
RV Attestations edit

Van Nooten & Holland Jamison Griffith Geldner
01.088.02 té aruṇébhir váram ā́ pišáňgaiḥ
šubhé káṃ yānti rathatū́ rbhir ášvaiḥ
rukmó ná citráḥ svádhitīvān
pavyā́ ráthasya jaňghananta bhū́ma
With the ruddy, tawny horses they drive at will for beauty, with their horses that outstrip chariots—
provided with hatchets (the Marut flock) is sparkling like a brilliant. They keep pounding the earth with the wheel-rim of their chariot.
With their red-hued or, haply, tawny coursers which speed their chariots on, they come for glory.
Brilliant like gold is he who holds the thunder. Earth have they smitten with the chariot's felly.
Nach Wunsch fahren sie mit ihren rötlichen, gelbroten, andere Wagen überholenden Rossen zum Prunke.
Wie ein Goldschmuck die Augen auf sich ziehend, mit äxten versehen, zerstampfen sie mit der Radschiene des Wagens den Erdboden.
01.162.09 yád ášvasya kravíṣo mákṣikā́ša
yád vā svárau svádhitau riptám ásti
yád dhástayoḥ šamitúr yán nakhéṣu
sárvā tā́ te ápi devéṣu astu
What of the horse’s flesh a fly has eaten, or what is smeared on the sacrificial post or on the axe,
what is on the hands of the Queller-priest and what on his nails—let all this of yours be also among the gods.
What part of the Steed's flesh the fly hath eaten, or is left sticking to the post or hatchet,
Or to the slayer's hands and nails adhereth, -- among the Gods, too, may all this be with thee.
Was die Fliege von dem Fleisch des Rosses gefressen hat, oder was am Pfosten und am Beil kleben bleibt,
was an den Händen des Zurichters, was an seinen Nägeln, all das von dir soll bei den Göttern sein!
01.162.18 cátustriṃšad vājíno devábandhor
váňkrīr ášvasya svádhitiḥ sám eti
áchidrā gā́ trā vayúnā kṛṇota
páruṣ-parur anughúṣyā ví šasta
The axe converges on the thirty-four ribs of the prizewinning horse, who has connection with the gods.
Arrange his legs, undamaged, into patterns, and carve them up joint by joint, having called them out in order.
The four-and-thirty ribs of the. Swift Charger, kin to the Gods, the slayer's hatchet pierces.
Cut ye with skill, so that the parts be flawless, and piece by piece declaring them dissect them.
Auf vierunddreissig Rippen des göttergesellten Streitrosses trifft das Beil.
Richtet die Körperteile unverletzt her, zerleget sie Glied für Glied der Reihe nach ausrufend!
01.162.20 mā́ tvā tapat priyá ātmā́piyántam
mā́ svádhitis tanvà ā́ tiṣṭhipat te
mā́ te gṛdhnúr avišastā́ tihā́ ya
chidrā́ gā́ trāṇi asínā míthū kaḥ
Let your own dear lifebreath not burn you as you go along; let the axe not bring the parts of your body to a standstill.
Let a greedy man who is no carver, skipping steps, not make your legs damaged with a knife gone awry.
Let not thy dear soul burn thee as thou comest, let not the hatchet linger in thy body.
Let not a greedy clumsy immolator, missing the joints, mangle thy limbs unduly.
Nicht soll dich das liebe Leben schmerzen, wenn du eingehst; nicht soll das Beil deinem Körper dauernden Schaden tun.
Nicht soll ein gieriger, unerfahrener Zerleger mit dem Hackmesser ausgleitend die zerschnittenen Glieder falsch behandeln.
02.039.07 hásteva šaktím abhí saṃdadī́ naḥ
kṣā́meva naḥ sám ajataṃ rájāṃsi
imā́ gíro ašvinā yuṣmayántīḥ
kṣṇótreṇeva svádhitiṃ sáṃ šišītam
Like hands (clasping a spear), clasping power for us, herd together spaces for us as heaven and earth (herd together the airy spaces).
Sharpen these songs that are seeking you, Aśvins, like an axe with a whetstone.
Like two hands give ye us increasing vigour; like heaven and earth constrain the airy regions.
Asvins, these hymns that struggle to approach you, sharpen ye like an axe upon a whetstone.
Wie zwei Hände für uns eure Kraft vereinigend, treibt uns Reichtümer auf wie Erde und Himmel den Staub.
Diese Lobreden, die euch gelten, o Asvin, macht schneidig wie ein Beil mit dem Schleifstein!
