alienation of affection





alienation of affection (uncountable)

  1. (law) Estrangement or loss of affection between two people who have a claim on each other's affections (such as two spouses or a parent and child) that is willfully caused by interference from a third party.
    • 1993, J. Cezar S. Sangco, Philippine Law on Torts and Damages - Volume 2, page 838:
      An action for alienation of affection by enticing away does not lie against one who has not enticed the abandoning spouse away, or who has not by his wrongful conduct brought about or contributed to the estrangement, and hence it does not lie where the abandoning spouse acts of his or her free will and without inducement by a third person.
    • 2007, Philip Chase, 25 Doctrines of Law You Should Know, page 23:
      The first four points relate to the trial court's dismissal of Mr. Thornburg's claim against the defendants for alienation of affection.
    • 2013, Albert Ellis, Albert Abarbanel, The Encyclopædia of Sexual Behaviour - Volume 2, page 926:
      In the concept “alienation of affection” there is a third party involved; but alienation may occur without such personal intervention; it may be brought on by any conflicting interest.