ba hồn bảy vía

Vietnamese edit

Etymology edit

Calque of Chinese 三魂七魄 (tam hồn thất phách, literally three hun, seven po)

Pronunciation edit

  • (Hà Nội) IPA(key): [ʔɓaː˧˧ hon˨˩ ʔɓaj˧˩ viə˧˦]
  • (Huế) IPA(key): [ʔɓaː˧˧ hoŋ˦˩ ʔɓaj˧˨ viə˨˩˦]
  • (Hồ Chí Minh City) IPA(key): [ʔɓaː˧˧ hoŋ˨˩ ʔɓa(ː)j˨˩˦ viə˦˥] ~ [ʔɓaː˧˧ hoŋ˨˩ ʔɓa(ː)j˨˩˦ jiə˦˥]

Noun edit

ba hồn bảy vía

  1. (occult, typically in summoning rituals) the three hun and seven po of a dead male person
    Bớ ba hồn bảy vía ông Quang!
    O the holy spirits of Mr. Quang!

See also edit