03.002.10 višā́ṃ kavíṃ višpátim mā́nuṣīr íṣaḥ
sáṃ sīm akṛṇvan svádhitiṃ ná téjase
sá udváto niváto yāti véviṣat
sá gárbham eṣú bhúvaneṣu dīdharat
The refreshments of the sons of Manu [=the oblations of ghee] have perfected him, the poet of the clans, the clanlord, to be sharp like an axe.
He journeys to the heights and the depths, being ever active. He supports his embryo among these living beings.
Man's sacrificial food hath sharpened like an axe, for brightness, him the Sage of men, the people's Lord,
Busied with sacred rites he mounts and he descends. He hath laid down his vital germ within these worlds.
Den weisen Herrn der Clane haben die menschlichen Labsale scharf zu machen vermocht wie eine Axt.
Er geht arbeitend auf und abwärts. In diese Wesen legt er seinen Keim
03.008.06 yā́n vo náro devayánto nimimyúr
vánaspate svádhitir vā tatákṣa
té devā́saḥ sváravas tasthivā́ṃsaḥ
prajā́vad asmé didhiṣantu rátnam
Those of you whom the god-seeking men have fixed down, or, Lord of the Forest, whom the axe has fashioned,
let those god(like) sacrificial posts, standing there, be disposed to place a treasure consisting of offspring in us.
6, Ye whom religious men have firmly planted; thou Forest Sovran whom the axe hath fashioned,-
Let those the Stakes divine which here are standing be fain to grant us wealth with store of children.
Ihr, die die gottergebenen Männer eingesenkt haben oder die die Axt behauen hat, o Baum,
diese göttlichen Pfosten stehen da und sollen uns kindereichen Schatz zu gewinnen suchen.
03.008.11 vánaspate šatávalšo ví roha
sahásravalšā ví vayáṃ ruhema
yáṃ tvā́m ayáṃ svádhitis téjamānaḥ
praṇinā́ya mahaté sáubhagāya
Lord of the Forest, grow forth with a hundred branches—with a thousand branches may we grow forth—
you whom this axe here, on being sharpened, has led forth for great good fortune.
Lord of the Wood, rise with a hundred branches. with thousand branches may we rise to greatness,
Thou whom this hatchet, with an edge well whetted for great felicity, hath brought before us.
O Baum. Sprosse mit hundert Zweigen - mit tausend Zweigen möchten auch wir sprossen -
du, den diese geschärfte Axt zu grossem Glücke gebracht hat.
05.007.08 sá marmr̥jāná indriyā́ya dhā́yasa
óbhé antā́ ródasī harṣate hitáḥ
vŕ̥ṣā śúṣmeṇa bādhate ví durmatī́r
ādédiśānaḥ śaryahéva śurúdhaḥ (m)
Constantly being groomed, propelled between the two worlds-halves, he is roused to give suck to Indra.
With his blustering the bull thrusts away evil thoughts, always setting his sights, like a sharpshooter, on rich spoils.
He, while he is adorned to stream forth mighty strength, rejoices in his place between the earth and heaven.
The Steer dispels the evil-hearted with his might, aiming at offerings as an archer at the game.
Geputzt, um die indrische Kraft zu laben, wird er kampflustig, zwischen beiden Welten angespornt.
Der Bulle vertreibt mit Wut die Feindseligen, wie ein Pfeilkämpfer auf die Gewinne abzielend.
05.032.10 vásuṃ ná citrámahasaṃ gr̥ṇīṣe
vāmáṃ śévam átithim adviṣeṇyám
sá rāsate śurúdho (f) viśvádhāyaso
agnír hótā gr̥hápatiḥ suvī́ryam
Him, of brilliant might like a Vasu, will I hymn—the precious, kindly guest, not to be despised.
He will bestow all-nourishing riches—Agni the Hotar, the Houselord— and an abundance of heroes.
I PRAISE the God of wondrous might like Indra, the lovely pleasant Guest whom all must welcome.
May Agni, Priest and Master of the household, give hero strength and all-sustaining riches.
Ihn, der wunderbare Herrlichkeit besitzt, wie es einem Vasu, einem Gott zukommt, den lieben, holden, nicht widerwärtigen Gast will ich preisen.
Er möge allsättigende Belohnung schenken, Agni der Opferpriester, der Hausherr die Meisterschaft.
07.003.09 vásuṃ ná citrámahasaṃ gr̥ṇīṣe
vāmáṃ śévam átithim adviṣeṇyám
sá rāsate śurúdho (f) viśvádhāyaso
agnír hótā gr̥hápatiḥ suvī́ryam
Him, of brilliant might like a Vasu, will I hymn—the precious, kindly guest, not to be despised.
