ḱreh₁-eh₂yé-ti
    • Proto-Italic: *krēāō
  • *ḱreh₁-sḱé-ti
  • *kérh₁-es-s
  • *kérh₁-s ~ *kr̥h₁-és
    • Proto-Anatolian:
      • Hittite: [Term?] n (/⁠karaš-⁠/, wheat, emmer-wheat)
  • *kérh₁-s-yo-s (grain-like)
  • *ḱreh₁-sro-s
  • *kérh₃-ti ~ *kr̥h₃-énti (athematic root present)
    • Proto-Hellenic:
  • *kérh₃-e-ti (thematic root present)
    • Proto-Armenian:
    • Proto-Balto-Slavic: [Term?] (to feed)
  • *kérh₃-(h₁)se-ti ((h₁)se-desiderative)
    • Proto-Hellenic:
      • Ancient Greek: κορέω (koréō, will saturate)
  • *ḱri-né-H-ti ~ *ḱri-n-H-énti (thematic root present)
    • Proto-Indo-Iranian:
      • Proto-Indo-Aryan:
        • Sanskrit: श्रीणति (śrīṇáti, to make perfect, beautiful, 3pl.act.), [script needed] (śiśriye,, [script needed] (śrītá-, ptc.)
  • *ḱriH-í-s
  • *ḱriH-ró-s
  • Unsorted:

*-udʰ- cognates edit

*h₂eys- (to request) *ǵes- (to be hungry) *h₁eysH- (to be strong)
  • Proto-Indo-Iranian: *ĉšúdʰ (hunger)
    • Proto-Indo-Aryan: *ṭṣúdʰ
    • Proto-Iranian: *šúd
      • Younger Avestan: [script needed] m (šuδ(a)-)
      • Baluchi: [script needed] (šuδ)
      • Khotanese: [script needed] (kṣū)
      • Ossetian: [script needed] (sydæj), [script needed] (sudæj, hunger,
      • Middle Persian: [script needed] (šwd)
  • Proto-Indo-Iranian: *Hišúdʰ (strength)
    • Proto-Indo-Aryan: *Hiṣúdʰ
    • Proto-Iranian: *išúd
      • Old Avestan: [script needed] (išud, strength)
        • Old Avestan: [script needed] (išūⁱdiia-, to strengthen)