Word of the day
for February 4
daisy-chain v
  1. (transitive)
    1. (business) To artificially increase (the price of a commodity; originally crude oil, especially in a single shipment) by a group of dealers buying and selling it among themselves before it is sold to a party outside the group.
    2. (chiefly computing, electronics) To connect (several computer devices or peripherals, or other components) in sequence with each other, usually such that the output of one component forms the input of another; also (followed by to), to connect (a computer device or peripheral, or other component) to another component in such a sequence.
  2. (intransitive)
    1. Of people, animals, etc.: to position in a line and move like a chain.
    2. (business) To artificially increase the price of a commodity (originally crude oil, especially in a single shipment) by a group of dealers buying and selling it among themselves before it is sold to a party outside the group.
    3. (chiefly computing, electronics) Especially of a computer device or peripheral, or other component: to be capable of being connected with other components in sequence. [...]

We are having a holoalphabetic month—each day features a term starting with a different letter of the alphabet (and two numbers)!

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