He will bestow all-nourishing riches—Agni the Hotar, the Houselord— and an abundance of heroes.
I PRAISE the God of wondrous might like Indra, the lovely pleasant Guest whom all must welcome.
May Agni, Priest and Master of the household, give hero strength and all-sustaining riches.
Ihn, der wunderbare Herrlichkeit besitzt, wie es einem Vasu, einem Gott zukommt, den lieben, holden, nicht widerwärtigen Gast will ich preisen.
Er möge allsättigende Belohnung schenken, Agni der Opferpriester, der Hausherr die Meisterschaft.
08.102.19 vásuṃ ná citrámahasaṃ gr̥ṇīṣe
vāmáṃ śévam átithim adviṣeṇyám
sá rāsate śurúdho (f) viśvádhāyaso
agnír hótā gr̥hápatiḥ suvī́ryam
Him, of brilliant might like a Vasu, will I hymn—the precious, kindly guest, not to be despised.
He will bestow all-nourishing riches—Agni the Hotar, the Houselord— and an abundance of heroes.
I PRAISE the God of wondrous might like Indra, the lovely pleasant Guest whom all must welcome.
May Agni, Priest and Master of the household, give hero strength and all-sustaining riches.
Ihn, der wunderbare Herrlichkeit besitzt, wie es einem Vasu, einem Gott zukommt, den lieben, holden, nicht widerwärtigen Gast will ich preisen.
Er möge allsättigende Belohnung schenken, Agni der Opferpriester, der Hausherr die Meisterschaft.
09.096.06 vásuṃ ná citrámahasaṃ gr̥ṇīṣe
vāmáṃ śévam átithim adviṣeṇyám
sá rāsate śurúdho (f) viśvádhāyaso
agnír hótā gr̥hápatiḥ suvī́ryam
Him, of brilliant might like a Vasu, will I hymn—the precious, kindly guest, not to be despised.
He will bestow all-nourishing riches—Agni the Hotar, the Houselord— and an abundance of heroes.
I PRAISE the God of wondrous might like Indra, the lovely pleasant Guest whom all must welcome.
May Agni, Priest and Master of the household, give hero strength and all-sustaining riches.
Ihn, der wunderbare Herrlichkeit besitzt, wie es einem Vasu, einem Gott zukommt, den lieben, holden, nicht widerwärtigen Gast will ich preisen.
Er möge allsättigende Belohnung schenken, Agni der Opferpriester, der Hausherr die Meisterschaft.
10.089.07 vásuṃ ná citrámahasaṃ gr̥ṇīṣe
vāmáṃ śévam átithim adviṣeṇyám
sá rāsate śurúdho (f) viśvádhāyaso
agnír hótā gr̥hápatiḥ suvī́ryam
Him, of brilliant might like a Vasu, will I hymn—the precious, kindly guest, not to be despised.
He will bestow all-nourishing riches—Agni the Hotar, the Houselord— and an abundance of heroes.
I PRAISE the God of wondrous might like Indra, the lovely pleasant Guest whom all must welcome.
May Agni, Priest and Master of the household, give hero strength and all-sustaining riches.
Ihn, der wunderbare Herrlichkeit besitzt, wie es einem Vasu, einem Gott zukommt, den lieben, holden, nicht widerwärtigen Gast will ich preisen.
Er möge allsättigende Belohnung schenken, Agni der Opferpriester, der Hausherr die Meisterschaft.
10.092.15 vásuṃ ná citrámahasaṃ gr̥ṇīṣe
vāmáṃ śévam átithim adviṣeṇyám
sá rāsate śurúdho (f) viśvádhāyaso
agnír hótā gr̥hápatiḥ suvī́ryam
Him, of brilliant might like a Vasu, will I hymn—the precious, kindly guest, not to be despised.
He will bestow all-nourishing riches—Agni the Hotar, the Houselord— and an abundance of heroes.
I PRAISE the God of wondrous might like Indra, the lovely pleasant Guest whom all must welcome.
May Agni, Priest and Master of the household, give hero strength and all-sustaining riches.
Ihn, der wunderbare Herrlichkeit besitzt, wie es einem Vasu, einem Gott zukommt, den lieben, holden, nicht widerwärtigen Gast will ich preisen.
Er möge allsättigende Belohnung schenken, Agni der Opferpriester, der Hausherr die Meisterschaft.

From *wedʰh₁- (to beat).