



Literally, rendering of accounts.



resa dei conti f (plural rese dei conti)

  1. (literal, business) rendering of accounts
  2. (figurative, by extension) day of reckoning; reckoning
    • 2020, Barack Obama, chapter 9, in Chicca Galli, Paolo Lucca, Giuseppe Maugeri, transl., Una terra promessa [A Promised Land], Garzanti Libri:
      Nessuno era in grado di dire se e quando per le altre tre grandi banche di investimenti di Wall Street – Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley e, soprattutto, Lehman Brothers, tutte sottoposte a una fuga allarmante di capitali – sarebbe arrivata un'analoga resa dei conti.
      No one could say if or when Wall Street's three remaining major investment banks—Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and especially Lehman Brothers, all of which were hemorrhaging capital at alarming rates—would face a similar reckoning.
      (literally, “No one could say if and when for Wall Street's other big three investment banks – Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and above all, Lehman Brothers, all subjected to an alarming capital flight – a similar reckoning would come.”)

