This is the December archive of the Foreign Word of the Day for the year of 2019.




Foreign word of the day  in Arabic
كُسْبَة (kusba) f, noun
  1. refuse of oil plants, the oil cake of sesame or castor bean, pulp of cotton or the like, what is left of pressed fruits
  2. a sort of dates
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Foreign word of the day  in Middle English
sauce noun
  1. A sauce or gravy; a liquid condiment.
  2. A solution or broth used for pickling or preserving.
  3. A liquid medicine; sauce as a pharmaceutical.
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Foreign word of the day  in Arabic
سُلَاف (sulāf) m, noun
  1. sweet wine from unpressed grapes: wine of high sugar content prepared from the juice that grapes release without pressing, when they have become sweet and slack from hanging too long on the vines
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Foreign word of the day  in French
too much adjective
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Focus week: Terms derived from English



Foreign word of the day  in Vietnamese
oẳn tù tì noun
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Focus week: Terms derived from English



Foreign word of the day  in Portuguese
iê-iê-iê m, noun
  1. (music) the style of rock and roll, and associated cultural scene, popular during the 60s in Brazil
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Focus week: Terms derived from English



Foreign word of the day  in German
liken verb
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Foreign word of the day  in Polish
hejt m inan, noun
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Focus week: Terms derived from English



Foreign word of the day  in Esperanto
tosti verb
  1. (intransitive, transitive) to toast, to drink a toast
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Focus week: Terms derived from English



Foreign word of the day  in Catalan
pòquer m, noun
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Focus week: Terms derived from English



Foreign word of the day  in Hebrew
בַּר מִינַן (bár minán) interjection, noun
  1. (idiomatic) May it not happen to us.
  2. (archaic, idiomatic) One who has passed away, deceased, died.
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Foreign word of the day  in Dutch
bout m, noun
  1. bolt (threaded metal cylinder)
  2. haunch, leg of an animal as food
  3. (vulgar) fart
  4. bolt (crossbow arrow)
  5. (Suriname) thigh
  6. bar, rod
  7. (archaic) darling, sweetheart, dear
  8. iron (apparatus for ironing clothing)
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Foreign word of the day  in Thai
ปิดหีบ (bpìt-hìip) verb
  1. (idiomatic) to close the polls; to reach the end of a polling period.
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Foreign word of the day  in Swahili
achali class n, noun
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Foreign word of the day  in Dutch
opzoomeren verb
  1. (chiefly Rotterdam) to increase the quality of life and social cohesion in a residential street, especially in poorer areas, through communally organized initiatives such as social events and beautification projects
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Foreign word of the day  in Yiddish
פּלוצלינג (plutsling) adverb
  1. suddenly (happening quickly and with little or no warning)
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Foreign word of the day  in Chinese
口訣 (kǒujué) noun
  1. (religion) orally transmitted esoteric teachings in Buddhism and Taoism
  2. mnemonic chant; formula; rhyme for remembering (arithmetic tables, character stroke order, etc.)
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Foreign word of the day  in Old High German
mūspilli n, noun
  1. (poetic) judgment day or apocalypse (exact meaning unclear)
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Foreign word of the day  in Middle English
yol proper noun
  1. Yuletide, the twelve days of Christmas.
  2. Christmas (the 25th of December)
  3. a surname
  4. (rare) The month of December.
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Foreign word of the day  in German
Vorführeffekt m, noun
  1. The phenomenon that something which was previously not working correctly suddenly does work correctly when one tries to demonstrate the fault to others.
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Foreign word of the day  in Arabic
وَجَرَ (wajara) verb
  1. to make take in orally, to put into the mouth of
  2. (figurative) to give someone to understand that he is disagreeable, to let swallow a bitter pill
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Foreign word of the day  in Japanese
鍬形 (kuwagata) noun
  1. the shape of the horns on some Japanese war helmets or (kabuto)
  2. a 家紋 (kamon, family crest) with varying designs of helmet horns
  3. the hilt end of a 太刀 (tachi, long sword) in the shape of a helmet horn
  4. an tool used in 鍬焼き (kuwayaki), in the shape of a helmet horn
  5. Clipping of 鍬形 (kuwagatamushi): a stag beetle
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Foreign word of the day  in Danish
samfundskritisk adjective
  1. (chiefly of an artistic production) critical of society or some aspect thereof; advocating for reform
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